UIJ KO. 2C1. NEW BERNEH. CL TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 18. 1897. ESTABLISHED If 82- IBB STATE CAPITAL. noDooDODccccccc3oaocc: x: That is the kind of GROCERIES YOU FIND AT tolso;i's. Uncomplete Line and Guaran teed LOW PRICES. Call and see yourself. Spifeg teJs ! j Balls, Hats and Gloves for -f , Base Ball riayors. , : Fishing . Tackle, Lines, .- ' Poles, Etc. for.the Fish- ermen. ' Also Stationery, all kinds, At J. D. GASXIXS, . 101 MIDDLE STBEET. WHEN , Jlosquitoes , Begin to Bite . . GO TO 17. P. JONES, 'AND GET A osqiiito Hit. FOB FINE ' CLUING LA1IB, PORK SAUSAGE , . AND The Finest fi tall-fed Ecef in the City, 1 Go to SAE COHN&SON, 88 Kiddle St. Phone 48. Farmers. We have A FULL LINE of : CULTIVATORS and all other Farming Im- plementsat KOCK BOTTOM v fEICES. 13 EERCHANTSWe lean sell job goodsjs' manufacturers priced. L.IJ Cutler Co. iwing IJachines OS f.ASY TERMS torespon . siiiie parties -ON MONTHLY ., TAYMLNTS. ' 'I cr Wait en Tartles, : : I'rtj for Machines r ar.J Cil h f vsim ccs. 'ecliiii Intense On" Stipt ol tyM Atrocities.; May-Precipitate Trouble. Old Cos- torn Broken- br President Me Klnley. Eear tn Sugar : " u Trust. . ' Journal Bubrau. V WashIsoton, D.-C. May 17. ,:' Volunteers for a war with Spain will not be called for this week, although several weeks ago things looked as though they might be. There will be no trouble, unless Spain makes it by trying to prevent our caring for our own citi ienB who are suffering in Cuba, although it Ik extremely doubtful whether any thing less than driving the last Spaniard out of Cuba would eatisfyltlis just wrath of the people of this country, if all the official documents recently received by the ltd ministration, were made public. They Seal with the suffering of Ameri can citizens, native or naturalized, and tell tales of horror and barbarism tbat quite lequal the Turkish atrocities, in Armenia, which caused such a wav of indignation to sweep over, this coun try, although accomplished In a different way. .The Turks butchered the Armenii im .' outright Gen." Weyler, by con pellinj Americans citizens residing u the country districts of Cuba, to choose between ' remaining where' they -, weri peaceably pursuing their avocations ant being hot' down as rebels by Spanish marauding parties, or of giving all then live stock and removing themselves ant their families to the nearest town, mere ly too'c a. slower method of killing. Then rus no employment in the town for those without means, and no help from tlu Spaniards. - Consequently, disease and lunger have been with them and dealt i constant visitor, As yet, the alminis- tratloa ' has only asked Congress to ap jropriate money to provide for the in nedlate necessities of our suffering cil; sens in Cuba. Congress wiU do that al right and at once, but what more eithi i It or the administration will do reraaint to be seen, but Spanish interests i America never confronted a more seriout crisis than is now upon them. It woulti require but a spark to start an eiplosloii if American anger that no power oi arth could ston until every Bosnian aa driveu off this continent .:. : ,. V; A largely attended mass meeting o Cuban sympathizer was held in Wash. ngtoti Sunday afternoon, and man; prominent members of both branches Joilgress, participated . therein. .'. Th sDirit of the meeting was shown by tli nthusiastb applause which was g'vet .... i... ik. ...J tlv PjrB,cii ,uv rv.uwiKU , iiu nil' ' ill cal course on the part of thisgover. j .mint in dealing with the Cuban ques- ioo. ..-.riw"'.,.:-. I j Tlie cnHom of the President and thi Icc-Preiildent traveling ottl' different .rams when both go to to the same plu vas broken when . President MeEinle. j ice-President Hobart, and all of il.. ,-aliinct, except Secretaries Sherman aiJ on.r, went to Philadelphia, to partii . Mte u tue noveliing of the Washingli nr.nument They all went on the sau rain. -The idea of having tbcm travel o.'i iifferent '- iruint was ' that' la ease of a f accident to the train upon which the Pre-j idnnt travels, his successor would escap: 't. '. TUs silver men in the 8enate got an )th-r vote by the eleotion of ex-Con 4essraan Mullory to oil the vacanoy ii the Senate from Florida. ' There is more or less trepidation in the sugar trust, and among its friends ii and out of Congress, there lias been sudi a bwl aoout the efforts to secure a pat don for Broker Chapman, .that it hat been concluded best that he should go to jail and serve his sentence, and ht wai today locked up. The cases , of th members of the sugar trust, under simi lar indictment, were called, today fo trial but were postponed until next week. Die talk started by Senator Allen of new sugar Investigation by the Senate, has not added anything to the peace ol the sugar men and their Benatoria friends. They fear that jailing Chapmai may not satisfy publio opinion, and then is ground for their fear. The democratic Scnatorsare not agreed on Ihe tariff policy of their party. Sena. tor (Jorman represents those who favor the introduction as a substitute for the ami n lo 1 IMiiKley till, of a democratic turilf bill, whhh shall represent th ; -irty as they claim the Wilson bill did nut, nt wilt) any e iH tution of panning it, but iii'-rily to show the attitude ol 'he piirty tnnurds the tariit. A majority if ih inoi r:itic iScna'ors, bead nd by Jones, if A;' .im.t, who Is a nu-inber, of the : 1,1111,0 (' iiiiiutue and chiiinnnn of ir v ..rid coihii i' t o-"-iu the ' 1 1 t a i- ' tin , I I, ,d, ami favor 1 1 t 1 iy nn 1 ami t-in(I t thtst r ii 1 nunc i.f 1! Wniaa' V.te . ParMklat t(iea SIod. Meyer OI4 rr OMee, Iilkca The Aaylain - - : i'' -JomtKAL BURKAO, - 1 , ' ; 5 .Raleigh, N. C, May 17. f . The convention of the Brotherhood of St. Andrews which has been in session at Christ Church here has adjourned. The sessions of the convention were well attended and Interesting. . Yesterday, Rev. J. N. HcCarmlck of St. Luke's Church, Atlanta, preached the anniver sary sermon and it was a beautiful one. Bishop Cheshire is preparing' for his trip to London to be present at the ses sions of the Lambreth Conference to be held at the palace of the Arohblshop of Canterbury. , ' Mr. Edward Merrimon, the oldest son of the late Chief Justice Merrimon, died at his home in South Carolina, and was buried here on Saturday. Of the 28 applicants for license before the druggists convention, only 13 passed, The Agricultural Building is being treated to a now coat of paint and it came none too soon. The Rail Road commission meets again tomorrow and then the reduction of tele phone rates in -the State will be con sidered..,:;;. Wt; yi. f -r" '.''" The fact that the Episcopal convention discussed a motion to allow women. vote on parochial questions and then killed the motion has caused , many to think seriously on the subject. ' While no one would more vigorously 'oppose anything pertaining to "women's right. as is generally understood by the term, yet in this Instance I cannot see the jus tice of expecting the women of the churches tn do the bulk of church work, ind then have no voice in electing those who are to direct and dictate. - There was 19 question in the motion for allowing women to hold any office but simply to xprcss her preference by casting her vole. If women could do this man; vestrymen would be laid on the shelf, tnd many pastors who are dlctatory and irbltrary would find they had no backins ''rom their vestrymen. The advocate if the motion, upon its failure to pass, -romised the convention they would bt leard from at the next convention in 1898. -; f;-Yv.CVC-':;- On Saturday the Secretary of Stab usueil letters patent to a corporation il vlecklenburg county to be known as tht Jjueen City Real Estate agency. It b msiness, for the "consolidation of laboi tnd capital," V , lr. Albert Johnson who has just beer tppolnted State Keeper of weights and nensures Is said to be the oldest mat -ver Appointed to public office. He is 84 ears old. 7 ;, '' -. : '...'. -;' The department for the orlminal insani t. the penitentiary will be finished b lieflrptof June. : There has been om sane orlminal in the prison for 10 years great deal of the time be has to bi r mined. The superintendent is delightec villi bis borne within the prison. Hi s ys It Is ejliappy and religious family ol j mvicts. lie lives in what is termed thi Administrative Building. .' - -: ". ImS BUT LITTLE. Mef .Mifls tealjlan $44,000,000 Ioflemnity; M Oieeee. Great Powers. Surpris ed and Not Likely to Held to the Saltan's Demands. j CoNRTAnnsopil. The Porte has re plied officially to the note 0 the powers and declines to agree to an armistice until the following conamons are . ao ceptedi ." , . The annexation of Thcasaley, and in- demnity of 10,000,000 Turkish pounds (about 144,000,000) and the abolition of be capitulations. The Porte proposes that plenipotentiaries of the power ihould meet at Pharsalla'to discus the terms of oeaco, and declares that if these oonditions are declined the Turkish army will continue to advance. The demand for the annexation of Thesmly is based upon the fact that the fact that the province was originally ceded to Greece on the advice of the powers with the object of ending brigan dage and and Greek Incursions into Ottoman territory, the Porte believing at the time that the session would attain these object, but the. recent Incursions of Greek bands and the event Immedi ately preceding the war have proved to the contrary. . This Is th substance of the reply. The ambassadors met to consider the Porte's answer, which is regarded as raising sn extremely gavs issue. Ill be lieved that representations will be made to the Sultan personally to induce modn n ation of these terms, but it is forew en that this will be very difficult, ow ing to the attitude of the powerful old Tin k war party. If Hie I'm in should prove obdurate a r.,inpi-iin conference is not Improbable, -,! Iumjji at present liumtUt is opposed to I. lis. It is rc ;:nr,li-1 f.i fjmle certain that the ieu will nut cm Jit to a rcirori-HHKin . t'!:' i1- v, I'v- 11 I :nliny Is bi linved I,- 1 -,iiii mi t : pnlut, bwauxe It I ii ! a v .1 df the Ii, i ';u . nn 1 in j , . .1 I pi nee of the I d- r ; 1 1 f Mm Fuile 1. 1 a ' w ' Absolutely Pure) Celebrated, for its srreat - leavening strength and healthfumess. Assures the food against alum and all forma of adul teration common to the cheap brands.. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., - New York. , caused the greatest surprise. It appears that during the discussion of the note from the powers by the council of the Sultan's ministers, news reached the council that 3,000 Greeks had landed at Palona and were marching to Janina with the intention of co-operating with other forces from Arte. This created a bad Impression among the ministers.. THE COTTON MARKETS. ' - . May 17. Cotton declined yesterday, holders seem ing to be tired of waiting for an ad vance. August closes, 7.27. lours truly, 1 J. E. Latuav, THE MARKETS. Chicago, May 17, OPKNINO. OlOSB. July Wheat,.., 71 J 71jf July Ribs. .... 4.50 4.80 PE R F ECT snd permanent are the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, be muse it makes pure, rich, healthy, ife and health-giving BLOOD. : Hettoa Hpeelals. Hooks and eyes 8 cents card; O. N. T cotton, 4 cents; summer vests at 5 and 9 tents, np to silk; silk gloves. 18c. Hand tcerchief 18c. doz. Mens 75a Negelge 4hirts 49c. Barfoot's. Nothing Short About ROSENBAUtil ! If you want to prosper in life buy . one of Rosenbaum's " Fine Imported French Clay fronted Suits. - '-, If ynn want to live long buy one of Kosenbaums Paney Plaid Suits. ' If you want to be a fair und honest ., 1 .. snan, Buy your Sice Summer Suit from Rosenbaum, ' v JA11 goods Guaranteed as rep- . resented or money rerunaea, Don't forget the Place, Middle St., Next to Duffy's Drug Store. GAREIAGES ! I have Jnst Received a New Stock of Baby Carnages and " : will sell CHEAP For Gash Or On Time 1 ; Or will exchange for yoor old : ones. - - ; Call and Examine -.. oar stock: before parohaslng elsewhere. . I Uso have White Satin -. Parasol and White Laos cov ers tbat I can furnish extra. " . Youra Respectfully, T. J. Turner, SEW BEKNE, N. C. NOTICE! The Water & Bewer Co. oCfew Berne, N. C. hereby notify the public'that they will tap the water main and lay the pipe to the sidewalk free of charge to the consumer. '- . " ' They will also furnish as heretofore Free of charge all th sewer pipe nece. sary between the main sewer and side walk. Parties wishing thi connection to hare the work done themselves. For further information consult " C. B. FOV, Supl. Water A Bewer Co. Kri:if : .!,rr - J. C. Green, the riumbrr.wlll connect ea !' e water and soweragn pijm at the curb 1 tide them to any aixl all part of r hmiko anil lut, t ; pulling in bath t water . clowts, kit-lma boilers, I Ken s';iil:,aUo lawn r,i.lih'rs,fount- . ' . ? l as t'i .1 t s all en The Finest Butter That Can be Ob tained, Only 25c. Per Poiinfl. The Best Roasted Cof fee in the city is our 30c Coffee, Ground to order. . IF YOU WANT GOOD BREAD Buy our Snow Drift Brand of Flour it is ground from the Very Beat Quality of Winter Wheat nd its equal is hard to find. Only 3c per pound. A Choice Lot S.nall Breakfast Strips Just Received. THE BEST ASSORTED . STOCK OF GROCERIES, IN THE CITY. JifOive us a call. Respectfully, id Wliolesalo and Retail tirocers. 71 3road St., New Berne, V. C. JORDAN'S DIARRKffit REMEDY. Mada according to formula of t'te late Col. Jordan. '" SOLD ONLY AT Davis' Pharmacy. 25c Per Bottle. Your Choice Your Price. -AT Mn Snter's Furniture House. Under Hotel Chattawk. New Berae, N. C. , 0 The Furniture yon put in it make the difference 0 between a house and , home. Vou want it Low 0 Priced, and you want plenty to select from. 0 Suter hat both. He is prepared to furnish one 0 small room or large - ' ' house at prices equally 0 " reasonable. :57It Costi Nothing to visit bis 4ton-, and yon will be convinced of ;he above. .. . , ; Hcnry'n Pharmacy, 127 Middle St. Tooth Brushes, . Toilet Articles, 4c. - - DOYOUIa-H? TARE HENRY1 composed nl Birss. pr lla, Yellow Dock, MamlrKke,' Senna, t'l'-ckley Akh Bark, SsstaTrssJodid. Pot. ith .ml Iodide Iron with Wuiltrgnren. ' This preparation Is exoretsly put up lo r.ieet the popul.r need for a Blood Pail Qer, without being related lo llie ni n,y secret nostrums and quick medl cine of the day, of unkoowo eomposllloo nod generally of little medicinal Value. The foi mills Is printer! ft) th label. rr.ICE ONLY 50 CENTS, Bsm '; I -it.', s uually sold for 11.00. Han k (Mi o o o o ea o Ummm. o 9 D O E3 'eJS AGAIN we make an exceptional offer We will pay on Thurs day, May 20th for BEST ROMsS . . Pillsbury 's o en o D D O o o o o Q o o o o o o Made of Best Flour. BEST BOLLS, . 2nd BEST ROLLS, lllp 3rd BEST ROLLS, Maker's name and direction taken from package of Flour to be in sealed envelope attached to Rolls and sent to our store by 2 o'clock, p. m., Thurs day, May 20th, Rolls will be judged at b o'clock by the impartial ladies, and merit alone will secure the decision. This Flour on first acquaintance seems hard to handle, but when given thorough and skillful trial ITS M ABTY SUPERIOR QUALITIES ARE IJT EVIDENCE. Every line in OUR MAM910TU STORE is Complete with goods of Su perl Quality AT LOWEST PRICES. o o o o E3 f o a o o o a O a BODOOCGOIlOBODOaOOOOOODDODO It' Risky to get your cloth s male by a tailor who doesn't know his I h ness thoroughly. We are wide-awake ei ough 1 to know just what the very latest ft shion ' is, and just how far we ran use it in your j caseand meet your peculiar wants. When 1 you come to us we cater to vour tasto in j clothing. We don't try to give you some thing that you don't want. I ,F. M. Chadwlclt. 1)1 Middle Street' Carolina Chill Pills entirely cured me of! dyspepsia and gave! me an appetite when everything else had failed. For first time in several years I am a well man. (Signed), H. B. SMITH. Sold by Bradliam, AT 15e BOX. Oununununununuo ? gaildohdoi I 1 E:.5le Dra:id I C CCXCEMSED MllK. 3 2 All Motors Wd 'hmv C C HZAVTH-5tM HtlZ. 3 3 HnM(MIIKISIUIMU C c r. u n y n u n u n u n u n v :0C3 o a R ffr u o i 8 o a o $3,00 2.00 1.00 Groceries Cheap and not Cheap Groceries Have Attracted the at tention of All Good Housekeepers OUR DELIVERY WAGOJr .Is on th 00 all the Haw BE TO YOUR3ELF and tare 10 to IS per cent, on your purchase byj tradinn wito ' . johij'du::::. IDunnsCashStore D

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