VOL XV-NEW SERIES NO. 185. NEW BERNE, N. GL. TUESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 26, 1857. ESTABLISHED If? 1 WASHIN&TON NEWS. ' SENATE HOLDS A SESSION EYEBY DAY. BM Made Far Unloa Putins Hull, rands. Xlenrangaan Cnnnl Hill Killed. Civil Service Incident, American Federation Labor. '": - " JotJltJfAL BUREAfl, f Washington, p. C, Jan. 25. Senator Allen thinks there is .more ir tho bid which has been made to the gov ernment for the Union Pacific Railroad; than appears in the official statement ol Attorney General llurmon conueruiu) the foreolosnre proceeding against Urn Road. That is why he offered the reso lutlon, which, was adopted by the bi n. ate, directing the Attorney. General t. inform the Senate whether he had nuid any deal with what is commonly knowi as the reorganization Committer! of Hi C P. Railroad, respecting the foreclos lire of the government leiu thereon, to gether with the amount that the sail committee is to bid in the event of tin foreclosure. He is further directed t furnish the Senate the full text of tin agreement, together witli the names o: the members of the Committee and 111; authority lor entering on the foreclosure proceedings and for making such ui agreement; There is a suspicion that tin bid made to the government represent, the present IT, P. management. N proceedings can be taken against th Central Pacific road and the Inane, lines which owe the government niotic before next January, and not thei nnless they default iu their payments. The Senate was sensationally incline, during the past week. In the first pluc. It held a session every day, something ii has not done before at this session. Cyl- ical people say, however, that it wasn' on the amount of public business, bu on account of a fight between two Wash ington electric tight companies, and th i proceedings during the "morning houi , ,4 seemed to bear out what the cynics t.uj . In the next place, Senators on the Foi eign Relations Committee made publ'i speeches protesting against public pro sure being brought to bear upon then ' to hurry up and .ratify the uruitratioi treaty. But the greatest sensation 01 all was the reading of a protect against the Nicaragua Canal bill, which is now before the Senate, made by a foreigi. minister. This was a very unusual thing. The protest was from the re oently recognized minister of the Great er Republic of Central America, and wai sent to Secretary Olney, who in tun sent it to Senator Sherman, Cliali iusl of the Senate Committee oa Foreign lit lations, who had it read in open Senate. The protest says in effect that Nicaragua will not recognize any contract made with the Canal Company, which it con siders to have forfeited all the concess- ions it aver had, and closes by inviting the U. . 8. government to o;ten direct negotiations with Nicaragua for tin building of the Canal, The very uutun of this communication is such that Sen ators believe it to have been inspired b) Ursat Britain. Senator Morgan made t red hot speech about it, and thero wilt be more, but It has killed the Canal bill aad it may be found that it has overshot the mark and also killed tho arbitration treaty; Civil service reform circles have boei interested in an Incident that will proba- bly be investigated by Congress. A 1,(00 position as translator whs to bi filled in the War Department, and th Civil Service Commission advertised thai - applicants would be examined and re quired to translate into English Techni cal Military works in French, German, .. Italian and Spanish; to do typewriting in all these languages; to do poof reaii ing and prepare manuscript! tor the press; to be familiar with motbrn library , methods, the oUaaincatiun of books, oai alogulng and indexing; with the English language, literary composition, etc. Mis. Maud Btalnaker, a young lady of Wash ington, D. C, was the only one able t peas the remarkably crucial examination and was duly certified by the Civil Ber vice Commission as the only one eligiult but the War Department refused to ap point her to the vacancy because she Is woman. . They are telling a good Joke on "Vu cle Joe" Cannon, chairman of the ilout Committee oa Appropriations, arOuoi, the Capitol When his name was flit mentioned as a Senatorial possibility, Uncle Joe assumed so attitude imitating AJax in his great dufylng act and sal granaitoqueuuy: "My duty is hirer v words to Uiat effect.wlilch were duly lei egraphed and prluted la the Hpriolici, papers for the benefit of the mnubei of the Illinois legislature.. Later, whe. the legislature appeared to be In a ilesu. , lock, "Uncle Joe" concluded that dm called ulm to Hprinifneld. lie sUriev lie got as far as PltUburg, where he san U a newspaper that Billy alexin bs captured the Senatorial plum, lie wet. no further, but caught the next train f. Wellington, and has ever since bee. trying to keep anybody from finding ou that he really eUrted fur tjprluglli Id The National Iloultiiiartora of the Fed oration of Labor ere now permanent! located in Wellington, and open Uml Bees, with I'rfwlilent Uompers and Snou lary Morrison Irt elmrg. The lii-sdiinar- li-n are ux utid In n ulllre IiiiIIiIIiik neui tin Tieasur department. Mr. Ooiiimii m tlio r iilrraimn ww never in a mon BmiiiMiing oni'lllum, tlntt be rxH els' growth la i"t'f to beat all previous rr ol dm. inn in tiiii.u m vest tttr Ti! l.m 'vu lti.iiH t'iinlne Thli Al !. i r-! u.. Hit omiifj ll tl leu i ' 'iia. o Highest of all in Leavening Strength.-Latest U. S. Gov't Rep An&O&WWElY PURE SPLIT WIDENING- BETWEEN POPULIST MAJORI TY AND MINORITY. U iv. Riivii'll Tritiibliil, Ullt Enter ;rjNeNtlllJeet to Tax. 4'wIouInIH for tiruiiHwiek Comity. Or. MAmhitl WorMV. Whlnlty IlinpenNiiry. JOUKSAL RllKEAF, lUi.iiiou, N. C, January 85, '1)7:)" I lie split in the Populist ranks is sill Ictiinjr, and idtliiinh Governor litis '.11 is doing his best to heal thu trouble iojs no pood. This row is troubling the new Gov uor very much, for if things betweei -rre Populists cannot he smoothed ovei inssclt'n plans and his proposed bills lie ire the legislature will be killed. rilnmilt the Ki'pulilieans now leave tin iiuo.it y band of Populists in the lurch .iter by their vote alone lliev clectei loir l S. Senator, there is no criticisii. id con lemnnlioti too severe for them. State Auditor Ayer lias issued a circn .ui" teethe sherilVs and lax collectors re lilt ling them that tho revenue act sayt ...tl anv gift enterprise, or anv one oiler a prize,for sale of any article is snlijcei o a tits of 20. This applies to rigiuvtlt icturcs and soap wrapper prizes. 1 odav tho lulls Riving the (lovi rnoi I :ol of the State institutions will hi ir.nlneed by IJockery. It is well under- 1 that John U. Uiuith, of Goldsbon tibellietie supeiiiileiident of tin litciitiary. V ui' - o . rum Aslievillc h is put in hi. iicatiun at keeper of the capital. i. 11. l':.ki; of Soulhport N. C, hn! mailed Governor Russell that he iutendi !r':i from Indiana and Illinois a col y of farmers and settle them iu lining ick countv. At n ion today Dr. Curry addressed tin joint sc.' jion of the legislature on the sub ect of education. Dr. Curry is the agent f the Peabody fuud. Tin-condition of Rev. Dr. Mhnrshal! ,r.- -:.: ."lily worse, J. V ll. Watson, one of Raleigh's eld st ei' '. ns died yesterday. At one liint la waa very wealthy. As bill to give Louisburg a whisky dis pensary law Is favorably reported and i:iuw ttlat the sentiment is in favor ol inch law. THE COTTON MARKETS. ' .' ., ." '-".' ' : January 25. uto1 3d Liverpool and New York opened at 'a small decline, and thi changes have been email au.l uninter esting. Uapcu delivery in New. York closes at 7.07 the same us Saturday. fas expected movement this week is 125,00.1 hales, and if these figures are exceeded a slight decline may be ex pected, but the market is thought to lx in a very strong position. Yours truly, J. E. Latham. New York, January 23, 1807. Drab Sir: Wo have the pleasure o! tibmitting for your information the fol- iowlug particulars regarding, cotton: The total visible supply of cotton in the orhl is 131, 179 bales more than last year. hales less than In 1493, and 478,- M9 bales less than in tiM. The amount of cotton that has beer. marked to date la 1,453,101 bales in or. han lat year, 847.031 Dales less than In and 813,409 bales less than in 1801. The exports tills year are 1,413,971 ales more than last year, 820,033 bale m than In 1893, and 823,058 bales mort then la 1384. The price of cotton Is now 0.90 cents leaper than lust year, 1.00 cents dearoi .ban in 1893, and 0.04 cheaper than in eWI for March contracts In Now York Exchange, - The stock In United States forts is 93, Hi bales more than last year, 44, 44 tales more than In 1393, and 3,380 bales nore tlun In 1894. . The amount of cotton marketed from September 1st to January let (fom .oaths), of the cotton rears menllooeo H'low, was f follows: 13U7. ,38!,V!I, IHW, 4,044,220; 1893, ,!Ki,07Si 1804, 8,4flO,0J. . Toe avemgir amount received front iaury let to tho cIom of the Seaaiin ol ue past ten yeare was 3,134.817 bales. Il is reciilve au equal amount from Dow to ne en. I of this season, the total crop foi .-WJ-ITC would be H,491,8S0balos. Hut owing to the earlier Season and r. er m ivemrnt of the crop, our advioes r that shall see a greater falling oli I receipts from this data than in pruri tus ) unit, and It la not probable that wi vlll receive as much cotton from mi mill the en1 of the year as above staled. The staiiatlcttl position of cotton 'irorsblc, and lite price has declined n it rlnlly lli.it 4 1-03 d. for middling up- 4iid In Liverpool and 7 510 eta. in New fork appear cheap, psrlloulsrly as th j(reet bulk of the crop Iias bred market l, end any sdilttlon Uithr supply from the new crop la ImpoHlble for rtgbt month. T.ie i normoiis eiport to Europe 4,00ft, I It h ii . is a siibiUntUI evidence of tl fun ..n ib-ninnd, and nor advlere frnm shroud Jinllfy the belli f that Inro run sumption and nclivc liadeare likely continue. At home, many cotton mills that liavi been idle for a consideraele time,, liavi revived operations, thus increasing tin leinnnd for the raw material, and a bet- r and improving market for coltoi roods can be conii lently expected. For the past three years rigid economy and i limimition in the consumption of manii factored goods lias been practised by tin people nil over the world, and the belie! in a speL'dy return to noi ..nil conditions is not unreasonable. The iiiw year opens with ir.arkcd evi lences of improvement in all the chan nels of business. The enormous balanct if trade in our favor and the mouelan jondilions throughout the country an lecidediv favorable for the beginning ol in era of great activity and prosperity. In I lii ; general improvement, an arlieh like cotton, in universal demand all ovei Uie world, susceptible of easy handling ind attractive to investors and specula tors, must share, especially when Hit uipply is not in excess of the legitimate wauls of the world. Yours very Iruly, Latham, Ai.kx anokis iV Co. THE MARKETS. ('nicAdo, January 2?, oenNisn. . 4.121 CIOSK. lllj 1.10 May Wheat., ilay l!ib. . . . THE ONLY True liloo-l I'uriliei pioiiiiiienily ;-i Ibe public eye to day is Uooil's Sarsiipnrilla. Tbercforc otll.MMi's uml ONLY HOOD:3. New Kerne Thealri' ! 1N SI IVIIIT OWSjY. The World unions iollnst. WILL APPEAR- Wednesday, FeWy :5. sisted by Miss Florence Adler, -Soprano; Miss Flora Pnrsous, l'iunisl. Seats on snle at Waters' doiv. Moniluv .by. 11, Trice 1.110. &0AL! 6.0AL! Wo sell only tho very best quality of While Ash Coal. UGG, SL'OVR AND CHESTNUT SIZES. Orders left at tho yiird, roar ol Hackbiirn it Willetl's 8toi", or ai iHictf, 63 Simth Front slicet, will receive iromnt attention. HOLLlSTKll&COX. Phono 31. Latull for Vliy Tax ch of lOB. Tills is positively the lust time 1 shall uppeul for city taxes. The eily nctdn tin money and the Hoard of Council nie urg ing mo to collect. Longer indulge .ict cannot be given. tyl'ayupand prevent Im ing adver tised with cost added. HI'OII J. LOVK'K, Ian. 24, 1807. City Tax Collector, II. W. NllrirSOtf, uneral l I rector mm lmbaliiier. HI Broadtreet , .l'llONKSI tsTBurlal Hobes a Hneelaltv Farmers. Wo 'bava A FULL LINE of riiows, II lltltOlVN, ClILTIVATOItS, soil all 'oilier Karinlnj Im plomentiatKOCK 110TT0M l'KICES. TO MERCHANTS-Wo can sell yon goods at manufacturers pricie. Ju If. Chitler .V Vo Go to SAM1 CUIIN S SON'S ' K.r Finn Stall Pe.1 IJeif. Nmb, Mutton, I'roh and Corned 1'lg l'.i, ud Veal reery dv, Also live and ilmwd Ttlrkiys. Will l ive plenty lo tupply tlte liwhi 1net Ba-iMge la ihe r'tj tt too. ir pound. HH Middle Nt. HH Jut try a lOo. box of .('uses rets, the fliioxt liver anil bowel reninlorever msdu i i n aouara itcracn Wholesale mid Retail j . ' Are constantly receiving direct from the mill in car load lots C. G. A. VOIGT & CO'S SXOW 1) It I FT, Uest fancy Pat. I'lour. 'A 1. 1. A I.I 1.1. V, Mill Holler Pat. Flour. Ktak, Full I" if. Flour. Ciiitk i:it, (Inoil Family 'lour. Four grades, any of which we guarantee to give pertect satis faction. IS' YOl' arc IKKI OF GOOD FLOUR Dont buy until you examine our stock and get our prices. We also earrv a big K.ocSi of Ihe Best - Groceries tlic market iilToi-il, uml (iiiarautee our pvices to be its Low us anv. (itnil) HTAlltiES FliKI' 3Icl2auicl l lii nail St., New Kerne.' N. C, YOU LIKE TO DEAL AT A Jl lil wlioro tilings look nifio niul cloati; whii ro t'lorks mo polite and obliging; where deliveries nro made on time; above all wliere you ktin you are setting THE BEST In the MARKET AT Tin: That's llio sort of liouso w keep. Call ami ht surn of it. We , have Just Received a Price Ksfla froas MOe. u seoe. Ih. " JOHN DUNN, iflm M9-M Pound 65 &.57,Polloct.St. Sums Hands WITH PERFECT SATISFACTION AT Every Energy is at work that the place where your DOLLAR WILL BUY MOST IN QUALITY, QUANTITY AND SERVICE SHALL BE ii ii ii ii it HftntiR wmw. Special Offering. Arlmekle"? lloasled COFFEE Columbia Bicycle! RIGSA 20c. per Pound F. ULRICH, Grocer, 4!i Middle Street. iio.sk bl. GUANO FOR If you want Guano tor Cash we can supply you with s At Ito.'k 15)(i!i lrieew. J.C.Whitty&Co J. R. Latham. i Craven Si n ci . COTTON IM.AI.KU ANI COMMISSION '.;!!' i! ANT. ('nil i n nie iiir I eniciil. Imm-. Tci ; t.' ui i P.ee, ':! :i ll.ijuauan I Sumie 1 it .V'C li.iic ei t"i. 127 MIDDLE ST. PIIAliXAI'Y 1 llSI( ! VNS HKSt Itll'TlONS I ItKI'AKKII is i Ii KICKS lo miU 1 1 in i- ITHKl -JIKIH KOI! I!0!,ll:vrv ile K r ic'h. ,dd f l)i,!.,r 1'iali Apnlc 1 lllne I'.ili:- S I,', ( IIIM ll I'lll I. I I. IU. in, i'i:'i; i.i m: ! . ChocolatrG BOH tiUilb, ri. pi r p mill. x. xrsx i- Next I.. Pit-1 I't'.n . A Mi rou :l II 1 " A I HWI ', Mi M-.n. Ail. in I,! ill.- :', t :i in- lai-i- ! II iki.u M.ia-l.ild T'.iin.il I ". . I i l :l Ii liarn ll nr.VII Kir-l I S I.i- ii :-. The Allesnud (il'iieeri Ciiiiiiiini. 7 ni.l.llr Siri. l. When You Know where to go for your mk, yon AH iniiii f tl Uml Hint well niinle ch.llies vont no mors limn slinp -eliop woik V emplny only the most thoroughly trained oterutor. We nsa only the best malorial, we charge only living prices. F. ?I. t liadultk. 101 Mt44le.Htrt. The Model 45 1897 IS A I5K.11TY KvcTvone who Ima et-t'ii it Mi8 n is and what evcrvo: e snvs in ns' be How is Your Timz, i I have M'enil Mtn't; s In uml 1 1 'on lianil l'.liAN NKW-whioli I will .sol', for moo jEcih:. WSIAj t. HI 1,1,. A'cnl lor Ciiluiuhia. uml lliiill'iiril Hiryrles. Phono 80. 61 S. Front Street FURNITURE. r V tl 1 II I. .11 V I! It K.I VKI) allot her lini' l . ii I; ui hiiu v I i k I'.i'iI kiiiIII Sllil" I' im v i ink H ill Stand-. Fancy Itock im ( h.iii-.aiid nllii-r I'inc I'lirnilure tun n nun -i i hi -1 1 1 mi ill inn. and W 11 .1. SKI. I. AT Km K I'.ii'I'TON I'll I llil'.S fur I -1 1 in ..a Time tnr t In- Xi-t 10 l)nv. -.i :i- in N.:ikr I'ni'iii fur our tuck. Cull in. I iri::ll, li-I.Hi- IIM'h:iill!: ele- l-'e-jiicllhll.. T. .I.TI'RXKK. NK.V I'iKKNI:. X. U. V7E KEEP S sS K ! 0 III ON M MMK.I!'S Italian im Oi a .lil -:i!l SHJ1 V insMiJii' iu iiiij Ijii ::nli! v. C, Ii Flower Seeds ! 'iitiil".'le A ssorliiicnl sir ST UIM'KIYKIIM v Davis' Pharmacy. t'nl. .I.hiI iii'k Clinch I'.iUain is the Books .An -irsmiel;-n.ili. 4 Stationery ! It 11 SI Ni-mier. I'ellaJI nil. uml Hiiiiiir, ma) alwajs he fit n ml i' I T. V. WATERS'. 105 Middle St. " Snli-ciliil':on r rsived fur all JietV oin ji S iniiii Miil fur sile. Onlris iiikiai for n hiil iiiiiill(. I,4tal Kiaa 'I nil Nuveli. I'ciiclK ims. Inks, vie Roller! TO THK Pt HI ICi I havf runiovnl mjr ifllvi to th ror nrr iif lieoriro anil Pnllitrk strwU. AI IN-rwHia havhiK liinJnem with wilt Mini m at thebov namH ilo tlsiljr fnue I s m. tn I p. m. aad I p. a, unlit sua sH, ltii-tfiilljr, 1 . mix.

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