C, May 18. 1837 t AATESTMEMEBT. o Warehouse Nolle. kC'o. Table Linen. ..met & Gaskill The Finest Bt'SlBAMB MAW At, 1 . ;art of Lluk Cuff Button, Gold v i'.h Diautond, Finder will be re waitl. a by leaving at Joursai office. SOM LEE has opened ft Chinese Laun- try at 83 Middle street, and also at 75 Brood street, near Hancock street.' Best fcs of wort done on short notice and at aw price. , i ,"' ;' ; ' ", V.OP WAII does .the Best Work at old pnee and Guarantees to Please Custo mers. ' Lodge Directory: KPUffiA LOIK1B SO. 1,1.0. O. P.! OnV !(: H. a.Ua!on,N.U.; J. U Cooper. V.tt.; H.O. Lumsdeen, HVd. (touty; K. J. bisosway, tin. Meety; J. B. Parker, Jr., Tree. Begular nwettmo evew Monday oiirflt at it 0 o'clock. UA1.VMET ENCAMPMENT HO. 1.1. O.O.I. UUlcers: B- - ttulon, C P.: J- Cooper, H. f .S S. H. street, a. Wi N. (3. Hughes, J. W.; MJL. Ryman. scribe; B. B. Weal, Treaa, Beg at Uioaiuomeuts, lbt, Sd, aud 5th .(It any) Jwijaday ..utgute in each month at exii CANTOS CLEbofOX T NO. , P. M, I. O. O. r, Uiucero-oo. tilover, Captain; T. O. Hy iu. IJniLi P.H. Peiletier. fcualilD : Wm. J. fuia. Clerfc: Bd. Berock. Acoountunt. le( oinx CantoumenU, M and 4th Tuarsda) Hula in awau hiu o-etocat CKaVES LOD0R NO-1. KNIGBfTS or HAB- atli jieeta no ana n itnhnh nit In each month in Kountree's Hall. . u. Bau, President; i. H. Bnutn, neoretaxy lT. JOHN'S LOOOK HO. I, A. P. AMD A. M : UmvT.A.i.f. M.: J. B. Clark. W.j B.tB. Meal. J. W.; J as. Redmond); Treae-;T.e. Byman, ecty. itegtuar vom- Muueaooa w eaaeeaay eaea mono. K"W RKEtNB CHAPTER NO. eft. H. A. M OOeem-J, C. Oreva, M. P., S. Ceee. King; H. 4. Unlck, Scribe; T. A. Green, Treaa.; ir. Bedmoud, Beoty. Begular uonvoee- laooa Sd moimuiv eoca monca T. JOHNtl COMMANDBBT MO. W, K. T.: VAon-P.Ouih.K.C.; H.J. Lovick, G.; lal Street, C.e.;T. A. ereen, Treaa.; B.B. Mai, neeoraer. iwRjuar iionciaves nm ana. intra STwars oi m moma. TEHIA LODOBjNO. S, K. Of PMeett nwy Tneaday algbt la K. ot P. Ball. Mlddit iueet. H. VT. Biro peon,, C. 0. P. P. Avery. VTc.- W. 8. ranoas K. B. A 8.J 0. C. Taorn- CHATPAWKA TRIBE MO. 14, IMP. 0. B. M Meets toe iaii Sleep of every I Buns Monday Ji. nil at K. of P. Castle Hall, Middle Street, Slew Berae, M.C. Visiting' Bed Mea el way weioaw. I. W. atmpwn, Bacneia; J. H. HWU.U.01B: v ... W LOCALS The watt her forecast for toda if, .. fair Bnijrirmer. Xh Pembroke Clnb will meet Uiii Teninjf t the home of Miss Nannie Street at 8:30 o'clock. Meesri. F. B. Lane and N. Tisdale,' went fisbini up the Trent river, end eanjbt aixtj fish, a fine record. v ;,v. Ir. It W, Armstrons baa oreoed a g roeerx store, corner of Atmore ead Griffith, near the Pine Lumber Co. There will be a meeting of Atbenia Lodge, No. 8. K. of P. to sight. Memberi requested to be ..' piaeot.":. y'..',' a ' :, One of the email children of Mr. FB. Lane, bad the misiortone tc fap down the stops jesterdaj after noon and break one of it arms, . -The Jocexai acknowledge! the io)itatk)n of the CHaw of '97 ol Oailford College, to be present at its commencement exereisea. Mat The many friends of Mr. .T. L : Moody will be glad to know that h haa o(ncientIy, recovered from bit recent aickoen to enable him to go ont driring yesterday afternoon, . . A colored baaebair clnb came over from Wilmington on the excarsioD yeeterday and played the Nea Berne otab a match game at th Fair Grounds. The score was 17 to 'klt in fayor of Wilmington, , w An excursion nnder theaoepice T the Pansy Club, colored, cam. oyer from Wilmington, yesterday, arVivitig at one o'clock, and wil. ' leave tdtTay at 3 p. m. The eicnr ;sioDists occupied three coaches. , Little Miss Hilda Davenport, gave : a butbdsy party last night, to abont ilventy.flveof her little friends, at her borne. The time wai pleasantly -ps)Aed by the yonng folka in tames, and sefrethmenU were served dor--ing the evening. '. ! ; -Mr. Bryan Gardner of Grifton, wim in the oity yesterday. He sayt ' the Banctincationista are holding a tig meeting at Grifton and drawing large crowd. About Ire ho ad red people were in ettndance at their 'meeting! Sunday. . iJ Dr. Joseph M. Ward, recently of New Tork Manhattan Hospital, has found New Berne climate to con . genial, that be has decided to locate . here, and will hate his office over iSi farmers & Merchant Bank, . ' i Pollock street, ' ' ; t'TcM-s. Abnar Willis, Banister . , Wm. Wade. Daniel Willie of t rn a and Jan. W. Rail fit M nre. lx.U:t, came vp yesterday mora i ' and left in the evening on the r Nease for Hertford, S. C, ' nul and repair the steamer I, which as aoon as ihe is ' i ol condition, will be run lL;s c'ty and Bay river ! t i t. II, H. Dowdy. Sheriff Joa. L. Halm xetorneJ from Rftltigb last night. Cupt. W. S. Paraoae returned homo from Grifton last night. Hon E. C. Duncan of Beaufort, apent the day in the city yesterday Mr, ft' E, Foy went over to Maya- yille yesterday morning on business Mr.. P. M. Pearaall went up to Einston Yesterday morning on bust Mia. S. Oettinger of Kineton came down last bight to viait Mrs. M, Marks. ' - v'y;.fe Mr. M. M. Marks left yesterday morning on the W. N, & N., on I business trip. Messrs. J, S. Fisher and M. Por ter of Riverdale, were in the oity yesterday. - Mrs. Emma H. Powell and Miss Carrie Aiendell left last night to visit at Morehead City, Prof. 8. A. Schlosa, manager oi the Pr jeotoaoope entertainment, left yesterday morning to ahow in Kinatcn. , v . . . Miseea Emma Diaosway and Vir- inia Simmons left yesterday morn ing to spend the summer at Black Mountain. . ' ' ' Mr, Walter Hill of Beanfort, who is attending Trinity College, passed through lust night to spend a few days at Lis home, Mr. Buster Kafer, who has been jpendina sometime in Philadelphia, returned . home on the steamei Neuse Sunday morning. Bev. i7. A. Smith of Durham, who preached at the Baptist Taber- oaclo both Sunday morning and aight to large congregations, left yesterday morning for his home. Mr. J. II. Watson of Wildwood, ipent tbe day in the city. Al though. . Mr. Watson . live! , but thirty m'les from New Berne, thu is the first time he has been here in twenty jean. . J-'--1 ' ' : PieKleeTbla Week,' " " Tiio p!c-nio aoaaon is abont od, tnd the 1-tvera of "strolling through the woods" are happy, especially so ire the Sanday school scholars. The Sunday school picnic of the Dhnrch ' of Christ will take place tomorroT, Wednesday, the 19th at Foy's mill, about 9 miles np the river TnnU The steamer Howard will carry the achooL On the following day, Thursday the 20th, Centenary M. . Sunday nbdol will have its annual onting. Cwo etoumers will be called into ervice on that day, and will conve) this large school np Trent rivei here they will picnio near Pollolts- ville in a beautiful grove. They an jxpected to carry 'the band, and a pleasant day will be ipent at aiual. Thursday is a State Holiday, and (ho?e who bave an off day wil enjor this occasion. 'r: akliteaeau Palllag WaT. 1 Yesterday wai the lightest day in truck : shipments from this city, ncu the season really opened. The reason for the falling off is due to inpply becoming exhausted, and the fact that the price for peas is no inducement to speculators to ship, and only the larger trackers are ending forward consignment! that amount to anything, jf . , . , It ii expected that beanalwill com mence being shipped, next Friday. There is Nothing Be Oee4. Tlicre l nothing just ns good as Dr. King' New Discovery for Consumption, CotuUs aud CoMs, so demand it and do ot pi-rmit the dealer to sell you som mbeilfaip. lie will not claim there it ttylhiiiK better, but in order to make mon profit be may claim something else to bf jost as god, Ton want Dr. King's New Disconry because you know it to be salt sod tellable, and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For Congbs, Colds, CootNtDplloB and for all afiectlons ol rbroot, Cheat sod Ldds, there ie notb ins; s good as U Dr. K inn's New Dbeov ry. Trial bottle free at F. 8. DuBy'r Drag 8tne. Beuler ilxei SO cents and 1 1.00. . The Bight Maau ' Ws are glad to see that, wL'le a new and adverse (politically) admin istration has effected many changed in tbe Old North State, not in the selection of Mr. Hancock as Presi dent of the A. A N. ft Railroad has a mistake been made. We do not doubt that President Hancock will look well to the Bute's and the people's interest in his administra tion, nor do we at all approve that policy so dear to many of our esteem ed contemporaries to ever oppot and retard anything no', in control of their own party. If other toan a Democrat was to have it, we do not know whom we had rather hare seen so honored than the A. .4 N, C.'a new President. We feel that, like Mr. Bryan and Mr. Chad wick, also Mr. Hancock ie the right man in the right plaoe. Greene Co. Ftandard, There .A le no i d team or engine from the Xew Berne Fire Departmrnt to attend the Interna tional Fireman's Tournament at Charlotte on May 20th. Tbe several companies of the New Berne Fire Department have considered the invitation received to be preeent.and find it will be impossible for them to prepare for this occasion, the State Firemen's meet being so near, which they are bound to attend in preference to all others. The Ball. Tealht. ' The interest in the sail which takes place tonight, given by the New Berne Reel Team, can be seen from the fact that the demand foi tickets took all the first lot, a new aupply being ordered, yesterday. With the crowd that is going, thf trip is going to prove a splendid one, and anyone not having a ticket should bny one at once.' Moonlight and refreshment!. The ' Howard will leave at 8 p. m. . "; ' JASFER1TEZHS. : :; Rc-v. Mr. Johnson of New Berot dlled hia regular appointment at Betheny Sunday afternoon. Miss Lucy Wetherington who hat been visiting her-aiatera at Fort Barnwell returned home . Satur day. :. Mrs. Tom Civile made a visit to New Berne last week. Mr. Fred Maler of Virginia at old acquaintance of Mr. K B Moore's came to see him last Snn Quite a good many went from thia place to Tusoarora Sunday tc church. . ' . :;" K'iJ;;:?-Y'v-;'- Mrs..j4ne Daugherty has gone in Jones to visit frienda and rela tives, we wish her a pleasant time. Our muil carrier, Mr. John Hum phrey and wife of Tuscarora camt idt to see their mother Sunday. ' : . Rabbits are plentiful around here. Ifr. Jim Herring has killed 63 sine Ohristmai, We hope ho will catct them all, . .' ; ',V'.'.' Mr. and Mrs. Moore attended th narterlj conference at Beeoh Grovt Saturday. Die Taa Bear ' Try Kleclric Bitters u a .remedy fot four troulbst It not, get a bottle no nd get relief. This medieios baa beet bund to I peculiarly adapted to tb relief and tare of of all female Com plsinla, exerting a wonderful direct in fluence in giving strenatb and tone to tlw organs. If yon bave loas of Appetlu, Jonstipatiiin, Headache, Fainting Bpelb- are Nervous, 81eepleM, Excitable, He- ucboly or troubled with Dizzy Spells. Electric Bitters is tbe medicine yon nce Health ai d Strength are guaranted b. us . , fifty cenU and Sl.M at F, a Dunn's Ding Store, Ltot ! aVetaere. Remaining in the Post Office at Nea Bcrue, .Craven county, N. C. May 17lb 1897: . ..'- V-.::--:' J A High Ambrose, J as A Antucc . B Mrs Uarriett Brown, Isaac Brown. C O W Canady, Mrs F Crawford, J at CoweL E afr Jobney Evritt. ; '. 0 Mrs D N OasklU, Mrs Emellne Oas- klng. ."' H Mrs Mary Jan. Hargett, WlUk Hill, Mr. Fannie Baedaon. J Phillip Jones car ot Henry Jones, Olie Johnson, K Ed King, (d 1) tr Miss Foser Lee, Mias Mary Jane Low, Mias Plane Lumley. . M-L B Mayo, T 7 MoCotte, (d I), Mrs Patsy MoCray. - : P-Q h Page, Mias F Pearo. R Mint 8icty Row, Mrs Kate Row, B Miss Liszle Banders, Mias Lucy, W f Srllers, Mis Asserly Rltey Bpenotr, James Stiles, Harmon Smith, L L Smith W-E H Walton, Miss Ann Wallis, Mis Ixttls Weeks, Miss Hannah Wilkin, alee Ella L Whitfield, Job Whitfield. . Persona calling for above letters will. please say advertlaedand give date of list . The regulation!, now require that on (1) cent shall brjcolloctel on the delivery of each advertised letter. A . M. MAKLT. P. M. Aes Breelvee.' A new line of Link Buttons, Lever Bottom, Collar Buttons, Love Chains, ,Lorquettc Chains, and Baby pins, and also a nice as sortment of gents plated and gold filled vest chains. I wish to call your attention to our . Lorqootte chains. I have a large assortment and some of the very best of qual ity. - yours, etc . . Baxteb The Jiwelkr. Bele, Mhlean, Steamer Vanoeboro will sail for points np Neuse river Tuesday at 8 a. m. Freight received at J, C. Whitty'e warehouse. aaaaser ttrma See. Ws are now showing the prnil'ral liiif of Wash Dross Oooila erer sliown In I' ' city, prices ranging fro a flj, fl, 8, t, 11J, 1". 1", re' ;t "P- Pirf.-a, Induced by the use of coca, op'-.lo or nar cotic compounds is bad, decidedly bad. It nndermiiies the health and shatters the constitution and the patient is steadily growing into a worse condition often resulting ia the terrible slavery and misery ot the cocaine and opium faabit. Bleep induced by the nee ot Hood's Bursa' aaparilla may not come as quickly, bnt it cornea more surely, permanently and is r r "" t 1 And refreshing because it ia realized through nature's great restoring and re Jnvenating channel purified, vitalized andenriched blood, ''his feeds the nerves with life-giving ene ' and bnilds np the system and const' .on from the very foundation ot K with and life the blood pore, rich, red blood. v "I was generally run down last spruig, appetite was poor and I could not sleep, pood's Sarsaparilla built me right up, gave good appetite and I was soon able to geta good night's rest." Q. F. Whitney, Merchant, Yeomans St., Ionia, Michigan. Sarsaparilla Is the One Trie Blood Purifier. All druggists, ft , . rtjii. enre liver Ills, easy to take, nOOU S PUIS easy to operaU). Weeats. . SWAN8B0B0 ITEMS. . t Very quiet since the town elec tion. . 1 , I Nice rain last Thursday, fine on oropaand gardens. Mrs. Maria Langhlin of Wilming ton, and R. L. Williams and little Robbie, hor son, of Rocky Monnt, came in last Friday to visit friends and relatives, they will remain some time, i ....... ' A big Sanday School pionio at )ak Grove school house, just ovei he river from here in . Carteret county, last Saturday 15th, inst abont 500 people present. Exhibi tion by the Sanday School Superin tendent and . pupils, about 40 speeches, songs, dialogues, etc by toe tcholars, an address by Mr. David S. Koonco, following . Rev. George Styron, and Dr. J. W. San ders, the Dr. making the cloaing peech, those who don't know Mr. ioouce, don't know what a treat ihey missed, his speech was one ol be best we hare heard in many a day. .; " v :'-;:-';.'.'";. Bro. Styron is a resident of More- head City and certainly knows how ,0 make a speech of that kind. Dr. danders is too well known to com nent on, he is one of tbe beat Sab jath School workers in this State, tnd has few equals in oratory, his speech was off hand, only from the noment a thought, .but was master ful and eloquent from start to fin ish, the little ones were well trained and did splendid, we remember a few names only. ; Little Miss Nannie Smith made m excellent speech. Masters Eddie ttuecell, Bennie Taylor and Willie Humphrey were loudly applanded by tLe concourse of people. Master Eddie Russell made two speeches, joe ot whioh waa the best we ever new d from a 12 year okUboy, song sad speech combined, something new and beautif ul, : Mr. J. W. Smith the Superin tendent deserves great credit for his enterprising energy in the interest ot Sunday Schools, The long table was filled with all the good things from the farmers of Carteret county tod 600 people partook of one of the oest of dinners and 600 more could nave bad the same bad they been there, as there was a plenty to feed 1,000 people, it lately didn't look like Lard time! there. There was also a banks picnio at Bear Inlet that day, a large crowd went from here, and report a aplcn did time, as there was plenty to eat nd that waa good. J. D. and W. Q. Hawkins, J. W. Mostly and D. J. Sanders, were the managers on the men side. The lady managers were: Mrs. D. W. Ruseoll, Jane Ward, Bula Russell and Cora San ders "Swainp Bam" was there in all his glorv. Capt E. Weiasollc&r- ried soma 20 or SO persons from tins place. Our Sanday School here had a little children's day so called In t Sanday, the Euperintoudent I'r. J. M. Jones had his pnji!s in uniform with their tcB.l.rrs. Utile talis and songs wcio r. n.l-rcJ, mo t beautiful iodo'.l, a s'.ort talk was made by Mrs. l'1-...ia (Vx tl.e pu'.-llc school teacher 1 ", tul. r !.! h she road two firr i.... mil'. ' orewnjs on e , school workers. Mr. D. B. r r i,t, ai.l ' 8 to t' e 1 i t J rt, v L; ' J, ,'.r i.-.-r, he is g 2 into the Ti a Li t now. On the first IZmiay ia June next is tbo.daj to elect shell C.li commis sioners at Jacksonville. W. F. Covil would be a good mas for one of them. Capt. (Sewell's achooner Beseie sunk in the channel last week dur ing a heavy gale.' She was loaded with spirits and rosin bound to New Berne. She waa -gotten np next day with tbe Iobs ot only 10 barrels rosin, and went on her way rejoic ing that it waa no worse. f Mr. J. Olive come back " from Wilmington Wedneaday and reports a good time only he got t here too late for the convention, Dreae Bait Cue.. . We have put on sale a line of Gentle men's Dress Suit cases Varices, Travel ing Bags and Leather cases. Barfoot's 9 fe ! How many housekeepers are there that will require new table linen for ipnng. I We're antfblpSted yonr wants and our stock is complete. :v.. Pretty designs of Red Damask 20c Turkey Red with Green Figure,25c Turkey Red with white check,35c. White Bleach Damask 60c. And better grades of Bleach Da mask at COc, 76c, 75o, $1.00 and 11,25 per yard. ; - We have Napkins to match the better grades. .'The price of Nap kins are from 50o to 13,95 per dot. ' FOB RENT: Good Resldence,lPr Month, $10 00 IS St 12 80 ' 9 00 ' 1250 : 700 00 ,. 100 800 a7ik sso 8 00 H ; H ai U ti 4' h . u U M - II It II ' Rooms, (8) " " i. , (2) . (8) . One Tenement " " . S 00 U M H - J00 u n ' a ii i ou " Brick wareboui 18 00 M Brick store per month - 18 00 FOB BALE: . Houao and I-ot, George street. . ' Hooso and Ixt, East Front street , House and Ixt, Jobason 8treet. Housu and lAt, Johnsonjstreet ; I Bouse and Lot, Eden street . ' Bouse and Lot, Broad street" ' House snd Lot, Broad street Bouse and Lot, Broad street ' i ' " Boose and Lot Metcalf street , TvV Bonso and I-ot Pollock street . ' . . House and Lot Hancock street' -Houk and Irt Pellock street. Bouse and lot Broad Street i Bouse sod Lot Outalds City.' Lot on Bern street, . Lot on Oeorje street Mtl C3 bree Tenements. F, E.'HARPEFX Cnby ! Every mother I feels an inde- T scribable dread ' of the pain and danger attend ant upon the 1 most critical pe riod of her life. Becoming a mother should le a source cf j y to all, hut tie suflerin? and ihiti danger of the ordeal male its antii.i'-alion one ( r -y. i- j i ii. . , i t' ". I ' ' ' ' t won.' ii (ft-; t j l i fcnii im ! !, t to i t s. ' hour w hu h ii ' .. !. 1 ;, i 5cvi-T t t r "; .j 1 ii f i t ( ' ' I ani'r t,,t h'.l t! ' rii-iv.-d I y i!i i -. '1 ti..'i l '' I i ' t.l w j ' ; ; t l a 1 i r ll. i ll '. ' May 18th. liEALiESTATE AGENCY YOU CM STfiETCi) A DOL! 3 To doable its values, at oar establishment, in tbe line of jHorsea, ' Buggies, Harness, RobeB, Whips, Etc " For the farm, road or draft purposes, JUST RECEIVED, te , .nil. .1.. ...J. A MTTQ'n DI.I Luif II . A full and complete assortment ropatable factory in the country. found in oar repository Harness from $6.oo to $25.oo Per ' Overstocked with spring Coat Price. ' Do Not Fall to See us. Before Buying: v Rospoctfully, W. H. AK.fi. TUCItEIX S CO., : BALEIUH, N. C. , French Organelles, Organdies. - Tbe showing of thin dainty Wasb Fabrics at "This Big Store" Organdies. . excels In beauty anything seen in former seasons. ' Urgsndiea. In Organdies there is an almost bewildering choia between the, Organdie. very fashionable new green Organdies, . .. cately tinted Persian colorings, entirely new paterns; cool, summer Organdies, looking old Delft blues; the exceedingly tastv small Dresden styles, Organdie. and many other charming effects, which are among tbe beautiful thirds. Organdies, one always expoctsto flud her. By. buying early we are able to . Organdies. make the price for these Dainty and Bweet French Organdies at i5cj. Organdies, ' yard, and we advise you to order now while the assortments are, Organdies. complete. j CirSAMPLES FURNISHED..4TJ r ' : w: II. & TL S. TUCIIEB & CO,, RALEIGH, N. C. Tbe beiwT; rallahle, IS-year-ald:Hanblen are tlie beat wheels to bay, and yon save Lap braied Joint a, flth-mouth relnforoements, "dished" aprocketa end It. 1. tli take this the moat desirable wheel made. Investigate Ita many advantages and satisfy yourself. Catalogue f rte. 8LOVEB HARDWARE CO., Agents, . Bew Berae, , C. r 1 I of Boggiea; we represent every , A sample of which will be . j Set. Lap Robes and Whipe will tell at - . - tones in striped and alloyer designs; deli- .'"'.'.-" Vaaali Tlio Larot. "1 w ai i Surpri CO a lb. can Sugar'Corn, at 5o 7 per can. Evaporated Applet 60 lb. Arbuckle's Ariosa Co. Toe lio per pound. I Prunes 60 per pound. Cream Louch Biscuit, 1 lb C-3 -. packages at 10c, m. F. ULRICIT tiEOCERT, . rheueiei, 4e:.i sr;.

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