COACHING. LA TV ntuloul trumpet' blest, 'i ue euund of laughter asy, 3 ueo wurd to atari te passtid. Aiid tii taliyha roUs away, Oat at the cttj'e street, Vw Irum the nolsjr throng, lute tb ooiutriMBreet 4 . it ramble 7'7 along - Ce tlM sool irwn bill - And down through tM wooled Galea, Tncnat with daffodils And Toad with csllliif quails. ' -Sappy each Jouthful faes, t ' lUn; the mirthful wits. And, lo, Id tbe footman's plaoe Trumpeter Cupid sits I Arthur Grteaom to Now York Tribune, .i - -V .A FIGHT WITH A LYNX. Kale of "Arable Night. Tbe late Sir Richard Barton's trans lation of the "Arabian Kigbti" wl old out iu teu days and brought 80,-OOOi-apou which he and his wife lived royally for rive yean. At bis tleatn dm $3 remained'f the som; and Ladv Bar ton deposited it in the poorboz of her chnrcb. - the eye of a fly is so constructed as to brius tbe entire horizon within his cir cle of observation, a fact which explains the extreme alertness of these iuseots in escaping attack. The ooldeurod. which was advoeatad some time ago as the national flower of the United States, is emblematic or en conragement, 1 ' ' - -. : ' The. .following quotations rfpiescnt Wholtwle Prices generally. In making up smiilt orders higher prices have to be chiu'ged. ' lIAXM-ifMb- SilgHr Cured, 11 North Carolina,.... . 8 SHOuLDERQ-f lb . Sugar Cnrcd OJ s?bn Venr Bad Desperate Struggle With . Ssmge Bobcat. .. t - She ugliest appearing animal that walked a log, killed a rabbit or . fought a trap is the lynx, which is just - u ugly m it looks ten months in tbe : rear and somewhat caller during the . other two. act only will the lynx light anything that walks the woods, hut it Will Alio tackle a visitor from tho clear lug, be be nan or dog or liulf grown - calf, if tbe occasion offers, ... ; Jim Berry was hunting tip in Maine, about 40 miles north of Oreenville, XVhan he and his friend saddenly.oame . -upon the oareaat of a caribou which a bear was eating. Tbe beat made itself scaroe, much to Jim's regret, as he v: wanted to kill the- bear. Without say- log anything to his friend he left oamp the next day and started for the caroasa, i intending to watch it, in the hope that the bear would return. Be waited and " -watched until about 8 o'olools in the . afternoon, when be began to think of tr!Tnfti(f trt mMn A ante fnnnfnll hanlr ' la the wood tbi orafty step of aqme LA-BD-f - Wild animal just then sounded in his : Beot Refined... , tan, Pretty soon the bear was ohewing North Carolina. thaoaiibou meat, and Jim could see it SALT, sack plainly. He leveled hit bnokshot gun Liverpool nd pnllrt the trigger, when the wab- mrLn ' ' ' ' Ming muzzrewM pointed in what he RTT"p v"" thesght wa the right direction. The . BUVEt: B . Heart went down, and Jim started for it. nesttigin - Ibes be stopped, with bis month open. The beast bad leaped to his feet and lumped sideways, with its back up. Jm knew the yell, and be alsoreoog r niaed the humped back. It was a wound ed lynx spoiling for a flgbt Mot having time to level bis sun to shoot, tbe man dubbed it, and the blow" stunned tbe Vlin!esitl! Prices Current.' 13 85 English Cured . ""' Richmond POMI-f barrel New Heavy Mpsa. . . . Short cut , Ham rump DRY SALTED MEAT Bellies Short backs fli lb.... 8J 9 00 (3 9 25 5i 6 4 5 6 8 65 53 23 18 20 FLOUR f) barrel Extra 4 60 Straight... 4 80 Fancy Straight 6 10 Full Patent 5 80 Best Fancy Patent eat little, tint tbe beast got in a tnke COFFEE $ &- pa tbe man's leg and tote bis tronaers nd bide too. Another fautio sweep at tbe gun barrel laid the beast flat, aud then a revolver ballet killed the animal. Che buokihot had torn tbe top of the ynx'a bead enough to make it angry. . Shooting and Fishing. . Roasted . Green. SUGAR, $ cwt.-Granu. Standard A White C GRAIN f) bushel Corn.'. Oats, Cow Peas Peanuts EGOS p dozen.. POULTRY -f palr- Chlckens, young . . .. Chickens, old Turkeys. Geese FRESH MEAT Beef f lb Pork lb BEESWAX lb 4 75 S 00 Q 8 125 8 40 8 80 27 80 (g 4 75 4 50 3 4 8a 80 21 40 & 50 ffi 20 85 1 00 60 85 40 1 60 76 80 20 . rPwrve His tVove. ' They were two working girls, and they happened to aeet the other day at the restaurant where they eat lnnobeon. ?be brunette ordered baked .beans and fanonade, and the blond selected fruit coke asd coffee. "Tomorrow is pay day, ton know," abe said in reply to the inqoltiBg look of tbe other - "Obi Well, have yon heard tbe newi - about Mary? She's resigned." . V "I know'taid tbe blond. "I was in ; hopes I'd be tbe first to tell you. She's, . Soing to be married," ' " x ee t ia r loreiy nine aiu. i rorget ta LLOW, 10 B . . - the sane of the raanj ibe'i i going to POTATOES- bushel - inarry. He isn't very good looking, they N y ay, bat- Mary tayt be'a iptellectoal. " ?.r,on -umB 5h . Bahamas "Oh. Mbawl Yon can't tell from Tnis "rlet corrected weekly by Mary." McDANIEL & OASKILL, Qboceks, . . "tfoj but Sadle'B.ieeD his" photo- Broad Street. graph, end abe ayi be wears glasses." . y . "uom nei well, Mary s lucky, u sbe : la redheaded. Wby, be would just do ' . aoytblog in the world for (bat girl." "Humph I" said the brunette. "That's ' va, tbe way she talks now, bat yon can't Pfm tell thing about it until after they're N married.1' -- "Yon can tell it easy enough iu this ease. He's proved it already," said tbe , blond warmly. ' i -"Seid be'd die for ber, I suppose," . . returned tbe brnnotte aoornfully. "Lots v ; of 'em talk that way before they have to pay the butcher." "Tbii isn't talk anyhow. He's proved . ' kit love, I tall yoo." ' ' "How? Did be save her life, or tell -. ber that bet bair is golden?" . - "tf either. He sold bis bicycle to boy ber an -engagement riug." Chicago .Tribwei . - . I Jr A tttmac Kartory. ,,. - v. Oatheilopee of the Himalayas the '. 'Native women have a most curious plan disposing of their babies and keeping -' tb"!n 1oJet wbllo they are engaged at iork io the fields daring the greater ' part of tbe day- Before the mothers set 1 -V ' pnt to work io the morning they wrap ' their bablee in' swaddling bands, leav-' teg nothing but their little face ex- -. -:iqpod. Then the babies are taken and ' 7 laid coder a lodge of rook from which .j.v'water la falling, and. by means of a bamboo tbe water is made to drip gen tly on each baby's forehead. The effect of the drifting water is most soothing, tod toon'tbe little ones arealluloep ftnd remain motionless till taken up by their mothers on tlicir return from their Knife km" rw n ' iiPTfn-1 u ii1!1 Hi miuutJ cBeublePrcparattonforAs similatlng tticFoocl andRegu!ii -tmg the StoaiauiS arid Bowels uf r H. uss J Promotes'DigesUon.Cicrr; ( rtcrsandnest-Conitis iciiiicr II Oc"uii,MorpUirie aer rfiueiaL R ;oi' Narcotic. ' AlxJwrta Anitt Sd JnOttlmatz&lmi Him Seed. Cfan'tttd Sugar . AnetfectRemedv forConstiD tion. Sour Stomach, Diairliocn, Worms .Convulsions .feverisli ness and Loss OF SLEEP. facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. txAer copy or wrapper. I SEE THAT THE FACSIMILE SIGNATUHE OF IB OIT THE WRAPPER OF EVEBY BOTTLE OP il eaiows Cotton eadows Gold Leaf Tobacco TUT ii 1 ii AM) MEADOWS SPECIAL il!A0 nnnnccK ' ' j Genuine German Kainit. OBRESI OMIEX( E SOMCITCIt. V E. If. & J. .i. 5114 tWAXY, ! NKW I SKUNK, X. C. O..Btsr:j h pal tip U one-sbe bottles Q-Jj. It ii Wul icli ia bulk, Duii't allu7 uayoj;d U gell ysu osvitinj elsa oo tho plea or prociso tnt it 1 "jvLt as gnod" and "vll anentr amy par poac.'' fc B.e Hit jou get O A 310 B M Shjfw (PIEDMONT AIR LINE.) Schedule E Joctivo Xovomhor 2;.', 13. This condensed Schedule is published a inl'oromt ion subject to change without notice to the public. nil I v GREENSBORO, BALEIUH, U0I.DSB0R0 AND N'OKt'Ol.ii. Do. 11. Ulxcil. Dally . 1 30n a 20 am a 81 a m 8 10 am S 18am IHm 5 Mam 4 10 a m t W a iu A Ham a so a in Dliu 6 3Sui 1 Ham No. J. Ex. Bun. -Tsaar tfi IW tt in 9 to a m to Slam 11 Ma in KHpm 1 10 p 111 No. 16. Pully. S 50a m tl.'im 9 !Tnm 0 811 am M0 am 9 47 am 10 ' 0 a in 10 Jim 10 31 a uu 10 Bin In 40 a m 11 Maui II Warn No. Si. Daily. Eastern Tlino. 13 10 pm I-v 12 40 p m ' li 40 p lb " ij 68 p m ' 1 oo p m 1 07 p in " t IS if in 11 1 87 p in " 1 48 p in '" 9 00 pm 1 8S p m " i li u in " S 0pm At 11 03 p Di 13 16 p IU 12 44 p iu 12 M p III 3 31 p in 3 43 p ui 4 11 p m flip in . 1 hi n in 1 411 p III ) 3:1 p 111 4 p 111 Orcnyboro (JltiSOUVlllO Lion i;oliego llurliiiiiCuii Oinl.'jm Haw litver M ebaue ll'iii'joro t':iivci-3ty Durham Morrlpvlilo i aiy Kali igh ir iij.c.1 Aiil. urn CU) tun Nurlulk Co U. l.urd l.v n.i. m. Dally. 11 a in 11 -l a in 11 'iu a til 11 ll a in 11 i Jo in . 10 OS a iu 10 41 n in IO U a in ' Iu a in 0 in a in t 13 a m ' a in a m i I j u in Ko. 1". Dlly. 11 43 p m C I: p IU 1 U p in 0 05 p ni & 5u p lit ! 46 1 m 5 p in 5 !7 p m a in tl in I ;l 1.. p ni I i II' p in ' "5 p in i 20 p in l il p lu I 30 p in P. P. P., Llppmae'e Great Remedy, Save Mai From Becoming t Cripple. ' Mr.' Asa' Arrmons, a well-ltnown . citizen of Jacksonville Florida, was afflicted by terrible nicer. Medical skill seemedunavailinff in stopping tho rarngMt of the terrible disease. The leg was swollen and intensely painful, as the nicer had eaten its way down to the very bono. All medicines and treatment havluj failed to' elTect a cure, the dootora aald the leg must come off. Just when it acemed that Mr. Ammons would become a disabled nnil a crinoled mud. he tried P. 1. P.. work, when they are oarriod off to bo l Uppman's 'et Komedy, and the re- suit was wonacriui. . ' unwrapped, dried and fed. Th WmtdcrM Xstelilaff Ant faul Da Chailla tell of the doings of e queer African species of ant, which the nafirea call the basbikouay, which marchta throogh the forests in a regular - line. This line usually averagos about Xi o lochia lo breadth aud is often sev eral ratios long, with not a brsak in tbea , clown, -"All along the line," says tbe v traveler, "large aud fierce looking auu act as officers, keepiog tbe singular (a oi dor. " la the south of Franoe tho banding -tit a twaet pea byayooug lady to a jvutg gititlauiaQ ia a polito way of t iiiliig that she is tired of bit company, P. P. P. SAVES HIS 'LEO. " Jacksonville, Fla. July 1, 1901. Two years ago I had the worst ulcer on my leg I everaaw. It had eaten down to thf bone, and my whole leg below my knee, and my foot was swollen and Inflamed. The bono wa swollen and painful, and dlseharired a moat offensive matter. My physicians said 1 nsd necrosis OI tho bone, ari my log would have to come olT, At this siacro I cotnmcnid to take P. P. P. and to bat ho my leg with hot caitlle soan suds. It began to improve at once and healed rapidly, and U to-day leg. 1 thluk P. P. P., Llppman'a Great a tunnel and useful lq 11.1 ly, a blxxf pttrlilor, a 1 have known tt to Remedy, Is all a man cou'd aak for as poon aimuf salt, dry, weighs aiinurt exaotly one cnu'a. i TOHIA r luLiit (tod ClUdrtn, cure so mcterrlbla caaee of blood pal' eouiog in a remarkably short time. '"ASA AMMOXa" TERRIBLE BLOOD POIbON. The body covered with aorea two bottles of P. P. P. made a positive and pvrinanent cure. This is only one of many thousand similar oases. Catarrh yields at once to P. P. P. That smothered fvallng at night, that heavy fueling lo the Jay can and should be lemovtd ; P. P. P. will do It U you only gir it a chance. imllpei.tiia and constipation gohand In hand. Headaches and total lok of nppitlte or tit rraulta. Bi-gulate Noa. 1) and Ucar,-y Pi1liuau m..ini i'iiii iKHttrrii indrili'iru unt ltali:.n. Ni I lililiiWril "i i'l 19 li ffl'Wl ,?! Affiff f ,IM '- w O O O STORY OF THE WW FOUH PS ! Or Life of Martin Luther, ELUCIDATED BV J,-. MRS H; E. MONROE, The Renowned Piilladlnhi Leotnrnr, witlt the aid of 85 euperb Sieropl;on views, end one linndrcd perwne invited from the various churches of this city in 16th I at rvaT r mr THE MISSING WORD THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION makes an entirely new offer in which every subscriber may have a chance to name the missing word in this sentence : 'SUPPLY AND DEMAND ARE AS INTIMATELY AS CAUSE AND EFFECT." It is quoted from a prominent writer upon economic subjects. In making your guess it is not necessary to write out the full sentence simply write : "My guess for missing word for HARCH Is " Subscribe for f " lv AL1CTITIITIALI Si! PUBLISHED AT ATLANTA, GA. And send your guess with $1.00 for the Great Southern Weekly for One Year. $500 TO $2,000 GASH GUARANTEED. amount of Cash, and THE CONSTITUTION guarantees that the the award will not be less than $500 a it may ce as much as $2,000. It will be io per cent of all tubsciiptions that The Weekly Constitution and nil the other clubbing papers with The Constitu tion receives for the months of January and February. If the sub scriptions keep up with the record of lat year, the sum to be given will Exceed $2,000 cash. If tho subscriptions arc doubled, as they were in January, just past, The Constitution will pa- out about $3,000 in cash premiums in this contest. It more than one person name the proper word, the amount will be equally divided between them. The Weekly Constitution is the Greatest Weekly Newspaper in the World, with a circulation of 156,000. it covers the whole world in its news service, and covers the news of the United States in minute detail, with 12 pages, 7 columns to the page, Si Cul. umns Every Week. AS A NEWSTAPKR The Weeklv Consti i imion Iioj no equal in Amotion! Iti news reports covci tbe world, and it concponiicnii and agents are to be iound in aimci every bailiwick in .hc S"uilicni and Western Stale?. A3 A MAGAZINE h -print:- more such icatter as is oidinanly Ibund in the great magazines of the country than can nv gotten even liom the oc-t ol'thcai. AS AN LDL CATOR ll a schoruhouse wi'.liMi itclf, and a year's reading of 1 IIS C'ONSTITC'iio.N h a liberal education to anyone. A3 A FRIEND A.J COMrVNIuV-li briri. -.licet and iomfti to die fireside every week, is eagerly sought by lite i.liildiL-11. oiitaina vuiuuclc mfounuUou 101 the UDoti.ei, aud u mi encyclopedia ol iitstiuctiuu lor cciv mciub'?r ol the household. ITS SPECIAL r"EATL'RLb--Are su'.h uoi tu ue loucd in any other p.-cr in America. THE FARM AND I AKMLKS' IjEV'A K 1 MENT, 1HE u..UN j LLhAkl jIENT, IT-IE CHli DUEN S DEPARTMENT, Are ail under able diiection, aud me specially aitiactive 10 thoe lu whom these de parttnent5 are addressed. SEND YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AT ONCE And with it our tucss for the goes must, iu cveiy Case, accom pany the yearly sul):Cnption sent in. uu cannot do without your local newspaper, and you cannot du without great, general news paper, in touch with )our section, and THB CONS 1 1 1 U I ION covers not only that but the world. THE CONTEST CLOSES MARCH 1, 1897. V.UI S, M & Co.. Sgs&RALE GH, N. C.sssk FINE jEHIUIOIDjVUII:. L.OY12LY WIITTi: (.i)(US. -(nll-,sl, tv itli I' V. l: tone up jrour tyuiuli f n-.iii kr n l,ii,,u (a r r - n, Two Allegorical Processionals ' Erfurth Monk and Choir Men, . , . Luther's Famous Trial at Wormsi Nuns and Novices Leaving a Con v ant. Ciron andor lli uipU of tliu SCTiuke Lutheran Church, ' X Otorn IIoue, ThurNiIiiy'i.iitI Friday Kveu '"SS IVIiniarj'- 4 ond 5. ..... . ' ' : ' AdniLKion, C'l w i.ti. ' ll'-nTtc 1 Ji( OubLh' boo'( I ' t . Tl.l et ,ice Cuiiipliiiitiiita of il. lUhu i Co. lUiW ail enters to 0 0 LDDOPQISQU ..J.lIJOIJIHijrmnowllMjtKT! Wtlirt.B. tlrf.tti. LT I'll: IriUUJ r,-..r Unit.,.., BoesuuveJT m1 u. cure. It jou taken euty, iedlOe patosb. and uiu Iults f.T. . film. Mwuaeratitieaia nwuth,3oniiMNu.. Mibples, Capper Colored Spate. DlcwTaa at. It te ttos tnuadjtr atLoOD POlSof we rnctsBtM to eore. W eoueit tu Bott abau . ---" vmwmuk turn woria ror ei Esse sreeaauoteure. I'bie Alaease ku aiwan atBe the skill tbe luist imSUiu F'. fit elaes. sUU,HM caviut wbma an uWuau liutisl (tlanuiti. AWulute proula seat sealed on Mgoii, Newbem & Norfolk T UK fA BLJ3 SO I No i ro take erlecl 1 -Ml if. up i i & T n t IV,.l Oi t.ittr ':,iti, ltfti i.. Uoiiia jcum. sniibiiii. I, 1I,.U.' Lvc. il. 9 20 3 j i l. O-i 10 4: 12 40 sr. r v. Mo. C f.iM - i.- ' KTB a.. t il , :o , 44 i- ii I w CO r ii m A-'.ii Fvfi li h's. i f.l! I.,..'1 I J: STViiV.'w.. tUB 131, i Pull". .l-iiU ltJ-H!l f..rts;,l .j rt'iluiia ; u I nc U iimir.-tcr. V in I 1 1. tiny. I cij I'll. h'w, urjcl :niui,'', sjuy hi il i IV i ';.) - t '.' A: 1-. .'J. .f l v, .-.i i, r. "I 1 w 4c-t . i U. I -.: ,j "l ' t, li.. T W rC'i' i; : -it, I ' I. .11. i l " ..U:. I. ; ll 5 ' ". '-1 -i ut . : : 1 1 a. f ... -. i : I V ' .. t j; :' till t. oJ, I. I It, 5 iiou;,i". I.. . i ' ; '" i il. i....; i i O.i i. ... i; ,: '' t ". Jc I -I. " ii .- r..,iL I 11 11 I ' v w i i I U ',ii!., K. .. 1 1 t !,.;. .j i, ot, 1 1 ftibjt Ail t o 'ii; i'l.' n w.. .. - i j i uiii.t . , n. j I i I. ' a.-i . - I ' .ll '' ,i I ; vl f. i Hi lallf l . i pi Su-J. . I'-UiTt I In iu VhiTi-ui i-i ' I lU IJ "fci New Bci Muiis .i i . 1 1 i - :i ! I I ,111 . .1 Send on your subscription and get The Weekly Corutilutiun one year, and peihaps get enough money to clear you of debt, or buy you a gooa home. Now Is the time tu subscribe. You cannot do without The Constitution this year, The Constitution, Atlanta, Ga. 4- K AVE Jl iT KIX'ElVi: mid I lutcj on Mill1 i.ui N'nv Iiiinori .tiit.i i VIM EMUR0IDERIES. lj Ike tlio l'lollint end ( huini Ii t enr iliowa by nt iliciliiiniiiil, swut- rt pnltei ua i-V.T ilikrrinit IhU W elinw Iniii rlo nii'l Ii .i- tei- nl' ttil- Itttol putti-m mul you are m:u in be pleased H jou write uif..( ,.iii. - The Price HtarU nti'.Mc. 1' r YarJ. Writ M once btrnrv' li.o r Uim I picked oer, TV 111 Whit. n. WHITEIOOOHS Al all seuwtia ol'llic jt-ur .vi r t Urg. t auJ bc-t twln-ii-il noil i-i (iociii ol any lit me 'tl ihu Sutllli. -aii.r.s openiusn sb.iw the OiMtiUe:.' .""c licti.'iM id tin- ami n tnliuiii nii:r Hl noo ls w8 barn rv;r b:u al ii I 'l iKrot" nati.HK. All kin.b nnil Mylee ur uIiostt Check. Htii1, Plains 1'ei.cvv hleenmi SJflM iu. nl-, dci)(i.. Tie I'rlre Start at or, l'er Yard. VVrlio at one lor (uniiki. ) ' i" .,. sir , : : (' . .t i C3 T " ' 1S ' ' " 7 I 5 to L.iCo;--, . G j i . a ! .... " 0 .'" -i K u ' :j. , ' : '.'"ill. ' ' "5 1 ' " . A, jl Vf. 1.7. 0 i 0 IJ 1 i l.v " Ar. ' " 4 2'j 10 4.J C". i- Cr-k. 4 CJ 11 l'i lu ii.'.n.i. i jj n . i i i .:k -. r . t.'i At. . . Vin. l.v"- 2 31 i I A . :y i: i I. li-.-ir h...- ' M 1: .'i t.'i ,u i. IU V J !.l III:."- I-i k, S 10 : :i i.v .. ; v, : . i s 4: 3 ii i'Ui.', 1 4 . Ar Hi. i hi i i . y r.v 'w I '.I A: M (' H P. ill. I t P. il. .v V ' .!.;i' i'iy " !'.!. rv ' .i y ! rre-ay. 1l:r. .-it . i ! it-i.'-.. 1. Oil I. 'Sii linUSEKECPINQ LINENS. 2w,'rrrb, rXsifuljIt linuHle, rt(i ' lDrn of r-Tr clttMl n .1 i ciLlinu nl prlcM that wt llk In he tlm l,)tl eforcflcrrtl. Bleacluil acit Brjwo Tablr Da ma la, Ulf;hfliiiiil Urotvn Kitmr Kaikios White sn.l Fancy Tns Uojlle, Hick :a Dameik TovraK tibiillutf, Illou'e anU Bulclur Lintu To .a.injr ort CW t . v !W'xlt; fox U. !!. 1 1 1 Ittk ft B. C. AM) v.,. inrrn. MMiTtiE.: sirfW.r. The Steamer NEU3K i I ached iled ( toil from N Lorn a followi: . . e l05L)iv3, . WE SE9ia.' AND KUDlYti Saillnf hour JO p. is. Sb irp. FrtjchtrctvJ up to fjo'clocfc of tartter inrontie'ionja'jrpr toCafc a XXX BtKBWtMr,: At 1 - t . i

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