..t It V. 1 . : :i ,S ' ' i it " ' ."."' i.',ni.l ;YOU XV-NEW SERIES HO.-189.- SEW BEBKE, N. C. -TBURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY U 1897. ESTABLISHED Highest of all in Jjeavening Strength. Latest TJ. S. Gov't Rep It "St -mlltTM;IHR UULU VIDIft DrmtinHn-ir Piioiflflrf TlTPliW PTt " 1 lx ( J lAfeHA ! I w . I UbUUUlluUU .lUdlUUU 1U Alio muaii i M m lUi lli "Mn -U d m,n uns romier It not ' name : that' make) the BEST Its the machine itself ?vJ-.tt SnPBBiOB Construction, ' The name simply show's yon are getting :, he genuine article. ' , , akins J ' , " Only on place you can get them In New Berne - Ik COLUMBIA km WILLI. IULL, r ' ' AGENT, ' Phase SO. , v 61 S. rroat Street. ' SOLD ON EAST PAYMENTS. nonooonononon is. n Furniture, g o o 1.1 am carrying a -y . fall line of Farni tare and Mattros aes and will sell as CHEAP as the CHEAPEST and will be glad to how what I havo to thoRo needing -anything in my ' line. ' W, P. JONES. o o o o o ABSOLUTELY PURE UOdOODOOOOQOD 1.25 U ALL TOW . 8 lbi. Atmore'i Mince Meat. 1 ' Arbuckle't Oofloe. 8 Csnt Urge size Baking Powder. t g eundard Tomatoen. , t ..; ". Corn. IS Ban Good Soap. . tjy-All Flnt-clMi Uoods. , u4i The Allegeed Grocery Comuany. V Farmers. ,". .We haw A FULL LINE of jplows, HARROWS, - ' CULTIVATOBS. . .-.and all other Fanning Im ..pleinenUftBOOK BOTTOM v; PBICE8. "J-.; LQ.HEBqUNTS-We.ca tU you Lt food at aiaaufactarer prlcee. - V L.M.CatlereCo Bepnblleans Who will Vol for Tar iff Bill. Presentation to tteneral mien. Seed Distribution. . , Watching Weather Man. " Journal Bcbiao, ). WaHiNTOS. D. 0., Feb. 10. , ) ' The roslt'on t the Eepublicn in the next Senate U an luterostinit question Ninety Senator will tnke theiu seats nt the, next Congress, and of those eighty four are known. The large portion ol the Senators already chosen makes it Omparativcly easy to determine the at titude of next Senate on Important pub lic questions, and the Republican Sena. tors say positively now that tisoy pass their tariff bill. There have already boen elected to tiie aext Senate, including -the bokovcrs, forty three Itcpublicans who will vote for a tariff bill, and as Senator Mitchell will In all probability be again returned from Orgcoh, tliH can bejHafcly raised to forty four. This unniher I'ncks'trfn vo(ei of n majority; but thero are at trust a dozen (Senators from whom tlio necessa ry votes to make up the desired muiibei will be forthcoming. Tlic'bolting silver Republican Senators re nil known to lean . toward protection indtbevcanhe depended on -for the accessary votes. TIicjc silver lirpuhll oalt Senators nrp anxious too to give the f?nnhi;r.iin tnriff bill full leeway, anil to permit the protection tnrilf system t be again put in full operation. They feel that the trouble with the country is the iinancial system and Hint the tariff is not the remedy. Senator Jones of Arkansas says that the bill will be debated lu . the . regula way and no obstruction will be put in it path. - "" Senator Hill says of the .b'll. "aomi kind of a tariff bill will be passed." IK further said that it would have a full am (air debate, and that meant a great dea of debate, and in the Senate, and a) though he will not be iu the, Senate afle Uarch 3rd, be expects inc session 10 nn well into August. Senator Aldrich will lead the ltepubh cans and Senator Jonoa the Democrntf fliese were the leaders in turilf; figh over the Wilson bill. The Wave and Means eommlttee hav. been in session daily for the. past tw weeks and have their tariff bill nearl, completed, McKluley duties lmve beet put on agricultural products. The rate: on cattle are suHlcient, no -the commiMei lay, to shut out Mexican cattle, The fact that the gold bug millionaire! of New York and phicago are to presen General Miles, who-waa Jn charge of lb federal troops in Chicago during the ri cent labor trouble there, with a (S0,0(H bouse Ih Washington, I. (X, for. his at tivlty in preserving properly from tl jsob in that city, lias aroused Senalo Allem He has Intreduced Into the Sen ate a resolution directing the commute jd military affairs to report if It is la ful for an officer of the regular army t receive from private citizens vuluah! presents lit compensation . for service performed by him in the Hit of bis dutj His Bill oa A. & N. C. R. P. Passes TIM Bealini ' JSXTRAORDIXAIlY '"T '.' iubUCEMENTS ON mmmm l -.. ,. Biogle Box Ohjectioiis Had No Effect, Clerk Swlnson Charged with Urns Kx trayagonce. J. K. Boyd after SIcKinley rosllion. Spec Int. ..RUHan, N..C. February 'l lieie was a,uJUK.dipat! m.thc House-today en Representative Itobt. Iliiiicoiik's bill to . . - iive the (Jovcrnor tbe eiiliic control . ol 4.-SK. C. Itailrond. V ''' Hancock opened In support of the bill. llesaid lhitt in violation of the Chattel the priviito stock had beta so divldivl a- o control this Road's nlTnirs and tiike it Jilt of the Slate's hands. UjeKenziC. . EMi nger, IhilVy and Xel ou askfd llancoolt questions to show that there was no mismanagement of the oad, and Hint there was no complaint ol its mismanagement. The bill passed its second reading, 7'; o 31, and then in spite of Duffy's objec tion, it passed the ilrd reading, The Senate committee today reported hat Enrolling Clerk Swlnson was guilty f gross extravagance in his office, in ituptoying clerks not needed. Swlnson was given a rehsnring this at- :eriioon, James H. Boyd, of Greensboro, wie lere today, as Unvernor Russell's gueSi 'jut he hurried to Waskington. 1). . his afternoon. His friends say that he is to yet a hi, dace under McKinlev. The House committeii nhnosl nnnii'.- nously, unfavorably rep.uts Ihu bill ! reduce railway fares, and telegraphs am elephorje chaigta. . gelisie of the Sam Jones and Hill Fifi orderr" Resolution to appropriate $1.0 H for i statue to George Peubody was iintni.ti feedlind indefinitely postponed. In the Senate a hill to regulate tin procuring and dist ribiuiou of d.-.-ul bo-.l ies for medical science catue up. Il wi- saiu this state was woefully bebiml olliei states, and if the colleges could not s1 subjects, they would have to cl ne. Tb bill was introdiiceil at the re. i ol professor ut Chupel Hill. The bill to restore to the Slut- Il management of the Atlantic tin I Nont Carolinti li U. was made spec'::! ot for toilav. GO TO i o n ill II HDA.IOI.I) l OSIKHAV Take Lixuiivc ilroino Quinine Ta MeiM- ll druisls refund the money if " til to cure. 25c, THE COTTON MARKETS, Kcbruin 10. I'HK coi'on news has till been di-couraj.-( ing today, and May closes til Ti.titi a ne ' loss of 10 (Joints Pliiee vesierdtty. TliFltK mi' no features to the in irkd ex cept those I have mentioned in m recent letters. Yours truly, J. K. Liiinu. "I ICroal SI. Pride of the Kitchen, Fairbaiik's Hold I lust, IVatlitic, Conceit ( rat eil Lve, I'Vls Nn.itlta Soap, (li'tagoti Sohi. Closs Starch, (Vltiiloid SUrcli. " We litne a sintill lot. of A rinsl rung's lU't Fatnil .' S'l.ip wliicli we ate oll'iiiir at :! cents per cake, woilh o centf. THE MARKETS. Ciiicaoo, February P orasixa. ctosK. May Wheal.. May Ribs. . . . I.H71 i.n;i. TIRED MOTHERS III Miliars Nnsaparilla. linn bel liieh uivi them pure blood, a !ood npiM lile an new and needed STRENGTH. i THE STATE CAPITAL. 3.80. Ten Cakes Free , with erery bor bought. , TNOW 18 fdUR TIME TO BUY. . 1 '.;'.s:' . r, TJLEIOH, Grocer,. , 4 KU4U itreet, r;foi'61. t j ... t i v-- " ; iBooksi' , Stationery v ' ? . !M.Tf 8t JVewipapers.( TerMl- 7. ealsTsad Xsriiiae. Kk always be hand at " . X W. WATERS'. f 105 Iliddlo CtJVj; . ." tirMxcriit'.ons received fot all peri. J -f i'r'a flcbOol eupplisa for sale. trders yuk.o forrhool sjppll. I-atest HlaB' '- -dai t'wvsla, . i'enrilt, peas. Inks, eta. :r .: If the committee find that it is latfu they .redirected to report a hill making I . LWX L.lA ii lmnercl,,gh6 . owrvvntj oiuiiiiii ' I5 Department hat just issued a little bool which is of great interest. It shows ever individual to whom tlte l.COO.OOO pound of seed havo been sent during the year Nils enormone. amount of seed Mr. Moi ton says would require seventy-five mail care to carry it, and It has oust the poi-i Poet -Office-1 1 00,000 In transport it the thousands of citizens to whom It hat txen sent.. Omitting ihe'llower' sceib from the estimate the Secretary says thai the vegetable and Held seeda were- an flic ient to plant 237,310 ecrea. The average number of package aent out during th four years ending 1H94 wae: ..l,3Qt,715 ai a coat of two cents a package. Undei the new administration of the seed' busl neu lhara ware sent Oat iu the nreseni f ea 90,0ftS,ulW at u; jlverig .cost If Utaleveravbalf sreni a.paL-letJt li Interesting to note tbe method of dlslrl butlon adopted by the Senators. Henatm Seorfe, of Mis., sent hi to Democratic extentlve committee in HO town In his State: Senator Mitchell, Wis., sent hi b postmasters) Representative Hilbom sent bl packet to editors of newspapers .In In his district-,. Senator Hill seat Ms U all the grange -of the Patron oMlus bandry in his Stale; ' North way, Ohio, sent hi .to. crand army post for the toldlum. Hut it la rerualneu lor iLienerg. Texas, to conceive the unique plan ot sending bl to Ih county JudgM of his district. . ' During these stormy and Ui-nnlv dava th west her map on the Benala side ol tb Capitol li hourly surrounded by Senators who have practical concern In the weather of their localities, l-or Instance, Senator CalTery I always Inlsr, esled in th proeut of a freest) in Uml iana, for he U a sugnr planter, and a cold snap means no little lo to li In), rton. tors Call and I'aaco wer very much illn turtied iliutng tb recent zero wvather on account of lbs grest loss which Hi rest eni'd r lorida in tho destmclion of the ornnire ernves. Hvnators tlllls and Cbll ton wulc.li.id the progres of Ih col wsve verv Inlonlly as It nisde It wsy into Teim, and the oilier Snthrrn Hen slor, were likewiiwi coiicernml. There ii not in mil' b Biuiety on Hie part of the fiction lor Public I'rinler. Nrgre Nniothrred. t'nle lor AOJuiant Urneral. Dr. Abbolt lor Itnllwity 4 oDimisslnn. JorRXAi. ilcnE.ic. I RALEtrtll.'N. C. Felr., 10, KlJ. f Mr. John Nichols of this city may be she fortunate one to get tbe I'nitisl Htati s iiibHc printing as Mr, lleiieiliti's sin - jeeeor. Mr, Piliiiols is a strong t'epui- iican and niijex-congremniaii, bi-Moes I e inr a personal friend-of .McKinley. In th cotton; seed ftf tiie oil Diills bei. eatordajj morning the ,dcBd body of a 4flgin boy nbbit 15 year old was found, ft is thought tluil he riepi iu there ! ilsep and the seed slipped down i n liii unotheririg bini;uhe sle,t. His Imu -vaa not cold hep found by the w ork sen feeding the mill. TheYoung' Baptist Inst night liegun iheir lirat Slate convention here. Tliei ire many delegates here already, ailit norc are expected toilay. tbe Chamber t noibiui didlniti as done BS iiigards tbe street car sei iee. They -simply recommended tli.i . nniigh lights lw taken to w.iriunt- tb. running of the ears. Cards arc out for the uuirriu 'e "f Mr. )eorgi I). (itlitg tt I'm chy ' to JdlM ,'ayseur of Cancastor, SlAJ. Tmlny llovcrnor lbi(,ell bjsiied a eoni- uisslon ID A. I'. It'l'WIi or Hlultsville n idjiilaiit general.' John (.'. Incy, of Salisbury is to br recorder of deeils of the District ot Jolumhi so il Is asld. ' tieoige-N. Ives, one of the largest fish lealers In the Stat Is Ju re. He nay jpmmikaioil (like tbe railway commis sion) to regulate the llsbing inlent Is rvry much needed. .The rliairinaoshlp of the railroad con, ulsslon will probably fall either In W . E. White of Alamance, or D. II. Abbott, jf Pamlico. The oltlc will uot be alx.t isbed. ' . The squabble over the uatrouuge be tween tbe Republicans and I'opuliaM zoee on, Il is said the educational In itltut lone will not be ditalt out a "pie' so they ars given In charge of OoveTnor rlussell, Iu Ibis, is Included tbe deaf, Itimb and blind schools, tbe A. & M. sollege and the Cuivefslty, They have livldeil up to within 100 of the amount of patronage each iiarty Is to have. The Populist; ge luoto ofllec,Tiil the Ke. publleajM the fliet Of, r ' .' TIits are aonis hentrd iHsjmtrS between UV- Ri imtilh:iis and- PoiiulIsliiL 'l They ri.li-vtr ftfteil. 10 tll1Klsrtrture kellst Jlills WII)C (epislnnirf wrrc r n-quin ileeds In tnmt-ntid mnrtgaxeato hi au celUd oft record within 10 day afl.r tber have been paid., 'fiie bill lo mak nt Intllqtahle for a publlo penkr to b ialruiled nawwd altar a, lively, tlebal la different ameniluieut, ..One, pfjtb ndment, m rrferemte to Hi fact thai speakers' sUoidd. not b allowed t ue sbns.ee laninutee Was li Inrlnde van Von Foci CirtMit Ami it gives you tlmronli sat sluntioti when vour Incifls nrc am ioiik to know "Wlio is your lailm It makes us feel jrreat ton. Seio hem lit ltd wn'll ito as well bv lltei is we d d by 3 011. I IH .!f 'linJIoiv 101 fllihllc Street VMl-nml eiortl' enld and 11., nt:'v k 11 w i.i n,. r ti i T(nari.niHir:DT f.i .) t.sx.itire Ihouio (juiulne Tablet ,':.': '1 rel'iiml Uia money if It falls T. J. TURNER, AI!K .IOI1BK11S of Lorillnnl lid (iai! V i Snt;fl' ai 1111111 ilfurliui'i's piiees. We lmve tl e Ilest Sclei'leil Sine I ( lie .i in Tobaoeo in the city. of Wc lmve .11' ST KF.CKI Kl a fresh bnn cl of I loin. 's Cucumber I'ioklcB only ilo. 1 9 VV of Shoes, never doubt our ability Q to FIT BOTH PURSE AND FOOT. It H isn't possible to give better shoe service than we archiving". I A SHOE FACTORY I CLOSING OUT Sent us some Extraordinary Vtiltios. H We give you the benefit. nice lot of KiiKlish Cureil Should ers nml Surrar t utd lianis. ig wo cut. 1'icsli (I tits Hominy, oulv ', anil II'. Quick sales and small profits Our Motto. lHliinicI i Uaskil ;i r.ruiiil SI., Nenjilet ne. N. ('. YOU LIKE TO Such Quality, Style and Price have nev er before been offered in this city and H we give Bis Value in all our linos ot Shoes. m IX F.WT L.lliK IXHsKls:: , IX KALiltti IX Ol'K m GOODS Blalll convinces us that our eftorts to siiiv. -m all others in QUALITY AND LO H PRICES are appreciated. KKZtti tuV M B?3 ia q n I JSs P Will ii ft sun In Low Prices aUiir:'..,-,.: Lrr.'lf nwBe.B 'mT' AT A . rrauMv& .11: I 77 WSAT tfSi -v. " X7S2T 1 ' '".'u V s' -w.-if, 7 7f f I i r.N'J ? J i. 111:1: nn; 1.1 it 7 uzsr. 0 Horses Mules, AH- US. Hill,... r in-.'! ' Old Cl, and I ', 1,1,,' Is. in- an which 1 i c uti I wo hoist- Wag, 11 s, :,- are selling for i wo veil' time. ,. w I HAVE Jl'XT RK('t:iVi: another K ne Stock of l uriiitliie and will nil l r the Next Ten' Days, .Cbeaji for (usli.ir on lime. Yours'llospeelfully, T.el.TirilXKIt, NEW nRIWF, N. C. T i?liqiniioy, fkAl XU.-' -'Bl'"'.ILLlja . where tilings look uicn it 1 t clean; where Clerks are polite ami obliging; wiieie deliveries are inndeon lime: above all where u know von are getting THE BEST In the MARKET . ' at Tin: IMlllFSr lMtl l. . Thnk's tlin sort oC house we . korp Cull miiiF lie sure of- it. ; . We have Just Received a 127 MIDDLE ST PIiyHoInnt Carefnllj Prepared , V : 1 - At Price to suit llie time. iteuf. ' II (Ml) SIM II I. STEWART, New Berne, N. C, I. !1. & 8. S. hbr & Co., RALEIGH, N. C. DVKHSV riEM'fii. ol Fvt'iv Arliflr. B KVKIIV 1KI'A16T3IKXT. At Kvt-rv Tim' TIIK IrOWEHT. Opening the Spring. "A clioire seloction ot Per fumes and Toilet Artioles, Vrleo llsutlng rrewOi' toe. lb. '.; , JOHN DUNN. Xi & 67 Pollock Bt Wi; II AVE o mid em 1 1 11 Impor iit'0.1 I r -pring ' d Sa 1 mer, tpr : iiu llm ve y let ii'd n,ol in lc goof f Tiro ;u miufacture la tea eikee wild ihe btsl lire II cl ou r c .' n.ii cni. I oni'. OVKI.T1KS IN I re-Sills, Kmb tier s, l,i , U le RUrt Wsisis. While 1 nl iw r, ' in n. an ic, i.iegna s, nr., cabs Canibri' . Klc. Kn-rvlhlajtr'iv In 1.1 una al l.se CII.m Ch ffo , n Lace Rua ai . Ch ffoii. Silk. nll a id Wh.i a I N ek 1 nd Sleeve Bu I Inws and Dolors F4gl,j Vmk, lleiihiisand -lib Is o' I a x Sat ;'tib' onanil Chi oa.Silk nd alia-t,k; ltihlai:i Iloa-s and Nactl -Ih b st ai d large .to k e have yet elieway eJ A X.oti 1 opulsr juice, lo. wi.kh m r st re is so celebrated. , 'J V . . . . - a Wxlto fox Saxxipos-;;;; '