ri NEW BERNE, N. C, SUNDAY, MORNING. JANUARY :'XlSX. YOL XV-NEW SERIES NO. 180. K8TAB1JSHEJJ . 6 v. r-v"i. It not the name Columbia that . mnkeH ".Bicycle k . the THE BEST Its the machine itself -Its EuPEftioa Construction, v The same (imply shown yon are getting tbt genuine article. , . Only one place you can get them In New Berne The COLUMBIA Agency wiix T.riiiiiirf, - v" AGENT, ; ; Paone 8P. ' CI S- front Street. SOLD ON EASY PAYMFNTS. - 127 MIDDLE ST. Physelans Prescript ion m Carefolly Prepared At Prices to suit the times, tWA choice selection of Per fumes and Toilet Articles. (sfciANQ FOB If yaujwant Guano tor Cash . we can supply you with . T At Bock Bottom hiaU.li Prices- J. C. Whitty&Co Farmers. '" W have A FULL LINE of pinvs, HARROWS, - CCIsTIVATORS, nd all other Farming Ira. pk mentsat BOCK BOTTOM FBICES. TO HIBCHANTS-Ws can sail yon goods at manufacturers prices,' Is. II. Cutler Co. 8 ll. Atmore's Mine Meat. ' f 1 " Arbackle's Ooffta. . ). S tans largs site Baking Powder, t " buadard Tomstoes. 8 " ' -- " Corn. .. . . IS Bars Good Soap. t7All FiMUclui Uoodt. Tas Allsfoai rorf Compaay, va Miaau airt. Stationery! UT1SI Newspapers, Perladl. f sflsnd larasiars, ma) always pafennat T. W, WATERS'. 105 Middle St. I T Adwrl)t'.uni rw eivd for all isrl. C : Si tiuo.1 suppbns for mlr. Unlets ' a f'ot a ho il sni jdUi. Ijint f-'isn- " A .-'. Pi llrlls, J, llikx, CIC, cash Old Sellable Brauds FOB 11.25 Cftsli. Booh i THE STATE CAPITAL Majority Populists Goii Ovei ' to Minority. Biitlor Is Beaten. Legal Day's La bur Bill, lodge Norwood out or Slffht. Drnnken Republican Legislator. N. C. B. B. JOURNAL BUREAU, I lUl.KlUH. N. C. Juuuarv 30. ( Just as was predicted, tho boilers or jninoritv Pomilists will co-operate with lie Republicans on all legislation. Their chairman says they were elected with tRIs end in view. Today one of their .nembers, representative Brown of Jones county, said: "That is correct. t That has oeen our purpose and determination all thd while," A Democrat remuikcd that his party uad abandoned all hope of being able tp aievent vicious legislation. It had been ;ho hopo that the "matter could be checked in the Senate, Hjut that ends lince D. Beid Parker yesterday renewed .lis allegiance to the bolters. Senator (Jraut remarked this morning: 'Our ranks are filling all the time.'' By ,his lie meant that Populists who have .lcretofore been voting or. pretendiug to ict with the Populist majority were coming over to the minority, which .eally means falling in lino with the Re publicans. So far as matters stand today Senatoi Butler is absolutely whipped. The mat ier now goes before the Populists of tin itate and it remains to be seen w helliei ;lioy will support the majority or the .niaority Populists. That now comes to k an issue. It has beeu known all the while thai uicli Populists as speaker Hilemaii anfc lames M. Mewborno were dominated by republican influences. The Butler Pop itiiU BUHpecled it, now tliey know it L'liese majority Populists certainly hat. to confess themselves beaten. The discussion before committee Feb. I, of the bill to make 10 hours a lega lav's labor in factories will be in 6 resting. Many factory men will In here. Two years ago petitions came ii from operatives urging that no legulliiiii t fixed. It was contended by the per toiB proiuotiug the bill that these peti tions were signed under duress. Mil nen say the operatives do not waul tin legislature to tinker with tins mutter. Congressmen Skinner, with yellow jacket and peacock feather, will arrivi nere tomorrow, and will of course rejoic. it lu victory over Butler. He will now ue formally put up by the tolling Topu .istsas the head, of the .Populist part) in tills State, in accordance wllh instruc tions and suggestions from Senatoi Prltchard. It is 8 hard mailer to Una Ju le iNor wood, who Is to bo impeached if he doet jot quickly resign. His nephew who is i member of the legislature, yesterday, cleitraolied to 8 places in an endeavor t dud Idm anil get him to resign. He wa, looked for here, but did not arrive. Hi as drunk somewhere. The Kcpuhlicam are iutensely unsious for him to resisii, though the resolutions of imiechinenl lie already introduced. The jail at Kuyetteville is being wel; guarded to aave Archie Youn:;, tolorei from a potsible lynching. Young i charged with two eases of rape and Ihl week murdered his mother with an ate. One of the Republican members of tin .egUlaturc has been constantly drunl dnce the night afier Senator Pritrliard'i re-election, and last night and today hai. Jellrium tsenieas. Ths bill to annual the lease of tin North Carolina railway contains a provis ton intended to absolutely prevent snj sralleliug of that road, HataJa. Col. Zabalza, with bis col umn, left Ban Jose do las as, in tht Provlnoe of Havana, for the purpoie oi making a reconnoiosance. In the Chavei Uills the column met the combined rebel parties of Castillo and other leaders, who fcelred tha troops with a heavy tirs 'ol musketry. The rubuls then deployed, and the positions they took cut off the retreat ot the troons. Col. Z Uialza ordered a cavalry charge, which lb rebels resisted with remark tblestreugth, but they were dually driv en away, k-avinf on the field llilrty-iilm of their dead, all of whom bad beeu kill hy the iirachetesspf the cavalry. Tli j-oopi had six men wounded. ... Cam, Uen. Weyler, according to tin last report of hi movement!, u at Caliul ud, uear the Hunsbana hirer, on iht js.nler of Uie Uslautos and Hants Clara Provinces. TIII USS AI'IILS u sir fake Lalle ilromo Quiuine Tnblct ill druggists refund the monsj if It tail o care, lie '.. s TUB COTTON MARKETS. v J an a at? 80. Al.Tiloi'OM Liverpool declined $-64d 10- day, Mason delivery Iu New York cloteJ at T oa, lbs eame as yunterdiiy. , ' THtst is nothing new lo mention, Nsw Bsaas market .S5. . - Yors truly, J. E. Unit. Tilt MA UK ITS. Ciiioaoo, Janimry 8'.l. ornsiNO. oioss. MiyWhrat. .. 7 ' .Hay Kill. A0J i.Ui, Highest of all in Leavening Stre. gth. AB&OLLUTELY PUKE DECLINE IN FAILURES. BrMtstr ?-!' Weekly Meporl. Weather tttrcUs Basinesi. Clooil Nnle ol KHtlipru rornaee. - Nfvt Yoek, January 30 Bradstrect in its weekly trade review, says: There has beeu a falling off in geiieriil trade owini to the heavy fall of snow and cold weather. There is a moderate increase in distribution of heavy wiutei nods, but commercial travelers very generally report buyers are even more conservative than earlier in the month md that wholesale trading in January, cept. in lines specified, is smaller than for years. Mercantile collections are in terrupted, and the improvement looked cor iu iron and steel is not in sight. The most favorable feature of the bus iness week is the sudden and sharp fall ing olf in tlie total number of business j failures in the United States, the uggre- ;ate being 3'Jti as compared with 4:29 last .veek. a decrease of 103, when compared vith the corresponding week of IWHJ.thb .veek falling olf is B7. There have been increased sales ol lilies and leather, in some instance? ol dioes, of coal, fertilizers and Snulucri )ig iron lor export. At Boston. Charles un. Calveston, and San Francisco, then ire moderate gains iu trade compared vith last week. The feature of the Pa rillc coast business situation continues- 0 be the relatively large proportion ol 'oreigu IViide. Kastern and Middle Mali nm and steel industries are in an un ntisfyiug eondilion, but Southern fur laces aunonnees fully l?,lt()0 sold for ex-)ort- with Itussia in the inarlirl a-:i v on Id-be buyer. The heavy business in raw wmd with n a fortnight tontines, and there is stil1 iu active demand. Men s wear, woolens 1 '.ivy weights for next fall, ar,- attract n- attention, and good orders have beei i.vjked. ('otton goods continu e de-res. ied, notwithstanding efforts lo relievi he situation by reducing heavy stock if oi-iuts on hand, - Bank clearings at cities ihioughoui lio United Stales show n sharp fulliiiv ill' from lust week, about 8 per cent. .hot in increase of 7 per Cent, couip ireil with he eorrcspondinjr total one year ago. The downward movement Of prices fol onic of the more Important "tallies con iuues couspicuous, notably for flom i-heat, oats, lard, coffee, pelrol-iini, tor if.-ntiue, and tin plate. Quuttttiiiii f--i n lian cniii. pork, suar, cotion. ami uiul cloths are practically iiui-littiigcl. :onceSsions have been made 111 pric" or iron and st-vl, yet iplotdl lous ar. lominslly iinchatigcd. Urneuaboro Ciilmul Itown. C.UBBNhll.Ht i, X.O. Tin- city now feel nsler over the smallpox- scare since J tamsay Nevitl, M. I)., small p. cnnnil int, of Washington. Ii, I'., has slid lha lie patient only has chicken-pox. Dr. SeviltiMine an I at once exainineO ie imlieiil and issued a card lo the pot. ic staling that it Is a complicated case o hicken-pox, and common ! ill:- county ihysician for the course ;tie pursued in ho mnt tor. The Denbow Hotel has reop -n--d. n m he scare is over. T Bellevn Wr)lei- Parllnllj . MaukIO A rep.iri Is in i ircuhilioii icre that (ieu. Azc irra ;a, minister ol ir. t liT n. inU' I t Jo'a ' 1 'r-1'-" if Cuba, Jin Ithil Oenor.il Weyler. tin ireserit governor-general. Is to be re slued ks coiiimander-iii-cliicf of tin roops. It Is also stated thai it has been lecided to make some changes In tin nlulstry by which Senor Castellan-is nlnister of the colonies, and Sw-iior Cos Jayou minister of the interior, will re. .ire, und ba replace I respectively by Jenors Suuloi Unzman and Itobledo. r abollak Ticket Broker. WianiNnnnf. D. C Renresentat iv Jllett mtde s strong appeal to the Coin olltee on Interstate and Foreign Coin neroe for s hearing on tli.i bill which, ll jaseed. will abolish the ofucos of tin lekut brokers of the country. Mr. Ellctt Ud not appear as attorury fur any one. Hit simply asked for justice and fall treatment of the men now engaged In -,he busine". the Iravell.ig public, and lastly the small railroad coinp uilci. win .njst suffer by theabolUlinuint of tin lireaent system. Nw YOHK, Oen. Thomas Estrada Palms laid, when aaked about Spaln't proposed home rule measure ror oiioa: I can add nntliinn to what 1 have said repeatedly, The Cubans will fight to the liut niso for slieulute IndoDendooca. Sivee liiiiri WaaIIINutos. A North Carolina dele ration, beaded br Senator Prltchurd, I will an to Canton this week to present the name of Colonel James K. Boyd for i a Cabinet appointment, Amouc lbs eseoutlve documents sent W Congress a coiiimunlcstlnn from, the decreturv of llie Interior reunealing an sntiroiirlntloa for the relm-hurssmcjit ol the eatate of 'olonrl Paul Flon, lain Indian imueoior. in the aum of CVilonnl Faiion. who was a native i t North. Carolina, died while In the - I - atest U. S. GoVt Rep taking Powder charge Jof his duty at fliawne-, in lb Territory of Oklahonia, ilit- feiuiiv the Secretary's letter is the he.iiilitu tribute paid to Colonel l'aison b. Spi-i Agent OglesKy. who was his coni.iino during his last illness, and ntnr hi d.-alh aeeoinpiuiied bis remain to l!;d ei.;h. N. (',, when- they were in eiied. Another conimuuicalion from ibc e, relary of the Treasury trans nuicd draft of a bill convoying for Hi -.nsii iiation of one dollar aud the fu .uc ot nderntiou of about three acres ot lain' the old sin-of the Hog Islau I l.lglr Iiiiiise. This is simply a tiansf i toll Gloveriinient of the new Mlc of .ie- H( Island Light-house. RICH RED BLOOD i- tlcf-mi dalion of uooil iie.ill'n. That is wb; IlooiVs fNii-iiNirilia. the hie Tru Blood I'm-iiler, tfives HEALTH. FOR RENT: Dwelling, South Front et . " llancoek " Kast From Johnston Johnston I'ollncli tieorpe Craven Hern Uroa.l liast Fr.iiil Thn-e good ruoins lieore ' Two ijood rooms ,olin.-.toii " due Largo Storage llnu-e. t :ic itoo.l Dtlice. Doe I 'heap Ti-m nient. FOI! S.M.K: lloiii-e and Lot (leorge S i, I lon-e and lot F.ast J-'ront s n llrois" and lot Johostoii -.(r.'et. House ::nt hit Johie-lou rlreet. House :i,i,l .,t liroa.l struct. House and lot Broad slreei. House and loi Ivleii lieet. Ilon-e and lot Middle iree , FariM-, in Craven and adjoiui i ;- ' es, and cheap Building l."ls . :ity. K. 1'. 1! V i NV-ar I'o t tlhi-t.. L". Xew Brno Tiicatrv! WlU. .VIU'liAU lVoilijk.iSa.v, BV!v Insisted by Mi-.- l'lnl, le e V n r, Soprano: Miss Flora l'ar-o , .. , .: ni ;'. Seats no side at Waters' -1-i- . "i n .. .-'eliy. Price -- Loo. lAjqjc "i'(; ;i;:r! Ii I '..I.. I.'t , I. V.l !, I". l ie .. .. . I l: os 1 1 !:--, Iti o'., i. .: . I' lcn I' , -, I"- ml '.'-'i ,'ip I'l. i , lii.- ! -11:- Cul.e V ii-, 1" ft: Pots. AO, l" ?t Tia Kttlles Clnnp. Wi!-ou mid Haiy Kine Healers, at roisii'.s. PorC 0UGI1S, OLDS. ROUP.s Col. Jorilmi (anijili l!ul-sir. "Fiog iu Your Tliroat'r" Laxative l'roino tjuiiiine. Dulli's ( roup Syrup, Davis' FMiarmacy, Foi licnt or Is misc. The whole or any pi rt of i 4ft an. FARM, Iu a d.slr.ible locilloa. sultdlr for Trucking, Cottor, sal lo o-o. ,U miles from New Rerne. on T.ent I'os ', citendt to Trent river. For urns sod psrtirnUrs, apply to MI18. VIBOINIA UAP'Ib'ON,. 17 New 81, NeiB rr.,N.l. GREAT 8ALE9 V in-ilt of HimmI's Bnrsaparllla. Hood's baraaimrilla aidla lieaiip ii tooou.pllslic CHEAT CURES. . ' Teila nasi fremerrasr. ftpe-yl Hale Urge glaa pllcliers, fancy iliibw.Jsujrar howls, Celery stuudn, ulUe dlsliea. salvers, eto. worth ft ,m II to 8V. of I each, tuday, chotoe to. esoU. Darfoot's. dia. Histcrica Entertainment I i l "tV Mi-" Jssh'isil, - A 1 My !r:. !!. V. Ii-)!:. ll,e l.'i i o i i'.i ! i ! i j.'.i-i I. ',. -. titlll'V ( d ii iu, s I" o AI'cgoriiMl !',' .' urt'i M inik .-n ' '.'in' : -i :, l. i' I'lltl'Vl- I',' .' I' '. I II! s, Thuju'lst.', V S-Vfau.v i 'n lee Ail : K I' 1 I ' K K'n .1 I'iM::;an i: i;Cii. A 5 ?B tl ;'4.- ii.'i J I'll k. ! - II ' till, w i' 'sc.ll tr.i . I, ,. f i ..: lasliiii'-: 'in-,:, . .. . t li i-l i.j,,-;,.-VlolblaV in n ,,:.i - '.' - M 1'. YOU LIKE TO DEAL' J-.--,--i, yy lii-re Millies look' nice a; '1 dean ; here t L ! A s a re polire and .!i i-iiik; lice delivei les ire ill l ie .11 ' i no ; u'ioVh all ie'.' n 1-. no ii y.oi :n- I Hi: j, HIE BEST In the MARKET AT THK rinsti.sTi n:i( i s Tlmt's the -orl of house we keep. Call and be sure of it. We have Just Received a . Prlre Ksnrlss from 'Kir. teSOe. Ik. I ti : HI rnn He I i V f AT A ;mra irsF. JOHN DUNN. I SB & 57 Pollock St. Ihams 8 CENTS POUND 1 WE KEEP SSSi:i!N0 I'iCON .V MAI Ml ICS klian Ota Oil lsi! i-iiii mi;i) v (aitiilioK In nvy C. I). ilRMlllA' A-iry, Fairy Creations J. K. LA I IIAM,Uiutablo for the com- i ." I 'ray en ! ie-1. iillTKiS (ll ll.ll: IMI ' ( M IssKIN II I lit II IM, Ci:! in- . -i I rlinMt. I , ii,e. T :M: . I'- r Cill" l,,u,n- .in i I . -.-e '"f "iO'i ImIi-.. i i. iM, a i'!;i:sii i.im: ni- Chocolates Bon Bons, .irT ur.ci'.i i i1- ri'f Till, -St ill the v:it at I" I lll-tll..l. . vi I,. I ,. i !!... ! SAW VMVKH, 1 i j ue. ( l,:m ..and ..I l.i r i hi. i ihoi,..i. i . ni. i., in, i,i.,, ii,i y ll I. -I.I I A I 1(1). 'h lllil'lil y FU. till.- i.-i j ( . h oi o i Tune ..i Hi- N. yi I" li.i j s to make ro'iiii o.i .-m t-.. i :e i - 1 exiimiui b--f,.re a.-:. .-' - - . :-. yy here, e-iiecllull , T..I.TlTltNKIC. x KV HKItNK. . C. fe'-sJmiMisaf' " When You Know where to K for .v,,llf w0 ,0" i 1 1 1 lluil well iiiinle i-lolhes cut In. .1, ue tli, in simp -sliop work. Wi nplo) only tl to in ni thoroughly ruineil uieraloi s, We ne onl y I lie e-t material, we rliure only tiling "lice. . V. n.VhntlwU'h. IA1 Jllddle Street. t Ikaa lalerle In Tabairrav, (' Ii'l free of charfe a ImhiW on In cultivate, cure and handle bright 1 hacrfl hy applying to U. A. itarfoot, Pullova atreat n ll H ii h liUlNDS0- You will necessarily j spend much time in jtlie house :nd doubt- i i less will prepare these in;;; Spring Sunshine. We have a FEAST for BLAUTY LOVERS. NEW ifflbroideriei hi Endless Variety. 'St. Gall Seldom sends iioro Dainty lieauties Aero?, tho water. 3 Cents to 75 Cents. Ki - i si v v Ou ' 1 o iv; ALL WOOL J BLANKETS At $.i.oo. A 1 BEAUTIFUL COMFORTS At 5I.S-. Will Siu-ely liriug SLEEP, MTiro nnin SWEET SLEEP. HICEBIN how In j H H H ' II H . H 4 1 1 a TBT