VOL. XV-NEW SERIES NO. 266. NEW BERNE, N. C SUNDAY MORNING. MAY 23. 1897. ESTABLISHED 1S85 Good, Better Jest That is the kind of GROCERIES ' - -YOU FIND AT . TOLSON'S. ' - "Complete Line and - Guaran teed LOW PRICES. Call and set yourself. - - i Balls, Bats and Gloves for Base Ball Players. . Fishing - Tackle, . Lines, ' ' Poles, Etc forjttae Fish - . ermon. . Also Stationery, all kinds. At j. .;o askins, 101 MIDDLE STREET. WHEN Jlosquitoes Begin to . Bite ) GOTO VV. P. JONES, 1 - ANDJGET A .. Mosquito Net. FOR FINE SPUING LAMB, TEAL., MUTTON POISK SAUSAOi: AND . The Finest Stall-fed Beef In the City . Go to SAM'L COHN & SDN, 8Jllddle St. Phone 46, Farmers. We have A FULL LINE of MOWS . IIAItROTVS.V ClJIiTITATOBS, amd U other Farmintr Im- ilemetj at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES- -' j. ii ' TO EBCHAKTS-We lean ten 701 (oodejs mantttactarera p-oes. ' Is. XT fuller Co. Machines Off EASY TERMS to respoo lible parties ON MONTHLY " PAYMENTS. . '; Win Call or Wait on Parties, Duplicate Parts for Machines . " For Sale. , " ' Needles and Oil In Supply E. J. Lanier, 78 Pollock St, District Aent, . L!l;oral Terms Clven Local Agents, -l K " " ' V Sporting Good: THE STATE CAPITAL Cotton Growers ConTention to k Held at Galveston. ro Protect the Price of the Staple Sheriffs ConTention at More head City. The Exposition at Charlotte. Soldiers Craves. ' JOCRNAL BtJREAU, Raleigh, N. C, May 8 , Qot. Russell today received a letter from Got. Culberson of Texas, enclosing v copy of a resolution adopted by t lie 'exas legislature empowering him to call t,otton growers' Convention at Galves- m AuguBt 8. He has isBued a procla- uation and asks the Governors of each f the cotton-growing States to appoint i delegates at large and one (or each Congressional district. He asks that in tew ot the great importance of the con vention the selection be of gentlemen ure to attend, Aside from tho vast in ierest involved and the benefits occur- mg from the gathering, Gov. Culberson uya delegates ma; be assured that the; ivill be heartily welcomed and cordially entertained during their stay in Galves ton a city noted for Its hospitality, The resolution is a stirring one. It sayt over 65 per cent, of the world's cotton is jrown in the South; that the industry it jeing depressed by speculators who con trol the product In their own interest by jttering for ale fictitious cotton called futures at prioes uniformly less than tl ( sjrrcat spot cotton market; cotton whirl they do not Intend and are not compelled to deliver; they force the mill men ti. withdraw from the market and then d way with competition, Ieavine cotton at tbe mercy of dictated prices, I(u sotton which should sell for not leu than 00 per cent, of the price of the man ufaotured article is sold at 400 to 1.4CG per cent more.- There is no over pro luction, . The purpose of the oommittf t is to devise and regulate concurrent leg islation in the cotton-growing States, t relieve cctton from speculation and gam oling In futures and to suppressa unlaw ful interference with the cotton trade. The State Treasurer says the Stat oonvention of sheriffs will be held nt tl t Atlantic hotel, Morehead City, nbjut August. , - At the State Museum there were n celved today from Beaufort One speci mens of the hammer-headed shark, bon aet-headed shark, several species ol tting rays, the butterfly ray Ac. Dr. J. L. M. Carry evidently has a very poor opinion of the negro Stalt jormal schools. lie says they belie theh jamo. Some of tbe Republicans seek in varl ua ways to make it appear that tlicpeni .entiury was not self-supporting Iuki ear, but they Cannot disprove the fact. Governor Russell expects to go to tb i'ennessee Exposition June 1st, J11 tht.1 jase he will not attend the State Vniver tity commencement. - The Women's Exposition of the Cm tiinas at Charlotte now in progress, I. Mtrtainly in all respect, admirable. Real y it u the work mainly or the woroei jf fe'barlotte. No other place In the Stat ould have equaled. It has tbe merli ind the dimensions of a State expoeltioL Tomorrow the Read memorial chape u the Confederate soldier's home hen be dedicated. " ' The dispensaries at Rutherfordtoa and uoulsburg go Into effect week after next. The white marble gravo stones to b laced at the graves of the North Caroll ia wldlers at Winchester, Ve. are being jut and lettered here. They are nearly completed. ' ' , THE C0TT0S MARKETS. ' - ' ' ' ' ' "- May 82, ' Thc news from' Liverpool advices wei slightly better than expected although ' .the spot sale, were very small, ' Adodst opened in New Qork at 7.1? and closed.7.10. i .) . 'N ; ours.truly, ' " -, , . J. B. Latham. '- , . . ' New Tobk, May 81, 1807, , With tbo exception of one day thi week, every day has recorded a decline Tb. direct cause of the decline was th ules, by disappointed holder. ' ol con tracts. Purchases were made early In the month, on ihe assumption that' Man chester business wu good and that spin oera, both ia this country and abroad needed, to buy liberally to carry them over to the new season. These promises may or may not have been correct, but oertalnly the evidence, presented during tbe past week or ten day., has been qultt to Hie contrary. When we oonsider the .imilod oharacter of the speculative de mand, the. importance of the regular trade support cannot be over estimated It was the partial withdrawal ot this sup port which weakened the market, and the selling ont by those holders disap pointed by the trade reaction together with tliime whose margins were exhaust ed, has reaulted In prcneut dedlne.whlcD represents a lorn of alt the advance made into a month ago. The low range of valura reached today should place the York iliH'k within the reach of spinners everywhere. The tope of any improve mrut Ii) m arly altogether in this direc tum. Crop accounts aro generally con- Hulercd fiivornMe. ' Yoitrn truly, I: i. r S..M.aK & t'. TO FREE CUBA. He House: Wins to the BelUfiBrancy . Resolution Time for this Country to Act, Quar rel In Madrid. A Dispute Abont Cuba. The Trouble Arose Over tbe Belligerency Res ; olntlon at Washington. Washington, D. C, May 21 Pressure will be brought to bear upon Speaker Reed next Monday. to allow the Senate resolution ' declaring the belligerency oi the Cuban insurgents, consideration b; the House, but there seems to be little probability that the Speaker will yield, at least for the present. The prevalent belief among. Democrats that a number of Republicans would vote for the resolution, if given an opportuni ty, seems to be not without sufficient foundation. The Republicans do favor the action taken yesterday by the Senate, and ai 1 anxious to put themselves upon recoid as supporting a similar proposition. Re presentative Dalzcll, who aided tin Speaker yesterday in preventing a vott upon Mr. Daily's resolution lias declared that he is tired of the timid policy pur sued by the House members. He saj t the party should either take a decisiv e stand in favor of Cuban independence! vote down the resolution, and proclaim its determination to take no action. There can be no question that in ti e opinion of a majority of both houses nl Jongress, the time hag passed when an excuses can be offered for further delaj in determining just what the oolicy of tho United States ia to be. They are finally convinced that all thut jan b or need be learned, is alread nown. The reports of General I.ee U ihe State Department are complete and tccurate. Men who have travelled fron. jne end of Cuba to the other, eluding tin igilance of the Spaniards have presented .heir sworn statements to members ot che Senate Committee on Foreign Rela tions. Madhid, May 21. In the Spanish Sen ile today there was a heated and tumiil Cuous debate regarding the rcsolutloi passed by the United States Semite yes terday to recognize the Cuban belligei jnts. The debate here was followed b in excited discussion in the lobbies. Thi: led to a dispute between the Duke ol t'elunn, the minister for foreign alTairs, ind Senator Comas, a liberal, which exi led in the Duke boxing the Senator', ears. A great commotion ensued ai.u the sitting of the Senate was suspended. The Duke of Tetuan and Senator Co ,nas have selected seconds as a prelum jary to a duel. Tho st conds decided thai is the aggressions were reciprocal, a duel is not necessary. The . Duko of Tetuan resigned as a li mit of tiio incident. Senor Canovas, the premier, said tin jovernment could only attach credit to tuch Information as was sent by Captaii. Jcneral Weyler. He severely blamed tin American newspapers for disseminating false uews, and cited as a case in point .ecent statements attributed to Consul Qencral Lee. QEN. MILES ARRIVED. He bna aa.Aa dleaeaWllh Ihe ftullau CoNBTASTistOPiB. United States Min ister Terrell, escorted Major General Nel son A. Mile., of the Uulted States Army ho was accompanied by his aide di aimp, Captain Gauns ana two secretarlo f the embassy, to the ceremony ol tin ialmik today, after which General Mile: aa received by the Sultan who gavi him a special audience General Mile: will start for Tliessaly In a day or so Japtaln Sriben, a United State. Military attache at Rome, has been nominates military attache at tho American emhas tf at Constantinople, i.. . The Ambassador, are stil! wailing In itrnction. from their respective govern ment as to the capacity In which the) sre to act when presenting the note whirl i. understood will be presented, whetliei as advisor, or as negotiators. ' It Is un lerstood the Power, will consent to tin demand of the Turkish government thn Ine gulfs 0 Volo and Arta be opened fm tbe revlctualing of the Turkish troopi nd that the peace negotiations will Im conducted here. 1 .1 . . lAf O N D t R r U L a tl'ie enres b; " I Hood's Sarsaparillu, and yet the) are simple and natural. Hood's Sana parllla makes PURE BLOOD. THE MARKETS. CuioAQO, May 82, OPKNINQ, OLOSI, 70 72 . . 4.6S 4.5,'J ' July Wheat.. . July Ribs Cacarets stimulate llvr, kidneys au bo wl. Nevsr sicken, w aken or gript lOe. Notice! ' Monday, May IMth, 1807, between the hours of 11 a m and 1 p. m, will be the hut day thaMr. Ooorge Green, Secretary, will be at my oflloe to give orders on me for premiums and claims acainst the Fair Amoclatloo. This will alao ba mylat(iIaT to obeerve hours at my ofllce, I. II. PELLLTIKK, Treamrcr, POWDER Absolutely Pure Celebrated, for ite great Icavenii t strength and hcalthfulness. Assures tl rood against.alum and all torins ot nitii teration common to the cheap lu amls. KUx Au UAKIWi L'UWViAl UJ.. New York. . STATEMENT OF CONDITION of the Citizens Bank, of in3m, At Hie close of Business, May 11 IS!) 7. RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts ?!)", I'.IT 1'. Overdrafts, secured 'and unse cured 44411 Real Estate , 1 , -j 1 n B ulking House 4,!)"ill i t Furniture and Fixtures l,lsi 1 1 Stocks and Bonds ti'A Due from other Banks and Bankers 2H,0t!K 1 Cash in Vault ,sll ',: l II, Jits I' .,")II,U(KI I . s.s;."i.' . K.t.'.tt! . 1.412 V- LIABILITIES: Capital Stock paid in Surplus and undivided profits Cashiers checks outstanding. One Depositors One Banks Bills Payable Kl.uiOui m,4w (i, I, II, M. Groves, Cashier of the uliou named Bank, do solemnly swear that tl 1 nbove statement is true to the best "f 1: knowledge and belief. II. M. GROVES, Cashier. State of North Carolina, ) County of Craven ) Sworn to and subscrilied before n e. this 2ind day of May 18UT. 8. R. STREET; ;N'otary Public. Correct attest: E. II. Meadows, ) T. A. GreRN, !- nirectors. E. W. Smai.i.wood, ) Money to Loan On Short Time on good collateral sc. curity. tor further paiticulars call in or address C.I. Ioekhnii. Pure, Cold Soda. Every glass use,' at our sn hi foun - tain Is washed twice ami polished, he fore using again, thus insuring evuv customer absolute freedom from conlan Ination. We aim to excel in every dennit ment of our Modern Pharmacy, this is evideneeil by our increasing pain nige. Yours for health, V. II. llradliinii. For llent ! IToiisc on Middle Street, now nccupici by Mr. Chadwlck and Mr. Alxirly, pn.- session given June 1st. Apply to Dr. CHAS. DUFFY, Or Mrs. M. A. MOOKK. I Mill sell Mot(iii to Canopk for J- Hl.OO each, for Rexl 10 Days. CARRIAGES ! . ., I have Jntt Iteceiveit a He 1 - Stock of Baby Carriages ami will sell CIIEAl', For Cash Or On Time Or will exohange'for yonr old ones. ... Call and Examine : oar stock before purchasing erse whore. I also have White Satin Parisols and White Laoo cor t . era that I can furnish extrt. Vours Rcspectfoll, ' T. J. Turner, N.W BER.N'K, N. C, IK"' a - J We Expect On Today's Trciglit a C1!ioicc Tjot of . . Very Small Sugar Oured Pigr Hams I2c rorxi). C all and iU t on. . . J '"Kig IlatiH wo cut, a Frciih Lot .lust Kccci vel. JSinali Hrettkfast Strips, r 1st (Quality 10c pound . .'"Finest l'Ag'ux Bnttor just from tie ilairy, J."io pouml. Wholesale and lielaii H rneers. 71 Broad SI., New Heme, N. (', niAisieiKiii MmiIi according to formula 0! the late Col. Jordan. SOLD ONLY AT Davis' Pharmacy. 23c ler Ilotllo. Your Choice Your Price. -AT In Sater's Furniture Honse. I' niter Hotel Cbatlawka. New Ilenip, N. ('. 0 The Furniture you put in it makes the different 0 between a house and r home. You want it.Lo 0 Priokd, and you wain plenty to solect from. 0 Suter Las both. He if prepared to furnish one 0 small roont or a largi house at prices equally 0 reasonable. C7It Costs Nothing to visit his itore, and yon will be convinced of the above. IIenryi lliarina?y, 127 Middle Nt. Tooth Brushes, Toilet Artioles, Ac. DO YOU Si ? TAKE HENRY'S, composed ot Saras. partita. Yellow Dock, Mindrake, Senna, PrCckley Ash Bark, Bassafrsa, Iodide Pot. uh and Iodide Iron with W'inlergreen. This preparation' Is sxprenly put up lo BMet lbs popular need for a Blood Purifier, witliout bring related lo Hie many secret nostrums and quack uedl cine of the day, of unknown composition and generally of llltle medicinal value. The Imnula Is printed on the labsL rmCE ONLY 50 CENTS, Same its bottles usnally 10IJ for $1,00. McDanicl & Gaski ODOOQODCCCOOOOOOnOQCCCOOD O ia Most Varied G O A f1 mMm mJSkmi Malm U 2 Q H o o o -o o ilililT 4 o I 1 w 1 y n 1 1 o. S - o ' 8 H O n " o- n a n UU1 Will COIIVIIICC.LJ yocoGecoaoaoaonooooooDnono -MMrV"1!'-la.i5 If Kisky tu net y.i'ir c.,ih, i made In a tailur who diM'su'l know In- linsin,.,-. tlinroiighly. W'e lire wulc-awaki- enough to know just what tlie very luteal lashmn is, and just how far we can use it 111 vour ' ( iiseand meet jour poculiiii ' wants. When , you conn' lo us we cater ti voui last.- in , clnthiiig. We don't try lo nive ou s in' 1 1 lung mat you lion t want. F. MC hadn ick. 101 Middle Slreet Nothing Short About ROSENBAUM !: If yon want to prosper In lite bnv 0110 of Itow nbauiu'i Fine Imported French I'lav Womted Suits. 3 If you want to live l,mK buy tn of Rosenlmum Fancy Tlalil Snlls. If yon want to lip a fair and henest man, buy your Nlre Snmater Suit from UosenUum. A"AII good Unarantred rep resented or money refunded, Don't forget tbe Place, Middle St., Next to Duffy's Drug Store. ' WM. H. OLIVER, Lira rim mamm AOCTDVITT. FlDtMIT. '.. IT BAM BOIL Insurance.;.., NIWBR!. Annmlmr of Tim Trl aad rire-SMMd mionlni riirM,nUt. On SUS-iui.tfT UMt. renrwnd ' NOTOAkr PUBLia ' ' CmnmlMl .nor nt Maori for tt.w Tork, Ooav .ciiimi .ail I'afinnvlvuila. iw-awii Kftuuuftl UowiifiUrtne Casler-wrilan. a 8 Stock. ! 10 A Great Success. Groceries Cheap and not Cheap Groceries Have Attracted the at tention of All Good e Housekeepers -TO- Oyn JIKMVKItY WAOOJf, Is on the GO all the time. I f TK. 1U 1 III iDunnsuashStore1 T0 .Y0UR8ELP and save 10 to 15 ., per cent, on yonr parchaaes fcyj ,.; 1 trading with ' joiin du;::!. V.'tl ' vt

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