I'l la- l'r. t'ji-wi l.'i id r :ui!ccl in The Hoiicsl O.mivr us nsying : lu lie imictico (if miiortory I use the Mi' tvonome 1' r fituilies always. I begin I - ctvv at 1 df tempo, playing at leuat 1 r i ,!) with ri;,'ht aud lift i, a si , -.rattly. By gradual degrees I r- o the tniipo to the proper paoe, at v t. ich I play as jwJt as I consider neces t:u y. I always practice mezzo forte' iii r ' ' (i, never forte aud I make tin t .at tonal shading whatever, s: a monotonous mezzo forte repeti tii' , whatever the spirit of the work. No mutter if staccato, I practice every tll: ; !rg;.td1o preserve muscnlur con trol and raise the fingers as high as pes- sible. If yon can play legato well, tho staccato will be all right I am in lovo with the keys and never leave ithern even in staccato playing that is, I lift the flic rs without the hand, yon un derstand. I play staccato without my wrist; that is all. .At: no finished per formance do I tue more than 50" per cent of my force; so that 1 get tone without limit I try not to exhaust the quality which sings. ' '.-... The government under which I have - my muscles enables me largely to con serve my strength. For instanoe, in chord' playing, even when I strike chords in rapid succession, I find time between each to relax the muscles aud - thereby relieve the strain. I have while using the same finger pressure four dif ferent degrees of tone. ' There is the lightest, from only the finger; then fin ger combined with hand,; then arm, then shoulder. In playing a Chord J .can also manage to bring a fall tension ' on one finger while the others are ooro- - paratively relaxed, should . I wish to make one tone sing longer or stronger than the rest. ' Each finger with me is wholly independent' People start sometimes when they hear that I never strike a note without tbe pedal. I believe inconstant contact between the keys and pedals, through tbe fliigf-rs, aud even in the case of asix- . teenth chord I will use the pedal,' relin quishing it in the same way as I relax . tbe muscles, with What yon are pleased to call a "touch and go rapidity." I pedal on the tone, bnt relax instantly, no matter how brief the note, before tbe next is struck, so that matters are - never blurred. - : '' 7 Dtaej Hooves, ''f'v1 "fi" It is an old story that sleeves are al most close fitting, with narrow epaulet -frill or ponf at the top. Trimmed . sleeves are the rule, especially for sum mer gowns. They are long and fall well over the hand. The plain sleeve is re- FASniOSlBUI SLEEVES. . served, generally speaking, for tailor made-dresses and jackets. The trim Kings for sleeves should accord with that on tbe costume. Beaded galloon, gimp, velvet, eta, also tucks, shirrs, frills and lace, are employed in their ornamentation. - The Marking-of Lines. The marking of linen is quite a busi ness in these days of sumptuous trous seaux. The Philadelphia Times tells how, in places which make a specialty of fine napery, orders are taken for tbe working of letters when the linen is se lected, so that '-it can be sent home in boxes ready for use. One fiancee will choose two unpretentious initials placed side by side aud worked in plain raised satin stitcb. Another chooses larger let ten, -to be intricately interlaced aud elaborately worked with solid and open lace stitches. Bpge ornamental mono grams are also conspicuous on napery and bed linen as wen as on teaciotlis. Three letters are a good rule in case of boose linen, one for the respective ini tials of tbe Christian names of the bride and groom and the third for the family name. , ' :' y . fj 1 uf Tmatom. . ' , - The following -recipe is from Tbe Household News: . . .1 'Beat i eggs without, separating nntil lir-tit Add a cup of milk, cups of punuy flour, beat until perfectly smooth. Add 3 tahlespoonfnls of melted butter, a Pi 11 1 Din' V u t Fpoonful of salt and a heaped iiful of baking powder. - Pour ' 1 a fire-ased shallow baking pan. - 0 apples, pared, cored aud i, !--is. Sink the quarters :i I f. .n tip, into this batter, over 4 tublespoonfnls of gren , y, hnr aud bake in a quick oven 0 upr1'1 ' ft about 20 miu . 1 v not, cut into squares. Plain c i or liurd sauce may be served V . it -. ' I SwlM FMhlOB. j f- '- '' t (lihh popular in some sec- t . . .. h 1 -h. Line a deep plate i b'... . 4 ti cl-eeso. Hit one cop t ! 1 no if-.,-jjKi(,iiful of mustcid 1 if i' 1 1 pprr. l'nnr half of : r t'.e cIki-ho, break in i ; 1 I n tli rdrd, pour II10 , i v. r tin 111 and Luke t r -to Ft J I irM't. ', v l.ii-Ii, tliDuh stall-, , :. HI 1 H I. I ; 1 i .'1 in , . k 11111I li t i ti 111 ovi-r , a i -'it fli-ur 111 a 1: 11 li't -.I.vr-i i :. i h : " wore, llov. L. 13. Stilley and Ins briJe, Mies Amanda Catou. At 11.30 the anticipations of the many spectators were realized by the appearance of the nuptial group and the wedding march was skillful ly begun and played by Hiss Delia Winfield of Bayboro, , , The party entered the -church as follows: Walter Brinson with Miss Jennie Paul, and Louis Foy with Miss Alice Taylor, followed by the bride leaning upon the arm of her best lady, Miss Grace Bnusou, and the groom attended by ' Dr. If, A. Caton, his first groomauian. ' V The ceromony having been per formed by Itev,, W. Luptoa, the'v inarched out of the church.graceful ly stepping by the music.and enjojeo a pleasant drive of about two hours, after which' they returned to tht home of the bride's father, Mr! Jtiu Caton, where a goodly number 01 friends and relatives bad ossein bleu' and a sumptuous dinner was await ing them, - .After having relieved tho table-01 some of luxurious delicacies undei whose weight it., almost trembled and spent a few hours very pleasau:. iv in tue music room, wandering i dower yard aud enjoying littlo tete tetes in secluded sputa where lad ind lassies are wont to secrete them. selves and bluehingly apeak of r joming uay when two. hearts shall- beat as one, the gay- party repairs to the house of Kuv. K. F. . btillev the groom's father, and were agau to lortauate as to hud prepared ioi them a delicious repast of which hey partook with great relish. , The occasion will lone be remeui- oered by all who were present as ou of life's most enjoyable epochs. We cpmniimeut tbe Broom Upon having won for himself one of Pam lico's purest daughters, and feel lute ;uat tge bnue has gained one ot tht most promising 'young men ol 0raYen.;,ff-;-;3:;;',;:'-?-:;,v 0. B. - SUMMER DRAPERIES. -huAnMntaJ DtvmIds; For Windows Bead Curtaina A Green Window Glaw Poles. ' For the hot weather and the country ead hangings, new tambour muslin, utch madras, French Louis XVI lawn, Jelhi net aud Persian gauze are. all or my one entirely appropriate, if you iave not made up your mind to drape your windows in chinta Or muslin to jatch. your new wall papsjrs exactly. Lhis last method is a nice Idea it not -epeated in too many rooms. If a room s to have its valla covered in delicate nimosa flowered paper, the mimosa 'prayed French Louis XVI muslin that monies to match it is an almost irresist ible temptation.' There are exquisite nuslins besides to coincide in color and Iguring with the. papers sprayed in norning glories of every tint and solid oned ashes of roses, robin's egg blue ind dove gray papers sold with mushu Hangings to correspond. ' A writer in the New York Sun in :bis connection says: . : ji , - If yon don't care .to carry out this ilan in mote than a room or two, there ire the Delhi nets and new tarabooi uuslins to fall buck on for, the other windows. The net referred to is woven if an Indian gross in two tones ot green jt gray, with a strand as large aud a jiesh almost as coarse as that employed n making Mexican grass hammocks. The vast difference is that Delhi net is xceedingly soft, and interwoven with be vegetable fiber are bright silks cr idored beads.. At windows or doors the net must hang quite straight from small jrass, rings enoircling a slender brass pole. -.'. -1-.., .," i For summer use the bead draperies ire usurping every doorway, shutting iut the ugly view of the fireplace, anil bang very close against the sashes ot windows to take the place- ot holland ihades. Decorators employ them lav- shly because a bead curtain is the 00 lest and cleanest of all hangings. L'bey are not costly, they outlast any ffoven goods, and as they are now man ifactnrcd they are pretty beyond words. Decorators are giving their allegiance to the practice of draping windows tbil leason in green. Persons who can afford o follow a fad, therefore, are having one if three thiues d(ie the lower sashes it nursery and bedroom windows are oeiug glazed with green glass or draped in green Persian gauze, or having fixed 10 them carved Indian window screens if wood stained a shade of dull soft jrecn. Equally as high a point of taste is to have a window all in green.. Here the leaded panes are pale green, the flounce curtains of Persian gauze, aud ihe drapery above of green Dutch mad ras. Scarce a handsome house this sum mer but will have a green window which will be the choice spot to read ind sew and lounge in. ' But whether a window be grocn or not its pane our aim are very sure to be of Persian gauze, a sheer silken material that must tie made up perfectly plain, with a hem, anil perhaps a narrow green ribbon bor- iler on every breadth. An oddity iu window drapery, es peeially whou tlin tambour muslin or minium in nurd, is the new" portiere linlii. It is eilbrr a white enameled rod lib liiim rings mid big brass spear- ln nilsut either end, or of glass, with brass riiiKH. The glass poles aro slender and !mo a grei-iii-li tinno of color. Some ol ho glusM pili h are lluiHlied with a timHC of littlo luiiicrs that alo ring out every limn the riiilniii is moved, wliilo the tjj j -nly dl.ow rot tall ends or brat witiiii-r In '! f . r kni-liii. I II - ( i 1 ' ) ', .''l ','",,...,..' J Itching, araly, Mudlng- pslmi, tlupelwi nells, and painful ttngor eud, pimple,, blaakacada, dly, m..thy akin, dry, ttalo, and falliai hair, ltcb. Ing,, oily aoalpi, all yield quickly to warm bathe with Cuticdu Soap, and gentle anointing with OuTiciuu (ointment J, the great akin eon. Ificiira tiMtdthnrtiRfioattlMvoiM. Form Zhnja urn Cnn CoKr.. Sola rropt., Boalon. mf How to Vroducw Soft, VThlU Handi," fr , ITCHING HUMORS iMtmnY -rcnered bf ' UuxieiuuiUjLaDnu. Dan't Tebaeca Npltnnd KaMkt Yam If you waut to quit tobacco using; easil- u.l forever, be made welt, strong, niaune ic, lull of uew life ami vigor take No 1'0-HaC, the wonder-worker that make? vt-ak oien strong. - Many gain ten pound- tea days. Over 408,000 cored. Bn (i-To-tiac from your own druggist, ht 111 guarantee a euro, llooklet aud sau, tie mailed tree. Ad. ok-r.ing Kenieti !o., Chicago or New York. : v This Will Interest Ton. - Tlie Atlanta Weekly Journal is no uoni-jg a misalog rford contest. ' Fur Hfty eents they seod tbe Weekly 'unrnal one year and .allow the persoi ndipg the subscription one guess at th dUsibg word. The sentence selected in "He who bas ceased to enjoy b fiend's baa ceased to love him.''; fhe niieaiut; word is tbe one necessur 0 fill out the above sentence and mak- rtect sense. It is not a catch word, bm plain every day English word. ' To tbe person first guessing tbe riglii vord The Journal will give S per cent cl tie amount of subscriptions received dur ng the three mouths that the contest las. -.nd 5 per cept additional will be evenlt iividvd between all other persons wbi uay guess the missing, word. J'lmWeekiy Journal Is a firstclass fami- y paper, having; ten pages filled will natter that will interest all members 0 tie family.' It has a first class womao'i jnge; an admirable cliildr'ctt'sdeparimeiii. a least one story every week; a w ..uount ol miscellaneous ieatutes; and ai he news ol the woud. Address The Jbui tal, Atlanta, Ga. - SENT FREE ! To any person interested In bumam aatlers, or who loves animals, we v. it i.-ud free, uiion.uuplication, a copy of Ihi ALLlAAIUrv' tbe organ of this bocin tu addit-on to its iiueuaely iteres'mg uai 1 in, it contaius a list o: the valuable ant in usual premiums giveu by the paper. Address: .- : i'as National Humasb Alliancr : 410-411 United Cliarities Building, .'?.',' -' New York. E WILL i'URSISH ; ,., IIirFORMATIOHr OFVALUE is to the disposition or purchase of auj tiud of securities that you may have 01 ijuil or wish to possess, ; . Send for explanator) circular. The Business Information Co.J 35 Congress Stbeet, : -BOSTON. . , MASS. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and ajl Pal 'entbuwnefAi conducted for modcratc cut. Ouit Office is Opmsiti; U, S. ptknt07Fii ituid we can Mcura pauot ia kaa Urn tiuui tAotv Jrtmota roo Washington. I faA inodcL drawinv at otmtrx. With oeicrlD tlou. We advua, it patentable or not. Ires ot; 'charge. Oar fee not due.ttll patent k tcttred, A PAMPWUET, now to Ubtaio attnt,' with cost ot saoo in tbe U, o. and loreign coonnMs. lieiit free. Jlddreta, c.A.sriow&co:: . phttkt omec, WaaHiNs-roN, O. O Rates lo.TennessGe Exposition. 'v. :;- Passenger rates on socount of the Tennts. soe Centennial and International Ex position at Naslivllle, Tenn. Hay 1 to Oct. SO, 1897 The A. & N. C. R. It. . has perfecle- ates with the all rail lines from New rlerne to Nashville, Ttnn, and return id ales' knowo as class ABCF&O, ; Tickets upon application may be h! U Goldeboro, Ashevllle, Paint Bock son HiaUaoooga. Via Goldsboro, Atlanta md ChattanooKa, or via Goldeboro, Den- oatk, Augusta and Chattanooga. For further information apply to F. L. DILL, 4. P.A.,. i A. AN. CR. R. liniiilslrutor't Notice At llie Inic rewidt noe of James A. Ernul. let eiifed, in Craven County, on Monda die 7tU day of June, 1897, I will 'xpott it a ile, fur caab, to the highest bidder, til ii the (ii TMiiinl i state belonging to the lati f unis A. Kinul, cousii-ting of one baj iiir-r, aiz cuttle, three biig Sgtieullural iuileiiients, coin, fmlder, meat and all if tlie tiiiu-i'linlil and kilclien fiitniturs. ilo Rill iiooltively bculu at 10 o'clock, s. ii. mi l continue IcjiimIrj to day, If titi iry, until whule of said property has 'K-rO Sold. This is lli at-conil Bilveriiwiiieiit ol (bis .ifi.iiPV ami ilio Mile will mirouitltional 1 '.nt on ll.s di.te aboveepocifbd I i - eiiDiiuU mo pn-x-nt to JiMtifj I ! Ii . I:i7. Aitrnr, A. 1 ILUI, mm New Berne XIails. Notice is given that on and after thb date mails leave ":-! : For all points in Pamlico County an South Creek section of Beaufort Count) close at 0 a. m. - - i For Vsnceboro and Post Offices 1c Northern part of Craven County close a. 12 noon. - ' I For Bellair and Lima, 9 a. in. v. For Wditlord, II a. m. r - All mail for DeBruhl goes to Polloks- vllle, the former ottiee la discontinued. Vancelioro mall arrives 12 m. -Vanoeboro mail leaves 1 p. m. M . MAKLY. Postmaster 1TLANTIC AND N. C. BA1LROAT TBlJCIt TRAIHT No. 813. All Bail. N EFFECT SATURDAY, APRIL. 24, : 1897, Daily Except Sunday i l r and Friday, , UPPLEMENT TO TIME TABLI, NO. 2, OF NOV, 27, 1805 ave New Bern, ' 11:00 A, M. Clark's, - Tuscarora, Cora Creek, Dover, -. Caswell, Kinston, Falling Creek, La Grange, Best's; 1 11:24 11:84 J" ' 11:52 " 18:17 P. 1 12:27 1:22 " 1:45 " J2:08 " 2:30 8:00 " Irrive Goldsboro, No. 1 Train will wait indefinitely at CWarora, when on time for 212 unless tliernise ordered by train Despatcherl The above train returning, will leave ioidsboro lor JNuw Bern at 4:Uu p. m. u iu extra, unless otherwise ordered. S. L. DILL, Supt. VM. DUNN, JAS. REDMOND, President. . ' Vice Pres. B. 8. tiUION, Secty & Treas. 4ew Berne Ice Go Manufacturers e Pure Crystal Ice, From Distilled Water. Jut-put 20 Tons Daily. Uir JUiad Lots Solicited. Ice delivered daily (except Sundays) 8 t, m, to tt p. m. Sundays (retail only) 7 a. m. to 1 uon. Fur prices and other information, address, U.S. ttJION, Manager., NEW BERNE ACADEMY, Now Berne, N. C, Under the plan of reorgaousation, oBert horough instruction m tbe Classical and iunlisu Courses oy a corps ot emineoi Sducators (torn tbe University oi JNoitl Jaroliua, Horner's School and other notco Jiducational Institutions. -, Tuition Fees Monthly in Advance, .'ntoarj Department, f 1.25 per month, intermediate " 2.25 " Jllassical " 8.00 " For farther information, applj or ad iress, Jons S. Loko, UU, D. '. - . E. H. Meadows, T. A. Green, ; . Board of Regents. The Forum. .-'.',. : ', MAT, 1897. , Tbe Progressive Inheritance Tax, Hon. lames A Roberts, Comptroller of tbt ftale of New York.' : Has the Beuate Degenerated? A replj o Senator Hoar, Charles R hiller, Editoi if tbe "New York Times," -we The Ignominy of Europe, Prof. Thorns Davidson. 4 Our Export Trade,, Charles 11 Flint. ' Industrial Combinations, Geo T Oliver. New England Influences on French Jantda, Edward Farrer, Franca as a Field for American Sto len!-, Prof Simon Newcomb. ' The Emperor William II, Paul Linden rg. ' ' , The Autocrat of Congress, IlenryiLitch. leld West. ; , . , Fallacies Concerning Prayer, Rev Jae il Whiton. ' Was Poe a Plagiarult . Joel Benton, Socialism In France, Georges Clemen- msu, Edltor;of "La Justice," ..: , .- ; rmi v HEW VORIC THE FORUM PUBUSHING1CO., 4 111 Fifth Avenue. 25 Cents a Copy. , , J3.0D a Year. Webster's 'ZtLSSSiSt International ' te!aDi5lionary InvahtabU In OfHo4. . WEBbTEIfS IOoTrnallnilOkia.ltaaU.a. 1 DJTnOHIllNAl I Huprame t'omt, Uie Stale So. HHmwlra by erery aaale Suena undent ec seboole. j THK BEST VOR EVERYBODY ecoauei . .. H Is eeer to ad tke werl waerteal. It le eeey to aeeertela tbe priaeerletlf. It le eeejr to trace tke feertli el weetf. H h eeejr to leers whet a wera sue, Cm C. MEttRlAM CO, Pabliaaeu-av Sprimttttli, JTaaa V.B.A. Vr.l. II. OLIVER, LIFS TIE! HARIRI ACCIDENT, TIDBLITT. - - 8THAM BOltBV Ir.SURANCE.... RRWBBKJt, 'nimtui of Time-Tried and rtre-teeted iiii-Hiii", rnr" emitn. t.-r ..ii,iw awiete renreeented NOTOART PCBUU roTirni,,! ni-rof rwiR fnr New Tork,Oon- O" it Mi") l-HMliav Imilia. r.aii.Ml IimuiS Mvlne UaAer- Wholesale PricegjCurrent. The following quotations . represent ATiolcsale Prices generally. In making up small oraers signer prices have to be charged. . IAMS-1P lb-i i Sugar Cured, 11 12 North Carolina,'... . 7 8 iIIOULDERSr-iP lb- . ' Sugar Cured....'.... 61 7 English Cured ., 8 Richmond.',..., .... 7J ' .-ORK V barrel ' New Heavy Mess.. . . 0 50 10 0b Shortcut............. 10 00 JRY SALTED MEAT y Bellies....,....;.... 6 a 6 Short backs fib.... 4 D CARD "P Si-. ' .- ' Best Refined. " Nonh Carolina ... Compound 6 & 6i 1 1 7 I 5 6 'ALT, $ sack- ( Liverpool,..., 55 American iDTTER ) lb- 55 60 Best Elgin 25 a Good , 18 .LOUR " barrel- Extra 4 60 4 75 Straight... . 4 00 500 Fancy Straight 6 10 5 25 Full Patent 5 30 5 40 Best Fancy Patent. . . ffl 5. 50 COFFEE f lb Roasted 17 3 27 Green 10 20 SUGAR, f cwt. Grauu. 5 00 Standard A 4 75 White c 4 75 Yellow a 4 00 iRAIN f) bushel Corn Oats, Cow Peas Peanuts JOGS $ dozen 35 27J 65 (u) 50 40 821 70 60 6 POULTRY -f pair Chickens, young 20 Chickens, old , 35 Turkeys 1 00 1 - Geese 00 FRESH MEAT Beef, $ lb 4 Pork f) lb 4 BEESWAX f lb TALLOW, B j r-OTATOES-f bushel Norton Yams 40 Bahamas 20 This market corrected weekly. 25 40 50 75 5 4v 20 5 50 25 Pi A TPKITA V. 8. AND fIX I KNIS FOREIGN "! a.111 WPRul;UKE1) jiUGENE W. JOHNSON, Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes, 1729 New ifork Ave., Washington, D. C. Office Established 1H08. Charges Mod rate. Correspondence Requested. FINANCIAL. armers & Merchants ...BANK... Began Snslxi.eaai acay, 1801.. Capital Stock... $75,000.00 Surplus and Profits 11,111.14 OFFICKBSI U H. Cctlir, Preeldeat. w. o. eHADwiea, vice rrem. X. W. Dawar, Cashier. J. W. Hi ddls, Teller. F. F. Matthews, Collector. We want your business and feel thai ve can offer you as much In return a? my other bauk in the city. It is ou icieavor to mane business relations mul- miy pleasant ana protitable to oui patrons. A. Green, Pre, E.H. Meadows, Vice Fret B. M. aaovas. Cashier. CITIZEN'S BANK OI XTBrWBXlKOTn.lff'.O. 10 A GENERAL BANKING BC8INEt-l The Aoeounta ot Banks. Hank era. Cornoi .Uoni, rarmora. Merchants and others rc elved on lavorable terms, froinpt and oari ji aiLonuon given to me uiei eel oi our ous umera. uoueouon a specially. oaan orDiattoroBS. erdlnand tJlrloh, K. H. Meadows, . A. Meadows, Chaa. Duflv. Jr. -unuel W. I pock, Jamie Redmond, I. w. UralUKr, Thomas A. tjiree uaa. a. eowier. Maver Hann. w.omaiiwocio, K.rnv. Mo.II.Ivea, , W. F. Crookett. i. A. BBTA5, THOS. DANIELS, FrtaldtRt. . TlcePres. G. H. BOBEBTS. Cashier. The: NATIONAL BANK, Of HBV RiJRNll, N. C ' iirooBFoiULXiiD less, Capital, .........;... $100,00(1 vurplua ProflU,. ...98,16 C1BBCTOB8) - JAS. A. BlTAK, Chas. B. BaiAX, J0, IlUKH, O. U. UoBaar ' Tbos. Dasmta. J. H. HAcaauaa tLK. UiaHor Schedule ETotiv KoTember 22, 1896. ' Tbii condensed Schedule it published u information only and subject to chan without notice to tbe public . ' OBEENSMRO, BALEIUH.' No. 11 Ko. M. If p. a. 1 . . Ho. n, Hixad, IailY. liallr. Kastsrn .Tun. Iaily. laliy . . f ' - ; ' ' -"' ' "I - ..... IMam I Mass MWproLv Oreenshoro Aril Ham l)am iussi 1140pm (iibnonvllla , "llMam IHam ItlAsi U44piu- Kloa Coliea 11 Warn tlOaat (isaai ntSpain Burtlnstoa . " II Mass I ma ns iitia l0pi. Graham 11(11 am -nam iusb , .T p "1 Haw Klver "10 Ml am Hiaia se Sam 1 p:" alehane . ' lOUtis ttu am 10 -lam J Jt , , Hilieboro 'M Wttam 4 m a m 10 M a m 1 4 p m " University - - . IS M a as laoSm Watam Spa. Darbam . IMaai swam Hi team 1 p m ' Mornsvtiu (Warn i 11 saasa tsspm" , cary ' 1 Sis Tlvam lliAasa SOapmAr . Ralrlak tv IMam 'ko. 41. ' '. ' : ' .' ' , . K Hun. . i : m . LT . Ralala ' Ar wnn f"p" llilpm- Aainrn . mass Milam )JP t l,ji ai . Clajioa - lUam II uam naujm tups ' Beima tem 'K iV p' m " aiirtoTr ' " uTah p in i in p iu ""iii p in & 1 Prlnoitoa " f"8Sna 1 is p m I 1 to p iu I iatpaa Lav . Uotusbura Lv 1 10 a m Vjw.U ana n.04txr PuHam ipitic East Carolina Dispatch Line . AND . Old Dominion Steamship Ck. FREIGHT & PASSENGER, For All Folate Srortli. The Steamer NEUSE will leave on Moudars, Wedaesdaye. and Fridays at 7 p. in., Sharp. Mak. mg no stops between JNew tterne to iUizabeta Vilj. The Steamer NEW BERNE A will sail on Tuesdays ana Fridays at 12 o'clock, noon, making landings at Oriental, Ocracoke and Roanoke Island. f Freight received not later than one hour previous to sailing. For further information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. M, K. Kino, Gen. Mgr., Norfolk, Va. New Berne, N. C, April 29, 1897. W., W. A DT. Hallway. TIME TABLE NO. 1, In Effect Sunday, May 17, 1896, Daily Except Sunday. Going South schedule: Going North No. 7, Passenger Trains fNo. 8, Lv. am, stations: ,. . Ar, pro, 9 20 New Berne S 20 9 55 Pollocksville 411 10 09 , uaysville 4 30 10 42 Jacksonville 3 58 12 40... .Ar, Wilmington, Lv. ... 2 00 P M P M No. 6, Pabsenoeb and Freight, No. 5, Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Leave New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lv. am Ar. r M 7 00 Lv. 'Wilmington, Ar 8 25 7 10.. W. Sea-Coast P. K. cros'g.. 3 15 7 26 Baymead 2 56 1 7 84 Kirkland 2 40 7 42 Scott's Hill 2 40 7 58 Hamstcad 2 11 8 05 Cypress Lake 2 25 8 11 Anuandale 1 55 8 18 Woodside 1 47 8 82 Edgecombe 1 SU 8 52 Hollyridge 1 15 9 00 Folkstone 12 50 919 Dixon 12 4a 9 34 Verona 12 25 9 50 Ar. Jacksonville, Lv 12 05 1110 Lv. " Ar 10 20 11 19 Northeast 10 00 1188 Whiterak 9 80 11 58 Maysville 9 18 12 18 Iiavenswood 8 0b 12 80 Pollocksville 8 50 12 63 Debruhl's 8 28 180 Ar. New Berne, Lv 8 00 'Daily Except Sunday. H. A. WHITINO, Ueneral Manager. J. W. MARTEN'S. Geu'l Frt. andlPass. Act. A. & X. C. IC. K. TIME TABLE NO. 2. Going East Schedule: Going West No. 2 Passenger Trains No. 4 Lv. p m STATIONS: , Uoldsboro.... , LaGrange ,. Kinston Ar. a m ....11 25 8 80. . . 8 40... 412... 615... 525... 6 37. . . ....10 52 .... 1 as . ..Ar. New Berne, Lv 9 30 ...Lv. " Ar 9 30 Ar. Morehead city Lv B 07 1, f I I No. 2, No, Mx'd Ft. and STATIONS: ili't 1 1. and I Pass. Tn. Ar. p m SOU 050 Pass.Tn. Lv, am 7 20 (ioidsboro 7 63 Best's. 8 10 LaUranire 50 7 85 Falling creek 5 20 024 Kinston ... . 5 00 9 88 caswell 5 IS 9 68 Ar. Dover, Lv 5 00 1015 L. " ' Ar 4 20 10 40 core creek 4 00 11 15 Tuscarora 8 88 1181 .....Clark's 2 20 12 05 .....Ar. Nfw Berne, Lv 2 50 1 80 Lv. " Ar 10 47 1 19 Bfverdale 10 12 S26 croatan: .10 09 158 Haveloclc 9 41 8 12.. . ...... Newport, Ly 9 00 8 S3 Wlldwood 8 21 S81 Atlantic 8 30 S 47. . . .Ar. Morehead City, Lv 8 2C 854.. ..Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 800 r.u. A.M, Monday. Wednesday and Friday, t Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. , 8. L. DILL, Superintendent UOLDSBOEO AND NORFOLK. Xe. liallr. Mo. 11. allied. Dally. I 4S pm is pro 14 pm sap m aaopni S ttpm sap ru npa IM an 10 am os am a an 140 a ass a IMam 4 M a ni Ham I aft a n is a in im a 10 a No. 41. Rs. I111 00 p IIHpai tirapit Itpn i i a m 1 til IMpn rircfpm I I sopm vl 00 0rtttw lirmaboro ff4td Bilk vtmsT PEATEP For Three Years He Suffered CasjM -Hardly Breathe at Hight-Oae Nastrtt Closed for Ten Years. . Mr. A. M. Ramsey, of De Leon, Texas, was a sufferer from Catarrh in lta worst form. Truly, his description of his sufferings seem little short oi mar velous. Instead of seeking his couch, . glad for the night's coining-, he went to it with terror, realizing that another . long, weary, wakeful night and a struggle to breathe was before him. De Leoiv, Texas. Messrs. Lippman Bros,, Savannah, &., - GENTS: I have used nearly four bottle ot ' P. P. P. 1 was afflicted from the crown of my . head to the sols-s of my feet. Your P. P. t. has cured my difficulty of breathing, smother- itifr. palpitation of the heart, and has relieve ' roe or. ail pain, una nostril was ci-raeu w na ten years, but now I can breathe through I years, but now I can breathe through It rearitlv. I have not mept on either side ror two years; In fact, 1 dreaded to see night come. Now aleen soundlv in any Dositlon all nieht.- I am 50 years old, but expect soon to be able to take hold et tho plow handles. I feel glad that 1 was lucky enough to get P. P. P., and heartily recommend it to my friends sad the public generally. Yours respectfully, A. M. RAMSEY. Thb State or Texas, I County of Comanche, ( '" Before the undersigned authority, on tfala . day, personally appeared A. M, Ramsey, who, after being duly sworn, says on oath that tbe foregoing statement made by him relative te the virtue of P. P. P. medicine, Is true. A. M. RAMSBV. Sworn to and subscribed before m this, August 4th, i8gi. J. M. LAMBERT, N. P.; Comanche County, Texas. CATARRH CURED BY P. P. P. (Lippman's Great Remedy) where all other remedies failed. Woman's weakness, whether nervous or otherwise, can be cured and tha system built up by P. P. P. A healthy woman is a beautiful woman. . Pimples, blotches, eczema and all disfigurements of the skii are removed and cured by P. P. P. P. P. P. will restore' your appetite, build up your system and regulate yofl in every way. P. P. P. removes thai heavy, down-in-tlie-mouth feeling. For blotches aud pimples on the face, take P. P-. P. Ladies, for natural and thorough organic regulation, take P. P. P., Lipp man's Great Kemedy, and get well at onco. Bold by all druggUtj. LIPPMAN BROS., Apothecaries, Sole PrsaVfl, ' Lippman's Block, Savannah, Qa. Sold by F. S. DUFFY. 60 VIAftr EXPERIINOC TRAD! MARKS, DEBICNS, COPYRIGHT o. Anvone senillnff a sketrh and description mu quicl.17 aiKvrtaiii, free, irhcther an Invention u pnihiriilr patentable. Communications etrtctlr contlilential. olle-l npency forM-iuina peteoti In America We have u Wasliiimton offlee. Patenls takon through Muun A Co. receive special notice lu the . . SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beaullfnll atlfully llhisrrateil. lamest cirmlatlon of any II ' l.fti six uionfhs. specimen copies and Hxa oient nc l.mruiil. weeslv. terms Sd.(ll a yea Booh on Patents sent free. Addrees MUNN & CO., 301 llroadwnr. Kew Kerk. TradoMark Bearistercel. ' j THE IDEAL LAXATIVE ' ,A CURB FOR CONSTIPATION. A8 l'LEAS.VST AS HOXBY AD SUltE CtnB FOR Indigestion, Dyspepsia, BiUeaaaasa, Stomach Troubles, Bowel Diaaraen Liver Disaasos, Irreg-nlarity,- Xlaaaf Troubles, Headache, ravars, Sick Stomach, Skin and Blooi Diaaraara, Thick and Sallow Oomplexiea, Al very many alher llnaisi aBd.Camplleatlona an M laaeltvo ataletottavlBowala. 1 PRUNELINB is the lafeet an.d -tnrest cathartic and aperient oqi can use. It tboronghly cleanaM without griping, pnritiei tbe blood If ROME nd romoves all,waate irom tbe H- . tern. It does away with castor oJJ. iiilts, blue mass and all other naue oui purgative. It tones and enef- giie ail tue great organi ot in syitem. It is free from all harshly acting drugi, and ii alwavi safe, al ways ready, a'wayi reiiaiilt). W i. 1 Koop tho kaiTa eoot, tao tWt wawsa ' ' aa tho kawala opaa, , . -nslar . v IKKStlKE for tho Utter parpoa. . iPBfXELIXE i Ialk Porreo raaally Medlcla. 1 1 : olh7 all ImmMms, - ' , or sent On receipt of 50 cts tnjauy iililffaa. fa ni tALPC!LTY;r'" I SIT Ill.tMfL .POlHOtf biraw.. to 1 I -nrfdin Ifttottdtya. Vmni-iin. uosyjof (reni vnrm unMr Lv. If von on f"r tiinmin ttotr ... DtVrriftrf, II we full tornrt If yon hnuii Idei pitrish, SUM (MM hswtk a Mini, MiHMiiml I'l tchi- In mntit t. Httrv5 . ItUipl p in hit ttsrl uf tlm l f , II Mir or I ;r .-i f ut, H si hw hoaJttry I mhui I j tefBsrariLeslornr. Vnt, ,tu.afi BMkLtB )aJM anrl rttatllAlai -.a -a... . I i m uaift mm Manititt. rut. j m o "hm i lU'lltMB t1 b 1,1 l ' ------ - Ciian. 'Mi,t.( ti . l l-i 1 (-ir . 0 p m