THE JOURNAL. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS Munyon. ". . , National Bank Statement O Marks Co A Great Opportunity. Davis' Pharmacy Tooth Brushes. John Suter You're Safe. BVS1NEM LOCAL UPRIGHT Piano in good condition for sale. Apply at thii office. - : - m PER MONTH SALARY. A few energetic ladles and-gehtlemenj wanted .to can vase. The above salary guaranteed. Call or address, W. C. Bost, Davidson, N. C. 8 CENTS Hams, at J. F. Taylor's. FINEST Rochester Beer in the city, on draught at the Palace Saloon, J. F. Tay lor's. : A FULL supply of ice cream salt, at J. F, Taylor's. F. H. Chadwick, merchant Tailor, 101 Middle Btreet. Latest Styles. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Lodge Directory: KUREKA LODGB NO. 7, 1. 0. O. F. : Offi- U.iH.C.Lomwlen, li'c'd. Becty; J. H. Parker, tfr.. Treat. KeiruiarmeeuBKa everv woauay nhrht at & uo o'clock. ATHENIA LOWS MO. 8, K. of P.-Mees ' every Tuesday night In K. ol P. Hall. Middle Street.. F. P. Avery, C. 0.; W. 8. Parsons, v.u.' J. ii. suiuu, k. B. a .; c. u. morn ton, M. of V. JAI.DMET ENCAMPMENT NO. 4, 1. O. O. P. OOlcers : B. 8. Union, V. P. ; J. L. Cooper, H. M. H. Street, 3. W.: N. O. Hughes, J. W.; r.R. Ilynmii, Scribe; B. B. Meal, Treas. Reg- uw nnwiiuviiiciiiM. m u. uu uw, ,it nuy Thursday iilglils in each month at 8:00 V OIUUK CANTON CLEhMONT NO. S, P. M, I. O. O. T, omcers: Oeo. Slovef; Captain; T. G. Hy Dian, Lieut.; P. H. Pelletler, Ensign ; Win. J. Pitts, Clerk; Ed. tierock, Accountant. Reg ular Cantonments, 2d and 4th Thursday lirbts In each month at 8 KM o'clock CKAVBN LODGE NO. 1, KNIGUTS OF HAR MONY: Meets Slid and 4th Wednesday uiglits In each mouth In Rountree's Hall. B. K. Ball, President; J. H. Smith, Secretary. HT. JOHN'S LODGE NO. S, A. F. AND A. M : Ofticers: J. B. Clark, W. M.; T.W. Dewey, S. W.; B. B. Neal, J. W.; T. A. Green, Treasr; George G reen, Hec'ty. Regular Com mnicaucn Id Weunesdav each month. KW BERNB CHAPTER NO. 46, K. A. M. 'Ittrerat T. A. Green, H. P , J. B. Clark, K .C ; T. W. Dewoy, Scribe; Chas. Duffy, Treas.; C. D. Pradham, Sec'ty. Regular convoca tions 2d Mondav each month. BT. JOHN'S COMMANDERY NO. 10, K.T.: Office : H.J. Lovlck, J. C.;J. B.Clark, G.; 8. K. Street, C. G.;l. W. Dewey, Prelate; C. 1. Bradham, Recorder. Regnlai Conclaves Unit and third Friday" ol the month. CHATTAWKA TRIBE NO. 14, IMP. O. K. M Meets the 2nd Sleep of every 7 Suns 1 Monday night, ai K. of P. c'aatle itall, Middle Street, New Bern-, N. C. Visiting Red Meu always welcome. W. II. Parsons, Sachem; J. H. Smith C. ol K; OF LOCAL INTEREST. Keep cool by drinking Duffy's ice cream sods. For a cool, clean kitchen use a vapor stove, no spoke, soot nor order. Sheriff Ilahn yesterday served quo warranto papers cn Copt. J, K. Land, of the cifty police lorce, in behalf of a A. A. Bryan. At a meeting of the school com mittee of the Eighth district, T. A. Oreen was elected chairman and W. V, Lawrence, secretary. Knights of Harmony will hold their regular meeting tonight. A full attendance is desired as busi ness of importance is to come up. Studs and shirt waist sots in end less variety, Lady's neck watch chains at specially low prices for next 10 days at Baxter's the Jew eler. The Sunday school of Ebenezer Presbyterian church, colored, went down to Morehead on an excursion yesterday morning and returned in the evening. Mr. J. L. IlartsBcld, foreman of the Atlantic Co., requests all mem bers that are going to the Tourna ment, and have not got uniform, to get them at once and notify him. A horse attached to a buggy ran down Craven street yesterday after noon. The driver, a young colored man, was thrown out but no serious damage resulted. It is supposed that the horse was frightened by the reel team passing near by. The Atlantio Keel team "moon light" sail on the "Howard" last night was enjoyed by all who were on deck. The fresh cool air on the water was invigor ting after the heat of the day. refreshments were served and the return landing made about 11:30 o'clock. The accident to A'onza- Bryan who was injured Monday by being rnn over by the hose reel, seems to have been more serious than first stated, Mr. Bryan having his elbow fractured, aud small bone in bis leg was splintered. Dr. Da Val Jones attended the injured man. AI Ik WarakHM. The tobacoo warehouse wm under going tome finishing touchet yester day and the last pieces of the floor k:. ..... i. voiv villus, yu. u. The manager's office is situated in the front, next to the drive way, and adjourning thii looking out on the front, Cspt. Paoo, the manager has a room fitted op for himself, which looks cool and comfortable. Ao elevator from the ma'n floor to the basement is expected to ar rive today and will be put in at once. On this elevator the tobacco tracks can be wheeled and lowered , to the basement. ;. Ten ' of these bandy tracks are now on the floor, tbey are queer carved affairi.mads of oak and iron, and light and strong at the same time. The weighing scale is here and will be- placed next to the driveway, about midway of the building. ' v ; -. The first load of tobacco, which was brought in by Amos Miller of Ernnl, is in the basement, and yes terday it was being graded. This is interesting to see for the first time. The tobacco comes in on sticks and first it is taken from these sticks and unloosed, and then it is all picked over and graded , according to color and condition That worked on yesterday was being sorted into four grades. In sorting the leaves they are laid on a semi-circular stand, between upright peg", and as each little pile' accumulates, a worker picks it up and rolls it into a bunch which is laid one side. , Opening day, Friday August Gth. .PERSONAL. Mr. R. C. Cleve, ofVauceboro, is in the city on business. Mr. J. B. Gardner of Maple Cypress, is in the city. Mr- J. 8. Fisher of Riverdale, spent the day in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jones returned home from Raleigh yesterday aftei noon. Rev. Father Edwards left on yes terday's morning train for Rich mond. Mrs. Alice Parsons left last even ing for a visit to Middleton, Hyde county. Messrs. Bender and Bell of Pol locksville. were in the oity on busi ness yesterday. Mr. W. R. Barksdale of Wilming ton, agent for the Standard Oil Co., is in the city. Hon. Chas. M. Babbitt of Bay boro, was in the city yesterday on his way to Morehead. Mrs. C. E. Foy went by yester day's morning train to Scotts Hill to visit for a few days. Mr. W. E. Brown, one of the largest merchants of Yanceboro, was a visitor to our city yesterday. Sheriff F. W. Hargett of Onslow, passed through the city yesterday afternoon on his way to Morehead. Sheriff J. L. Hahn left yesterday afternoon to attend the County Officers' convention at Morehead. Mr. J. C, Hill, who has been doing some boiler work at Dover, returned home yesterday aernoon. Mr. Freeman Ernul, one of Craven county's most prosperous farmers, spent the day in the city yesterday. Mr. Cicero Dickerson, who has been in the city several days on bus iness, left yesterday morning for Kinston. Mrs. B. B. Davenport returned home yesterday afternoon from Seven Springs, where she has been spending n few weeks. Dr. D. H. Abbott of Vandemerv, who hat been spending some time in Raleigh, passed through last night en route to Morehead. Mr. W. II. Chadbonrne, Jr., who has been to New York on official business, arrived home on the A, & N. C, last night. Sheriff John W. Aldridge of Pamlico, was in the city yesterday and left in the afternoon to attend the convention at Morehead. Editor D. W. Whitaker of the Trenton News, and Deputy Sheriff Koonce of Jones county, passed through last night on their way to Morehead. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Disosway and children, who have been visiting at Swansboro returned home on the Wilmington train yesterday after noon. ' i Messrs. J. U. and F. W. Smith, went up to Uoldsboro, yesterday morning to attend the funeral of their mother, . who Hied Monday morning at Chapel It ill, and they returned home in the afternoon. Paaalar, ami Washers. Capt. Charlie Hancock took , the Morehead Flyer down yesterday morning. It teems quite the thing to see Capt. Hancock, who Is now roadmavter, in Golds boro. For many yean he was conductor on the Atlantio Road, and by bit uniform courtesy to the traveling pnblio has made thousands of t riendt. By the way, the Atlantio ' Road t doing a fin basinets, we understand. I be management is doing all it can for the npbnilding of the road. Prosi- ident Hancock it a worker, Goide- boro Argut, 20th. Wits bilious costive, eataascaret Cindy calhartlo,cnre guaranteed, lOo, tSe PRESIDENT McNEILL writes. Oatleak Par H Week's Team meat. A eraat Oeeaalaa aaadoesl ';- Time Par all Wha it, .. : Fayettbtillb, N. ft July 84. Editor Journal: -'.-'";' : -; As President of the Association, it has been my privilege to visit the principal towns and cities in the Stato during the last thirty days, and l ean assure, not only the fire men, but all lovers of competitive excitement and manly sport, that the coming tournament will double in numbers and attendance of all previous events. The entries are un precedented and go far to show the annual increasing interest in Fire Department matteis. Up to this date (ten days before the Association meets), the follow ing entries have been made, by New Berne, two engines, two horse hose wagons and two hand reel teams, by Wilmington, one engine, one horse hose wagon and one hook and lad der truck, by GoldBboro, one hersn hose wagon, by Durham, one horse hose wagon and two hand reel teams, by Oreeneboro, one engine., two horse hose wagons, two hand reel teams and one hook and ladder truck, by Wilson, one hand reel team, by Winston, one engine, one horse hose wagon and one hook and ladder truck, by Salem, one hand reel team, by Salisbury, oue hand reel team, by Charlotte one hand reel team, by Fayetteville, one en gine, one horse hose wagon and two hand reel teams, and from South Carolina, by Florence, one hand reel team, by Sumter, two horse hose wagons and two hand reel teams, with several South Carolina and North Carolina Departments still to ifficially hear from. Nothing like this has ever before been known in our Volunteer ser vice and it will be a revelation to many of our North Carolina peo ple. In addition to the Tournament entries, the Convention is composed of all the white fire companies in the Stato (59), and each company has two delegates and two alternates in that body. Our people are exerting themselves to the utmost to prepare to take care of the visiting firemen and citizens and it goes without saying, that they will do so. Rail road rates are low, one fare for' the round trip and hotel rates are also down in accordance with the times, $1.00 to f 1.50 per day. The Inter State feature is an attractive one and will draw a large numberof our South Carolina neighbors, both fire men and citizens. Fayetteville is prepairing to do her duty as a host and we cordially invite all to come and see the most interesting of all modern competitive exhibitions. Our prize list amounts to about $1, 000.00 and the Tournament will occupy fully two days, Wednesday and Thursday, August 4th and 5th; Tuesday August 3rd is Convention day and devoted to business. Everybody is invited; let every body come. Jas. D, McNeill, Prep. N. 0. S. F. Assn. JIM TYM Bft. Some Poet gay got up to say That the "orioles'' are not in it, But you hear me now and this I'll avow That they cannot help but win it. - The '-Bean Eating" crowd have crowed quite loud But their chirp is groa ing less And a tew more gamas will bury their aims And their name will be Dennis. The "Hublntes" have a load to carry, for "Beans" are notoriously heavy, And when the playing at last Is o'er And the "Oriole Birds" begin to soar Just throw up your cap and begin to roar For the "Birds" on that Pennant will levy. E, B. Wackbarn. New Berne, July 87lti, 1897. Editor Journal: I came from Pitt county in June, and I am now with C. F. Pate, cur ing tobacco. I went np in Pitt on the 22nd of July and came back on the 23rd. I went to Ayden, Pitt county and I tew a good many to- oacco larmert. rne tobacco was good, and they said that they wert going to bring their tobacco to New Berne to seel it, for they know that Capt. Pace would stand by them in good prices, at where ha goes, good prices alwnyr go with him. Ht it one of the best warehousemen in oar State. I also went to CoxvilU Pitt county and a good many farmers laid that tbty wore going to bring their to bacco to New Born to tell It. We invite yon all to come and tell and go horn happy. Yoa bad juit at well bank on good prioet where Capt. Paoe goes, to all come and tee for yourselves. Youn Truly, J, F. IlABBIKOTOtT. TBI ttRIOLES BtEPliT. My dear Reisingheim you're 'way ahead of time, ; ' t -. : . In your gleeful base-ball prediction. The season's not done, and 'twold be great fun,' ' i If your vaunting turned out to be fic tion. ' Remember the grub of the boys from the 1 Hub, f Hakes them, like you, quite windy, Aud it may happen soon, they'll collapse like a b'loon. . ..' And then there will be quite a Shindy, Boston beans wont work, norCincinnatll v Pork, . For nice Epicurean diet,. But "Orioles" game and will get there . the same, - So please wait 'till the end and be quiet, . . ' - : The last laugh is best, so please take a - rest, . ' And don't be so awfully previous. In your hopes take a reef, or you'll come to Brief, ' 1 And that -would, Indeed, be griev ous. ' K B. Waokbubn. White aad Highly Respected. , Editor Journal: V . ' Deae Sib: I see in your paper of the 8th inst., an editorial headed Case of Manslaughter,, in which yon do great injustice to the ' family and friends of S. T. Bright deceased in classing him as a colored man. Mr. Bright was not a negro, bnt on the contrary was a white man, and not only so, but was an honest up right peaceable citizen,' 'and was known as such all through your county, was raised near Vanceboro, lived at Riverdale, and finally came to Adams Creek and married some twenty years ago, where he lived up to tbo time of his death, a quiet peaceable life! He was also known to many of the business men of New j Berne, no was a brother of Mrs. runups oi Arapauoe, ia.nuco county. His body was not buried and ex humed, but was examined by a com petent physician and a jury of Bix ood and lawful men, duly sum moned for the purpose. Gilbert struck him on the tith day of May and he died on the 13th of June and was examined and buried on the 15th. I hope you will make the correc tion in justice to the family, aiid the good people of this community. Very respectfully, E. F. Carhaway, Acting Coroner lor Carteret Co. A Ilonscaold Necessity.,. Cn sea rets Candy Cathartic, the most wonderful me Ileal discovery of the age, pl-asant anil relrtsluug to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver aud bowels, cleansing the entire syHem, dispel colds, curu heartache, fever, habit ual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box ol C. C. C. today. 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to Cure by all 'haggisls. List al Letters. , Remaining in the Post Office nt New Berne, Craven county, N. C. July 10th, 1807: ' HEN'S LISTS. B G N Bray, F- D-. G Martin R Gaulding. H A B Bill Geo Ilobbs. J S. h Jasnas. . L Dave Lacus. H-Sas Runey c o W II Whit. B Esick Staten, Floyd W Stewart, J M Smith, J W Smith. T Sam Thomas. - ladies list. -i B Carrie Bailey, Roaetea Brin; Kiz- zlah Brown. C Fannie Cherry. D Mary J Davis, Anner F. Davics, Rachel Dudley. F Flarnce Frinklin, Etta Fouvllle. , G Julia Gray, Carrie George. , J Rosey Jones, Loisa Jomes, Lena D Jordan, Apey Jollsop,' L-Sarah Loflln. M-Margerct Mackey.MarsilliaMndica. N-Bitlla Nlchel. P Annie E Peyton. '. ' . T Susan Taylcr. ' W-Almlna Willis. Bet tie Weston, Alice White., ' ' . Persons calling for above letters will. please say advertised and give date of list - . .' The regulations now icquire that oue (1) cent shall be eolleoted on the delivery of each advertised tetter. . M. MANLY. P.M. OABTOniA. Whs- ail sX trr , vntfta, ToToacco Crxowoxa ! FOB YOTJil Thermometers 1 Tobacco Twine, CALL ON - tu ir. UTi,i:xx co. Dardwtre and igrlcnllural Implemf n(8, NEW BERNE, N. C. MUNYONa": ly cured by Prof.Munyon through corres pondence who cannot come to h's office. If you are in doubt aboutyour diseasewrite Ari-a-Ta-a-srsi direct to 4 Prof. BY VU.MJiiS Munyon, 1505 MAIL Arch Street P. bilndelphio. Pa., for free medical advice. Munyon's Remedies for sale at all druggists. ; Mostly 35 cents. REPORT OF THE CONDITION NATIONAL BANK, Of New Berne, at New Berne, In the State of North Carolina, at the -' close of Business, July 23d, .. - 187. ' ' , ....RESOURCES Loans and mwjouut?-. ...... ...... IS Overdratt8,securert aud unsecured l.lrt 82 U. 5. Bonds to secure circulation (Fours)..... r Stocks, seearhlea. etc ' 24,217 38 Ba nk ing aouse, furniture and fix- tures.r.... .., 15,000 00 Other Ileal ebtatu and mortgages owned, v........ 27,111 76 Due from Mailoual lianas (not re-. serve Agents) 0,546 14 Due from state Banks and Hiiuk-.' ei-s 12,61)9 f 4 Due from ajiproyed reserve agents . .0IS E5 Checks and oilier casta Hems. ..... II,' 0 M Notes o; oilier National Danks... . . 3,(1)4 00 Fractal. ftl paper curi euoy, nickels . and emits........... 1,000 13 Law.ul Money Keerve u Bank, viz : Specie...... .81,876 00 . Let,al-teader notes.., 10,000 00 CI,S70 00 Bedeuipuou fund witli IjS. Treas urer per cent, ol circulation 1,125 00 Total...... ......... . t S9B.8U0 76 : LIABILITIES;,; Capital stock paid in,.; 100,000 00 Surplus fuud ; 70,000 00 Undivided prollts, less expenses and taxes paki;..; IMrtW National Bank notes outstanding 17.S40 00 Due to otiior National Banks, 8,41.148 Dub to Slate Banks and Bankers, ; !,;! 60 Dlviaends unpaid..... li 00 Individual deposits sab- -, . ' - to deck J117,I84 90 Time certificates of de- . posit,.. 6S,408fii , Certified Cheeks . lei St CasUler's checks -out-UndlngY S8 IS 1KS,SB4 W Totai,...i..V......; tjmo.soa 70 State op Nokh Cmiomna, ... ) County of Craven, ' ' I, O. II. Roberts, Cashier of the above named b mk, do eolemulv sweur tlml the shove sUttimmt is true to the 'xst ol iny knowledge and hi-lii-f. G. II. Roberts, Ciehicr. Sulisenbcd nni sworn to before nio this 27th diiv of July, 1897." ' J"; K. B. Caiibaway. N. P. Correct Alti st : E. If. Bisn l J.- IT. IIackburn, " J no. Dunn, ' Directors. Have One With Us. : It will serve as nn intniduction, and pills aren't nnplcsant things to take. We want your drug trade. We want you to come to us every time you have an ache or pain, or a prescription to lie filled. We want to supply you with big soft sponges, toilet water, perfumcrv anything in our line that you need. We won fry ou to feel that no one else can serve you as well as we, can and you will think so If you will giva tis a chance to do the serving. . . ., Bradham's Pharmacy, YOU'RE SAFE TO HOY At John Suter's Furniture House, For this stor9 keeps up itt Hoes of R and does not permit tbem to run down at this teuton of the year, at roan' others do. r RfYou'H And what yon need, Bndiog It BETTER aud CHEAP ER, and Under Hotel Ckaltawks, New Berae. M. C. . t Carcati,Bft4 TmO-Miirt.-i otMinsnt mnd all i't I cMbuuicMaomlucud.ur rioorTC tin. 1 Our Orfic ! OPfOtiTt U. 8. Ptcnt O-rif t J wi w can id iirtj putt nt u KU tiitt Uwa UwjtK' rnKt Irum WtwhiiifftiaSa Jl iMttd ffxMlel, drmwiiif OT pWft Willi (VcHp ' tUxL U tvlvi, if pair mil ,! or , iTiaM Jwr(. Our feti Drf ttuti till naienl k iitt4. I A amayirt U-rw to Oltm I'riteiitt, W.fh t coA of fttuttaln h Uv tt. and luragB VAUkU ju Mat IrM, AitdreM, n-A-nnovAco. i Of. ptvrrwY Omet, wMiNaTON, O. O j Tooth Brushes'! COMPLETE ASSORTMENT AT Davia' Plinrnir cv SatisfactioD MM Gdiu Wat mmw m U NI I J in i- v - aatC J O fl '.- ft li w. ,r ' S Via OPPORTUNITY. T0X1 don't want to miss this opportunity for gelling . . ; X Shirt Wuists-aod Lawns at the little prices we have placed oii them. It is not often that such a chance presents itself. ' --.. 5v - The balance of our High Cost Waists Waists that were II 00 to $1.75 aro nov 50o. - ; - - . - . , Any 60o Waist that is left you can have at 25o , Don't you think you can afford 2 or 3 extra y Waists when yon can buy 3 for the price of one? - V" " ' ' ; ;'-yv-l- T '-. v V -7.'''" '. fc;:'" "'-:.. Cool Summer Corsets . makes you comfortable this hot weather, 50 cents. V', Ladiea Lisle Hoso, drop stitch 23c; Ladies Black . . . : f lined top 15o; Children's Seamless Stock- . , Ribbed Vests, the 15o quality 10c. , " . ' ; & July 28. YOU CAN STfiETCH A DOLLAR To double its. values, at our estaUishmcat, in the line of Horses, ' Buggies, Ilaroeas, Robes, Whips, Etc. '." 40 IIKAI ' For the farm, road or draft purposos, JUST RECEIVED, to : ' suit the trade, and MUST BJhi SOLI)., - " - A full and complute assortment of Buggies; We represent every ; reputable factory it tho country. A sample of which will b ', fotiud in our repository Harness frnm SSon to 25 oo Per Stt. ' ' Overstocked with spring Lap Robot and Whips will, soil t Cost Price. ' . , ' ' , '. ' ,. Do Not Fall to See us Before Buying. - , ' Respectfully, - , - , " n. iiaiin & co. Prescriptions -LS " ' Compounded aceuratoly and M reasonable prices, by C. D. BRADHAM, Dnifglst Cor. Pollock Middle. . The "Ball" Fruit Jars ! - I- At J. C. WHITTY & C0.S - j. 7 flakes He Smile. IV Itont! I 0 Iter for rent my furtory proiierty, hrU k hiillilino, mi-tul nnif, slrom power 41 to 50 IkhiwbikI nm.'lilncry in fac l(iry. A eihmT (ipuirlni)ily fur a good limn to iinike moiicv. i.t !"':'; i' '""!'. - '2 1 ) wo a ii 9. T. J. TURNER. 1 ..-lJ..- 11 Is Xcid if 1 '. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED ""another Fine Htock of Piirnilure. rnnsiatlns ol Fine Iled-room Bulls, lint Harks, Clilf foneers, Wardrnbra and Sideboards, and lots of oilier Furniture too numerous to mention and will sell chkaP ron Cahii. ORoNTlwa. Ollh'fi tind Knlpsronma 70 and 1 Middle Htrcct New liurne, N. C. Yours Kenpeclfiilly, T.J. TUKNEIt. Thos. Bovden's ; ." New . Quarters Aro now Next to Big Ike's On Middle St. ALL KINDS 0 1-1 .Dbacoiit Bkf.ii, ClOAWS AND ToilAfco. W1I0L1.3ALK, AM) RKTAIL. J " -ivo n n a c .'I i,t ii. y IdMtliiiA --'r yS'Y, 'l-'w- J3