VOL XV-NEW SERIES NO. 207. . - ' r'l NEW BERNE, N. C. TUESDAY I MORNING, MARCH 10, 18S7. ESTABLISHED l-v. Rubber Stamps. I in new prepared to furnish Rubber Stamps, Seal Prefect, Padvetc.. on short notice. l9Leave orders at Journal Of-flce--the prioo will be right. . : FamllrFrlntlHs; Outfits-change to any member of the familys' name, com plete with indelible ink, only 50c. : - A. ROBERTS, with Journal. Books 'Stationery! LATEST Newspapers, Perloni eals andeMagauies, ma) always : found at ' . T. W. WATERS'. :, 105 Middle3t. HT" SubscriotioM received for all pari. Odioals. School supplies for sale. Orders taken for school supplies. Latest Stan dard Novels. Pencils, pens, inks, etc .Dressing Well ' is an art, and the man who hat his garments made to moaBurt bj us has fonnd the key to that art. It doesn't require any arguing to how too that you can get a hotter fit and more style in a suit or over coat when they are moulded to yon. F. M. Chad wlck- 101 Middle Street - REAL' ESTATE AGENCY. City property of all classes for sale, cash or on time, Bomeof the best houses and lota In the city aro included, and on down to the cheapest tenements. . Also we hare a number of turtles who want to buy in preferred location, so it will pay you to see 'us if you really want to sell. ; Bouses to rent in various pints of the - Farm lands at most any' price yon want" . Collection of rents a specialty. - K. E. HARPER. . Hear Post Office, . - L s 127 MIDDLEST. PhyscIaiiM Prescriptions Carefully Prepared At Prices to suit the times. 3T"A "choice selection of Per- lames and Toilet Articles. Farmers. . Wt have A FULL. LINE of TLOWS, ' IIAIXIXOWN, CIJITIVATOIIS. and all ofher IFarming'1 Im.' .plemenUat ROCK BOTTOM ,PBICES. . ....... TuISERCHiNTS-Wc-oM sell yy foods s manufacturers prices. ' Xt.II Sutler .1 Co. 55 5 Cts. a Lb. .Dried Apples Bo. a pound. Xvepoiated Apples 5o" Huckleberries In cans for TioslOo. ; 7ALL FIR3T-CLASiO0OD3. r. 'TJLXIICH, Grocer, f : ' ', 'Irert. VASHIHGTOH HEVS. fifty Mb CoenrEss Mates ii Eaifr Siarl. i i Bulletining Applicants for J)fflce, Policy Towards Cuba. New Tar riff Bill. Interior Department SSIScantlal. Jerry Simpson Z. Talks. - . ' . Journal Bissau, i Washington, D. C.,, March is. f The Fifty-fifth Congress which metii sxtra session at noon today makes ai iarly start; what sort of ending it wili nake only time can tell. The House or anlaed by re-electing Speaker Reed ant Ul. other officers of last Congress; the lemocrats caBt their votes for Represen tative Bailey, of Texas, for Speaker, an he is now regarded as the regularly col itituted leader of the democrats in thi 3ousc. - The idea of a combination of tb( lilver elements in the Senate to reorgan ize the committees of that body has.bcei ibandoned for the time, and the iinprcp. lion Is that the republicans will be al lowed to retain the Chairmanships the have, at least during the extra session. ind that the vacancies in committcei vill be Ailed by mutual agreement amour. he several parties in the Senate. No ody seems to think that the gentlemer ppointed to the Senate by the Govcr tors of Kentucky, Florida and Oregor lave the remotest chance to be seated f he republicans do not wish to engage it fight that will add to their diulcultici i getting votes outside of their party ihat will be needed to pass the tarilt bill ind the other partiesjhave been unable t gree upon any basis of voting together The plan of bulletining the nanus ol ipplicants for the big positions, whicl las been adopted by some of the Govern- nent departments, is not pleasing U mch of the applicants as are in the habit f adopting the "still-hunt" method ot iftice-sceking, but taken altogether it ii ot a bad idea; it makes it reasonably :ertain that the men against whom vnlic ibjcctions can be raised will not gecun ippointmentts. Making the applicant! jecure the endorsement of all the repub licans in Congress from their Stntc is an ther rule that is not popular with appli cants, although it is calculated to inaki the President's task a much easier one. Few, if any, of tho members of th lew House received n warmer persoui 1 Veleome than did Jerry Simpson. Hi X presses confidence that the populism vill elect the next President, and Unit mtlines his own policy in the prcseni Congress: "For the present we've got t et the republicans run the affairs of thl nation, and t in for giving them all thi ope they want. Let 'cm write and past iny sort of tariff act they choose- it isn't wise nor right to obstruct them In thi east in their efforts to redeem the lavisl promises of coming; prosperity made in the last campaign." Although practicullv known for somi time, It was fully decided at the last neetlng of the Cabinet that the Cubai xilicy of this administration would hi ine of non-intervention so long as tin present status of the combatants In Cub s maintained. About the only differ -nee between the Cleveland and the Mo linley policy towards Cubs,. I thai President McKinley will be more prmltlvt in demands relating to the treaty rights ol Lmericans In Cuba. This dlfTerenct jeems to have already lieea realized bj the Spanish officials in Cuba, who an reported to be treating Americans with nore consideration than they were ihort time ago, Since the Fiftieth Congress the House las been controlled, by overwhelming najorltles, twice in favor of the repitbll tans and twice in favor of the democrats Phe republican majority over all in tin present House is only SI, a smaller mi' jorlty than that In the Home of any om if the four proceeding Congresses. noderate abwd majority Ii tegarled at Miller to handle by the party leader titan I very large one. A fo.w gentlemen, in and out of Oon jress, are professing to be greatly sur prised at the rates of duty Imposed by the new tariff bill, Just completed by th republican members of the ways and means committee, but there is in real It no occasion for surprise. The bill just about what it might have Uca ex peeled to be and may be fairly described as the McKinley bill changed to meet changed conditions. It Is strictly a pro tectlve bill, and Its trainers say that it will prove-to be a good revenue bill b) furnishing the additional money needed to meet the deficit. In Government re ceipts. It will probably be passed by tht House before April 1. What will happen .0 it before It passe the Senate Is as un certain as how long the Senate will eon aider It Thoao who remember that somewhere In the neighborhood of 800 amendmcntijwerf added to the MoKlnley bill In a republican,- Senate, and that nearly as many were added te the WH Son bill in a Democratic Senate, are a Hills dubious about trying to predict what a henate not controlled by any party will do to the present bill. There Is something, very nearly skin to big scandal, lu the Interior Depart, ruent, In which Land Commissioner La mnreu I is Involved on account of a do cln he nsds In favor of claimants to valuable land on the hike front of Chica go, which has been sat aside by Hnre inry Uliaa, snd in which ffVcrUry Carlisle, who is now counsel for thoa elniinsnta, may be Involved. The whole cm ! lo be rrhmrd, anil soma InlorMt. m tf things are xpctaft1, ta be brought t !Mtiur rs"-J ; P0U0ER Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its great lcnveninj itrength and jhealthf ulucss. 'Assures thi food against alumand nil forms of adul teration common to the cheap brands.; ;ROYAL BAKtNG POWDER CO.,; New Yoiik. THE STATE CAPITAL. Salooaa TInst rime nt II . m. X B) Machine lur Trlully College. Talk ol' Fimion. JODRN'AL Bt'liEAr, ItAi.Eioii, N. C. March 15. 'L7. i An ordinance requiring all saloons t be closed by 11 o'clock every nijrlit cx cept r-aturdr.y (wtien tltPy can he kept itch until 12) has been passed and loda.' mfi.-p vviia eni-vftil Ifillmt effrct on ft'.' laloons. Some have been runping ai all night" house. The aldermen have ordered a city elec- ion to be held May 3rd. For many yean Ve have had democratic govommen- lerc, with our present hoard m pn- 'ressive aldermen Raleiglt has gone for vard and many improvements scaieelx loped for arc now realized. The street car company say the electric tars will he running by May 1st. Mr. B. W. Puke, of Durham, hat hipped to Trinitv College from New fork, one of the best Xray machines oi he market. The legislature cost the fltnle about 572,000. This is about the cost of Hit egislaturc two years ago. Quite a party of Raleigh people went ip to spend Sunday at Southern Pines 7hls was g:iit. a feature of the Salurdaj ravel last summer. Mr. Monroe uf Davidson College win vas appointed as the ono to sncced Dr 4urphy as superintendent of the Morgan- on Insane Asylum, declines the appoint- nent. It seems stnni!;e that one demo- rat should lie removed to bp succeeded ty another, for Dr. Monroe is it demo' tral. The majority populists are now look ng to fuse with the democrats, but they vant the name of "democrats"' dropped rhey declare there will be wonderful tolilical cbaiues within the next two years, THE BIS FIGHT. Wtiat It Mennti to dtnlefttnalii nnri - Principal. Tomorrow afternoon, Itelween noon ind 5 o'clock, tho world's chumpionshif irize-Bght will he held at Carson, Ncv. Phe principals will lie Itoliert Filz-xini nong, the present champion,' and Jamcf lohn Corbett, who surrendered I )k ihampionship to Peter Mnher, of Ireland rom whom filzsiinmon's vi it it in Mcxi to'on Fehniary SI, IHilll. The gloves used will weigh live ounces P.iosc fur each man have been nintli sneclallv for. this cniilest by different Irms. Corbett will wear as a lu ll the Unit Hates colors red, white mid blue, wild in edging of green. Kitftxiininmih' lei vill also be composed of tltc t'nitei ttates colors. A Vale flag sent tnt'orls't ty Yale students will lie in bis corner. In addition to the (iieslinn of lh tliainpionship of the heavy-weight ( last it pugilists the 'men will Im'tllc for a Mirso of 1 15,000 nITcrcd by Dan A. Slnai'1 if Texas, the promoter of the contest mil for a stake of ilU.OQO, consisi i ng he side bet of .,010. which each of I hi irlnciwls has deposited in lint hands VI Smith, of New York, as the stake lolder. In niidilitin to this aggregate turn of 121.000 In Mrttmilir hands is leposlt of $1,0)0 or 3,500 from each of he principals, to guarantee his appear ince in the ring prepared to battle for he oroflt ami glory Involvwl In the tniggle. The outcome ot the fight wijj mean irerylhlng to the principal. To the win, lev it means fame, glory, atlulalion, flat ry and opulence; in the loser it means heavy flnsnciul loss, if nothing elite, and (teat loss of prestige. Following are tiie measurements of the two-men: Corbett Is S feet I Inchf neck, 17 Inches chest, 88 inches; biceps, H wti-t, (I) w.ilst, IW; llilKh, 21: calf, it). 'FlUsimmons Is 5 feet 11 Inches in holghlj neck, 111; chest, 41; biceM, 13: wrist, 01) waist, S3; thigh, S0 calf, 1UJ. It is claimed that both men lmegrown bigger and'stmnger Kby their Irninlng Some days ago they were measured, by Carson physician, whnan. measurement, If ' correct, would show Ihat Corbett' neck has grown one-half Inch, cheat nue inch, thigh ono luch, wrist nnHHsrtc Inch and biceps dccried three-quartern of an inch. Kits, acding to tlte doctor mentioned, has grown one-qiiarter Incli Ul the neck, one-half Inch in the rlieat, one Inch in tho wsUt, three-quarters of aa Inch In the thigh and one-qnarter Inch In the wrist, his calf and bleeps re maining the same. William A, llrady, former partner and manager of Cnrhetl, Climates Hie flnsn- clal profits and losses, in an interview, is follows: "The loser will not receive one cent of nurse or stake. I understand that nu ar rangement has been made by Mr. Stuart whereby each fighter receives an equal imouht of each for li is interest in the lectric pictures. What that sum is 1 prefer not to say. l ost or War in l ulia. Havana via Kev West Captain-Uen- iral Wcyler lias forwarded to Spain for pproval by the Spanish Cortes the public nidget'hill, amounting to S3."i,000,OOO, in uldition to an atipropnation bill reach ing the high water mark of $93,0110,000. Fhe latter bill, it Is said, will he carried hrough to meet the extraordinary ex penses of the war and navy departments ncurred on account of the Cuban insur rection. The income revenue for lite new iscal year beginning in July will hardly each $14,000,000, which amount will ihrink considerably should the proposed treaty with the United States be carried tut. Therefore, there will be an cnor nous deficit, reaching probably ijilOO.- K)0,000, to meet which tho Madrid lortes must decree new taxes in Spain r call for nnother public loan to meet ',hc interest on the same. The liquor tax ind the real estate tax in Gallia are to he increased 40 per cent. There will also he l special tax placed on manufacturing. I'hc strong opposition of the planters to he'proposed taxes will be renewed. to rune a iun.it i.h.ii.m: it t v fake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet'. VII drngsi8ts refund the moucyjf it Inil- ocure. 2,)c. THE COTTON MARKETS. March It. fHE speculation in cotton has again been small today. Hay delivery in New York closes 7.00 which is a net gain of 4-100 since I last wrote. .V wire from my New York correspondent slated that the light interior movement caused the lit lie advance. Yours truly. J. K. Latham. THE MARKETS. Cuioaoo, March 1:1, OI'KXINO. CI.OSH. ... 7:1.'. 71 ... 4.021 1.721 Iny Wheat. Hay liihs. . . TIRED MOTHERS linn help in Hood's Surs lianlla. which if I vet them pure blood, a cootl appetite am; new ami needi'4 STRENGTH. Garden Seeds ! -AT- Oavis' Pharmacy. Sweet Peas, and othnr kinds of b'lowor Seeds have also just arrived. M Firm! Wo the untie rsignci. wish to in form our " trims and the tultlic generally that we have opened it irst class Shoe Shop on Middle Street, pposite Hotel Albert, in the onlcc rir nerly occupied by Dr. Dugitid. Wo kitul y ask for a share of your patronage. Rest Materials used and Satisfaction limranteed. Shoes made to outer. Elastics inse t n trailers. liC HKfAlltlXd A Sl'KCIAl.TY.-rJ Respectfully, JIOOIV A' iiill4. ;Pr7"In lh:s spa'e as the season a lvanccs wo will inform or frionds, patrons and the public generally of all the at tractive things wo have to show in each depart ment, and at the. mo it attractive prices. Itajpectfully, (I. A, HARFOOT. II. W. HIWPKOX, FnnernI Director and . lumbal mer. iKnroadtrsst 'FliOMK M - tWIUirUt nobs a Hiwoi If " GO TO KyiifiMiisiiill ro:; "Ntiiiv; Yur m:kd in CriOllE FAMILY ) iUULR Lu. They curry n lare umI well select ed stock andTIIKli; l'lUCK A1!K AS I.OW AS AXYWII ki:k Tliey (iiuraiitiu t vt rv arliclc :s icire;i .tul, and if found ul licrwif-e yon may return it ami jjet your money Lack. Tlicy iK'livcr romls aiivwliero in the city, free, and promptly. Tlicy have 'ust ivch'vciI u choice lot of Sugar Ciu'cd llatns which they cut, and u l-'rcali lot of Sml i ainl Cream Lniicli His. nit, Carolina whole grain luce tic pound, Break fast Strips, Fallon ' nrket. Corned iecf, v II Urn! M win ivc You Been Arojml I I i i'Olih? ill Oli(T Inferior good nt sinal! prices, but tlio BI'.S'I (iOODS AT I'llll'K WAY DOWN BKI.OW any other house in town. For OS I. Wo can .SELL CLOSKB, so bring your pocket-books well lilled, and MANY IIAKOAINS YOU WILL MAKK. n . )i waiMuitil 8tilnrdny ns U Ull I "u w over-run n .. bliub ony. JOHN dDUNN, Cash far. nono&BOGGocooooooaoLiooooon eautiful Creations and We have received and are jj receiving every day (large Q lines oi exquisite novelties in O notions. i,n: a i i: We 1 e'levo tha' a 1 nsp c tionwill cenvinceyou n, ir Superiority in both style and quality. t Our Grocery Emhraces every necessity in that line. You know the va riety is there. You know the QJJALITY is there. h i: imiomise: to ii:i:t CI o A I.I, 9 O a $ 9 aeiieooOiioiueoi9ooGODODeii urniture Fura itar hitm ! W. P. JONES. iUANG ANG pAM on MO, ;ij70u want Gu-no t di Cash we cinup:!y yen with I I 'II I I I Ai lltuh ISottuiii . C.Whitty &Co ALL 1 1 1 K LA TK T Periodicals, Blank Books, Stationery, Pencils, Pens, and Ink, At J. 1. (s.lSUIXN, It 1 MI DDI. K ST UK I'. A FItKSU LINK OK Clioc'oln final Itiiss ltill mill 1MH '""' Apples, Bananas, Lemons, Cocamit. TRY fll'R TAI'rV -it Is the lst.lt n the market. ar.NUXN a co. Nit toPostOBee. o o m m i Summer Attire. O s ic ieo . i i: it 1 1. D o o o o Department 8 E3 ft sr OIlKTITI ! T. J. TURNER, I 01EJ ASH Or OX T I. II ii. I Il.tVK J I ST lilt i lVKD iin.tihei l.-trgi' Stoik uf I 'in ti 1 1 1 1 1 - and Mallrtsst will ell at l!n k Mull, uu KiL'ure- fur a-li i.l I In I inn tut Kie Weeks so it- I r. .i.n icm:ic m:v iikiink. n. v. Take Notice ! e It it i-1 nt . t t pr ec- dim it mi stitt -I t.,ti- t.i -.1. W, ,-liv, r s it e.l sitit -tn il n,.tt I, hi r rfii it fii li't . - bijiil. I a i mil Illlltl eiil. Thif tf ll i kept null i -bit bed itiil iiivn -i we. in ainv tti itlbi't. Si. :i in fu ll ml in e ii JSiwed hiti...!i" Ma. . lire k Liit i, - .it, renee 'ii.-.! .il a at hi liall 1. I "nve rnrclmaed for Breeding Purposes 1 I"irri'. Hpk',i,j' 1 i Thoroughbred vvsiiiHi: in LL. nid iini mm tilfering lti erviees In I e ; ;mlilic X. This Hull ttKik premium at lie Kat !''"roliiia l air. IHU7: and is ft- in (Ink llro.e St k Karin. IiirlinBi..ii N. I . For fitrtlter liifornn turn see liMi HILL, New Berne, X. ('. Wnr.x bilious of costive, eat a Osscarrt oeadyfnthartii!, en re gtuuantasd, 10c. BSC trot