."1 . v. "r 4 r- .-..i i--1" mm 'T:W '!&. I'lrt.'! SOME TRAINED CATS. kClTW Trtok Thay Ht Bm tufb ' ' : Oh ot the most difflcnlt things to teach ci la to follow like a dog. As ' nit, they will not follow, hut occasion ally there is an exception. A New York ' young lady has a cat that trails so close 1 ' " !,.. ukiha almmt itenoed noon. ' The chief olerk of the state department i ' at 'Washington has a cat with the same A MinnlihiiiMit. He has owned it for seren or eight years: It wiU follow him . about the streets for miles just liko a A uui la Tnimilvlv fond of troi; 2 out ' :? : for a walk, provided its master elects ,, recing! lor bis meanaerings. iu uhj y tik- it iwofaNi tint ta tm on these ram- ties, eridently because it does n t like to ooae in contact with small bovs and . ' dogs, who are then too numerous en the ' M WanMnfftnn. ' ' It has often been obserred tbi.tcats ..'hn.aMiiin.hlna for a mastcr'ora saiateesa, but beoome attached to place '' tn wranna. Not SO wiih this particular cat, for at one time wl:en its ' ' j,nj,a rhanimi his Tesidenoe he pur- " ' ptely left hit oat with friends ho oo .'vr- copied the bouee.be had Tacsttsl, but al.at raa not utiafied until it bad sound where the new house win and :- takes m ita abode there, with trident - AaHght at finding Its old friend and pro steotor . . , M WW ow' - iKa 4a nnfl inT wonderful Cat His name is Tom, and when adi'rtsaed ' be wiU oulckly respond, eren vaking '. oat of a sound sleep to go toward the ' ..Var OnmntimflS. to COnfuSC him. - fiVlerki vlll sing out some word or ' aannia 4m whioh tba srllabls "ttm" is emphasiaed, and to that he pays no at tention. ." But let any one call, "Tom, ,. It's dinner timet" and fortHwith be 1 . ' . - 4U wmm.i Mukia nn with 'wuLa wnai uw ivw, " hU paws to a tin pail, daws it down t ; add comes bringing it in his mouth. . y ra U naaalnnatRl frnd of mutid At the cry of "Hand organl" be climbs to M hh window seat, but at the words mq.. An" Ka alinlnnndcrs desk. - - On of the most accomplished cats in - T nglaod belongs to way naiwoipu ; J .i tiiorchUL It ia a mat teas Angura, ... a .i araa with a BartloulariT con r4 ' . Thta aat was bODKbt for the .; ia Rannolnh ChuTohiU during ' that year or two when his strong mind riiea ami vwvij w .- ' aiiitue him. He was airaia tn o a, m tn. . ,rfrVn km aithesiEhtof fheali " tmt Mis Angora Just pleased hlm. Bbe L.. fr,.m India br an oftlaer in that country who had taken ber rTnt years ilt mranw ' wU h cat, able to keep guard over a ant iMina if a strange step earne, " ...j hr nhlldren wa. very m ui,n H.la Chnrchlll cut was Md to "Go play the piano," she wqnld . i,amlllflly walk back and forth' upon .. . v.... n ih hah erand In the hou- c.t "Now sit foryouiDicrare, - . to sirame a demurs positive with her . ". paws in lii her tall neatly jW 1 1 end tliem and her bead nioely bent i to.n si.ls, as if trying to "look pleas-1 art," Chir Animal Friends, 1 A fterl Farw. , TVre is only one pearl farrq n fha It U in tlie Torres strait, at the i. ) CImk of QniH-inlaud. t in Ini.wn a "ti k1" .," or'-inaliy t'"' 111 V-l'a ' 1 ! f ' i e d vf! , ,, , 1 ill l'r- "I Save been IS years engaged in pearl fishing," Mr. Clark told n corre pondentof the Melbonrue Aac. "I began in a small way and have given the iisli erles my close attention dnring nil this time. My experience has led me to tho belief that, with proper iutcllijpncc iu the selection cf a placo, oua ran mine pearls and pearl shells as easily lis one nan itiisn m'AtpML T ctnrini mv f jins tnree Tears oko ind have slocked it with shells w'.iicu I nhteil in mnnv instances, far ont at sea. To grow shells Eucresofnlly, tow- ever, according to my expeneuoe. uuin far, the water must uoi ue xoo or- p. My pearl shell lurm covers o,uo square miles. Over most of it the water is shallow. In Bhallow water sh !ls at tain the greatest size, and, besldtp, it if hard on the divers to go down d( rp for them. "I ship my pearls to London in my own vessels. The catch each year fans, roughly speaking, irom sjauu.uuu .rorui up to almost live times mai amor.ui. Her Trlbnte to Lucy Stone. Mrs. Mary E. Holmes, the faithful ; and efficient president of tho iUinoia ' Eqnal Buffrago association, has been i obliged by domestio cares and dutieB to resign her official position. .She will be greatly missed, but will continue, to advise and plan for the cause. In a pri vate letter she writer: "If dear Lucy Stme was on the earth, I should explain to her first of all why I have resigned my state position. She was and is my inspiration and god aiothcr in suffrage work. 8he was such . a good wife and mother that I fe 1 sure the would tell me to do my dnty to the home before any other. I hope I e m re turn to the work nt some futnn time, but now heart and brain must De given to the home and homo interests hall still do what little I can for onr hi loved cause and shall watch the battle will, great interest. " Great Good Fortune. Hond WW is of all kinds, some of it queer. The Ban Francisco Post, for in- stance, tells now a tailoring wuu m city found himself fortunate in a way most unexpected. When the noon wnisiie mew w vmr day, he sat down on a box in the phade, thrust his band into his overcoat pocket, looked surpnsea ana men rcaiuu. Ra nnndered over his predicament a moment and then added : -Tir.ll I'm ont anmothins' to drink anyway." And he pulled a bottle of coffee out of nit otner pocacfc - Ua alnwart flM nftl Eflfl DUIL1U. IUIOW it aside and sat lost in thought for a moment Suddenly be sprang up, aiap- ped his thigh ana exuaimea: "It S a good joo i iom my umii. 'Why aoT" Inquired anoiuer wiua man. - ' ' ..' Why, I left my teeth at nome. Tha Hlatarr at TaeHoa, " an.. ..u. ytmtm-r f Tar.itna aa we have the work, was regained from a sin- - . . .. . . ,h ,n n (le copy lonnd in tne uivraii" in a monastery of Westphalia. That we should owe the works of "this au'hor to one copy is a remarkable oircum cance. for the Emperor i annua, uu to be a descendant of the historian, bad eopies of the history placed in every li- brary of the empire, ana wu y tea copies transcribed for preetntstion to scholars. All, It seems, perished save the WestphiUlan copy. - - Wholly Vindictive. "Tt fa iVinmefnl!" exolaimcd the 00- tress to whom tho manaRer-stav owed money. "Bnt I will get even witii him sometime."' "What do you propose to do-sue him?" "And give bimitbe benefit of nil that advertising? Neverl" Washington Star. ' Safety la Beauty. A nnrMlv father, after the si via of Lord Chesterfield, was giving good ad vice to his son, who was about to make his entrance into society. "And, above all, avoid flirtatious; but, if you must flirt or fall in love, sir, be sure it is with a pretty woman. It is always safer. " "Why?" asked the young man. ' "Because some other follow will be sure to be attracted and cut you cut be fore any harm has been done. ' 'London Telegraph. ; ' i -. Arctnrus ia bot less than 70 arid is probably more than 100 light years dis tant from us. This star certainly sur passes the sun in volume many thousand times. . " -. . .. i The British government still employs foreign mercenaries in its army. The Gurkhas, flue soldiers of Nepal, are em nlnved iu British India. . r a ! B ff. . 1- - '! 1 1 Pit I ifjfllflSb v " VV Pi?nra,li .in . i jr' h tirvJ7v - ? 'avri et? ; AlAi&offlia 1 MMUn V W-Y-M 1l fW la HIV M VVafCLaaTB M 1 W ? ii u i upy nv ! MM 11: LJITCaia, mi i entbutir-essconducterHor modcatc t OUROrFICCIBOPPOOITCU.S. patfmtu . I-idwc canscnie pat-ntia icsft liuie liiu.. . 'remote tnni Vahi.it.n. ... tiurvrC Our K ii.-t .l;ic t.-l ':d : : . A Pamthlit v -! sc.it free, Adrfru, IC.A.8N0VV&C0 5 Op1. PTtNT Ornct. w",t'1'1?'! t I i I ; f II III 11 l-l J; 1 t m i.k tnrtnrtnC. dltflt urtns, tL toataaiif relief W a toll does of Curjouaa I . 1 ! !i i! I I 1 r YOUNG mm Ws Oder Yon a Remedy Whlrh Insures BAFr.T Y lOLirnm duui Mother sad Child. ".'OTIlERS'FRIEflff bom WNrtKHKirr or mi rti?i, , , aoBBoa a ita ina. Make CHILD-BIRTH Easy. Kadaraed aad lraeommended by phr1' elan.. attawLaa aad tnmm who have U- Beware at nawniw ' ' I h ar aiua. Srtoa T Mn IIKIU i.u.J fiM, OonWlalnS talaalarr WUIaMMiUla. JaADraiO HOULATO CO., atlanta,Oa SOLB l Sl'VsiSTa. P. P. P., Llppman's Great Remedy, Saves -a Man From Becoming a Cripple. Mr. Asa Arriuons, a wcll-lnown citizen of Jacksonville, Florida, was afflicted by a terrible ulcer. Mudical skill seemed unavailing in stopping the ravages of the terrible diseuse. The u.i buia mi and iiwnui v ninnini. as the ulcer had eaten its way down to the very bone. All medicines and treatments having fuiled to effect a cure, tho doctors said the leg must come off. Just when it seemed that Mr. Ammons would become a dit-abled A . l,n trlon l 1 I . uuu a v. 1 1 1 ' i v u iwou, - - - Lippman's Great Kcmedy, and the re sult was wonderful. P P P. SAVES HIS LED. " Jacksonville, Fla., July 1, H95. Two years ago I had the worst ulcer on my leg 1 ever saw. It had eaten down to the bone, and my whole leg below my knee, and my foot waa swollen and inflamed. The hone waa swollen and painful, and discharged a most offensive matter. My physicians said I had necrosis ot the bono, and my leg wouia nave w wmn on. ( 1 1, 1. ,(.M t itnmmlinMul tn talca 1 P. P. and to bathe my leg with hot caatile soap suds. It began to Improve at : once and healed rapidly, and ia to-day a sound and useful leg. " 1 think P. P. P., Llppman's Great Remedy, is all a man could ask fur as a blood purifier, aa I have known it to cure so meterrlble cases of blood poi soning in a remarkably short time. , "ASA AMM0"H" TfRRIRI F RLflflD POISON. The body covered with sores two bottles of P. P. P. made a positive and permanent cure. Thia la only one of many thousand similar eases. , Catarrh yields at once to P. V. T. That smothered feeling at night, that heavy fueling In the day can. and should be removed i P. P. P. will do It if you only give it a chance. Indigestion and constipation go hand In hand. Headavhea and total loss of appetite are the results. Regulate yourself and tune up your eUuuaca with P. P. P. ' SoU ky araffWIa - UPPMAN BROSC, Apothecaries, Sale PreaTa Mr. M. 23:.12.11 i t M. Halm 4 (.'., hh net retumod with to carlouds f'f Horses Mules, the kind to unit uiiyone tliat 'rants a gom! one. 'J hey e i 75 HEAD now on haml nnd thoy ajnnt i koM on tim witli gm.il o.l lateral or for c:tab on m small itmrgin. TRADE MARK'' DESIGNS. COPYRICHlG A- Ar.Tnn ?er.fl!na n krt. U nnd di-fw-rtptim: v. jMirhlv wtcoiluln, Iri'O. ftiM-ths-r nn It-vt-iil v prrb.IlT ritanin'iU. rMinniui'-tfiitHine, ti, . iinililfiiliil. 0(ii '.! j Uv wini li' i"1 In Anieiiio. ive h WaMi -trt n Patent t.tkn tluouuli Munu A to rt .ci pectitl tiotic in (lie SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, bonutifuliT lllustt rsttt. l'TuTOft rtmihiit n -miv p.-trutillf tiMintnl, wtW1 y, lornimVUli m c.i (l.'iOriix mcr.fh. rpwlmtn tMplfs anil li Uuuk on l'aTi XT-wut irco. AdJr:t MUNN A CO., 3it HruuaBy New VutU. A i aLkaanaawaaJI PilTEBTS PATENTS ALSO A FULL LINE OF- iui;ii:s, iiAirrciiWN. "Vu !!,!, lfonis, Medicines, Kr CASfARitTS stlmulste liver, kidn' Jssnd bof'. r'evar si.ken, waken, or grips i : . BoldbfF. 8. DUFFY. . ii. w. siMPsow, Funeral Director and Embalmcr. na.Braa4?trest PHOKB.St , rr-Burlal 1 a Vpeeis y ,r.w. ana rln trnn i.ionir.t. u, .:,! 7011 it"' .iniuMUir 'of ruai lnvatloo. Hwl.rala ALEXANDER 4 DAVIS. aaonaera te a U. AliaoSr ana Alienlrr 4 Marw, PATENT SOLICITORS. 0pp.ca.rai.oaci WASHINGTON, D.C r gy aS'i I'oi.kKiN IMJOt I UK II. ! tfi'rivvr V HUtS'HON H.ilit ilt r at il 1 Altornej In I'lttenl faun. 1 . -0 V 1 York Ave , WuHhiiigtun, I). I'. Olll.e lMnUMiiKi IHH. ( linrfu V"U wale, t 'orrrsN iml Rhjui hfl . frilLDDD PDISDK I nrM I TV I'rmn.M fK OPCL.1MUI 1 1 oaSarrofTeP limit earn. T"oraBneU"icjt Torek me prh WMloraaiaeRuaran trai)Prlna"lfaiaahtelWIH.irt 1 I urir 111.41 Iff TrfHi ;n i. aUwaa7trait ; ear, KANDSONEST LIVERY ITUNISHHl) AT ItEASOKADI-lC BATES. irae.tf waiHii to i-ara. if fonMwuiMniti , ItlUIU. 1 .Kill MM, t u i. i Maaiiaii'Airnnininnui.nui . nrvai. pimplee, t;pir t olore.1 HiM,la, t'lrery na ant Mftol Mia c"1T, llulr or KvehrnwatiiMttia ' waaoarantretoenn. Haag:KlttboiD.v(aitf ' late eaeea a-xl enallenca the w.irl.l f..r a caM.weeennotrure. 'Hilt dtei. hn alwaia aaAleatnaaKlil of me ro p.iy etaae. aSOO,0O ealiilal O'li nrt iur unn n iV leaapta. CaUUAUU. iU. M. HAHN & Co. - v Before Consumating,' a Triwle.' . apolloxtiin Why sofler with Cong't Colda, sod LaGrlppe, whf- , Liatitsi, Qmnmi will core Tim tn ue d oot produce lbs ringing In the bca like Sulphsta of QulDloa. Put up Iu U.Un corivenleot for takloa. Ooetaeietd loi ure ormooey refuoded.' Pikes Meeulv F..r aato at, Bradhem s rbarmacj, sad U atVrPta.aHoiMM i '