. f .. 7" VOL. XV NEW SERIES NO. 170. NEW BERNE, N. & FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY7 8. 1897- ESTABLISHED WASHINGTON NEWS SENATOR CALL ON CUBAN : . RESOLUTION. , ' . Am ABgeirapallst for floater. Extra 'JT ' sUllaa Treaties CMl4ored. , See- , J . - , . Bd-ClHM Mall' Naltcrj Bill. T" Other MMHibM Sews Kemi. WAnawaTos, D. C, January 7 To I , ' : - , nearly empty Senate Mr. Call, of Floridi . made a radical speech on the Cubai ' question. Be spoke on hie resolution - re alive to the recent condemnation ot Julio Sanguilly and Govin cases and dc - dared that Govin had been tied to a tre and hacked to pieces by the Spaniards , :.. He read extracts from letters, giving de 'tails of this and other Spanish atrocities. His remarks were full of iuformatloi and Interest, and bad features that wouli . have made bis presentation a sensations one had It not been for the paucity of at- tendance. At no time during his remark) were two dozen Senators in their chairs. The Florida Senator" is the most ad vanced Cuban sympathizer in the body. He said that if these atrocities continued to shook the American people,, withoui waiting for' and even regardless of tb action ot government, they would pou -into the island and put an end to them. He declared that tbe Spanish prison were being drenched with patriot blood, much of it American, and recounted with much bitterness that every possible effort was being exerted by the America government to continue the condition as they now exist, ' -, v Texas Angel Is the name of the Popu liBt mostprominently mentioned for th Senate from Idaho. There is a suggestioi of the winged cowboy about this nami that would greatly enliven the paragrap editorials In many newspapers, in tin event of his election, ; , . The time of the session of the Serial. Committee on Foreign Relations was oc cupied In the consideration of the extra dition treaties with the Orange Fre State and the Argentine Republic, wit wtinm IhnlTnitMt RtHtoa tinve nttr.r lm. U fr, . any extradition agreement. . The conventions laid before the com . mittce were almost identical. They pro vided for the extradition of fugitives f ron justice charged with the commission of crimes which this country holds to bi extraditable. The usual precautions an taken to prevent the extradition of met charged with political offenses only. After two days' debate the House by i - vote of 144 to 103, passed the bill intro duced by Mr, Load, chairman of tb ' - Committee on Post-offices and Pos: " Roads, to amend the laws relating to sec ond-clasa mail matter. The principal fea tures of the bill were those denying t the mails as second-class matter samph copies of newspapers and serial novel publications and withdrawing from newi agent the privilege ot returning to tliei . principals at the pound rate unsold copiei of periodicals. . The House Committee on Pacific Rail ways held a meeting to consider tlx manner In which the debate on the bill ' to settle the indebtedness of the Unior. and Central Pacific companies to thi r . Government sboutd be conducted when the bill comes before the House. It will be vigorously opposed by thi members from the Pacific slope and b others who favor governmental owner ship of the roads In preference to an ex , tension of the time tor paying the Indebt- . edneas. The opposition will include somi ot the strongest debaters in tbe IIou and tbe discussion is expected to prove of more than ordinary Interest. " Tbe Acting Secretary of tbe Treasury - has transmitted to Speaker Reed an or gent deficiency estimate for the Nations Guard of the District. It' was accom panied by a letter from General Albert Ordway, which said that the deficiency a ' estimates for the Guard In the second . session of the Fifty-third Congress bai U ... not been considered, because he was com palled to go to. England on a businest trlpt again the same estimates were nog lected at the first session of the present Congress because Gen. Ordway wai ceiled before tbecommittee for a hearing at the same time be bad important busi asm to transact in New York with i company of which be is president. There are two small debt owing Gen Ordwad personally. One of these is 7i for borses for the Light Battery thai f " acted Ss an escort to President Harrisot . in the inaugural parade. There lean other item ot 1204 for band music for tb. National Guard of the District on tbs ' occasion, and another item ot $7J - to field muslo furnished. For horses forth. Light Battery on tbe occasion of tlu Grand Army parade, May 80, 1889, then ' . bsiludue9i8l.89. - T. SI. Halt, Jr. Haw River, N. C Thomas M. Holt youngest son ot the late Governor Tbos. m. rioit. atea at Chase city, V. on Wednesday, A telegram was received by Mr. Bruce "Wright that his wlfs's bi other, Thomas M. Holt, bad died In Chase City. Mrs. Wright was greatly shocksd by tlu news, which came suddenly and with out warning, lie bad been sick only s day or two. Mr. and Mrs. Wright went to Uw Iliver and the body will be brmipht there fP Interment. Mr. Uolt was 1 1 at voungmt son of thr Jul uotrnor Unit, a ixipular young nmn, an lliii death will I widely ,d - i, I t had bei-u Ivuug with 'it's o. I"f some tiuin. r, oik IN ( DA T b ! . o (' linine Tablcii r 1 t:.s ii. "if j If it lm 1 1 1 :i .' Highest of all in Leavening' Strength. n ABSOLUTELY PURE CUBAN'S WAX. WIN, o Thinks a VlrKlnlau Woo Has Ser ved In domei'i Army. Alexandria, Vs., January 7. Arthur B. Jack, a young man who has been with Gomez's army in Cuba since last Uay, acting as a newspaper correspond ent part of the time, arrived here today. fhe Cuban troops, he says, have plenty if food, such as it is, consisting of meats ind fruits, which is of great importance to them. - They have an abundance of imall arms and ammunition and have a ;ood supply of dynamite, which they use 'cry effectively in exploding mines and uowing up railroad trains. He says there la no doubt of the death if Maceo,.ahd states thr.t be was present vhen the body of that general was bur ied in the mountains, eighty-three miles torn where ho was killed. Mr. Jack is impressed with the belief hat the Cubans will win in their struggle or freedom. They are fighting desper- itely, he said, nnd are daily receiving ac- icssions to their numbers. In speaking if the reported cruelties of tbe Spanish soldiers he said numbers of cases came inder his observation where children oi nsurgents had their eyes put out or their iiands cut oil. Pardoned by Altgrlrt. Chicago, Ills. Governor Altgelil cap- ed the climax of an unusual pardon re lord by- granting freedom to nineteen sonvicts, one of whom is John McGrath, 'or a decade the leader of the Henry itreet gang, and an arch enemy of the police. The other Cook county criminals were urned loose by the retiring Governor, mt not all of thorn together will be re ceived in the City with so much fear and torror as the noted McGrath. Of much aterest to the police also is the commu- itlon of the sentence of Mamie Starr, a ife prisoner at Joliet, sentenced from !hicago in 1890 for poisoning her -em ployers. The sentence in her casewas ommuted by tvelve years, and allowing 'or percentages off, she will soon be free. THE COTTON MARKETS. January 7, (iTVBKPOOL news was about the same yesterday. nsw Yobk opened at n small decline, but quotations have been well main tained and the closing is 7.06 for March which is a net gain of 8-100 for thi day. Phibi is a good demand for export, and the daily offerings from primal points are very small. rag portward movement is not quite so light, but is to a large extent at ex pense of stocks at counted interior towns. If this condition continues tti market will improvn in the face of tour domestic trade and indifferent speculutivu demand. New Biemi market is firm at ti to flj. Tour truly, J. . Latham, THE MARKETS, Cuioaoo, January 7 OPKX1SQ. OLOSF. .... 8IJ 82t ... J.97,. 4 Way Wheat May Kiut HOOD'8 Sarsapniilla has over.iant over Hgnlu jiruved by Its cores', when all other preparation failed, ttnc it is the Une True BLOOD rttriturr.' Sale of Land for Assets vlary June Black, Et'r (ot) Rebecca Hall, deceased. I '. vs. Rmaiiu! flail, mmi R..u. . mln Bcnderson. I . Partnaat to the order of sate to nm di reeled In the above entitled prorewtiogs pending In tbe Superior Court of Craven -nunly; for the purpose of making assets, ( will expos to sale and sell at tlie Couit Souse door In Craven county un Thurt lay the 4lb day of February 18U7, at thi tour o(12 o'clock, as.; tbe following dc wrlbed lot or parcel f land tJTng aad being situate In the tlly ol New Bernr, Hsie ol North Camlioa on the north sidt if Crooked tlreet, buundcj oo tbe South b Crooked street, on IhelEast by the lot T 3uan Boweo, on the(No)h by' tin I k Davis Vot and on the West by (h Benjaruin McGee lot Terms of Sale: CmIi. - Mat Ja Black, Execntrlx. : By Clabk A Guioh, Attorneys. - . ffotlce. Notice Is hereby givn that the under signed snd bis associate will make ap plication to tbe General Assembly at Its present session for a Charter for a Mutual Fire Insurance Company with its principal office at New Berne, N. C, C. T. WAT80N, Jan. fllh, 1897. AND OTHERS. Nollce ! Kotli is hrrrhy (flvpn that a;lli-liia will lip itiiirlt lo tin nel tti-nrral Ai-m-li'y nf Nunh t'Rrdlma to rlmnj and ni-ml U.s (.ijiirtor ot tin Cny nf cw t.'ue, KuliT, IIAAtUCK. .Latest U. S. Gov't Report. . . Pbwder Telegraphic Itrma. The Second National Bank'of Erie, Pa. conceded to be one of the strongest fi nancial institutions of t lie State, with stood a run on it all day. How the run started is a mystery. Joseph Stanley, James Hart, and Jos eph McLaughlin, alias True, the three men arrested for complicity in the rob bery of Home Brewery office at St. Louis on December 3, of more than $1,000 havt confessed. A bill of a receiver for the wholesale ewelry firm of Mark Streicher & Co., ot Chicago, was tiled by Mark Streicher, one of tbe members of the firm. Assets are placed at about $50,000; liabilities not stated. Gov. Altgcld baa commuted the sen tence of the Chicago bankers, CharUs J. ind Frank R. Alcadowcrafl, convicted ol receiving deposits when their bank wai insolvent. The sentence was 'changed from a penitentiary sentence to sixty days in jail. While photographing the sun. Obsei- ver Colton, of Lick Observatory, found large spot near the eastern limb, wliicl. is easily visible without telescopic aid. t is mostly peuumbral, however, tin nucleus being sninll. The extreme length if the spot is about G8.000 miles. O. E. Miller, president of the Miller Hernia Treatment Company, of Chicago; who was recently convicted at Denver in connection with President Dow and Teller McClnrksen in defrauding the Commercial National Bank of $125,000, has been returned to jail, his bonds foi $10,000 being declared insufficient by the court. Frederick Blocker, aed forty-four years, n wealthy stock dealer from Hulle Germany, tiied at the Episcopal Hospital in Philadelphia, from a gunshot wound lelf-inflictcd. Blocker came to thi? country a short time a;;o on a combined business and pleasure trip. His suicide is believed to have been due to bad news received in a letter. Emma Sprecklcs Watson, who was re cently married, has deeded to her father, Claua Spreckles, the bulk of her property, voluntarily making herself, compara lively speaking, a poor woman. Mrs Watson consulted her husband about the step before she took it, and he gave his unqualified consent. Her action was caused by the (aunts of her father aud hia accusations of ingratitude. Moments make the year and Trifle; life." Yorvo. We have somewhat to say of tri flea. Wo cannot do without them such as we keep. 1 hey consist ol Ties & Scarfs, Sueperulera, lloee (black, white & colored, Merino Lisle, t bread &. Cotton, our 2.c. black Ilygciu "60x"'re lie bea.t ,w ever taw for the. money) Scarf jPins Collar anl Cuff buttons. '-en'. iliitleis, Collars ami Cuffs, llaml kerchiefs, (uai linnn for 21 :eul6) black and whltn tilk Hand kerchiefs, Ouolielor buttons, (go named, uou t use them, uur pocket books and umbrellas. AT HOWARD'S FURNITURE L HATE JC8T RECEIVED another , tine stock of fsncy Oak Bed-room Suits Fsnry Oak Hall Stands, Fancy Rock int Chairs. and other Fine Furniture too numerous tomentlon, and WILL 8ELL AT ROCK BOTTON FIGURES for Cath aron Time for the Next 10 Davs. ao as to make room for our stock, (.all .'and exsmine before purchasing else ' where. - - . ' Kespectmll, ''. ' T. I. TVItXER. - l3SEW BERNE, N. 0. 1 ' Tor Rent or Lease. . Two-storj house with seven larjs air rooms with kitchen, cloaoU. Ktnbkv, bog(ry house, Ao. Johnston tree. Possession giysn Fob'y 1st, 1897. Uio. II. Whiti. Caix ikitts stimulate liver, kidneys and owe!a, Never sicken, wsakeq or gripe, F YOU . . DRINK COFFEE TRY OUR 30c. Roasted Coffee. Ground to or der. It is an Excellent Ar ticle. WeTalso carry a Full Line ot Teas ! Give us a call, Sat isfaction guaranteed. Respectfully, Ybelesale sad Retail GROCERS 71 Broad St.. Nw Bern . X. C. Taking Hold OF THE In The Rig'il Way. We're going to get our price OD GOOD GROCERIES tlo.vn u a lower point than ever this ear. We're not going to force t lie quit ity pe bit. We're goin u Forco tho Prices Further Down By Closer Bajlng aaJ Stlllog. JOHN DdKN, 65 & 67 PoUock t. Choice I .11 U U . U. READ Do ymi Ti ish to own your home ? Ai!n you tired oi llml peawlojt! rent paying f An opportunity li n oflerpfl of securing; a mot deurable lot on tbe Macadamized road . . AT MOST . , INVITING FIGURES ! Desirable let in Neiv Bfrnt' jire Kearte ami Iield at liifli prlee. Tlieve loist have a nigh elevatio:i and urn Dry and Healthy and should receive the attention of any one v ihing to build. A an iiivetiueut they proniiue st early and decided eiilianv- nieut in vjilae Apply at once 10 J.H. HACKBURN '..!.'i"r.'ll..M,.g..B II .11. H H OK FODDER The Tailor Made Man is join;; to jjel ltl( r clothes IVom u during 'HT th tu he ever ha be I'orr. Ke'-i gong t.) j.et little lictttr cloths. He's noing to f,et little belter linings and workmanship. We tau'i 'ive I i n any I e tir lit than we lime ir the t, We're iiiing to do something els-. W 'e " ma to f v to sut our iirLts a littl bit closi r. Pi M. 4 hjul it K. 101 Miil.'.le Sheet. f5 AGENCY Hazard Gun Powder. MEK( HANTS SAVE;MOXET It V I.EVViMJ VOIR OU TERS WITH ME. F. ULRICH, Grocer. 45.iMT.DDLE STREET. II. W. HIHPNOX, Funeral Director anil lumbal nier. 128 Broad Street .... WUur'.al Koliel a Sn HEAL ESTATE AGENCY.' Do you waut to IlKN'T .i ln-u-c ? tluve yon a house to KENT '. Do you wiuit to BI" V or SI-XL lit :', Eilate in Niw llcrnij ,- Do you wunt 1 1 buy o- le'l u larm in Criiven r.oun'y ( D.) uu wunt 1 1 luiv rh-:i 1 -I-1 in-.u ' hp i'it y on i a - v p v, in. nl:-, ir i.rv low or rjli ; D m i t-nll nt tin M-.W liKIINE HEM ESPATK AOEN't Y, s-.-io-. iln.- trnt iiOU) lllr I'll?! tj.i. i-. I.nrjr W its' uu i' Vr i.i-.- u:: i i ii-i.t K E i 'e n v ii i:r i:!!. THIS LIT LE GIRL is looking or the bo of Uraphau's Colon Balsam. It is armless anil carr readily be jjiven to children with assurance of speedy releif for their roroHS, sokk turoats, and pulmonary iron lea eueral. Books Stationery ! LATEST Newspapers, Fsrlsi I cslsaa4 Mayailaes, aia) always bs feaad it T. W. WATERS'. 105 Middle St. HTSubscrloiloni r ci!vd for all peri odicals. School sappl as vsr atle. Uidara takea for school supplies. Lat el Staa- dard Novela. Psuills, p as, In', sta. J. E. Latham, S Graven Street. COTTON DEALER AMD rail na sj tat OsmeoL LSI T. rs ...tCotUfliie, Cotioa a.ggirmaml Tie. j toragifioi u nam ouon Expeetlnir a aieiit ei Models 43 10 arrive within iff 'Bvs tiki I! co i'y ji u in ihis space when re- ce ve'1. l on wi'l no voursrif ,o inuuur to purchas'9 lii-fi re teetoK fbia M-hiur, x- ii is ii- i ir :iti h i or Mod' 40. at nkm. f 40 is all. a l of ALL OI'IIEHH. An.oi l' tl er improvement., klodol 4S !! flu-h j ii t". n innikid ftiur ef all 1M9? Ili-ii Giai'e Birvrk-s; a sterlis sil ver n.ni' i'i i e (notwithstandins; the fuel i lut Ci.l. p. pr.yoted f r McKinlfj, snd uew a1 d urmiiial way ol spokitig th vvlirel.-, which dues away wl Ii tbe bil l ;it the In a l nf the spiiitek. IF YOU WANT THI Finest, Handsomest, and BEST Ricje'e ma Vln the virld, WAV. and Pet- anil Buy a Model 44. M inufnrlurrd aid lolly j!u rmtittfd by the Ur!i-:t aud beit equipped Bicycle Puctory in I he world. BWOall and g t advance rata'ogue. WIIl. T. IIII.L. Phone GO. 61 S. Frot strest. 127 MIDDLE ST. PHAKMACV I HVSICIAXA ItESCRII'TIOXS IMJ'AKEII with :tir. It ICES, to null th tl lis fERI I Ml'liY FOB HOLIDAYS. lv(lr,i(?ta, (lul l of Opliir ir.se. ( 'rnli A iilc Hlonsorn, Hlue Lilies, Swi'ut Cbimei, Etc t'lii vcil l'ui!f;i-iit, livcriilur Salts, lOc. tOAL! tGAL! We H-ll only the very bt fjiinlitv of White Asli Coal. Kiii, S I'OYK AXI) CHE-STXt'T SIZES. O, di i. ( lift at. the yard, rear ef 1 ! ack Ixi in it Willett's store,' er" at ..tVn'e, S.mtli Front street, will ITOeive I'lulllpt Htteution. HtH.M.STKK i OOX. '1'iion" UPPLES t!.r.. lAU-. and SOiv I'et'h. Come and i t them tui:y a st. J XII X.' A C. tloiidav Goods.! if Cut t '.i i. in ii- I aii Ami ami rUvibuili DiilHoi Sejs. I.. II. Cutler K Co. GUANO FOIl If you want Ouano tor Cash wo can supply you with At Ilock Boitottt Price. ' I. C.WhittydCo I am 1897 Columbia Bicycles ! iitii T 11 urn Money to Lc::i on City rrcr rt. Apply to c.::. : . '