s VOL XV-NEW SERIES NO. 186. NEW BERNE, N. C. SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7. 1897. ESTABLISHED is?,. Its not the name that make . the Columbia Bicycle- THE BEST Its tho machine itself Its Superior Construction, 'The name simply shows you are getting the genuine article. . Only one place you can get them in New Berne ,1b COLUMBIA Agency. ,W1XI T. IEIIjIi, AGENT, , Pan 80. 811. Front stmt I THE LEASE FIGHT. Great Arnmnent QrBOi Annul Lease. ' Highest of all in Leavening Strength Latest U. S. Gov't RepI. Prominent Arrest For Incendiarism. ' Political Persecution Claimed. Johnson, Mnst Hang. Carl Duncan For Collector. Special. . Baieikh, N. C, February 6. J. L. Graham, clerk to State Superintendent ol Publio Instruction, was arrested here to- f ----- HWSPowder ABSOLUTELY PURE Tel'trapa Items. - Wallace Harrison, of Chicago, the young son of a prominent physician, and Charles Linquiat, twenty years of age, were drowned while skating on Lake Michigan. day, and taken to Newton. N.C., charged Jt hor8f nd kilIed it for 'fooJ whon With Wn nit lit. .mi.. .1 XI I. I J v.i.u.iik, uia iiuuai; urciu mat jnaruu. He denies the charge and says it la mull. cious political persecution 'instituted to prejudice bis oase against the Caroline insurance Company for loss on his house There is a great argument tonight on (he bill to annual tho North Carolina railway. Judge Avery opened the nrgument at counsel for the Governor, and President Alexander, of railway made a statement arrested by the police lie snid he had hnd aothing to eat for three days, and no .neat for months. Sheriff Austin, of Syracuse, N. Y., ook possession of the plant of tho Sj ra- jiise Specialty Company on executions issued under judgments amounting to 43,276,38. The company manufactured the Frontenac bicycle. The Metropolitftu Iron and Land Coin- to the lease committee which is hearing j pany, operating the Norric, East Norrie, tS0LD ON EASY PAYMENTS. 127 MIDDLE ST. I Physelans Prescriptions Carefully Prepared ' At Prices to suit the timea. llie argument. He is reported to be warmly in favor ol an iovestigatlon of the lease in the court with the view of its annulment. Governor Russell declines to reprieve Monroe Johnson, colored, of" Charlotte, jo he will be hanged next Monday, It is positively stated that Carl Duncan jf Carteret county will succeed F. M. Simmons aa revenue collector of the East ern District of North Carolina, Closmff Out Prices lb. Best Elgin Butter 2-1c. Good Butter, 20c. Granulated Siipnr fie. Atmoro Mince Meat .Ho. J. P. Squire's Pure Lard 7c. If goods is not first-class cheerfully refunded. The AUegood Grocery Co. 7H Middle SI. mnupy THE STATE CAPITAL. Per- ' t3JA ohoioe selection ot fames and Toilet Articles. for . If you want Guano tor Cash we can supply you with CASH 1 ReliaMe tei Ft . At Hock Bottom . Prices., J. C. Whitty &Co Farmers. We have A FULL LINE ot PIsOWS, ' . IIARItOWS, . CtJIiTIYATOBS, and all other Farming Im.. ploatenU at KOCK BOTTOM , PBICE3. . Papall Bailers an Bepaallmuu llalldljr la Coatrsl. Bis; Fare al Clerk. Flchl oa Negro Clerk. Hoi Tamale. ' JOURNAL BlIRIAtT, Ramon, N. C. February 0, '97. j The Populist bolters and the Republi cans are now welded together Into s drm organisation. Their total strength U JO, which gives them absolute control oi the legislature. They do not in the least recognize the Populist majority or can jus, they say that if the majority wantt office all it has to do is to say so, bui' that it will not accept office. It was rumored last night that Speake. dlleman and Wliitemer. Person, ol Wayne and Maxwell, had gone over ab iolutely to the bolters. This isdenlec. today. The four named simply holo themselves aloof from the majority Pop ulists. One of the assistant clerl s, J. F. Click Is the editor of the Hickory Mercury, and lie has been attacking the bolters in hit paper. He last night apologized to tht oolters and promised to publish apolo gies. The number of clerks ot the legislature certainly appears to be very large. Man) new places seem to have been created The railway committee presents amended bill fixing railway fares at and 'H cent per mile, but it reports this without prejudice. It applies only to the three main lines,,, the Atlantic Coast Line, the Southern, and the Seaboard. The officials ot these roads say such s reduction wonld represent an annual lost of over 1800,000. The street cars here, which owing to the burning of the power house, Decem ber 81, ceased to run, must be operated again quickly, or the city will order the forfeiture ot the charter. : This was de- and Pabst mines, in Northern Michigan, ind employing at present about 70C nen, has cut the wages of all its em ployes 10 per cent. Nicholas Shaffer, of Burlington, X. J., (hot his wife as she was coming out of Budd's shoe factory, and then put a outlet in his own brain. The woman may recover, but her husband is fatnlly njured. Andrae Manro is in custody in New fork, accused of having, with two others, stolen a package of diamonds from George E. Ouil, a jeweler of New Orleans. The robbery occurred on De cember 2. Manro will be held for extra ction to Louisiana. Baron de Toulouse Lnutrce, who came to this country some time ago, claiming to be a representative ef the Siberian Oriental Railway, of which the Czar is President, has been again arrested, this lime for swindling a New York woman out of (80. Col. William Jack, a member of the mspended banking house of Gardner, Sorrow & Co., of Hnllldnysburg, Pn aa arrested on tho charge of receiving deposits, knowing the bank was insol vent. The accused was released upon furnishing $5,000 bail. Cbarlei Webber, the horse dealer from Port Wayne, Ind., who was assaulted hj l ticket chopper and gateman at an ele vated railway station In New York, died it his injuries. George E. McKoy and Charles E. Foley are in custody,-nnd will be charged with murdering Webber. Mees St Schwarz, cotton factors, and Mass & Co., wholesale grocers, of Scltna. Ala., have made an assignment to M. 9. Jmlth for the benefit of creditors. 8 tfaae Is senior partner in bolh tlruis rhe assignment was precipitated by tin (allure of the Commercial Uiiiik.J.mbil (ties are aliout $300,000. GOAL! GOAL! We sell only the very best quality of White Ash Coal. EGG, STOVE AND CHESTNUT SIZES. Orders left at the yard, rear of Uackbum & Willctt s store, or nt office, 63 South Front street, will receive prompt attention. IIOLL1STER & CO.V. 'Phone .'!4. Fop C OUGHS, OLDS, ROUP.s ATM ORE'S Cclcbi atccl INGE EAT Fresh IjoI lust' EJt-ei veil. DODOnODODOOOOGOOOODODOOOOd B9 w w t -mm mm9 0m - w . 1 t . aO- HOE PRICE ? Col. Jordan Cough lialsarr. . "Frog in Your Throat?" Laxative Hromo 11 i 111 110. Duffy's Croup Syrnp. AT Davis' Pharmacy. Go to ML (MIN k Ml For Fine Stall: Foil ITicvl'. Lamb, Million, Fresh ir.nl Cornell l'iu l'ork, and Veal every day. .lsn liie an I dressed Turin y-. Will have plenty In mpply the Inde r'lnel Snnfage. in the v'-j at 10c. per pound. S3 JI'Mhlh' Si. HH Fr63 1 Lot French an I California r 1 lines, Kvnporatt'd Apples and Peaclica. Fresh Canned t liiod.-i of All Kinds. Choice Teas and linasted Coffee. The Very Host I'l.uir. Ilultcr, Prepared and Old Fashion llnck wheal, I iuisl quality, Fulton Market Corned Hief, Camlin 1 !!ici-, I'r. sh Oat Flakes. tin: hi s i' (iitAin-rs (IF FI.OI I!. LAUD AND hakim; i'tvm:i!. The Very Best Goods anl Lowest Fossible Prices. Give us a Call. Resp Bctfully, WHATEVER you want in the way of Shoes, never doubt our ability to FIT BOTH PURSE AND FOOT. It isn't possible to give better shoe service than we are giving. A SHOE FACTORY CLOSING OUT Sent us some Extraordinary We give you the benefit, Values. Special Xolice ! All persons imhhtel t".l. M. Howard, will nleac- make iiooir.li lie setlleinenl with i'. 11. ri:i.i.i'.Tii:i!, .Winci THE COTTON MARKETS. February II. MAT cotton closed in New York at 7.12 1 net decline of 6-10O compared with yes terday. . TBI receipts are smaller, hut llie market doe not advance. Tasss seems to ha no presnurn from primal markets, hut the stocks in Nen York. ud in LlveiDOol are Drettr larire, oiaea oa Dy tne Doara or AWerman lasl TB courM ,,, mrket Is uncertain evening, 1 with the ttndencv for tiic lmmrdiate . . . . 1 leiegnm receiveo nere irom oenaior 1 futu rati.er fvol.in i0WI)r nri0,. Pritchard says he la yet quite sick. Hel Tours truly TO MEECHANT8 Wa can sell . goods at manufacturers prices. you .25 Mi I II. Cutler Co. JLJaJa FOB I lbs. Atmore's Mine Meat. 1 Arbuckle's Coffee. . . I Cans Urge size Baking Powder, a bundard Tomatoes.. I " " Corn. It Bars Good Boap. t tJ-All First-class Goods. Tie AUegood Grocery Compaiy, . T Hldaia llml. B 5 n e . iirf Stationery ! z LATE'.T Kemrapers, Perlell rtU sa4 Ssginne, aia) always tef unlat 1 t( 1 trai k a - v-' 1C yesterday set up In bed a little while. The clash of Gov. Russell and Senator Pritchard in certain lines of policy show Itself quite plainly In several ways. The Governor is pressing with alt his might the bill to annul the lease of the North Carolina railway to the Southern, while Pritchard is opposing any annulment. The Republican organ directly antago nizes the Governor on this matter It was the talk last night that If enroll ing clerk Swlnson of the legislature did not apologise to the President of the Sen ate and the Speaker of the House for not receiving negro clerke ia his office he would be dropped today) in other words that his office would be abolished. Swln son swear he will not apologize, . He ha placed '.he whole 'mat tar before the public A bolter aald this morning, bs did not believe the legislature would abolish bis office. - The data of next meeting ot the North Carolina Teacher's Assembly is June IS. To place is not yet (elected, the 00m mlltee will make tb selection, The as sociation baa sold it property at More- head City and paid a (2,000 debt. It wUl aak the legislature for a new charter. The new Stale Auditor finds very great discrepancies betwaaa the amount of bank stock and money on deposit a re. ported to the treasurer and the amount as listed for taxation It ia regarded as reasonably sure that create a oode commission will law, . . -' j Johnson, widow of the late Dr. Charles E. Johnson, on of the moat em inent physolan In the State, I very sick I NotiCO at hr homo hre, FriJujr a gnwt many promlnant parson arrived to hwr the discusnloni which look place this afternoon en the bill to annul th charter of the North Carolina J. E. LiiiiiM, THE MARKETS. Ciuoiiio, February 0. opiums, cross. May Wheat 75 Hay Ribs...... 8.83 a.w HOOD'S Sarsnparilla has over and over again proved by Us cures, when all other preparations failed, that It Is the One True BLOOD runner. A GREAT raraiTrtiiaiti mmm IN a " v" STORE ForShoppers . this Week. Advertlncmeut Isater. ANOTHKIt LOT UK -- IT J 1 AT VOEili'N. Such duality. Style and Price have nev er before been offered in this city and we give Big Value in all our lines ot Shoes. I FACT ivi ma: B 4 ici.isi: ex sai,i:s i os it lll liUSK 9 1 1 ( ) it i .1 -1 1 . ) ti t 71 71 Ulead I. N. r, YOU LIKE TO DEAL l qt.. Agate ColTco Pot. 3ic. i " Covered Sauce Pan, '.'0c. To 0, Agate Tea Kettle, .'c. 7 " (i."ic. " 7, " Stove Pol. 4."c. Agate ('ako Puns, Wo. " Dippers, l"'c " Kitchen Dipperu, l"c. " 4 qt. Milk Pans. 1 " " Long Ladles. 10c. " Slop Jarsaml FootTnhs. " Preserving Kettles, l"c. " Large Uice Boilers, tiOc. L It IT GOODS DEPARTMENT, U ti conviuces us that our eliorts to surpass u all others in QUALITY AND LOW M PRICES are appreciated. 11 33 DOBODODO )e90BO 1 T. J. TsJRNIiR, fill Prices 7i spll a m IS i on (' 1 7 I I l','l lJ AT A iiulrJu r-. r s'l j .mini th darter of th North Caroline fTi Tt fl nilvtny, This Mil and th Benatoriul 1 1 U 11 AJ jW nl v .k. That the v.t will! lr TfTlfl lh"?fl c. a. n a !' r T, " FOR RUNT: Dwelling, 80111I1 Front Htn-et " IliineM-k " " Ft Front " " JoliiiHton " ' JohiiHton ' " " 1 l'ollnok " " George " " Craven " ' Broad " Tlirce good rooms Gcorgo " Two (rood rooms Johnston ." One Large Klomae House, - One good Ofllee. I One Cheap Tenement. Brick Btoro Craven street. FOR SALE : : Ilouaeand It Oeorge Slreet. . Ilouso and lot East Front street. - I louse and lot Johnston street. 1 Uouse and lot Johnston street. 1 Mouse and lot Drnai) street. House and lot Broad street. House and lot Fden street. House and lot Middle slreet. JIous and lot Sletenlf at reel, . Lot Bern street. ' - Lot George street. ' ., Farms In Craven and aillolnlni count lee, and cheap Ilullding Lots near I he if! 1i r EkiMil limit's M die an ! l'..llo.-'. E. E. HAUPKIL KsarPottOfnce. Notice, Jaron, Witnesses! AU Jurors and Witnesses who were summoned lo attend the Craven county Superior court on th second Monday lo February, being the second week, of the above eourt, are hereby notified not to attend, as the February term ot th fu- penor court la now closed. . This does not apply In Criminal Court, which convene aa stated, Feby, IS. JOflKl'H L. IIAIIN, Sheriff Craven County. where thing look if or ui d clean: where Cl.'is a-re 1 olile and oliliing; where deliveries nro Iiuulron li 1 e: nliovc all where yn kno. ynu are grtt'iif; THE BEST In the MARKET ATT I IK IMISII-MT lt5ICI. 1 ii.tvi: ji'st itm i:n i:i ..imiini t- i Sim k nl l- iiiniline inl ill m II I.. II, r i-M Day he-i ..r I asli ... .11 I 111 . 0111 en I'l l 1 " I . T. .I.TI IlXKIt. m;v iikiim:. n. c. a 1 i;i s 1 1 1.1 m: or Chocol ites Bon Bon;;, Thai's ihr -oil 1 keep. Cel. m.ii it. if liHiije e he i-iiie of to of lobaoco .UM' i;i;ci:i f.d. I iiic.-I in tl'c -it v at The li c. I"'!' ! utui We have Just Received a 11 m 1 . Price Ranging fremlOe. U lOe. Ik. JOHN DUNN, ' 65 & 67 Pollock St. 1 I , 1 1 ' 1 1: 1 e. v"r. The FightaB lii 1 u . 111 t id Sopnr Tin. I no. I , 1 liio klc yivri nil1 an opuil . oily In - II Ailuicklc'a Alio l,'o!frcat . ' 20c per pound, '.''.' When You Know whore to go for your wo k, jou find that well made clot tea co,t no more than shop shop work. We employ only the most thoroughly i a . . s a t . trained oeraiors. we nee oniy tne bcit material, wo charge only living prices. F. 91. Climlwttk. m 101 IIUdle:rt. ' ' and My Fight for I) ' . ; I " Ke.(i.HKi Mom ImImIII Sk;. has caused mo to Murk Kvei f. J thing down, to llouk Iliu.-.n Prices. . ' JjA CAIX ail convince ou th w'a the C'heiKHt (1-h . . cer in town. F. ULRICH. ' Mmia silnMNrs Sal. f)e aura and alU wl our speei it t il r f Glasawure to-lay, pleres H.. rili 1 t W end M eenlK all. go at nim . each. I

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