V it 1 .? U n- . --. y j i ! I ri A t u. iV- "SO,.; I V.. t VOL.' XV NEW SERIES NO. the Model 45 1897 LlACEAtlTY. ... . . , . : Everyone who bat seen .. -r it tayi it is and what -- averon anyi must Jbe COLOIIA BICYCLE HeW is 'Your TimJtrtTTXi.t!; 1 directors ol the Atlantic N. 0. Railway ' .- I haveJI sveral liocVi . 40 and 44 Ion '.baud . ' " BB AN NBW-which - . I will suit for .oso'.sicsl . Agent for Columbia, and Hartford Bicyclr, ltM tft. 61 S. front otreot . 127 MIDDLE ST. I Physclan Prescriptions Carefully Prepared At Prices to suit the times. Br A oholo selection of Per- fgOMl and Toilet Articles. GUANO you GUSH! If youjwant Guano tor Cash we can supply you with " XXock Bottom -M.SWiaVV:' J,C.UhittyJ&ICo Farmers: "; ift hart A PULL LINK of Pjwrtvs, iiinnoTW, t-V dJMIVATOBSI, Slid all other Farming Im plemenUatllOCK BOTTOM TO MEICMAXTS-We can sell ' . goods at ssanufacturers priivs. yon I II Cutler & Co, I Ik. AlmoTu's Mince Moat. ' 1 " ArbucUe'e Cuffee. ' i Cane large else Baklns; Howdar, I f Blsjwtiwd iOmstoea, I " " Corn. ' ' IIBaaOnod Soap. . prAU Flrst-ohus Uoods. ; rh Allegeed Vrweery Ceoay, a aiMau teoos. 11 1 I n e 5 Stationary ! , 14TrT 'swifapera, FeHedU . eali ml asmet, sts atwaya ., le fi l st TVW, 'WATERS', lCjJlidJbCt. r ' I I i '! j f f-.r ,!e. V t I x I..' . t ! I Hal rails 188. CRIW5 EiemwiYi ROBT. HANCOCK INTRODUCES IMPORTANT BILLS T rmtt Veto out atoUce O A. .... Wtleos ! tfUTeroBt to Majority' Aetlea. Hot fweelal. Baliiqh, N. G, January 28. Robert I Hancock Introduced a bill to allow Craveu county people to rote on the bridge question, also a bill which he says in placing that road under the control of the chairman of the Finance committee. The bill introduced orovide that if the State's proxy, or Director do, or fall to'do, various things, the Governor shall appoint others, and the latter shall elect i tle President, to whom the offlco musl (uniiKj over unaer a thousand dollar? penalty, or six months imprisonment. The Republicans say that, they don'! ; cave one cent about me action oi m oiajorlty Populists in severing all co- .iporation with them, and that ten or fif i ieeu of the PopuUts majority will not tut will) the caucus. Senator Butlei's puper says, ''We will he d d if the Populate ami niggers can ver co-operate in North Carolina, and he United State." Senator Pritchard says the Republican party will in two years absorb all the Populists worth having. The Populist bolters say that they In- cud to vote as Independents. TelOK repta Jtema. The lower branch of (be Washington Itate Legislature has passed a bill to jrohibit the manufacturer or sale of dgarettes within that State. r The twenty-second national conven. .ion of the Railway Mail Service Benev ilent Association will be held in Sao Francisco during the week of March 15. The boot and Bhoe departments of thi Joodyear India Rubber Company a' Xaugaluck, Conn., will suspend opera- Ions indefinitely. Eight hundred hand are thrown out of work. The jury in tbe ease of Jacob Klen, oi trial In Brooklyn lor arson, reported a llsagreement after having been out nine veen hours. Klen's counsel will mov 'or hi discbarge, John Van Boot the Methodist preachei f Oswego, N. T., who pleaded guilty tr in Indictment for felony, was sentenced o Onondaga county penitentiary foi Mgliteen oiontnt. Certain large stookiiolders of the Met ropoUtan Traction Company, of New fork, acting as individuals and not foi (he company, have purchased control ot the Second avenn surfaoa Una in tha niy. .- ; Judge J. Fowers, of Leadville, Col. 'tas been enjoined by the Colorado Su preme court from presiding at the tnai jf the Leadrllla strikers, charged with Of prejudice, Mrs. Gertrude Crei'ior. who. on Del somber M, kUled Charlea Anderson, col- ored. her lover, at BlaomBold. N. J pleaded guilty to murder in the second ' 1 . dense. Bhe su rrmtndsd for senUiioe. r.. r.- nv. i.... eared the signatures of a number of wholesale bouses to telegrams addretaed Congressman to Tan Horn and the mem hers of Congress, protesting against the passage of the aati-ecalplng bill. Owing to the aUlke of 3S0 broad silk weavers in the Phis ail Hanufaetnrine Mills at Patcrton, M. J., the other em ployee of the mills were unable to go u I work. Sis hundred and fifty bands an out ot employment and the mills are closed. Fire destroyed one of the Island Coal Company's houses at Lincoln, Jud,., to gether with everything belonging to the family. Two children, aged respectively one and three years who bad been left I n'on ,B th nou"9 b' molheri wcn i onrneo to nonin. - - An explosion la the Smock mine of Qunt A Co., TJnlontown, Pa., killed two miuers and injured seven others, three of whom will dlu. Tbe dead are Peter Hottwr and Charles McQ'iister. The ex. ploklon was caused by the liberation of a pocket of gas during blasting operations. The Southern Uwlding and Loan At aocuuion, the largest In the world, lo cated at Knoivllle.Tenn., baa gone Into tbe hands of a receiver. 1 A Bubreme court decietoa advene to the tu Uresis of eurh aeeecUUoM was the cause. Meverei liter eeaeciatioBS In laoiville ara also in th band! of receivers. A tract pf land eoaUlauig 13 oore ha been bought en faint Losna, At i Diego, Cel., vpos which H $ said, the beaduuartors of the Amerlooa Taso- sopblcal Boolety wiU be leoated. R. B Rsatho was th parcbaeer and 111,000 was the prk paid. ,. . battle near Browasvtlle, Ky., bo . - J r f o.mI w.iL. . , - ScsLfcgeandUtlMeScagg on on side. and 0. W. liaacllp, Alfou Hacellp, hie n, o the other, O. W. Haaslip was hot lo the rrola aad Alfonso in th breast. Natlion Soaggs a V4 In he aooulder sail a by-ouuitlrr If) anna. The two IiMHlips will die. Th tnmbta occurred evtr allered ! (rural of Carrl- ert sitter hy AlfonM ffusnlip.- ttd iliroiB I sr ' i ire Ilmiuo i .IhIb T' ' ' ' i t ' 1 t' t .ii'jr if U i NEW BERNE, N. Highest of all in Leavening Strength. Latest U. S. Gov't fteptft, ABSOLUTELY PUDd MEW MIKING PLANP. NORTH CAROLINA PROPERT? bought;by capitalists. Spencer Estate ! Ban1liti Co. Mole toSoston Peoplo. Experliucnlnl rinnt to Ike Bnllt at:nre. Sueolal BoiTOif, Mass, January 28. Emery Tucker, one of the largest banking linns in Boston have recently beco ne interv!"'- id in a piece of property in Kaniloijit :ounty whivit will dimlillrss provi' (rent bonanzt for tho Sti.to an r.uil n thU progressive flrui. Il in tlic 8)encn "niiiing cst:ite. fliey sent evfi.TU Hut '.0 examine and report. T.n-ir r"-or- jjav well !io imoviuetl, lor vi rd iv 1 1 xder foi,,y.i1d,v.l i l-'raz-r Cliul- .ners, the C;iie?- in'n'i :tvi.' m f t i jsperinwntai l.iTt - itii in.i.iji' i-. :V tout per day. li 'Vil hi ui;v s t -niv tud UtorwMChly duiaonstrtte i!ic oh-i: er and yield ot tiie ore body, it id a -hesitate the cxpemiiture of many tuoua nd dollars but Uipy have, twu crnn Jence in its future. Several months ago this pi.-ipn ty v: brougntto the attention i t the tint, f, lowing which was a quiet investigation ith the nbfye result, T.Klay I sua uunplesof the ore. Experts prouounrt it phenomenal. The ore carries both gold und silver i, proportion of to 8 the greater quan ity being gold. The question of Jtrcat nent is of great importance so a lo hqu both silver and gold. If the demonstrative run of Ihirly day proves a success, the mine will be dulj ' established with the largest plant, of th- tind in the South. It will be luted upoi. the Boston Stock Exchange of which Emory 4 Tucker are members, wbiu'. will enable them to command all the capital desired. II. M. Q. nailers, ktese; eal. London The German bark Antarcs. Captain R.ih len, which has arrived a: iarslen from Wilmington, N. Cbroughi to port four of t!to crew ot the Gorman jark OUiiburjormeuter Yon Winter, Captain Marohn, which sailed from New port December 19 for Trinidad. Tho mer were picked np on January 10 in latitude (8 degrees North, longitude $9 degreea West, where they had abandoned their vessel with tho remainder of the crow on January 7, she beiu in a sinking condi tion at that time. Tbe captain and otbei members of the crew of the abandoned I ship are missing I Btritlvh eoldboga Losoo-The members of tho Uou of Commons, who are in favor of a go'd I standard currency, met and re-elect" i .. ... I Sir John Lubbork chalcm in or tlieir or I ranbuUloa. It Is announced that thr I members who ravor oimetaii do no. intend to take any action during lh present session of Parliament. To Bloefcaotet'harloktoa. WattiMTO, D. C Admiral Bunoe't squadron of evolution is timed to leavi ttsmpton Hon Is early neat week for twi weeks' blockade drill off Clmric-itn, S. C The fleet is expected to return to Hampton lioada February In! The count defense vessels Terror and Puritan and the cruiser Marblehead are nnlere I t join the squadron. HOOD'S Sarsi.parilla has ovcrnnd over sgnin tirivcd by its cm-cs, when all other prepnrntlnnt failed, that it la the una True BLOO D ruruior. CHAS. B. HILL, NEW BCRSLV . C Bagging and Ties, Feed, Oats, Corn, Wheat; Bra.a Douce. I aort oil uotia 0 rosa at Lri moea. THB LARQE5T Hay Dealer la Nw Brna. . Speela) Rales ta Mill and Timber aeea, In ,. ... n ... . J .rT'TZ lalry. Seei Rye. UrOrden by asall or Telegraph, wll iriv prompt attaotloa. , . Why suffcr With Coughs, OoHa, and r.tOnppe, when LalATlva Raokto gmNitsawlll ture Jo ia one day, I 4 prwlore th rint(inf m the be4 like H.u'ph.te of Qnlnh). iut Bp' hi tablets ( oi,vrnirDi t, ttklng. Ouonatard tornrr or moiwv nfiiwWl. Price 23 touts, for i t 1 t ilium's 1'baraiacy, tad all r I : t ;..r., . 0 FRIDAY MORNING. JANUARY 29, 1897. 3Sew Berno Theatre ! ONE NIGHT ONLY. ( The World IIIMIIIIlll J E.'AMkko will arrun WcilneMilay, Feb'y' 3. Assisted by Miss Florence Adlcr, Soprano; Mits Flora Parsons, Pianist, c-,itn nti sale at Waters' store, Monday Vby. 1st, Price 1.00. Go to mi CuBN & SON'S r..r Fine" Stall: Fed UeT, I.uriib, Mutton, (Fresh and Corned Pig Pork, and Veal i very day. Also Ijva and ilresncrt Turkeys. Will liave xilenty lo supply the tude l inc't S.tussge lo the city et 10iS. pef pound. 83 Middle HU 89 For Girls, . 'Perm of the Fifty iftlt echool 8tl, IS!)?. tr will begin Jannarj J-" TiHifonh inntrnotioa gtren i every ilcpattuieut. CeriiCcatw admitt to Vasiar, HEV. B. SMEDES, A. M. ForC QTJGHS, Olds, roup, Col, Jordan Cough Balttat. 'Frog in Your Throatr Jjaxative Bromo Quinine, DufJt'i Group Syrup. Davis' Pharmacy. Iitutt Call for City Tax- en of 18&6. This is positively h last tin 1 shaU appeal foi city taxes, The eity seeds ths money and the Board of Council are urg. iug ine to collect. Longer Indulgence cannot he lven. tyPnyupand prevent bting advet' ti i d with cost aide 1. HUGH J. LOVICK, Jan. 24, 1SU7. Oty Tax Collector, 12. W. PilMPSOX, a'tir.ci'iil Director and Embalmcr. lis Broadtreet T HOXI S4 vr Burial Bebes a f veetaltv m ESTATE AGENCY. Two lo' wire told by as Wet week,ay ca-di down. Others hsve been plac d la our bends which ceo br perchastd for kiw fiar wkea srroaipsakd by the cash. leaser u lor liest possible terms. rCHcwIug, sud celltctlun of na'a pec laity. I. E. HARPI . Viar PcsiOffcj. One TUouHtind Tor One (I KAIU MASK.) AoaitthT Ttoxm The Inter-State Casaa Cempaar, f Kaw Tark, gives TUREE MONTH'S lasaraaee $1,000 for $1.00, to men orwamea, eotween II anil SO yiars ot ae,aeoloat taka) eveet Aiinnii a-roos, or o Bwyufi llnriiiiW. mm, Uoraa art. ttallroa Ca4 ' kievatMt. brLdini. 'lnIHiv a4 lllo Lan uniiiiit,Biiiai)oaia and out Verrio rwaoierv K. II. Rtroet. For Itent or Ica, The whole or any ptrt of a 490 an, FARM, la a deelrabl loratloav, wk!e a.r Trucking, Cotton, aad Trce. I) miles frosa New Bore, a Treat Boa eztendt la Trent rivet. Tj kiS at4 parucolara,applyl ' V'UOINU HARJUSOS, V K.w Bt, Ks;n,ir. (a, 1 SLMarys School, Just Received A CH-'Iv LOT OP fttafer'ft HAMS Small lot North Carolina llama (small sizes). Also shipment of those la ge Hams which we cut at 1? cts. per pound. HAYS mm LOT OF Roasted Coffee, 90c., 88o., and 30c cent Z per pen-d. Ground to order. Ogr Antarlo prpr4 Buokwhoat and oar Kl in Oreamerj Butter U the Jitt qu tU market. W bar a Full and Com plete Stock of GltOCKRIIS a all kinds and- guaraa Ue pr.oei and quality, igtT Give ui a trial Wore making; your purcliaies. Jieapectfully, tl Broad St.. M e l.r.s, X, t. YOU LIES TO DEAL AT A I when thlags look nice and clean; where Clerks are polite and obligiag ; wher deliveries are made on Hate; above nil where you know jou are getting THE BEST In the MARKET AT THE FAIHXT PMCEft That'i the sort at bona v keep. Call and b aur ol It. We have Just Received a Prtee Baag lag fraia. toltclk, --LalyaWi lfj ' m. JOHH DUNN - 55 6 67 roilock Ot II HAMS 8 CENTS POUND F. ULRICHS. WE KEEP SASSERXO PICON A XAEKItl Italian Dli?e Oil. Ami CUR Mttaspl famlllef Lat nny qnimtity. C. D. BRADHAM J. E. Latham, 3 Craven Street. CtTTOX D CALEB A Kit rOMMISSIOM BKRt HANt. C I tn me fjr Ceroeut L:ni. T-m O.tt. Piie. Cotton lluociiw tuj I IK.. B ir-i tor SOOThales eoitu FRKSII LINK of Chocolates aad Bon Bons. JUST BKCEIVK1). The Finest in the eifjr at -It v. per pound. W. NMX A CO. X it to Po t 0ce. WE BT1LL 1,KAI IN LOW PBICKM. HATE JI'ftT BkCmttt ui fine ttock of fancy l . IV l-nn Niiif. Fanrv Onk Hall Stan !. t'ncv Roi k ing Chsirs.and other Flue rNiiBimt, t.w numrrnuH to mention, aoil WII.I. rtf.lA AT HOCK BOTTOi Kllit;BB f. t'aih or on Time for the Xmi JU paw so : t to make room for uui .i.k-V ( rnl anil examine before purctuwiat i-U. where. ) soectfoll , T. Y. TU HIV KM. KXVT BfittNK. K. V. When (s You Know where to go for your i'k, ytm and that wall made clothe wn no mora than shop -shop work. We employ only th most thoroughly trained operator. We nsa only th beat aaaieriel, w ehrg only living price. F. IX. Chaolwlck. 11 Bleat Btft. Can got free of charge a booh s Ww tcCotlUvasa, eare aad hood) bright t boose by applying to. O. A. Bartoot, oUook etsoea - ! v i KTABLTOO im- 1 ti ti pnrjHEN EST 1 ft I iKtnc O- m m inyg KORTfifBS l?ou. will ne.ee8arily spend' much time in the house and doubt less will preoare thse A.iry, Fairy Creations suitable for the com ing Spring Sunshine. We have a FEAST for BEAUTY LOVERS. NEW Embroidories In Endless Variety. St. Gall Seldom sends more Dainty Beauties across the water. 3 Cents to 75 Cents. atlr (ualwi-ietltl v f Zw'ts! HDur Heavy ALL WOOL BLANKETS At $3.oo AMI BEAUTIFUL COMFORTS At $1 so. Will Surely Bring- SLEEP, SWEET SLEEP. ICHI. II n mm

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