THE to BEir JOURNAL . cb&blbs l. stevens. .' , . Hditgh and Proprietor. Ner Home, K. C, March 2;. 1897. Entered at tha'Fott Office at Sow T-emt M.C. as aoeoncljclaw mailer. " Notice! of Church and Society and all other antertaimnenta from which reveuue ia to in derived will be charged tor at the rate or tire ' aline. Th a Daily jouhjul (except Monday) i Uvered by carrier In this city, at 50 cent erinonth ' ruKiea Months, Invariably in advance, tl.lK Onk Tiab - . $ One year not In advance, $5.00. Weekly Journal one year, in ad ance, Sl.ot Advertising Rate given on app .cation al as office. . , Five cents nor line will be ciiarawl loi arilaof Thanks, Resolutions ot Respect aw Obituary Poetry; also tor Obituary Notlcei her than those which the editor hlmseh ball five as a matter ot news. Tha Journal will not under anycucuin ttancea be responsible for the return or tin nte keeping ot any rejected manuscript. N xceptibn will be made to this rule with re ard to either letters or lnclosures. Nor wll Editor enter! into enrrospon jence coti ernina relccted manuscript. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL. The acciumilatotl evidences whicl are being presented to prove tha1 New Berne lias everything in iti favor " to becomo a great tobace market, really the market of Mast em North Carolina, are growing so constantly that the wisdom o! those of our citizen who inaniira tod the tobacco warehouse project ir becoming evident to every and the future of New Heme fion the marketing of this important staple, the handling of the ran product, and its manufacture, it awakoning every one, and caiuinj. a feeling .of enthusiasm oyer tin prospects for the future of trade in this city. On another page of this issue, is published an interview with a largt and practical tobacco dealer, as to the prospect of New Berne becoming a tobacco market. The outlook to this visitor, win knows all about tobacco from id seed to its consumption, is most as luring, and it is not a mere expres sion of sentiment, based upon goot will towards New Uerne.but it voicet a practical, business view of whu the soil of this section can do in tht way of tobacco culture, and what t market can bo developed here foi the sale and manufacture of tobacco It is an opinion substantiated Ir faith, i the gentleman proposes t come here himself next year. QWhat gives New 13srne such i magnificent opportunity of develop iugandin time monopolizing tht tobacco industry of Eastern Xortl Carolina, is its soil for tobacco cul ture, and its position ti a market for this tobacco, being easy of .-ict -e-. by road ways, water ways ami rail roads. These avenues ! appi-i'iu-h li this city are all easily iinv.-siM, . Their number nlTonls juirk am cheap transportation to tin- pro ducer, most desirable features. Therefore the tobacco planter hu soil, an easy market to reach, vvitl cheap transportation, ami all thai remains is for our people to provid. good market where the tobaeo planter can readily sell his staple, at good prices. Making New Berne a tobacco mar ket, opens up trade ami increase! business to everyone, to a greater 01 lens degree. It will make a market "for our surplus labor, and put It work hundreds who are now seeking employment, and by its being a casi product, it will put ami keenjin cir culation in this city tuany thousamb 1 of dollars, which will be new inoiu-i to this section. The development which this to bacco industry will bring to New Berne will bo limited only by wIihi our people may do in the way ol assisting it. There is no limit to im possibilities, and the merchant o citizen who fails to assist in this de relopment does not deserve his citi zonship, and should not be cntitlet. to participate in the prosperity which is to come. It ii the opportunity for all, lei The' it more Catarrh in tliii section ot the country than all other disease Hit to gether, and until Ilia Inst few years war supported to be incurable. For a grem many years doctors pronounced It a local ditease, and prescribed local reniedies.ami l constantly foiling to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Dcienoe has proven catarrh to be a conali. hltional. disease, sod therefore require a constitutional treatment. Hull 'a U tarrh Cure, maniitavUired by f..J. Chenc) & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only const! tutional ear on the market. It la taken Internally In dues Iroin 10 drops to a tea spoonful, It acts directly on the blood and mucous surface of the system. They offer on hundred dollara for any can it falls to cur. - Bend for circulars and Intl. moolale. ArhlreM, .. t. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Bold by Druggist, 75c Pall! Family Mill are the beU every one take part io. making New Berne a tobacco market,, which will mean prosperity for its citizens and its section. . ' . -s Lentou Leisure. The six weeks of Lent are th only bnei. in the year when women can take a solid bit of rest with clean conscience. Summer means travel and out door life; until in n brings plans f oi :owus and the coining season; win ter, with Thanksgiving and Christ ina's and the rush of social engage ments, is 0110 continuous drive, ani when Ash Wednesday dawns and :he rush is over tho forty days ol rest and relaxation are a welcomt won. It is a little too early foi ictivc Epring shopping: it is not jel time to bother about hoase cleaning iud summer hangings, and even the iaity accept the spirit of the I10111 tnd taboo high festivals, so .that rest t'ecreation t nd relief are the ordei if the day. Even the nbiquitom :lub surprises herself with nion leisure than she has known foi nonths; her hobbies are in good vorking order, her classes are run ling along smoothly by themselves, ind for a few weeks, at least, the jtress and hurry of overcrowded lays can give way to a sense of ipiiet md comfort that is like a shaded ltfok in 8ti miner time just in sight if the misty road. It was some time igo when Jean Ingelow sang: 'If leisure is but ah, 'tis not: The fashion of it men forgot Vbout the time of chivalry," mil if reports are true she lives out i ler busy, helpful life in Loudon low as untiringly as the rest of hei ,)eers, but as long as the Lenten teason is observed there is still one breathiug place left for us. What are women doing with it: )h, a thousand things! Some an luxuriating in their homes, .with ight reading for company and cxtrt 'loura for sleep as a tonic. Othen lave fitted oil to the South, and an inticipating the delights of sumtnei 11 the balmy sunlight of the 8011th iru States. A few have set to work on taskt (.hat are half penance, half pleasure: lere and there stray earnest ones an '.ryiug to add their mite toward re lieving the burdens of others, bin me and all are experiencing that est of all life preservers a sense ol release from tension, a consciousncfi hut there is time for at least half ol .he things that one would like to do. Vmong the churches alone the acti cities of daily routine are increased, tnd the many services, tho required eremonials jmd the regular fasti .vhich occupy the of the clerg; ts well as tho people, make tin l.l'lilell time (.lie v.lin'.i al heir email's an 1 leaves then vcarie I at Ka-ler. lint (hr ;.a o'ia! tcasiMi is their iv.-i time, am .0 it comes nb'iut that every one It; l li'.-ii!v once a .;u, am! now thai he charity Ut;l.- ale over, the I'ivh lent is installed ami winter stil. .lilies about as if loth to leave, wisi virgin? indeed are they who take tin liCtiten leisure ami turn it to good iccoutit. Restored to Health. 1. - 11 ti'ii ui e Mitierini; Willi anv fkin 01 bl'iol dirt-asts, Rlieumiitistn, Culiinli t'leeis, Old Sores (itueial Itehility, etc. -i nd stump to the nioml Balm Co., Al .aula, (.a , for lieok ol wondeilul cuief iren. This hook will point; the whj' h S eil v recovers li.itatiic Blood Balui.Jdi. B. n.) is man iil'icluretl alter a lorn; lastud prrKriptiui )t' an c liuieut iliysciau, ami is the be,' niMin up ami hlocil puiil'ini n'idicini 11 Ihe w or lil IJcinuu of siibtiiulc. t'rice fl.'io for lire liottle. for sale by DrngijMs. ONK IS A TllOl'SAXD. Uao summer, w viral years a','0, whih railroading in Mississippi I became baillt lihctid Willi niaiarial blond poison, linn impaired my health lor more than Ui years. Several olfeiisivc ulcers appeunx oil my ley;; aud notliini; seeuuil to givi lierninuent relit! until I took of IJotiinh lilood Balm (B. B. B.j, which cured mi mtirvly. M. 1). LA.e, Deveraux, Ga. Forrlsa Mlaalosmrv Model?. All delegates and visitors who ex pect to attend the Annual Meeting nig of the N. C. Woman'i Foreign Missionary Society at Littleton, iJ. C March 25th 20th, 1897 will please send their names to Airs, li, II. Kavis, Littleton, N. C. to tista-A ioi.d m VMS DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet All drug.UU refund ir it rail to cure. 23c Gail Bordon Eagle Brand Condensed Milk f"oa Am ttrvi The Leading Infant Fooh JfT trila 1(V. K.i nrT.m.t. i.. dnest liver and bowel rrsmlatvmr mu' J V - - - V .vnwv,vm III. B "Merit talks" the Intrinsic value of Hood's Sarsaporllla. Merit in medicine means the power to core. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses actual and unequalled curative power and there fore it haa true merit. When yon buy Hoodie Saraaparilla,aud take it according to directions, to purify your blood, or cure any of the many Hood disease, yon ire morally eertain to: rooeive benefit. The power to pure is there. You are not trying an experiment, tt will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thns drive out the germs of disease, strengthen the nerves and build up the whole system. Severe Case of Dyspepsia 5 ' "I Buffered from dyspepsia 20 years.' I bad a feeling as though there was a lump in my stomach. I did not dare to eat meat or warm bread, very few vegetables, for fear of the great distress food caused me. I experienced relief right after com mencing to take Hood's SaraaparUl. My appetite increased, I gained in general health and strength. I can eat almost any thingnow withoutdiscomfort. Although I had been an invalid for twenty years, 1 can truthfully say that I am better than for a long time. I never weighed so much in my life." Mrs. Emily F. Bump, 45 Portland street, Middleboro, Mass. Sarsaparilla Is prepared only by C. I. lloort A Co., Lowoll, Mui. I ILMH.I S rlllS eaav tounerate. . The Forum. MATICB. 1807. Taxation, Its Sum, Justilicntion,and Metli ods, Hon. Perry Belmont. The Anglo-American Arbitration Treatv IIou Frederick K. Coudert. Some Comment on the Treaty, Thcodor S. Woolsey. Professor of hitcrmitiona Laws at Yale University. Recent Triumphs la Medicine and Siii ery, Dr Geo. F. Shindy, Kditor of th. "Medical Record.'' TheTorrey Bankr.ipt Bill, Hon. J. L Toirey. American Eicavations in Greece, lkariu Anthedon, Thisbe, J. Gennadino. Mir. Cleveland nud the Senate, Jamc Schouler. .Caniss, lis Present aud Future, Willitin Allen White, Kditor ol the Emporh (Kan.) "Gazette." Mew Letters of Edward Gibbon, Frederiel Harrison. Vluit nro Normal Timet-J 1. V. Sma'lev Editor of the "North-West Magazine." Is England's Industrial Supremacy Myth? S. N. North, Pecl'y of tli Nal'l Ass'n of vVool Vanufacturers. tlodera Greece, The late Prot. John Sti art Blackle. NEW YOIIK. THE FOliUM lTBUSHING CO.. Ill Filth Ave., AjjriHs. Irriilf-tlirh ICuKfirel. Tin; ii:lal lwativi-. i n.. 1 m: CONSTIPATION. AS PLEASANT AS HONEY AXIi SfKK VVRE TOR Indigestion, Eyspepsia, Bilionsncst Stomach Troubles, Bowel Disorder Liver Diseases, Irregnlaritrr. Bidno rronblcs, Headache. Fevers, iic Stomach, Skin and Blood Disorders Thick and Sallow Complexion, And very many nlbrr HIuum and t'oinpllrMlions lae 10 Km luacllvi stale ml Ihe Bovela, PRUNELINE is the safest am suicst cathartic and aperient om can use. It thoroughly cleanse vithout griping, purities the bloo ind removes all waste from the syi em. It does away with castor oil aks, blue mast and all other naust ius purgatiye. It tincg and cner jizes all the great organs of th system. It is free from all harsh I cting drugs, and is always safe, al ways ready, always reliable. Keep the head eeol, tha feet warm and the kowels epsn, msing FBUNEUNB for tha latter sarpese. PRUNELINE la (he Perfect Family Medlrlae. old by all Dvalers, or sent on receipt of SO cts tn any addren. BY Winkleman & Brown Drug Co., rrBrllr, BAL TIMOR!, KD D. . A. WM. UINN, JA8. REDMOND, rrealdeat. Vice Prea B. .110N, Heety. Treaa. New Berne Ice Co- Maaaraetarera Pure Crystal Ice, From DlsUiled Water.'. " Out-pat 30 Tons Dally, . . Car Load Loti Solicited lot delivarad dailf (except Boodstsi ( a. m. to 8 p. m. BUDdaya (retail only) 7 a. m. Io 11 0000. Fur prioat and otber informsUoa. addresa. D. 8. GUION. Manaer. Waiited-Hn Idea think tniDlst TOOT W.W.?S?"SJ W . - , A . " it.lW pris ooods mm ff.liS.jTUCKERKCO., .RAUUQB, It. 0, , To;those who;Dcsire -,' To Dress Correctly, w , -, .To Dress Econoinirally Our Drcnarations for the comins season nave been on a much larger scale than uver before. The niore we sell the smal lat j-eicentage we shall rtquiro. The inore we buy tho cheaper we cul afford to sell. ,. .. . . '. VT: It is, therefore, beneficial to you m both iuj s, to give us a lull share ot your pat- rj0Hc,for which we tlmnk you in advance. - Our New Stock t Spring goods is complete, our assort in n lis bewildering, our styles exclusive, ).ir prices moderate OUB NEW DRESS COOII8. ritnie Fautasie, Damassco lUchelieu.Garx ucounee, George de Crapeao, Cheviot: i'iid de 1'oule, Canvas Itourctle, Qrena liueJJaspe, Etatniue entclle, Drnp Ete. OUR NEW BLACK 0001)8. Striped, Jetted, l'lain and Camel's Bail j'rtuadiues, Etamiues, Solei, Homanis, Jieoe vflecU, Uuskctiues, Drnp De Eto, iilk and Wool Novelties, Kndora, NunV Sellings and CliHllIes,. OUR NEW SILKS. J ituliti India, Moire Velour, Pcan lit soil, V'uitjuc Moire, Moire Fraucaise.'ltt iiticsuncc and Fasconne and new fiuic) ilripe, plain and woven dot silks. W-rile us for unylhiog you want. W the largest and best selected stock in the south. SEtT'Sauiples cheerfully furnished all, W. II. & K. S. TUCKER & CO., ftti KALEIGH, N..C. QB NEW BERNE ACADEMY, New Dome, N.C. Under the plan of reorganization, ofteu .hotough instruction in the Classical ant Irtish Courses Dy a corps oi emineci Educators rom the University oi Haiti Jarolinn, Horner's School ami other notct Silticalional Institutions. Tuition Fees Monthly in Advauce. L'riuinry Department, 1.25 per mouth Intermediate " 2.25 " ;.assical " 8.00 " For further information, apply or ad I rem, John S. Long, LL., D. E. IL Meadows, T. A. Green, Board oi Regents, . O.TD tr AND O. 3D. XJXNS. I REIGHT k PASSENGER. UNTIL FfJKTHER NOTICE fheLSteamer NEUS1 Is scheduled to sail from New bc-rn as follows: dOXLU YS,; - WEDNESDAY I AND F1UDAYS. jailing hour 5:30 p. m. Sharp. i (eight received up to 5 o'clock Foi further iniormation apjny io CEO. HENDERSON, Agent. Svlicdiilo "II" Tax ! 1 will have on Monday, February 22no, ilie lts for the Schedule "B" Tax, am 4 1 1 s rties interested, are requested It jjmc lot ward at ance and settle lor thii ax, as I shall only mtke one all upoL th;m. JOSEPH L. UAUN. Sheriff Craven County. SENT FREE 1. Io any person interested in butnam utt'i-ra, or who lovea animals, we will uii'i true, upon application, a copy of lot ALLIANCE," the organ of this Society ill addition to its Intensely iteresiing read i ik, it contains a list of the valuubie am mutual premiums given by the paper. Atl i res: hk National Humans Alliance 411-411 United Charities Building, New York. Schedule EJTectivo November 22, 1890. This condenaed Schednle ii publiihed m information only and u subject to change without notice to the pnblio, , (JEEENSBOBO, BALEIUH, No. IS. Xo. as. Daily. m ixmi, .bally . lAUiv. S lasUrn 1 Mem t w a in I Warn t Mass l am ( susm t team 4 Wan isuam Itaia Mam nam a nam 1 Wan iseam Illim IDiia tasaai 4sm 4 am )m ni ta p m Lv QrMnslioro ' Ulbsonrllls r Ktoa CoUt Barluiatoa Graham . Haw Klv.r j Mohan - HiltolMra Univsrsity ' Daraam Morrtavtlla - Carr ' , kalrfca w u m IS is Da. n aspas laapm 7pm l.ts pas ! I aspas ItataaC Matam loaaam it tsam U Wasufl Do. 41. ISia Kills II MSB Harass II 16 p m It pm lltupni I fl pm (taps 4 11pm rneU- tup TS7 1 Hpss Iwsa 4 apm Ur II mui ll.aatry tallmaa aisspu Cars hr. riUIMsa i ar Auburn " CUytoa , " " aslroa " . '. MofTollt " rrtnolm " Ooldsburo Lv Incorporation Sotice 1 STATE OF NOKTH CAROLINA, I ' Cravtn County. J " ' : In Office Clerk Superior Court. - Notice is hereby given of the ,iucorpor ation ol the New Berne Tobacco- Ware-' house Company, that the Dames of the incorporators tiro N. II. Stiwt,B. S.Guion, C. T. Watson, J. D. ; Jlackburn, II. 15. Duffy, E. K; Bishop and J. li. l'arker,.Ir. mil such others a they may associate witl them; tbul thn principal place of business shall be Id New Berue, N. C, and its gcu eural purpose and business is to tho leas ing, purchase, building and maintenance jf tobacco warehouse or wareUou.-esaml all other necessary otiicca, buildings iind ainchiuery in or near the 'City ol Nvh flierne, Shite of North Carolina, ' and in aioh other places in said Stale or else where as it may desire ami the conducting ot a general sales tobacco warehouse busi ness or both, nnd the doing nud perform ing of every act and thing that it may deem necessary thereto, with" power to make such contracts with any and alt persons as may be deemed necessary am expedient for the successful conduct o said business; that the duration ol the cor poration shall be filty yenis-, the capital i live thousand (o,0C0j dollars with pnvi lege to iiicri iisi- to one hundred thoiiani liollurs. divided in oue thousand shares ol the par value of one hundred dollars each W. M. WATSON, O. S C. Sfotleo. Having been, appointed ladmiuistraloi of Winnie 1 ojs, deceased, 1 hereby no- tily all persons having claims against sale Winnie Pope to exhibit same to me on 01 before February 12th, 1808, or this notlci will be pleaded in barjthereof. All per sons indebted to said Winnie .Pope, will make immediate payment to me. - ROBERT " G. MOSELT, Administrator of Winnie Pope. Feby. 12, 1897. 2 Notice ! 3tate,of NorthCAroIiIna, I Craven County, In .the Superior Court, Nathan Fisher, 1 vs i Notice, Mattic Fisher. ) To Mattic Fisher, the defendant in tht above entitled action. Take Noticel That an action entitled as above, liai been instituted against you in the Superi or court of said county, for a divorci from the bonds of matrimony tor lega causes, and you are hereby required U appear at the Spring Term of said couit to bo held on tho 3rd day of May, 189' and answer or demur to the complaint now on file in the Clerk's otlice of sail court, or tho relief demanded in sail complaint will be granted. Thia 5th day oi February, 1897. W. M. WATSON, Clerk Superior Couit. Geo. H. White, Atty. for Plaintiff. New Berne Mails. Notice is given tlidt on and after tbi date mails leave For all poiuts inJPnmlico County art South Creek section of Beaufort Count; ;loe at 5 a. m. For Vaueeboro and Post OHU'is ii Northern part ol Craven County close a I'i noon. For Belliiir and Lima, ! a. in. For Whit ford, 11 a. m. All irail for DeBruhl goes to Pollokt ville, the loriuer ottite is tliscoiiliuued. Vuncelioro mail arrives 13 m. Yuueehoro mull leaves 1 p. m. M . MAJiLY, I'ostmasttr Ciuntoii''N MagaJnc or Practical Economics and Political Science. Vol. XII. MARCH, 1807, No. ?. The New Administration " Ml Are Luxuries Wasted Wealth? 15) Growth of Sound Financial Opinion 15 How to Attain the Eight Hour Day- 10! dlgli Wages and Cheap, Production 171 How Not (o Reform the Currency " 171 Analysts or Cuban Population , 181 A Nebraskan View oi election Figures. 194 Organized Labor Abroad I'M Kditorial Cruciblo 10) Euonomicsln Magazines 2(t Book Reviews 2li Nkw tobk: POLITICAL SCIENCE PUB. CO.,' Union Square! 3.00 a Year. . 25CenU. U0LDSB0B0 AND NOBFOLK, Ho. as. Dally. No. IS. Dally. Tuna, AH II as am 11 Mam U seam II Mam II (Bam Mam ie 41 am 10 n a m III 7 am Warn (Mam warn Mam a is nm a is im 14 pm siapm atopm a 44 p m tispm ISIpm ass am 16 a in (OS am' IH am 146 a m lis a ni las a ni 40 a ai Mam lam IW a m warn (Warn No. 41. Bx. aun. 127 am Sitam IHtn I M p m ISOpm ;IUpin .In m no p m I W pm 1 U p IH pm 1 I n lam Nptn Tie pm 09 p u lioa mnwsaa Sratmboro and Kaleiah. NDEPENUENTJN ALLTHINGS." H HEW BERNE ILJuii ALIVE, PROGRESSIVE, The high Journalistic standard' K tttViiV! tVta frvnnrlov fri ' j. vy. narper, which Age has gives it a reputation tor being true Ip to its motto, "Independent in all Things," has been fully sustained by, w . , , . Li ir. ti nrnfiP H Himpfssfvrs min rn.narr the NEW BERNE for an Honest and tti iutj Bituit) iime uemgan up-io-aaie Newspaper The present management of the JOURNAL has been adding many new features of improvement to the alOlTIStfAlA and in a short time some important additions will be made, of which due announcement will bo made. THE DAILY JOURNAL, Ii Entering Its 15th Year, SUBSCRIPTION, $4.00 A TEAR, J IN ADVANCE. ' V THE WEEKLY JfjJRNAL! Is Entering Us 21st Tear. . SUBSCRIPTION. $1.00 A TEAR: IN ADVANCE, Both Papers have Latest News, Local, County, State 1 and '. General SZ Outside News. Unsurpassed mediums lor the Advertiser to reach "every town- ship in Eastern li n i iTnT T7 nnmnn . nnnn i .... n : New - .- i U "i. 1 CHARACTER nn DULY Al WEEKLY. CLEAN r. 1iq inTTPWAT;,; estaousnea ior it, only added to it, JOURNAL stands Clean Journalism, ,g N. C. ( . . , - -4. i ..'5 A Berne, N. W . . L A : : i'" :.v ; ; i