THE JOURNAL. IEW ADTEBTINEMENTN. Bradham Soap.. N, NunnBananas. Bradham We always. Bradham Soda Water trade. McDaniel tt Gaskiil Hams. BCNINEM LWCAL BANANAS 60 cents a bunch. N. Nunn. ALL FOR 91,50 CASH 10 lbs Granu lated Sugar 50c; 10 lbsTure Lard 50c; 10 lbs Very Best Flour 30c. 1 Gallon Best Vinegar 90s. Allkgood Gboceby Co. FOR RENT House with 9 rooms. Wa ter in the kitchen. 89 Pollock street. Apply to Wm. Sultan. 40 PER MONTH SALARY. A few energetic ladles and gentlemen wanted to canvass. Tbeabove salary guaranteed. Call or address, W. C. Bost, Davidson, N. C. UPRIGHT Piano In good condition (or ale. Apply at this office, F. M. Cbadwick, Merchant Tailor, 101 Middle Street. Latest Styles. Satisfac tion guaranteed. , Lodge Directory: GUBEKA LODGE KO. 7,1.0. O. F. : Offi cers: J. L. Cooper, N B-i R.J. DUosway.V. O.iH.C.LuDiBden, lt'o'd. Sec'ty; J. B. Parker, Jr., Treaft. Hegularmeettr.Ks every Monday nlvbt at 8; u6 o'clock. . ATHEN1A LOUOB NO 8, K. of P.-Meets very Tuesday night in K. ot P. Hall, Middle Street. F. 1. Avery, C. 0.; W. 8. Parsons, V. U.' J. H. Smith, K. R. 8.; 0. C. Iborn ton, M. ot V. JAI.JJMET ENCAMPMENT NO. 4, 1. O. O. F. OOlcera : B. 8. Galon. C. P.; J. L. Cooper, H. .: Ji. H. Street, S. W.: N. C. Hughes, J. W.; W.H. Ilytnan, Bcrlbe; B. B. Neal.Treag. Reg ular Eneampments, 1st, 8d. ana 5th (It any) Thursday nights In each month at 8:00 o olock CANTON CLBhrfONT NO. t, P. M , I. O. O. F, Ortlcers: Geo. Slover, Captain; T. G. Hy man, Lieut.; P. H. Pelletier, Bnslgn ; Wm. J. Pitts, Clerk; Ed. tieroclc, Aocountiiiit. Reg ular Cantonments, 2d and 4th Thursday night In each month at 8 KM o'olock". VKAVBN LODGE NO. 1, KNIGHTS OF HAB MONY: Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday ulghts In each mouth in Bountree's Halt 8. K. Bau, President; J. H. Smith, Secretary. BT. JOHN'S LODGE NO. 8, A. F. AND A. M : ClUrerc-J. B. Clark, W. M.; T.W. Dewey, 8. W.; B. B. Neal, J. W.; T. A. Green, Treas.;GeorgeGreen, Bec'ty. Regular Com nunlcatloas Sd Wednesday each month. HKWBKRNB CHAPTER NO. 48, B. A. M. : '(ttcersi T. A. Green, H. P, J. B. Clark, K.C; T. W. Dewey, Scribe; Cbas. Duffy, Tress.; J. D. Bradham, Sec'ty. Regular convoca tions M Mondav each month. BT. JOHN'S COMMANDEBY NO. 10, K.T.: Officers:- H.J. Lovlck, E. C.;J. B.Clark, G.; 8. K. Street, C. G ; 1. w. Dewey, Prelate; C. D. Bradham, Recorder. Kegulai Conolaves Brat and third Fridays ot the month. CIIATTAWKA TRIBE NO. 14, IMP. O. B. M Meets the 2nd Sleep of every 7 Suns Monday nlghll ai K. of P. Castle tall, Middle Street, New Berne, N. C. Visiting Red Men always weloome. W. II. Parsons, Bacbem; J. II. Smith C 01 B; OF LOCAL INTEREST. Ice Cream soda at Duffy's is the drink. Sewing' machine needles of all kinds can be had at Baxters the Jewelers. A meeting of the directors of the Tobacco Warehouse Company is called for this morning. See no tice. The maximum temperature as observed by the Government weather bureau here yesterday was 83 de grees. The many friends of Mr. T. A. Green, will be glad to know that his condition baa so much improved that he was able to sit up for a while yesterday. Studs and shirt waiet sots in end lesi variety, Lady's neck watch chains at specially low prices for next 10 days at Baxter's the Jew eler. The ball which -will be given at the Tobacco Warehouse Friday evening promises to be one of the grandest affairs of the kind held in this city for a long time. All of the young men who have not mado en gagements for tbo occasion are invi ted to meet with Moeari. Bryan and Carraway tonight. Te Aeemaadate rrebaala. The A. & N. C. management, in its efforts to serve the public, has made another move, and one which will be greatly appieciated by the merchants in the southern portion of tne city. The A. & N. C. company have purchased the property corner of Sooth Front and Hancock streets, where the road now has a side track Oa this property a freight shed will ba built and the freight for mar. chants in the south section of New Berns will be sent there. This will prove great convenience to the trade, as the present haul from the A. & N. 0. freight house is a long one. Case. The case of the cook of the schoon er Agnes S. Quillen, against tht mate and deck band of the same vessel, for assault aod battery was based before U. 8. Commissioner T. W, Dewey, yesterday, but oa the evidence do ease could be mads out, and tbe case was dismissed. . OAHTOniA, U a , w Ber' fiala . It seems to be the impression by some of those who have been liberal enough to contribute to the fund for the dinner oa August the 6th the day appointed for the opening of the Tobaooo Warehouse, that said donations entitled the ' donor to dinner. That . la misunderstand ing. The fund is to prepare dinner for the Farmers and their families who will be with ns on that occasion. We are anxious to have the citizens of New Berne participate with, us, and help in the entertainment, bat it mast be patent to all that if the; do so it will be nothing more than right, that they should bring a basket. ' There will be a large crowd pres ent and New Berne must prepare for if. Remember the farmers of Craven and the surrounding counties will be the guests of the citizens of New Berne on that occasion and right royally they should be treated. A committe of ladies will soon wait on our citizens, and solicit baskets for the dinner, which will be under the auspices of this com mittee. If the committee fails to see you just bring a full basket anyway, it will be all right and appreciated. This, of course, does not apply to contributors who have no family. N. H. Street, President. . K. It. Jones, Vice Presidon t Chairman of the Committee. PERSONAL. ' Rev. J, W. Rose of La Orange, is in the city. Dr. Frank Duffy has returned home from- Morehead. Miss Julia Davis left yesterday af ternoon to visit at Beaufort. Capt. E. M. Pace returned from Wilson, yesterday afternoon. Mr. J. J. Baxter returned home from Ocracoke Sunday morning. Mrs.'Wm. II. Hill, of Washington D. C, is visiting relatives in the city. Capt. J. II. Hunter of Have lock, was a visitor to our city yester day. Mr. Clarence Oettingnr of Kin ston, came down last night to visit in the city. Mr. Benson Lane returned to his home at Chapel Hill yesterday morning. Mrs. Alex. Miller arrived on the Wilmington train yesterday after noon to visit in the city. Mayor Wm. - Ellis left yesterday morning to attend the Firemen's Tournament at Fayetteville. Master Lon .Moore and sister, Miss Mary, left yesterday morning to visit at Fayettevillo. Miss Mollie Davis returned home on yesterday's morning train from a visit to friends at Morehead. Mrs. B. G. Credle, who has been visiting at Ocracoke, returned home on the Neuse Sunday morning. Master George Scott, who has been visiting at Pollocksville, re turned home yesterday afternoon. - Mrs. Emily Thomas left on yes terday's evening train to visit her son, Kev. Jr. V. 1 nomas at More- head. Mrs. M. M. Marks and son, who have been spending several weeks at Morehead, returned home yesterday morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Barrington, who hare been visiting relatives in Lenoir county, returned home yes terday afternoon. Miss Lizzie Hancock passed through the city yesterday en route from Morehead to Wilwn. She goes to visit Miss Margaret Hadley. Mr. Chas. W. Roberts, who has been spending a few weeks in the city visiting relatives, left yes terday morning returning to New York. Miss Mamie Simmons, of Raleigh, who has been spending the month of July at the Atlantic, arrived yester day and will be the guest of the Misses 8tevenson for a few days. Dr. J. II. Bentou left yesterday afternoon on the steamer Neuse to attend a meeting of the Southern Dental Associotion at Old Point Comfort, Vs., and will return on Sunday, 8th in it. Among those that left for Fay etteville yesterday morning to at tend the Tonrnameut, besides the Reel Teams and their Managers were, Chief L. J. Taylor, Foreman J. L. HarUfleld of the Atlantic Company, Assistant Foreman A. II Bangert of the New Berne Com pany, Arthur Land, Lobby Moody, Howard Styron, Gay Cox, Joe Mo. Sorley, Geo. 8cheelkr, John Gas- kill, Charlie Hill, Sam Dill, Harry Marks, Sara Bishop, Gulon Dunn, Lather Taylor, Geo. Charltoo, Wm. Smith, Hugh Wood, John Tolson, Oscar and Herbert Draney, Cecil Taylor, Herbert Moore, Jack Crab tree, AHie Cook, Gus Dixon, and Geo, Jones. THEY ARB IN FAYSTTEVELIB. Smre Arrival af Oar wa Caaiaaalea. Weather Warm. Caaveallaa tbls rata at 1 a'eiaek. Letter fram "" Wlla ea Beat. a Special to the Journal. ;, . -.. Fayettevillb, Aug. S.At four forty-five this afternoon the New Berne reel teams arrived here safely. Large crowds met the boys upon their arrival, and a ladies delegation with a band of musio received them. The march was then taken to the respective headquarters. " All the officers of the Association . are here with tbe exception or Treasurer T. A. Green. The Buttons made a jog ran on the track. They oomparo the track with a country road. ' , The New Berne members are the only delegates here yet with the ex ception of one team from Greens boro. The apparatus arrives to-morrow. The Convention will meet at 10 o'clock in the morning. The companies have met with a warm reception. It is dusty and the weather is hot. Wilson, August 2, 2 p. m. Arrived at Wilson at 1:10 with our merry crowd, we are now at the station filling the air with the latest notes, led by Charlie Thorn ton. Large crowds greeted us at Kinston, and viewed our handsome apparatus which caught the eye. Mayor Ellis is an up-to-date chap erpn. Witn his white outing cap and big palmetto fan, with the Borne" colors flying upon his coat, he resembles the original "Bill." ' Every station the boys ask for "ice" to put in the boilers of the engines. They declare if it's not done, the engines are liable to make steam and blow off. 1 We leave at 2:20 and will be in Fayetteville about 4 in the after noon. R. PROGRAMME TODAY;, Itocption of delegates and visiting firemen 11a. m. Convention called to . or der by the President. Prayer. Address of Welcome. Response. Regular order of business. PitOORAMMB TOMORROW. 9 a. m. Street Parade. 11 a. m. Steam Fire Engine con test (quickest run start to finish.) 2 p. m. Hand Reel races. 4 p. m. Grab Reel races. G p. m. QSick Steaming and Dis tance (Engines.) A very large crowd was at the station to see the Ore companies depart for the Tournament, and a large part of the gathering was com posed of ladies. Two extra coaches were added to the train here. The fire apparatus required four cars to convey it, two box cars for the reels and horses, and two flit cars for the engines and bose wagons. The engines and wagons were safely cleated in and roped. - If the many good wishes that fol lowed the boys as the train pulled out will bring them success, they will surely gain it. As the train disappeared from view, a merry group on the rear platform waved good bye. Then friends, mothers, sisters and sweethearts returned to their homes to await with anxiety the result of the struggle. The safe arrival in Fayetteville is told in our dispatch. , lee. A meeting of the officers and di rectors of the New Berne Warehouse Co., is called this morning at 10 o'olock, at tbe office of the Presi dent A full attendance is desired. By order of President. . E. E. Habper, Sect'y. Aug. 3d, 1897. ' List ! Letter. Remaining In the Poet Office at New Berne, Craves county, N. C, Aug. 2d, 1897: MIN't LISTS, U Tbos M Boyd (D.. h. Goo Bryant, C Snml Cbapmsn (D Lj D F D , Henry Durdeo, Joe Dudley. . O-W C Griffin. 1 H Geo B Hopkins. v L Jno L Lambert. M T Mann, Jno Mener, II C Moore. N-Jas II Klxoa. -O Chas T Ogden (8) B-Jno Smith. NuthanU Smith, Millie Stayllng. W-AB Williams LA DIBS LIST. B Mary Bermettc. . P Dellie Aon Chapman, care Wm, Stanly. Henrietta Davit, Harriet Davla, . H Emma J Harris. J Ferglner Junes. L Mary Baa Lain. BLicatxtb BprueL W-Uamle Willis. ' " 7 rerauni calling (or above letters will pleats say advertised and give data of list ' Tlie regulations now tcqtilrt tliat one (1) cent thall be collected on tin delivery of each advertised letter. M. MANLT. ) M A I 1 cunico;isTir.Tio;i 10 25 SO ABSOLUTELY GD1ROTEED &TCVZZZX E praana txmBiecints id. M KKiiinw,ii SECOND WARD MEETING. Mr. H. V, Whttekarat Keeommeaded aa CaaaellmaB ror the Ward. The meeting of tbe Democrats of the second ward to recommend a oouncilman for the ward to be elect ed" tonight by the City Council, was held at the Court House last mgbt. Mr. E. Gerock called tho meeting to order and' named Mr. W. M. Watson as chairman. Mr, James Carraway was elected secretary. "The Chairman stated the object of the meeting. A resolution was Jianded by Mr. Henry Bryan to the Secretary to be read, which named Mr,H. Ov,Whitehurst as a candidate. . . -O Mr. Whitehurst made a few re marks, saying that he bad looked for some other recommendation, but he did not consider that any citizen had a right to refuse, and he thank ed the meeting for the honor. Mr. Gerock made some remarks in closing, after which the meeting adjourned. The resolution was as follows: We the Democrats of tho Second Ward of the City of New Berne do hereby resolve: ! - That, Whereas, the Board of Cuy Councilman' have .requested the Democratic voters of this ward, through their ward committee, to recommend a candiduto to Gil the vacancy in tho Board occasioned by the ' resignation of, Mr. James F. Clark, apd " '.-'::: ' -v Whereas, wo are seoEiblo that only a man whose Democracy is true and untarnished should be recommended to fill su:h an office. be it therefore , Resolved, That wo hereby heartily endorse and recommend our fellow, Democrat and fellow citizen, Ilenry 0. Whitehurst. for the position, and respectfully petition the Honorable Board of Council men to elect -him to fill the vacancy. Merited Beeognlllon. , . In our report of the new organi zation of the Wilmington and New Berne railroad, it is gratifying to note that New Berne is represented in the Board of Directors and the selection of Mr. C. K. Foy as that representative was a well merited recognition of bis services as one of the Chief promoters of this railway line. The new ' Company's interests at this point will be well cared for . by this gentleman and no better or more deserving selection could have been made. t'eualy Comralsaleaers. The board of County Commis sioners held their regular monthly meeting, Monday, August 2nd. Present, Chairman Hill, James A. Bryan, R. Q. Moseley, R. P. Wil liams, E. W. Small wood. G. A. II ill, keeper of Clormont bridge was instruoted to repair said bridge, and ordered to procuie .ma teria,! necessary for came. ' -' " Report County Treasurer Chi B. Ilill was accepted, ' ' Sheriff J. L. Ilahn made report of prisoners confined . in Craven county jail, August 2nd, same ac- oepUd. , , Petition of Dr. L. Duffy was re ferred to Assesrors for valuation. . Craven County bond No. 123, denomination, ISOO purchased for tbe credit ol tne tiuklns fund, was presented to board, and on motion was to be burnt, by Commissioners Bryan and presence of Board, Register of Deeds, Sheriff and County Treasurer. The proposition of J. A. Meadows was accepted, and lease was extend ed for years 1898, J 81)9, in am ml sum of 150.00 which sum was aid to the board. , , Ordered that petition of A. A Smith, fio. 1 toaoship. asking thi privilege ol .listing property, was granted, that the valuation shown on tax list, 130 acres, valued at t2G0 when but 05 acrci, be referred to John A. Jackson fo action, to re port at next meeting of board. Bills of 0. T. Watson were ord ered to be referred to County At torney for investigation. Settlement wilh Sheriff Jyitie wm continuod. - The following were applicants for o(Hce of cotton wolchors, oily of New Berne : W. P. Mott, K. K. Bryan, J. If. Smith, It. C. Kehoe, J. W. Weill' rin;;ton. On tho lall'.t l!;.) i - i't , , IT ITI I A rV-TTB I --5T all ; I L- "-""T DRUGGISTS ! ti .-nicsro, a.onireitu fju., ornw lorK. Snith, 5, Metts 3, Bryan 3, Eehoe 2, Wetherington 2. Smith. Bryan and Metts were de clared eleoted cotton -weighers for city of New Berne for a terra of two years - Board of Assessors made their re port, same ordered to be accepted and reported. , ' 1 , Ordered that assessors be dis charged. " v . Board took, recess to Tuesday morning 10 o'clock. t : 1 Bucklen't Arnica Salves. ' Tub Bkst Salvb in the world for Cut?, Braises, Sores, Ulters,Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coins, anf all Skin.Gruptions, and posit ively cures Piles or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to Hive perfect satisfaction or money rcfuocled. Price 23 cents per box. For sale by F. S.J)uny. THE UNITED STATES r . Fidelity & V. Guaranty Co. Surety npea all Fidelity and ' - Judicial Bond! . HOME OFFICE: BALTIMORE, MD. - Capital, $!)00,000 Stockholders Liability. . . . 000,000 - Total Resources. ...$1,000,000 ' Hon, Frank Brown, President, Gov ernor of Maryland from 18U1 to 1890. -Dik&CTohs: f German H. Hunt, Vico President of the Baltimore Trust and Guarantee Co. Ferdinand C. Latrobo, Mayor of Balti more from 1875 lo 1895. ' . Chas. F. Mayer, President of the BalJ U'nore and Ohm It. It. from 1888 to 18U3. John Q. Adams of Carroll, Adums & Co., boots and shoes. . J. Frank Stipplec of Hodjes Bros.; no tions and white goods, established 1840. . A. G. Uutzlor of Hutzler Uros., 'dry goods and notions. . -'.' - Wm. a. Mutthal, of -Mat that. Ingram & Co., roan u facto rers of tinware. - Frank S. Hamliloton f Uainblcton & Co.. bankers and broker and other prominent business ineu of Baltimore, Maryland Deposit" d wilh (lie treasurer of the State ot Maryland lor tlie stcurity or nil bondholders 30U,UU0. Becomes surety on the bonds of oRiuers and employees ot banks, mercantile houses, railroad, express and telegraph companies, officials of States, cities and counties, and for contractors. Also on bonds of executors, adminis trators, guardians, trustees, ' receivers, assignees, and In attachments and in junction cases and all judicial proceed ings, -' , Accepted by tne mate and united States courts upon judicial bonds of all kinds. Accepted bv the United Slates Govern ment at sole surety on bonds of distillers. collectors of customs and Internal reve nue, guagers, store-keepers, and all other tiovernmont omciais, including poat- mastera.and collectors of'cusloms. For further information apply to . Cnaa. 11. Thomas, "Attorney, .' New Berne, N. C. SOAP sod cvrryihioK 'or the toiltt. tooth and hand bruslins at bard lime price.' Wtr oo'v sell the very beat,. Tins is.tiui of Cola Headache fowdtr" 10; . Brad ham's Drug Store, ' V Cor. Pollock & Middle. Fire Insurance Notice. Mr. George Henderson has this day furchased my Insurance Agency, and most cordially recommend lilm to the favorable consideration of my former patrous. . 8. 11. STREET. New Berne, N. C, )uly 10, 1887. Geo. Henderson, Insurance Agency, All classes of desirablu I'lro Insurance Solicited. All orders will receive prompt atten tion. ' ; None but Drat-class companies repre sented. x FOB FINK . ' H1IUN4 ' Is AH 11 . yi:ai,, jxijtto, i'ox:i?ai;?iaw.: AND Thorinot ?;iaII-lVtl llcvf In !io Vity Go ta SlII'L O'&SO!!,. 8S Middle St. rimtiMS Ji ,r l' y a 1 I COLOATX Cd. , OPPORTUNITY. YOU don't want to miss this Spportunity for. gelling Shirt Waists and Lawns at the little prices we hae . placed on them. It is not often that such a chance .presents ,. itself. pvPwXU The balance of onr High Cost Waists Waists : that were $1.00 to tl.75 are nov 50c. i . : Any 50o Waist that is left you can hove at 25o. Don't you think you can afford 2 or 3 extra ( ' . Waists when you can buy 3 for.the price of one? ., , ; Cool Summer Corsets makes you comfortablfi this hot weatHer, 50 cents. . Ladies Lisle Hose, drop stitch 2oc; Ladies Brack ..?: lined top 15c; Children's Seamless Stock ings, 10c. Ribbed Vests, the 15c quality 10c. : 3 " July 28. ODOD mm. '.tlat' lliliiMililllililililMliliZEO D YOU CAN STRETCH A DOLLAR To double its value?, at our establishment, in (be line of Horses, Boggies, Huriioss, UobeR, Whips, Etc. v 4 1 1 111 I IIOIWi:S AN MUIiESr. ' For the farm, road or draft purposes, JUST ilECEIVED, to -suit the trado. and MUST BE SOLI). . A full and complete assortment of Buggies; we n-prpetiit every , . reputable factory ic tho country, A sumplo of wnich will "be found in our repository . ' Harness from $6.oo to $25.oo Per Set. Overstocked with spring Lip Hobos and Whips will soil Cost Price. : : Do Not Fail to See us Before Buying, . ' Respectfully, ., n. iiAiix t co. v. The"Bair Fruit Jars ! r At J. a WHITTY-& co:s r"M. as 7 Hakes He 5mile. REDUCTION In the Price of HorsforcTs Bread Preparation, 3(5, H 50 o box. ' - 80s 5.00 " YOU SALR BY F. ULRICH'S UROCEKY, , riieneOI. - 40 Kiddle Rt Tor nt ! I ofT.'r fur r liri.-k l,iill.l!n;;i t") to V) Ifii tin j. A L'...., I. .tl t . I " M nt tnf -f:ii:lnry prn,prly, , TiM'tal rinif. 5inin Kwfr iin-I mil' liini ry In fin-. ! tomiy f"r a k 1 . r 1 . 'i,jtvrs;j jri m.i -f z-; T-sjr.c",j i we Always try It EjniI in 1'ie-clpiion filling. Our Pr(wriiiiin d'Curtinent is complete, we have fitted it up nt (treat cot fo t itiva cool i0'ls ai d Ix-Uer etvlre. Y"r I'hts ciuii s on e s will be 11 led netonlii if lo Ins ilns l y C. D. BRADHAH, . - Drlljjgist. TURNER. .Ht"rV-'-':.L. T. J. mm teiiti I H AVE JI NT l!l'.( i:iVKI) niu.d., r Flue Mm k nf l-'in n 1)11 1 rimiiiir . , t film 1', lii.iin Hull,. Hut (.,, , j , ,,.,.. V, II I ' l K HI). I ! I, !.:,,. .. :,. I j lull I ( H'l,. I 1 i I - I I M 1 I I I , : in' i.Hi ii w 'I ; , ,. , ,. . , , . It . s 1 ' ...... I ,