K KEW BERNE JODRNaL New Borne, N. C, March 19, 1897. ' IEW ADTERTIHEXEMTB. O. Marks Oo. If you. '.'', . v F. VI rich The largest. - . ' UcDaoi.l & Gaskilli-Groccrirs. . Bimiaiss local WANTED Traveling salesman to Rcll most complete line of Lubricating Oils, BpeciMties, etc., on the market. Salary or coinmiftsion. Atlantic Refining Co., Cleveland, Ohio. --.-.,' LOST ! A chain with two small keys at tached. - A liberal reward Is offered. J: B. Whxis, Register of Deeds. Lodge Directory: KCKEKA 1.0 m;K NO. T, I. O. O. F. : dffl .tri B. 8. Union, N. (J ; J. L. Cooper, V. u.; -ectlreen, ItVtl. Hec'ty: R. 4. lilaoaway, (n. rx-cty;-. it. I'ailter, Jr., Treae. Ktrulai meetir.Kfc evei v Mo-uv utUt at 1: 30 o'cHK'k. CAI.'JiICTl.NCAMPMENT NO. 4, 1. 0.0. F. 0-icer: B. 3. Union, C. l;J. L. Ooo-r, II. ".; . H. -treet, S. W.: N. C. Hu:ue, J. w.; F.R. Ifyiua.ii, scribe; II. Ii. Nonl, -lean. V.?n utar Kuoaiuiment8, 1st, lAl, and uth tit any) I'linnutay ulKlna in ouch liiomii at 'Clock LAN'l'ON CE1.!0.T NO. P. M I. O. O. F, Di3u, Lieot.iB.s.;.u!oii, ti .,1 a; i'. h. Peiie Kett'yi- C-'J' jnotie:i; ', jiud 4tii T.iun; Uuy A ".bia ia eatu uiouUi e'.7:J o'clock CRAVEN LODGE NO. 1, KNIGHTS Of HAD MONY: Meets '2nd ami 41 li Weclues(iH lilghta in each moulh hi Kountreu'H Hall. B. K. ltall, freaiduiu; J. H. Smith, Secretary. T. JOHN'S LODGK NO. S, A. F. AN D A. M : Officers: T. A.Green. W. M.; .1. It. Clark, VI.; E.iB. Xel, J. W.; Jas. Keduioui , Trea.;T. li. Kvjivd. See'ly. lSenlar Com iunicalions Su Welti. esilny eutii uipnth. KKW GERNS CHAFl'EB :tO. 6, II. A. M.:l OlHoeist J. C.Gieen, II. T.; 1.. Cu e. K 'i , I U.J. Lovlct, Scribe; T. A. ;iecn, TreHs.; I.. Un I. ... 1 stow m itonduV eau monhi. ' t , 8T. JOHT8 COMM4NDlil:V NO. 10, K.T.: Ornceii): KU ':. (;.!.; H.J. Loviek, O.; It. Stieat, C. :.; '!. A. (i.ien, T:-eai.; li. D eal, Jlecot'ne.. (te:ii:u Cinc avr:' flisi .. and ilmiJ t,.ii:'ys ut t!e tuon:. ATHENT A LOOtiE NO. S, K. o- P.-Meet' veiy Tuesday lie lit in li. ol I. Hi . Lii.ni'e hlreet. H. W. siiii-ti C. C: I'. I'. Avei y, V.O.- W. S. l'aiMina K. K. &.ti.,C. C.'l.rorii tOD. M. 0" I'. CHATTAWKA TltlllK NO. 14, IMP. O. H. l Sleets tbe 2ud 81eep of everv 7 Sunt j Monda night at K. or l. Onstie (tall, Middle Street, New lierne, N. C. Yisitiuu Iteil Men nlvav welcome. II. W. .Siinpsun, Sachem; .1. il. Smith, C. ol l mi urn locals , Hackbarn's line'of Spring goods is increasing every day. ., The hotels were filled with trav elling salesmen yesterday. Mainsprings 50 cents, warranted one year Bangert-the Jeweler. : My prices are lower than anj other tirst-cla88 workman in tlx city. Baxter, The Jeweler. The weather forecast for toJuy n Local r&ins followed by fair weulh er in the afternoon and warmer. St. John's Comman iery No, 10, K. T. will hold its regular Con clave, tonight, being the third Fii day of the month. The Esther Wake Club will meei tonight at the home of the Misset Daisy ,and Mattie Green on East Front and Broad streets. The temperature yesterday as ob served at the Government Climate and Crop Bureau, was, maximum, 64.0 degrees; minimum, 43.0 de grees; range, 10 degrees; rainfall .07. William Davis, colored, one of the street force, while cutting away dead limbs on a tree on liar.cjck street near the A. & N. C. li. 11. depot, fell from the tree, injuring hit back and knee. The rumors here concerning the death of both Corbett aud Fi tzsi Mi nions, one of which originated in the vicinity of tho A. C. II. li depot, caused the Western I'nion Telegraph operators quite a great deal of annoyance. The Fair which was held at the heme of Mr. Charles Ileizenstein yesteiday by the children in that vicinity Was a decided sue jess. Be sides a beautiful display of toys, fancy work, there wore sterecplican views, running races and speeches. After the ceremonies, refreshments were served which were enjoyed equally as much as the other fea tures of the Fair by all who attend ed. The committee has Lot as yet decided npon the dato for the next one. Now is thk Timb to pnrify your blood and Hood's Harm punt la is Hie best medi cine for tbe purpose. Thousands of great cures prove that it is the One True Ulood Purifier. " Hood's Tills are the favorite family Cathartic and liver medicine. Price 25c. mmimmm " ,l.r KOI If , A note hat been addod to the charts stating that 3 feet of water can be carried at high water from New Berne to Beaufort. N. C, via Clubfoot Canal. At low wuter about 1 1-2 feet can be carried. ENTIRE STOCK : No. 78 Middle Street, Under j-ceialeatl-ear Siavlllf-. I nf, Beilri'i hn Ml Nlltl, j Naval teeerva Ta-lHi:b. i The work train" of the W. N. A j. Prof. Gentry and his famous com-j The Naval Reserves will meet to NT. 11. R, which was employed haul-! pan y of educated dogs and ponies, ' night at 8 o'clock,' to farther its ing satfil at Ilatch's Fort three miles ( some one hundred in number, who, Jorganil&tioni elect petty officers and Sonth of Maysville wag partially it Jib said, surpass anything ever hear the report of its oommittee on wrecked yesterday alternoon about -seen in this line before, are soon to by-Jaws, : r f f?;:-;J H o'clock. The locomotive was re- Jjisit this city. '.;Ttey. will exhibitj . Every member is earnestly re turning on a down grade from the under their own waterproof tent at quested to be present and on time, water tank towards the train of flat East 'Front and. Pollock, streets, t V. " -r. , ,, cars. which had been left levera! hundred yards from the tank, when the air brake failed to work. The ... . . ...I engineer reversed bis engine, on it exniDition will, no doubt, be hailed - "M,r u-pu m me nvus uu .ui war too latei Ihe engine bad too! with delight by -; everyone who iias rTer 80 that 6 J feet can now be car much headway and ran with nnre- .either heard of or has had thepriy- riea H miles BDOva tlli8 cit7 in tne laxed peei ioto the cars, derailing two of them. Au engine was sent out from Wilmington to assist in clearing the track for the passenger train which was scheduled to pa38 in a very short while. No one was hurt aud the damage was very small. The passenger train . . , , . arrived one hour late. PERSONAL. Mr. C. T. Watson went to Wil- 1 mmgton on business ye8teniay Mr. William M. Bigger of Kioh- l monj arrived yesterday on business Mr. J. W. Stewart went to Golds boro on business yesterday and re turned. Mr. T. L. Kerse, of Richmond, representing the Armour Packing 'Jo., is in the city. Mr. W. P. Anderson of Indi mond is in the city stopping at the Hotel (.'hattawka. Mr. J. E. Allen of Cherry Point ind Dr. Julius Levy of Baltimore are in the city stopping at the Hotel Neusee. Mr. R 1). Parrott, Jr., of Nor folk, arrived yesterday on business, and is stopping at the Hotel Cliattawka. Mr. li. M. Felters, advance Agenl for Gentry's Dog and Pony Show it in the city making arrangements foi an exhibition to he given here Mon day afternoon and evening. Thefollowing prominent members if the New Berne Bar returned from Beaufort yesterday where the) have beeu attending Superior Court: Messrs M. DeW. Stevenson, D. L, Ward, Chas. Jl. Thomas, L. J. Moore. A. D. Ward, P. M. Pearsall md II. L. Gibbf. What .llr. Hnncoek Hay. The lialeigh Tribuno of yesterday lius the following. "lion. Kobt. Hancock', of Craven county, and his son, Mr. Eeymoui W. Hancock, arrived in the city yes terday, and will spend several daye here looking after privata busi ness. Mr. Hancock is the author of the acts of the last legislature repealing tho charter of the insane asylums aud providing for their government, which are now claimed, by some Democrats, to be unconstitutional and contradictory in their provis ions. When asked by a Tribune repor ter what he thought of the charges being made by the deposed dircc toro, officials and their attorneys, Mr. Hancock said that ia the eyes of Democratic office holders and their lawyers eyerything that tended to deprive them of their "pie" was "unconstitutional." He had not ex pected any other course on the part of the Democrats. Mr. Hancock's opinion is that the act was perfectly legal and that the courts will sustain the State author ities and the Democrats must step down and out. Mr. Hancock was also asked for liis (pinion in regard to tbe claimed defects in the revenue act. He said that while it might be a fact that the Senate had not observed the con stitutional equation in the amend ments which they had added, still he thought it would be no trouble to have the Supreme Court con strue tbe defects in tbe act and render it operative without much trouble. , He said that Democratic lawyers in New Berne would make an effort to prevent the operation of his char ter amendments for that city. They are claiming that that act is uncon stitutional. This, he said, was in line with bis first proposition, that everything which tend i to cnt off their "pie" ia unconstitutional. However, said Mr. Hancock, they will find that there are jnst court ip North Carolina and most take their medicine like little men." and ran ossi1 1 ti of Stoves, Crockery, Lamps, Tinware, Agate Ware. Notions Hats, Jewelry and Clocks. - Monday. March 23. Afternoon -all.' "--f ' : v ,-, 3 o'clock; night at S o'clock. -': Theneweof the coming of this ... . . Hereof witnessing this wonderful exhibition of animal intelligence The show is sure to receive the best of patronage in this city, as the ' prices of admission are deci.ledlj reasonable, being children 15c, iadnlts,25o. ' u 061 i Wonderful medical discovery of the slc, i .., . ,- ,. , , . . s ! t'l-aoaut bu-i iciresuu'u; lu ilia lastly Hit gently aud positively on klunejs, llveiJ and bowels, cleaD6iD Hie entire sjtteai. dispel colds, cure lieudiche, fever, Lab'l util constipation and biliousness. Plead huy and try a box of C. C. C. today. 10. i'i, 30 cents, gold and guaranteed to cut by a!! 'Irusgists. , ' Close Ton litb t. The revival at St. Peter's that hat gone on with increased interest will close tonight. The closing servioei will ' be especially interesting. It it to be regreted that more room can not be had, as the evangelist wil. make this meeting the most inter esting of all the others. The publi is kindly asked to be prepared ti contribute to a special collection Toi the evangelist. The man is Worthv, and the people have been great!) benefitted, the hope ia therefore, that he will be made to feel that th people of New Berne are willing ti pay a servant who is worthy of hii hire. X. TO CUBE A COLD. 1.1 ONE DA? Take Laxative BromoQulnice Tablets All druggists refund the money if it tail to cure. 25o VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. Wroaca Shonld be nighled. Editor Journal: Public sentiment can do almost anything when sufficiently aroused. But, unfortunately, at this time i is not aroused, 'in New Berne, in i direction to benefit the town, mor ally. Is there hope of arousing it! There is certainly occasion enough if those, of our citizens, who hav. sons aud daughters value their pur ityofeife at anything. Just nov there are crying evils in this towi that should be put down at once and they wonld be if publio senti ment demanded it. There are pi a ces of vice so notorious that eve our ten year old boys speak of then with shameful familiarity. The; ought to be wiped out. They art places of moral rottenness and hav become a stench in the nostrils o all good people living near them "A little leaven lcavenetth th whole lump." Tbe contagion i spreading. It is not probable tba all vice can be put of our town. I exists in many forms which the lai cannot reach. But the citizens o New Berne have a right to demani the destruction of its publio forn and they are guilty, before God ant their families, if they do not mak such reasonable and just demand To give it freedom, under unen forced law, and to allow it to be come, in a measure, reputable is ti turn loose on a community a poisoi worse than tbe cruel venom of asps a contngion more to be dreader than the Black Plague, else bistort has been written in vain. But what shall be done? Shall. wt continue to rest supinely, saving, nothing can be done," while tb revelers, onr sons and fellow citi sens, hold high carnival in the ball.' of infamy, shame and death? Hm New Berne a conscience that wil dare to arouse ia the face of the facts? We believe she baa. Then are certainly more good than bar men in onr town. But remember i takes mora than "silent sympathy' to do the work. Brother, if yon ar right and for the right it behoove you to speak out with no uocertaii sound. His satanio majesty's latest word is, "nothing can be done.' Bat whatever la wrong, ii wron( and ought to be righted. To be lieve that wrong exists, which can not be righted, is the worst form o infidelity. " W. 0. Johnstok. Hotel Albert s improvements made by the Gov-, ernmen. have thus far increased the ..t.. .1 .1 iL. IT i m . euse river, and 8 feet can be car .ried nP 'h Trent river to Trenton Cull nd Exaiylae. i The D. TJ. Love man Co., of Chattanoo ga, Tetin., through their representative, Mr. J. II. Arrington. invite the ladies of New Berne to call at TheCliatiawka,and insoeel their elegant line of samples of everything that woman caa wish for her adornment or practical use. Will remain through Thursday and Friday, 18th and only. Resolutions ofKeapect. Adopted by the New Berre Auxiliary if the Woman's PiirBonage and Home Mission Society, on the death of Jlisf Onrrie D. Mayhew, Recording Secictao of the Society, which occurred MpjcIi tOtn, 1807. . ; ' :. :. Whereas, OtirHeavenlv Fatuerin hit 'ivine wisdom and mercy has removed from us our much loved and higYly es teemed sister, and the Society has been .ailed upon to mourn the death of its in valuable Secretary, and that in her death we have lost a faithful worker, the pool i kind and sympathetic friend, and thi jhuich she loved so well, a devoted nen-.ber. . Therefore, r solved. That while oui ica'rts are filled witi great sorrow, wt iow in humble jjjibmisBlou to the will ot 31m who ilocth all things wisely, and foi the best. . - Resolved, That in the death of our sis ter the Woman's Parsonage and Horn Mission Society (has met with an irrepai iHe loss and that we will 1 ng chcris1 her memory, and strive to emulate be: ': tues while we arc in tho Master's a. - vice. Resolved, That we tender our heartfelt ympathy to the bereaved sister, ant ither loved ones, and may God coinfor md sustain her friends, and help then .0 meet her in heaven. Resolved, Tuat these resolutions b pread upon the minutes of tiie Society, I 3ipy be sent to the relatives of the de- :eosed, also copies be furnished "Ou Some" and the New Berne Jocenai ith a request for publication. ' "Faithful unto death she has receive)' a crown of life." Mns.'J. A. Mkadows, ") " R. R. Hill, I -m " K. R. Jonzs, Com Miss Lucy Ribhtos, J March 18th 1807. Besol alius or Reapeet. Whereas, The Woman's Foreign Mis donary Society of Centenary M. E church New Berne, recognizing the wis lora of our Heavenly Father in removlnj our dear sister and earnest efficient cor responding Secretary, Carrie D. May new from our society to membcrahi with the angels and the rct'.eemed, and Whereas, our society appreciating hei worth, and missing her fellowship ant h:lp deBiro to give- expression of oui sorrow, and to place on record somt tetiiruonial to her. Resolved 1st, That the wisdom am ability she exercised in aid of missionary work, by counsel, service, and fund shi has hft us a legacy -of faith and goot works which will ever be held In lovinj remembrance. Resolved 2nd, That the sudden re moval of such a member leaves a vacan cy and a shadow that will be deeply fell y every member of the Society and wil. prove a grevous loss to our church ant community. Resolved 8rd, That we extend oui incere sympathy to the bereaved ones, with the earnest prayer that this great iiereavment may be overruled for thi highest good. Rt solved 4th, That a copy of the reso lution be sent , to the family, a oopj ipread upon the minutes of our Socletj aid a copy furnished the North Carolint Advocate, ' Mrs. Kati RicBARDsoa, " 8. II. Scott, " M. J. SlWDCS, " Qko. Hbmdebsoh. " Caboums Basokst, Committee. OrcllBO Chill fills. Tbe most satisfactory results have folo lowed lbs use of Carolina Chill Pills is til malarial disorders sod debilitated con ditions of tbe system generally.' Besidei wiog s specific aud antidote for chills oi 'ever; as a spring tonic it is without ax equal, tboronghlv eradlcatina from tbf wora out sod exhausted systems even trace of malarial poison so often present Id inch small quantities as not to product olillU or fevers, but causing that amaslns and persistent result of malaria malaria) neuralgia. This is uinally confined tt one side of head or forehead, coming oi with regularity of clockwork.periodlcallj. between 9 a m and 8 p m. Cos box or, Carolina Chill Pills will cure you or your money back. Try tbea it costs nothing If yon are not cured. Solo tt Bradham's Pharmacy. 81 pills for 50c 7 days treatment, ; Gail Dcrdcn CcNciNsro Milk. . Lirtls BookKrWtT HIAITtTm ID H o 0 MswVMM (MDCMca Miut CO. MX O 9000 00 0000 Pjreniluius Awarded. At the 1 Oth Aaaoal New Bar rail. ; f'-. ' ' Svecial rwaluma, -v .-, -For best yield of crab graBshsy.; 1 two-horse plowbv JC Wnitty&Coto Uackborn& Wlllctt. For beet homo production farm pro duct: t dIow by L H Cutler & Co. to W FCrockett. For best bushel turnips: 1 years' sub- aerinfinn in uVI. lmi V. rt T. .jicirus iu mitfcourn ee wiiietu For best bubel Tuti-bagns: 1 ycais' subscription to weekly Climnitle by C L' OasktU to Huckburn & Wfflett. For best tusliet cornr To L M nrl ilea, LuGransc, N, C, 1 years' sul.sciip i tinn' to -'.'-.weekly Journal acd wteUly Cur.Miiv.-le by C L Stevens and OL Gnskill. ' " For bat country ham: 1 yeare' tub sciiption to weekly Chroulclu by O 1 Ga-k'll to V F Crockett. ' For best display of v.ilil game: 1 banal "Gold Medat Flour" by J li LViker jr.. to "I vey Blades Hunting Party. ' . .... ' For best lasting ptescrves: 50 11 sunnr by John Dunn to Mrs S B Wutets. For largest display of sweet pickles; 1 "pepper and salteervice'V 0 K Euton to Mrs U S Mace. ' For best pound cake: 1 rug by D F jarvis to Miss 0 Molts. . - ,,.. For best cocoanut cake! . "Special Premium'' by j B Holland to Mis ' c S Maco. ''. . For best chocolate cake: 1 bottle per fumery by C D Bradham to Mrs C ?lover. '; - For handsomest decorated cake: 00 lbs flour by F Ulrich to Mrs Eva Hargeit ' For largest display in culinary depart ment: 1 dozen napkins by 0 Marks & Uo to Mia U 8 Mace, - - ; For fine display in culinary depart ment: 30 lbs flour by F Ulrich to Mn & E Harper. . " -'. '. -----"For best sour pickets: 1 silver spoon by S K Eaton to Mrs U 8 Mace. Ol . TT , , o .. i For beet bread, rolls and muffins: 1 silver tb.lr.iblc by A E Hibbard to Mrs P U 1'elletier. For best silk embroidery in Children'i Department; 1 box stationary by T V? Waters to Elmer George. . ' For outline embroidery: 1 aluminum soap box by -J M Howard to Ethel willett. For outline embroidery: 60c by nark Dissoway to Marprret Bmallwood. . For outline embroidery: 60c by uark Dissoway to xowena wbitty. For outline embroidery; 50c by Mark Dissoway to Jennie Sultan. For Outline embroidery: 60o by Hark Dissoway to Lillie Tolsoa. For fine specimen of work, "children' Dep": 1 pair of kid gloves by urssB tane to Addle Jtyers. - For fine collection of callie lillies ic bloom: $1.60 by James Redmond to w watson. . .. , i - For cut carnations: (1.00 by Jas Bed mond to Miss Annie Arendell. For display of mosses ia bloom: fl.6( by Jas sedmond to Hiss c nancock. For best boquetoi forest grasses: $ by Jas Redmood to Robert George. For best tub of oysters: 1 sacx dis lera Sour by Roberts & Bro. id 6K Ives Sc, Bon. . For best trio of bantams: f 1.00 by f Joliu & Bon to Wm Dunn,- Riveraldt Poultry Farm. 7 ... For fine display of oysters: 50 lb Hour by F Ulrich to W L Smith, Smyrna For Due display of oysters: 100 lb1 flour by John Dunn to J A Mattocks Marines, N. C. For collection of mixed birds: 60 lot lour by F fjlrlch lo D McCosby, Jasper. S. C. ' . Would trust your eyesiaht oomt this week and see. Tillow Cases, 45x36, at 8o." Beady-made Bheets .. 4lo. Kid Glovea at 896, 75o. 11.00. Finest Kid Shoes 11.50 worth 13. All wool Dress Goodj,88 In. at - -22o. ' Turkey Red Damask 20o. fcAnd host of other cood bar- ains. , - . March 19th. of IJustard In the CUy at F. ULRICH, Grocer, I MUdleiStreet, IF YOU WJfSS UiDY ft . O' COCGIIHlLmO. 10 25 SO ABSOLUTELY GUAHASTEED V"VV:TX Kn FINANCIAL. Farmers & Merchants i .BANK. -esr-x! B --l.oaai-CB3r JJ1 399.. .apltal Stock, paid In,.. 7,0il..M Surplus S.tMIO.Ot Undivided Prom ...3 SOO.OS OFFICBRS: ' -L.H. Cutlsb, President. W. 8. ChadwIok, Vice Pres. T. W. DawKT, Oaghler. :' J. W.Biddlk, Teller. ' F. F, MATTtuwa, Collector. "With well establlsbed connectiorui thi Bank is proimred to otter all aocoTDmoda tlons consistent with conservative oan'. -is ProDiot and c:reu attent ion ulven to col lection. We wil: oe iileascd Vo cori"onc vitli tboso Wuo may oonteilate Qiuku-f anir-aoro-e-D..jiowi;oi-, - f. A. ttreen, Pre, E.H. Ueadowi, Vice Fret V H.M.GB0VM, Cathie-. -.: . CITIZEN BANK , or src-vv BaTn, ur. o. DO A flBFKRJili BASK-NO BUSIKEm Tha Aeeoonu ol Banks, Ban-era, Corpot- anona, J -rmars. aieronanui ami otoera re saived on lavorable terms, rrompt and oan ioi anenuon Given io trie iniuieat oi ourona tomera. Collootiona a Spcolajty. . -0-1X1 0DIBCTOB. : fet-lnaad Ulrlon, J. &. Meadows, Samuel W. Ipork, Chaa. H. Fowler, I. V". (-ralnser, B. W. 8mallwood. K. II. Meadows, - . Cha. Uulrv. Jr. JamftS fiedmond, Slayer Rabn, Tbomaa A. uraaa, C. K. Ifov. W. r. C-ruekatt. -eo.N.Ivet, J. A. BRYAN, THOS. DANIELS, ' President. .P . Tlce Pres. : G. H. ROBEETS, Cashier. the: national bank, Or MKVf BKBNK, H. 0. ' . Capital, ......$100,00C Surplus Proflta,.. .v.....-...;..98,168 DIRECTORS: Jas. A. Brtax, 9CHA8. & BVTAM, Clao, DCBK, id. U.KOBSBT - Tho. DAirraLS. J. 11. Hackhoh I Uabvit; B.K. Buuior : PROFESSIONAL. F. K. SlmmeBs, A. D. Ward (Simmons & Ward, ATTORN'ETS and C0TJ NSELORS at LAW. V NEW BBENC. IS C. Practice In the eonnttea ol Craren, Diiplln, rfonea, unaiow, .anerei ana rumllui; u im auprenw and Federal Oourta. owtom Ma. an Maaia rraat Btracf VapmlM Haiti VkeiiMka. P. II; Felletler, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Middle Street, Lawyers Brick , Bnlldlar. "Will practice la the Coantlea of Craven Uart-ret, Jonea, Onalow and Pamlico. U. B Oout t at New lierne and guprnna Court 0 uia etata. Wat. W. Clark. Owen H. ttiloa Clark &Quion, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, New Berne, N. C - WM. H. OLIVER. L1F1 TIB1 MARINI AOC1D1NT. FIDBUTT, v' TKAM BOILBt Insurance asaaa ; aw8BiUf. A Hnih, nt TI..TI. A . . . . . 0-manlea rapreaented. vrar a-,uuuAMi aaaau IWDraaaataaj . WOTOABT-FTJBUU " fMMflMll MM Tul -. n . erttcut and Penn.ylv.nla. wruwra.'0 MMt0Ut loiA K-rlna Cadar One Thousand for One (TBADBtABK.) , AOCIDINT TICKVrS, - The Inter-State Casaa Cempaar. ef New York. rives THREE MONTH'S Iasariaof $1,000 for $1.00, ve men er wenei, itwaaalSania9TaAnoar.airalnt lata) P.tr? Acildnnu a-toni, or ou bKroIx Bcie,Wii.i, Home t are. Hallm.il Can -.lev.tmt, Hrlila., Tnlly an.l .1,1 Can -WaniablpaMMuabuau aud St tun r. rtw Go to SAM'L C0I1N & SON'S . Foe Pin- Bull Fad Bw-f. Lamb, Mntino. Fra and CortM-d 11g pork, and Veal every dT. A 1m anj drr-t Turin y W ill I an plimty lo Hipnif the h.l rlno-t "in t'i c;'f at loc. (mild. CATilAnilS - ALL ' ooy - QfARCH LIGHT'! HaiMliinmrljr ; .. 1U ISmS rrirt Blrrrlr LaBlrra. a Inns as piStteut suwk 1 st .'rlee Ail Humifies very low ":".'- BfBca R(ek. : ' " WILLIAM T. BUl, ' x ' SI Nsutk mat St. - Jfew GoodMj! LoW Prices ! The American Stock Coipaiy, Will open at C3 Middle St., with a stock of Dry Goods, Cloth" ing, Shoes and Furnishings, Taseaaj or Wcflissflay, f'u. For Sale orjExchpngrt?. The brick reeidt noe, No. 25 tlan cock Street. . -. - T7' ' v -' . '.'.,"' -r ; . J. Hi LATuAlJ. WM. BCNKf JAS. r.EDMOND, Presideat. . . . ' , '- tlce Pres. ; B. S. SCION, Seotr ft Treas. New Berne Ice Go "'" t; : .: Maanftctnrara Pure Crystal? Ice, r From Dirtllletl WaUii Oat-pat 0 Tons Daily. - x"" Car Load Lots Solicited. - Ice delivered daily (except Sundays) 8 a. m, to 6 p. m. , . . . - Sundays (retail only) 7 ft. m. to 13 oooo. . For prices end other tnlbrmatioD, ' rdrlreas. . B.8. GTJIOX, Maoaer. . E.W. Small. vpod Under Hotel Chattawka, Sonth Front Street, New Berne," N..C, ; - FULLJLINE OF " G-e.exal . r ; -Saxda-w-SLXo Stoves ": ,. Carpenters Tools, , ! Cutlery, , ' ' , Barbed Wire, V ' Galvanized.Pipe, I'nmps, " -" Lime, - ' - riaster " : and Cement, fW Personal attention to 1 the prompt and correct filling of all or. den. ' " - ' ' New Berne Malls. Notice la given that on and after this date malls leave . " For all points InlPamlloo Coontv and -oath Creek section of Beaufort Countv dose at 5 a. n. For Vance boro and Post Offices la Nortbero part of Craven Countv close at IS noon. . ., . -' .-." ' For Bellalr and Liens, fi s. us. ' ,' For W-ltford, 11 a. m. All trail for DeBruhl ftoasto Polloks- fills, the former ottlce is disooDtlnued. ; VSDoeboro majl arrives IS nv. , Vaoceboro atail leaves 1 p. m. , : M t MANLY, PoataurUr - B. C. ID ; AND o. id. xjzxnz. TRIIGHT k riSSKSGIE, UNTIL FUBTHER NOTI01C The Steamer NETJSE Is soheduled to sail from New born ai follows: . , : HONDATS, . WIDNESDrT8 AND FEIDAYS, Sailing hour SW f.m. Starjk Freight received p U 5 o'doclc For tanaar inxoraiaiiofi appqr to t OEO, CrXBt-SBlf, Af. Nolle. V Tbe ananal mrtrtlnj of flia fttockliold r of Hit East Carolina P1aI Oyttar, (iame and luatil j l.aocialiua wlU be held at Ui City Hall -on-TuSaday e,. log, Jnh Lint, VM1 at I p m. f Phoki 61.

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