THE NIW EERNK JOUMAL ch&kles l. Stevens. fiDlTCB AND PEOPKIETOIU New Berne, N. C., March 10, 1897, Kntered at theFost Office at New Berne N. C. as saoondlass matter. ' Kotleet ot Choreh end Sodlety and all otnxr entertainments trotn wtalob. revenue Is to be SerlTed will be charged tor at tbe rate of bye . aline. . rB Jailt Jodkical (except Monday) lis : UTered by carrier in tblt city, at 60 cent er month raica Mouths, invariably In advanoe, $1.00 Oaa TiAm ; , " " Una year not In advance, 15.00. Weekly joubsal one year s In ad anoe, tl.oo Advertising Rates given on app .cation at b uffloe. rive cents per line will be cbarged lor ardt ot Thanks, Resolutions ol Respect and Sbltoary Poetry; also lor Obituary Notices her than those which tbe editor himself . ball give as a matter ot news. The Journal will not under any circum stanoes be responsible tor the return or the ate keeping of any rejected manuscript. No xceptlon will be made to this rule with re- ard u either letters or lnolosures. Nor will Editor enter! Into correspondence con- arnlna rejected manuscript. . HIGHWAYS TO THE SEA. The improvements made at Ocra coke whichgives a water depth there of nine feet at low water, makes it necessary that an increased water depth be secured for the Nense riv er below this city, eo that New Heme may have a water highway to the sea in that direction. The estimates have already been made from surveys, to secure an eight foot depth of water, with p width of 300 feet in the Neuse river below this city, which would make the increased water depth at Ocra coke available for the commerce ol New Berne, and give a fine outlet in that direction to our maritime interests. While this survey and have been made, it is not certain that the necessary appropriation can be secured for the work, and it ought to be seen to, that this matter receives attention at the hands of our Con gressman at Washington, for it if said that nothing further than the survey and estimates may come cf it. This improvement of the Nense below New Berne is of the greatest importance to the city's commercial interests, as it will enable many ves sels to come to this city which can not at present pass up. In addition to this water highwai via Ocracoke, the merchants and business interests of New Bernr ought to endeavor to secure an out let at Beanfort whicli could be dom by having Clubfoot Canal deepened and widened. Clubfoot Canal at present is an swering no special commercial pur pose, and its private ownershij seems to operate against its receiving any attention from the Government The making of this canal an out let would not only assist Xe Berne, but Beaufort and this entin section as it would put it in closci communication with the Southeri. and West Indies trade. Here are two grand and importani water outlets which can be secured for this city's commerce, and it oughi to be the purpose and effort of oven citizen of New Berne to work to wards securing these great watei highways which would lead to tin advancement and development u'. our port' sever; interest. New Berne merchants sny thej want more business, here is one wn to get it by putting this city ami section in closer and better cuitniiti nicalion with the outside trade markets. A little practical work on thii matter will accomplish great tliingt for New Berne's commerce. Let the effort be made at once, and let every one assist in the movement. however, in the job they have un dertaken. He who: snps with the devil must needs have a long spoon. Upholding the' Turk in. authority over a Cristian people is peculiar employment for Christian nations, and it cannot last. Such patchwork as is being devised now to tide over difficulties will not hold together long,, and when the day of reckon ing comes tbe consequences will be all the more appalling because of these makeshifts. The Turk in Europe is an anom alous as was African slavery in the United States. The effort to drive out slavery makes a luminous chap ter in our history. Mr. Lincoln one of the greatest of men saw the truth -and uttered it when he de clared in f he debate with Mr. Doug lass that the Union could not much longer exist half slave and half free. And yet, plain as that truth was to him thon. and is to all men now, some great and good men before him had taken , the opposite view, and tried truces and compromises in an effort to .uphold slavery as an institution under the law. They succeeded for a time, but when - the storm at last broke the result was something terrible inhuman annals. Mr. Lincoln's words were prophetic, for the war did last "until every drop of blood drawn with the lash" "was paid by another drawn with the sword." The Turk has no business in Eu rope. He ought Ions; since to have been driven out. His is not only not in sympathy with European civiliza tion, but his religion teaches him actually to despise it. And yet thi great powers of Europe not only tol erate him, but support him en- r'couraee " him to keep his f mi. i Weans BtteOy Coaaldered by aa Old Artny --"-J; Taawaat -i. ., "Take it altogether," said the b!f. soldier; ''I think I liked beans tbe beat of tbe army rations,' Hard bread, cf course, was essential, and we expected to get that anyway, but I am speaking now of the comparative luxuries cu the army bill of fare. I should prefer earned beef, if that issued in the anny had been uniformly of a desirable- quality.'' Eut often it was of a hardness more like that of quarts and of a saltiness past be lief by those who have never tried it. "Salt peak well, fat salt pork, even of the best quality, is not desrable as a steady diet of food, and we got more salt pork than any other meat, and it was most always not of the best. In fact, no old soldier will ever forget the salt pork of the army. But his recollec tions of it Trill not be surrounded by an aurora boreal is of delight ; - ' :. : "Not everybody liked beans, but ac cording to my notion they were tbe best of the army rations, all things consid ered. If we bad a piece at pork to put iu the kettle, so much tbe better. But we bad salt anyway, and bean soup, with hard bread to break into it, and a cup of coffee made a meal that bad de cided elements ot hopefulness in it 'It is true that sometimes when we had beans day after day for days together some of the men would get tired of them. But you would grow tired of ortolans, wouldn't you, if you had too many of them? "I always used to be glad when we had beans, and to this day I like now and then a dish of bean soup, and I never eat it without pleasant recollec tions of the army. " New York Sun. place. I Their dav of reckoning will come. estimates,,,. .,; j maybe not for very long the dav when lie can no longer be supported: nd they will be fortunate if in that day all of their present maneuvers do not rise up in bloody form to harry them. But come what may, Greece will have done her duty. Shj has point ed, as with a wand of white fire, to both the abuses and the remedy. She has, so far, the right of the whole matter. Her stand is as fine as that any nation in modern timet has taken for civilization and just ice. If the' figure of speech is appli cable to a country with such a name, she's a brick. Wash. Star. The Turk, an Slavery. Greece of course cannot triumph over tbe treat powers opposing hei in the Cretan business. Any one ol tbem, linelehanded, could crush her, and all combined compose the con trolling force of the Eastern Hcmis phere. Tbey are not to be envied, Kesteraa te Health. It vou are suffering with anv tkln blood diseases, Rheumatism, Catarrh Ulcers, Old Sores, General UsWliij, etc, scad stamp to tbe Blood Balm Co., At Jsnta, Oa , for book ol -wondeitul cures, free. This book will polutj the wy to speedy recovery. Botanic Blood Bsloi,t(D. B.B.) Is man. ntiactured after a long tested prescription f aa tmiDMt plijriclao, and Is thi 1I building up and blood puilfjintf nmliciM la tbe world. Bewsnt of subslilulea. Pries 11.00 for targe bottle. ' For sale by Druggitta. OKB IN A THOUSAND. Out seamier, etvcral years ago, while railroading la Mississippi I became badly affected with malarial blood poison, that Impaired nj health for mors than too years. Several ofhuilvt ulcers appeared on my leg; ad Boiliiog Itemed lo alvs ' permanent relit! aoM I took, of Botanic blood Bala (B. B. B.), wuieb cored me entirely. U. D. Laxc, Dvrs.tux, Os. Silverware and Art Coods. Silver fruit dishes with solid centers and pierced borders represent a favorite stylo. Glass tea caddies, elaborately out, with silver tops, present a change in this direction. - Silver wirework forms the latest edi tion of photograph holders. . " Among modern table requisites are silver sardine trays and sardine forks. Candles and shades and candelabra are included in dinner table decorations. Silver toys for collectors are out in new designs and are notable for fine workmanship. Receptacles for cold cream come in cut glass and are of low, round form. The covers are ornate'affairs in gold or rilver. Jewelers' Circular. Then Is more Catarrh in this sectioi ol the country than all other diseases put to pettier, and until the last few years wai 4uppo9eed to be incurable. For a grcm many years doctors pronounced it a loon' disease, and prescribed local remediessaut bj constantly failing to cure Willi local treatment, uronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a coosli lulional disease, and therefore require a constitutional treatment. Hall's (f. tan li Cure, manufactured by V. J. Client'! & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only consti tutional cure on the market It is takei oteiusllv in doses trom 10 drops to a tea ipooulul. It acts directly on tbe blood ind mucous surfaces of the system. Tbey ifler one hundred dollars Tor any case Tails to cure. Send for circulars and tcsii- monials. Address, F. J. CHENEYI& CO., Toledo, O Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the test. Ferrlca Nlaaleaarr Heelely. All delegates aiTtl visitors who ex pect to attend the Annual Meeting ing of the X. C. Woman's Foreigi Missionary society at Littleton, f C. March 25th 29th, 1S!7 will pleai-e send their names to Mrs. E II. Davis, Littleton, JJ. O. TO CI RK A COLO IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Uroiuo.(juinine Tablet ll druggists refund tbe money if it lail to cure. 23c The Forum. MARCH. 1897. Taxation, Its Sum, Justification.and Uetli ods, Hon. Perry Belmont. Tue Anglo-American Arbitration Treaty, Hon Frederick R. CouderL Some Comment oa the Treaty, Tbeodott S. Woolsey. Professor of International Laws at Yale University. decent Triumphs la Medicine sod Surg' ery, Dr Geo. F. Slirady, Editor of the "Medical Record." Tbe Torrey Binkr.ipt Bill, Boo. J. L Torrcy. American Excavations Id Greece, Iksria, Anthedoo, Tblabe, J. Geonadlno. Mr. Cleveland and the Senate, Jams Bcbouler. Kansas, Its Present tod Future, William Allro White, Editor ol the Emporia (KsnJGsaeilt," New Letters of Edward Gibbon, Frederick Harrison, Wbal an Nermal Timasl E. V, Etoa'ley, Editor of tbe "North-West Magatlaa.p Is England's Industrial Supremacy i Mylar rVN. North, Pcct'y of tbe Nsl'l Ass'a of Wool Vaoalacturars. Modern Oreeoe, Tlx bite frol. Joha Btu art Blacltta, ' ' v ' . ... KBW TOSH.' TOE FORUM rCBUSniNQ LU, 111 Fifth Ave Agents. A AN ARMY RATION. Much in Little Is especially true ot Hood's Pills, tor no medi cine ever contained so great curative power li so small space. They are a whole medicine o ood s chest, always ready, al- OIB ways efficient, always sat- WLJ I 1 O Isfactory; prevent a cold If I I I S or ferer, cure all liver Ills, " " sick headache, Jaundice, consUpatlon, etc. 29c The enly Fills to take with Hood's Barsaparilla &cl.elule "II" Tax ! I will have on Monday, February 22co tho lists for the Schedule Tax, am all parties iutereslid, are r quest id t couie forward at ence ond settle lor thi tax, as I shall only rotke one upoi tbem. JOSEPH L. HAHN, Sheriff Craven County. Notice. Having beenj appointed (administrate of Wiunie Pops, deceased, I hereby m tity all ersoos having claims against sal. Winnie Pope to exhibit Fame to me no i- before February 12tb, 1898, or this notii will be pleaded :n bur ttereof. All pel sons indebted to sail Winnie Pope nil make immediate payment to me. ROBERT G. MOSELY, Administrator cf Winnie Pope, Feby. 12, 1807. J InHrporatlonSfotIce STaTE OF NORTH CAROLINA, - Craven County. J C I to Office Clerk Superior Court. -: Notice is hereby given of the incorpor ilon of the New Bene Tobacco Ware houEk Company, that the names' of tbe incorporators are N. H. Street, B. S. Guion, CVl Watson, J. H. Hackbum, IL B, Dufly, E. K. Bishop and J. R. Parker, Jr. and such others as tbey may associate with llicm; that the principal place of businesi jbull be In New Berne, N. C, and its gen. dural purpose and business Is to the leas ing, purchase, building and maintenance of tobacco warehouse or warehoueee.and ill other necessary offices, buildings and nnclilntry in"or near the City of Ne Biroe, Suite of North Carolina, and in -u.h other places in said State or else s here as it nay desire and the conducting ot a general sales tobacco wnrcLouse bun i ts or both, and the doing and perform. iog i f every act and thing that it ma leeui necessary thereto, with power to nakv such contracts with any and all ,;ei soo8 as may be deemed necessary and ixpidient for the,, successtul conduct oi mid business; that the duration of Ibe col oration shall be fllty years; the capital it ive.tliousand (f 5,000) dollars with privi lege to increase to one hundred lbousano dollars, divided in one thousand shares cl ho i ar value of one hundred dollars each W. M. WATSO N, C. a I. Mortgage Sale. By virtue of a power of sale contained in a mortgage made ana executed. d denj. Richard to J. A. Morton, on thi lUth day of July, 1895, and recorded in lie collector s.omce, district or ramuco, C port of:New Berne, in liber 14, folio 58, 1 will sell for cash,' to the high- ,-tt bidder, at the court house door it New Berne, Craven county, N. C , -el ue 1st day of April, l7, at i o'oiocs joon, tne ronowing propeny: i iui icliooner Luvenia Kiciiara, more par- licular discribed in tbe mortgage abovt mfeied to, to wmcu reference unere y niude. J. A. MORTON, Mortgagee March. 1st, 1897. AT. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO., RALEIGH, N. C. To those who Desire, To Dress Correctly, To Dress Economically, 'Our prenaralions for the doming teasoi ave been oa a much larger scale thai jver before. The more we sell tbe smal ler J damage we rhall . require. Thi note we buy tho cheaper we cat. afford U U. It is, therefore, beneficial to you in boll iajc, to give us a full share ot your pat rooage.for which we tnauk you in advance Our New -Stock ifSpiicg goods is complete, qur assort--nen tls bewildering, our styles exclusive, jr prices moderate. . OUB HEW DRESS OOOIW. rissne Fautasie, Damassce Bichelieu,Gaz uconnee, George do Crapean, Chevipi fkd de Poule, Canvas Bourette, Grena liue Jaepe, Etamine Deutelle, Dmp i t Etc. , Cfc. OUB NEW BLACK GOODS. Stiiped, Jetted, Plain and Camel's Hai jreuadines, Etamines, Solei, Homunh Jieuailects, Butketines, Drap Vts En Silk and Wool Novelties, Endora, Nun'i Veilings and Cballles. OUB Haw silks. -QubCtai India, Moire Velour, Pean I) doil, Vuique Moire, Moire Francaise, Ri nuitfcioce snd Fasconne and new fane; stiipe, plain and woven dot silks. Write ns lor snything you want. Wi hive tbe langest and best selected stock ii the south. E7" temples cheerfully futnisbed all, W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO., )RALEIOR, H. 0, ' Court Notice. JURORS AND WITNESSES summon to at icd the February term of the Cii vuit Criminal Court lor Craven county ai uereby notified that owing to Uie aUeuc jl the Jiidxe, said term ot said couit w sdlournid to the 4ib Monday io Maici (llaicU 22, lh'J". The same Jurors aie required lo attend . W. M. WAT-ON, Clerk Circuit CrimlDarCourU Notice ! TO TRIAL JUSTICE I "The adjourned February Terra of tbt Circuit Ciimlnsl Court lor Craven couo ty will be held on tua 4th Monday o March next Oarcb 82nd, 1897). ' lu ai crlminaractiooi sent to court - you wll bind over defendants to that term of salt court. W. M. W ATHOrl, ,Clrk CircuitTDnrrinal tour-. Notice! State o Nobth CA bolua, Gravel County, la the Superior Court, Nstbsa risher,: VS i NOTICB. , Msttis Fisber. ) To Mattle Fisher, tbe defendsnt In lb. above ec titled action. Take Notice! That aa action entitled at above, ba been inslllitcd against joulotbe Cuperl or court of said county, for a dlvoiei frooi tbe bonds of matrimony for lens causes, snd you art hereby required U. appear at the Spring Term of said coon to be beld on tue ltd day of May, 1897. sod answer or demur" to lbs Oumplalnl aowo 0lo Initio Clerk's efflco or said coon, or lbs relief demanded la aalo oomplsint will be granted. Thai 6ib day ol February, t97. , W. M. WATSON, - Clerk Superior Coo it Oho. IL Whitb, Ally, for PIsiulllT Wbkm bilious or costive, eat a Cfcarst candy 'oaluartlc, eure guarantead, 10c Sic KEWBfME ACADEMY, NewBerae, H.'JC. Under tbe plan of reorganisation, ofier. Jiorougb mstructioo in tbe Classical an Smdieb "Courses oy a corps oi emineo dducstors roes tbe University oi HotU Oaroiiua, Horner's 8cbool and other notet Educational lostitutloaa Tuitioa Fees Monthly lo Advance. ' rMoary Department, $1.83 per month, intermediate " ;".1M - ' Jlaaelcal ' B.00 " ,; For further information, apply . or, ad. Jreas, t Jokx.S. LoMQ, XX D. JL H. Mkaoowi, . T. A, Gaaxa, Board of Regents. Trustee's tlnlt. Persuant to tbe power of sale conferred upon me ss Trustee In a certain Deed in , frost executed to me fcy; Arthur Jones and-wile Caroline, dated tbe 15th day oi January, 1895, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county o book 116; pages 8, 9, 10, snd 11. The . H. & J. A. Meadows Compary hav ing requested me to ioreclose said -Deed of Trust; I will sell at Public Auction at he ''-ourt House in the city of New Berne it 12 o'clock, m., on Monday tbe 22ud Jay of March, 1897, for cush, the follow ing described rtal estate; , Beginning' al Allen Komegay's on tbe south side ol Neuse ioad,distanceof nine and nine tenths poles.weet of J. A. Meadows and Eliza E. Knox corner by the side ofsaid road ana jpposite tbe lands formerly occupied by . Israel P. Nelson, running by and with isid road north 64 degiees,west 100 8-10 poles to a stone on the south side of said roadi-then paiallel With tbe dividing line oetween said J. A, Meadows and' Knox's, uih 33 degrees, west 874 Doles to a liui inowu as the old Brvan line. ai.d also vue line Of Robt. Rountree, thence with jaid line north 70 degfees, east 48 poles te Alexander Mitchell's soutberinost cornet .a said line, thence with Said Mitchell' ine north 33 degrees, east 143 j)olesvtc ais northwesternmost corner and tbe cor Rv cl Said Eliza H.Knoxjn tbe bank oi i large ditch, thence wilb said, ditch anu ilitcbelf a line S3 degrees, east 88 poles ti ns snd said Knox's corner in said J. . A. sfeaduws line, thence ; with said J. A. Meadows line north 83 degrees, east 50-J3-100 poles to W. Hunter's coroer,thenct ith his line and parallel with Neust road aforesaid 55 degrees, west 19 9-lC poles to his corner, thence north 88 de crees, east and parallel with said;J. A. dcadows line witb hunters and Allen Coroegay's line to the beginning, con alining D6t acres more or less, being tbt unie land conveyed bv deed to Edwarn i. Henderson and James IL Ellis b Elizi 11. Knox, dated September 87tb 1873, recorded in the Register of Deed't jffice, Craven county, book 107, pagek 458 and 259, Ab one other tract ol and in said county and State, beginning ai .he upper coiner of the poor-house lane ind runnion with tbe western line of saiii poor house land, north 38 degrees; eati 101 poles to Walter Duffy's line, thenci dorth 48 degrees; west 48 poles to John Justice's corner in said Dully 'sliue.ilieuct ilong tbe dividing line ot said Justice it Jlrs Foster's corner, tbence witb hei jastcrn line to the main or Neuss rosd thence down said road to the beginning; containing 39 acres more or less, Slue Mother piece or parcel of land, lying il. che same couuty and State, bounded at iyiJowa, viz.: Beginning at tbe uppei wrner or division corner totween tin die lands of Nathaniel H. Street and tU leirs of Jno. Justice, on tbe north side ol tbe Neuss road, running down said road iO poles to a pine stump, thence noriL 18 degrees cast to said Justice hue, tLenci ilh tbe same tomb 73 dtunis, west io tbe first station, containing 10 aim more or less, being the sums luud cpuvcy m bv Nutbuniel 11. Street' to Maiy D. c'osterauil Mary K. Oalencla by deeo luted Feby. 3rd, lbBu, Also aootuer pkci jl laud lying in tbe tuinti touuty, begin uing at tbe i.orlbwest comer of tiuct u uod containing 81J acres conveyed lo lbs wardens of the poor of Craven louniy bj Du rant Hatch by deed dated Uet Slet, 1821, tbence witb tbe northern line ol thi same south 57) degrees, east 04 poles to the N. E. corner ol Uie same, tbeuce wttb toe line ol another tract of tand conveyei to the said wardens by Susan Oruisou ind Juhu X. i-une by deid uaieu iu' lj. jorth 30 degicea, east UiJ poles loapoiui O) leet SoulU of said Waller Dutly'a but., tbence parallel with the suu.e nurth'&l Jegrces, west 64 poles, theoce iouth Si Jegrecs, east 42 28-100 poles to ib be ginning, conlabiug 13 acres moie or Um. tlao soother piece of lend In the unit jouuly sud Suite, bounded as follows, be (inning at the 8. W. corner of ths piea jf the land deeded to the said Waidtns b lur.nt Hatch oo October 21st, 182U, tbence running djwn snd along the noiti aide of said Neuss road south 07 degnjes, sast 10 poles to a ditch tor4 water courst iheoee alung said ditch or water course, aiN.E, direction to the back ' hoe o id piece of land, thence with said bsa hue north 67) degrees, west to the N. W, joiner of said piece land,lhenoe with wes. side ol Said piece ol land south 88 degree, west to the beginning on tbe Neuse roao containing 8 3-4 acies more or lea. . Ibis 15th day ot February, 1897. ' : ! T. A. GREEN, Trustee. .Al'.,''''"''l'lk'',, " " il "Independent in AlcThings.v i 1 lUUeULaLvJL-jlii - Schedule Efloctivo November 22, 1890. 1 Thii condensed Bcbodule la published at informs, on only ja .w subject to change without notice to the public -. . 6RZEKSB0R0, BALEIUH, U0LD9B0B0 AND NORFOLK. io.Tt Mlaetl, .llaluy isoass s sea ui ISsaui SMsas S is a ss Pm S SO sin 4auas t snasa lllia I sua at I tin ao. tt Ha Sua. sua m 10 si an 11 Sis "hfi'Tp in 1 ttm no. is. tially. . ISSam Stlaan nam tssass Mam a ss lSaat It nam IS M a ml ISatsm less a as II as am 11 Warn IS SB p as IS is p m Itispni llsopm Islpm-. Ho. SS Hail. .11 10 p ra m w p m IS ss p u. "ssspm 1 eo p m ...IU SB i:pm 1.17 o m 1 S p Ul CP taspm S SS p IU I Sep as lastera Time. I SI pi s aw 4 11 pi I I M l I topi I i se p m I .4 tspm Oreensboro UlbsooTllle Klon CoUae Ber?lnfton Gmham . Haw Hirer HeOane lllliahoro llaiversisy - Dorbaia Morrtrrlll try Malelfh - T"alelsh Auburn Clayuia Sslma Ar Wo. St. ially. 11 Slam II Mam 11 SU in II Ilia II lam lo M a ra Hum 10 Ham Kl 7em I team S Via Swam Steam T7 a m siSam 7 Warn f liTm TUSH Mo. Is. lially. S 4Spm S IS pm S 14 p m S OS p ill S Ml p Ul 44 pm I ss p m tslpm 1 1 W p m 1 1 m p m S v p ra I so p m 1 lam 1 10 P Ul I 1 Stpni Wo. II. Mixed. Dally. iss am sis am Sue am IB am ts a m twain us a o a m Imam ISO a m imam ts a m warn No. 41. a. Sun in pm S so pm tU IB I se pan MM LM WEEKLY; :.tJ .'.';","".ii'ri :f-1 . t ALIVE, PROGRESSIVE, CLEAN. The high Journalistic standard which the founderol the JOURNAL, J. W. Harper, ; established tor it, which Age has only added to it, Rives it a reputation tor being true to its motto, Independent in all Things," has been fully sustained by Mr. Harper's successors; and to-day the NEW BERNE JOURNAL stands for an Honest and Clean Journalism, at the same time being an up-to-date Newspaper. '''..0yt The present management of the JOURNAL has eenf Adding many, new features of improvement to the lOURWAIi, and in a short time some important additions will be made, of which . due announcement will be made. THE DAILY JOURNAL, P U Entering Its 15th Year, SUBSCRIPTION, $4.00 A TEAR, ) IN ADV1NCI. iTHt weekly; JOURNA L, Entering lu 21st Tear. ; f ' SUBSCRIPTION. $1.00 A TEAR " U ';'.. IN ADVANCE. : : : . Both Papers have Latest News, Local, County," State and General Outside News. - ' C - ;' ; Unsurpassed mediums tor the tl Advertiser to reach every town- Sri ship in Eastern N. C. I SAMPLE COPIES; FREE. New Berne,vll. C. i soli m W p m Hot. JU ana ll.can- rullmanJHleeplns Cars tMleeriIli-eniboro and KaleiKb. P sr p

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