VOL. XV NEW SERIES NO. 167.' NEW BERNE, N. CL. TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 5, 18.7- ESTABLISHED 1 W WASHINGTON JEWS. SENATOR WOLCOTT'S EU RO PEAN VISIT, " ' A lo Inlernntlonnl Bimetallism. Ad . jnlBUtrnllon ' null ' (obit, ' T . Rcunlor hhermna ' Couvlueeil. : ,v. , - -. . - Journal Bi'beau, ). . . WASU1KQTON, D. ft, Jan. 4. f Senator Wolcnlt's trip to Europe in tin interests of international bimetallism i being discussed with iriiich interest, botl - by those who believe international bi metallism '.'to be a tangible somcthinj which can be practically worked and b.1 those who believe it lo be wjiat ex-Sona tor . Ingalls would call an 'Jiridescen; dream," : While Senator Wolcott carrier no official credentials, it is believed Ilia, he goes practically at the request of Presi dent-elect McKinley and of the caucui committee charged with the prcparatiot of .legislation in the interest of interna . tionai bimetallism, of which he Is chair man, and it is known that he goes at tin f request of the Bimetallic League. Thesi facts are not likely to bo overlooked bi European statesmen, whom he meets. There arc several reasons w hy Senate" Wolcott will receive a cordial welcomi in England, not tlfc least of which is th. speech he mado on the Venezuelan ques tion at the last session of Congress, wbicl waa reprinted or favorably comments upon by every paper of prominence li Great' Britain. Most of the ultra gob , men agree with the ultra silver men, tlist Senator Wolcott's errand will be fruitless but there area number of conservative! who are firmly of the opinion that inter national bimetallism can and will In brought about, and some of these, liki Senator Chandler, express the opinion .; that England can even be pursuaded t take the initiatory steps toward that end No time is get for Senator Wolcott's re turn, but it is known that he will conn back before this session of Congresi closes, as it is oh the programme for Mm Congress to authorize the-. President to appoint delegates to an international monetary conference. There is a very important political as pect to Senator Wolcott's trip. In tin opinion of some of the shrewdest poli ticians, the effect of his report may de termine the control of the Senate foi years to come. It is well known in po litical circles that it was only the decliir- . ation of the St. LoHis platform, pledging the Republican party to make an ener. geita effort to secure international bimet tallisra, that kept eight or ten Senator; who are silver men themselves, and wbc represent silver constituencies from fol ' lowing the example set by-Senator Telle, and the other Senators who bolted thi St. Louis convention. If Senator Wol ' cott brings back even a partially favor able report, these Senators are,expectet, to be satisfied to remain as they are, bui suppose be reports international timet- iallism to be an impossibility under exist ing circumstances? Then' what will the) do? Should they Join the, bolters, tin Republicans' Would be lu a decided mi nority in the Senate for a long time. A number of. silver Senators havi agreed that every nomination of a gob man to succeed a removed silver mai sent to the Senate shall be held up, am as the Republicans have a direct person al interest in seeing this agreement ca Tied out, II can Be put down as reason . ably certain tnai a numner or men no drawing official salaries, by reason o having been nominated during the Con gressional recess, will cease to do so 01 the 8d of March, because of the failure 0; the Senate to confirm their nomination. Wbal Congress will do about Cuba t till to be seen, but the administratis hat left nobody In doubt about its posi tlon. Its latest act was to reinforce tin . naval ana revenue marine vessels en gaged in patrolling the coast of Floiiih to stop filibusters from going to Cuba. bv ordering the cruiser Vesuvius aud th ' a ispatch boat Dolphin to proceed will all speed to Join the patrol squadron This isn't calculated to sooth the feeling . of (he friends of Cuba In Congress win nave all along been of the opinion tin this Government was unnecessarily actlvi in Its efforts to prevent filibustering! not is it calculated to help those who havt been working harp during the recces ' bring the most fiery Senators around k a oontervatlve view of the Cuban quts tlon. On the contrary, it ll calculated t cause people to altaob more Importance to rumors cabled from Spain about Pre? ident Cleveland having promised his as- - sistance to Spain, etc Of course every body knows that this government bound by international law to use all proper precaution to prevent the depart ure of filibustering expeditions, but many bcllcva that it has been entire) too vigilant in that respect. the House win mis week lake up an dispone of the Loud bill depriving novels and mMlcalions other than regular perl pilU als and sample copies of newspaper of the privilege of being sent through tl; mail at pound rates, and will take up the I'm ilk' Kailroad funding 111 will, wk'l lie voted on after four days dlw n s! n. A hint has been drnpjwd by a friend cf r i, i!.t Pliertnnn lii U Inn caused the 1,. ' f '. t lie haa been "i i.nvliK ciH thai I nidi T I Heel, t ny li. ail ininintl at i '- mile and be a of Hi a in limn to eumli if it I Highest of all in Leavening Strength. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. '' IX L w ABSOtULJ'B.E&Y PURE . THE FIGHT IS ON It SPEAKER AND SENATOR , HILEMAN AND PRITCIIARD. Russell's Private Neeretary, J. E. Alex amler. Butler. AlraKI to t'nuena as Ycl. Itrpnblienu CInliiM. Death Wnrrnnts Issued. Ifieela'. Iiai.kioii, N. C, January 4 Joseph E. Alexander has been appointed Gov. -elect ."JtiBflcll's private secretary. Senator Butler arrived here today. Ilarry Skinner ia here and working for Senator Pritchord. Shuford, Settle and Fowler are also lere. There is n big fight over the apeakei tliip of the House. It is regarded as a test of Butler's strength. Hileman who is a Pritchard-Populisl ind J. B. Schulkeft who iannnnti-Fritcli ird Populist arc both candidates. Sen. Sutlor favors Schul ken. The Republican leaders assert thnt he mnjority of t)io Populists ahead lero are for Hilcmnn and Pritchnrd and lint Butler who wanted a caucus tonigh leclnred it off l)ceiuiso he found there vcre too many Populists fire brands. Republicans also assert that Bullet annot control the minority in bis cau ns. It scorns to bo entirely safe to bet on Iileman and Pritcbard-ns winners. Populist committeeman Peace admilt hat some Populists are for Pritchard lany prominent Populists are.called hen o confer. Governor Carr issues the death war- ant for the execution of Monroe John- ioii, of Mecklenburg and George Corlj md William Cody, of Madison, all on 'ebruary 8lh. The Codys are at large .111 have been convicted of burglary. The legislators of all three parties cau cus tomorrow night. WORE OF SAFE ROBBERS. Observer BulMIng Dlsastrons Fire at Charlotte. Charlotte, N. C The Observei building sustained a disastrous loss by ire Saturday night, the result of an ex- ilosion in the olHce of the business man- iger of the job department, on the. sec- nd floor. The explosion was the work of safe fobbors, who attempted to blow open he safe in that office. 1 he paper stock in the room was in- itantly ignited and the fire spread with inch rapidity that the men In the news paper composing rooms barely had time r.o get out, losing their coats, hats anil itber effects. . The second floor was wholly, and the bird partially gutted. A new book- lmlery plant had just been put in on the second floor, and this was entirely lestroyed, and all the presses were more ir less burned, besides the loss of a tv lOO stork of paper. ' , The Observer's battery of Mergenlha ler type-setting machines was swept bj (he Are, the belts being burned off an I ha keyboards melted. The loss Is fully -ovcred by insurance. The police claiu o have a clew to the safe blowers. The combination and it outer work were blown from the safo aud the hingei were missing, but the door withstood die shock. ' THE COTTON MARKETS. January 4. Tub market in New York and Liverpool have been closed since December 81st 1800. ' : ' . . - " . Livihpool opening this morning wa rather disappointing though Ne York opened at 8.05 for January and 7.09 tor March, tho samara It closed on 80th December; ' Thi market wa not very active and sell big seemed tnore popular than btryins and the market closed at 0.08 for March Is a net lot of 16 points for the day. It reoelpt continue large, higher prices are not probalile In the near future. Niw Disks market is steady at 0 to . t , , Yours truly, J.' E. Latiiam. The aitirs all at Werh W'ashwotos. No more revenue cut ters art available for service in connec tion with maintaining the neutrality and navigation laws. The Forward, the Mc Lean and the Winona are stationed along the rlorlda coast from Tampa, on the west to Cape Florida on the east. Tbe Boutwell, at Jacksonville, the Colfax, at Charleston, aud th Morrill, at Wilmlng ton, are also assigned to that duty, ' Five other cutters stationed along the Atlnn vie coast are required for winter patro) uty. i HE ONLY True !Hod Purlfl prominently lu the tmlllr! rvfl to- ll.iy is Hood's Saronpnrlllii. TIjiTi-f getlliMxl ami ONLY li CCD'S T oil .. ,'uli' l ll'-ie t-e nn, I,- ! y K;ven thnt Ariplii ttir !lf Xt (irnentl A In I I ... t he ' it 1 ' . ' ' h Cm aking er Moments make the year and Trifles life." Yoiino. We have somewhat to say of tri es. Wo cannot do without them, inch as wo keep. Thoy consist of ries & Scarfa, SHspenders, Hose, (black, white & colore 1, Merino, Lislo, thread & Cotton, our Sac. black Hygcm "sox aro the best we ver saw for the money) Scarf Tins, Collar and Cuff button, Men's Garters, Collars and Caffs, lland- kerchiefs, (good linen 2 for 2. lenttO black and white silk Hand kerchiefs, Bachelor buttons, (get narried, don't use them), am) )oket books and umbrellas. AT HOWARD'S. Money to Loan oii City Property. Apply to S.M. Brinson. On the threshold of the New Year e beg to express our sincere gratitude i our friends wiio have so generously ivor d us with their patronage. -We have strive to gain the confi lence of the public by giving the very est goods for ll.e least possible price 'he rcsu'.tt we have attained have jusli- ied thisnnlicv. and we shall never fail ti erp it clearly in view. Wishing our patrons a Happy New V'enr, and trusting that '07 will be all we iope, I am, Very llespectfully, Q. A. BARFOOT, MANAGER, TllO 1111 Dnnnnin ITnur a ii n ita Tim If you want Guano tor Cash we can supply yqu with At ltock llottoni lrltef. j.C.Whitty&Co For Bent or Lease. Two-story house with seven large 11 ry room witu kitchen, closets, ttabler, buggy house. &o. Johnston Hrect. Possession given Feb y 1st, 18'J7. uto. U. WniTB. The County Examiner and School Committee for the Sill Township of the County of Craven are hereby moat re- pectfuiiy asked to meet the Count CoinmiHHione r and a committee of elt tens at 'I o'clock this afternoon at the Court House. - Hlgned oa behalf of the citizens com mittee. C. C. Petty, Ch'm'n, W. W. Lawrknce, Becty. lira. Emma H. Powell, FIRE Insurance Agent BliOADSTUIIET.' II nv'iif been appnintod ;ent for the I'iro It NiiHiii ciiiiipHiiii represented by my litle liunt.'iinl, Mr, A. II. Tun .11, 1 iii-it re-pe tlnlly ii k fioin Hi insuring .nl'lir a finriiiiii (it their putriMifii-s. Auj im H, i iiiii'nxip.i to ma will rw ei I " ' ' a I Hi'- ! .1 ' ". Old Reliable Brands Just Mm CI fky s Frcig A choice lot of tlior e BIG HAMS which we cut at only 12c. per pound. Give them a trial, they are Mice. Respectfully, m Wholesale an I I'etail GROCERS 1 Broad St., New !!erne. N ('. Taking Hold OF THE ii We're going to get our uktt on GOOD GIDCEIUES dona lo t lower point than ever thU year. We're not goin; to firce the qual ity one bit. We're going to Force tks Prices Further Down By Closer Buyisg and Selling. JGJlfl . BUNN, 57 rollock Gt. t Hue & Gaskil nit TkHWai II 11 II li II 11 II II H. LCI! HEAD I FOB lo yon wiih o mu ymw lioiii ? Art' you tired ot flint j'enKclm rent paj ing An opportunity 1 now ofiVrtnl oi securing a most desirable lot oi HicMneadaiiiized road . . AT MOST . . INVITING FIGURES ! Ieftirabta lot i JICjV I5'i;iip are ttari' and lieTUl at hitfli pru't. Thes? Ioin have a liili elevation and arn Dry and Healthy and Khoiild reeel e the attention ot any one w hiting to huild. Ah nn liivcKlitient tliey iiroinisje steady and decided enhancv nient In valiin. Apply at once to J.H. HACKBURN H H .11. H .. II U U U & iff t "NB 11:1. YdhMri.nLV The Tailor Made Man :,' to Hi Ml el lu lli r elotlu-. I I r Ins lii -L-I i.llie 1-elNl L. I i ll r i. li- lei lio n ih ' l'..ic. II : n, . i 111!.;- :i :'ue liiin .lie i i-i. Ie. VV. nfl'.C- 1 ! ; l.i n i !, ... We i :i . i In- ti i li; I H-i e ll iV : .-ml I v in . ..I Mi e.l. e35 AGENCY Hazakd Gun Powder. MERCHANTS SAVK 110NKY l! IjI.AY I NO VOL' It OK 1'F.KS WITH MK. F. ULRICH, Grocer. 45iBIJDDLE STH2ET. J. E. Latham, Ti Cruvon Street. Jetton hk aid kmm Hxikt Call on nf lor C'enunt, L ine, TV m '"Olti 1'ilifi. CollDil ll iM-luj mi I Tin. Stoiiiu'D I u iiW bale- eollnn. Funeral Direetor and Iiiihalnu'r. V tti nilil Stiv. t .. tSC-lllirinl ltul.il l r HEAL mm urn Do yon w u.t t' i; I-,;. 1' i l..'U t ITive hi 11 liiiii-c io i! 1'T ' D. yen W..IH to VA X m SKI.K Htnlc in Nf v 11 mo : Km) Po you M ur.t t buy o:' -i .1 ;i L niven eomli r )i von iv n l t-i lie ell v in. . i-v iv ir e i-h : 1: s.i-..P nl I! . itkm: : ESCATK i.!'- oni the I' ..-t I ,'!., I-urm V," ne' hi ft'ii i it 'or b'H' c'o'li etion i !r fi l'.iL'e in t elieiip. ..lit :l SM r'll''y k ic i!.i:i'i:ii. THIS L1T.LK (ilKL ia lookinjr 'or tlie bo tl of IIraiiham's Uoi rm Balsam. It is harmless and can reailily bo Riven to children with assiiruncn of speedy roleif for their colons, koiii? niKOAT-, ami pulmonuiy t root let in general. Stationery! . LATEST Newspapers, FerMI ls and Magail, mny alwayt be fonad at T. W. WATERS'. 105 Middle St. t flTSubscrlolion rarelTed for all ptri odtoal. Bt'bool supplle for sals. Orders tskeo for school supplle. Latest Blan Aird Novel, t'cnclls, pens, lulu, etc, Books I'xpcrting n Shipnicui of' Models ii to arricc within a fw i'a am) I no il'v v ii i" Miik ? uce whea l ceivul. Vim vvi I do vourself an ii'juslW to iiiivh is.i In ii-ie teeiii!,' thi namhiiic, a- it i: a I'.r ilisiiil of Mml.-I 40, as mort (I IH nln-el oi A 1,1. DI'llKKS. An iii.m ..ti er iiuiiinenii ul-. Model 45 lins tl.i h j iii,, H m nkiil fiaiure of nil lti H ull I'-'inV- lii el.s; i Hterliiu; i-i'-VCI II i.ne ,l;i;e (iOIWii:lil illir tile 1'iul ill .1 Col. 1' p.. M.ii .i 1. 1- !eKinle) suil i tiei. a: il ul i:iin:il uv iokiii; tbu WIim li, wiik-li 'lues awui i the lirU t ul 111.- h.n.l i, I' ttie sp,m,n ll' VOIT WAST IIIK Finest, Handsomest, and BEST liii'V P nm e in the Hiilld, WAIT ii'.-l M- iinil I'-iiv u Mo. lei 4S. W nn.! n-ii:r -I nil iilly i-n .runliid ly lo i -t ii il ln'-l e(inpMit HleL'le I' .i- i-i in I !.i veoi li :i'l nn. I ihUmiii p rj!:i'oi:i'e. Ml b BjBj "bene GO. UUA4. 61 S. Trout &trett. .a;ts Kloeu. Aniitlier t':ir l,ond of I'liney I!oeker, Can. v Hull Stun Is nud Baby Carriages iiinl lut- ol oilier r'uruiiiuv tuo nutrerous to ni.'i I on. mil will oiler special bHriiios or He- next 11 ihivs so as to nmka im'vii Lu our v,m k. Csll ard iiamln b) ore pt,icliasin elsewhere. (il.ASS FilAMKD PICTURES. Ke-peeltii'ly, T. .1. TUUXElt. MKliM-:. n. c. 127 MIDDLE ST. Pll VltMACV I II VSU'IANS it c.sci: i i'tions I! n A HUII whh 'ear. Itit IIS. to suit the tiiiis. ci:;;: i m mm i tn; iioi.uiavs. ,... l: Iri.M. , i.l ..I tlphir i; C,:.'. A,.,.!.' Hi. i-skiti, i;i... i S-i.-et Cliiita's, Etc. .( mi v eil I'lini'i-iiu, l.:ni'lnl,ir Sal's. 10o. (LGAL! (L0AL! We 1 only the very best l'inlilv nf While Asli Coal. Etili, HTttVK Al CHESTNUT Ohio .left ui the :irl, rear nf lliickli.ini .V Vill.-ti"s store, or at lln't', .':! Smith 1'iont street, will 'i cive ii(nii)i ut'eiition. MOLLIS I'KR & COX. 'Phone- .14. Bananas, 75c. & $1.00 a bunch. X.NUXJV A CO. Kext to IVI Orlloe. Holiday Goods ! If jou want a useful preaent, call and examine our line of Cot , Glass, fancy QaecBiwire, Cir'nbad and Bavtlaadi DiUqeivbets.. X. II. ntlcr ei Co, I aai 1897 Columbia fate ! I Bicb

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