turrr rf T DECORATING CHINA HELPFUL HINTS IN THE ART OF CHINA PAINTING. With tk I-acroU Tuba Caters Kui Chances of tailor Ar. ObrlaSaaY Da- -tailed DtMStloaa For Palatine a Ptioto traph Vnma OoM Wort. . The great variety of nndecorated chi na imported and manufactured render the art of china painting aa fascinating an popular as ever. "With the tube colon known aa lacroix many of the chances of failure are obviated. - For-' aimple oruaineut it ia better to paint the decorated forma over the glaze." ' Thus writes 'a contributor to The" La diet' Home Journal, who also givea a few suggestions and illustrations which may be carried out in the mineral col ors. -;' ;. '-:-V,vY. i:-:1v:.:'.'' A maple leaf design offered is intend ed for panel or photograph frame.- If carried out in tones of green, yellow, . .,' MAPLK IEAP DESlSS. gray and brown, it will be found most satisfactory. The raised scrolls around general favor, but it is English, and the the edge are touched up with gold, and habit of following customs from that the background is tinted a pale cream country is one of long standing. There with ivory yellow. For the leaves vii- fore round toes will be seen on the feet rious soft shades of green and yellow are of all tho really swagger set this season, employed. For the young leaves use ap- Tan shoes and other walking boots will pie green with a trifle of silver yellow and shade with chrome green and neu tral gray. 'For the darker ones we brown and chrome greens qualified with brown 17 and ultramarine blue. Male the sterna and seed pods of a light green accentuated with touches and veins (if deeper color. To avoid monotony in the leaves, point a wash of yellow brow n over tome of them. Take a soft shade of used in the leaves, and stipple the recul- ing ones nntil tbe color gradually merge Into the creamy ground of the china. An arrangement of meadow grass is is well suited to gold work, cither on a mat grouud iu cream or some delicate color in transparent tint. This latter method, perhaps, is tbe less difficult of the two. Tbe tiut should first be ap- plied over the surface, and after the de. ' sign la drawn in it must be carefully erased wherever tbe gold is to be putou. ' The outlines of the leaves, tbe veins skntfl Alio Mwlnlrlw sVosicnlai own -(-. fnsl4- Mtail with nnltta for rniHMl finlrl Hnnlleil with fine pointed brush. This process requires comuacrawe experience to go always reel dolignttuliy easy on the There was a sleight of hnud perforni it uniformly. . The tassels and leavts feet, and there is no doubt but that a ance in the ooeni house that uinht -ind that retire should not have any of the raised paste, but Bhould be simply paint ed npon (he surface' of the plate in flat tones. After being fired the work is ready to receive the gold. It must be find ABIAiieUlEKT Or URADOW 0BASS. again and then burnished with glass burnisher. This ptoceu must ne repeat- ed if tbe gold is not so rich as desired, If colon are preferred, tbe scheme given for the maple leaf design ahon In illustration may be used. 1 . Prsaa EitraraaiK, STh. Km. Vrrlr T.lnffratn aslra Vims many women are guilty oi wearing ruu- through tbe exercise oi will power, to out leit a smau silver clock on thn ben over new shoes, thereby making the make your Augers perform it as yen kitchen steps for a few moments, and Jeather dry and bard and easily crackedf have conceived it. Your first attempts ou ber return tbe timepiece wu mis.. Jdaking the sewing woman wait ill will naturally proro unsatisfactory, but ing. Later in the evening the small boy to) house idle or doing fancy work be- this will be the fault of the bauds and of tbe household was iu the yard. Bud cause you have neglected to get mate- not the brain, it will only remain now denly a silvery chime floated on bis ear. rial before ber arrival? to work up tho technical parts, to study lie listened. Another aud another,1 uu- . Buying articlea because tbey are tbe touch and fingering, before you can t.l five times tbe chime bad sounded, cheap and will come in some time? ' sayyoacanplny that piece. Etude. and he recognized It as coming tront . ..Allowing whalebones to wear through - - the lost clock. There was nothing near tbe waist, thereby ruining a gown? LatMt ranor Work. but tbe cow. The boy searched all , Wearing tho same clothing each week . The f wk of the day 1. in two """"i th8, "? C0B0,i?d m It come from the washT 1 distinct tarieUea, with tbe lino sharply lUt th clock wa In the cow. For leaving a ailk aubnUa n cae, d Mweco the trui, ,rti.tio and i,M.f1PBi'?m- thereby causing It to split in tbe fold, n, h u 'thinK not ,x. At 6 o'clock the family heard the hour bassiDg them opf Placing brcsbcawith tho bristle side pr - . '-.-: - : . ' '-, ' ' Failing to aew glove buttons on be fore wearing, or mending them befois cleaning? - Csnry ku. For Botl4 Chteksm. Pot I lublespoonful of bntter Into a saucepan and stir Into it tnblespoon fuls of flour, leant tablespoonful of curry powder aud teaspoonf ul of ooiou juice. Let these cook a few moments, but do not allow them to brown. Orad ally stir In cup of milk and again cook tbtn for a few moments before , putting in a cup of cream. Hcason with alt, aud just before serving add bard boiled ttfg chopped fine. ' VM. II. 'OLIVER, uri FIB! MAR1NB ACCIDENT, yiDBLITT. mAM BOILKV t;::'jnANCEe..e NKWBIHIt.l A ...,!. r of Tire. Tried and Flr.-ta.Ud Cr . .'.'- i a"ia ranraMtitd KiTOAUr I'cui.ta ' f'T New Tork,Coti- i. .1 M-irin. Coer "Complete; - Manhood How to Attain II" A .Wonderful Hew Medical Book, written for Men Onlv. line eopv may be had free, sealed, la plain env.1- . upe, on application. ERIE MEDICAL CO.. MNtagamSL, ' BUFFALO, N. Y. BOOTS AND SHOES. Pointed Toea Have Lost Prestige Walk Ina Shoes, Dressy Shoe and Slipper. Boots and shoes aro a very iinportan item, but hours are not devoted to con templating changes in fashion. Star tling innovations for the feet are never received with the same amount of en. STYLES IN FOOTWEAR. thusiasm as are those for the head. Shoes, boots and slippers all have their day, and, although the changes in heel and toe are as radical as those of other personal belongings, Dame Fashion dots not cry it out from the house tops; neither does she insist that her whims in this regard be followed closely. Pointed toes have lost their prestige, and a round, roomy one has come iu their place. It has taken months for this shaped too to eetnblish itself in take on this new stylo, 'l bus two im portant points will be gained ease and novelty. For the street, black boots aie preferred. The matter of fastening also is one of preference. Laced shoes show to greater advantage the natural shape of the foot, while a buttoned shoe will always lack grace. A cloth top, with patent leather vamp, is a favorite style of boot for the street in the afternoon, quite as much in voguo. For carriage wear, patent leather vamps with tops to match the costume are very liuudsome. This style is also carried out with tailor made gowns in small checks or pluids. though not a novelty. It is used' for general evening wear and is mado of the softest French kid, half low and beautifully stitched. Other evening shoes are made of satin to match the , gown or of suede kid. A pretty conceit j is the low cut patent leather slipper with a moderately high heel and lining of silk or satin to correspond with the nnatnwnrt ' Dlnclr sntili linAls nlwl nvfnrH tioa mra growing in popular favor. These shots black shoe makes an ordinary sized foot . moro dainty. This is especially true cf black satin. ' Slippors for use in the sanctity of one's own bedroom are daiu- ty affairs of bright red kid, some of which are without a heel entirely, While others have a high red ouo. The soles of these are padded, aud many cf them have sachets hidden iu tho satin. Linen and crash slippers ure most ccn-, venient and readily make themselvts necessary for bedroom use. The forego- ng styles were reported and illustrut. d in the New York Times, from which they are here reproduced. Bead First, Bauds Last. The practice of reading over mentally a composition time and time again ran- not be too earnestly recommended. That mental conception or musio which n everything iu playing is frequently to be obtained only in this way. Ho n:ai,y players devote so much attention to technic that tbe most you ran any if their pieces is that tbey are executed, not played. Don t take your new piece to the piano to try it over, but rather ait down iu some quiet corner, and go over it mentally. Study out its iumr meaning, it conception, its harmouii a and ff.ta Thpn on tn th. r,i...n ..,,1 wtth this mental oicture vividly nhoto- irranhoil nn vmi. tiitnrl citAavAi' I rimpl, mean, of panlng away tbe time without much thought of tbe re- suit, a writer iu the New York Bun aay. Something oalled "giant work" is large croas stitch worked in various pattern In soft art color, on a basket canvas. . "Serge work" i another fan- cy, which is simply a long loop of silk or wool caught down by another .titcli. . " Kern net is employed in variou way a a foundation for linen braid trsciug design filled in with darning and for ii u. ..ih.j .t, edge wiUi fancy rtitebe Silk and linen ti.Z...A. i,h good effect Conventional pattern, in .11 th w.U paper design. eem to be In great favor; but tbe pretty French satMli 'att suiati i A .fni at MaA fntinsirmA. . wWta V UlsiBUAiui UBSja. bb. 4.VM ajua aA4. not and Louis XV bouquet is very much more attractive. '. tlSSala ror ailk or Lam. Following I. Mrs. Psrloa't gum ara ble mixture for stiffening handkerchiefs, Ilk or lace: Put an ounce of gum arable In awida mouthed bottle aud cover with half a pint of cold water. Place, the bottle in a pan of cold water over tbe Ore. When the gum arable I dissolved, strain through a piece of chceseoloth Into another large bottle, if to be PSt'd within a few (Ihts, this nerds no otber tier. 'mi ut, tint if it is to I kept add half a pint of !i oliul and J ut wy for ase. , The uttle white wagon. The Uttle white wagon nan pausing by. Can It be but an hour an hour ago Blare caun s prauie nuri me ao When it caught her wondering baby eye? "Pltty w'lte wadon! Oh, seel" ehe said, "Yook! Pontes tool Oh, how I wis' I tould det up an wide on a wsdon lite .,.. And my heart stopped, so, as I though of her, dead! The little white wagon was passing by, A sight that Is common enough, you say. No! No! No! No! Not till today Had I known how it looks to a mother's eye, With Its white, false face to her black grief wed. Crushing her heart with its jugger naut wheels. Not till today had I thought how it feels To be stabbed by the hush where a babe lies aeaa. The little white wagon was passing by, siy uoa: can 11 be Due an nour ago? How would the are Ions Beconda now Into minutes unending were she to die? bo 1 ciasp ana love ner as never Derore. One thought, one hope. Is my frighted cry That the little white wagons may still go by And never Btop at my darkened door. J. L,. Heaton In ''The Quilting Bee." CUSTOMS IN BELGIUM. Oddities In Hons life and Dress That Startled an English Woman. Breakfast iu Belgium proceeds in courses, w!Th a change of plates at each service, but not a change of knives and forks. These implements must be used through successive courses, however dissimilar, resting between whiles on glass or silver holders, placed beside each cover. The holders, alas, I often lorgot to employ, sending my knife and fork out on my plate, to the maid's con fusion and my own dismay. An English woman, long resident in Brussels, in vited me to dinner with the cheering assurance: "We are English, not Bel gian, iu our ways. We change the knives and forks. " Meats and the fruits 'o which wo are accustomed are dear iu Belgium, but Yankee products grace many tables. "I don't know what we should do without vour beef extracts fur eauces and your California tinned fruits," observed my hostess at a charm-1 ing breakfast. "Feel at home," suid j another lady pleasantly. "Here : is some manse pea. As her pronunciation and the dish itself-a so called mince pie- resembled nothing familiar to mv ear , or vision I was baffled for the moment its to the nature of her kind intentions. ' If I visited a weaving school at 8 iu ine morning, wueu uii tne men were ret iu that startling borne undress whicb prevails in some households be- fore tho formal dejeuner, tbe wife of the weaving master would press nin, ' "Prenez quelque chose, jo vous en priu, mademoiselle." I called earlv day ' i about to leave town. He was out on tli' i street. "But he can't have gone far," I protested his son, "for he husu't dresi I ed himself yet. " Which alarming stud-- !Td f" "ll'.0" , nppear?al c" tho threshold, uuwashed, with overcoat and neckbandkerehivf by I no means concealing the uumistakabio loose uightrobe beneath. So suggestive was tho spectacle that, declining tin.-. unembarrassed entreaties of mousieur's I spouse, "Pray take something, niade-j moisello," I dispatched my inqnivies uud Med. Clara de Graffenried iu Hav- rer's Matrazine 1 6 wanted to bs called a Gentleman. wavdown nn nn nf th fmnt r, lhoro 8at a maD uoi(hub . siliuv Biik ostentntinnslv befnm him with res3jou of deeo auxietv and watolifm. P(ii nnnn hw f-in Before the performance began a fricr.,1 wbo Btlt immediately behind him and j, uoticed his manner leaned over and 1Uiked nm wi,at tll0 trouble was. We)li yon sec ToWi.. Euid lll0 mtln wjth the hat confldeutially, "it's th.a way. Vy9 hcen iu polities now for teit yearli nud Vllinxcu CU8Sed aud abu8iU ,iad called all sorts of hard nuiiies nut' t im jallt Wina to hear somabodv au- dress mo in a decent manner one, moro time. When this magician comes ou tho ftage, he's going to snv, 'Will sorno gentleman kindly loan mc bis hat' and 1 in going to jump up aud give hi in mine. 11 11 mate me reel guou lor a mouth to be spoken to that way. I0i", beeu looking forward to tbis occasion tor two weeks. You'll excuse iru pov for 1 II have to jump quick, wJicu he eo one of our ajdermen sit- speaks for I see one of ourajjlpmen sit- ling on uie trout row vtitu, iiis old brown derby in bis hand, aud. J'U 11 n dollar he's up to the same game. D. twit Free Press. ; Th. Clock Cam. Bak. A Louisville man has a cow with a necnliar anneff tn. A hnnflpnlftnnlnfy sure. I .. 1 . : ji.i .v. i. mil. i . -i Zl.tZJ" " " " , ' ' -8 rrauciaco Argonaut. I h. Os o ... ,,...,,. , , 1 " wlta th lte General Plea. ton, one,l,,8h' whiU h ta Wington ialccn a man entered and i to atUA th character ud cour- n rrsft rtr rhai finiifurliit'aifa Bvililiiiisai l !.. "B; , " , T C "'" , h n,"ud"ked " h?1ltIUI!,?; I fed him. The tranger (aid be did ohPon the general .aid: "I am Alfred Pleasonton. I had yon drummed f nr wmp for ooward c. befor. ntietam. Uet out of this place, sir!" lbf mM nn" hto "d tirt Baa'l Toawee Hplstasial aosalia Tatar ' Ufa Awajr. Qlfytiu want io quit tobacco using easily and forover, ut made well, strong, magDr lio, full of new lifctn.! vigor Uk No-To-Boc, the nooiler-worker tliat mke weak mra strong, Many gam tea pouods la teo d.ys. Over 40,000 cured. Buy tto-To-Bac from your own druggist, ho will gusranle a cur. Booklet and sank, pie mailed free. Ad. Sterling Kerned t ! Co., CliicsjjQ or.NeTork. RE HAN lulling, scaly, bleeding palms, sbaprless nails, and painful Anger ends, pimples, blackheads, oily, motby skin, dry, thin, and falling bair. Itch ing, scaly scalps, all yield quickly to warm baths with Coricoa. Soap, and gentle anointings with Otrnouai (ointment;, the great akin cure. icura btsMrfoagboattscwoiM. PoTTBaDaceaanCaatf. Cob.. Sola Pratw.. Hootao. ear "Sew n Fraaaet Soft, White Hindi," fro ITCHING HUMORS laitantlr rtlisrttf by Coxiest, fisaspiai. New Berne Mails ilUlllX IS KIVDU bUM UU SUI1 Ollft llll. ' 3 . 1 1 1 I uun wane leave For all points in Pamlico County and Boulh Creek section of Beaufort Count close at o a. m. For Vanceboro and Post Otiicte iu Northern part of Craven County eloee a. 13 noon. For Bellair and Lima, !) a. in. For WMtfbrd, 11 a. m. All mail for DcBruhl goes to' l'olloks 7ille, the former office is discontinued. Vanceboro mall arrives 12 ru. Vanceboro mail leaves 1 p. m. M . MANLY. Postmaster NEW BERNE ACADEMY, j New Berne, N.JC. j Under the plan of reorganization, otli rs I llhorough instruction in the Classical and English Courses oy a corps oi eminent Educators from the University oi North Carolina, Horner' School and other not l , .. ,T ... ., Ed'1Cftt'nl Institutions. Tuition Fees Monthly in Advance. Vnmary Department, if 1.85 per month, Intermediate " 2.2 5 k Classical " 3.00 " For further Information, upply or att liesH, .Tons 9. Loxo, LL., D. E. II. MtADOWS, T. A. (Iceen, B a-. i i.t Ite jiuts. 'Wfi v.ill ruBXJSIi- IBTFOItMiiTIOX OF VAliUK to the disposition or purchase of ant Kinil of securities tUat you may have on .land or wish to possess. Send for explanatory clrcul.-.r. The Business Information Vo., 33 Conohebs Street, BOSTON. - MASS. Is nnlvCTssllr twxKmtted as ttas most compM. wreskly newspaper In tlie world. It us. mors reftd-lim-nsrisd, brighter Slid bstlsr-tbsn say other. It Is par eaoelfcnce tlie Hoctety Journal oi Ameries, .iidunlaue.lnsMnucbsasllrls matter Is original. Ihe Sauulerer dlscunes weekly the doings of ftm-letr In New Vork and ouner Isrirs cities in no Ainerics and Bnrope. A stwclal leatare of f 0V.( i ana t SI. Iti I ilr lt.a is its snore sioris Tbey sre by tbe bent writers of Baroi and America, always strong, rl.iu. nrattV Blta lMn. The financial Pepert- lueut is reso oy sn prominent u.utjiiww.i' Uts, aud on a uestleiisof auanesTOlVK TOf'U H u.y sr. reviewed by riit ouokr.r. Tue lov.r of is con.iasrea au aotnonty. Lanins; dooks oi ine H,??,.4.? ETd snTtJr" .4,dVn." ,L KWu!?'otyy.??ii5 4r!?l!!!, isii.neonsinatier'of town topics nusist.of iai nnte IturleaiilMiR. lose.. WIttlclHIUS. mc. by t)icIsverestbauwnstsotthsdsy. tries, 10 cts. Tales From Town Topics, itmo, M pages, a Qnsrterly Usirailne el Virtlon, SSaVVibVind rA ftJlSS? & itovrin ItsilKtb year, luued first day of iiaiebi l&j!yV&gJ&f$!i lima. rMiHiiiiufr ana iactjuiuer. .usi.tsofsria, buj-iewie., poeni. wittKmns, Sak's rwpnMkrtioa msa readius-. trie. at ""' S-00 '" M-mfi 1 1 SDCCiftI Subscription OffCM I! . . mr.l ienv aasai ! MUTCh 1, 1SJ7. "J ' ail57S' .O, TOWSI TOPIC for thrs. months TOPICI "Si. TOPICS trj"T and .VHOM TO cbsns. to TOWS ICS, 20k) SIB) A.sbiuh Aay lwa . sterns momb International 63S2 Di5lionary rtraliui6f. in Office, ' School, and Homo, It BI.H..m(iI T WEBbltkS lnov'tl'rliiliii. (Mlaa. thalt. B. lNTERNATlDNAL I Hujireni. court, tlx state Ss- rviTTLnwAIA' pmns couru, and wf sMrtf sssanMiMled by svsry Stass lupstlalsadsal ot ScSook. i THK HIT FOR IVBRYBODY toauai It Is easy t. Ma Us war waataa. U Is aaajr ta sjacatlala taa prMMaclsrUssi. It I aaavjr to trace th. grswth ! a war. It Is May ta tsara wfc.t a war as as a.. O. C. HBBUIAM CO., PubllMborm, . pria.lst, Jfaa., W.B.A. O0000000000000004 Six room dwelling on Sooth Front 8treet, formerly ooonpitd bj 0. B Hill. Apply to S. M. BRINSON. A HesaaehaU Uraaaallr. ' ' Cascarau .Candy Cathartic, tbe moat wonderful medical discovery of (he age, ptasagt Rati RiNsuuig to the 'tsstf;, tct gently tud positively op kidneyt'liTw and bowels, cleansing tb eel ire STUeai dispel cold, cure headache, fever, bkb.lt.' uitl eouetlpatloa tod biliousness," Pleast Ibj and try a bos of 0. C. O.odsy. JO, it, AO oeot. Sold and guaraausmt tojeur hs all dun .lata ' . lour wci Tuiuuiea oi xurica rnsK-a nunoa. rnpli's rBEK bonus. lln.li hv P. O. H.inev (Ird.F or Mew Tork EI- .iur Wholesale Prices Current. The following quotations represent Wholesale Prices generally. In tucking tip siuull orders higher prices have 10 be chugged. IIAMS-ty lb Sugar Cured, North Curuliua,... . 11 45 tii Hi 12 8 ' 3HOULDER8-V 11,- Sugar Cured I Knglish Cured ! Ilichmoiul j PORK V barrel Now Heavy Mess. . . j Shortcut j DRY SALTED MEAT Bellies it so io on; cri io no 5 vt, a 4$ tin S (I (ft. ( 5 (tt H 55 i.o ,'l5 try CO !)", uti fO 18 tu X!0 . 4 00 (rf 4 ',5 . 4 HO (i, 5 00 . o 10 (! S 25 . ii 30 (it 5 40 (d ') 50 . 17 1,1 il IU .! iO I. i.i .', 00 I1 1 li '.' i 75 ti'i 4 CO , . 85 (S 40 t.5 iu 70 no (,r 60 ( U .. W S5 40 . . 1 0t I ;.( 1 50 lili ti 75 4 i'j 5 4 ej 4; M 20 (i 5 . .. 40 0' 50 I Short bucks lt LAKD "jtl II. Beat t Helmed... j North Carolina . Compound . IlVemO'll ' I American BUTTER y It. - Best Elgin Wood. FLOUK V barrel- Slraight Fancy Ktraighl Full Patent Best Fancy PMrut . I COFFEE-V lb - i Roasted til ecu j .SUGAR, V'wt. than j Ijlandanl A j Whiter . j Yellow ,IUA1N V bushel- Corn Oals Cow IVfls IViintlts EOG8 ( dozen POULTRY V pair- Chickens, viiitiig. . ; Chickens, "1.1 i Turkeys I (leesc lie f; V Pork V BEESWAX ITb ! TALLOW, VII J POTATOES-V bushel Norton Yams f lahiuiuis I This nuiiki-i coin cut' . 3D i weak I v. OLUT Will Open Muli.USII.iV. llic sin'ing term oi tin- Siiuciloi cinin for Craven county, nill not upm ui.li WeducMflay inoiiiiiiu. May 5ili Jm.i. am Wilnrss will lake nutii-d. Ily .. i. h i of .ludgc Tiinlicrlal.e. W. M. WATSON. '- tli-Mi. (HN'AM'IAI. ilFarmers & Merchants ...BANK... 3?;tttjx l6Jiie li'5T", ll"t. ar)liMl sii.kk, paia In, I - Ondlvldd Protits $73.UOO.M .3 600.00 OFFlCERf(: (Miti kii, HrttnitU'tit. T. Ii:v. Caslner. .1 . . itlM.J.r , Ivllt I . F. F. Mati hkw s CwlJcctor. With well efctftblistietl couite tiou Mil TUnk a nrunaretl tit otfer all ut t otuu.Ot.a- Jtlona coiiflient with couhoi utlvj Imiikinu;. r PrtHfinC hihi ( in t i:il Hltelitiuu KiVtn iu (ol- plerMonn. Wow ill h' pt'tt.fil to rorrert(Mi.O wltli tbae whit itittv routeiiifUutt maLinfi JsCh&nires or oiti'iitnic itw atvinini.s. (T. A. .i .i. Tiff , l .ll. Mt Ht t.wr., U v riw H. SI . (j jiovlh, en aht4 r. CITIZEN'S BANK OS ISTBTW BB1RNB1, N. O. A GKKtHAI. HANKIM. tllIMrl !iio ThuAccoants of Hanks, lianhers. Cotdoi- hiUlous, sariiiers, Merciiauts anl otllura rf ItilveO on lavortibl1 temis. f rouipt sac car pi.l atUMStion Kivvn io tb Intel. st ot oar cub turners, collections a hneciany. boabd oroiaCToas Verdlnand Ulrica, j -. a. aioatOws, JUliui W. I pork, li.bas. H.Fowir, I. w. Oraunrei, K. 11. Meadows, i.iia. Iiunv, ji. Jam. HeJuioua, tluyer Halin, XU(iuas A.tsraeD. c. i . r ov . W. . (Y.M Melt. N.lVtiB. J.A. I1KYAN, THOS. DANIELS, Fresldeut. Vice Pre. (I. H. nODtUTS. Cashier. THE. NATIONAL 3ANK. Ok NKW HEHNk, C. XXTOOXC3(SA.TXSl 186. pitAl, i 1 00,004 Surplus Protits ,98,io DIBGCT0KS: Ju. A. Brtak, Caaa.H. liar an, Jao, Dunk, tt. K. HOBBMT Tin. TtAKiEUi, ' t J. H- Hacaatast L. Haavai It. E. II Ma or Soia.t-b.exaa. - lRailwa3r. Sohodule Eaclive .iovombex 2Q, 1890. Tbis coud jn(ed Schedule i wttblislicd as itifunnaliou oulv am1 iitbjot c to fining without notice to tl.o pnblic. (.ItEKKSUoUO, JtAl.KUill, t,OLl)BOttO AM) Mill i'Ol.k. No. IS MIOMl. 'r-Dully. oaitr- Nn. Daily. I Mats S SSBkul llsaiu Mara .Warn sa m a ss a in 4atD 4 s.a m lata oi ISlB snt Uau JOarn st. a in it am Wain team a 47 am M Oam hi I . Ill le tam 3 J is i in Lt is to o iu i i ts p li. - n os i m : I o p ni " . 7pm!" ! b p Ol I" i:nvu ' i top tu : .... t ts p m ; lapaii" I Itpu Ar uks'iV In In a n II 28 am JIM am. AO. tt. Kx Run. ShOaiB Masa Milam it Mass U. If OS la IS I p Bl It sSpn M so pin Itltpn I M.p ml I II pi l U sssira , . i . ii 1V n ni 1 tspai t asp as fat. tiaad B carry raUmM Itaaptai A. A 1ST. v. n. It. TIME TABLE SO. 2. GiiusEant 8t'Hi;WLE; Going Wert So. '! Passenger Train No. 4. Lv. p iu STATIONS: Ar. a m 8 Si) (Joldsboro 11 i'o 8 40 LhCraiige 10 52 4 13 Kinston 1 82 515 Ar. New Berne, I.v. .. . SO 5J1 Lv. Ar 1)30 8 87... Ar. Morehcad ciiv Lv. ... 07 No. 1. t i So. , -Mx't r't. anil I'iiss. Til. Ar. p in 8 00 ! MxM Ft. and j Pnas.Tn. Lv. a m 7 20 fli.hlshor.i 7 5H I'..si's H lrt l.-.tiraogo 7 !!5 Falling creek. . . . 2t KlUnllMI U s casn-ell 9 511 Ar. Dover, I.v . . 10 15 Lv. " Ar... 10 40 me i reck ... 11 15 Tii-ciriirii . . 11 SI darks 13 03 Ar. Now Heine, I.v 130 Lv. " Ar Hi llin'i'.tilc .... 8 28 croaluu 3M Httvelncli . ... 8 12 Newport. I.v. tl 50 Ii 50 5 30 5 00 5 Ih 5 00 4 20 4 tK. i 2t 3 50 id j; ! ; io 10 Oil il -lo It VI ' 3 23 Wild wood n-; fi::i Atlantic M :i 3 4. Ar. Morehead cii, I.v. ... i 3 54 .... A I'. M. City Deiol.L U': f. ii. a M. .dond:iy. Wnlnrrdiij and Fiidav. ( I'llesilj v. TlonsiVu and Sulni.li.i. H. I., llll.l., r-iipt-riuii nil, m. W.t W. A X. Itai.ni.y. mu: iaui i: no. 1, ii Kllert Siin.liiv, -Muy 17, W,i. DaiU Enci-pi uu.l,iv. loint ?ul!i belli MXIi: j C ,'iing Ni (X... ill. No. 7. PabcnLic!' liru:is v. a in. i.;MN-: r. , in. II 2o N.-vv Ui ii.' . , 8 55 r.,il.i'k...l!..' . 0(.!l 0 43 .lael.-'.li v..',.- . . 12 40 A: W tiruinloi I.v . il 1 So. II, Pa."SKNrifi: AM) KftbHillT. No Lckvc Wiliiiinrflon iloiiilay, Wcln lay nnd Friday. Inir New Heine Ti lay, Thursday ami Suttnd.iy. Lv. a m A r. I Ji 7 M I.v. N ilininirti.u. At :i 7 10.. W. a 1'. I;. (.i.V I"' ' I 'ii'i liaytu. in 1 '-' .. t !4 . Kh kitiotl it 7 4J Scolfu Ihil .' -ti "i oH ili,Mite.i,l ; l i H U) ii'i Lake... .. '.'.':''. Mil Aaiiatiddlc 1 ..j 8 1" Wrmdsiile 1 17 8 '..' lMin,eni.!je 11 S .'.'.'... Hoiiyriilge . . . II ", 1011 1'olkV.Olie l.'-V 9 111 llixoii ! I. !) i'i Viiona :v '.''. !.".l) i. .l.,.'l.-..in.ll.', Lv .. I'.'..:. II IO I.v. ' Ar. ...in '.'I II 1W ...ll.'.'ll ii. ol 1 1 IIS hit,-, a!. '. .:l il i'.s M , . ill,. i II 11 IS t;tl'er.-l...,'. . . .i- l'J:IO I'll'.l,.i'l.,lle :, 12 ri. Iiiijhi'- . n - I .10 Ar. .'.v reii," ; i . f,..ii! I A. ,'. Sue.!:.' II. A. Will i INi.. ... il. .-, . J. . UAIiTKNls. toe. I l rt. i.i il 1'.. At. rid iliiiil . i A N I I i 1 Iv!i! 1UHUHT it l';ShNGl.lt. For All PoiiitM oi'lh. The Steamer NEUSK will leave on Mond.tvs, Weiliu -nUv' , lot t' i itluxa Ut ',' ( . III. , ll i i. M iK- Ig IIO StOl$ III'! Cll N'W Hell l' 10 '.l.z.itieth t'lir. The Steamer NSW IIEK.U .ill sail oh l io -il .ih on I l'riil ij I I k' o'clock. I. .mi . iii'.king iaiiilii'D Oriental, t 'criK'okc. noil lo iic ke Island. J-a?-J'Viglit r- ci iu l not lull r han one hour previous io a ; 1 1 ! i 1 1 y . For farther inturtnatiun applv to GEO. ill'-NlM;i!SO.N, Agr. I. K. Kimi, ti.-n. ilfcT., Norfolk, V.t. Xow Hcrno, N. Aj-nl iu, isor. So. IU. lall . No. n. lially. it. Kssiru ,'l'lma. Isril. ally. .eanatioro jAlbaoavlll. fe.lou Uollrca sturllngton Urataam law Klver Mnriaua ilouibiiro H'uiver.ty Jlut hain MoiiisvUI cary KaJcli-h Ar. 11 OA s m " 11 ls iu u sua iu li 10 am " II is) a m lu Main " tu til a ui ' 10 am "; lo oi a ui 0 4H n m 0 IS l Bl S 14 p Ul 0Mc.ni ft 90 p IU ft 4S 01 1 us p ru 5 ; I m IM am i n a in 0 us a ui y a tu j ut I IU b a iu ft os a iu 4 so a tu 13. a tu too a in imam Ham S 18 a in ' OP a m JS1 i 1 W aiaui No. : Ks. nuirtlMl auburn Clay to ' Neima do to Ul ( SO ..I tn am SDatu '40 am 1 1 M p I 1 1 an p os i s -apm, tvonm ""rJrtoisT" Vi 'a sa ! l lit pas ."s SO p"m 1 SO pasl lata """rhiivm -OwAaiK.ra iWam ,b)am tv CsWwteritUrasnsboro act ta'euik- his EATEP For Three Years He Suffered Could Hardly Breathe at Night - One NoslM Closed for Ten Years. Mr. A. M. IliHiisr-y. of Dc I.t-on. Tt-.vas was ii sulVfi-.-i- i i lai.rrh v-i : lv 111: Vt. s suflVrm? '- in 1 'W'f 1 1- i" t ui tnar- vtlu. lus'.fati of sfikiinr fii irlitil for (In- i.i" ht c.nniii e v-l)t 1 I tllioll,. t ami fori- Iri . h s.i . 11 wna if it , rrali.'.lLU W.'l'lrf til lOiitf. wear as oc . I.e...- AV.'ji-j i ,i- ! I'. I llU-d !.i Las-...:. 10;. .... HIP l . lea w.t rea(l',.v. 1 lli.V in f... '. .rlJ I UM1 i iMli. Thi: s ia : lu::-:l ' ' Ucf..'- : (i.i.. , - J CATARfiH ( l.ii.iMiin:. - oilier I'. !... ':;' Wi.h.au - ',v or .r, I..T . i-i-fry-,t-io 'i...'.;. w.tu.au i. .i i I'inip',,..-. I- CUKED i..: i:.i BY P ..-.lv l p. he u lie; ,, .' h 1. I'. A lii Int. disti'.'lll'.'l.lel.t al .l elll'e.l I ''.' i I'. I-. i' ',: iinii.l up y.'i! r in cverv m ,i . '..'.. . . v o :' I'i.i' '.'.. l'. r. r. I-. i'. fa.-e. y l.:t.l: oraiiie i nian'-s l-i oiiee. r Sold by all druc'i'ti,. L'I'PM'iN UI'O::.. Apullirjrics S l.lpt'inj.l's lil.Kk, Snv.nnaa V. m lil. M'. 50 YEARS' "ERItNCE. N t h v PAOt CiaHlvf. CI "ICKi. ccevmr.it n . (.0. -.it lice. C.A.SNOW&CO; OP. PHTTNT 0ICC, V;MIM70ei. D. C ' SENT FREE! To .my pi r-oi loattn oi o Im I if 111. U' V 11. i. 111'., si nil I' ee. n .i AU.IA.Nt I la all t on I., ill!, Il Coi l'll. uiiU-.iinl prin AdilrtOii; ..ni'il'dii " ihe'oi . .tiisfl Ai:vi'is'i,n: I . t I ' t-.v ,-' ' ' -i.;i.i--'ti .1. - .:. ui. . '.. r i .!. .. .i.'i pj-c . .!. . ' I . HiiIi'ii, '' .1'. " I ' ' i i i. t . '" t.'.'jM; :i.,i ii. .U't t. R 'tl ' ' - ' - e . .f i ;.'.': :' I'j i-rt I i ' W . .(PUT r . . JO'-'". Otru r uiM'M.ot l, r.. ft-1 .'(! ., ; . I .'.....:.!.:.-.'. Ji"-.. v.. , . - ' . . 5 j. i ..:'r. i i i -I . ... . .... .. .. .. 1 i ,...inli e. ' A.'. I.' --. l .,i, :l I il.v .( ill Ill OI II I- ( . I I - i. ,p, . 1 1 iit'i-' i ii a 1 i l,ii ... ile ..In. :.n ui jiii'i. by t lie i B.er. Th NationaiI Hi mini: Aii.n.v III -111 I n I d I '-iiiii1' Uu liiitiis. Ni M l K. is jnjLDDO P01SDH 0 Hi.tr MIHHt fltlMlN rirril.n.m . nredln iil.,li.'. .lars. Yoiicai ''"O.-tiMM iiomefor-.u pricwiin.i ra.ie rirn irun t. Ifoxipi. fi'i'loi'Ooiolir.r.v atilr,.v Iran Ui uu rrj.li ami! f si eanill.e'el lull. .anl ' BjMharre.lt .i) l-'iii en nr.. If Tonliarrukemnr ; rury, Imllil. imtumh, anil si . II li.lO lies aid (sip., Mocuii. I'M ,!, I.i in. 1,11(1. ..r T Ii rnar, 'iBipIr'. ('tipper r .torr.l Mt t lewes un ) anr paituf II el" .IT. Ilnlrnr 1 Tpl,ri.w. fullirt. I aut, II M tl... Hec.ili.li.ry Ill.OOIk I'OIOS ' .sTDaraal.tot..re. Wn.)lie.tUiorBi..t almti i Da I. ran. atiS rhalleuv. tli. world Inr sj IMf w.nannotrur.. 'i't.is dl..., h.salwars BMaMml th. ak III i.f 1 h. nioat .ualo.ut pltv.t- ICilaus a)AOO,tMH! rapitol t.-llliid our unmiJI. Aooalffaareair. Atwlitt. nrmf.err.i stbhmI osj apr.lic.Kn. ArMreM I IIOK ItKMKDV CU Ol Hasoala T.suplc, CUlUAUU, ILL. PATENTS U. S. AM) t'ORKHIN I'UOl I Ittll. Kl'OKNE W. .ItiHNSXlN, Solicitor nud Altormr In I nieiit ( iiuims. I, .'9 iw !!! ! Vork Ave., V,l.ingioii, l. (.', 111 rasil.... LV . L.I 1. I.... I I sAilu a" a. Olllce UubtMittl 1MIM. ( harL'. s Mod prate. Correspondence Kcqt'cU'd J 41. tun. ptn p ui pis p ni If. w. Nisirsonr. Funentl Illreetor and Knibalmer. . lit Broad Btraat Vara rial Ioom a i acts .'PH05S.t l"

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