TOIfc XVr-NEW SERIES NO. 241. NEW BERNE, N. G. SATURDAY MORNlNG APRIL 24. 1897- ESTABLISHED 1.K2- Ho nore Credit. We will from now on So a cah busInfeM, :. Caitomen lending ardors , roust end money with tbemr Thoee who owe ni will please call and settle their accounts at onqej as we wish to close oar books. t Bcsgefcltiilly, ' TLSVSN.A CO. Opposite Post-office. , mm -, Davis' Pharmacy. j Buyiii 'your- From" W. P. JONES; The Largest isel 2 lb. can Sugar Corr, at So per can. ; ; Evaporated Apple 60 lb. .Arbnckle's Ariosa Coffee 13c - per ponnd. Prunes 60 per ponnd. Cream Lnnoh Biscuit. 1 lb . packages at lOo, F. ULRICH'S 6B0CEBT. rheaeSl.. , 48 Middle St .Farmers. Ti hate A FULL LINE of FLOWS,' '3;. .. .. HARROWS, CTJITIVATOIW and all other Farming Im. . : piemen ta at ROCS BOTTOM . PBICES. .' TO KUCHA NTS We caa sell 3 00 goods e manufacturers prices. Ia, IF Sutler e Co. How cheap yon oan lire when jou trade at the Sight Store. Fine Breakfast Strips lOc. HAMS, , Oc ICIWHIAT . Jc. , ?B1$ POUSD. .' " - And ererjthlng else ai cheap at yea can buy anywhere, when jou arc upending your money. Quite me all. Respectfully, jr. f; TAYlioil, ' KelO.MIddle St. ?ILLINU PRESCRIPTIONS is rno. Invpoti tut duly of a Ibai ui.oUt. A 11 fun 6 nJt upon his .kill uid esse im, sod the suhetitullon of one drug reunllixr le il.ogerous to life, lllin eat and s rhilU njjc to pliyeclan's Intclll (vac, 1 Justly entitled to bis rrarnt Mnt. Vi ilve what li called fur at fal 'iij'tki.t rrnrrcT Rihvh l'K ; f "i ... a n'd KosriwrniTHni ml By Surpr Will VASH1KGT0H HEWS. The Senate Gets a Lively Speecli from a New Senator. Two Pension Office Appointees',, Ha- wallcMatters,ComplIeate the Tar iff Situation. Influence ea Senators for Monetary Be v form. The President an Awkward Qaestlon te Decide. JouRHAt Bobiau, 1 Washington, D. C, Am-il 28. f Senator "Billy" Mason made bis mold speech this week. It war n't a long one) nor was it upon a new subject, Lui shook Up the Senate and drew applause (rom the galleries. Mr. Mason spoke in favor of his resolution directing the com mittee on Rules to report a rule provid ing for tbe closinx of debate, and for th previous question. Be started off by say ing that it was agreed on all sides that the U. 8. Senate was a great body, that being the view particularly of those with in the c;dy and 03 it pay roll; but thai every one knew also that it was the only legislative b iily in existence incapable of doing business, lie expressed the hope that he would be forgiven for these re flection, as he was still in tin kinder garten class, and recognised that he was threshing over old straw, and added that intended to keep at u for the n-xt nx years. He "ecbmd lha' every o knew that while we profess to lie a government by the people, whi'Q we reach ( he high est I'ifly in t'w government there is s rule the minority. He said that as soon as a man eiinwl tin- mate door his energHM dnectrd ' retaining power in Hip ol.lwi . and added 111, mphasis: "I want to Ueliv- r iittssug from (he prop!-- 1 ie lur iiir of powei posseiises :e." i neiUtiim was by vote of Si lit -i- o me committd on Rules to die. A hile there was some disappointmeo among the politicians over the giving o' wo such juicy plums as the First an Second Oi puty Commisfiionera of IV11 turns to men already in the Pensioi Bureau, it was an example of real civi rvice reform and will doubtless mak Commissioner Evans' tssk an easier nro ban it would have been with deputie who were not familiar with the work o! lie offlce. Tbe gentleman promoted wer Mr. Jumes L. Davenport, of New Hamf- shire, who entered the offlce during th GurJi-hi administration, and Capt. L. M iCelluy, of Illinois, who was chief of th 'ertitlcate division during the Hanisoi administration. Senator Perkins, ofCal., is taking ni actiye part In the fight that is bein made to abrogate the Hawaiian treaty The Finance committee has been askr 10 put a clause abrogating it in tl Oingley tariff bill before it is reported and Senator Mills has given notice' of hi intention to move its abrogation in ope) Senate, if tbe committee doesnt provid for it In tbe tariff bill. Three years sg the question of abrogating this treat. waa rnted on by the Senate, the vote tx log 11 for and 57 against abrogation, Ihi it is claimed that circumstances hav changed since then. Under the treat. all the sugar produced in Hawaii come in free if duty. The value has steadil' Increased. In 1893 It was $8,000,000, la year It was 112,000,000. This represent the amount of money wa pay the sugs growers on the Islands. In the new tarii bill sugar is 90 a ton. Aswe remit ths duty in favor of the Hawaiian!, It mean that we present them with a bounty 0 430 a ton on all the surer they product There is no reason why we should mak this discrimination In their favor, Wbll the talue of our purchases from ther has increase! at the rate of $1,000,000 yoar, our exports last year to them wci only $300,000 greater than in 1893. Thl is the nub of the whole matter, so far a our Imports or exports are concerned rhe opponents of abrogatien say that t lo so would lose this government Hm aval station at Pearl Inland Harbor, but when the matter was isat up In tb Senate Scoretary Sherman, thee a mem oer of the body, said: "We have pai and doubly paid for that harbor., W own it now. It Is our possession." Ths would seem to dispose of that part of tb question. , ' r " The executive committee of the Indlar spoils convention, which has been, i Washington for several weeks trying ti work op Congressional interest In h-s Islation providing for the appointment 1 a non-psrtisan monetary commission-, it now bringing the somewhat stereotype petition dodge, to liear upon Indlvldiu Representatives and Senators. Eetil ion signed by business men lo all sections o (lie country, sskhig for. flits leglslatio at ths extra sestlon, are pouring int Washington In every rualUj Tbisjnetho. of Influencing legislation is not as ,fffC live as It onoe was. It baa been abuse sooftea that the averags Senator jj Representative is not dlnposed So attact much Importance to what are calfei! "machine made" petitions for any putvJ poae. One personal letter from a buslnee. constituent i more apt to Influence Brnator or Ilepresentatirs tUan a printed petition signed by one hundred of bb constituents. 1 ' f 1 1 rresidcol Mc Kinley fin Is himself In rather aa unpleaaant predicament, In (lealine with the cat of Chamnaa, ' thi New York broker wboee appeal was i nlcd by the U. fl. Buprsme court end who mint bow f to Jn.H for thirty ot :-rt'B'"iut la rci'-j s- tt atwwet. questions concerning the speculation ol Senators in sugar through his firm,, un less the President pardons him. Some very good friends of the President are asking for bis pardon, and under ordi nary circumstances there wonld be little doubt of his granting it. But the Presi dent knows that if he does so his politi cal enemies will at onoe ascribe it to tin influence of tbe sugar trust and 'that hi doing so may cause a political scandal. There are others yet to be tried ou the same ohargeeone broker and two news paper correspondents. " - iNOTHER INJUNCTION. Private StocMiers A. & N. C. R. R. EestraM. Important Decision by .Snpremt Court ea Poll Tat Bate. It Ckaages Different Sections ef the Act. Special to Journal, Raliioh, N. C. April 2?. On applica tion of Robert Hancock, Judge Adnrof grant the injunction restraining thi priye Stockholders of the Atlantic & North Carolina Railway fro n ra?etinp. It Is returnabl 9th ult. The Supreme court this evening filed 1 vety Important decision. It is in the cane of the Governor againn' t'n- State Auditor to sdlli the tn''- tax. Three members of the Suprin i t. Faircloth, Furches aud Mi.ntgomery, con cur in the opinion Unit sectii ns 2 and 3 ol the Revenue Act aie unconstitutiomi' nd void, leavi i the correspon I ng 1 -ions of the act of o 1891. in force. Section 8 "f the new ac t n ail po) ix $1 2J, and a ction Uhit in:,r!e th l.tle tax 40 cents. This ilrcision cuts th i Scliod Ta n from 2U to 18c, on ll e UK) vuli n i'Ui. TUB STATE CAPITAL. r. Maaal.a: Huffere "raljl. Tin In.arsaee Ceaveaslaa. Iiupnl, 01 S'roit Oemave. .TOrSNAL BcREAr, ) Ratiion. N. C April i9. i The estimate of the damage done 1 li- State bv the last cold snaD is put at ahoi me million dollars; but it is said by th. veather people that what was save rom this spell will run no more ritk, fr farm weather li from now on to be ei joyed. A warm wave will reach us b tomorrow. Yesterday it was 68 degree in Chicago and 54 here. Prof. Yon Her man, of the weather bureau heft laugl. ngly asked last night if 90 woul J suit u "y May 1st. Dr. Manning, of Chapel Hill ycstcnl. td a severe stroke of paralysis, one kIi f his face Is paralysed and his speech 'idly affected. The lastest newa fr... dm Is that he is some better. The Insurance conference to be held 1 Southern Pines on April 27th and 2!UI Momlses to be well attended. Missbwipi ill send 30 delegates, and the othe Southern States will be well represented The Diecease convention of the JCph 00 pal church will meet in Good Sheplier church in this city May 13th, and th Slate convention of St. Andrew wi meet en the 18th. The Portsmouth Dramatic club wi present the beautiful opera "Princef Bonnie" at the Academy here on the 29t) The penitentiary board yesterday too lp the clerkship vote again and it resul d in a tie, which chairman Dockery r 'used to break, so tbe matter wss poi joned until tbe next meeting. It I claimed that Wlmblsh, tbe clerk elects s not a Republican, but that lie simpl roted for MoKlnley. There la a squsbble over who shs Have the clerkship of tbe V. 8. Ditrl Oourt. Mr. Biddfok has been the cli r for years. J. B. Fortune and -J. t Shook are tbe new applicants. Th' Fudges appoint tbe clerk, so Judgi Jot and Simontoo, and whatever Judg eta the" appointment at Wasblngtot IU name their clerk. - -. Major Garllngton, who Inspected tk tgricultural and Mechanical Colleg tadets, also Inspected the National Cerm ery here and has gone to New Berne t .nrpect tbe cemetery there. Superintendent Smith of the pi niton .hoy has gone to the State Fants 'astle Hayne near Wilmington to ai inge to send more convict there. Commissioner Patterson, Sreretnr (rewer, Dr. BaUle and Prof. McCarth ays gone to Southern Pines to Inspet u orchards aad see how badly the 8a lose frurt scale has damaged them. Tl tew act elves this board oonsiderabl ower."."";' """' ' ' " - The killlnr of Mr. B. T. Pander r' aoir, by falling between care at IJ11 olntoo, la heard herewith muchsorro Is was a son of Qeneral Pender of tin onfedereU army. , The StaU Ubarian will diatrlbnte X tets of Colonial Reoorda, , , ..,... The reoelpla of tobacco are now falllnr If very nruch, sbowlai that ,h. ttulk ot Uit crop of im Is already on the market. Te ccaa a owl in mum itr rjke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet, If dm gglsuj refund i atoney(if It (lalls am. S3c, , . 1000 yar Js B-imnants In eottoa doues ' k, tram I to 10 yards to a piece, we are tip at 8!c yard. Barfot. IS POUDER . Absolutely Pure Celel rated for its sreat leavening strength and jhealthfulncKS. Anmircs thi food against alum and all forms of dilul ceration common to the cheap lirnnds. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., New York. ZEOISION AT WILMINGTON. Judge Mrlver Hendrra MM Opinion on Ibe Mnyornltjr Cwi. Special to Journal. Wilmington, April 23. In the Major ity ca9C in the Superior Court JtiUjji Iclver decides that th- act allowing tin Governor to appoint councllmen w un onstitutional. A BLAZE OF WAR. rnrlt, and Orftlt.InreiriKbllnar All Alone ibe Wnole Line. Tbe Greek, till Hold ryrnnvo. Athens. The lutc9t advicca as to tne tuulion Ht Uiim ii show that the Tur'.it nude n soilie fro. 11 the town anil attack- 1 the (iteck posiiion. After severe H,'litiii!; I he Greeks drove te 1 inks bu k ucniss li e frontier witlm IMS of . giiiin. 'Hi" 'I'm ka have deccn'l 1 f: mi .'1! I un i Piss on Kintrievnli lie result is not yet known. Ver- heavy ii . litiiu h.i U rn in p o ess i.t . Mehiiina The ttreek ic enileaviiiecl to take by aiorni I'n ik'h posili.iii u the hiii np:osite tin ilrancc of llie ravine. The (Jreek.- erc repulxed upon inch occasion w.lh tremendoiiH loss. JThe Turka hnvc 1 1 rung reserve force ready to l e hronghl ito action if needed. During yesterday gluing in the same locality a Tuikish eneral of brigade was killed. Larissa is overcrowded, food is scarce. he hospitals are full, and there is an ur rent appeal for nurses and surgical as tistance. The wounded arc arriving hourly and nil the surgical operutions nust be performed without chloroform, 18 there is none to be had. A telegram from I.arisfa says that 10, KH) Turks qre engaged mvl that Crown Prince Coiislantine has nnifeil on tin icene of notion. The Creeks uie mai i- laining tiieir positions. All the dispatchcB from Athens adnii' hat the situatiou is exlieuii'ly grave. Mghting nppears to he goiii on along 1 whole frontier line. It is rumored iiit the Kin; will f r l.aiissn 011 1'induy next. THE ONLY True liloml Purifier 1)1X1 prominently l-i the public ve to day is Hood's Sarsapariila. 'I'l.erefoi-r etlloofTs and ONLY HOOD'S. ATLANTIC AXi) X. C. RAILROAD. TUUCK TRAIN No. 212. All Pail. N EFFKUT SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1N97. Daily Except Sunday Friday. a'PPLKMENT TO TIM hi TAULF. NO. 2, OF XOY. 27, 18l!r. rears New Item, H:(lO A. M. ; 11:24 " ILW " 11:52 " P. M 12:27 " 1:22 " 1:45 " 2:08 " 8:30 " 0:00 " wait indefinitely al " Clark'-, u Tuwararn, ' Coro Creek, " Dover " Caswell, " Kiniton, " Falling Crtek, JLa Grange, BsstV Vrrlvj Ooldsi 0:0, No. 1 Train will CWarora, when on lime for 219 onUs iberwiN ordered by train Despstcherl The above train returning, will lean oldboro lor New Bern at 4:00 p. m. s to exlrs, unless otherwise ordered. 8. L. DILL, HupU ' I haye JUST RECEIVED 1 down patented "Ooldon liule" Folding Iron Hoards, and 1 dot patented "(Jolden Kile" Cloth- - os Hacks, they are Worth 2 dcli( and I wilt toll tor tl.e NEXT men linyM ' :" r' rs , Sell on trel to Introduce them, i and if the are not as rc n reeen t- ed wilt cheerfully Tefund the money. fAll orders by mail' shall have prompt attention. - . . Yours Hespectfully, '.' '"" T. J. TURIYI211, Wk;luM,i Fimitire Bcaler, Ne. 7$ Kiddle St. ' NEW BERNE, N, O. SHAFER'S Mild awe Small Sizes, Bretkfas. Strip3, Rig lltins wo cut, and a nice lot X. O. Hams. Fresh Grits and lonee Oat Flakes just receiveil. A nice line canned gooils, Pick lea, Saucos ami Cafeun. Unest Elgin (Yearn -rv l!utt-r fresh ami now, j is: inoii ih the Dairy, iJJc. liock Ct;i'ly Dri,), the tines Svrup to bti li 1 1 on 1 y 10c, rjt, Fancy liRinous, only l.'io pei dozen. Ha? Oranges, onl per iloz Fre 'li Cakes an 1 Crackera. Anrthin you may need in thi ll rocery L'nt', as (!oo, am OlLonp as tiny where in the city., "Vory ISfMp?ctrnlly, .Wholesale ondRlall tirocers. 71 Broad St., .New Berne. X. C, I rc.sHliijj Well is an art, and tbe man wh Im! his garments made to nieasur y us has found the key to that art it doesn't require any arguing t thow you that you cau tret a bctte dt and moro Btyle in a suit or ovei wl.en they are moulded to you. F. 91. Chadwtck. OliMludl; Street llenry'H l'liariiinvy, 187 Middle Ht. Tooth Brushes, Toilet Articles, Ac. DO YOU Need a (lo k1 m Spring Dloot Purifier 1 TAKE HEXRY'r1, compoaed ni ;Fsrrs psrilla, Yellow Deck. .Mandrake, Benns, Prtckley Asb Bark, Sessafia., Iodide Pol ish sod Iodide Iron with Wintergreen. This preparation Is exprewly put u to meet the popular nerd for a Moot Purifier, without being related to tlie many secret nostrums and quack medi cine of tbe day, of uakoowo compositiou ind generally of little medicinal value. The loimula is printed on the label. PRICE OXLY 00 CEN'T8 Same elsw bottles usnslly .old lor 11.01, LES mm City propjrty iA all classes for sale, cash or on time. Some of the best houars and lots In the rity are included, sad on HcDanic k fiastil Jowa to tbe cheapest tenement. ' Also we have a number of parties wbo want to buy la preferred locations, so tl Will pay youjto see ns it you really want to sell. Houses li.J-ent la varlots paita ef Ibe oily. . , . Farm'lants at most any price' yea want. - Collectlool if rente a specialty. , . X, E.UAItPB. KtaiPft;cpioK AND THE Campaign is Open 10 u rni: Sale of Bicycles. DO YOU HEAR US ? We hove the I'l-edif 'Victm". tie "Clevelaud", the "Libertv", the "Enule", the "Cieri-ceul '.Ix s de au enUniveUncol I 3nd hand lief I. We can sell yon brawl new heels for j 25.(( liao.lio, i t :i, 4t'.oo, 00.00, $; ;. 1 00, $100. I Second hand winds from f 10 (H) up. i "To bn a ntnel will-0111 lir-t fee- . ins our line is to m ie a mislak . Our wheels are all barked up r.y ;uarai.lee IV0111 inanul.icliirers whose giid. nutec nie. ns li 0 cents lo the J.C.Whitty&Co i Great Success. Groceries Cheap and not Cheap Groceries Have Attracted the at tention of All Gord Housekeepers -TC. I I I tore!; 0 ont ii:IaI very WACslOX Ls on the tlO ill tiiu tsi(. TO YOl'ILSF.Lr' and savw 10 to IS per cent, on your purchases lyj trading with JOHN DUNN. Prepare in lime. WINDOW SCREENS, DOOR SCREENS, POULTRY NETTING, GALVANIZED WIRE FENCING, Glazier's Refrigerators t lie REST and CUEAPEST ever seen in tbe City. Garland's Stovis & Ranges they take (be LEAD and are equalled by nonr, E. Under Hotel Chattawka, Pouth Front Street, New Berne, N. C. Jest fry 10c, bis of CascareU, tgs lowtlvsr.aaji egwefrfxalalorevermade CashS 100 W.SMALLWOOD F. C. Co.'s Corsets, MAKE American Beauties JvCCO'S CORRECT SHAPES. ARTISTIC EFFECTS. All Lengths. NEWEST MODELS. FANCY and PLAIN. FEATHERBONE CORSET CO., SOLE MANUFACTURCRS. SOLD r.Y OACKBURN. Jjl - TSA0S MSK. ' mm Hi S: ,SOH II V UACKBURN. V Don't Forget the Premiums on the Bread made from Pillsbury'B Best Flour. Please send in by 2 o'clock p. in. Write your name plainly on card and enclose' same in envelope and address same to mm, .. . fl I tl 1 1 ,1,1-' I I..: 1.1 i -:--(1i!Vt' t i : . It .- - I ' '