VOL. XV-NEW SERIES NO. 227. NEW BERNE, N. C. THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 8. 18&7- ESTABLISHED 1SJ?2- 1 IXillliiery Opening ! ' Mis Harrietts Lane will "; , display on : Friday, -April Oln, an unusually attractive stock of fine pal tern Hats, Sailors, Flowers and olbei goods found in a first-class Millinery slon .-v. The ladies are cordially invited to cal : and examine quality and prices, i Having bought her goods for spot cap' he cannot and will not bo undersold b anyone. ACCURACY, U PURE BRIGS, LOW PKICES. Pkesobiptions A Specialty. AT Davis Pharmacy. For B Itt I ARGilSSl la Clothing, Dry Woods, Shoes Halt Cap and Ladies and Gouts Famishing Good, GO TO Thtjlmsrican stock Company, 62 Middle Street, Men' Macleja Money Paved, to cone to res uuimt we will how you. EVERYBODY DELIGHTED With Oar .Cash Bargains! Come to See m and . on Your Groceries. We have- jn; t ie. c oil of Norlfi ("Aroi'iia !i pur pound. ne 1 1 Jb vtt Granulated Sugar still at 5 i The market ii advancing and tit prioe cannot remain many d longer, so bay all joq will need. Tbe Very Finest Table Buttei only 25 cti. poond. Good Creamery Butter 20c. lb. Save Mob Sharer's Hams, 12o lb. , Strips, . Oo California Ilams 8o " Chase and Sanboms Bosada Coffee, finest, 30c " Mocha and Java Coffee 25o " Maraolnbo Coffoe 20o " Bfo Coffoe 15c Meal Via pi-. Eagle Brand Milk , , 10c oa 8 lb oan Tomatoes 8o 8 lb can Tablo Peachoi . lOo " Lemons ' 15o do Oranges ' 15o " Bananas 15o " And all others good as low ii roportion. Yours .. . 4 JOHN DUNN. City property of all clame for sale, cash or on time. Borne of the best bouses and lots In the city are included, and on down to the cheapest tenement. Also wi have a number of parties who want to buy la preferred location, so it will pay joo to e u If you really want to sell Hons to rent In various paiU of the city. Farm land at most any price you Want. -Collection of rente a specialty, E. K.II aRPER. Kr Post Offer." Vcr Hale or I'xohane. The brick r(iJcnp, No, 25 Han J. '. LATHAM. THB STATE CAPITAL. 'rap Condition.. Mnrrnurex In Rnl elh. Addrem Iwaed to ibe Alll. tun. Bnnell Case Postponed. JoUitMAr. BurbaU, (' Ealkigh, X. C.i April 7, f Yesterday the first weekly crop report 'or the season was issued by the weathei lureau. It is by no means a favornbli eport of the condition of things on oc unt of the rain, the warm weather carl) a March, and then the sudden cold pell. The frost did considerable dam ge to fruit. The air is full of talk of the comint weddings of several of Raleigh's ladies. Jr. Frank Myers of Charlotte, N. C, am vlias Roberta Smith will be married oi Vpril 30th. Mr. Simers of Chicago anc Hiss Maggie Smith on tha 21st, Mr. D, Vddison Cable and Miss Helena Home a the 14th, and there are others whos tames are not given to the public as yet There will be 20 delegates from Slit touri to the Southern Interstate Insui nee conference at Southern Pines. Secretary Barnes of tho State Alhanc us issued an address to the Alliance li Uich he telis them that a most critic: me in their history has come, and tin lie trouble comes from within. He ssi .otitic have come in and interfer uh industrial enterprises, and that ti toe factory is at a standstill. The met. .irship is very mucli reduced. Governor Russell In his answer to tl Junction enys he will not recognize ai ourl that interferes witli tho powers r t Sovereign State. There wns notliii one with the case at Greensboro yetci .ay except to hear the answers and pot me the case until in June. The can ct tie Atlantic and North Carolina Railrou vill be heard Juno 0 at Ashcville. Governor Russell pardons Henry Ilai na of Greenville who was put in the pci .mtiury for assault in a political nuarr md also pardons ex-treasurer Bensi ho was convicted of embezzling $6,0i the county funds. , . Work Is being pushed on the new an-.-x at the insane asylum here so as i ib ready for use by June 1st. It will b implete with wards for male pnticntr ah rooms dinning rooms, ete. rtie Superintendent, of Public Instru u says he knew there would be opp .lion to the new law to encourage loci xation for public schools. Hon. Claudius Dockury is to delh e ie address May 30,uuiou decoration da . i the National cemetery at Salisbury. There Is a great deal of Interest bcli g mwn in the coming Teacher's Assembly necting more so than for :i number oi ears. It is said that the Department of Jus tioe Is by.no means pleased with Judg L P. Dick for so long U. S. Distric udge from Greensboro. Tbe spring fclrctlon.. Chicago. The mayoralty election re tiled in a decided victory for the regit " Democratic ticket, whose candiduii er d. liarrisou, received more volt i the ullicr candidates combiuu n.iij my estimated Wi.OOO. . ,iekcampai6n was contested for thi at part oil strictly local Issues, al ...ugli the Democrat) had a plank i elr platform praising Hon. Wni. J ijiiu. Harrison boldly nnnounici ml he opposed civil-service reform un vus for "a wido open town." Sears an ue other candidates were forcivil-scrvic. .eform and wanted the saloons closet n Sundays and after midnight. All tin candidates except Harrison and Sear. were opposing niacliltie methods in pol nice. Carter H. Harrison is the son am uarnu sake of Mayor Harrison, who wa- issasslnated in the closing days of th. world' Fair. .The popularity of hi. father was a great advnntage to thi jiayor elect In hi campaign. He Is 8r. years old, and ha never held a political jfflce. Mr. Harrison was educated a Jeidelberg and Yale. During the greai er part of hi recent career ho has bcei usoemted in the real estate buslncn. ith hi brother, Preston Harrison. H. a the business manager of tho Chlcag rime during the four years, when tit. darrison family owned that newspaper, St. Louis, Mo. The republican elect. ed their mayor In thi city, Cleveland, Ohio Complete return of Monday's election give McKlsson, Rt publlcao, 8,500 plurality over Farley Democrat. The other candidate on lh Republican ticket have pluralities rang lug up to 10,000. Winona, Minn. The city election here resulted In a Republican vlotory, E. K. Tarbell, (Republican, being sue ceMful by U majority. Bent, Mont. The Democrat at the local election carried tha- city, winning by majorities ranging from 800 toWti against "the Republican and Populist. BcitESioTADT, N. Y. The town elec tion In Schenectady county resulted iu Democratlo victories, with two excep tion. Last fall every town In th county gave Republican pluralities. T.fca Iiatl Rmmn Ontnln Tahiti. All drugHistt refund tbe money U It Ml to en re, SHc ; For Male! The prettiest building site In the city, The part of lot No. 1, 1st Ward, dimen Ions a follow, 100 feet running east and west on Brod Street, 107 feet, t In chea north and south on Eat Front 8t. including the water front running to th channel of Ncttse river. Apply to CITIZENS BANK. Wrkn bilious or costive, eat S Catnret ein-'r cut hurtle, cure g'mnlend, 10c. 25c, , POWDER Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its great leavening ttrength and Jhealtlifulucss. Assures the food iigainsl"ilum and all forms of adul teration common to the cheap brands. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.," New Yoiik. HARRIS rOR PRESIDENT. loom fur Hie KanHR Henntor im BlvnlofHon, Wm. J. Bryan. fMnru In HI Own State. Toi'bka, Kan. For some time the pos ible candidacy of the United State enator Wm. A. Harris, of Kansas, foi he nomination for tiie presidency by tin 'usion silver lorees in 1900 lias been a ubject of gossip among Kansas politi ians. The Dally Capital in this eonnec tion says: "A littlo political cloud no bigger than enator Harris has risen over Mr. iryan's chances for the leadership of the ipocratic forces of 1900. Mr. Harris if ting urged by his friends to make tin ice.'1 Senator Harris Is a native of Virginia ' e was recently elected to the Senato it .lcceed Win. A. Pefler. I.nle New Hem. Twenty persons were killed and many thers were wounded by an explosion In fireworks factory in Lisbon, Portugal. Amined Dowleb has been appointed resident of the council of ministers and Iniater of the interior of Persia with extensive power. 1'lie Congress will grant a'syndiciite ol ashingtou capitalists a permission tc uilt an electric railroad on the Fryei stem from Puerto Cahallos to Truxillo in Honduras. Dr. von tephun, the imperial post-naster-geiiertil, who was to have been ne chief representative of Germany nt he Washington postal congress, is dyln Jii)fe9?or Pcrgmnnn recently amputated Jr. Stephen's right leg below the knee, ind the patient has been gradually sink ing ever since. The conservative members of tin icicliBtng have given notice that thej 'ill interpellate the imperial chancellor 'rlnce tlohenlobe, as to whether, ii 'icw of (he United Stale tariff, and par culurly the mark i.ufcrcnlinl treatmcm f Geruian sugar, the federal govern tents intend to adhere to the agreemen f August 23, 1701, with the United States. A special dispatch lioin Rome stm iat tho Prince of Montenegro, owing ti ne gravity of the situation, has starteo Jddenly on his return to Montenegro. . is understood he believes, in the event f an outbreak on the frontier, that tht var will extend to Albania and Monte- iegro wishcB to be in position to occu py North Albania as far south as tin river Drill, including the town of Scutai I. PERFECT nid permanent are th cure by Hood's riiirsapaHlla, be mse it makes pure, rich, healthy, fu ami health-giving- BLOOD. lllineiy Opening! At . . H. B. Duffy's When the ladies are invited to call aud iuspcot onr new lines of Millinery Goods, which hare beon (elected by Miss Dawson, and are the finest ever shown iu oar store. Friday, April 9. WM.WUNN, 4AS. BEDK0NP, . President. TTes Pres. B. B. eillON, Sect; (ft Trees. Hew Berne Ice Go - - MaMfaetarers , Pure Crystal Ice, From DWilled Waler. Out.nut SO Too D.IW. Car !od Lot Pollclted lc delivared dally (except Buaday) l. m, to t p m. Bnndnys (reull only) 1 a, tn. to 13 booo, For price nd other informatioa, address. B. a GtJIOK. Manager. Friday, April 9th Jm No Retter Plaee in New Heme TO RIJY Than at 4 Gaskills 71 RroaI St., Tlioir stock is complete with tho Best Urocories to be had nnd their prices aro us Low as anywhere,. Call and examine tlioir stock and loam their prices nnd you will bo convincd that you can gut full valuo for your money. S3P-NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Ifenicl S Gaski Wliolesnlo and Retail Urocer. 71 Broad St.. New Ucrne, N. C. OPKBA MOITKK ! Emma - Warren THEATER CO. For ONE Week (oinuieneliiir MOXDAY. API&Ili 5 ix liKi'KUTonu:. Mtclmi'l StrogolT, ht. iatrick s I'.ve, Too Much Manieii, A Mountain I'inlc. '1 ho l''ntal Wo(Miii7, East Lynnu, Cuniillc, Ton Night's in a Bar Room. Popular Prices, lie, '-'"ie. :i.1e. Reserved seats nl WaleiV. (low cheap you can live when on trade at the Right .Store. Fine Breakfast Strips lOe. HAMS, . !. BUCKWHEAT . I'ku Pound, Sr. And everything elo as ohrop at yon can buy anywhere, when you aro spending your money. Give me a oall. Respeotfnlly, J. F. TAYLOR, No. 20 Middle St. - ALL TIIE LATEST Periodicals, Blank Books, Stationery, - Pencils, Pens, and Ink, At J. D. G ANIONS, 101 MIDDLE BTBKET. Notice 1 By direction of th Postmaster General on and after Tuetday, April 6th, 1867, the General Delivery Window will not be opened after arrival of mail by Atlaatle and North Carolina Railroad from the West. Bos Delivery Window nd Stamp Win dow will be open until utual hour. Traveler and transient person will re oel ve mail at Boa Delivery Window. M. MANLY, PoMmantef. Choice Family Groceries McDiel m TH1HK Extra ! Krom now m our immense line of npriiijc noons will bo pouring in on us. Everv corner oE our store will be Bargain Bright with now, fresh goods. Every Attntctivo Article tit an Attractive l'ricc. Wo mean to make this our Bun tier Season. PRICKS Tin: UR1LVT ATTRACTION lias made Our I in iiionjo Business. Dry Goods Ikiplloise Q (!. A. BARFUUT, Algr. 3sd Doou I'KO.M 1. O. SFItlXCi IS 1IHIUR A N 1 Til I". Campaign is Open i-on Tin; Sale of Bicycles. DO YOU HEAR US ? We have the lVeilefs '-Victor', it c "Cleveland", the '-Liberty", the "Hustle", the "Crersccnt ',besides ;iu enlei i-ivelmeol i ml hand w bet I. iVe can sell you iiratid new win eh lor M.C0, 30,l 0, : 5 I 0, i?40.l)0, .'0.00, sTj. 00, 100. Second hand whet-Is iroin IU.00 up. BrS'To b.iy a wheel wilbout tirst h.-i-ing our line is to in i e a imstuke. Our wheels are till burked tip by a iruatanteel'tim louuuinctut'crv whose guar antee mean.-. ll'O cents to the doihr. J. C.Whitty&Co lrrssin Well i an tu t, nnd tho man who has bin garments made to mensiire y m has onml the key to that ait. It doesn't require any arguing to diow von that vott can cet a belter lit and more Btyle in a suit or over coat n'liiin il oi are lt.ouldeil to vor. V. M. Chathvick. 01 Middle Street: Ilenr.y's Pliarniue.v. 127 91ildle Si. Tooth BniBhcH, Toilet Ai tiolcrt. & i 00 YOU .I ii .i Sprini! Illno I f 1 'nt i tit r TAKK HKMlVV.'ioiiilMsia M Sur-n-parilla. Yillow l).ek. M-nulrake, Si nun. 'Kckley AnIi P.!irl. Sn--alr:c. lo.iidc I'ot i.h ami lolii'i: Iron with 'inlirfiein. Thi preporatlnn I expie-ly put lo meel the popuUr iud lot- n lllnml Purifier, without 1 ring rebile.l lo the many tecret noMruini an I ip m k mi-di cine of the day, oTu knows com. oitiou nnd gcnerully of Utile melicmal value. The lot mul l in printed no the label. 1'ltICE ONLY 50 CENTS,, Snio lie bottle innnlly told lor 1.00. i A 3 lb. C an Pork and Beans for 10c. Pure Cofler ground at lOc. No EnMence or Chicory. F. ULRICH'S tiBOCERT, fhsae 61. Il441e St Jcst try;a 10c. bo of ;Ctorets, the nnettjllver and bowel regit later ever male Tho Big --C sBeei3!ieiBeooooepoDo i : cih katftsa ..-., ..,,tnMu raws nODOODODOOQ)OOOOaoaOOCOOD Is on tlxe g 0 o 1 Eve of D -A. R.is0. Q o O The'Dingley Bill all American as well as Foreign mer- q chandise vill command increased val- q nes. There was never Choice Stock of 0 SPRING GOODS collected together under our roof as you will find now. To get the BEST at the LOWEST PRICE has been our aim. To make this store THE STORE FOR THE PEOPLE, by strictly honest business methods, by honest adver tising, by caretui attention to every detail looking to the interest of our customers, is our business motto. We hoped to unfold this week some thing of interest, but unusual delay en route lorces us to postponegtbr a few days. O D o T. J. TURNER, 8i86 mm- if Till larpc. Hue No. I I altan l(oel;i r for ONLY 81. 7."i, and No. -' I.iil'i' "ie for ONLY H 1 -'. I h'V" i. . u., .1 another lni(;e hIih-Ic ol V ii uini . . mi.i II m il for tbe Next 10 liiy .-iMnip. i- r cimb or on lime, lo niaUe i run It i y miiekH. All order i y in hi -o "i b i prnmpt nltr ntion. Yours Kcrcrtfuily, T.J.TIUMIH, NEW BKKNK. N. Farmers. We havo A FULL LINK of PLOWN, 1IARROWN, CUMIVATOItS. and all other 'Farming' Im piemen U at IIOCK 1J0TT0M PHICKS. TO MEECHANT8-Wccaa eli; you good 'manutaoturrs prioe. Ju II. Sutler ft Co. X ,e ziszr- . iZJBX WILLIAM T. BUI , JT ill SmiiiIi f rom hi 8 seems assured and 8 O O beforej Smch a o o 8 o o firm t's M;iril!i' Julilisnlis's Eliill 1m A 1,1, W AISIIAXTDI) ( i nn. 'Bromo Vichy" TO ( I 111, lH UIU HK. ISrafiliHiii'M I'liaruiac. Finest Extracts In the World. lolill M till l:c ("oti-r iitiidi-d KxlmeK, e I live in Hoi k ll e lollon iry : I.IOMON, OUANliK, STItAWHECKY, VANILLA, l'l N K-A ITI.E, HA KSAl'A HII.L .J ASI) l.'.Vr. .U'K'E. X.XiUNli A CO. 'i xl to l'oi Orllce. Furniture ! W. P. JONES. to o H ! Furmture Furmture !

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