.J BYWAYS OF SEVILLE. THUM NAIL SKETCHES OF A WITTY " AND GRACIOUS PEOPLE. A 10 CENT QUEEN. The lazy and Fictnreaqtw life of the An dalaahuu Making Love Xhroogh Barred Windows A Taberna Where the Dark er Bide of Ufa Is Displayed. Cis jtoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta . an 1 Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor otlscr Narcotic substance. : It is a harmless substitute ' for Farejjoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. ' It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is. thirty years' use by trillions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fovcrishncss. Castoria prevents vomitinjr. Sour Curd, J cures Diarrhoea; and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. ' ' Castoria assimilates the food, regulates - the stomach ' nml bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tno Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. . Castoria. "rvttnrla Is an excellent medicine for ehll dren. Mothers have repeatedly told nte of Ita good citL-ctjjujxm their children. I Dr. O. 0. Oaaoou, I : . Lowell,Iass. . " Castoria Is the bent remedy for children of which 1 am acquainted. I hope the day Is not far distant when mothers ail I cookI Jcr the real interest of their children, and use Castoria In stead of , thoTOi-iousquack noatr una which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing synip and other hurtful agmita down their throats, thereby sending them to prematura graves." . .,.: , ' ; Da. J. F. Kikchilos, ' .- . '. Conway, Ark. Castoria. V Osjtorla Is so wetl adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any preserlpttom known to me.' . s -. II. A. AnoBsa, M. D., . 111 So. Oxford St., DrooUyn, N. T. ' Our physician in the children's depart- 1 meat have spoken highly ot tholr export ence In their jratsida practice with Castoria, and although we only Dave among our medical supplies what Is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with furor upon it." . .. .,:) Uxitep HoavrriL akd DismistiiT. .. ,' Boston, llass. Aun C. Sarrn, Pm., -i ..t The Centaur Company, TT Murray S tract, New York City. ! . - o : RnUAili,lAT?rfl!Bli lfa0 1 Qft'T ' I UVUIjUUtU AU"V( TV AUISJ A-a LUi --,' v ' . . - - ,- ' ' , This condensed Schedule is published as information onlyaml is suiijoot to change wiuiout notice to the pnbhe. - - (JKEENSI.OttD, RALENlIl. U0LDSB0R0 AND NORFOLK. No. 1.1 M i.xett lUily . I9ian 3 tin a in 'J :U am 8 10 am :i is ,i m u in a !Ht a ui Si) a in .'.o a m 1' a in n :!0 a nt tl Ji it m ii mi a m 1 lli & IU So. 4J. lix Bun, - C m 0 40 a m in a I a in 11 Mam No. 10. il.iUy. 8 SO a m 11 1 . tt in a in o an a m n 40 a io i) 47 a m io Oaru 1 D i m 10 31 a in 10 52 s nl In 90 a m 1 1 '.'X a lir II 42 a lit 12 OS p m W lli p III 12 4.1 p in 14 .VI p hi M 4a in I t 10 p in I ft 2 l HI 1" Wp III i 40 p 111 No. DA. Dally. It 10 p m VI 40 p III T! 41) p II. 'J M p in 1 no p r" 3pi I (p i 1 17 Bin 1 4 p in J 00 p m i ilxp m 1 48 p in i io i m 8 31p m 8 Ji.i in 411pm Eastern Time Oreensboro. Ulbsonville Klou College ; Burlington Oraliam Y HavrO'.lvur Mulwne : rlumitoro University . Durham Morriaviile - Cary . Kali-fen . I Rnlnlgn Aiilinrii . Clayton , Sclma Arl ,I.T -Ar Norioik I'rliic.etou Joidfboro Lv No. 35. Dally. 11 53am 11 24 a in 11 Suarn 11 10 am 11 13 am 58 am 10 4H a in 10 ii a in 10 07 a in 50 a m 18 a m iiain 8 53 a in 8 am 815am 7 49 a m 7 .tl a in 1 10 am No. 15. Dally. . 8 Mpm 0 l p m 60 p in A 50pm 5 45 pm HI 88 p m 6 47 in 07 p in 5 50 p in 4 88 p m I 4 07 pm 1 40 p in I81f pm I & ik! p ni i :I5 p m 3 30 p la 92 am "8 I4)uin 1 80pm No, 11. Mixed. . Daily. 8 55 am 15 a in AOS am 5 55 am 6 40 a m 5 25 a ui 6or a m 4 80 a m 855 a ni 8 30 a m 8 89 a nt 5 ao a iu 800 a iu No. 41. Ex. Sun 8 00 pm 8'20 pm 7 tl pm 8 05 pm 5 80 pm 4 55 u in Nok. 11 and 12 carry Pnllman Sleeping Cars between tireensboro and Ralnigb. Atlantic ami North Carolina Kailroad, . , PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, V . ' . New.Beme, N4C, Mujl22ni,i;i8a7. tj A"eiiiV a. & n. c. n. it. co., - .. ' TlTi.nuh 'ale of (are H"HihI Trip TickeU iScS'on of 1807) from coiipnn stations l'ow i poiuts tmmeil !! W. N, C. H'y. Ticket on le Juo 1st, 1807 lo kept JiH", ll'7. ii.cliiHvii, (ioou lor return pBHWji on or lieluro Oclolwr 8Ht, lotiy. From Morelirnd Ncwllenu" - Kinston LaGrange. t,i - , city. - . , , ; -. .. v.- ' llU-Uorv. nTc"..:..;.. ... 18 50 13M.. A1H0...- ... 10 00 .M'.i,:nnKin, ...... L'.-USM , 1385... :., 11 J. . . . . .. 11 85 ., . nl.ll'oit, " .... 15 0,i .-; 14 11185 12 05 ... iil'k M'l'u " 101 15 30....... 1380... 1S20.... AslicvilK 10 85 158.5....... U'fiH.i.. 18 85..-.. llHtpringi" . I... 18 85...,.;. 17 85... ... 151)5.. 15 85.... I . v . I ; i 'us to nil mi her II) Tls in Western Norlli Camlimi ot Virfjioia can bo furaisli- i-tl mi'in nnnlif.itlion. - ' Cillini niKiar five (') join of age free.- Children of five (5) "nil under twelve (I!) jinn iiFfl:;w one Ii ill ol i-txive milieu rate. j B. Ji. JULily, u. l. A, I .1 Ii I 1 3 i.i.r. . M IX: i (; 'St Ti itiiirt STATIONS: (iul.Kslioro hndrani;! . . K iiu lun .. Ar. N.'W II ..I.v. Ar. :..i.-l..-:o i. t , I.v. Ar. v Lv. H AllcNS 1 in West No. 4 Ar. n mj ....11 25 ....10 53 .... 1 !W ... 0 so . . . . 0 oil .... 8 or S'n o t 1 i nihi A r. i in ... Hi11 .... n.'.o ... fi :.() in i:," ! II. Sz Ttj Li:allivay, TrUR TAI1LH NO. I, t-t Kumtny, Mar 17, 11'Jfl, Daily Kxrpl Suaday. . Cloing South st'UKDur.K: Ooing North fin. 7, lntaenger Trains No. 8, BTATIONS: ; New Bvrnn ..... l'ullofkHvlllB . , . Hny&villc 7 Jut kwinville. . ... Wilmington, Lv. Wandering homo through the dark, winding byways, yon pass cloaked fig ures, whispering at tho iron bonnd win dows. - They are the lovers ol Seville, polando la pava (plucking the -turkey), as they call it With the lattice slightly open, the fair Sevillana sits in her dark ened chamber, talking- in whispered tones to the gallant without. The old folks, weary of the task of ohaperonage, after locking the daughter in a room barred like a prison celt, have gone to bed, and for honrs, sometimes the en- tiro night, the afHnnced lovers look through the grating into each other' eyes and whisper the nothings of love. It would seem cold comfort to a north ern swain, but the Spaniards Bay the iron bars, are a necessary evil there in Spain. In Spain there are life and color and picturcBqncness everywhere, and yon think the Spaniard was born to be an artist's model. ' In the maze of, tortuous streets about the market one sees something of the life of the people. - There the. white washed houses are outlined against the brilliant sky in rambling perspective, and the graceful tower of some parish ohnroh, its brown walls moss grown, ita bright tiles shining, rise sharp and clear into the blue above. Dark maidens with glossy-hair and warm color in their cheeks gazo idly from tho miradores above upon the countless people iu the streets below. The cobbler hammers and stitches in his smoky little shop without window or door, glasses click iu the bodega, sleek cows with mournful eyes and tinkling bells stand silently chowing their cuds in the milkman'ratalls, and the dainty feet of shaggy donkeys patter on the cobble stones as tho patient lit tie beasts, beneath their panniers of straw or charcoal, thread their way through the crowd. You wander along, picking your way through the good na- turcd assemblage, until you reach some little plaza with its church, where beg gars sun themselves upon the flagstones, and the puostos, or booths of the street peddlers, with graceful, colored awn ings, are scattered picturesquely about tho pavement. There the dazzling sun light casts fantastic shadows on the yel low and blue walls of tho houses, mul ticolored pots or festoons of cotton prints bang iu the dingy shops, gallar- !os -dandies of tho street gossip in croups or. ogle the passing maidens, dogs snooze in sunny spots and crowds' of idlers cluster about some barrel or gan or blind guitarist There is a booth near oy wnere n. uruuzu muuucu Kjl'Hy is cooking mollctes calentitos, a sort of greasy flour cake fried in oil, and a wine pucsto with its earthen jars, and bugs bottles of red and yellow wine, and there vagos loiter to eat and drink. One can linger for hours In the streets of Seville, watching thjgy people and talking with them, too, Rr the Anda- Ionian of the lower classes is the beet of fellows. There is a demccratio freedom in bis manner, at once respectful and cordial, which is unlike the obsequious ness or boorishness of the common peo ple of other countries. He is slow and even lazy, but he commands respect, and nowhere can one meet such civility and heartiness aa is shown by the Andalu si an peasant. But you must unbend and meet him half way. He does not like Saxon stiffness, and a cordial word Or the offer of a cigarette will accomplish more than a handful of silver.- . When you go into a bodega of the people where aguardiente is sold at a cent a glass, the habitues all greet .you with a word of welcome, and the bar keeper serves his liquor with a courtli ness which is Chesterfleldlun. They are rough places, those common taverns, There is one in particular, across the river in Triana, where the toughs of Se villethe matones, tboy are called gather to drink and quarrel. They say that every Sovillian who is epoilipg for a fight goes there, nod many are the cutting affrays in which navajos are' drawn. With mantas wrapped about the left arm, tho duellists crouch and slow ly follow each other around, watching the opportunity for tho fatal spring, juBt as tlicy do in Carmen. This taberna ot tho bullies is a low, dinpy place, spanned by high beams - blackened by ages of cigarettes and dirt It is open to the street on two tides, and supporting the corner beams is an old Roman col umn which looks as though it may have been standing since the tnno of Trajnii. Tbe.flloi dirt, and in one comer are On Who la Shipped All Over the World - ' In a Bos. ' . ' Imagine a queen traveling around the world on 10 cental It Seems preposter ous, and yet it is a fact There is a cer tain man, according to the St Louis Re public, who will do this for any one who will send him an order, whether it comes from England, China or any oth er foreign country, and he says: I have -frequent demands from all ports of the world. You sec, I send these queens as follows: xou will notice that there are two little oircular apart ments In this royal carriage," and he produced a little wooden box, "one in which the queen ' is kept and the other for her suit The little plug in the cen ter ot the box is solidified, candied honey, which will furnish, food to the regal . party until tbey arrive at their destination. . 'Che compartments are covered with a fine wire gauze to prevent the csoape of the insects. ' "This large one in tho first compart ment, the one with tho delicately shaped, long body and beautiful markings, is an Italian queen bee, and she is valued at f 10. I have queens .valued ail the way from 1)3 to 25. :';. .-;v";.V-1 "The others, in the second compart ment are the suit, or worker bees, that will accompany her on tho trip, not only for oompany, but also for the heat they will produce to keep her comfortable on the stormy voyage over the great cold seas.. .:.-. -.',iw.;V-:-!j ::V r;'.-'.. . IJ After we have the bees safely stow ed away in their proper compartments, we switch the little lid around and fasten it with a tiny screw at the ends, and on its top surface the address of the- consignee is written, the stamp is affil ed, and away goes her majesty, a queen sold into slavery for tho trifling sum of $10 and sent to her destination on a 10 cent stamp. ; "Bee culture has grown so rapidly in the United States that there aro few farmers now who have not a substantial apiary and who do not net a handsome income each year from the honey the bees yield, and besides tho farmers there are thousands of gentlemen and ladies who are apiarists purely from tho fas cination tho hobby affords. " UEMflESSIFi'; Quickly, Thoroughly, Forever Corod - bynwperfeetd8wicntlfto ; methrxf that cannot foil uric-. Ilia cox u bf.youd -human aid. oa fool im pruved the first day, foot ft Denetii very day, booh know yoaraelf &v long among taoa ' in body, miud md hearr. - Drams and U-ssea eiuton. Erorv obstacle to hnnpr-.- mntned life removed, !erv8 -Iahs will Aiifrirv. whfln foiling or lost, aro rontor(l by IMa treatment. ?-U weak portions of tho body onlnrgod and BLrooetb ned. Write for our book, with e:TlAmtton ana proof Sent fanled, tr., Oror 2,000 reference. 64 NIAGARA ST. bUrFXLO. N. Y. ERIE MEDICAL GO,, 'Wholesale f rices Current. Tho following -quotations represent Wholesale Pricc-a generally. In making up small orders higher prices have "to be charged. - V A Peculiar Accident. That ono cannot be too careful, in handling anything belonging to elec trical plants is demonstrated by. the fire that consumed one of. tho power houses of tho Union Traction company in Philadelphia.- At the hour of closing an employee swung an enororaus crane to which was attached a very heavy chain. The chain struck a generator and shivered it to fragments. A temfio explosion followed every circuit, and ali tho dynamos which woro running were blown out Kre.immediately fol lowed the explosion, and the dynamos, of which there were eight, were either destroyed or disabled, and the entire in side of the building was cleared out. The loss was something like $500,000, largely on the valuable machinery in the building. New York Ledger. - n & 7 9 50 10 00 10 00 ... a 01 & 7 5 . . .-, IIdusi fcold KrMlir. . Cimcarels Csur.j Cuthaitic, the woM wooiltrfui rneilnal difcoviry of U-c uc, pl-M8;rnl BO ' rein i-ll, a 10 Hi tali, Bit ' genily sU'l piliv ly n kidney, liver nml k.mnlj ..la. lid! I l.M J. ill I l-M fc?tlfni I dir.t-l colic, cure 1 eu'liche, te i r. hul.it- ..... .... i pal constipatio'i and oiiiuuMie-y rie- ee; Ijjv und iry a t ! C. 0. U. t. Viy. 10, , TiO cent. Sola ami guurutt.-cd to cure by at' 'irunRibts. RHEUMATIC f OITHERN RAILWAY. 0 fii 5 & Doing Welt. , "How long have ycu been patroniz ing that new laundry, Moloy?" - "Can't bo over a mcuth. I've only had to buy three new outfits of iinon. " Detroit Free Press. HAM8-$ lb- ,,: ;:--. i Sugar. Cured, ....... 11 4 12 . North Carolina,... 7 (A 8 SHOTJLDEUS 1 lb : Sugar Cured..;.... ' English Cured.. .... 5 , Richmond ........... PORK p barrel y ; New Heavy Mess. . . : ; 'Bliort cut DRY SALTED MEAT .Bellies... Short backs f lb... LARD $ lb , v Best Refined...... North 'Carolina. .. v. Compound.... ,. .. . SALT, "f sack- Liverpool . 55 American... 05 (3 00 BUTTBR it lb-- Best Elgin 20 & 25 Good..... 13 20 FLOUR I) burrel- Extra 4 60 (it i 75 Straight... 4 00 5 00 , Fancy Straight 5 10 5 25 . Full Patent 5 80 B 40 Best Fancy Patent. . . 5 GD COFFEE iff lb Roasted "l7 (A 27 Green i. ,. 10 20 SUGAR, f cwt. Granu. ( 5 00 . . Standard A 4 75 Whito C (3 4 75 Yellow..'. 4 00 GRAIN-P bushel- Corn 35 Oats, Cow Pens .' 05 Peanuts tO EGGS f dozen....". 8 POULTRY-p pali- Cliickens, young Chickens, old. . . Turkeys .. Geeso . . . FRESH MEAT . Beef; fib 4 Porkiy 11.. 4 (it BEESWAX IP lb.. TALLOW, "jilt. (A POTATOES-V bushel- Joi'ton lams 40 (' Bahamas..... 20 fc Urm Ncnle Iloule lit Trnurwice lu tennlal Cxoaftlon. The" Southern Railway will sell tickets from Goldsboro, N. U. to Nashville, Tenn., at the following rato for (ho rwin'l trip, $2G,25, on sale daily, and until October loth, final limit November nil, 1S97. 1 9.25, On salo daily, until Octo ber 15th, final limit 20 days in ad dition to date of sale. $14.00, On ealo Tnesdajs and Thursdays, each week, until Octo ber 2Gtn. Final limit 10 days in ad3ition to date of sale. ; TRADE-M.BK. Magical Pain Extractor. . CUBES RHEUMATISM,' TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIA, ' BACKACHE. LUMBAGO, CATARRH, ....... - AND ALL KINDS OF " PAINS AND ACHES. a. & nr. c. n. it. ; PassenoerDept. New Bern, N, C., May 22, 1897. CIRCULAR. To Ageuts A, & N. C. It. B, Co. : Sl-eoiul rates of fare, Round Trip Tick ets (including one membership coupon two dollars) to the meeting of the North Carolina Tracheis Assembly at Morihead City. In (ffi.ct June 15:b to SOtli. Tickets on sale June 12th to 30tli, in- luslve, hmiied to a continuous passage in each direction with fixed limit to re run July 15, inclusive. Round tiip, including one, two dollar membership coupon: Goldsbnro $4 40 For nearly three-score years and ten this famous old household friend has been caring pains and aches, and has never disappointed the user It is clean, pare, efficacioas. agree ably smelling and quickly acting. IT IS A .- Rica, Spicy Comseaad and In valuable for Cuts, Scalds, Seres, Barns, Ulcers, Wound, Erysipelas, Skill Troubles, Etc- Etc Beat's LiGrnngc Falling Cieek Kinstou Caswell Dover Core Creek No ticket to be used on this occasion other ihan "Tcachui'e Assembly Tickets." 8. L. DILL, G. P. "A. i 20 35 1 00 60 40 32 & 70 (io 1 O 10 25 ($ 40 1 50 & 75 . I have always thought that what was good was only what was beautiful put iu action. Rousseau. Lv. a m, 9 20.... 9R5.... 10 0'J ... 10 42.... 13 40... I' M Nn. n, Ar. p in, . . . e 20 .Ar 411 4 80 3 58 2 00 I'AR-JKNdFH AND FuKKIHT, Ko. 6. In ,ivo Wilinlnglim Mniiihiy, Wcdnes I:.y nml Fi iiluy. U-w New lie rue Tik'H i! -,y, 1 hii i day uiul hulunlny. lv. am Ar. r M ....Lv. W .W, S.-iU ..il Inn, '.ust 1'. It. K Ii kUnl. . 11,11. lea l . h I.'ike ..-! ili. . Ar.. I.TIlf' 3 25 8 15 2 .V' 2 4H 2 to 2 11 2 IT, 1 r,'i 1 47 1 ?.) X ; Every man is a king in his own back yard. Rum's Horn. Something to Dopend On. . ' lir. James Joncp, of the drug firm of Jones & Hon. Cowilen in., m rpcaKing ol Dr. Hioe'S New Direovory. lays that last winter bis w;le was attacked wiih 1a Grippe, and her case grew so serioos tbwt nbvsicians at Cowdeo and Puna could do nothing fr tier It tceued to develop into IJftsly UoDsumplion. Having Ur. Kings Discovery io store, and selling lots of it, he took a o it lie home, and to the sur prise of all she betran to got better from first dose, and ball down dollar bottles cure 1 her sound ui d well. Dr. Kioit's New disco' e y for Consumption, Cough and COM is gimnmteel to iln this gmirj work. Try It Fne trial Liollles at F. 8. Dutiy's drug store. . 9 . 5 4i 20 5 50 25 This market corrected weekly. East Carolina Dispatcli Line 101011 AND FREIGHT & PASSENGEK. For All loiufs Xorlh. 7LD0D P01S0U t n r or ri n i t v v"i, h .v in r L-binkl s ondsrrorT.n t Jilnrr lll.oou 1'OlHON pernianMtH I j-uredlD l&toa&dsra Voaciinbeu-oatcdqi 'I f"ri ' l! T.-tt. juiir il i.!,-', i-r rule a v, l ::, I i.t ! r ii jiiKt lilta 1 Hi, ui iat. " Wlilllil mll.er " ('lilc;ii:o liomeforuun. price oniJer wine ennrsa ly. Kriioprofr tooonieb.re w.wllloon, tract to pnrrallrnadfnreand hotel btllLRQ '.IT wo inn ttiRura 11 you naTetak.Diuer- n, tui9 kiii D.Te st'im sue n. in mout n, More nruat. enr p.nt ol V ti'"iy li:iror r rehrowa rniiiti. O.il. II la tin. fcucontll'TV lll.OO'.l I'OIMIN w icii.rnnujfttiicnr.. W. loii'-lt tlie mdPt ObstrTI" ante and enallenve the ivorld for a rn.w.oiuiiot. cnrrt. Tli ie liMim baa alwars hMiiieii tli 1 11 of th4ma.feMUAiaipliyl eiMita. r,oo,uoo cnptt.i bHinn4 our umvinril Sunitl ITDftruitr. Abaolllt. prooTR Be nt in.led of nnluir.i,n. A1"-M :l)ll lit'. M KOV CO u atasuolo l.uirU. CiUCACiU, ILL, SI Dorharpe.ir wornll ttic Cury, loillile iiotuuli i fc.nns. Muoons I L 1, t. a low tablo and threo or four cane" Seat-"rTn.vl iii toi.r.u Nota, tilorra on edchuirs. There are dirty bottles on the abelvea and coarse 'prints of bullfighters on tho walls. Behlud the bar is the kcopcr of the resort, a low browed ruf fian, with little weasel eyes, set closo together and a knifo slash aerous his un shaven cheek. IIo looks a prince of cut throuts, but even he has a kindly greet ing and a civil word, as havo bis cus tomers who lean upon tho bar. But the honest workman ont for a holiday with his best girl or tho bourgeois and his friends picnicking iu the environs un der the shade of olivo trees, ore really moro iutcrttiug. These true Audulu siuiiB will always Welcome a strnuRor, they will always share their sour wine and swi-i t cukes, and tho bright eyed gills of tho party will ihmro tho gvwe ful levillauit to the lime of rastmivts, nml if yi,u speak Spanish you may chat with them all and fi el vilu-u you leave that yem havo nut mil fiieiiila. There aro no peoplo so friemliy und witty ami (.in, le us us tho AnduluHiiins. CosniO l.i.ht.iii. . The Steamer NEUSE will leave on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at-7 p. m., oharp. Mak, ing no stops botween New Berne to tflizrtbetti City. : The Steamer NEW BERNE will nail on Tuesdays ami Fridays at 12 o'clock, noon, making landings rat Oriental, Ocracoke and Itoanoke Islnnd. - ' " 2" Freight received not later llii.n one hour previous to sailing. For further information apply-to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. M.K. Km, Gen. Mgr., , , , ' Norfolk, Va. New Berne, N. C, April 20, 1897. Sit it 'Hi h'a ifw r-imitT Ml III" W"ri i-a ni'iwirii- l.-d lniiiir ;mI ttttr-ihiin an Itiv t ll,'f -VII It l I It 1 K ,i :tr-iiirui any oth.T. y Jutiri al n( Atm-rlca. ti.f ")'iii : -r, pH'y i fimln jr. I 'Vitmk Tour tU H.icMv , litahii'iK U rti til i iiift'-.-r n orfiimL York n-l other litr c n in nvm 1 K'lnM. Ahih.I1 fViitiirn-'f IOWA i-H in ('. -ilmrt t rl. I twy . iy tnn , . Imi-M.i sinl Aninriiit alnnVsi Unmtt. in! rienu, Jlit rinnnimi j'inri n!l it an i ifut imtik'-rw and it.il-,111- el MV I OI'U i ..ii Jn'tniif I k-- t)i .t ly 'Ht Oni.'".1.-r. 1 l.o .)Vrr of t ,iitrril In "AllId rinil AUisi; 1 n i wmfr." ai-J 7'"" '''f'"" i h H-rwriHiirf. 1 It TahUU a u ,.f t , . '1,1 . i 1 1 1 ii ' i 'iii. tui-t- ,-. ; 'i n ' r ' ! I MU X i r.iFlli'if ,. f, , . i , - i,i t- ui i-' 'luK 'I i int.-ir- lijr Dm i'i n V. 'IU. 1 i ,.. clii v i - l ... ..( ni. a.iy. liw, Tcf::n:..iTcv:;iTc3 ' A i .', V ' I , i w-M-kti"wn fl'rHif ::; i c: j, i . lc.vut,and Tradv.Viarka obtained and all fat tdntbutinciaoonductealtir Moocn.TK Tcca. ouaoraiee nOmiinU.S. lTCNTOrrif5 rcmota u-wn WaithinRtoo. vnA mot-L drawing or nnoco.. wim ucw-tiv- Itiou, We attvue, ll patrmai.i. or n, i. ov; enure, Uur tee not aua till patent ac.-tirea, . How to OUain P.ntcnta," lt (out ol aawaln lha U. E. and tuteitfa couotnet xnt tits. , Address, C.A.SHOW&CO. On aTrT Orner, WnaMiMOTon. D. C 4 40 4 2") 4 25 4 15 4 15 4 00 4 00 Tuscarora New Beine Itiverdsle Croa'nn Havebck; Newport Wi'.dwood $4 00 3 45 310 3 00 2 75 2 45 2 40 Price 25 Cents. AT DEALERS ANI1 DRUGGISTS, or sent in quentity of 3 or more packages to any autlnss on receipt ol money, by BY Winklemann & Brown Drug Co., Mole Proprietor. BALTIMORE, KD.. V S. A. SEASON AND SATURDAY NIGHT TICKETS, It-und Trip A. &N. C. Stations to More head City, N. C. ATLANTIC & N. C. ItAlLROAD CO, Passenger Department, New Berne, N. C, May 22ud, 1807, To Aaents A. & N.C. K. It . Snt cial rats of lure ( Seasou 189 ) Round Trip Irom stations mtiiea oeiow io more head City, in meet dune isr, ltsui. STATIONS. 6KA8 N SAT. N10UT, Goldsboro Best's LaGiance Falling Creek Kinston Caswell Diiver Core Creek Tuscarora New Berne Itivcrdalo Croctiin Hsvelock Newport VV ildwooil CS"NOIE 11 00 8 75 3 50 3 25 8 00 3 00 2 75 2 70 2 05 2 03 1 75 1 75 1 00 GO 40 $2 00 1 90 1 80 1 70 1 00 150 140 1 80 1 20 100 90 80 70 40 30 Impoi taut The Saturday nip lit tickets aie ot iron c:aa contract loim Liud must lie finned by passenger using them in all instances, xney are only uonil from Saturday until the following Toe: Jay fiu Unit will not 0J extended. S, Li. .LULL, U. 1'. A. ATLANTIC AND N. C. BAILUOAD. TItrCK TltAIBT No. 212., AH Bail. IN EFFECT SATURDAY, APRIL 24, lb97. Daily Except Sunday . and Friday. SUPPLEMENT TO TIME TABLE NO. 2, OF NOV. 27, 1895 P. M Lcivc New Cero, " Clark', " Tuarora, " Core Creek, " Dover, , " Caswell, " Kinilon, " Falling Creek, ' La Grange, , BeslV; Arrive Goldiboro, !4f. 1 Train will wait Indefinitely at LTuijrora, wben on time, for 212 unless ulliere. ir ordered by train IXupnlcherl The above tiaiu returning, will leayo GoltMioro lor New Bern at 4:00 p. m. ao exiro, uuless otherwise ordered. 8. L. DILL, Kupt. 11:00 A 11:24 11:84 11:52 12:17 12:27 1:22 1:45 2:08 2:30 8:00 M PATENTS V. S. AND FOREIGN PROCURED, EUGENE W. JOHNSON, Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes, 1729 New York Ave., Washington, D. C. Office Established 1808. Charges Mod emte. Correspondence Requested. The Forum. JUNE, 1897. The Trans-Missouri Decision, Geo R Blanclinrd, Commissioner of the Joint Traffic Association. A New Forniof Government, J B Bishop. 1 lie r utility ol me spelling uriml, 11, Dr J M Rice. A Propagator of Paupeiism: the Dis pensary, Dr George F Shrady. Amtncan CiUcavauons lu urecce: ria taia and Eretria, J Gennadius, The Cuse or Captain Dreyfus, "Vindtx" When did Cabot Discover Noith Amer ica? Henry llarrisfe. The Gnevenees of theWest.J II Hyslop Professor of Logic and Ethics, Columbia University. Contemporary American Essayists, Bei jamin W Wells, Protestor of Modern Languages, University of the South. Paul iijurget, letta lilazc tie -tfury. NEW YORK: THE FORUM PUBLISHING CO., Ill Fifth Avenue. 25 Cents a Copy. 83.03 a Year. The United Confederate Veterans. The Seventh Annual Re-Union of the Veterans of the Confederacy Will be held at Nashville, Tenn, June 22 to 24, and for the occasion the W. N. & N. R'r will sell a round triD ticket with a ten day limit for $15.40. Tickets will be on sale June 19, 50, and 21. For particulars apply to agent. O VIA' ' V ixpiaiMO. V ,4TIIAD MARKS, eOPYftlfiHTB Anyrm wnrllnff sketch and dstoiiptlon mmj quickly aatHertavlti, fre, whether an InTentlon li probably patenUbta. Coromanleatlftna atiietlt ooDfldentJaU Oldest ajrenoj forsecuriiif PtnU In America. W bara a WubtnRton oolce. Patients taken through lluna A Co. taoalva paoial notloa in tba SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, braotlfollr lllmtratNl, lanmt etmlatloa ot any aolmitlflo lournal, weeklr, term.SLQU a Mr, 81.S081K montba. Speclmm eoplea and ILAJID Book oil 1'ATMTs sent, free. Address MUNN A CO., 361 Braadwar. Hew York. Webster's "SSrjSKiSr International TZZtfA Dictionary Inualumbl in OMt. V Hckooi, and Horn. WEBST7W9 InnYirmuu I WTERKAT10NAL I Hnprw. t'cut, ike ! 8 eemiMnded by mrf state Boeerlaleadaat ot Acboota. i THK BEST rOR IVIRYBOOY aioawai M to easy to ai Ike ware wasted. It eaajrte aaeartala the pns.sllellia. It Is easy to trace the gniitk at orard. It Is easy te lean what ward anial. O. A C. ME It RIA af ca, PaMiafcara, fiprlmgaeld, JTaaav, V.9.A. ':':::-'-fS A r- It ' . . .. .' Tv -i v & .. . ... r -i S - - . - ' V - ' . .7 " " ' S. .. fr fj ACCt VlCVOll Ilfcvclc in for r r.b ly J. C. . 1 . i a r