T. ..liJwJ, X. C., Doc. 3J, 1800. ;.W AiTKRl1 -r .. , " ,ik Co. Black Drew Goods. .; nicliOaskill-A few lift, .m.d Bunk 54th, Dividend. . ii". BritisoiiMoncy Lwk J. M. Howard A lew Jvit'ts. jI. lliibn & Co. Say' ' Lodge Directory: K KA LODGB NO. T, I. (. (). F.r V : T. G. Hvman.K.U.; B. . tiuioit, V U.-; Hull, K'c'd. Nouty: R. J, l.lsotway, Kui'l ; J . I.. t;wper, rreaa. Henlar meet . overy MoaUar nirlit at 7. 80 o'clock. ' 1 IT JET ENCAMPMENT SO. t, 1. O.O. F. jh: W. J. l'ttta.C. I'.i 11.6. Onion, 11. . ,1. d. Cooper, S.W.: V. H. Hall, J. w.; Ktreet, Mt'rlbe; II. B. Neal. Trens. Kex r i noaniinient, lat, 1, mid Stli ill any) nay niliia in each month al 7 J I TOST CLKbrfOKT NO. 2. P. M., I. O. O. F, -4ieo. Green, Captain; T. G. Hy , Lieut.; MT. II, Cohen, Ensifcni B. 8. . .ii, Oerk;W.J. 1'ltta, Acoouutant. Ileg cantonment, Sl and 4th iiuniuy . u in each uiouUi at7 JO o'clock . HAVES LODGE SO. 1, KNIGHTS OFHAR- "nV: Jteeta init and 4th Weiluesrtsy In each mouth in Konnliws iiaii. PrtaMent; J. it. Hiulth, secretary. i In it-aU, JOHN'S LODGE NO., A. F. AND A. Al: T,r-T. A.Gi-een. W. M.: J. B Mark, v.; B. IB. Neal, J. W.; Jan. Hedmond, TrH. ; T. U. flyman, sec'ty. ltexulur tom uii tlooi) hi Vt euueaday each month. MK-WBKBXB CHAPTER NO. 4. It. A. M.: "uroarw J. C.Green, H. P.i N. Cane, Kin; Lk J. Lovtck, Serihe; T. A. Greeu, Treaa.; i9. Hedwond, Sec'ty. IWfrular i.ouvoeor feuxit -M Modav each mouth. .. JOHN'S COMMANWSRY NO. 10, JC. T.: B.C.; H.J. Loviuk, a.; inrNn.,. i . 1 1 ill). f tt. Street, C. G ; 1. A. Green, Treas.; U. II. fc.eat, Kecorder. . KeKUlai Conclaves first mmI thtnl Friday ol the month. ATHEN1A LODGE NO 8, K. of P.-Meeta very Tuesday nlKhtln K. ot P. Hall, Middle tl It naiiHu, t O H W. MintiiHnn. ?. C.- W. 8. Faraona K. B. 8. -ifW Kf : LOCALS Baxter, the Jeweler, is next door. Sheriff Hahn hag fourteen "prison rsin the connty jail.. The weather forecast for today is partly cloudy and probably local lUewers. .::';- 'yt '.; Mr. Ed Clark returned-- from t utcarora with a bag of twenty-one partridge! yesterday afternoon. Schooner Henrietta Hill, Captain -Joe Smith left for Oriental where it will take on a cirifo of lumber consigned to Philadelphia. The law mill of Sam'l Bacon & Son, at Winthrope,' a few miles below this city, which was bnrned hist "summer, i being re-Inilt. The tempcraturo yesterday as ob aerod at. the Government Climate and Crop Bureau, , was, maximum W.Q degrees: minimum, 34.5 do- frtm; renge, '5.5 degrees. - . , ; vTh engineers 's of the, trains ar rmnr in the city oannot be too careful in giving sufficient warning at'erossines Both of the railroads tittering New Berne run in at au ancle which makes it dangerous for vehicle. A gentleman and lady cams near meeting with a mishnp at the A. & N. C. It. U crossing at toe Macadamized road, yesterday, . wlieii the freight camo in. . They laid thuy heard no warning of the fraln at all. - ' - - I.Mka Mk Malacca. , tErery week makes the necessity for tobacco warehouse ia New J!rne, more imperative, as the in tet t in tobacco cultivation in this ection is not merely increasing in the. way of studying the subject, but is assuming tangible shape in the way of actual preparations for to baoco raising next year. Mr. W. A. Stewart, from Virgin- it) ail been in the city for several days looking after land micable for tobacco, and yesterday be leased for term of Are years of Mr. J. D. Dinkins. the Swert farm, and will ake preparations at once and pat ia 20 or 25 acres this year in tobac co. ;' ; Meetrs. Stewart and Dinkins say that if the tobacco, warehouse peo ple want a site they will give them ne free on land at the edge 'of t ho city, which it a suitable and desira ble location for the establishment of a warehouse. . pesiaes jur. otewari mere are several other farmers in this immed iate lection who will put in tobacco tan year. Let the warehouse people do their part now. i ,' ' - Try lag m Baw Blaraa. The officers of the Atlantic Fire Company bad ft big bay horse from J. W. Stewart's stables out for trial r etterday, hitched to the hose wagon. I'he horse wat given a run of two andred yards, which he made in It ondt, pulling 3,500 pounds.' The ' orse weight 1,400 pounds, and ntnt in excellent shape every way, rid tome of the boys regard him as ' -!t the horse for the Ore service. y Mr. ,. A. Harper is in the city from Build's Cieuk. Mr. fieorge Ilardison' of Build's Creek, is in the city. , , : Mr. S,1 B. Parker loft for GoUs boro to visit relatives. . - Mr. W. II. Simons, ' of Keelsboro, ft-as here Tuesday on business.-,:. ; . Bev. Dr. Bernhoim returned to Wilmiugton yesterday morning. Mr. W. S.' Chad wick came up from Beaufort yesterday morning.- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Howard, of Maysville, arrived yesterday after noon. ' 1 Trof. and Mrs. T. R. Fonst have returned from a holiday visit to Gra ham. v s ' - . ' Mr. C. E. Foy returned from a business trip to Maysville yesterday afternoon. Mr. f hos. D. Hill returned from a visit to relatives at Goldsboro yos lerday afternoon. : , , - ; Mr. Hary Marks went to Kinston yesterday morning for a short visit to see friends. , , ' - ' Mr. Samuel Bacon, of Win throne,' N. C, was a visitor in the city yesterday. ... - -, ' : . Mr. J. D. LaBoque wont to Kin ston yesterday morning to spend a few days with relatives.' . Miss Katie K4nsey returned to LaG range yesterday morning, where she is'attending school. Mr. Bryan Ives, of Kiverdale; passed through New Borne jester day morning on his way North. : Mr, Ed. Clark Went to Tusca'rora yesterday moruingfor a few hours ia the field to quest of partridges. Mr. R. L: Doffy returned.' from Goldsboro, whete he lias been visit ing relative, yesterday afternoon. ; Mr. G.' W.' Summerell returned from Kinston yesterday afternoon, where he has been spending th9 holi days.';;' Qi;-; ::'V":,,;vVy";:'':; Miss Lina Bowden returnedf to LaGrange yesterday morning, whore she will resume ber duties at -the Kinney Seminary. .. Misses Mamie Tolson, Annio Tol- son, Uarrie Watson anu iMina mar dock, who have been spending the holidays . with friends at Pollocks villo havo returned. .'. Mr. II. T. Pearson, who has been in the city for several weeks hunting with Mr, and Mrs. Giles in this vicinity, has returned to ills home jn Chicago by way of Washington, D.C. waiting came to an end the other day, when a strange steamer ap peared, the schooner joining the steamer, and both disiippii ri ig oil shore..'..- .- , Whether tho schooner had sup plies for - the steamer, and whether the steamer was a filibuster; is not known, but there was enough in tie antions of both vessels to justify tliii conclusion. . x v. - iUB CHINKAPIN CLUB. " . . .... ... . . j .. BY ClltLARslK, The members of tho Chinkapin Club had spent the evening situn around their big fire place at fit "store," telling stones as was Un usual custom. '. The story telling had run to inci dents concerning the affection shown towards man by the lower animals, and some capital stories had been told,. There had come a pause in the story telling as though tho subjt ct had , been exhausted, wlion Col. Dolph, taking his pipo from Ins mouth, said, "Your. stories of nf fection of the lower animals for man. kind puts me in mind of the singti lar affection shown by a rattlesnake for a friend of mine in Colorado, and it very forcibly illustrates how a kind action may bo productive of great benefit." , ;, "My friend was driving ono da', wheu noticing something squiriniDg by the road Bide, he stopped and got out ol uis buggy tojee what It was. rrcwbytfrmu fciuMeisy Hchat.I. The Suiidity School of tiie P.ts bytcrian Church, hold, its Christina' servioe last night in the church lec ture room. . ;. t The program consisted of. ftong ind recitatiou6 ; after "these fruits, candies and cakes were given" to tin cFiildren. The offerings for the orphans a Barium Springs waie brought u ind placed 14 a large box.. Thesi presents worn of all kinds, and will provo.: most acceptable gifts- The ox will be sent at once. ' . . . POLLOSSTILtS 11 EMS. Christmas ha been vry cooll received and Iihs passed off as quiet ly a any day ever has in tliu his ton of our town. Mr. Alex 1L White and Mist Id White were 'united m the hoi 'Kinds of matrimony on the evening of December 3rdj Ht the home ot thutOide's father. Rev Mr, Isler, ol Goldsboro performing the coremon To them are extended ' the bei wishes of their . friends and tin county. , Miss Linda Wright, of Suffolk Va , is visiting friends and relative in our town. Wo are glad to havt her with us again Mr. Willie. Kilpatriek and littl brother E I gar are visiting their sis ter Mrs. I. L Bender. .. There was a dance at tho Whit ford placo last Thursday night who attended reported having al He soon discovered it to be a good Sran(1 ' tin 8 notwi hstanding the Th Wiioi.e Story of i lie wnduerfiil cures by Hood's Sursipanlla is coon tdil. It makes the b'ooil lii Ii, pure SDii onur isliin. It cu oi s nifulii, caisnli, rlnu mmUin. . . Hood's Pij,i,9 el ImraoDiously niili Rood' SaiKipmlhv Cure nil liver lilt. 25 etuis. - .... ShMklaa'i Anita !. ' Tbt Bent Blre Id the world for Cnts, iiiwt, 8ore,;t'lcra, Bait Rlieum, Fever m. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, and ill Skin Eruptions, ind posi j curet Piles, or no pr required.' It uateed to glvt perfect satisfaction or j rt funded. Price 23 cent per box. i ! by f. B. l)ufly. v w The FArmera-Mutaal Fire laaaraaaa Aaaaelallaa or Bortb Carallaa. Mr. E. E. Harper, former pro prietor of the Joukxal, has taken the agency for the Farmer's Mutual' Fire Insurance Association of North Carolina,' in this district, which will be composed of Craven and Pamlico, counties together, and is being assisted by Mr C. T. Han cock in working np the organiza tion. ' ". , ' '. ' ; , , The Association wat chartered by tiie legislature of 1893 with tho de sign of furnishing farmers and other ownert of country property with safe insurance upon their dwellings, barns, stables and con tents of eaah at prime cost against destruction or injury by ore, wind or lightning. -, f . ' The Association does not work in towns nor take dangerous risks, such at glut, etc, and by thus lim iting its field of operations, its cost it kept very low and itt benefits en hanced to those who can get in, as the insured obtain their insurance at actual cost whatever that may be. The results which have worked ont in the districts where it hat been organized one or two years or longer, show that it has cost the in tared lest than a dollar a year on tne thousand dollars ol insurance carried, i The plan hat given high satisfaction in the districts already organized, and the indications are that it will be but a abort time ere it will be fully established in every county in the state and embrace in itt membership the Vest majority of those who own property that, will be taken by the Association.' . sized rattlcsiiako, which had ; been pinioned down by a loose rock which had fallen upon it. "The first impulse was to kill the snake, but something moved . my friend to lift up the bruised snuke, put it in his buggy and carry it back to the city with him. Upon roach ing lit room, and by the way he was not a married man, lie curpd for the snake, which soon recovered from its injuries. ' . The rattler displayed such an affection for my friend that he permitted it to roam about his room, and whonerer hp was about tjio snake would follow him, ftlepp ing at night at thi foot of his bed. .'.'One night my friend was awak ened from his sleep bv what he thought yaj. a policeman's rattle, and rousing ' hiuistilf fgnnd tht something hud taken ph03 in lilt own bedroom, ' , Striking a-light a strange tight presented itself, for- there at the loot post oi nit bed was a min, who seemed so gljed with terror that he could not utter a sound. A plose investigation ' reyealod , the whole thing and told the story. The roan was u burglar who had entered - thB room by au open window, and ap. rouchiug the bed he had been sud denly enveloped in the folds of the snake, whose head wat thrust close to the intruder's face while itt tail was being vigorously shaken outside of the open window, giving the alarm to the polieo or any passer by." of tr II rjllbaatvrf The people on this coast in the vicinity ef Cape Lookout, especially, have bad their curiosity greatly ex cited dnring the past week by what looked to them very strange move ments of a schooner which has tailed up and down near Cape Lookout during the last five day;, keeping away 'from every othor craft, and yet apparently waiting to make a mooting With tome vessel. This A Medical Certiorate. The following verbatim copy of an old certificate will be read with interest. It explains itself. , . ' 'Certificate of disability for member of the Home Guard, during the Civil War, made by the gentl man, who wat appointed by Gov. W. W. Hoiden, to suggest suitable persons for Justices of the peace for Randolph county during Gov. Hoi den's provisional governorship after the close of the War, I do hereby certify that I have been the family physician of A. B for 30 years, and that he has deeper ate attaches of Phitsque, and that be hat a hereditalion predisposing to a pulmonary affection of whom hit father died of from a long time The foregoing M. D. of course chose such Justices of the Peace for those dajt as were friendly to him, and they chose him us Presiding J. P. in the old Court of Pleat and Quarter Sessions till thaLconrt was abolished at reconstruction where be presided with inch dignity as might be expected from the forego ing certificate. ' .- ' Caraella Huraett. . The Editor of the Jouhkal is in receipt of a neatly gotten np and illustrated pamphlet which tells of the life of Aortu Carolina's Re vol u tionary patriot, Cornelius Harnett. The publisher it Wm. L. Deltosset. Jr, of Wilmington, N. C. DIED, Elizabeth Flanner daughter of F. T. and Carrie D. Patterson died December 29th, after an illness of thirteen .days, aged nine years, one riionthand' twanty-fiye days. The funoral services will be held from the residence ' of her parents on Johnson street this afternoon at three and a half o'clock. The friends of Mr. and .' Mrs. Patterson will deeply sympathize witn tnem in tlioir sad bereave mailt. . ... extreme cold rule they all had afiei tho ball Messrs. Chits. Haywood and ll.ibt W. Haywood, of Wilmington a) visiting thair, mother Airs, (fall ILiywond. ' Mr. W D: Biirrns, who has, been attending school at Wake Forest, come home to spend the holidays. We are ull glad to have Willie with us, - ' Mr. Fred W. Jaroon" manager tho Bludes' Bros. Lumber businesi at. Fort Barnwell, has arrived spend a fuw days with friend. Messrs. Geo II. I dual and T. A lie. I, ivory out hootjng birds 'on Christinas tiny wheu Mr D. mil ac cidentiilly discharged his gun takinp elleot in his foot causing tho loss 3 toes.' , Mr. and Mrs. tcphon Ltne, " N'uw llerno are l'i"itirir at Mr. and Mrs. J. If. Hells Mr. K I- Holland, of Oi t'o, county has retitod out his farm and m;vod to our town, ..."Mr. Tirice Soott had the mlsfor ( ine to josd his house last Saturday by fjro. Origin suppqspd to be fire crackers, Mr, JS, H- IJoggtost of Florence, S,C, it visiting friends here, Wt are glad to see Mr. Huggins will ot again, he spent two seasons here buying cotton for Messrs. -Alex Sprunt & (Jon. " Bomeo. or REELSBORO ITSMS, - , The ho j cholera in this section is making our people very uneasy, as it is threatening our hogs. ; ; .'The 'farmers, here who have held their cotton are feeling tick over the decline in cotton prices. ' ' List Sunday Mrs. Soth Caton was taken suddenly lick and died the . a-r a tame day. iter mnerai iook piece Monday. She had been unwell for some time, and took a Jong ide Sunday, exposing herself to the cold weather, . which seemed to take full possession-at her, and caused her sudden dpth. ' coys. .'.. Mr. J, F. Roberson spent Christ- mat at Closs. - Miss Faunie Smith is visiting at Mr. II. T. White's. . V Miss Sue May Cobb stopped in Cove on hpr way to Kinston last week.' J'' : - - ' Mist Fannie Avery returned Son- day from visiting her uncle, Mr. Tom Avery, accompanied by Mrt. Avery and her little tistor, Mr. Latham, from Riverdale ar rived Monday to fill Mr. Jarrette vV hite t place as section master on the A, & N. C. R. R. during hit absence' Mr. White left Thursday for Whitaker's and doesn't expect to come back alone. Among our visitors during the holidayi were Misses Lizzie and Carrie Arnold j and Mr.. C. P. Ar nold from Spring .Gaiden; Misses Joe Avery and John Char'ton from New Birne, J ' . , ' - . Mirsei ora .White and Nora Wetheriugtonf Moj''. B- M. White and T. J. WetheringYon spent Christmas at Mr.James( I pocks, near Beach Grove and report a good time. Mrs. A. II. Alphin went to New Berne Friday and returned Monday to (csnme her duties in the school room, The patronj Of fqve school are well pleased with Mrs. Alphin's worn, . .. , f- Mr. W. T. McCoy and Mrt. Alice fleat.h both fif thla nlnnA worn mnr. Jried Sunday evoning, December 27, t, I-1 ioiiil.diip, licv. Ge !!';'! I'.,,. . (in ofii-iating. " The "happy im ; I. have the bnt wilhei of the ctinmu nity. -'. . - ; .",.'. , theOid M.nd.'ii ivirtv ,Ut week nrned- out to be yonns ladies arty al thire w.is nn old maids iresoiit. , -Mi-a. Dr, i.iinlford and drs. 8. E. .Charlton . each furnished I oaka, one was voted i Mus Jalia Oliarlton,' tho other fold to the high. st bidder. ,', A Iittlfrover l;J.OO was raised. . R.v. Mr. Alderman, tho 'pastor 'or the ensuing year preached in the itaptist church SumUv night from ho ti-xl: " Whom Meu-- that Am?" Dr. Sand ford preached Jtii'istmas day ami jiffaui Sunday iiunuiiL' at Ep worth; a id bade his i.ij.Uo'JliH.-k lieru a tcti-Ur, loving fare veil. Ois text wan; J..hn 1-1: 13. ilis discourse was filled wuh words f cheer. ' He left w, U his- family vloiiviay for Wai run ton, leaving some varm fnendi in Cove.'- ' , Condoaiod Tfciti-nony: Chns IS. Hood, an I Manuraeturer's Vi-eut, Columbus, Ohm, rerliBej t at Dr. Kmy'a New ):?covuj la no erial as Jough remedy: - J. 11. Brown, Piop. St fam-s lloitl. Fl. Wav:wy Ind., tustificf at he was vr.re-l ol a Coiiijli ol twoyenn- ilandinp, cuiistd by Ia Orippe, ly Dr. iiing's New Discovery., Ii. F. Mi mil, laid winsville, Muss , S:iys lliat lie hi! iet and . Moniiiiouclctl it timl never .new it to fad nml would rather have ii -tun any i ci.i, hevuu-c it- itlwnys cures. Ur. Iluiumluu, 213 E., 2,ltli St.,. Chica- o alwavs - keeps it at Ittunl mid has no 'enr ol Croup, bruise Ii instantly lelicves. free Trials IWule at F. S. Dale's Drag Store. (3 BCNIBESM LOCAIJaf CAacAitKTs (tunulaic liv.r, kidneys and oiweU. Never iokeii, weaken or enpe, 10c. STALL-FED Iteef, fresh Pork, cnusae and fat Poultry. E. W. Dickinson, near Postofflce. . . Blqcli Diess Goods ! 10 5 SO i InflT TTTPT V PnlPTPrTTl to r ar jMr n.lltllit. fatmmte are Ilia lii'i ' BVOUlibltabl bUHMAlljllU tirp-nv..r n ip nr rlu-h en Miami rxMina. t nlenml hnoklftfrfip; Ai. KI'RHIiln.:K.MV ''.. liii nsr.t MmI, (Sin., orlM-ir lnrs. ' . -.; ". ' 'ff "" n :.-.... .-- i .. ; . ;. ' ; ; Til . 1 ; t 8 ' . t 5 . It i'i.?'".',?M9air , '.i:;i-; ;,-1?i-.t,:.i! ir.ij. 'A. . ..'. fl mm -liti SAY, State, What are those people doing P They , are buying" one ot . M. HAHn & CO'S FINE HORSES. - Thiy tell me that he keeps tl e best stoiA for the mopey Of noyiteaUr ip ti Yes. )P V"U want a Horse. Mule. Buul'V. ILirneei Rolin ot Whin. Ilier la M place to g., for they ktep the Largest and livA Polecled Block, and are sellioi -very low for cash or Ions lime as you waut on aood paper. . v They tell me also that tin y furnish the best and Ea'ost Livery. '' 1 .Yes. they stand nt the btad of everything; peitaiuiug to tlieir line of buslrew. Their stables are well managed, and cverythiuff 1 is guarnted as represented. I adti e you to give them a cull, they wu treit you rijht, .-. ,' The above is a Ksneral exclana and we thank tho kind public or His patrounge that ht enabled us.io irriro at such reiulii and w will do oar utmost to oiamtain it, - : . :.. . - - " Biuek tre8 ivN r ulwayi I . f l.yle unci unr iock will be fiiui , ' complete tne j ear round. . v BEWINXINO WITH a) wo'd SKUGEorC.VSOElIJEE at 33 (.euls per yard, WE NEXT SHOW : an all wool SILK WA.RP HEN HIETTA at 85 ctnis truly Bargain. 1 THEN THE SCALE of value crailiully rl-es until ' ; "Priestley'- 8i.k Warj) J2udora" at fl SO per yard is reacted. "' la5"(Ve have a'.I the beUica prlcet and carry a larger lino th.m imy otliei' house Id New Berne. December 30. J. E. Latham, ; -. g Craven Street. lottos .oiler a:i Cosimisdon Morch&t Call on me for Cement. L'me. Terra Citu Pine, Cotton Banning and Ties., storage tr film bales cottuu. '. I ii. w. sisipsoisr, 'imeral Director find . I4m1)ali?ier. 1M Broad Biro , ..lHO?tEM COurial Rbe a 3,oolaltv : lJ71iypDLES,p. PHARMACY I ' HVSH'IANS ' , HKSCBIPTI0N8 RF.PAHEDwiih rare, HICES, te unit (he tlnie PERFL'MEHT FflH HOUPAYS, Triple Extracts, ,' -. - ' ; Gold of OphirIt.se, j - Crab Apple Hlodsitn, M. ... lue Ijllios, ,. J kiyejt Chiinus, Etc. ; Curvpl Pungenfs, L'tyendur Salts, IDp. - Respectfully, M. HAHN & Co. .Slurill Sale, By virtne of sundry executions in my bands'for collection, against It. E. Alle. good, I will sell to the highest bidder for Cash, oh Wednosday. January 6th, 18i)7, at the warehouse of J. E. Latham, No, 5 Craven street, the following personal propertyi : . , 8 barrels Vinegar," 1 'V . 6 barrel Molluscs. , , ' 10 packagea Wooden Plates, i 85 boxes Scotch Herring; . ', ; , 0 bojfcs Concentrated Lyo, , 80 boes Assorted Baking Powder. 9 boxes Blueing. 12 boxcsJM'j.d Tobacco. : . . " ' " ' 2 boxes Chewing Gum. - ,V'. . 8 dozen Brooms. 8 bundles Paper Sacks. . 1 roll Wrapping Paper. 8 tin Tojlet Sets. - " .1 lot Smoking ToWci), A lot Cigars, 1 lot Essence of Lemon. 1 lot Washing lewder, ;' 1 lot Wrapping Twine. '' 1 lot Flour Sack. ' .' ;; lot Navy Beano. . . Hot Field Peas. , Wooden Bucket, , ' j 2 pounds Cot n XI iU Crackers, ' 1 package Cheese. ' ,. , . . , JOSEPH U HAHN, " " ' Sheriff Craven County, E.W, Small wood Under IJotol Chattawka, South Front Street, New Berne, N. 0. ... FULL LINE OF G-crLoxal '- Stoves, "'.; " '" Carpenters Tools, . Cutlery, ' - ' Table Ware," ' ' . ; Barbed Wiro, Galvanized. Pipe, . " . Pumps, .. .-. . Lime, , : . . Plaster ' ' and Cement. tW forsonal attention to thf prompt aryl correct filling of all or- tiers.- - JuT try a Mc. box of Cavamta. the Anew liver and bow I reuhdortvur mode. Whymtlnr with Coui, ChIiIh, and LaOnppe when L-xativk P.komo (juiNlNii will ciiio j'nu Ih ono ilny. I;-- not produce tho tit g in Hie 1 r,i,.l like iriih.ilrt ril Oniiilnn I'nl ai, iii (.,' ' COpvtilii or mnif nr l,d;in ...ii'ft II n 1 1'iii'o "i ( i i niELj li'or tho noxt 15 ciays. Sell my cnlire ilmk of Flower Iiulln at cut t') inalii) iii.iatH limn fur a iiciv Slum;) n.K.k. . . ., " t '.,, Stockholders Meeting Tpifts ATiosAt. Bank i ... of New Berne, JN. C. J ' ... December 12. Ic96. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Bunk for the election of Directors and the transaction of such other business as may come before them, will be held at their Banking house On the 5nd Tuesday, being 'he 12th day January, I8?f. ' Th.9 Polls will be opened at 12 M., to be closed at I P. M. G. IL ROBEBTS, '. ' " , . Casl'K State of Xorth CAbolika, ' Craven County, Superior Court, February Term, 1896. -Nancy A. Demby, ) . k . " " vt Notick. ; SamuelJ. Demby. .) , To Samuel J. Dmby: You are hereby notified that an action entitled as h.QV for the purpose of having the bonds q( matrimony existing between you aqd the plaiiitiS riiFSolvcd, has been instituted in iid court, and you are renuired to appear at tue term, pf said tourt, to be held at the court houe In Xew Berne In said county on the ti, .t Monday ot February. 1897. and answer or demur to the complaint filed in this action. This 16th day of Decern ber, 1890. W, M. WATSON, ; Clerk Superior Court. - Mortgage Sale, By virtue of a power of salclcontiiinqd in a mortgage mado and executed ly A. K. Dcnnison to M. E. Sultan on the Ii lay of June. 181)6, and recorded lu i Collector's ofljee, District of Pamlico, N. U., Port of Hew Berne, in liicr I ), I' '" 27, 1 will tell for cwh, to the huu 1 1 , der, at thu court house door in New 1 Craven County, N. CM on the 5lli dy i . January, 1897, it 13 o'clock noon, the ; : lowing propcrtj : The klenmer "Tie.it,!' owre particularly describe.) in the nmrt uage above relerred to, to which r ' . is liertby madp. ' ' ' December Hth, 189tj. , JUE.SrLTAN, m i llor'r IXL. WAitn,JAt(orneyt Kealed lroj Sealed Proposals fur lurrii Couuiyot Craven with n meriiiul supplies lor the Poor, ! out ot the Poor UouKfl, and t: Hie county laili alio fur i wood, both piuu and liatd coru, delivered ul tliu Poor I iiir iiin'.iui5 the procccdin-s ol I it LoaiitiiiiMoni in, Inrlmiii. ; t; itateuient, and tor lurm-lnni; .(inmates ot the Poor lloijn.. nimsioiici'S reserve to tlicin. ! 10 r. ji ct uny and all llida. ' linlstur euclfot the .vf oe considered srimrnti ' v. ;1 .deiiosuul thu i:. n or befniu the I. tm l': :i?. By ot'.I i' Ih m I'd Ci JOIIX Ii. HI Ui i X

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