THE JOURNAL. Lodge Directory: BCRCKA LODGB KO. T.I.O, O. F.: Offl- oin:--J. h. Cooper, N O.; B. . Dlaosway.V. H f. Lumsden. U'e'd. Sectv: J. B. Parker, Jr Treat. Hwilarmeetlisii every MoatUy Biirhtat&wo'clocC. ATRESIA LODGB NO. 8, K. of P.-Meeta every Tuesday night la K. 01 P. U all. Middle BlreeK. r. r. A very, u. u.j w. a. nnwiu, V. O.' J. H. Smith, K. K. S.; C. C. Thorn toa.ll.oxy., . . ;ai.dmet sncampmknt no. 4, i. o. o. p. Olncers: B. 8. Uulon. C. P.; J. L. Cooper, H. N. H. Street, 8. W.: !. C. Hughes, J. .; V.U. H)uian, Hertbe; a B. Neal, Treaa. Beg . mat Encampments, 1st, Sit and ton (It any) Tnu.sday ulghls la , each month at 8 KM o clock CANTON CLEbrtONT NO. , P. M, I. a O. P, Officer -Go. Sjover, Captain; T. G. Hy men, Lieut.; P. H. Pelletler, Ensitf n ; Wm. J. Pitia, C'-rk : Ed. Ueroct, Accountant. Heg ular Canloauien., Sd and 4lto Thursday : aiKhta In each mouth at 8 m o'eloek JKAVKN LODGB NO. 1, KNIGHTS OF HAB AUirlY: Sleets Sad and 4th Wednesday , ulKlits In each mouth in Rountree'a Hall. n. n. nau, irtaiaent; 4. a. ttmitn, oeoreiary HT. JOHN'S LODGE NO. 8. A. F. AND A. M Uftlcorai-J. B. Clark, V. M.i T.W.Dewey, n. w.; Ji. li. Heal, J. w.; l. a. ureen, Trea.iGeorgeGreen, Hec'ty. Regular Com tiunlcatluas C I Wednesday each month. Hew BKKNB CHAPTER NO. 4. R. A. M i lncera T. A. Ureen, H. P, J. B. Clara, K.C; T. W. Dewoy. Soribe: Chas. DuftV. Treas.: V. D. Ilrailhatn, Becty. Regular Convoca tions Kt stpnuav eaoa monm. bT. JOHN'S COM1IANDEBY NO. In. K.T. Officers i-H. J. Lovlck, E. 0.;J. ll.C'avk, tt.; ' a. tt. street, c. u.:i. w. never, I'reiate: u. 1. liradhain, Beoorder. Kegulat Conolavea unit ana tuiru rnaave oi tue niomn. . CIIATTAWKA TB1BK NO. 14, IMP. O. H. M Moots the Sn Kleep of every 7 Suns Monday nlKlitJ al K. o I'. Castle Hall, Middle Street, New Heme, "I.e. Visiting Bed Men always welcome w. 11. raruons, bacbeui; J. 11, Smith ColBj , Business Locals. NICE Shaved Beef, at N. Whitpobd'b Mils morning. ALL FOB 91.50 CASH-10 lbsOranu luted Sugar SOc; 10 Ibi Pure Lard 60c; 10 lbs Very Beat Flour 30c. 1 Gallon Bust Vinegar 20e. Ali.ioood Grocery Co. $40 FEB MONTH SALARY. A few energetic ladies and gentlemen wanted to canvass. The above salary guaranteed. Call or address, W. C. Bost, Davidson, N. C F. H. Chadwick, Merchant Tailor, 101 Middle Street, Latest Styles. Satisfac tion guaranteed. NEW ADVEBTINEHENTfl. Bradbam Medicine, Brad ham No Museum, Bradhanv There Is nothing. N. Whitford Shaved Beef. McDaniel & GaskiH Fresh cakes, etc. T OF LOCAL INTEREST. Coca cola ia the health drink. Try Duffy's. Crystals furnished and pnt on your watch for 10c. Baxter the Jeweler. For comfort and economy, use a Vapor Stove. Ho smoke, soot, dust, ashes nor oder, Sewing machine needles of all kinds can be had at Baxter's, the Jeweller. The maximum temperature as observed at the government weath er burean was 85.5 degrees. Two umbrellas were left at Baxter the Jeweller's, yesterday. Owners can have same by proving property. Calnmet Encampment No. 4. I. 0. 0. F. will bold its Regular En campment this Tnnrsday night, at 8 o'clock. M. Ilahn & Co. have received a number of new vehicles by the Str. Nense, which they will offer to the publio in a short time. There was a pleasant change in weather, yesterday, the sultry heat being reduced by showers which foil during the afternoon and night. 1 he glee club met at Baker's corner last night and delighted all the people in the neighborhood for an hour with numerous selections, admirably sung. nrtmw Atfvertlelac Mpae. The Fall season is now here when crops are gathered, marketed , and and the farmer has money to spend. The Journal with iU Daily and two Weekly Editions will be found a splendid medium for local adver tisers this Fall and Winter. Its circulation will be larger than ever, and It will reach a class of readers who come to New Berne to make their purchases. Advertisers should secure space at! once, and not be compelled to pay advanced rates, which are quite probable from present prospects of the increased demand for space in in the Journal. TtaafMSalM, ' Theniual tobacco tale wm held yesterday morning and favorable price were obtained by the shippers. Among the lots told were fonr lots belonging to John M. Ipock of Vanoeboro. The weights and prices were at follows: 49 at 11.60, 81 at 18.60, 136 at 23c, and 40 at 40o, making an average on 303 pounds of 132.75. , A second tale was held at the Warehouse in the afternoon. A consignment from Newport, below bore on the A. & N. 0. railroad was received and sold. The buyer were interested ip this shipment as it came from Dear salt water. One of the buyers expressed himself as much pleased with the condition of the tobacco as it made-him feel se cure in buying tobacco from the section nearest to the coast. , PBBSONAX,. Mr, Ike Triage! left yesterday af ternoon for Harlowe. Mr. W. B. Pigott of Norfolk, it in the city on business. Mr. Frank Howland of Beanfort, came np yesterday morning. Mr. Bryan Gardner of Grifton, was in the city yesterday. Mr. E. C Duncan of Beaufort, spent the day m the city yester day. " Mr. 3. E. Foy returned home from Wilmington yesterday after noon. Mr. 0. II. Wetherington of Tus- carora, was a visitor to our city yes terday. . Dr. Stanley Woolard returned last night from a business trip to Dar lington, S. U. Mr, J. B. Taylor went down to Morehead yesterday afternoon on a short bnsiness trip. Miss Dollie Davis of Beaufort, who has been - visiting in Tarboro, passed through yesterday afternoor, returning borne. ' Dr. Jos. F. Rhom, who has been spending a few weeks at the North, returned home on the Neuse yester day morning. Mr. II. B, Duffy and family left on the steamer JNeuse yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Duffy and children will visit relatives in Norfolk, and Mr. . Duffy goes to New York to purchase his full stock of goods. , ' TPlnynt K.nalan. ' Manager Chas. C. Clurk, Jr., of the New Berne base ball team will take the club to Kinston this morn ing to play two games at that place. Today's game will be this afternoon but the game tomorrow will be played soon enough after dinner for the boys to take the evening train for home. Mr. Clark believes thht the team will play better ball in these two games than it has done during the season. It is easy to be lieve that the New Berne boyt will return victors when it is known that the following-named players will go to Kinston: Person, pitcher; llow land, catcher; Stith, 1st base; Ed, Clark, 2nd base; Hearu, 3rd base; Bryan, short-Btop; Simmons, right field; Jordan, centre field; Bert Roberts, left field; Tom Roberts, substitute. It is to be regretted that Dave Foy is nnable to make the trip as he has long been recognized as one of tho best ball players in North Caro lina. As third baseman for David son college in the early nineties he made a record that few players have attained. At present he it laid np with a strained tendon in the ankle. However nnder the clever treatment of Dr. Jones, who hasput the ankle in plaster of paris casing, he will soon recover and be able to hold down as well as ever his old position on the diamond. Along with the team from here there will go several local enthus iasts to witness the garnet which are expected to be hotly contested. ' DemerMt'a Fer September. Interesting facts concerning the comparative wealth and civic pros perity of New lork and London are given in "The Meaning of Greater New York" in September Demor- est's. Every bicycle novice, whether young or old, will find it a genuine benefit to make a careful study of the facts contained in "Practical Uinta for tho Bicycle Novice" in the September number of Demor- cst's Magazine. The timid beginner will obtain just that needful infor mation her instructor always for gets to give her and which the spends weary weeks in acquiring-. S a beer Iter Pleaaa Basel. When the Daily Joubhal placed its subscription price at one dollar for three months, it was with the express understanding that it was one dollar payable f!T advahce. Ten days are allowed on this, and Sub scribers are respectfully notified that all who let this time expire will be placed on the regular monthly list, 50 cents. The yearly subscription it Four dollars, IV advancb, or Five Dol lars, after tix months have passed, payable at that expiration of time. Tbe Journal espctlally request all subscribers to carelolly note tbe above, and remember that tbe col lector cannot grant any deviation from it, and the Journal furthor asks that no subscriber will seek special favon in this matter. THOSS FALL RACES. Praatatcn are Aaxleaa tm Me Them AaaarM. Seme Streaa- Bellevera in . ttaeeeaaoMhe Projeel. There was a continuation of the talk, yesterday, aa to the project of having Fall races here, and the original promoters of tho scheme feel more certain than ever of the success of such races, if conducted upon proper lines. The purses offered, aggregating 14.000. will prove very attractive and will bring here horses of na tional reputation, and with four days of such racing as is promised, the city would be filled with visitors. In the , matter securing guaran tors, one enthusiast said he would be ene of four or eight to make up tho entire amount wanted. If . this meeting is to be, there should bo immediate action taken', so that it can be fully advertised, and all preparations made in time in order that owners of race horses may be advised of this racing event, and bring their stables here. ' There can be no question of the success of such a meeting, in the crowd it will bring and the interest it will create among local lovers of sport. .... ,. - : POLLOKSVttLB NEWS. Back Pram Central America. Oram mem Are Active. Twa Iteataa. Nleaiurr Howard Kolas; Baalaeaa. , BlcCotten Market. Caareh Meet . iaca Tho Missionary Baptist closed their protracted meeting atPiney Grove last Sunday with nino (!)) accessions. Mr. Aldermnn was as sisted in his services by Rev. Mr. Taylor of Pender. Miss Annie Stimmerman of Wil mington is visiting Miss Nellie Pearce. ' Miss Lyde Weeks of Stella is vis iting Mies Bertaand Fannie Bell of this place. . John E, Gilman, brother of T. E. Gilman, passed through town last week en xoute to Jacksonville to visit bis brother. We were glad to see him again, he left Onslow about 8 or 10 years ago for Central Amer ica where he has spent most of his time Farmers are all very busy saving their fodder. We are glad they are having such fine weather. Drummers still coming every day. We bad 15 or 20 last week. They are doing a good business and they say are taking heavy fall orders in consequence of the prospective good crops. West Provow who lived near Maysville died last Saturday at his residence after only a week's sick ness, He had carbuncle on his side which caused his death. He was an honest hard working farmer, a good citizen, a kind boeband and loving father. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn the sad loss Died at her home near here, Mrs. Sarah Jones, wifo of Mr. John B. Jones, last Monday night August 18th. Mrs. Jonet was a very old lady and had been tick only a few days. Her remains were taken to Uore Creek for interment on Tues day morning. She leaves an aged husband and several children to mourn her loss. Lassiter and Jones of the steamer Howard have thoroughly repaired their warehouse property hero. They are anticipating a heavy freight business this fall. We wish them mnch success for they are very clever and obliging and do their best to please their patrons in all bu lines transactions. Jones county it getting a reputa tion abroad as a great cotton grow ing section and a proof of this fact we will, it It reported have four regular cotton buyers thit season. Alex Sprunt & Son and J, E. Latham bought last year over 5,000 bales. Thit year's crop it expected to reach 7,000 or over. The Hon. N. F. Brown was In our town last Monday on business. A'so Professor John B. Eoonce of Tren ton made hit friendt apd relative! a very pleasant visit tbe same day. Rev. B. U. Melfon, State Evange list of the Christian Church, it home on a vacation. We are glad to havt him again in our midst and hope to have him preach, for ot before he leaves. . ' G. L. Griffin of thit place left for Kinston last Sunday, He will leave Kinston Monday lor pleasure trip to Richmond and other places in Virginia. We wish him a pleasant trip. On next Sunday the 22nd of this month tbe Rev. Mr. Benson the Methodist circuit preacher of this county will begin a series of meet ing! at Ise's Chapel near here. Us OABTOrtIA, Tu fit. will be assisted by Rev's. Crnmpler and Kindell sanctificationists who will bring their tents. Mr. Kindell is now preaching at Shady Grove in this county and, up to last Sunday we beard he had 45 converts and many more professions. ""There is something surely wonderful about these men as the strong as well as the weak fall a victim at their altar. We have heard of those having been converted whom we know to be men of strong . minds and good judg ment. ' - " ; - The True Remedy. W, M. ttepine, ediio:- Tiskilws, III., 'Chief," bvk ''We won't keep bouse without Dr. King's new discovery for con. sumption, coughs and colds. Experiment ti wllh many others, but never got the true remedy umil we used Dr. King's new discovery. No other rt medy can take it place in our home, as in it ' we have a certain nnd sure cure for cough, colds, w Looping cough, etc.'' It is idle tn ex peiiment with other remedies, even if they are urged on you as just ns 'good as Dr Kind's new discovery. They are not ss good, because (bit remedy bag a record of cures snd besides is cuaianteed. It never fall tn satisiy. Trial bottles free at F. S. Duffy's drug store. . 4 THE PEOPLE or QUINEBLT. Thine Wha Are Cenatae AaS Clalasr. Tebaeee . VarlntT Plna Cattea Crap. : L. J, Chapman, L. 0. Dawson, and J. R. Harvey, left Friday morn ing for Baltimore, and other North-' ern cities to buy their fall stock of goods. Misses Bessie and Maggie Tucker of your city, who have been visiting relatives in this vicinity returned home last Wednesday. . , Miss Lissie Smith of Trenton, Jones county, is visiting Mrs. L. J. Chapman. '",; -i:-:-' Joe Harvey and sister Miss Bessie Harvey ot Vanoeboro spent Satur day night and Sunday in the wil lage. ' 't vV Miss Alice Ball of Raleigh, is vis iting Mrs. Allen Johnson near here, -v" ' H. H. House of BelJair is visiting friendt and relative! in and around town. ' , , ' Miss Mabel Kilpatrick is spend ing a few days in Lenoir county vis iting friends. ' Miss Salhe Tucker spent Inst week at Coxville visiting friends. Mist Maggio -Dawson of Maple Cypress is visiting Miss Annie Brookt. W. H. Kilpatrick made a business trip to Kinston Friday and returned the same day. 'J W. U. House and Joseph May at tended a picnio at Fort Barnwell Saturday, and report a very nice time. .The farmers in thit section are very busy curing tobacco, tome of them are making very good enres while others are not doing so well, the crops are generally very good, Tbe cotton crop is better than it has been in several yean. Miss Maggie Pittman of Grifton it visiting Miss Maggie Laughing house. : Catarrh Canaet Be Cared. with Local Applications, as they cannot reach tbe scot of tbe direue. (Juurth it a blood or coDttitutloaa'. disease, sod in orcer to curs it you mutt take Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taker, iuierunlly, sad sets dincPy on the blood sail mucous tutfacra. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It wis pre scribed by one ot tbn len ' physicians In this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of lbs best ionics known, combmeil with tbe liett blood punriers, actlxg directly tbe mucous surtacua, Tbe perfect combination of the two ingredients is what products such wondertul remit In curing Catarrh. Send for teeili,.oniaia, f'ee. F. J. Chiniv & Co., From., Toledo, 0. Hold by dnigguita, price 73c. llall' Family Fill are tbo best. COTE ITEMS. Mist Uattte White left Sunday to visit friendt and relatival at Bel lair. ' S. D. and C. J. White went to Dover Sunday and returned the same day. J. N, Charlton went to Morehead Thursday and returned Friday. Mrs. W. W. Porter of Perfection and Mist Carrie Arnqld of Bui lair were In Cove Monday. ' Mist Alice Taylor who hat been visiting friendt in Beaufort, came home last week. Mist Fannie Smith of Kinston is Visiting friendt in Cove. Misses Bettie Porter and Jeva Prescott of Perieclion and Mr. Cecil Taylor of Belluir were the guests of Mist Alice Taylor lost Friday. Stea't Teaaeae apmaad ameke Tear Lira Aarajr If you wint 10 quit lobacco ut!rgewlly and forever, b made well, alrehz, nm;; no lle, full of new life anil vigor rak 'o-To-Bue, the wooder-worker that make weak men iirnog. tlany pain ten poundi la twi dJ. Orer 4'9,OOQ cured. linj NoTo-!lc from your ewo ilnij';;!t,lio will gnnutf a cure. r,.,ol i, t ami ,,,. rb-JiiV,ll';!ri. Ad. t'vr'iiig lU-i n'.y Co., Clin '.: ot i w I'm t. STOCZ20LEXES SPECIAL TRAIN Per Hlorkbolrtera and l heir Immedi ate Families, frara Geldebara ta Merehead Clip and Hetnrn. Tnea- aay, Aafnat t4ta, 18. Xhis train will be run free to Stockholders of record and their immediate families as above. Schedule: Leave Goldsboro 7:20 a m., leave New Berne 9:40 a. to. arrive Morehead City, 10:52 a. m Returning leave Morehead City, 5:00 p. ra. ': ":":; " Note that thit company's con struction of Stockholders immediute family consists of husband and wife and children, and snch others of his household who domicile with him unuer nis own. roof and who are dependent upon him lorsuDDort. Stockholders East of New Berne will be permitted-to, take thereenlar passenger tram on the above date Aug. 24tb) if they so desire for one continuous passage to Goldsboro and return. - ''.'::y''i,:."': , ' r.J No passes will be required, as the conductors will be furnished with a list of all stockholders of record. This schedule of special train is for information of the Stockholders and not for train men, as this train will run by telegraphic ordors and will have no rights over regular trains unless so ordered by the train des patches By order of the President, ' S. L. Dill, , , Superintendent. There is Nothing lit the World that will null tbe thermom eter down go far as aglnsaof pure, spark- line, delicious soda. It lotrenlieu won derfully etimulates the brain cools the olonil. liooo at all seasons or I no year. but cspeciul'y good juat now Helps rii. gestion, too. It isn't oflen that you may take medicine iu such an agreeable form. Bradham's Drug Store, ? Cor. Pollock 4 Middle. THE UNITED STATES Fidelity & ' Guaranty Co. Surety opoa all Fidolitjr and . Judicial Bonds, HOME OFFICE: BALTIMORE, MD. Capital,.... .500,000 Stockholders Liability,. . 000,000 , Total Resources, ...$1,000,000 Hon, Frank Brown, President, Gov ernor ot Maryland from 1891 to lttltt. : Directocsi German II, Hunt, Vice President of the Baltimore Trust and Guarantee Co. Ferdinand C. Lalrohe, ilayor of Haiti more front 1675 to 1893. Chas. F. Mayer, President of tho Ital tlnwre and Ohio It. R. from 18Hto 1805. John (j. Adams of Carroll, Adams & Co., boot and shoes. J. Frank Hupplee of Hodges Hro., no tions and white goods, established 1K40. A. O. Hutzier of Huuler Hro., dry goods and notions. Wm. H. MaUhal, ot Mattlml. Ingram A Co., manufacturers of tinware. Frank 8. Jlambleton of Hombleton & Co., bankers nnd broker, and other prominent business men of liullimore, Maryland. '- Deposited with the treasurer of the Stata of Maryland for the security of ail DonunoMprs vaKi.uou. Become sure y on tbe bonds of olTloem and employee of banks, mercantile houses, railroad, express and teleirraph companies, officials of States, cities and oounlie, and for contractor. Also on bond of executor, adm'nis tratore, guardian, trustee, receiver, nuignees, and In attachment and in junction cases and all judicial proceed ing. Accepted by the 6tate and United State court upon judicial bond of all kind. Accepted by the United States Govern ment a aole surely on bond of distiller, collector of customs and Internal reve nue, guogers, store-keejM rs. and all other Government olllclals. Including poet masters, and collector of custom. For further Information apply to . Ciiaft. It. Tlioinn, ' Attertey, New Berne, N. C. , I t Sf D Tobacco Varcliouso. Cto Be Secured it tbe t i7Mcrcliants slmiilij arrmue to advertise tlioir gocxls wln'io tho to barro farmers will be f ninl. For terms nl f; i s; .'f i.t .1111: i&SS, mi IW J AAIA I VI V1KJ11I a r tr-v t j 25 , 50 ' ABSOLUTELY GDARAHTEED K?ZZ'Ktt! ELI fie anil hwihM rrm. Ai. STKItl.INfl ItKMKIlY CO., Chlf.iro, MintrMl.Cn.,orNwlirk. -. Vl -a 111 II I ...v.. . We have now on 25 head Horses anil Mnloa which innst be dinnnscil of within the coniint 15 days to make room for two car JhhiIh nf.. Kentnoky,. West Virginia and Tentietsen Horses and Mules; this stook miHt ImhoM regard less of price, and whoever comes the earliest aio . the onu-j to (iortve tho greatest ajvantago of tho sacrifice. ' VVe also have on hand the. finest assortment of IlnrneRs, Buggies, (all makes and descriptions) ulul wagons evei shown in 1'jiHterii Carolina which wo will sell on an exceedingly low intirgin for caili or good nego tiable paper. : ; , " ' . - Sloan's Medicines for all diseases and ailments of horse or man constantly on hand. : , , , We respectfully wish inspection fooling assured wo can save you money and give satisfaction. - . . TI. 1IU5JV & CO. Payable at Once. SCHEDULE B TAX Is due and pny. able now. . I have a list of every one and shall proceed to collect. Those who owe will save trouble by paying at once, JOSEPH L. IUIIN, i, ' Sheriff. This Pharmacy . ' is no Museum V but tw,i article we sell work wonders: 1 Bra Di' A M S Oouon IIaMam, S5c.. and Cola Hkadaciib PownRaa, 10c, Your inoiipv will be refunded If vnu are not cured. Nothing fairer can be offered. C. D. BRADHAfl, Druggist. The "Ball" Fruit Jars ! At J. C. WHITTY & CO.'S --,rr,' . . l.i li Hakes He Smile. FOR SALE, One r() II. P, Lumber ami Miinie Mill, Good IiOeation. l'uil and watc transportation. Terms fanjr. I'or fnrtlier infonnntion pply to .!(,)! IN' Z. BIlOOKit, I'r' prlrN.r i',i,U-n I.t: ri.l.rr a'; 1 . V ' ri.". ( . f .-rr i rvri ALL DRUGCI5T3 hand It's only a few days nw be fore New Fall and Winter", fiends will begin to arrive, and these few days will lie devoted to get ling rid of all Summer Goods, rs posithely no wash goodn will be carried from season to season, A few Vine Sblrt Wnisis left, were $1.00 to $1.25 now 50c. These have detachable col lars and are made in latest stjle." iiAHitr,.i it ....., ...J I n ... n Dcuuumi nun ricu u, nas IOC, DOW Sc. .Your choice of any of the 15c and 12 je Organdies are now 7c. Angn$t 13. ; NEWCItOF! RUTABAGAS AND TUBNIPS Bent Vnrl;llcf! lure NtraliiM ! They hao proven satisfactory many seasons. You have purchased from me. Tho planting season is npon us, cousult your interests, bny su'ui. Also to arrive In time for fall planting, Cabbage Seed Jersey Wakefield, All Seasons, Drumhead, Flat Dutch, otc; Peas, Beans, Etc Romnniber the old spot, Forget it you should lint, . Brick Storo, Near Markot Dock. JVF. New rcmev N. 0. ! i7 Orders by nmil promptly filled. Tor i: ::t ! I nfTiT fur n nt n.y f.u t ny j.t , bri' k !. I:r. 1, 111!-' , I ri .f. ' ' i I - -S i t'i ' ) I, .i '!, rii,d I, '. i .. , ii !..,iy, A r - 1 ' m.'v ? r li Seeds uuuuu

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