X VOL. XV NEW SERIES NO.34. i' f ".' ' ' '"' . NEW BERNE, N. C. FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL Hi. 1897. ESTABLISHED 15f2- --.- - A a lb. Cnn- Pork and Beans for 10c. JPnre "Cofflee, 'ground . at 10c. . Jo Essence or Chicory. F. ULRICH'S f . UfiOCEBY, Pkeae 1. 48 Middle St . Farmers. W have A FULL LINE of PLOWS, HARROWS, IJI.TIVATOIIS, . and all other .Farming Im plementsat ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. TO KEttCHaNTS-We jean sell gooda' manufacture prices. J'OU lull Antler 1c Co. By T Buying your F ..J;: From tV.P. JONES. ALL TIIEXATE8T . Periodicals; j -Blank Books, ; Stationery, ! Pencils, Pens, and Ink At JT. I. O ANKINN, ,101 MIDDLE STREET. ' How cheap joa can live when 30 trade at the Right Store. ; Fine Breakfast Strips 10c. HAMS. ' . Oc. BUCKWHEAT . Sc. ' - Pbr Poukd. - ' v And everything else as cheap i -.yon can bny anywhere, when jon ar upending jonr money. Juive me 4J1. . Reepectfully, '. . ; .' 'I JT.lF. TAYI.OK, No. 80 Middle St. UO CREDIT I On and after Natur daj, April 17 n, 1807 .we will Rell our good tforaftIi. We positive Hj mean Buslne. Cer-iieettnlly,1' " TJUNN & CO. Neit to Po4 Office. . riLM.v l PRESCtlPTIONS Is most "linpoi t duly of k Plmrniacist. A life' often 1 . -nili upon his (kill and exact, nexs, I the sutxtitution of one drug furs er Is dangerous to life, di'jjion st 1 a rhalli ngs to physclan's Uiiclli f hct", a. -J Jmlly sntitled to Jus "resent- mnt. V.'s give wlmt Is called for at fair T A'..i.fTKiY Ptrnrft.-t RsBVK.'B, ) i .' it .'- n hriiHTiTUTioa YOU fT" ' BIT ' oak Sartnej urnuure m m THE SHIt CAPITAL. Tie Railroad Commission kM to Reduce Telephone Rates At the Orphan Asylum. The Tax of the Southern Express Company. Crop Outlook Is flood. The State Museum and the Whale. Journal Bbiieau, t HiLElon, N. C. April 15. f Before the railroad commission yester day petitions from various 'towns wcie eceived asklni; tlmt telephone renti! rates tie reduced. The commission servei' notice on all telephone companies askinf. Chat thev show cause why tlie rem mould not be reduced, The exhibition of Edison's rrnjecto icope here this week has drawn goo irowdsandnll are 'delighted witlt tin nventinn. Mr. ffm, Simpson, of this oily, win or years has been a druggist here is in itructing a class of seven young men ii pharmacy. He lectures to them ever lay. Tonight Polk Miller gave one of hii evenings nt the Academy for I lie heneft f the Bnptial Tabernacle Sunday school t is needless to say Hint his recitation vere immensely enjoyed. At the Oxford Orphan Asylum unde he care of. the Mason's of the State ar 11 children that are fed, clothed am idurated. New cottages arc heinj jut up and they will he in use May 1st The State Treasurer will ask th Equalization Board to assess the Expres 'o's. property. Last year it cave ii nly about $62,000 taxable property )nly the Southern Express C'ompan. nes business in this State. The prospect for a fine crop of when nd oats Is good. Fruit crop is iiIh Kd, the damage by frost was not ver; reat and now there is no longer dreai ram that, The interest Increases hero in tin uilding of the Richmond is Ridgewai iltroad line. The sperm whale that was washei shore at Wrlghtsville a short time ag vas not secured by the State Museur ind it is very much regretted. Tli Iceleton that is in the Museum is . right" whale and sperm whales ar. arely seen in North Carolina waters. - Thfc jBufireme Court bench heard argu nent in the appeal ease as to me nxinji of the poll tax at 1.3R. Easter week promises to be very gai here. There are two church weddings or the docket and four dances. The Brooklyn Flout Again, Philadelphia The United Btatei miser Brooklyn was successfully floate ut of the dry dock at League Islam avy-yard Wednesday- She now lies si nchor in the Delaware river, where th nishing touches will bo given befon 10 big shin is declared seaworthy. It will be remembered that on Januar; ,0, while Hie Delaware river was fllle vith floating ice, Captain Cook, of tin trooklyu decided to remove his 3hii torn her dangerous anchorage. The ic revented the vessel from going up tb lelaware, and Captain Cook decided t un her down the river to a place of saf y. The ice interfered with the pilot'' iew of the channel lines, the result beln; bat the cruiser struck on Schoonc dge Rock and had some of ier bolton dates damagod. She was put in Hie dry dock, and sine." hat time a number of men from Crumps ihipvard have been engaged In replncini he damaged plates. It is expected tlia he Brooklyn will he reidy to make hei naldon trip under the United States fla ,n a few days. Uerole Flood Flghtern. New Obleans. La. The city wharvo ire found too low for tho tislng river, hich Is covering many of them. Th jueen and Crescent has already givei wders for a higher whnif, asplatfnrnu had to be built so as to unload tho fruil thins. - 1 There cam near being a lynchinn Insi night. Four men in a skiff tried to cu the levee at Davis, ou the opposite ld jf the river, 18 miles above this city here the great crevasse of li&ioccurret Armed men Dursued them In boat. UU the miscreants escaped. Now twenty -flvi Armed men patrol that levee each night uid tamnerlng with the bank meant Jeath. ', Memphis, Tenn. A groat quantity ol applies bas been sent to the flood sui farers above Osceola on the itoamei adekasaw. The supplies were pur. ohased by Captain Davis, who is eta- uoned here by BecreUry Alger for thai tufpose. Lieutenant . hltney, is board the Chickawsnd will make sd inspection of the situation above Ashport. Oovornment supplies bsve also been sent to Vincent and Marked Tree,, Iniu future they will be sent out rapidly, at soon as the relief stations along the rim are established. THE MAtLUTS. ! , ; Chioaqo, April 15. i , t ' orxitlxb. . OLOsa, M.y Wheat.......... MsrKibs.. 4.70 rf)VOU9 Tioubles are tine i a ioMioveimliiHl blood. . Hood's Sar- iiininlila Is the One True Wood luiiiior and t.lT.VE tQ.NIC. GREBES DRIVEN BACK. The Porto Fiend a Warning lo tot Greek Government. Any Fnrthei Bald Inti Turkish Territory Will Be Hegarded as m Declaration ol War. Athens. The Greek Insurgents, ac cording to dispatches from the front. have sustained considerable losses and are retreating before superior forces An Offleer sent by Edhcm Pasha to Kra nia, with instructions to ascertain tin exact situation in that vicinity, confirm) the statements previously made that tlx Turks have driven the. insurgents hurl acrois the frontier, inflicting a loss ol fifty killed" on the latter. London. Tlie Evening News this nf ternonn publishes u dispatch from iti special correspondent at Alliens siiyinp that the Turkish government has foi ually informed IheOreek government .hat any further raid nf irregulars Inti Turkish territory will be regarded In Turkey as a declaration nf war upon tin part of Greece. The Vienna correspondent of the Timet lays that one o the least favorable con lequcnees of the course of action takei 'iy the powers is Hint it has not only fail id t i overawe the Greeks, but there art in n -lakahle sins that il ha diminish ad tlie prestige of the European concert The Constantinople corresnondent ol the London Standard will sav tomorrow "During the mhinr-t council at tin palace on Sunday tlie Snltnn vvss In con itanl communication with tin t zar am he Kaiser. His ultimate decision will lepend upon iln ir advice, which mam veil informed people here believe wil )e in favor of the Turkish invasion ol Jrecre. There can be no question thr.' lie policy of Turkey will be regulate roin St. Petersburg and Berlin." Vienna, The best informed diplomat: lere regard war as inevitable, They sal he train cannot much longer be norm jv either Turkey or Greece, and that tin imc is passjd tor the powers to uttenip intervene. In view of the dangcrou losition assumed by Greece, tlie qucstioi reiter.ited whether she does not count pon some power coming to her support the crucial moment Remains Ready lor Removal. Nkw York. When the workmen win lavo been employed in the old tomb o: lenernl Grant for three davs flnlslicc heir day's labors a' 5 o'clock Tuesday veiling everything was in readiness foi lie removal of the body to the crypt ol he new tonih. The men announcec Hat they had extracted all of tlie l(!f oils from the steel casing that covered lie coffin, and that the colli n could bi aised and carried out at any moment. The sarcophagus, too, is all ready fo he reception of the coflln. Tltc great lid ton in weight, has been raised by mean f a derrick three feet above the sarcop- lagus proper and blocked up with wood. will bo a simple matter to slide tin oSln into the bollowed-out portbu and Irop the lid down upon it. A new feature of the Gr.mt memorial elebration has been added lo the pro. (ramme in the shape of a parade of tin (uests of the city from the Fifth Avemu lotel to the monument in the morning efore the dedicalion ceremonies. As matters have been arrange 1 the. tflll be all driven In open carriages If tin veathcr is flae over the same route whicL he military parade is to follow. The :arriages will form in a regular prnces don, two abreast, led by troops. In tlu ret carriage drawn by four horses, will le President SlcKinlc, fornu-r President Irovcr Cleveland, Mayor Phong and iencral Horace Porter. Following them in other carriages wil) a the diplomatic corps, members of tin :abinet, governors of s,.ate4, nenntora, ocmbers of Congress, generals, admiral! ud all anrt) of notables. .M New lieui. John P, AHgi'l 1 lias been enjoined front liBpnsin.x of his property, which is in olved in the Globo Savings Bank failure There will be a legislative, lnvestigatioi, I the manner la which tho university'i unds was lost in the bank. Secretary Long says lie is not to hf llctatcd to by the uiraor people, and inti nates that if they refuse to accept th nce named in Secretary IIerlM?tt's rc tort he will proceed to have the platei nanufaclured by other firms. Tho two American armor-making flrmt tave just been asked to make proposal) for delivery to the Russian government or the armor for two battle-ships. It ii pacified that a quick delivery Is re mired, and It isunlerstvid that Euro pean makers have not yet been asked to enter. -Vice President Hobart has brought U the attention of the Senate a letter from Mayor Strong, of New York, inviting th ienate to he prewnt in that city on tlu Kcaston of the transfer of the Grant nonumeut to the city of New York Tho -letter assures the Senate that the ceremonies will be of an Imposing character befitting the occasion. . Following tne signal success of tin Chautauqua of tlie Mountains la West Virginia, a similar -Institution, although oa a much larger scale, Is lo be started in Norfolk. The Chautauqua by the will hold Its first session In that city, be ginning June IS, and continuing one month. More than fifty lecturers, In cluding college professors and other die tlngulshed men, have already keen en- gaged, an 1 the association will be Incor porated shortly. . . .. . TO CURB A CWI.IS WNI BAT TskelLaxatlve Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money U It lslls to cure. 25c MM . mt. AW POWDER Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its Ki'cat lenvetiiui. itreni'th and henlthl'iiliiess. Assures tic :ood against alum and all fnrins nf nihil oration common to the cheap brands. KOYAL UAKI.Mi l'UWIIKII I ., ' NliVV V'RK. . RAILROAD MEETING TODAY. Worth Carolina liallroatl Dtrectora to Meet at Greensboro. Uov. Hnnell Wants Negro I'rlnelpnl at Gold boro Anyliiin. Special. Rii.Eian, N. '.' , April 15. A meeting of the new directors of the North Caro lina Railway on part of the State was to- lay called to meet at Greensboro, it noon, tomorrow. ? . The trustees say that only (routine business will be transacted. GovornorUus9ella11tl10ri7.es the state ment that he wanted a negro physician appointed "a principal of Hie Eastern Hospital for the Insane at Goldahorn, ind that all reports lo the contrary ire false. Famine Mfiinlloii Imoroviili;. Bombay. The report of the viceroy, the Kail of Elgin, on the lami tna :ion, just issued, shows that, inclu -dug die native states, ''.N.Tj.ullil persons art imploycd on the relief works, against 8. l4t,323 pii'sons so employed a mouth igo. The report adds that the prices of grain ire tending to decline, owing to tin aius and improved lu.rvest piospcctF, The foodstuffs ar.i generally sufficient, md the condition of the people in th l 'ecle I districts is pr.mounced to lie from 'air to good. THE COTTON MARKETS. April I.V TlIK New York market closed ban h stta ly at ?.fttl for May delivery. ON account of Kasler hollilay. there will be no market in New York until Mon day, and none in Livirpool until Tne. -day. I ours truly, J. !'. I ATUAM, A Great Success. Groceries Cheap and not Cheap Groceries IIAvo Attractod tho at tention of All Good Housekeepers TO- ouii ii:r,ivi:nY WAGOIV It on the 00 all the time, TO YOURSELF and eave 10 to IS per oent, on your purchase by trading with 1 ' v joiin Dunri. Dutan s Cash Store THEfVE COME P Anotlter Lot. of those Nic.n Sugar Cured Hams -AND - Enelish Cured Shoulders H I, I.O". -. and Ii e cut. I'-ieikfast C. Ilams- - rv Hm . Abo it N if" S-rij'S iiiul small sizes A Nice lot I'Vesli Cakes and Crackers, (iraham Wafers and (linger Snaps. Tlie Very Finest Elgin But ter. Free'i It-iasted CoHec.gioniiil to order, 18c, ''.) ;, 2oe, uml our 80c Hoasted Coffee is nhea 1 o: uny sold for the price in ti e city. Try it und you'll say so too. "TFTiolehale and Iteta'l (Iruiers. 71 P.road St., Not il nic DroNKiiig Well is an art, uml tho man who has his garments mado to measure by us has found the key to 'lint art. It doesn't require any arguing to hho'.v yon that u can fit a bettei tit. and more style in a auit or over Ooat "lien they are moulded to you. F. 5f. Chndwhlf. 01 .nidd'e Street Henry -m Pliarniiury, 127 filial.' St. Tooth Binshes, Toilet Articles, 4c. 00 YOU BP ? CAKE HESHY'H, coinp..'l .-I Sarfa iiarilla, Yrllow Dock, Miinilrut.e, Wmna, PKeUev Ash Bark.SMiafr.iii, I. lule rot. h anil Imlide Iron with Wuil. rgre. n. This pri-iaruUim is ex:ireilj put ii in niMt i In. nnnulsr nsrd fur a Itlono PuriHer, without Icing leh.led to tin manv se. ret nostrums ami nuaoK meni cine of the day, of unknown coinro-illo ind generally of little irehcinal value. The loinml.i Is printed on the label. PHIfiK ONLY fit CENTS.. ' r-m. die bottles u-enlly Ki I tor (I (Ml. REAL ESTATE AU ' City property of all elasies forealc, Hiinnf tba best houset sni lots In the city are included, and down to the cheapest tenements. Afso we have a numbef of parties who want to buy In preferred locations, so it will pay yon to see us tf you really want le sell. : Hous. to rant In various part of Die Cltf. Farm laal at most any price yen want. . ' Collection of rent a specialty. ; E. B. HARPEB. NtarPettOlTeA; mum Millinery and nMAM fAArln Ul COO UUUUd Opening ami 11 ursday, ( This Wect) APKIli Mils & ti Alt. Yon attend. l.'iir.iialU' Invite-3 to Ilespei-tfnlly, (i. A. I! A II FOOT, 11 sr. ' J K i.Vfl. In ) I'.i.n. i m P. i ' 1 have .MS dozen piitente FoMin.' Iron patctiteil "t lOhletl CS liiicks, tlicy an; U iit'lli H'2 Vs.u U, ami I will rel) for the N KX 1 Ten Iays For Hl.A) IVavU. Hell on Ir'al to introduce tluin and if tli'-y are not us leprt-sttit Cd Will Cllcil'IliilV tlliltl'l III' money. :- A I orilcM b tnnil nhitll Imte prompt attention. Yours lifspectfiilli". tt'liolesiile ami Hi-till) Foniitwe Ceite' No. TO Middle St. M.U' HKKNF. N. . w. Small woccl t ii. ti Clinttaw ku, : , .Ntrt- P.i rne, 1.1 N K ( 'F oitlti Fi. ut )t l:C fi; ijtovos, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, Table Waie, Barbed v ire, (ia'vanivoJ l'i e, l'linij s, I.iiiii', Plaster und Cement lVivopnl Kttentii n to thi prompt and cm ni t lilliiie; of all or iers. HIHIJ Iti II Kit r. AMi Till Campaign is Open -ion tii r Sale of Bicycles. DO you HEAR U3 ? We have the I'm leu -Victor", tit Cleveland", the "I ilxin", the "Entile ', 'he'"Cteii ol '.b dr uu i-nb nfv.' hm ol Jnd hand n heel. We run Sell yen brand new wheels for IM.C0, 130.00, W o:i, tN'.nn, so.on, i67l . t)l), 100. Second hand wheels from Kl.nO up. ig'To buy a wheel without first nee ins onr line l l make a m'stuke. Our wheels are all bucked tip by oni gnsranhefrom niHDtitaciurei whose Kuar. wtee meabs 100 cents to the dollar. I.C.Whitty&Co II.W. SI3IPONs Funeral Director and Emlialmer. . M3rai!3ersst Bj-Maria! & a Vpseia .r-BOXk.M ',Y F1IRI mi ! !' liKCKIYK!) 1 (I "(Jdllletl llulu" Heard , and 1 do; An Cloth F. G. Co.'s Corsets MAKE " I American Beauties CCS CORRECT SHAPES. ARTISTIC EFFECTS, All Lengths. NEWEST MODELS. FANCY and PLAIN. FEATHERBONE CORSET CO., SOLE MANUFACTURERS. SOLD BY AC KB URN. 0) qintiedfitmid, ACKBURN. Don't Forg-et the Premiums on the Bread made fmin Pillahunr'a Best Flour. Please send in by 2 o'clock p. m. Write your name plainly on card and enclose same in envelope and address same to rns 1 1 TSAUt MARK. flj i ri. --; ii ! to mm u Li f : : -i 'f.r::- Q LJ II 1 1 Store uau