VOL XV NEW SERIES NO. 168. NEW BERNKN. 0. WEDNESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 6. 1897- ESTABLISHED In. E : . v 'CI WASHINGTON NEWS. THRU FRIENDS AND IS PIRACY. WHAT feallat the Piracy Question. fealpala Beat is Cuban Water. . laaacarailoa Day;'-' Pablle ; ' '. " ;'-.' '."'.: Pristine. ' '- ' A'!-. ' '. " WabHINQTOIi, January 5--There hat ; Wt no determination to that effect) the ' 'possibility of the government prosecuting the filibuster Three friends on a charge Of piracy, ha been discussed, and mei learned in International law have beet quietly looking up decisions along thai Hoe. V- flenttor ' Davis, of Minnesota, one o; 1 the best authorities on international law - ' la the Senate, Bays the precedents art , quite plain, and that no principle is mow ,. ,i. -settled than that to-be subjected to prost- --, cutlon for piracy a veBscl must be cqiiij. . ped and manned for the express puipos. . v- of robbery on tlie high seas. - - Whatever may have been the miesiw ,!" f the Three Friends, no man, he says. . "Will contend that this was. The fact that she may, if corneret iare Bred at a Spanish gutiboat, docsm ... make her a pirate, either under intei national law or the rulings of our owi ri courts.' , Senator White, of California, takei almllar grounds. Mr. White successful!; defended the ItataTsiiullnrly charged, a .- 4he time of the Chilean troubles, and hi r ite a abundant authority the declaru I tkm la Mr. Cleveland's message of Dec . - ' 8, 1895, with relation to tjie allege Colombian pirates. The President, a that time, declined to consider such ex V peditionsas practical, y .The Colombian government, in onl " . to break down its own insurgents, pr - -claimed the closure of certain ports an declared the vessels held by the insui " sent to be piratical. The United Stat. . -declined to assent to this doctrine, ani. the President set forth that declination n i - the message referred to. . x . It is held that In view of Mr. Clevt land's message and the decisions of th court the charge of piracy against tin . Three Friends could not be maintained. ' - The dispatch boat. Dolphin his- lefi 'Washington for Jacksonville, Fla., uu der orders to assist In enforcing the neu- - ( trality laws. - She Is expected to maki au stops en route, and should reach hei ' destination Wednesday, when Comman - der Clover will report by telegraph t - the Navy Department for specifio lu tractions, SJ by that time some new fill . frittering movements will require watch " Inc. wV,.v Sixty-live agents in addition to local , concerns are competing for the honor ol decorating the McEinley inaugural bah ' 'room at the Pension Office. These out- -tl;lde agents are from New York, Fhila : delphla, Boston, Chicago, Baltimore,ana - all the way to San Francisco. ' The committee on decorations for. the ball will, however, make no choice until after the 15th Inst, at which time al "the plans and specifications will be re- quired to be filed. ' ' . - fJ-ujOnaotthemost Interesting parts ot . the last report of Public Printer Benedic that wilt be given to the public this weel It the portiou compiled , by Mr. W, i H Tapely, chief electrician at. the Govern ' - aae t PrioUngOiBce. It sets forth th. : . Improvements made in the use ot eleo- triolty during the past year In the oiflor ,, and show that in some departments, at ' least, Uncle Bum is running abreast! ol tho .imes. I Tapely u a modest and tinassum . Ing man, but to him is due the invention -.---ad construction of many machine jtlia . . . will -T thousands of dollars annual!) O th government and give the employes - Of the great office on North Capitol stree , aoleau and healthful place to work.; In - this last feature alone he has conferred . a lasting benefit upon hundreds of souls that will make the memory of bimseli : and assistant pleasant long after the ro tory movement of politics ha probably carried them from their present post of . " duty - " . . The electrical plant of the Government . - Printing Off ce is not yet complete. --probably never will be so long as inven ttoa and aolence are known quantities. . AfWr h PHliaM. , pMial. : Ralimh, N. C, January 5 The Dem ociatle caucus to-night adopted re sol u 11 ns offering to co-operate with the PopulUts in the election of Senator, and expressing a readiness to endorse any acoeplabl free silver man the Populists alght endorse. TUI COTTON MARKETS.' Thi markets have been featureless today and the change of little Importance, MiaoH delivery in New York closes at . 0.91, a net of 2-100 for the day. Taint Is a Itfuly demnncj for actual cot t n with no prt'tMure from primlal mailett, - v Tp t letins to b little oooasion for luwir prices at present, unleas the ro r?!)H ngiiln assume tuch proportions ci d not be abtorbnl without concen l- I market ha been firm at Yours truly, , J. I-. Latiiam, Highest of all In Leavening Strength. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSOLUTELY PURE orricans elected for TmatiMt Centemilnl Exposition 4iiimiicee From JVorlh C'nro ' Man. Th Tarbnro Honse : to Oprn. Special. - . - Raleigh, N. C, January 8 To-day the Vorth Curolina Cominiseioneiri to the renncasec Centennial Exposition elected Chcodore F.' Davidson permanent presi lent, and Henry W. Miller secretary. A somnuttee was appointed to memo rialize the Legislature and ask from it s uitable appropriation. Thomas R. Eobertson and Graham Oaves are iiiiulo a permanent conimittet in historical relations of Tennessee anil STorlh Carolina. II. A. Whiting and H. W. Miller were uade a permanent committee on railn uv ixluhlts and transportation. Arrangements were' perfected to-dT for t lie re-opening of tho Yarboro Housr in a few il'ivs. - Ilovantntlofi. In (;nbn. Havana. Gonentl Mohiiiizo, with tin v'alUilolid battalion, in reconuoilering. urprised an insiirgent camp nt Jagua, killing three inxiirents. Detachment! from the column rrconnoitervd the hilh )f Caplazo, Arrovo du Agun, Itincon d ('tubal, Lena Cruz, Sim Joaquin nnd flnar, burning over 400 huts and dentioy- ng everything likely to afford food t lie insurgents or tlieir horses. South of thu hills of Lajas and Pilotor lie troops surprise ! the camp of Run- :lmc!o, tlia lusui'iraiit leader, killing hreo of his followers. Colonel Pintos, while rcconnoiteriiis in the mountains of Llmnnur, has had i arudi with the insurgents, during wlncli alglit if the latter were killed, anions the n three prefects. Tim troops also de- itroyed three camps an.l prefect urea, .lumber of cultivated field, and burned t multitude of bohlos (huts.) Francisco Hubron, classed as a robe incendi'.iry. was executed nt Cabanac fortress. Tiil:rapli llrniM. A mm supposed to be Jiichard Biqul vetie, of Hay Cito, Mich., was run ovei ind killed by the car In , West Spring Hold-, Mass. The board of supervisors of Wayne Oonnty building on i lie ground that ' im proper Inlliience waj mud In securine the contracts. Abraham Ermcstus, of Willlmantic, Conn., a German, forty years of age, probably fatally Mary Cole, a colored woman with whom he liveil, by pound ing her on the head with an ax, ami then hangeil himself. lie was found dead. ITfONDERFUL are the cures by Hood's .Sttrsajmrillu," and yet they atjsiinpleuntl nntur.il. Hood aSflrsa pw-llla (jiakes pjttE 5L0QD. Furniture, Mattresses. I HAVE JUST BECEITEH anothci fine stork of fancy Oak Bed-room Suits Fancy Oak Hall 8tnds. Fnncv Hock ing Chairs.nnd other Fine Furniture loo numerous to mention, and WII.I. AT UOCK ItOTTOH FIGURES -for Cash or on Tune for the Next BO Dnvs, so us to make room for our stock. Call nd examine before purchasing else- wnere. .. , Kespecltull, , T..T.TUUXEII. NEW BERNE. N. O. ' CoininlNsIoiieri X(tlce All persons holiling claims against the County of Pamlico of any kind are here by notllled io present the same properly verified to Alexander Lee, Clerk of the Board ofCommiiMlnners on or before the 1st Monday In February, 1807. In nrde that the lioftRu may TAiiB stki-8 to PaV TIIS SAMK. Hy onler of the Board, this Jununry 4th, JH07. C. A. FUJWKKS, Cli'm'n Board of Cn in m 1kki iiipih. I'm 1 1 1 i i o County. Al.KXANDKK I-RK, Clerk. Hot Ictk ! 'iitiin i lii'rliy li'ivrn fitiitt itp u ill til- inn ir- o lin in t tit m riii ! U- (if ' in i ! ( 'in (ijitin to rlmn i:.,- ( iricr ol i'ii! it v I ' -, !:' f, l!.t:.i. 'PRITCHARD'S POSITION. IS OPEN LETTER TO HARRY SKINNER. Deniorrnllr Conlvrenr. Tbampssn and Hklnner for Prltenard. Bold. im Required Mnjra Hklnner.. 29 Poimllat for Prltehnrd. siieclal Rai.eiqh, N. C. January 5. DemocraU had a caucus tonight and it was turned into a State conference, by the pres;- enoe of Chninnnn Manly, E. J. Hale, A. Avery. B. F. Aycock, F. M. Simmons, Congressman Woodard, and other men of prominence. Cyrus Thompson arrived this after noon, lie is tor fritcliaru and has co ipcruted with Skinner along that line. Pritchifrd's letter to Skinner elsewhere eferred to, is dated at Washington Pee. 10th. There are whispers that the Republi cans may make a fight against John A -hmms, Auditor-elect Ayer's chief clerk. hecnuse Simms is an anti-Pritchard man Aver, as is well known, has for some nnnths favored Pritchard, This explains some things which have ippc:md in tho Caucasian. Slcinnor says he has made bold moves mt it was n time when boldness is le- utied. Tho Populist legislators favorable to the re-election of Senator Pritchard can- used this afternoon. Congressman Harry Skinner reail the following letter from Henator Pritchard: 'I appreciate your position on the Sena on d question. It is in keeping with your reputation of being square and iecping facts. I do not attempt to in- luence you. You know I am a staunch friend of all reforms contemplated In tho Populist movement, and you ms insure such members of the legislature is are inclined to vote for me that I will voto for silver by international agree' ment or independent action sixteen to me and will take pleasure in voting to amend the National Banking act so as to Dermlt farmers to borrow money upon and and staple crops. Any statement that I have been or am now a single gold ttaudard man is without foundation. It is proper that I should be frank and iay. I would not voto for free silver oi inything else when simply introduced as a rider or obstruction to the passago of my protective tariff or other remedial leuislation bill." Congressman Skinner aaid to me to- night: ''I regard Pritchard as' a, silvei naa pure and simple, I regard this let ter as perfect evidence of it. I would not support him If it were not. In our caucus this nfternum there w.'re twenty nine votes for lii.il who will so vote In fie caucus,' an l seventsaa wiul I live voted for hi.u '.villio.it a caucus, if I said so, lint if necesmy would elect him any way. It was either Pritchard ormysdf for Sen itor, bat I am not a c indidate Hi rntclurd' eleclioj la certain." ' TO CURE A COLD IM ONE OAT fuke LnxbIIvb Binrao Quinine Tablets 111 druggists refund the money ll it fill ncure. 25o ''Momenta itiako the year, and Trifles life." YonNO. We have somewhat to tar of tri lie. . We cannot do without them such at we keep. They coniist ol Tie & Scarfs, Suspender?, Hoie, (black, white & colored, Merino, Lisle, thread & Cotton, our 25c, black Hygeia "box" are the best we ever saw for the money) Scarf Pint, Collar and Cuff button, Men' Garter, Collar and Cuff, Hand kerchiefs, zo6d linoo 8 for 23, cent) black and white tilk Hand kerchiefs, ' Bachelor buttons, (get married, don't use them),' and pooket books and umbrella. AT HOWARD'S. c Best Klgin Butler 25y (tood Butter, SfOo. Granulated Suar 6c Atmore Mince Meat 80.' J. P. Squire' Pare Lard ' 7o. lb. If Roods ii not first-cla las monej choorfully refunded. The AlUnood Grocery Co. t biimioiii. ' acnoy to L:n i cn City Proper!;-. IF YOU . . DRINK COFFEE TRY OUR 30c. Roasted Coffee. Ground to or der. It is an Excellent Article. We also carry a Full Line ot Choice Teas ! Give us a call, Sat- staction guaranteed. Respectfully, W helesnle anil Retail GROCERS 71 Broad At., New Berne, N. (', Taking Hold OF THE We're going to get oor prices 00 GOOD GROCERIES down to i lower point than ever thli year. We're not going to force tbe qual ity one bit. We're going to Further Down Bt Closer Buying and Selling. JQHH DUHH, C457;?0llock:3t. on i ! uasKiii I The Right Way .h..u..h..h..h..u..h77iTTh7 READ ! POUR Do you ;Ii to own your home ? Are you lire 1 ol tea eea.ieleMM rent paying ? All opporluiiity 1 now oilereil ofNecHrln a inoft deiraMe lot on tlieMacadainized road ..AT MOST., INVITING FIGURES ! JteMiraoic ioim hi Sfew Berne are wnrte and held at lilgh rlcei. Thene Ioim have a high elevation and ar t Dry and Healthy and Mhould receive the attention o? any one wliihlnt; to lulld. Au an liiveittnieiit they promise steady and decided enhance ment In valnfe. Apply at once to J.H. HACKBURN H..H..H..H....U..H..H H y get &rwm w'TL ii .TORT? nil' The Tailor Made Man is K"'".! to Ltrl lietti r cloihel ilurina 'i7 tli.m ho cwr Ims lie. It 's j i im to uC little delUi He's L'oini to get little beitei mi I wofkinanship. We (a i'i ll'Olll us re. I I'lOtliS. linings Hive linn any ' eltii lit limn c h ive ir the );t. Wu'ri) L'ohijj to d,i s..iii, 1 1 1 i n' :Uc. V,'ic iniij o iry In cut om ikcs a little 1 :l elosi-r. V. M. tiiil,vick. 101 Middle StiN't. AGENCY Hazard Gun Powder. MERCHANT SAVE MONET ny i.Eivixw voir or I'ERS WITH ME. F. ULRICH, Grocer. 45.iMIDDLE STREET. J. 1. L ATMAM. 5 Craven Street. Call on me for Cement. Inn. T ra Colli l'i.o. Cotton l!iL'"lni 11 ;i 1 . btoine t'r 5l0 hales toilnn. II. W. NIHPttOX, Funeral Director and lumbal nicr. 128 llioad Street 'l'llDN .84 tWUurla! llobes a .-lim--lttltv m mm a. I o ,011 wiint tn h'lON'T a Ii-n p '! lime ji'ii a I.oi.m in li KNT ' I)., y ii wmit to III ' V m- .-I'l.l. li. ., A u i i ri i ho y ii want 1 1 buy 0 si-!l a 'n:in in I I .1 II l' Hl'll v Un vi.ii w-ii't to l-ni' cli-ni 1 I m-i ' c i I '' li i ;t V (' 'i il", til" . I V lo' or ii-.li : I s.i.l' nt ll.i' SI'.V HKii N V II KM A I K sr.'-.S1 V, ., i.. - .... O'li lllc- I'.iH I !,li I'. 1 nt'iil W iV "ll ,- an 1 il I im c itTCo 1- ctiou ..: I t,.r ,i:A; lit i K. i a j IIAIil'Kil. this lit i lk una. is looking 'or the Im tl of Bkadham's Cot iiH IUi.sah. It is harmless anl can readily be Riven to children with assurance of speedy releif for their cotdHS, hork niitOATs, aud pulmonary tron lei in general. Books I Stationery! ' -". " V V.. LATEST Newspaper, Perloll ' el an4 gailnrs, ) always ' bfeaa4 H-i4. ': ! ' ; T. W. WATfeRS', : 105 Middle St. t-9r"9ubscriiit'.oni recelrrd for all pari odloal. ; (School suppliss for ule. Orders takes for school MippllM, Latest, Stan dard Motel. Pencil, pent. Inks, etc. . lam Eipectlna; a Shipment of J Models 45 1897 foliiia to atri'e within a ftw rat atid jw llioifvyni !n this sim wban co vei. i on win do vonrtcir an mjurtif to purehaso before tetiug ,lhi aiacfaiiii', as it is as fjr nh. o' MonVI 40, n aiodC el 40 is ahra l o" ALt OTHERS. moiifj other mpro Mmints, Mod! 45 has fluh joint. m .ad ftaidre Of H 1897 Hij.li Grr eBi di-s; a sterling ail ver nnoie olt'e a j.rfiilwtanlinn ibe Ort tliat Col. P, pe vottil l..r McKinley) nd a new and original way of sjiokifcg i!m wluels, widcli does away with u Uul at the head of Hit- spoaos. IP YOU WAXT TllK Finest, Handsomest, and BEST Hicye'e ma le iu the world. WAI'l and Mev and liny a Moilel eg. Miinufiielun-d ai.d fully gunrmi'iifd by Ihe UruvA aud beat equipped' UlccU Piictory in Ihe world. aayCnll and g t advance oata'ogue. WILL. T. IIIL.I.. Phone 80. 61 8. rat Ut. SfJANO FOR If you want Guano lor Cash wo can supply you with ill lioliablc Brands At Hock Ilottom Price. I. C.Whitty&Co 127 MIDDLE ST. 1QVC x o PHARMACY I IIYSICIANS RKSCIIIPTIONS HKI'AKKI) whit ar. KICKS, to Niiit tke tlsar rilllFI'JIF.KY FOR HOLIDAYS. IV I'll' I'A: I'.IO'H, i; '.i or otihir n o. 1 . nli A piile !!I.,shii, UIiic l.llil'H, Sn'ii'l ('liinifs, KtC. ( iirv, il I'm hi iim, l.ini'tnl.ir Sl's. Vo. GOAL! GOAL! illliv till l.f,l '(llll'lt "I While AmIi 4'o:il. Ktili.STDVK A.'l) OHK-il Nt.J? Ordo s left mi the vaid, reur at Il-ickh i r ii ii WilU'li's nlor. or al oiliou, .":5 Sniiih Krtil slicrt. mil rernive iin:iiit nt ri-t.l ion. IIOU.I.SI'KIt 4 COX. Phono 4. Bananas. 75c. & $1.00 a bunch. Next to I'oil Ortle-r. Holiday Goods ! If you want useful preeettt, call and examine our lino ot Cut Class, fancy Qitfiswire. CirUbad tod Bavlliidi I. II. Cutler t. , ' Notice. . Ho'lo I hereby gtvee ttiat Applkatina. will be mai to tb oeit Oencral Aai lily nt North Carolina to chant; the Cbi teroftli Attsntle an4 North CkroJIa Ttai'nad. . , OBT. HANCOCK. ' - - CACH I Bicbes I

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