VOL. XV "NEW SERIES NO.-23G, NEW BERNE, N. a SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 18. 1897. ESTABLISHED IMS- fl- Evaporated : Apples 5c. a lb. Dried Apples 6o a pound. ; ; : Arbucklo's Coffee 1 lb packages. - St 18c pound. ' Prime Roasted Coffee J.5c lb. - ALL FIRST CLASS GOODS. F.IULRICH'S GBOCEBY, - - ;. Phone 81. 8 Middle SI. No More Credit. We will from now on do a calt business. Customers sending orders must Send mOnPV With them. I Those who owe OS will please call I and settle their accounts at once, ai we with to close our books. ' JXejnec:tiully, Opposite Post-office. Farmers. ; We hare FULL LINE of HARROWS, . CULTIVATOK - and all other ' Farming Im. . plementsatROCKJOTTOM PBICE9. k TO MEBCIIANTS-We lean sell goods rnanntocturers prices. ft . - . IiilT duller ris Co. JBty, .Ruying v. your urniture v . . ' j From - -: ; Ri'jONES. 7. ALL THE LATEST Periodicals, Blank Books, Stationery, . Pencils, Fens, ; j ! and Ink At j;i. OAsifijrs, - 'i 101 MIDDLE 8TB8ET.': How obeap joo can live when jo trade at the Right Store. , ; Floe Breakfast Strips lOe. HAMS; ' . , 9c BUCKWHEAT . , t 2Je, " .'- Per" Pooho. ' " . And everything else is cheap a 300 can bnj anywhere, when jou an pending jour money. ; TQive me ail. itcspeoviuiiy, - -.. jrvTAYiron, MI44U St. - j t V V V TXH! 4 FBESt .UmONS Umwi Vinpfi' i t duty of a Pharmacist. .A lift ,r i'0 (' i ih u ion hit alt ill and exact' r !-., I tho s ili.il;uluii of one dru. f r is & rgnrous to life, ditln.n- t s : t 1. n" td phyei'inn'a iotclli- f-'i". I Ju.ily entitled to hit rewnl' tin i t, (;iv whnt la called for at full i i t iv Ppukkt fitRVlra, 1 . , .(, t. i lrn Ifl'TIl it. ! I. 4-11 1 d r I ii J-r-W A v VN THE STATE WITH. Dislrict-flf ColmMa . to Gii lo Clealai. Hot Contest In Charlotte Election, Need of Fire Protection. Mar Serve Ont Term at Asylums. ' Insurance Bates to be Seduced. ' . JOTTRSAL BUREAU, IUihigh; N. C, April 17. Eefore the Supreme Court thin morn ing it wan expected mat the cases involv ing the three hospitals for the insam would be argued. . The court had ar ranged to hoar the argument on the sup position that both sides were ready. But W, II. Day of the council for the, nc boards stated that they were not readv and aBked that the matter be defcrrei until next Monday The court so ordered rip Millr oiin.-inlj.nrlnt nf tlm liniini. r.,.1 at Ooldsboro. was here with hiscoun .m a. B. Aveockrand W. C. Monroe, State Treasurer Worth today receivei the full text of the opinion of the U. 8 supreme court in the yhio express cases lie will lay the whole matter before th lilway commission. It is the plan, ac ording to the opinion to tax the entir roperty as a unit and each State gets H iro rata. This is the statement whlei 1'rcasnrer Worth makes of the case. The State Auditor today sent a wai mt for 950 to a new agricultural societ, ist established in Forsyth county. Tl iw requires this amount of aid to cou i v societies. ' Work begins next week on a chapel a e Soldiers' Home. It will replace th resent very small one, which will thei o used as cottage. One newspaper lai alrcaly-begun i ijlit against the proposed special tax fo ublic schools, under the new acts, o hich the people are to vote the comin, miner. The voting will only be in sue jwnships as desire the tax, to far as on t the acts is concerne I. At the church of the Good Shepherd ierc, tomorrow it Is expected to ran 5,000 more of the building fund, $5,00 eing already on hand. Persons who are hero from Charlotti ly the muuiclpal contest there is th- armest in a great many years. Thei re two candidates for mayor, and the re making matters lively. It is now reported that John C. Dane) entirely knocked out so far as the n ordership of the District of Columbia I oncerned, and that ex-Congrefsmai heath am gets it. Dancy at one tlm ought he bad the place certain. Th act is the position was promised a Nori Carolina negro. No names were men .oned. The nine negro members of tli 'Kislatiire threateneJ a revolt again, rilchard unless something was dot r the North Carolina negroes. Prltoi d's friends authorized the making m pie J go of the recordership to '"Sou forth Carolina negro." As Dancy h; wn telegraphed to come here and g ue threatening bolters in line, he qui .tur.illy thought the prize would fall l i in. He said he was sure of It -Polk Millar, so widely known as . npilal shot at birds, tayt the best sb the United States, at partridges, Is f Jordan, of Grcenkhora. Ha makea n xeeptlons and declares that were he i ttting man be would Hake hit last dt tr on Jordan. '' Applications are in hand for four ne )Jd Fellows lodget tn the State. Gran ecretary VYOJdell says that-1890 w ne most trying fear the order ever ha i North Carolina. Now tue prospect .re better. Two fears ago the State officials tc lepted plant for a "hall of record." vat never built There la a great ncei if it. Valuable record are stored uiildlngt not lire proof, tome of then -ented. The state hat a desirable tit or a suitable building. It It Mid tliat the names of 383 pupil enter the Baptist female university a nun a It la ritftHv Inr nMnlunnv an I ready secured. It ought to be complete- I iy next winter. . ine new Biate airoctors ot me rory jarouna railway are eauei to meet ireeosboro again May 7. Avery Morris, a whit) man, whi bar ieen the engineer at the deaf mute schoo a Uurgantoa has created t sensation I unmng away with a 17 year old girl, tuodrasrtn the eama institution. II lesertod a wlfo nd three children. Hi ind th girl wkom be bas ruined wen Mptured at Charlotte.. If the Supreme court docldus ar tudgi ldamt did in regard to the onset In vol v ng the management ot tho hospitals foi ,m insane, Drt. Miller, Kirby and Mur. hy will terve out their full terms. Tbi .toUtlcai competition of the boar is will hanje anyway, m the term of three oi the members sooa expire, Ihnte b"ln DemocratJ, and of course the Oovernoi will Bll these vacancies. It It asserted In a letter just reoelveo that Mayor & J. Mutken of Lewlston, 1 turtle county, a Damoorat, hat received Republican endorsment for the place ol post olllee inspector and hot gone to Washington tnd secured Iho influence Senator Prltchard ami Congressman White, tnd that the local Republicans art raising abig row because ef these thing. It it corK lvl that Ore inturanne rates in f .rm i-i.).-rty in this Rule are tw hi,u and they have prevenlwt many fnrmi'ia fm:n iiiniiring. It mutt be ad niltti dt' at rotii.try ihthaye not provl pofitable class to most of the compa nies. The rates are now sure to be re duced and this will please the farmers. Among the- last passedj by the recant General Assembly was one "to regulate Fire Insurance Companies rates in Nortl. Carolina. " . "The General Assembly of North Car )lina do enact: That all the Fire companies in Nortl Carolina and dolni business In this State shall not charge a higher rate on farn nrnperty than is charged in the State ol Virginia. The rates in North Carolina have heel as follows on such counrty property. Frame, Bhingle root dwellings 1.50 pei annum. Frame, metal roof buildings, 83 cent; per annum. Barns and stables, $2.00 per annum. While in Virginia, along tho border. the rotes have been lower. Frame, shingle roof dwellings, fl.O per annum. Frame, metal roof dwellins, 75 centi per annum. Barns and stables, $1.73 per annum vhcn written with dwelling. The tariff association has as ye inly sent out circulars asking consider ition and information. Rates are based on experience and ne irbitrnrily made without regard to fueU n tho northern section of Virginia, U' he Valley, rates are-lower than on th' outhern border. Mr. W. 8. Primrose, the President ol he North Carolina Home Insuranc ompany, has to-day after careful cot deration of the law, in which he i imported by legal opinion, by the Set tary of State and verbally by the A irney General, advised the tariff assoc ition to lower the rates on farm pro rty to correspond with the rati larjeil in Virginia along the souther ne. it is tnougnt mat tins win at one e done. In any event Mr. Primrose ha iswcred queries from a number of lit iome Agents, to lower rates to contort s above stated. TROOPS TO LEAVE CDS A. lie Wlchdrawnl arm Par Mbe Spur Ikh Armr to Bepjln Wlih (hellalD) Stion. Washington. According to informs on received from trustworthy source te withdrawal of at least a part of th reat army that Spain has malntainci r several years in the Island of Cub; 'ill begin when the rainy season sets it vithin a few days. Tho initial movement will bo the dt arturo of 10.000 Spanish troops Iron lavana for Spain, and within a shor irac after thnt 80,000 troops, it it undei tood, will follow. Whether this mov. to be construed in favor or against tin asurgents, it is pot possible now t ay. The Spanish insist positively that i icans only that little or nothing n wins of tho insurrection; that Gome: as only about fifty or a hundred fi wers, and that to watch these undei te conditions in which the campaigi at been necessarily conducted a fev lousand men are as quite as effectiv the army of 180,000 men which Iium en maintained in Cuba. The Cuban contingent, on the otln tnd, insist tliaf the Spanish financia sources are exhausted, and that tl i ie troops are to lie withdrawn becauM f lack ot money to keop them ii ha service. Telegraphic Iietaa. Tlie river is rlsinj rapidly at Vickf mi. The levees below are ttill Intact it the tituation it becomlnjr mor larming. ' Mrs. 8. M. Hanna, the mother of Sen. .or Hanna, is deadi the result of pnei oonla. Mrs. Hanna had only been slcl i week. Sbo was eighty-four rears old the was at Konilworth Inn, Blltmore The opening day, Hay t, is not far off. nd enough has already been done t warrant the belief of the officials tha 'ennetee's exposition will be nearei -ompletion at the opening than an) ither show of the kind ever was. It Is reported that the National Leagut its ordered the Greek Irregulars to ra rest Into Greek territory, regarding. fur ,her blooJshed as useless nnlet-Jthe regn it army of Greece supports the Irregu rs. ! . ' CartctH. Harrison was formally In tailed at mayor of Clilcago Friday, Hi oaiit an Inaugural addreat in which iromiaed to do hit ulmoat to give Chi ugn a good administration of its muni' ilpnl affairs, and that all the pledges isd made during the campaign would hi ept. i . , , The esse against the steamer Dauntleti ihsrtred with violating the neutrally act by taking an expedition from N fame Key, on the southern coast .Horlda on January 1st, 1887, and landlnr Jit same la Cuba, came up tor trial bt United States oaurt at Jacksonville, Is. After the government bad submit ed its testimony, the ease was promptlj lltmisaed. ' rtkeLauilvt Bromo Quiaiae Ttbtttt, ID drugglttt reflind Ibe aionry If it jlslb ecare. 23c For fJnle or JRxchnnce. The brick residenoe, No, 25 Ilsn cock Street. ... .. .; ... i ...... J. E. LATHAM, him POWDER Absolutely Pure Celcl rated for its great leavening ttrength and hcnlthftiliics. Assures the "ood against alum and all forms ot adul oration common to the elieap brands. kuyal. hak.1jnu fuwukk uu., New York. THE BUSINESS WORLD. 'rices of Goods are Unlet Bm Dress Woods and Clothing ore Firm la Price, t'. ooleu floods are High er, .-locks Firm and Home are II Igher. Boiivn, Slat?,, April 18 The piet vee-c has been timet in the business vorld. The mills and factories of Niw Ingland, howover, are quite, steadily f.i vork tilling orders from nil parts of the oUntry. TO RETAIL DEAI.KHS. The war between the sugar and eolTee rusts still continues and it is a good ime to buy Rio coffee. Those who bought nails on our mtvict nay be glad to learn that the mill price: ave gone up another notch, and an bout 10 per cent higher than they were ix weeks atro. There is no decrease in t lie prices ol loots and shoes, and there is some talk f higher prices in the criers of next eason. This la a good week in which to buy Jmost any kind of prints if you have noi I ready 1 lid in a supply at the time ol ur previous advice. This is the fag end if tho season for the mills, and a few nea can he had at cheap puces, although nost of the goods linvc already been lol.l. Dress goods are still going up in price, ts wo predicted. Those who have waited intil uow to buy their fuplles will t'niri liat in most lines prices arc from 3 pci sent to 10 per cent above those which wi ere quoting early in March, Series and X)vert clothes are in such active demand hat agents have as much ns they can di o handle tlio orders which tie c niiinj: l. The favored Blocking for -minnicr wcni s evidently going lo be in Mark scam ats gooda. The wholesale clothing market is every lit as strong lodnv as wo i rerllcted It ould be. There aro wry few job lots tc e had, and pmclian-rs mut pay higiiei rices than weio In fore?1 a month ago All kinds of woollen goods for suitings ind overcoating are higher. TO I'AHMKItS. Some sales of wool have lieen made .his week at prices about six conts t raund higher than the quotations which ere In force last February when we ad ited fanners to hold wool. Indeed some idvances ot two cents are now quoted iren over last week's prices. V Idle we lelleve that wool may go higher yet bote who are not di.poied to run a littlt risk of lower price i can realize this week tt a profit of about S3 per cent in some dues over what they would have got II mr advice had not been followed. The wheat situation is rather curious, die speculative prices on wheat nro at ogether too low, and us matters look iow the speculators are going to get taught before many months are over, iVe still believe that wheat prices art (oingto advance. llegardlng future prions In tildes wt tre not so confident at some dralera ildet are selling for about what they art forth today. We wouldn't bo surprised O see hides wetker this month. Those vho took our advice aud sold butter bt 'pre the present decline have mado more money than their neighbors. , Before the month it over poultry prices ira likely tn Improve a little, but It tot a good lime ot the yetr to tell poul try unites forced to do so. IS sEcrRiTiSa.. The stock market has bean mostly xof est tonal affair during the week. The jhiet event of Importtnce have beca the strength shown by Northwest, OmS' to, St. Paul, Ntw York Central, and tha jopper stocks. While other securities were more or kit weak under the bear ittacks, these held np well sod are tvU leotly likely to ao decidedly higher on every upward movement In tlw stock market in the Immediate future. When we flret advised email Investments thee seourllies, we bated oar advice upon facts. The stock market la evi dently beginning to appreciate those facts. , . At present prices ot copper If such prices hold up during the year an lovttt ment in good copper stocks should earn from 10 per eent to 19 percent, and may eirn M par cent, at the present prices of such stocks. TnlE Another I,ot of Ihoso Nifto Sugar Cured Hams . AND English Cured Shoulders Which up cut. Also a Nice) Lot Itipakfast Strips und N. C Hams smitll size itinl vt ry lino. A Nice lot Fresh Cakes and Onokers, tlralmm Wufcrs anil (linger Snaps. The Very Finest Elgin Mut ter. Fresh Roasted Coflce.gi'onnd to order, lfic, 20e, SOf, und our ;50c Roasted Coffee is iilioa'l o:' any Bold for tlm pr.no in lie city, 1 ry and you'll say bo too. Wholesale and llet.i'l Vroeers. 71 Hiouil S'.. New Benie. X. f. DroNNliig Wll is an art, und the man who ins his garments matlo to measure y us has found the key to that art. It doesn't rcquiro any arguing to how you tli at voti ran get a butter it and inoic stylo in a suit or over ioat when tl ey ure uioulded to you. F. M . eiindwkk. 01 Middle Street Ilenrj'H I'liarmncy, 127 Middle tit. Tooth llrmhes, Toilet Articles, Ac. DO YOU Need a (iood Hprius( IHixl l'unller ? tAKE DENRVV, couip.we.t ..I Barfa jtrilll, lrllow Ihti, .Mumlrnl-e, . rwt, Ptickley Ah Burk,H'smfru, Icdidn Put th sod loJicY Iron with Wniti igi r. This prvparultou U exprciMily pot o meat the popnUr ud lor i. Hhwi l'unller, without Iring irlittd lo t-o nsnytfret nouruins snl n"ack mnli :lot of lbs day, of unknown coufi o-llloc nd generally of Hub ire liciuil value. The lotmuU It nuted on it k h Im i. PniCB ONLY CO CKNTrt.. reue ilse bolt'e tisnallr oM l. r tl.oj. City troprty of all tlaaeea fur sale, jash or on lime. Home of the ticst bnuaet tnd lott In the city ire included, and oo Iowa to the cheapest tenements. Alto we have a number of Dnrliet who vtnt to buy la preferred locations, to It will pay yoj to see us if you really want to toll. ' Houses to rent In vtrlout parts ot the city. a ' Farm lanJa at most any price you want. Collection ot rents a tptoudty. , 1 it. & IIARPEB. -KewPottOfllce, . HEAL ESTA1 AGENCY ftPISOrf IS 11 ERE AN II U1K I Campaign is Open! -lOK THE- Sale of Bicycles J DO Y0(J HEAR US ? j We have the Icetle- ' Vici.n: (l e "Clevelauil'', the "l.iUm", tinr i le". the "Ctei-eetit '.lie de- ill i-llb IIHV !! ( ol 3ni hum I lei 1. We ran sell you brand i ' v In e!.- hl -28.CO, tSO.tiu, . 3 i-:i,i:4i'.un, ".ii.fO. .j;:, . 00, $1UU. SecomJ Inni'l wl.eel.i from $lo no up. e&'l'o buy a wliti l wit' ui ilr-l . eir iD3 our line is lo in lie ,i n, . Our wheels are nil Iwi-ifi up l giurat.teerii'.iu n unit! ,i i l t -1 1 .....i tn ,i an tee meubs U0 ocnti tn He d.-ilni. J.C.Whitty&Co Groceries Cheap and not Cheap Groceries Have Atlfiu'lo l tin; ar tciition of All Good Housekeepers m yol'usklk uii'i vave im to per ceut. on your ;hik h.i.e by tntdins with JOHN DUNN. LW.Smallwood Uudcr Hold (.Luttawka, foutlt Front Street, New ltornc, X. ''. FIJI.!. LINK OF tovin, t.'ai pentert Tooli) Cutlery, Tiililu Ware. HarlHtd iro, Galvanitud l'ipe, I'll nips, Lime, I'last r aud Cumetit, tar lVrannal attentti n to the prompt and correct Oiling of all or pdert, h Great s I DunnsCesh Store ;-vrfJ ,, . , : (f) ;i i: U KaO. ' i' j . jj on the tit I .til t In- t inn . BE GOOD lUll II. W. HI3IPSOK. Yancral Director' and Einbalmer. ; IKHfesA 8rat ......'PBOKOt ; W. Brniai fcbes a seie ; Tin F, G. Go.'s Corsets MAKE American Beauties .FCCO'S GOHRtbl SHAPES. ARTISTIC EFFECTS. All Lengths. NEWEST MODELS. FANCY and PLAIN. FEATHERBONE CORSET CO., SOLE MANUFACTURERS. SOLD BY ACKBURN. CO rUfydBrSSh i.l : ' - UJ J ACKBURN. Don't Forget ti i iriiiTm I iIH I A h TSADl MASK. jlj n tho Pronihims on tho Bread made from Pillsbury'i Best Flour. Please send in by 2 o'clocjc p. m. Write your- name plainly on card and enclose same in envelope and address sam to ,