VOLi7 X V-NEW SERIES NO. 228. NEW BERNE, N. C. FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 0. 1897- ESTABLISHED Millinery Opening! , Hiss ITarriette Lane will . . - . . dlsnlnv on . ' - ' Friday, April Otli, , nfi unusually attractive stock o flno pat tern Wats, sailors, flowers nnd otter ... goods found in a tlrst-class Millinery store. .Tlie ladies are cordially invited to call 'and examine quality and prices. " Having bought her goods for spot cash she canuot and will not be undersold by 1 anyone. ACCURACY, PKOJIFTXESS, H PUKE 1H11JOS LOW PllICES. Prescriptions A SrEnui;ry. Davis' Pharmacy. For B IG I I ARCJMXS i in Clothinsr, Dry (lends, Shoos, Hats, Cans and Ladles and (icnU - Furnishing dlootis, UO TO Thfltaa Stcck Company,' . : "v (! 3 Middle Street. ; i. Mono WiuleJiB Money tared, ro come to roe us oncl we will thow you. Groceries Cheap and not Cheap Groceries Ilfivo Attracted tho nt tontion of All Good Housekeepers -TO- ouit delivery WAGON Iiontbo 00 all tho time. D TO YOURSELF and rave 10 to 15 per cent, oa your purchases by trading with JOHN DUNN. At . , V v; H. B. Duffy's. When tho ladies are inritod to call and inspect our now linos of Millinery Goods, which have been selected by Win Dawson, ami are tlie flnost ever shown in our store. ;:;'7', Vt.I 9. A Great Success BE HDD THB STATE CAPITAL. A. Fire Loss lo the City. No Male r.n rampmmt fMn Year. ' Bapreinr , Conrt nrrLl.n an Elections." - , Journal Burrau,' .1 Raleigh, N. C, Aprils. ( Last night shortly after 9 o'clock fire broke out in the engine louse of the Victor Fire Company (colored). BotKI watch nun being away,' and the city lost two elegant fire liorsrs besides damtige to thd red wajon, and 300 feet of hose- No alarm was turned in until the house was ready to fall. Yesterday Governor Russell pardoned two convicts out of the pimtentiary. Henry Harris of Granville and Joe w il- liams of 'Wake. Adjutant General Cowlcs is pretty sure he will succeed Minister Eben Alexandei as minister to ureece. The salnr ii 7,!i00. . The Tarboro House yesterday put new "bus on tho street to serve tin patrons of that hotel. It is a herdic. There wtll be no encampment ofthi State Guard this summer as it is hopei most of the troops will go to the Ro-unior )f Confederate Veterans at Nashville Ten n., June 21. Already about 13 com panics have decided to attend. There were 2,?J0 special de livery let ters received by the Raleigh Post-oflici luring the past ilscal year en ling Apri Jlli. Reports from Southern Pines say th( large orchards there ht'd about half tin peach crop killed by the heavy frosts out no other damage was done. The North Carolina State Dental ass oiation will meet in Charlotte May 12th Rev. Dr. Kugeno Daniel of this cili las been chosen by the Knights Tem plar here to preach their Easter sermoi n Easter Sunday night at the Preshv terinn church. There is no telling when the caso de eding about the insane asylum Supcrin tendon ts will come up. Council for lli present superintendent here came tliit norning, but did not find the council f Or. Wood, Iho newly elected snperinten leut. Chairman Dockcry of the penitcntiar oard of directors says that by Septen. ier all tho changes will he niiulo in th jmployees of the penitentiary. By tha time new men will be in charge of ui places. The "Daily Tribune," (Republican paper hero which look houtliern Assc elated Press had to make nrrangcmenl to get prois from the New York Hun. Judge Furches of the Supremo conr !enoh yesterday decided that the boiuo if directors, under tho act of IS!), niu't appoint registrars and judges of election And hold the election, even though tin ict requires the appointment of Jndxet and registrars to he nude forty days he fore the election. This Is given in regan to the Louishurg ease. It will cause dec tions to be held in many towns in whicl there was neglect to n:i oiut forty days before election day. Some of the o'licials desire the State t issue "baby ben Is" of thcdcuonunntiom of 5 and $10. Tboie to circulate as cur rcney and save the State interest. cr.&r.v. wreck. Condneir Foafcheenart Flremna riinf fin nrr Kllltfl nt l'llnl Moanlnln. Winbton. Tlie inino of a freight train on the Cape' Fear & Yadkin Yullej Railroad jumped the track near Piloi Mountain about 4 o'clock Wednesday af ternoon, turning over ami killing tin conductor, Fred W. Foughee, of Mt Airy, and the fireman, Walter Chaflln, o' Germanton, and also roalding badly En giueer Powers, of Mt. Airy. ; The accident occurred at 2.30 o'clock. and the train was the regular freight, which left Mt. Airy nt 2 o'clock. Th engine left the rails and wns' Ihrowi across the track, toppling ovor on Hi side, catching the conductor, who wai riding on it at the time, and (he flreniHD, as they leaped from the cab. . Conductor Fousline was from Fayette- villa and less than two years ago mnrrler Miss Janle Itiersoti, of Walnut Cove, t very handsome young; lady, and the made their home at Mt. Airy, Fireman CIiaRIn was about 24 yean old, and an excellent and highly respec ted young man. . HI home was In Ger manton, where his father lives, hit mother being dead. t . . - T v.. . Engineer Powers is a FayettcvlUe man nnd married Miss Ada Hill, of German- ton, last January, " : Rub. Lmnsat CksH. New York It is stated oa hi'h au thority that Colonel Paniel S, Lumont has been decldedr upon as president ol the Northern Psclffo railroad, and tint tho appointmont woul I te announced within a week. Edward W. Winter, who was formerly oonpectod with the Chicago and Northwestern, has oeen president since J. " P. Morgan wu.', undertook the reorganisation of tho Northern' Pa- olflc. THE COTTON MARKETS. ' : ; 'Aprils. Mi delirerr close in Now York at 7.07. There 1 not much to say about the mar. ket. - - Tut flood new continue a the main hull feature of support. ' ' Kour Iruly, ' - , J. E. Latham,- THE. MARKETS. Ciiioaoo, April 8. OFININO. OUMC . e 60 . 4.40 4.R0 My Wheat..., M iy Ribs tl " POWDER Absolutely Pure . Celebrated for its great leaveninp itrength and riieiilthfulnesR. Assures tin food iip-aitisliluni and nil forms of adul teration common to the cheap brands. ROYAL RAKING POWDER CO.," New Vouk. RIVER STILL VERX HIGH. So New Rrenka llav 4loenrreil In I.eveca. Int 1'liose Alremly ln.l Are Enlnrarlue. The reports f rom the different point, on the Mississippi river show lit 1 1 change: St. Lorts, Mo Tlie rise in the Missom river is coniftig out into the Mississippi dowly. There will be little elmnge at St Louis for the next two or Hirer l:iys. The upper Mississippi is about stationary Hie waier is getting close to the (op o! ho levee on the Missouri shle nem Alton. Caiho, III. Tiie river is failing at a dightly increased rite. It will eonlinui O fall for at least tliirty-six hours. Minimis, Tenn. Tlie Mississippi lias 'alien one tenth of a foot at this plaoi uid four-tenths at Helena. A considera ile full is noted in the St. I-Yaneis Imsin. ,'he Hood sitiuition in the delta shows n narked change l?i:r.F.., Ail;. There is not inuel iiange to the situation. No new h:-eak- -re reported in the levee hen', Iml tin Teaks enlarging. Vn K-ilil'Kfi, Mis-;. The river continue: o rise slightly nt Vickshurg from wntei :t out liy e.reva-sses retiuning to tin lississippi through tin Vaoo. No new ireaks are reported. The situation lie. w is causing much anxiety, and levee, re being raised nml strengthened Jrnpid Nkw Oi:l,K.iX., fi. Th water is sta ioniiry at Niitche,: and New Orleans, 'here is a l ire of a tenth of a foot. h Suvou Kara an 1 Honaldsonville. Levuei oictinue intac t. Forces along the leve nes are being augmented in iinlieipa on of the higher water exni-eled, and il precautions lieing ta'-L'-n to avoid IV; ks. CoiiKrCKN Arls in n I3.irr.v- Wasminiitox, D.i'. Th" nie,sige from he I'lesident, Mi'Ciiej; tiovernment lid for the sufferers by the Mississippi Inoils, was rend in the Senate and wa: followed liv the intro'luetion and passage )f a joint residulien appropi i iii m ijl-V , KK) for that purpose. I'efore this action :onld b : I'oiiuiui'iic ile.l to tin- Ilnose j oinl resol ition w,is received from ilia body, appropriating "):l,0(ii) for ihi mine purpose, and in -hiding the Hei1 river of tin- North in the territory to hi aided. 'IT. l-i House joint resoliioion was immediately passed by the Si mite action on the other one nml on Mr. HateV resolution on Monday being jeconsidereil and annulled. JKiKblluK in rele. Canea. Fighting of a serious nntun ias occurred.bctween the Christiana am Turks outside of Ciuidin. The Insurgent' ho were niimei ically stronger than tin Turks, attactcd the outposts of the lattei from four points nt once. The Turks make a stronger fight nm mccceded in holding their position. Their loss was only two killed, while tin loss of the insurgents was flevcn killed. The Insurgents nt Kissaino Imve sent a letter to the foreign admirals warning them of their intention to attack Hie fort, at thst place. I.M New llriu. Queen Victoria visited the Prince ol Wales' racing cutter today and conferred the medal of the Victorian Order upon iTaptsln Carter, the yacht's commander. Tnc Arclibishopof Canterbury will per sonally deliver into the hands of Mr Bayard, the log of the Mayflower, which the Conslstorial Court recently decided to present to the United States. At a meeting of theexecutive commit! of tho Tennesee Centennial Exposition, several gentlemen, member of the asso- raoiatlon, were-appointed a committee to wait upon President McKinley at tlie White House and invite him to formally optn the exposition on May 1. ; Col. F. f. F. Smith, a leading West Virginia farmer, aged about seventy years, wa atruck .by a Daltlmore A Ohio tram at Smlthson while walking on the track, was hdrrlbl mangled, end died in two houjs. Both leg and ono arm wen- severed from the body, t Report from Greenville, 8. Citato that the Pallida river overflowed It bank Monday night, drownlug three men, ; , . TO fl'BK OIB 1 WNC AT Ttk Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets, Alt druggUt refund the moory if If loll to core. 25c, Cakahkt stimulst liver, kidney and bowels. Hover sicken, w akeq or grln 101. Is Xo Better Place in Xew IScrne TO BUY Than nl 72 ESraI S(. Their stock is complete! with tho l'est (iroreries to bo bad anil tlicir prices ate ii3 Low as anywlu'ie. (!all ami examine tliciv Btoiik ami learn their priced nnd you will be conviiteii that you !:in et full v.'tluo fur vour nioticv. Emma - Wa? THEATER GO. I'm- ONK Week ('mil in en el i;:r in i r. 'i:!,'i(i Mtchnel StrogolT, St. I'atrick s Kvc, Too Much Man eii. A Mountitin I'm .. The KtUl Wc.bii,..'. Kast Lyuiie, ('tliiiiile, Ten Night' in a liar I!ooin. Popular Prices. l"ic. -". i :l"e. Roserved seats at Waters'. flow cheap you can livu when ; on trade at the Right SLorc. Fine Breakfast Strips lOf. HAMS, - . $? BUCKWHEAT '. Jr. Pek Pounh. And ovorjthing olso as cheap n yon can bny anywhere, when yon tire spending your money, (live me n call. Respectfully, J. F. TAY LOR, ' ' No. SO Middle St. , AM. TIIE LATEST Periodicals, Blank Books, Stationery, Pencils, Pens, and Ink, At J. IK O ANKIN.4, 101 MIDDLE STREET! By direction of the Postmaster dene ml on and after Tuesday. April Oth, 1S07, the General Delivery Window will not be opened after arrival of. mails by Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad from the West. '1 - . - Box Delivery Window nd Stamp Wlr dow will be open until usual hour. Traveler and transient person will re ceive mail at Box Delivery Window. , . M; MANLY, Postmaster.' Choice Family heries McDmel & Gain's L'-?r0 TIIOIT.u; TO siltiW ;i r.'b'v el wtho,,t:irt -e.- 13 : ' Q (joons. mg o:u-i:i,e i to iii ,,n!. V.'. . --'Oi'-kl ' c::vba the housekeeper to D '.' (m. wiee a:v :,. Inck,-! up hy a . ; UC ; USlil !i'- FiOUV .13 SOOll aS O gii-im -le-i nfi,. nil' -i:-i- vl.--e:: "' fift - l i , M if t i n f1 1 ' H.:te.,mea... im. ce.,. f, ti,. d-:; ,-. ' ' ' L' " - Vcuco makes perfect g mm I k ki j. c. whitty &co 1 F,, VVItnlesalcindileliil 0 V" " ' ; f 3 B j ft O "''oei-s. fjL- !i 'A " 'a.va iW wm$& mma a Jl Bronil St.. N.-w Jlerne. N. '. (L r-r''T- O OPES81 iifiK'fe-s:: i . ''-- i i"" Sfv:A) -, i-i.ttK 1 : -rrt-r'Sci H fM-T JUST II Extra ! From now on our immense, lino of will bo pouring in on us. Kverv cornor of our storn will be Hnrgnin I'.right with new, frefih goods. Kvery AHtaetivo Arl'u.lc at nn Attractive l'rioe. Wo menu to make Ibis our lian nor Season. CaBiKAT ATTKi(TIi 1:13 mill to ) lltsillCSK. Imiiicn-e TV k Woods "J il. A. BA II FOOT, .Msr. 2 n i Hooit rmri I'. t Gameain is Ooen -I'Dl; Salsof Bicvclss. h an art, atul I ho man who has his garments ni:u!e to iiicasuic by 1 1 hii-i found the key to that aft. j It iloc.-u t ic:ii!iv any arguing: to show you t'nat oii can t". t a better lit and more style in a suit or over coat vlifii tic,' lire itioiihie'l toyot'. 01 Middle SlreeT B 1 c n vy' a niiiic . 127 Ti il':.U HI. Tnotli Uru'dic... Toilet Article-. 00 YOU r.i TAKE nr.MIV',-, com!.."..-.! .. Sm-:, pnril.n. Vel'cw P. C'. .M itnli,,.i;e, Scnnii. I'Kclc'ev Ash r.:iil;,S. :ifr.. I. .ti l.: Pel ish ai d lo in e Iron wall Viott mrerti. This prepuratio'i i- exjcely put. ui lo nieel the popnlir n-".l ! a I'.loc.i I'uriller, without b..in' r. I ite I to the many secret nnMruiu an I .,:nu l; n.. .Ii eine of th dav, of unlinown i oni. o-itioii 10(1 Rent rally ol lilil-i innlieioal vulne. The In: mula i printel o i t1 hi Is I. I'UICE ONLY Of. CENTS,, Ssme i.c bott'c unnllv sold lor i1.0. miw i A il lb, 4'aii Pork and Beans for 10c. Fare He t around at lOc. o liTMNenro or Chicory. . F. ULRICH'S GROCERY, Phone ei. . 4ft Middle Rt J n trvfft 1!W tir AfTfttMPrtji. ttil floe t.livcr nd boael k gulatx erer ualo v7 ii 1 I'll : t i f I"'. I .1 it. I : r- . line. i'!m , ' i i i v-..-j ... ... S3 '(lev, i.ie.i", 'i,r -T iluit-, . i- !: -1, '.! f ) ''v-'--.1-' ' ' v -'" Ilic 'Cier-ci-ul '.In - i'i- .!,.! i-i, -In ., ! () X'7 :"." V- , , O p. r;.,u:-;':'V:': .- i t II M !l '. .;: o;-II il I , O-i, i lri. I 'f' ' --. I i:;cfnit '; 'mill VU r-eeomi li iu I wi.ei 1 'ro n I i'.on . ' -, . . - m &im S m 3 !! OS-jiU'V St BS3- ViCittiH' . . . - V T m m m v.) o is o m lour .'.in Wo 17 .' ' ,-- - on: s;s-:st i;rominent dies vi?l bo requested decision vii-i ;s no;; 1. J. I I !... I ", J : ' . . . :?-Vl; Tin for (IN'I.Y Kl . or OM.V HI- ni nllier III." i d f.,r lie cl III ll.ij - i ;ih1i .r on lime. I" n: i',' r. sl.H'k All oi'oel I v nee pi oiupt nth nt I n. V ours Itcq ci tfinly. T. J.T1TKXKK. "' " NKW IIKIIXK. N. ('. Farmers. We have A Fl'l.l. LINE of IIA1CROWS, ClTIiTIVATHlCN. anil all other J'arming Im. plemnnUat HOCK. 110 I' l O.M PI1ICKS. .TO MERCllANT8-WOn uli; you goods I'lmanulacturer price. . i ll.ir Sutler, A Co. .v ' - v - i-'i kvWv'w i t'"i.,i V,4VQ.';:;:'''?-a"""".'" llllje. line No. t 1 1 1 ill I.V, t,. I I .". Illl. I X... '.' 1 : 1 1 ., I 0. I It le ;ll I 1, I I... I: ..! I-' 1 1' : 1 1 1 1 1 i ' . :o"l v , i (n .ijv i ! inn ti.r lev ' lelll Iniei O D O PILLSBtdRY'S L0UR. in the World. has not only a National International Reputation. on rarissaAY. a iuit i'ov 3re?l made irom Pills ;r. as ioliow.: . 3vJ)A F. and competent la as judges O is to be absolutely lo oe (uiestioned. bo given later, t'ais Flour in stock and found in each barrel m:, '! u'eoi;ous Hov:' to make lsbury's g ll M m.I ri.. t ,'r I..H lo ICclnre Hltrl. WILLIAM T. HILL, Simlli Front M i?isas ! - Chill Tonic l.l Ji IniMiii A 3,1, V iIt!Mrl) to d iti:. V X I "Bromo Vichy'' lit (T in: in: u win:. Ei:)iiisntiM Eliarma(y. Finest Extracts En the World. -l.-hn X'.it'."- i en . utr.i..l i:.tr:ul. we :ive in sin. k i lie to low in;: ; l.l'.MO.N'. ouwci:. tt:avii':i:i:v , VAXll.l.A. I'IS'i .MTI.i:. SARSVI'AUII.LA A I) 1.1 mi: Jl'K'K. V xl to:'n.l tlrlice. Furniture ! ! W.-P; JONES; lire Furniture