SI NSW BERKS JOURNAL 5iew Berue, N, C TT r - April 82. 1897 . ' IIW ABVKBTINSUSERTn. Found. ' : ' 1 Faioe'a celery com pound. To'jacco Warehouse Hoticc. Xoticc N HS VXnglncCo. .... V O. Marks.Co. Ladies Black Skin. SamJ Cohn & Sob Spring lamb, etc, .1 II .1 m , ", I I i . . MfJMlfEMI LOCAt, BOUND A Rold ring. Owner can ob. tain same by applying at Jormui office. Description required. WILLIAMS INK WORKS, 444 aud 118 .Greenwich St.. New York, wi to em ploy i good canvasser for their immrnst UJ0 In Set. for the State of Xorlli Carolina. ' ;'. ' Lodge Directory: RCMtKA LODUR SO, 1.1. V, 0. F. : O0 rs ! U. 8. Uulu, N. Ci. ; J. I;. Cooper, V G. ; tio.Giwen, U'c'd. Seo'ty; II. .). Oiaooway, Fin. M l ; J. K. Parker, Jr.. Treim. Uegulai nwmtuim every JUoailay alilit ut 7: 30 o'clock , OAl.fttKT KNOAMFMKNT 0. , I. . r. '."ftKMrn : U. s. Union, C. P.; J. I,. Cooper, H. : P.: . H. atreot, . W.: N. 0. liiiKtuas .1. K.K. Hyiaau. fioriho; B. M. Seal, 1ti. RK ulu haoiuuiimenl, lt, ikl. Mut Mil in any) Tuurelay nim in ' each utnntti at 7:34 CANTOS CLF.U.dOST Nil. 2, P. H, I. . O. iMieor :-Mro. (irwn. Captain: t. i.. Ily mail, Ueut-i H. St. tfolmi, Ensign; 1". II. Hilii. tier, Clock; i'. M. lia'iwkk, Acrnuncini. fearoiar. Wuilonroeiits, -M and HIi Tmin day a ghtd Ui eoeli utunin at -W o'clock ''.'lUTKN LOPGr: 0. I, KSIOHTH UK OAU UN: ind t 4il) We.tnewla tftula 111 wii moult) in H.uotrev'. Halt S. U. Hall, rrvrfrtrai , J. H. Suiltli, steMetur rfV. JOHJfS tjOIH'lE NO. S, A. P. AMI A. M ; CMners:-T. A-rw.-n, W. M.; .V B. Clark, W.;, B. B. Nivil, J. W.i Jai.'licdmon. , Trea.;T. 0. Bynian, fec'ty. ltoxular Con . tUuiutUGfu M uuie9dav each muuUi. ' AKW SKUNK CHAPTKtl NO. 4. R. A. M. ilUk-erac J. C. cretin, II. I'., X. Case, Kina (t. J. lyovtek. Scribe; X. A. Green, Triwi. Mr. ftodrooml, Kcety. Regular i.ouvnc ttuua i-1 Mcaiduv (itch niont.h. cU iOHSTJ COMMANDKKV HO. KJ, K. T. i;aa-r: r.l'lriob, K. C; H.J. lAvWk, O. K.9trt.C. H.l'I-A. Green, Troab.; U. 1. (Mat. Recorder. lU'ttuhit Conclaveo ftnc ajut tbtrO FrtdA,-i ot tlie month. aTrlRNlA LOlHiK 0. 8, K. Of P-Mwt amy Taewlay nlsht in K. ol P, Hall, Mlilitl. Mwet. H. W..Simpon C. O.; jr. P. 1V) V.C- W. H. ParsonK K. K. .; C. TUorn too. m. of r. :UATfAWKA TttfUK NO. 14, IMP. ). It. Mfleta tne iud Hleep nr evorv 7 Sana i Mouda: Burbijai K.ofP. Castle Hall, Mirldfe Mrl. Nr lurni', K. C. Vlaltinx Hed Mn valeoino. 11. W. Simpson, taeluui; 4. 11 (inUh, U. 01 It W KW LOCALS The weather forecast for today ie fairwvd much warmer. Voa can get anything in Folk' stvw'for 10c. Call and see him. Trackers will be interested in th utiegraphic news on nrst paie o this Smuc. At t)rtce use lower than nm other tirst-class worknu.u in th ty Baxter, The Jeweler. 1 l'iie temperutnro as obwrved b the Joe final at 8 a. m. wtta 52 de Ifreos, and 8 p. m. 60 degree. Directors of New Berne Tobacc Warehouse Company, will plea read notice 6f meeting in anotbe: Column. Solos at the entertainment Frula; night by Dra. L. DulTy and 1'riin- roe and Mr. 0. II. Guion, will bt features. Judge Timborlakii haH sent wort tO'Strperior Coort Clerk Watsot that oonrt will not convene nnti Wednesday, May Oth. Jurora am wilaeHea ehoulJ note this. Joaeph F. Maguire, who haa beet qngnged in piano tuning and repair ing in ibia city, was called to llal dgh yesterday by a dispatch on im portant business and will not retun until next Thursday. 1 A petition which asked for tb Use niipointment of Cbus. A. Cook of .Warrenton, for U, 8. Distric Attorney, Eastern District, N. C wm being circulated for Repnblicai aignAtarea ywterJay by Chas. K. Hill. .Idd pts baked in the Ban ar about m palatable a badly bake crac leers made from vile material. The Fox Crackers are digestible, de lieioas, rich pnre and palatable. Look for "Fox" on th box befon you jfire your order, NprctHl. ' 1000 yards Bvoinanta in cotton doiue ttos, from 1 to 10 yards in a rlfer.we nr offering at Sic yard. Hnrfoot. . C. rhiuriaMcaUcitL Adhm-UiIub. TUe 18th Annual meeting of th above association which will be helt at Raleigh on May Uth, promises U be one of unusual interest, as tb. program of entertainment is full o. .interesting events. Dr. 0. D. Drad htn pf this city is on thecommittw of sntertainmont. riHKD, Vhitvous am' wtk tuna six uroaiaa fiod new lire, neifa strenstli. rlir and vitality la Hood's Eanupatllla. wkkli purlOet, eoticbes and ritall tin btned. , Ilooo'i Pii.t4 ur the lavorlls fiuall) caibarlie, tanf !o lake, vasy in tflict. S3c ValrXotico! ' Tarttaa who Uars been claiming inrlul . tfnrm from ns tor months put will pleanc pay up whan tha collector calls, other wm their supply of gas will Im cut off. Tbls applies to all in amrar without xepUot, , 1 ' ' SEW BEK!K OA8 UUHI CO., . ' H. W, BtuiUroorv I ' TOLSON-MMFSON NtrPTtAUk a avaaltfal Hwm'mI Clary V.. r Lint ewoipg crowds of . . people wefe seen haded for Centenary Methodist chnroh to again witnesan beautiful matrimonial ceremony' ir ihia edifice. ; The 'evening was s lovely one, with a clear sky and jonotlesa stara sparkling; in-vtbe heavens, which brooght out a largt crowd. Every seat war filled' an J itanltng room was limited. .: i, r ' At 8 15 o'clock the carriagetfbear ing the contracting parties and at tendantsarrived at the ohurcb. door, ind in a few minutes, the organ, pre lided over by Mrs. J. A. Meadows, iohocd through the large. ediGct vith the "Triumphant March," bj 3ost:i. .' FORM OF KSTUANCK. ' - Precoding the ushers up the mid lie aisle, came the little ribbon -fllrh ilu'y WillU, carrying in hand tht '2.1ued ring which she deposited it i silver receiver that awaited it ovei .he chancel rail,-and' proceeded to he gnte under the arch sb ttopped and gu'arder tber'gnt'. Jlost ly following her came tire uslt rs, Messrs. J. D. Gaskins and T . Carraway, op the saino aisle, -an' .(essrs. I), li. Hines and L. A. Tat or tip the left and right aisle. Thei Mine the groomsmen, Messrs. D. It and W. F. liiclutrdson, fol owet by the- bridesmaids, Mis Theresa liigsins, of Beaufort, an Jiw Inez Sty ron, aud frith these' a the left side aisle was the n.hii f honor, Miss .Mamie Tolson, siste if the bride, who wore wbite organ lie with pink and white bows, a lid the bridesmaids. The maid o nnor was admitted througl ;hu gate by the little ribbot irl and took her positioi it the chancel' rail. She wa 'ollowed by the bride, who neve, ooked sweeter, attired in whit iilk mall, troading softly to tht trains of music, and opposite in th. ight side aisle camo the groom oi he arm of his best man, Mr. W T. McCarthy. The groom on arriving at tin hunct'l separated from his best mai tnl advanced to the arch where Li ve'omed uis bride through tit f Ue, who joined him in a few st?pi 0 the chancel rail, where the oflfic tting Divine, Itey. F. A. Bishop 1 ood amid a profusion of llowers ta 1 by a solemn and impressivi jcremony, Herbert W. Simpson .anc "Tettie G. Tolson, were joined to other in the holy bonds of matri nony and two henrts were united at one. Again the organ pealed forth, thi. inie, Mendelssohn's wedding marc) is the bride and groom, follower y the ot.licr attendants filed ont ol he church. r ItE.VlTIFir, IKCORATIOXS, Special aud elaborate decoration vere prepared for this occasioi vhich scored a point for the last lesienerg. Filtering the church tb. tye was greeted with three loveh tslls hanging in an arch of cedai .hat extended from tho height o: ,hs wall to the floor. Over anr toder the bolls were the initials 1. G. T.-H. W. S. Thebellaan etters were mads of lovely whit lowers, and stood majestic befor the audience. Under the bells anc trch was a mass of floral beauty. Ai. iver the pulpit and around th ihanccl were palms, Easter liliet -alia lilies, and in fact nearly even, nha'jitunt of the hot house arrangei n profusion, and in every directio. vera beautiful and costly candh loldurs with lighted candles, whicl idded more to the floral beauty. To the left was the arch and gati vhich was decorated with evergreem .nd lighted candles. The decora ions ere Bfeatly 'admired by ht argo crowd prusont. Miss Tolson, tb bride1, is tht el lest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J Colson, it this city. She has man) riendsin New Berne social circle, vho wish her happiness in her net ife. Mr. Simpson, the groom, is ont i ew Berae's young business men wing the only architect irf.tb.a city .nd a leading undertaker and em talmer. To him nd bia pleasant vifo the Journal joini In congrat- jlations and a successful life of bap , IUE USCEITI05. . Af tor the ceremonies at the ohurcb iarriagei tookibe party to the home af the groom on Broad itreet, whert t mazntaceat reception was given. Jrowdi of invited guests attended, oounng oongratnlattoni and best fishes npon the wedded couple, . The bridal presents, of an unus ually large number, were valuable and handaoue. ". ' TctBr.AcLaiisi east mi fake Laxative Oiomo Qainloe TaVe'tiS til druaUti afutid the money if it ml aiaaiail 4 BraaaMle ; ,' f . On Friday night next at the Opera House, local talent wilt give a musi cal and dramatic entertainment that jurely ought to attract everyone. New Berne has a well deeervinf reputation for . histrionic prowess., and we are glad to see in the 'pro gram so many names who helped; ii former years to give us thai "fame The program will he in two parts beginnkg at 8. o'clock, Friday, April 23rd. p- fk-r'K'. - Past i; A JrmhoDy "A Jolly Sleigh Party by F. X. Ohwaba!. .; . 1 Piano, Misses Claypoole and Mae Grady. " First Violin. Dr. Ward. Second Violin, Dr. Lei net er Duffy Cornet, Mr. llugh Wood. Zobos, Miss Roberts and Mr. Pan ids. -Schellengetante, Miss Guion,. Schlitten, Miss Isabel Bryan. . PetUehe, Miss Cooper. , Trommel, Mr. Moore. (, ; j Trompete, Mr. Owen Guion. Sohweinhlasiam, Mrl( B. S. GuioL. li tangle, Mr. Harry Koberts. , A'aatagnetten Mr. G., Henderson . KMllbucbe, Mr. J. Dunn ant Violin Solrr, Overtnre, E. Boeti ;er, I)r. Ward.. Vocal Solo,- Don't vou- think I'll list the girl, Mademoiselle La, Piro- tette, ' .. ' 'Part".' II.A Comedy "Wb iVotitfiit Weep," by Fro 1. W.Brougl' on. Arthur Cbandos, Mr. G. Waters. Dora, (his wife), Miss I. Bryan. Frank Dudley, Mr. J. Daniels. Madge, (his wife), Miss Mabe rugluw. Fritz, Mr Pierre LcMontagne. Ktservel seats at Cttpt. Sam. Wa rs, Middle street. PERSONAL.. Mr. J. J. Street of Dovor is in th tity. Mr. T. D. Uewett o Newport vas in the city yesterday. Dr. Jos. W.-Duguid returned t )oyer yesterday morning. Mr. W. W, Clark returned frot laleigh yesterday evening. Mr. J. S. Fisher of Riverdale ipent yesterday in the city. Rev. D.. H. Petree returned t tis home in Einston yesterday. Mr. Geo. . Ives went down t tis farm at Newpart last night. Mr. J. K. Willis returned homi rom a business trip to Kinston;" . Miss Theresa Higgina of Beau ort, is visiting friends in the city."' sit. Wm. K. uuion came uj rom Morehead City yesterday morn ng. ' , Dr. E. n. Goldberg left yeaterda 9r Mount Olive on professional but less. ; , Mr. Will Cohen returned las' tight from a pleasure trip to Golds loro. ... J , Mr. J. E. Mattocks of Pollocks ill is in the city. He reports t leavy frost in bis section. . . . Mr. Chas, 8. Wallace of More lead, spent yesterday in the city ant eturned home last night. Bishop ,A. A. Watson., who hat een spending a few days in tb sity left last night for Beaufort, i Df, K. H. Street went down t Jroatan last night on a professiona . isit and will return this morning. ' Mr. Geo. Allen, of 'Raleigh, whi tas been spending a few days in tb ;ity, left yesterday morning for hi tome, Mrs. W. E. Styron and daughter eft yesterday ' morning' to visi ela'tivesat Norfolk ana Hampton ra. " ' -;.'.' The passing of the Lenten seasot m 6orelrat4 by the New Bern octety people by, dance at Lott hrop Hall last eyening! The set iocs of the Jtalian orchestra hat teen secured for the occasion and t heir, -exquisite musio many ligb tearted couples gracefully and ele rantly glided over the well wax loor until an hour past twelve."Tb Jerman led by Mr. M. R. Uowan nd the cotillon were thoronghh n joyed by all present and ther. vera' many expressions of " resre srben the beantilol strains bt Home. tweet tiome, announced the end oi vbe pleasant evening, ' Among those present were: Mirs MacUrady with C. D. Brad lam, Miss .Mary S. Galon with J .i. Carraway,. Miss Agnes G. m vitb F. II Hyman.MlM Beasye Pat eraon wun J. u. uurrus. Uia iyckman with N. C. Hnghea. Mist aargaret Bryan with It. JU Nnnn, Hist Isabel Bryan with T. W. Waters, Miss Mabel Ilnghee with J. V. Daniels, Mist Mamie Daniel ith E. Wlia Williams, Miaa Addis Jlaypoolt with J. Guion Dunn. , i Stags P. 8. Cox, Geo". B. Wattra, ii. B. Neal, II. It, Bryan, Jr. 8. K. Eaton, Jr. - Chaperones D and Mra. P.itn rose, Mrt and Mrs. 0. H. Gaioa, M r. and Mrs. J.- T. Hollister, Mr. and Mr. II. C. ,xirnidfn. Mr. sr.d BtaMUfM ! mm risk W4Us. J i , tOTl AaTD W EDLOCX, - . .' The marriage of Mist Annie Ronl hae RoberU to Mr, : William Gibson Boyd was beautifully solemnized in ihe Episcopal church "on yesterday vfternoon'" at onr o'clock , in 'the presence of relatives and hosts of It was a typical Southern Spring lay for all nature seemed glad and joyons..- V Vf ,';? ? The Ret. T, M. N George, tht beloved rector 1 of Christ Church, united in the holy bonds of matri. mm y two hearts that have worship- p id lefore that same altar with' the impressive ntual of th church to which they are both devoted,' " THE BRIDAL PUOCESSION. As the deep toned organ pealed hit i in sweetest notes, the exquis- te wadding march from Lohengrin under the ' skillful playing of tht tleuted organist, Miss Lillian Itob- srn.'the bridal - party entered the ihitrih in' the; following order Lin ly little Margaret Diaotfway and itattir- George . Roberts, .'carrytnf itskuts of flowers, leading up tht n tiii aisle to open the unique whiti tl pink flower gates; Mr. N. C. lughea a few steps in advance oi At. P, S. Cox, and Mr. II. R. Bryan, Jr.. The groomsmen, who are ah jipujar in social circles, wearinj ;ne conventional . blaik cntawa) uit, .Miss Ruckman, of New York "lit -a special friend of the bride, md following closely came the othei iridesmaids. Miss Sarah S. Holliati tnd Miss Moll ie Heath. Tue grace 'ui bridesmaids wore-white and pink irgaiidie, trimmed with lace and rhitj satin ribbons, and carried pink roses. Then came the mafd of honor1, diis Dita Roberts, a sister of tht tride, pleasing to all by her winsomt lini y, wearing pink crepe, trim neJ with lace and pink ribbons, and pearl ornaments. ';; ' THH OEOOV, who several years since moved fron tfew Berne to achieve his share oi ncrited success in the railroad srorld and is now associated ' witc ;he Southern railway in their Nea fork City department; with fact tgloiv with the genial smile ao famil lar lo legion of friends in hit iative city, entered from the right itsle door with martial bearing atf nmpanied by his "beat man," Mr. 8. I. Neal, to the altar of plighted troth; " : I: e bride followed her maid o) honor, leaning on the arm of hei lobje father, Mr. F. 0. Roberts,- ft the chancel. . Tbe bride's hahdsomt own of white watered silk anc .toiot lace lent. additional charm t ,he nnaesntning grace of her digni led ' womanliness 'and tht pto aponoed intelligence of a face speak ing ' love and rare, sympathy. Sh carried white carnations and ferns. The going away gown was of browi oloth trimmed with bine. v The Church was filled with eagei (aces to witness the nuptial cere- noiiies. Inside was the perfume ol ;he most perfect white and pinl robes, and other flowers. The re . redot was a floral poem in spotlett vhite and roseate pink as the altai sandles lent their soft light bridal party bkceptio. 'T On Tuesday evening at the homf ef the bride, the bridal party was en tertained with characteristic nuptiai hospitality. A snmptnoos collatioi in white and pink was served, ant. do more delightful reception wai aver enjoyed in cultured old Ne Berne. . ' ' ;. - ' , , Tht presents were numerooa and Mautifal, and txpreesive of the. af feotion and . regard of many heart) tot the bride and groom, ; .: -SOliTHBBH BRIDAL lOCR.!'-". ? Mr.' and Mrf. Boyd teoelved 4hi friends,' at' the home of the bride." itanding' beneath tastefully de igned, arch bf white and pink ' flow- irs and heard over and over - txpret 4on of heartfelt good wishes for i narried life of happiness and prof parity; before leaving oa the steamei Veuse for a Southern bridal tour, via New Orleans. - v There it no joy in human estima- ;ion so sacred and Inviolable as the iabt to ioyt and to win love.' Af- fectlonal triumph it tht sublimeat aope of man's heart. And a real vne love-marriage is tht divinest picture fn the world's gallery of fine sentiment. - : . FOR FINE HFINO IsAJIll, PORK fJAITJAGE and- Tiie Finest Hfall-fed . Deef In the City, Go'rsin'ii.oia' Panrn'mi ''tTnfami"---.- Pn"" UMi'loJ , nilu.J. IiU, ISPafietCelcri.:- PBOrSSSION&L : ATHLETES FIND THIS REMEDY INVALv UABLK" IX THE SPEINQ, Brings Fresh Blood and Herniates Ijj ft Whole Nervous System. ' It k ntelevf lo atlsmpt to compare any other remedy with Paint's telery-cora AAiiniT ?v J.;"' ??':1' PsW celery compound Is another sort of lh!og entirely from any substitute that was tver handed over a counter. - - i' It nuts fresh blood Into the sliiuukeo veins, regulates the expenditure of energy ana positively cures gvneral netvetts de- lilit and such fpeclHc nervous dliordtn ai neuralgia, alefpleteoees, DH-Iancholia bystetia, beadaches;-lasitudc in a word. PaluA celery tompouni is-able to sound ly build up the tervoui system and makt it healthy n1 active. -v ' Am63if the ttstlmonlals received re cently bytho proprietors of Paine's cele ry compotini was tht following: Bostok, Feby. 8,1897.. Gentlemen: The atrongeat Of athletes tomeiitaes Feels lasgnld and drawn out. have olten found myself leelieg so, mow peeially In tht spring before the out- loor season begins. I nave tried man) hlngs. but bare fomklriotblnj; that inn ne so'moclrgood a Palatfa Celery rroo oounai I say (bis with much pleasure. ' "Besptct'ully yours,' ' ;'-'J.vP.'VTawoi'; ' Wr. Watson is the' world's professional ibamplon jumper and poleTanUor. H leieated Tom Bmroogbs and others at th worlds iair m Chicago. - -l Not long ago Rjertberg, the cbampioc ttseplechaaer, -wrote lo Wetla, Rlcbsrdsoo Corapany that Palne'a celery compoond bad been of gnat benefit (o him, and sale that bt wished to rerommend the nmed) toothers. John Graham of the Boston, Athlelk UsociaUoo,, who took-the vietorloin sjnerlcaa team to Atbeos; James Michael the champion long distance bicyclist, ant) Oeorgt Wright of Wright A Distoo, an tmong those who have recently Indorsed this best of all remeaiea. Advice from toch men la worth following in a mattei btalthandstrendh, . Ladies Blade Skirts. We are Just in receipt of another shipment of Ladies Ready-to-wear SkJrU, and now offer ' Plain Blacl'ltohair Skirts, . lined 'throughout and ; - bound with velveteen; - $ 1,89 Figured Mohair, made as the plain ':' ' - - A, Black all wool Serge,braided 8.69 Fancy -Flgared Mohair.floe '' ' qnality "- '- ;; , - 189 rheat Prices are 13 leae than out ' of town firms get for trie tame Skirt. - April J2od. Tobteeo' Warehonte Notice 1 - Onlcera an! Directors of Nsw Berne robacea Warehouae Co., will pleaaa dim! 41 lift offlo of the Prckldent at t o'clock p m, Thtmday, Apnl S2nd, inOT, .. . C E. HAnrER,SCty, H. H. BTEET, Prest. f. ITct!ce! .. .., . , Then will b a special mcc'jnj of the N. B. 8. T. Engln Compaivv, tonight at 7;80, . ' ' l ' ' r .". 10 Si so AOI.TrTRT.T finiREFTlirTl CT nr"f eotliallo. CMnmbJ ir thtiaral UK .wu..u.,.uu tlT, i.T.r ' l 11 a I. MM MM ....I . -SZ "A BIG LOT Farm Wagons. Ctit-wheels apfl jAxlee,',Bug- ',' ." V" ' - ' v ' A . :v--':;!s '.' --v.-1 r'i;?;'.'-i.-f-r;;----v ..-v--w y.a-.vVM ;.:-:.'-..'. IK, - '-.'' -Cj- --rfi ,r.i-,:'--, .-. . -. v . -.:.:',f 1v';.: I ALSO RECEIVED on Thursday, March 25th,' car load of extra lfa Z&''? snd-well broke ' . . . . ..... ;. , . . J : "... ...v; o,V7-vv:-- i :? :vH0RSESMiSI.D;;MUI2ES As I desire not to carrv anv of the above over. ' I will sell anv of H " Very Low for caah or on 1 and 2 years mi- KS'iiV.""' " : W. II. & It. H, : . BALEIUH.AN. C. - -- Vv '; : French Organdies. Organdies, The showing of. thin 'dainty Wash Fabrics at .-'This Bit; 8torai - -V uigauiucs, . exceio m ueauiy aDyining Organdies.' ; , In Organdies there is an Organdies, ' very fashionable new green urgandias. cately tinted Terslan colorings, entirely new paterns; cool, sumatery Orjtandies, ;. looking.old Delft blues; the exceedingly tatty small lresden styles '')'f- iff. Organdies. and maoy other eharalng e(Ti)cla,whieh am amtsg the;beautiful things v! JfffK " i v ' Owndisa, 1 one always expeeis to Bnd here. ;By, buying, rly. we are eAI .tp't. ' HV v lrganiict; 4 majte Uia.priee ot,thest,BUtj and 8 west Freoeh Or2andiet5e. C. 'Zf'tf :!.'' ' Organdies, yard, aod.wt advitt youjti) Organdies. ;.'. plctr, -M':,-; -SAMPLES ,W. f II. e ;S. TUCKER e& CO.. - . raldiuh," n. c. "-'.' x: 'f -7 : f 'fifr'.', ' I ' - 4 '. ' ' " '-'''"1'',?'' '' 1 ; y'-l.''- r. ' YOU CAtJ STfiF.TCII A DOLLAR To doobWflls Value, t our 1 ..: hm-.1t)4n-t4jeruieotlJIorae,l . Buggies, Harness. Robes, Whips, A.c; n .f ;. , . ( 40 HEAD ' '-; :. '-; UOITE. XRDAnVWEH.:- -y : ' ; V.' s ; For the farm, road or draft purposet, JUST RECEIVED, to suit the trade, and MUST BE SOLD. ' A full and complete assortment of Buggies; we represent every " reputable factory in the country. A sample of which will be" ' " found in our repository ; - . .. Harnest from $6.00 to $25.oo Per Set, ,' v ' . , " Overstocked with spring Lap Robes ani Whrpc will tell at "''.'Cost Price, y, . , '.. ( ' , . Do Not Fall to 5eo us Before Buying. 'r. ; ..ri, ,' , - y ': .-': 1 Respoctfully, ' ' f" "; ' ".' ' ? ''"' r V ' v. ECAIIW & CO. v Executor's Notice. " IITitig quat Uo-l as ri. tutors 0 th last Will aud li-ma arut ut' Cairia L). M yln w, decea-d, lbia is ! o.inf), all having daitnii aitiiiHt themtate ol lbs uid deceaiisd tosilillilt lliom to W. M. 11m. dren, etftt'iitqr, Wintoiit N. C, on or Un ion Iba r:j dy nf April, 1804, or thin notice will l a p'.a kd In bar of I'.-ir rrcever), s All frw)n i are reqnr 'nl in p to fu'il I ' I , :l, 1 i t: t ; J. '". I ' a .St - li ALL rnp nr rrltx. lnl mow. .17 ularalrrraliv k hi' L nmiHnil ...r. , or nvw inn . tin e. : if : 's!-: ---. i New Berne", tf. 6. - ; TlJCKEIt tfc CO seen in lortxer seasons. . ; ., ,r - , o.: ! ; , almost, bewllderlnx choice betweea the-' ''":"',. tones lo striped and allovor desums: Wi order now while tb ttiortmeott artcvt4. i rfC: liv i';r . i'''pf' I-lJBNISHED.g l.''"v'i?- '"'if'f AdmlnlilratoiM Tit": 3 ttu,,. nH.tifi.i . . . ', , I mm UlUlDllirkinr Ol J, A. brool, decaateil, late of Craven Comi ty, North Carolina, ihls la to nulify pernoua bavli.g claims faint imul a lo exhibit llism to the um lrmmiie.1 on or bioru lbs 2uih duy of April, 18; ' notice Will be pleaded la bar of tbur r . ,4ery. All prrsoDt indi-blid to said nt-ii 9 1. 1 y?..'.'!d lo mik Immeiil ite -, nifnt. T'.'4 t' 0 l'l!h d-.y of April, 17. 1 : r. l", ' ; : ' .'A - W '-4., I " '-Ji-'-'-v '" i-'X'-:. S 2 4?,. ; A" . 4 , . - -' rofPsTv i. - l;,l.TU!",1- --, Mrt, Ralph Gnf, T. W. Dewey. , SSXI4lleSt. nresij-,

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