HOME DECORATION. , ' - ... iii j I -.' '. i Che Bavin!' at hpum DnUM.l ' Cinderella loem. .' . The nae of JapauCse decoration, iv liii U rst became fashionable immediately iter the Centeuniul in Philadelplii i, Just bail revival. . Oar posters, our fondnesvfor Ijue drawing and for wide, aw Tf asms ui cuiur, ore uiiirmctiy japa - ntM in origin, and as the fad for then Incomes srotesqne, thr -wise decorator got back ,; to the old art ci- Japan for itesh inspiration. Tha Pnr.in, in this . connection, cava:! We know more of Japanese art thr.n Ire once did. and we apply it different ly. Jt (Iocs not consist in tacking a few tana and- embroideries about the walla, but in an artistic ' arrangement of ob - Jeots and lines ' of - decoration, and in a Sine simplicity.,;- The orientals have .taught ns how jo pat a flower in a vase and how to leave uncovered spaces' in oar rooms for the-' eye to rest npou. . More than all, they have taught us fliio shapes in furniture, and even given us new pieces. -i. Attention is also called in The Puri tan to tb,e pleasing custom of the won- I "gSP,l ' COIINRR l?t A CrKDEteKLLA ROOM. ' an's "own room,"-a corner in tho mod ern house-which is her special -domain. An illustration is given showing enc such apartment, which was recently Oe-' signed for a .well known New York ' woman. The story of Cinderella is the motif of its decorations. The walls r.re covered with fainted tapestry telling the old fairy taleaud all the furniture suggests, in some quaint way, the de tails of Cinderella's adventures. The curtain poles are made after the pattern of the godmother's waud, and : in I he folds of the not curtains can be seen a eupid holding the magio slipper. The idea iaa particularly pretty cne and can bo carried out in greater or leas completeness by any one possessed of the talent for decoration; which appears to be a "woman's birthright in these days, whether she has a full purse or not, The Cinderella room is only a sin- . ( example of what may be done iu this line. Another woman has made a loan Of Arc room, where spears aad armor and pennons bold up arras paint ed to represent the story of the maid's life. Another clever woman has a rocni la Wattean, where the tapestry lor ks Ilk huge fans witn the quaint old time figures minoing across tbem. " y A Peaeaek HanteL . -JL unique drapery ts suggested for a mantel ..hoard in The Ladies' Home journal, along with aO ' illustration Cf the samei Cover the mantel board with eacock blue velours. Take peaccck featbers -of .equal length and lufBcii ht f EACOCK fKATHEIt pBCOitATlOM, la Bumber to go around the edge of tbe board, niacins the reed or onill rjnrt if the feathers about one inch apart Titck' ihaan on In I be Wmfil with straw rr.-.t. .' ting staples aud afterwatd cover with Jeweled gimp. The feat hers may bo c ored at (be center and lends by weaving through tbem some strands Cf filk ff PIWI V' vvii'fi .v .. . , " ; . Coaeeralaf Cartalaa, , Oriental strips and figured curtains are well adapted for hall, staircase rail ' landing windows. Madras muslin or printed trilled curtains are very effcj ive for bedroom drapings, and are much ought after by reason of their articlio fjlorlDgs. fney inay be used iq snmn,cr omes'as witlL Iu addition to the fore- nag Decorator and Farnishef suggests tor laoe curtains In the parlor or sitting room the real lace iu creponne and fui - pax overt., xnese, oeing nsuumaae i.re oonaequtiitl better adapted for cle:iu t Itatloa JeweU. TlW wearing PI imitation -Mia IW:il aresions Jewels is -no longer a social l' crime. These are freely tolerated in the I fashionable world. Especially 1 this true of Roman pearls, which flguro in tany necklaces in company with real diamonds. ... - 'k Tlilnra Voaaea Want t Raew. It is fasliionnble just now to be punc tual. ' y " , , The fad for rich .girls is io learn j trade. . ; ;' - Women who do not belong to at least oe club are sadly behind the times; An exchange gives the assurance that f ; i:!ng salts and wrlukles go together. ' It (s the proper cuper to wear Roman iulswben yon can't aftoid tl.egin iilnsoiifs. In w '4 oiutcd bomes few well alectid .bos are to be found in the j t room. . IJ. CLIVLH, , ACC :: KNT. riDKLITI. ITIAM BOILKV . a I M IF NRWDEUIt, Tr'.-4 and Klre-teetoaT' I. renret'.nte4 A HrtQlC HISTORY;,' fke Motmj Carcar of.tba LttUe talaa . '":- V . of Crete. J There are not, many islands with a nwra stormy or more beroio history than lhat of Crete, In remote- antiquity A was the redonbtabje "isle of one,ht tired cities" and bad an illustrious Hue of kings, among y ho were Bbadamau thus, Minos and Idoraenens. The last tamed led a fleet of 80 ships to assist in tne conquest of Troy and was the last cf-what we may jcall the legendary kings. After him gap of several cen- Tories occors, and when therecord is cumed it isno longer fable, bnt authen tic history. . . .,-'...,'..' At the time of the Persian invasion cf Greece the island wag populous and prosperous..; It was divided into several independent republics', whioh, like those of peninsular Hellas,, were not always in peace and friendship with eaoh other. They kept free from foreign wars, how ever, except as they voluntarily furnish ed mercenary troops to whichever side would pay the best for them. This was don. ri.hthPi.tiwn. done iu both the Persian and Pellopon- uesian wars, when the -Cretaij archers were as noted and as dreaded, as .those of merry Knglaad in later days. ' The prowess -of , 'the ancient Cretans and their insular, position kept- tbem free from invasion; down, almost to tho j Christian era. S While the eagles of Bomo , ''flapped wide wjngs In flery flight" .1. nana ki..la 11 a" AT- 1 13 7 f -v'v. wiu AUaaaX. atiinmt. kAta.nOl it-a inriaMnihitna . a i . .i a i i ap ai eeew-.- ava SMWVpvuuviSI.V. Indeed it was only through , intestine quarrels that it was at last subdued. Home 70 years before the Christian era Rome took advantage of the prevailing discord in Crete to invade the island, on the. pretext that the Cretans had given aid and comfort to Mithridates and had ill treated some Roman soldiers. The first army was repulsed and almost an nihilated by the Cretans. But Rome was determined to aohieve the conquest if it took the whole power of her empire. Army after army waa sent, and after three years -of desperate fighting Rome prevailed. For the first time in her history Crete became, in US B. 0., subject to an alien master. Frcm that day to the present, for more than 1900 years, she has been a conquered province, never once regaining the inde pendence so long maintained and so reluctantly relinquished. -New Ycrk Tribune. A TERRIER'S REVENGE. Summoned Bis FaJthfnl Friend and Ob tained Satisfaction. This dog story was told to a reporter by a lady who vouches for its accuracy. Remarkable as it is, she affirms that i: is the truth, tho whole truth and noth ing but the truth: An up the state family had two dega a bulldog and a black and tan be tween which there existed every evi dence of deep friendship. The family went into the country one summer some 10 miles from hbme. They took the i.i j .iu i I- i i. UIDUiHUU hu Willi buvm, uu Uii oomnanion at home. Thev had not been established in their summer quartera tna about as much as is advitu more than a few davs before the small le to feed. dog had managed to pick a quarrel with a neighbor's bulldog, in which the black and tan got much the worse oi the argument, so much so that when he disappeared after the battle bis ovi n- era were much worried. Thy searched high and low, but no trace of that small' dog could be found. The next morning there was seen coming up the road side by side the black aad tan and his faithful compLU-. ion, the bulldog, from home, The two marched straight pact the hotel when' the tuuiily wire stayiug and halted iu (rout of the home cf (be black and tun'.i enemy. In some unknown manuer th-j country bulldog was summoned, and i:n ' mediately bis city rcutimporory lei', upon him. The struggle was severe (.at! prolonged, but the issue was never in doubt. Tho country bulldog was, com pletely conquered apt) retired iu as gux', prdcr m possible under tho circum stances. The victcr, vnce his tafck rem plotcd, wheeled about and without r. stop retraced the 18 miles to home. lh'. black and tau crawled into the bote! with every indication of complete satis faction on bis diminutive countenance. --New York Mail and Express. . D Kaew Where to Oe, , ;" The Beaton Traveler recppphi.ruray iuciden, wbith took place in superioi- , fcurt iu that city in the trial cf cue .' " , A. 77 ? r " , rt felro eKCJ 'n't went on to r; iuuu an uuiK-uaua " - with the accused a few weeks before the matter got taw court. . . "1 called at his office," said tbe alt- nesa, "to try to compel him . to Tetrw, tno money m secureq rrom me nyi'- repxvaeiiiaiivu nv uruerou uio iiuui ma office, od aa I didn't care to be assaulted I conolnded to obey him. As I was go ing out he told me to go to" "And in consequence of wbat be told ' you to do, wbat did yon do?" inquiied Assistant District Attorney bugbrue. " Went straight to polic' beadquar- ters, " replied tbe witnesi It is needles to add that the solemnity of tbe court was disturbed for 'the neat fla ninnlea. ' . . .. Lava, . v .1 ' "Treddie's'an awful fool in' bi t" , "He's in love, you know." "Wbat has that to do with W twinf p fool?" ''Don't yon know the deflnltiou of .love? 'Two souls with but a single thought,' eta". , - -'V , I ."Well?" ' . ".':.', 1 "That allows Treddla just half a thought, you see." Mew York Sun." ,1 ,x ' Baetri Kattiaa, - jr ; An electrio Wire with a bit-f cheese en the end to- the latest rattrap. The rat or mouse stands upon a small metal plate as be takes the bsit, and so his body becomes the medium for complet ing tbe electrio eircait Be Lv-lcctro-cutod before he has done uiw. than smell the obeose. One Tliouftnnd for One . (TKADI MARK.) A3CIC8 T TICEET1. The Inter-State Casea Compaay, of Kew York, gives THREE MONTH'S Ia.araaft $1,000 for 01.00, to mea or wotnea, 0. w.'n la ami V nt a ... Bimlnat tetnl ...t . . h -.. , ,., ' !.. . . .. a Build Them Mtoaat aad Batproof Out ;'' ielde Jacket and Inside Unlnc. A Wisconsin correspondent, writing to r Prairie' Farmer, tells how he would build a stave Bilo. He writes: I should malie a bottom of broken stone, gravel and cement, so as to make it ratproof: I would build av foundation wall on which the - bottom of the staves would rest to keep them from the gieund. When the silo was finished, I would ce ment around the bottom of the staves so as to make the silo airtight. The staves would bt 9 by 4 studding, dressed with " a bevel to fit the circle. These staves would be doweled together with tough five-eighths inch dowel pins, one in . about every four or five feet The hoops ""Vi lur OT ,fK i T would to in two parts, with lugs for tightening them' on each side. When made this way, it would stand Stiff and strong and would not rock in the wind, even if it did get dry and the joints open.) But the hoops could be drawn op so that it would not be open much. The hoops should be not mu'oh 'more than two feet apart near the bottom, but could be four feet apart near the top. Goeninm should be cut thrdntrh at or... " venient intervals through which to take out; the ensilage. A oironlar roof can be put on by letting the foot of the raft- era rest on the tops of the staves. A dor mer window should be made through which the ensilage is conveyed when filling the silo. rl have briefly outlined how a stave silo can be made that will do good serv ice unless it is in n cold climate, where the ensilage would freeze badly. To prevent this there are 'two ways. One is to have an outside jacket, and the oth er is to have an inside lining. I prefer the latter. I would nail on horizontal strips around the iusido of the silo once in two feet. These strips must be thin enough so they will bend to the walls, and I would put on thickness enough to make them two inches thick. Then I would put on matched flooring ono inch thick and four inches wide for the in side lining. This would make a two inch air space between two tight wall, which would effectually keep out tho frost. If the silo was built inside the barn, there Would be no need of double wall.). When built the way I have described, there would not be much swelling of the staves, as the ensilage would not touch tbem. In time the lining might rot, but that could be renewed without a very heavy expense. A good coat of coal .tar, applied hot or thinned with gasoline, would help to preserve it. A round silo 16 feet in diameter and 30 feet deep, if paoked solid full, will hold cuuuau ur sv fjouu iuriuu uuye uiiu . . , - . . i , , , ffivfi ennh a rtnhin font a riav. whieh o - - ' " -- would average from 85 to 40 pounds, . . Epeniento were conducted on t je loeof transplanting onions for am at Pwention at the Connecticut staticu. ud although the general results e.e ST""U r au uiyouiuKii, W. & Sturgls" summary shows: (1) This method Insures a clean crop even upon smutty . laud. (2) Trans planted onions ore less liable to tho i.t tacks of cutworms than ouions sown the Held. (8) The crop matures earl.or by three or four weeks. (4) The crop ii larger by an average of SO per ceut . more with native varieties, ami the . 1M . . . average increase with large foreign vu neties may exceed J00 per cent. ( j) The ludividuu.1 bulbs arc larger nut' pis.tu.rv more evenly. (V) The inereiru W the size and quality of the crop, the earlier ripening and the lessened ex pense incident to the care of tho plur u after transplanting, offset in a mcairurr the cost and labor of raising and trnr? planting the seedlings. ( 7 ) This mcth id may be applied with certain profit wher ever it has been the custom to grow rn ions from sets upon smutty laud, or in small quantities for home use or small sales, Manorial Value of rndiUrra. ; Tbe m(murial value of concentraioci feedi ilnff , nile hl , to , timM preaentod by Americ.m Agriculturist, as follows: The amount ankfa- y mivm, aui ejaar avv ev aye aaav aaraavv la a ,fc of nProgelli Bnd phosphoric acid jn one ton of ordinary gluten feed on,d coat over 1 1 In the form of com- n,ercial fettW(Wv'attf mlal , li. , maJ 3 aried 0t8wcis' grains U el altt0 a wheat orB f ja. iye ' bran flu, wheat midldingsl).50, wheat shorts 17.50, buckwheat middlings cottonseed meal $4, cottonseed, hulls $3. 85, linseed, meal 18 to ao, while corn, Oat' and barley meal or varicus combinations of these grains figure from $6 to 16.00 per ton in mahurial valuo and pea meal nearly J1. If all the sol id and liquid excrement from slock led with these artiolea is earefully saved, it is generolly rati m ated thstthreeonrtbs t of their manorial value is got back .iu tho manure, ' -' ' j Varletlee af routaea, ' f There are hundred ot varieties of io (aloes, and many Of them are- not vet? valuable, ' The beet varieties are tlx that are adapted to most soils. The Early Ohio ia hot productive tn Ohio aud scabs badly. The Early Thorough bred is mora productive and ts not so subject to blight, but; Is subject to st ub and is bot smooth, at least for me. The nrly liarvesl seem a desirable early variety. The Carman Ma I la a floe i0' tato in appearanoe and quite productive. Rural Mew Torker Mo.-S, Banner, Peer less, Jr., and Carman are much aliko in appearance. Tbe -Bis William does well with me. It is. productive, of fine appearance and good quality. - Fot a main crop U aaema to be as duslrsbla as lliy vsiiely11 -Jor National Stock- man. - ' aaa'tTebefltaae1 Kraeke Tear &.ifw -laar' If yon wsnt to quit totjscooolngvillj sod forever, b nacla wall; strong, magnr. Uo, full f new life anj vigor ''.aa Ko-To-Dac, tho wootler-worktr that' makes mk rni-o strong: Many gain ten poutd lo ten days. ' Oftrt 400,000 cared, Bu) N-To-nc ft-om yoofown drog((lt, ho will iiuiiiflntii a cnre,v Bin)ttt ani) sanv (ils nia'.'.i J I. t'Uf'.U-f Hemrjdy Co.. Cl 'f nir?".T Yr k. ;InaUuit relief for 'skin-tortured Miles and rest tor tired mothers in a warm bath with CtJTlcuEi Boap, and a single application of Cutiocba (ointment), the great akin euro. The only speedy and. economical treatment for Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, nn'l pimply bumort of the akin, scalp, anilblou.!. tawldthrorjRhnutthf world. Pottm DiDOAHDCaiw icai, CotPOtt mo, Sole Proprietor, Bofton, MP "How to Cur Every Biby Humor," matltd free. BABY BLEMISHES ,"JIrlcuKlc.'o'XV.,,' New Berne Mails. Notice is given that on and alter tbic date mails leave For all points in Pamlico County (and South Creek section of Beaufort Count close at o a. m. For Vancclioro and Post Offices ir Northern part of Craven County close a. 12 noon. For Bcllair and Lima, 0 a. in. For Wliitford, 11 a. m. A" u?ail for DcBruhl gow to Polloks- villc, the former ottice is discontinued. Vancelioro mail arrives 12 m. Vanceboro mail leaves 1 p, ra. M . MANLY. Postmaster NEW BERNE ACADEMY , ew Berne, H.'JC. Underthe plan of" reorganization, oftirt thorough instruction id the Classical and English Courses oy a corps m eminent Educators imm the University oi .North Carolina, Horner's School and other noted Educational Institutions. Tuition Fees Monthly in Advance, l'nruary Department, $1.25 per mouth. Intermediate " 3.3.1 " Classical " 8.00 " For further information, applj or ail dress, John 3. Long, LL., D. K. lLlKADOWS, T. A. O It KEN, , I! ard ot HcscntB. WE WILL FUUNISU INFORMATION OF VAIaUE as to the disposition or purchase of any bin.i 1r,anilw;i:a .1... . ,. , ' i,n i ui cuwuiiuca ulttb imu u ut UHYB UU J 3 l,.,. ,,. 1, , ,,... h"D(l or '81' t0 l,0S8es- Send for explanatory cirruhr. The Business Information' iCo., 35 C'ONQKESS STREKT, BOSTON. . . MASS. me JOURNAL or SOCIETY u nivsiir teoosuiifd b the mo.t compute wiH-kly tiewniner in tli wnrltl. It Iim niorervtul -varied, brlpbttr and better ttimi any othi-r. a, brlirbl and lutlqtie.lQaiiiiiucli na all ita uiattvr ih oritrfuul. it Ih iMir BjMJienM tlm nncietv journal 01 A! Tha Rauuttrtr difCUMaea weekly t lie dolnir of aodetr Iu New York aud other lanreHtieHlnNoth AmeTfca and Euroiie. A apecial leatare of TO W i OKlia la ll lior atorle. They are by tliaibtit writer or fiuroiie aim auieru-ii. aiwaya airontr. clever, pretty ana clean, clever. ptTMiy nt ui.ii. ure ........... ment la read by all prominent banker aaduvltal lt, and on Questioned nuanf-e TO WW TOPK'tl Iu p..i..lf1rMf at, authnrltv. ladtne booka of the 1-1.- a'l....,..nl n.na.l- riay are reviewed by Ttie OtUooAvr. The lover of oiort. Anjds irreat Intereat Id ' Afleld and Afloat: Krta on land aud Water," and IVie Vrlrnim keer you Informed on Horae-raeinir. The Faahlon article la of irreat Intereat to tlie ladleL The nil rellaneoia matter of TOWN TOPICS couaiata or imema-eleverand bright, comic and traffic-by the beat noeta; bnrleaqnea, Jokea, wftticNma, etc., by tua clavereat humorlata of tlieday. l'rlca, 10 eta. Tales From Town Topics, Jiowiinniiuin yrar. mmifQ urn uay u mimt tune, rfoptnuber int. Decinbr. A compUt novI by ihiiii wwil-known author )1ft?atfh nmtwr: th rinlud(r of tlit voltuua rnniiarif avtoHM. burteoufri. IMteillH. wlttlcisma. tr . frmn TOW1 TOPICH. no fir Wk m to. mak rtpntlto Hon frMh reawl.iiK- Vrlf, .&! tW1 yr a-u. i Special Subscription Offer.l W Good to March 1, 1807. forl harfrteHon rjriee TO H. TOPIt B and TALKS Kit VWIM tlllV TOPII , both t Orul both onblicatlona foone year, and ten bark alnnia 'o( TAI.BM VHOM. TWK , Bennt by T- O. Money l)rder or Hew Yei K ciiauice wg tnt il .A vraA-aaya) ..aia- -ja.vaeiaae Webster's TXSZ&L' International Dictionary InvaluabU in Oglet, School, and jVome. ! atandard ofthaTT 1. .lmwurnNUl Oev't l'rtnlina omoa, the U.S. Sunnaie 1'oart, tha State S DETIONARf i prenie Court,, and of Dearly ell Hie eVshoolboaka, Warmly eemroenAed by every Stale Superintendent of Saboola. j THI BEST rOR EVIRYBOOY acoAwac tt b easy to flad the war, wantaa. It Is eaay te aacartala tba piaaaatlatlaa tt la eaay (a trace the frewtk el a wart. It, la eaay te leant what a want anaai.. O. C. XltBKIAM CO., PnHlaflers, eArlaflIt jraaav, 17.8.4. ' 0000000000090H0000A -. FOK STMT! Six room dwelling on South Front Street, formerly ocenpied by C, B HM. Annly-U ---V..' - - - S. M. BRINSON, A BaaaebaM Jlaewaally.t CsMarets Candy Cathartic, the most wonderful medical discovery of the age, phasfint an.: rtfhrahuig to i he 'taste; act nilysod potltrytly : on kidneys, liver aud bowels, cleansing tho entire tJMetn, dltpt l colds, cure I earache, fever,' habit- nl cnolp(lfn and biliouanees. .riease wj n iry-k r of C. O,. C. todsy. 10, t AO cotn. fcoM and guaranteed to cure (tuticura Tor 1 .0, TOW! TOPira for three Bwetlie atid two Wk volume, of T ALE FROM f OWX TOPII'STFREE-a BONOS. . forai.OO. TOWH TOPICS foroneryar an four iSqk volnuxe of TALK rBOM TOWJt TOPIt S FHEli- BONl'S. rmll mi.Mmlir elnlt iiharfrteHon rjriee for bf all (i!OtK!t. For Sale! Mill and Kilns on Neuse river; aUo! lug boat. Can be bought low.: Address Neuse River L am ber (Jo., Sno Hill.Md.; or William J; Pttts, New erne, N. l. Wholesale Prices Current. The following quotations represent Wholesale Prices generally. In making up small orders higher prices have to be charged. HAMS-tb- . Sugar Cured, 11 Nortji Cnrolina T SHOULDERS-- T (:. x j tat "4 $ Sugar Cired English Cured Richmond POHK-V barrel New Heavy Hess. Short cut DRY SALTED MEAT Bellies Short backs th. LARD tJ lb Best Refined.'..'.. Norih Carolina .. Compound 30 10 00 ( 10 00 5 t 4 6 ct 5 (a 3 ALT, sack Liverpool SS American 6i BUTTER r' lb Best Elgin 25 Good 18 FLOUR 1) barrel- Kxlra 4 (10 Straight 90 Fancy Straight ! 10 10 l 4 75 (it 5 00 (i 5 25 (, 5 40 (a 6 50 Ki; 27 t,a so ice 5 00 4 75 4 75 r 4 IK) Full Patent I Best Fancy Patent... COFFEE lb Roasted Green . SUGAR, V cwt. Wratiu. 0 10 Standard A White 0 I Yellow j URAIN-'p bushel i Corn Oals Tow Peas PeanutH EGGS jJ dozen I POULTRY -f( palr- 3rt .0 87 vt (15 (A 40 821 70 CO li 50 I t hickens, yuung 20 Qfi 23 CliickeiiH, old , Xi -10 Turkeys 3 (K) ta 1 ltd (iecKC B0 (ip 73 FKEW11 MKAT lin-fJYJIb 4 W 5 Pork "tl 11 4 (tt 4i BEESWAX V ' W SO rALLOW, '( III (i 5 POTATOES-f btiBlii-1- Nbrton YaniH 40 (( R0 Bahamas X'O t.e u! Thinjinntki'ljcorrectt tt wcet Jy. inXANCLAl . Farmers & Merchnte Capital Stock, !a.4 la, iKMI.W Surplt.a.. .... vo UnaivMed Prollta . luKFl.: L.ll. C n.r j P 8titvu . t'. . Ot .K, jSl- . . V'l I ' E. . V. K. 31 TT a,Wrv I 'Oll itOT. With welt eHtnaialsiiiwi coniieccione tfe' Bank Is ir t.aiirai te oSer ill aoconuitoU.- tlonscomi.tinfctt'i cobm vattve litmktm. rronipctin.lciae uli.tiMft. ot-. itlven lo ti). lections. A' ,x.4a i-e i-lea corrwir"1 with tliostt arr.w :-y mat rjiplate uiakno cbiuitraor oueaiai now ic tints. r.t Inwt,, IttOTia C ahit'i. ce l'n jm. at. CITIZEN'S BAIO: DO' A 6ENKKAI. Ka.NhrM. KUJK The AoeounUotBaalis. ttankera, corntu attooa, Pauuiuu, MercbaDla ami oUittre ri oeivetiiovinvoranieaeruiB. rrornpt ann rai luiattaattoa given re the inlet. at ot oureo taainra. Coiltetlnna a epoclalty. i 0JaeIlitOTOaa. fnllatta.(l. Dliieh, J. A. Jd.A-uOwa, 4Mnaal W.Ipork, Cba II. Fowler, Jl V. G.nlnnni, tt. U. Meadowa, t.han. uuu , .it . jam a Hbdmoiul, Mayer tlobn. 1 bi.ruaa A. tareeo, C. I . Kov. w. V. ( r. i kill. U. V. Si.u.ilwouu. Ueo. Ik ..ea. J.AjlRVAN, Til OK. DAM ELS, , rresident. . Vleo l'rt , U. H. HO BEHTS. Cashier. The. national bank. Or NbW UIIUNK, H. C. iKOOBBQiu.Tiiri ieas. Capital $100,004.) Surplus PrtiflU, 98,16? OIHICTOIUK Jas. A. Bryam, JCras. M Uuvaji, 9JKO, JJ-JrlH, lO.U. VOBBBT Thus. UAinaiA. I J. H. HacksuU U Uasvkt K. It. Humor Schedule EJTctf.t This condoDted Scbedulu U'.o) aubject to change without notice to UEEENSU0E0, BALEIttll. No. IK. Vn. SS. Imlle. CUallT. Mam m.'ain Staai ' ( 40 A' m lilan It Sam JO t n m IS It am llli lt Warn II Mam UUam. ;il lata y USlKl" ib eeaa. rutn Ilia I Sua at t sua at sua at tu am IS am M am nt isia 1 team PtMpm I Stpm .-.pm il ipa lin . IKpa l.upa Mo. 41. '. wVatn Wla Milam II Mam 1101pm 11 Is p m l 4 p m IttUpm r.tr lllpm Ittpa Um isiia 11 48 p ra 1 ispm i l io p m 4 ra p pai Ur laOpm Mos. U aa4 U.aarrf PaUnv a lleariUt .ltKl,'l BtLH, 1 Mam warn Want A. A Jf. V. It. II. 1IME TAHI.K NO. 2. Going East SCHEDULE: Going West No. U PaiiSenpier Trains No. 4 Lv. p m STATIONS: 3 SO...'. Goldsboro 8 40 LaGrange 4 12 KuiBton 3 15 Ar. New Birne, Lv. 5 2-3 Lv. " Ar. 6 37. . . Ar. Mnrehead ritv Lv Ar. u m ...11 S5 ...10 52 . . . 1 85 . . o :tt ... o a j . . . so'.: No. 1. t Mx'd Ft. and I waTIoNs: ! Pass.To. I Lv. a in 7 20 Goldi-boro . 7 .": Pest V.. S III Ijitirangu 7 35 Falling envk 2t KitiBton.. M,' Ft ;ind TiiM. Tn. I Ar. p ro : 8 00 i li 5t ; 11 Tilj . A 20 I 3 00: 5 18 : SPl'i 9lW. Caswell... 9 .53 Ar. Dover, Lv 10 15 Lv. ' Ar 10 40 one creek. . 1 15 Tuaciirora . 11 31 ('lurk's ... 1 2i.i j 4 01'' i) S J 21 ' 2 ot, ' 10 4. , 10 -' 10 W i St 40 ! il IH. ! 12 05 Ar. New flerm Lv. Ar 130 Lv. 2 12 2 211. 2 53. H 12 3 25 3 Bl D ,47. 3 54. i II. Itivfrdiilc . Ciontau llavilot-k Newport, I. v. Wildww) 8 21 . Atlantic S 110 Ar. MorchciKl Oily, Lv. ... H liO ! Ar. M. riiy LKot. Lv m w.! A. M. Monday. Wt-dumliy and Friday. tru."lav, Tliuimiiiv mid Suiurdav. S. 1.. DILL. ' Su; evintendent W., I. & N. JUullway. IIMi; TABLE SO. 1, In EiTict Hundav, Mnv IT, 1M!I. Duily Kxci-it Hnnday. Goiuj; Snuth iM'liHivJl.K: (Join Ninth No. 7, 1'iiHwnger Trniris Lv. a ni, ktaiionk: No. i Ar. j in. 8 20. :.-,. io 10 42. 12 40 Nnv fli rre . . I'ollofksviilt' , . .Mnsvilitr . . JacknonvillH. . ."i 20 4 II I ;lii . .At Wilmuit Lv. I' M No. II, PAi-KN:nt lnvl. Y iliiiii,--.:' dny nnd Fridny. 1 1 day, Thursiiny ! l.v. A M iM) I'urMiiT, No ti M.'inl.iy, W'rdi i i-u I'm-.i in Ti .-.iioniiiy. A r i- .M : r ik). ; io. ...Lv. v.: W. Ht'ii ( . ili-tuU, r. it. At crott'i . . l', ? 2d r.u;-ii :, i v w; 7 ;'.4 Ku!i':il '.' 4ti 7 4'.' Si-..irrf Hill i 41. 7 58 ilnnii.Liid V 1 1 8 0." ...... .I'M'KbS l,:lki- i' '.'."i 811 .... ... Annnnil.ili' 1 C. 8 18 W'oiulHi.le I t: 8 32 1'.ilx.i'.inibi 1 8 5S '. ...tlollytlilgf I I.".' 0 0(5 ... Fuikiitimc 1'.' oi , 1) IS) Dix.ii ...1.' i: :14 Vfi.m .. !-".' 0 ."0 Ar. Jiirknu. ill.-. Lv lv! ti-' 1110 Lv. " Ar Hi!! II 19 Norihc-ifl 10 01 11 ; While, iik !l 11 58 Miivsvidi- HI1- 12 I X KllM.r-ul)cd " :' i :w jNiiintkHx ill.- -v )i .VI brublV ." 1 iUI Ar. i-'.v in rn. . . . . "Dili; Kn(,l Sin rt . II. A. 1 1 1 I: ti. r.i . h i . J. V. MA) JIr . .i I l: eJm'H'M V C. JZ O. 3D. ntfiJUDT V VAt StMlCH. until mmm The Steamer laaV.h(Slulrd IO aaii from burn hh fuli.'H: AND KKlDAYfi. k Sal !ag hoar s:30 p. m. 5rutrp, Frtoixht rectelvti up to s o'clock Pot taraoer inimma'.ion appiy to! GEO. HENDERSON, Afftt. . November ii, ltidr. fished., m infunuation onl) aud publir. WOLDSUORO ANU KOBFOI.K (iu. St. tin. IV intlljr. KaaVanl ;Tliua. Hi'eei Shoro blhaauvilla tloa OoUes Hurlinfton Oiaham Haw Hlvar . Menaaa lliliarxtro llmacir ; fMrhaai Motriartlls Cary Ealelgk II .Vmiu ' 1 1 .'tarn I. II M a at li 4rt t) in tl I" 1 tu ti 14 p ui li OA l tu 6 W .DIII II main il mam IS M a ut t la 41 a lit I IV it a ni maJaan i sam tit I e u a m . IA a ui W a tu A4Auanlt40am SH r, ni i HiO a in Ml ji ia I S M a m 4 M til 1 Swam Its a m twin im k m lav m No. 1. Ks. Sun. too pro t W p in f U p m 4HSUI rs P m Warn on a m Nam . ;:Kalela A o be to -.layloa , talma An ST! m NIB ttlitpm lllapm I lo pm am "! ifcVtoiiT Ti'lDneioa 0o deboro "Tmpm tt l svprn Ma Cj aetwaiaaaWaeiulwro au4 BamnU- BOUND, HIM WITH QF PAINl He is now Cured, and He Thanks Cod and P. P. P., Lippman's Great Rem edy, For It. Mr. Hrinyo KiitTfi'i'd nliuit-i fur t!ir-o li'i." 1 1 i til t-;l pi i 'I I was s ) lntl ' ii IT ;-XS. ..!' Miiol-e. tllii:i.. 'I'-'-riljalili: tonnenf. :ri. ,'") i-ii lirin Ivi.i.l ; r'i 1 1 -id.--f hi.- 1st.-tt-.l 1 h:it t!i..slij;lit-st ItMlfll nilil cutiM- 1 tn linfiu'lUTM'' im' :i ii in I'nr sev.M-.il w-. 'k m;in intt-ti ho cnnlfl ilM'n hi-, lti'iulli in.st u wis tf(l With l.ijillil IKMM-'.Nl!- Tn-ni. ,rLDtl in this manner hlti v.as i-ti. -tainrtl. litri(l the fnllowiifj' r1r;;rt f,-,mi li is .ettt-r; ''Truth is MniuT than l"ntn.', NEURALGIA, CATARFiH AND KHEU..1A TISM COMPLETELY CURED. Orort' lirit-rT'. "f Mtrtrt Okla)nmHt writes that I'. I'. 1J., Lijiiminn's i iivat IN'tiH'th . riin tl 1 1 i in of ralarrli. fa.'.; i neuralgia anil rlu uinnt.ism. ai'ti-r th years at' inlt'iise MitVcrinp'. The )k' i lay in his cheek huneund temple, duwn tho rirlit side of his face. aloii his upper lip. and from I lie slightest tm-'t he suffered a'iiii-s for weeks at a tiuu'. Could only open his numl h wideentntK'i to HdaiiL a teavp!i.,n, and any ae'ul in liis fi'ud would put hi ui in trtiue. I'u had a eonsnllatiou uf tlie hrt physi eiaiiN in Tc.a-v, hut all to tu purpose. ( at:ii i h a:id rheuniai ism were also ra usinif him nimli t ro.ihh. nil .1 ho tried P. P. P. lie savs he is well and will i-.iv tnat there nre no eiise- .,f neur.'i eatarrli and rheuimilisri, uo ln-Hlter h-e.v . hnmie n lit-w t.ld tht CiiM. are. tiuit 1. P. P. will Put :i;ai.o a i-ital cure of. .Mr. linj-s win. Is up his teliniouv hv sayiiiL; lie thanks i;ud and -jur Tml teine. P. P. P.. Lippman's Ureal Pem edy. !'r the 'reut cure. Kidney troubles, if ii..-rrh-f tr-tl . hrlnj? ahotit seri.m and painful ami verv t.fu-u fatal rrs u Its. P. P. P. r:-!i.n,s the irre;;nlaritie. and eure.-i ;:it- dl ;ael parts. l)vspi-pi,i and indtjj'eNt in . in i1! -I V.t.i.il .li e;t. s. can he -needtlv r iiH'v.-t IjV P. 1'. P.- Lippnams lin at P.-tim. '. l.:it:"u lake P. P. P. and i i I - fare f pimples, h! -1 -!i fr-ekU-.. yelhw r mud-' .ki.i. wnukie uiu vulvar redness. 5o!J by all druiclsta. UPPMAN HKO.-i., Aruthicariea. Sole Ifop'ra. Lippman'a itlock, 5eannall, Oa. i- l- V 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE. "4Vi,;-.tiii-iLA CtSIC xs. COFYRICHT!i Ar. ' r ,.1 - ". i - ;i t . t "i'Birir"'v' lf :- ,"'1 f'-'irfn t .il-M- I l""l' tat! v r.vur.-.i. 1 r.k M:.ik-iii.M ;- PXntr JWfiPJnrl'.'li(- Tri-als-rcil. Writ- f.r K itAu'V.i,-,,,,. m,j i ....kef inf. -M. it L . KJLlTOfl,M v-u to il.. ri.f..inhji;iy ALEXANDER 4 DAVIS. Siirr'... - it C M. AI'-.anH.r ;.uii A'.-iiin'W A Mir-a, PATENT SOLICITORS, Or. i r.t offlr,- WASHINGTON, D.C SovP3t, flrd 'Vrr tir-Wn-t;1 o.'a'iT"d nnd all P-i. 't r.x l . -t'or i ariti 1 r MoDCnkTl tr f JtOi'nOrFicr ts Opposite u. S. PatlmtO-ti. ' t,J ic f.".M-"tfO ti ui ii 4ai.li; ia.ui . v.nl.i lr-'fli W..-!1 " i . hi. Vc a.!.i-r, il jai-ii. !e or t itC( a J c:itT "f ''-c pi'f" tifr 'U'i. t )xvt (t rUM in t :c L. d. a. id ,ofcikj:i couru. ; C.A.SNOW&COJ 0t. PTtnT Ornct. wmihqto. D. C PATENTS L. s. AND Kt KIUS PKlil I KKU. El'tiKNK V. JtlJNMiN. Si.tii-ii. r mi, I Attiiint-v in I'l.t. t.t t'nnwB. I T'.MI N. u' Yurk Aw.. Wn-liinpton. I), t . Ollh r KHtnlilkhril Cliiirir M,4 i-riUf. C'orrtmiii n hn.re lleUi'sl.l. I i paopoisorj - mi H U?Lilal ALT T onrrilil! jllur l.I.ooll f U1KIIN pvrnaneiaif jriirpdln IMo.lAdftre. rimcanlietrflatril "homnfuraaimi pnofieu.lnraemiisainaa 1 lv, I r rou ,r,'f.r tootitne ho re we wlllcun. KdafeS " tract to pur ralimail rutennU bote! blllajiiat oohante, it wo fan tc.iro. it rnn bave laaan mer cury, l.iilida miIihIi, end Mill have arhee ee4 Klna. Mucoiia 1-ntclieein mouth, More Throat. Diplr.e, 4'opper Colorvil Spot, lilrera ea anr paraof the bonr, ttHir or Fyebrowe rnlllrMi out, It II llila Bdonndery IlLlMIII I'UISUM am 'aeraoteatocure. weaonuiaiaeDiomoDaca i eueee end etialloiira tiia vra aria l I for rmiweeanriotenre. l'hal dlteaee haa elwa.e Bell ailleal the eklll of the tuoet euilaeat phjar. alalia. avAOO.OOO eaiiiul behind our anroiullk aoualgueraDtr. AnaoliitetmMiianr-ntaraJrd': pnwira nr-nt aValrd m at.pllcM.on. Adomae I IMIK lintKUl Ornae t IMIK ItKMKUV C-A. Xeasple, ClUCAUO, liX. 41 MaaM A. tiood Place lo Ntop. H. J. LUPTON, hsi Jaatopriied i Brst. tnd comfort Hli'm Diarillng House In Buy bofp, Iters bo wilt tw gist) lo mm bis fheotls still all trsvclert Who my bt log thr.ili tbnt ssclitin, tnetc to It lh,t (lie? a ill bt conil'urlalily oti rtalnotl sk1 Ihelr kiiis stteoded to. Mr. Lopta bouts mill l lound I good ptac lor all tartltn to ttog at whlrt la Ma'horo.