VOL. XVI- NO, 49. NEW BERNE,' N. C, FRIDAY HORNING, AUGUST 27, 1897. ESTABLISHED MB2. We Desire to INCREASE OUR " " " ' SALES of ' ' High-grade . . Roasted Coffee. To do this we havo REDUCED THE PRICE of oar 30o Roasted Coffee to 25o per poand. All who have tried it know that there is no coffee sold in the city forjhe price equal to it in strength and flavor. Our pros ent 30c Coffee is a blend of the very highest quality of Old Government Java and Mocha, put op in air-tight cartoons of 1 pound net, Ground to . ordor. , . ' "'- Hait i Hill 71 Broad St., If you want any Canned Goods i come to ns. We aro very par ticular about that part of our stock. We do not claiin that wo carry the largest stock of ciunod goods of anyone in the city, but we do claim that we carry , the best and freshest. Isn't that the kind you want? : And REMEMBER that ' -for the " VL.l Ofl Dunn I 1Mb uu uayi: I will SELL GOODS LOWER (ban ever before. - obacco and Snuff, -Sugar and Coffee, ; 1 Cheese and Butter, Meat and Lard, Meal and Flour, and in fact anything you neod in the Grooery Lino. Come and Seo for yourself, then you will be convinced that you an gft TI1K BEST GOODS FOR TlIK . LEAST MONEY of any pluce in the city. . .'. Respectfully,' ,, '.. JOHN DUNN, Pollock Street. NEW BERNE, N. ' C. PROFESSIONAL, F. M. Simmons, A. D. Ward Klmmons & Ward, ATTORNEYS aid COUNSELORS at 1AW. NEW B8UNB, C. araol f In tho eonntit of ('raven. Dnnlln. Jim,., mlnw, CartiM'ol nntl 1'aiuUoo; la a .uirr m a. s Hi.H.k Praae aUrast lltMll llvlsft 4 uutwka. 1MI. IVlIeller, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Middle Street, I.arrjers Brick Uulldlnj. Will IvrtiMtr li? tlm ('onnft, nl CraTMl I H'fi'l.'t. Jmi.', t'n.lfiw fiMfl I ftiiilHMI. U.M. ( .-nil m Ni-w J.urnu himI huiiui Court of 10 1( I' IN V. t . . . a . V 4 j 4 . a , . 4 . . 4, w ' ! Wholesale A Retail Grocers JTEW BEM, ST. C. Baigains I At Allcgood'B Grocery, lo-iDArs FOR HPOT CASH I WILL SELL 10 lbs Granulated Sugar, (Fraukltn Refinery) medium tine 65c 16 lbs Squire's Pure Lard 55c S lbs Arbucklu's Roasted Coffee, ... 05c Good Green Conee 10c Very nice green coffee 15o Mess pork, by the round1 So lb, blI,',$9.A0 Short backs per lb 5c, 100 pounds. . 4.A0 Very best rib side per pound Be Good flour per pound... 2)c Very best flour per pound tic Meut per peck 15c Ginger soaps per pound 5c Very best red "c" oil per gnllon. . . 13c 5 gallons red "o" 65c 3 cans best tomatoes 20c 3 cans best corn 20c 8 cans best pork and beans. 20c 8 cans best pie peaches 20c 8 cans beat table peaches 25c Very best light syrup per quart. . . 7c Apple vinegar-4 years old per qt. .. 6c Railroad baking powder.small size, 4c . " , " large size, 8c 1 lo can beef 12c Ueinz's baked beans with tomato sauce, 1 lb can. , .- , . '8c 8 lb can.... 12c 4 lb can l?c 3 quart tin buckets 5c 4 quart tin, buckets 10c 18 boxes coast matches, 100s 10c Defendor soap, 2 bare for 5c Very best English cured shoulders, 7 & 8c Heine's Keystone Ketchup, Pepper Sauce and Sweet Pickles cheaper than the cheapest Allegood Grocery Co., . - ' 78 Kiddle Street. - i BRANCH OFFICE HISiiSBrtCo. HankerM and llrokcra. Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, tiraln, ' . i f - : y Provision! Bought and sold for cash or on margin c one per cent. In lots from f20 up. Over Brailham's Drug Store. Phone 43, t9National Bank References. tyOoostant Quotations. A. O. NEWBERRY, ,, . Manager, f P v and GAS jff FITTING. When yon need anything In this lin REMEMBER there Is another Plum ber In town, ' Give II Im n Call. tyYou dont have to pay for your work until you are Satisfied that It is all right Dire him a chance anyway, (. Respectfully, H. 15. VARKEIt, 80A41 Craven Bl., New Beknc N. C. Firo Insurance Notice. Mr. flwrpie ricndcraon has this day fiiirchaned my Iniuranca Agency, and 1 mcMt cordially rncommend III in to the favorable coimiilenilion of my former patrons. H. R. bTREtT. ' New Heme, N. C, July 10, 1897. Geo. Henderson, Insurance Agency, All rl anwg of Ji -4Hii!;!c J'iio Insurance -..in ;!.!. A 'I in! w .!! rMV(! .rmnjit allin- 11 Claims Power to Remove SRail- jcail Commissioners. "Me too" Marlon Butler Sides with Uoyernor. Brodie to Hang. 0. F. li Y. Y. Case. Board Edu cation Meets. Tobacco Injured, labor Bay. : , " Journal Bubbao, 'i Raleigh, N. C, August 28. Governor Russell on yesterday took charge of the Railroad Commissioners to the extent that he writes Malor J. W. Wilson, chairman of the Commissioners (Democrat) and to Commissioner 8. U. Wilson (Populist) calling them to show cause in writing, before September 1, why they should not be removed from office. The letter states that he (Russell) has the power to remove from office any Railroad Commissioner who shall be the holder of "any stock or bond of any rail road company, or be the agent or em ployee of any such company, or in case any one of them shall be disqualified to act." The Governor then gives out the same old story of the joint ownership of Col. A.B. Andrews and Major Wilson of Round Knob Hotel, and of Mr. S. Otho Wilson as manager. Senator" Butler says of this matter that the Governor has done exactly right That these two commissioners use free passes and ask for passes for their families. lie ends 'his comments by Euying that his editorial is one of the most painful duties he ever had to per form. Both Maj. Wilson and Mr. Otho Wilson are out "of the city so that they have not as yet been heard from. Brodie, whoisto.be hung on Wed nesday at Henderson, for assault has written to the Governor for mercy but of course no mercy will be shown him. Judge Simonton IT. S. Judge has de cided to hear the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley R. R. case at Asheville September 2nd. Secretary of State Thompson has found a very valuable book containing a complete record of all meetings of the Quakers in Pasquotank county from May 1G99 to October 1785. The book has 1,000 pages. It will be rebound and sent to the State Library. Private Secretary Alexander . of the Executive office wiU probably resign the position and settle iu Winston as law partner of District Attorney Holton. Professor J. J. Britt who was recently elected assistant professor of mathe matics for the Agricultural and Mechani cal college bas resigned. The Euphrosyne club opens the season tonight by giving a handsome gcrman in the club rooms. . The Norfolk and Western yesterday, paid the Stato Treasurer the taxes due which amounted to f 1,409.66. : The news of the death of Mrs. Edmund Jones of Lenoir was received here yes terday. Mrs. Jones was Miss Eugenia Lewis of this city and a daughter of the late Maj. A. M. Lewis. Mrs. Jones has many friends here who heard other death with sorrow. Or, R, IL Lewis who Is so well known all over the State as a fine oculist is thinking of moving his family to his country home a few miles from the city. Dr. Lewis Is a great believer In beautify ing his property and his home here Is one ef the loveliest In this place. Be will keep his office here and attend to bis profession regularly. The State Board of Education met to day lo consider the question of appro priating $75,000 of funds bclongiog to the board, tojho public schools of tho State. The total amount of funds available Is 1198,444.68. The Railroad Con mission was to have met in special session September 1, but since Governor Russell bas cited part of the Commissioners to appear before him that day, there can be no session. . If there should be a vacancy in the Com mission, Mr, John Graham, of . Ridge' way will be put in, Walter Clark will probably be the other man. It is said that ball In Halifax County a few days aeo seriously ' Injured the to bacco crop. Two cases of tuberculosis In cattle are reported in Greensboro. Labor Day is not kept In this State a all, but It may yet fall into line. It Is said the capital will be closed on the first Monday In September the Ith which Is Labor Day. Unlm (time Ubwsn. , PiTthburo, Pa., August 25. The camp of colored railroad laborer! at Unity, near )the striking miners' camp at Plum Creek which kaa a record for lawlessness une qualled In this Stale, Is to be broken up by the railroad company. During the past month there have been several murders and a score or more shooting scrapes at the camp, in which many of the colored men were Injured. Last night three men were shot, and four were dangerously wounded. C ASTORIA For Infants and Children. A PRESIDENT EOXlft- Au Aasaaala'a Him Mlrlkea i fTrafaar'a . IiHallic. laMrat Death. - . ' Montevideo, August 25. During a National fete which was held here to day, President J. Idiarte Borda was shot and killed by an assassin. : The assassination of the President oc curred aa he was leaving the Cathedral, where the Te Deum had been sung. President Borda died almost Immediate ly after he was shot. The assassin. a youth named Arredonda was ar rested. 1 Senor Cuestos, President of the Senate, has assumed the Presidency of tte Re public, ad interim.' . . Senor Idiarte Borda was elected Pres ident of Uruguay, for the term extend ing from March, 1894, to 18B8. The fete at which he was assassinated was being held in celebration of the independence! of Uruguay, which was achieved on Au gust 25, 1825. At the time of Senor Borda's election he belonged to the official party, and was elected by a very narrow majority. The people, it was said, were sadly dis appointed at the result, but order and quiet was maintained. The leading pa pers of Uruguay deplored the election of Senor Borda and declared that it marked a reaction in the country's progress. The murdered President was probably 50 years of age; he was married and had a family, and also had a brother who is an officer in the Uruguay army. He was a candidate of several parties, but so far as known hu was not identi fied with any party of the people, and his election was said to be distasteful to the more advanced element of the peo ple. 'It would not be surprising," said one diplomat speaking of the affair tonight, If the murderer belonged to the So cialists or Anarchists. There are a num ber of societies of Socialists in Uruguay. Many of these classes are sent out of their native countries and come to Uru guay, where they continue the propa ganda of their ideas." BASE BALL altonal Leagae dance Played Tea, lerdar. Special to Journal. New York, August 26 New York, 19; Chicago, 0. Bhooki.yn, August 26 Brooklyn, 8; Louisville, 16. Baltimore, August 26 Baltimore, 8; Cincinnati, 2. Boston, August 26 Cleveland, 7; Boston, 1. Washington, Aunust 26 Washington, 6; St Louis, 1. Philadelphia, August 26 Pittsburg, 4; Philadelphia, 8. Wnere They flay Toaar. Cincinnati at Baltimore, Cleveland at Boston. Louisville at Brooklyn. Chicago at New York. Pittsburg at Philadelphia, St Louis at Washington, nOW TnE 0LCB8 STAND. Won Lost P. C. Boston 73 83 .686 Baltimore 67 83 .677 Cincinnati 63 86 .683 New York ' 63 87 .627 Cleveland 58 47 .530 Chicago 49 56 .466 Louisville 46 60 .484 Philadelphia 47 69 .483 Pittsburg 44 58 .481 Brooklyn 44 59 .437 Washington 43 60 .411 St Louis 37 78 .357 TBI BLUUCBT. Yesterday's market quotations furnish ed by H. W, Bllsby fc Co. Commission Brokers, ; , . - New Yobk, August 36, STOCKS. Open. High. Low. Cloee Am. Sugar, 148 148 147 148 Chicago Gas...., 103 101 102 103) C.B.4Q. ..... 96 36 -96 8 Jersey Central,... 95 99 95 36 Bt Paul.... 93 94 93) 98 1 , f ' ' COTTON. ; Open. High. Low. Close Sept 7J 7 48" 7.85 7.87 October 7.08 7.14 7.04 7.07 " CHICAGO MARKETS. Wheat . Open. High. Low. Cloee Dee 94 95 98, 98 Cork Deo ... 88-821 S&t 2 U Meat Pork. Bept.... 900 9.00 8.90 8,90 Cotton Bales 186,000 Bale, Te ri Prlee ef alley etc TiMat, : Loanon, August 35. Tha Jamas Ga zette till afternooa saya that an agree ment has been reached between the lead' Ing bicycle tubemskersof Birmingham and America, no one which by will M supplied nader a fixed price, Tha or ganizers claim that every tubemaker will be compelled to join. . Wkaat Paylaf Herts-aae la ataaieae GeeaT Bsnb, Ksb-, August 35. The eounty recorder has reported the release of over 00,000 In chattel and real estate mortgagee since August 1, and half of the wheat crop her has sot bee ihrnxhed. It Is predicted that by the new year the people of this county will lie In lniu-r flnnwlnl condition than ever iff! mim Absolutely Pure Celebrated for Hi great leavening nnvu Mi BBU UVBISUIUlUCPDi ABaUIVfl 1 IVlwl flrtnerr alum nA all ffnwma it addl- ' WU BgBlUOl BlUUJ BBUU 01 IUI IUD Ul OUUI' teration common to the cheap brands. ROYAL BAKING POWDER- CO., New York. OVR COAST DBFENSB. The Artillery Will Have la ke Cenald erabljr Increased. Washington, D. 0., August 25. The appointment of the Special Artillery Board by the War Department Is a step of greater importance than has been ap preciated, for it means that the extensive system of coast defences is now ap proaching a stage when the artillery will have to be very considerably increased in order to provide proper garrisons for the preservation and employment of the sea coast armament and material. The Board's work will be to determine just how many truops will be required at the new fortifications, the extent of the barrack accommodations, what barracks are now available at some of the posts, but not occupied ; the water transporta tion needed in maintaining proper com munication between the detached bat teries, and the quantity of land required for the erection of entirely new garri sons. Armenlnaa Tortured. Pabis, Aug. 25. The Petite Reimb- lique today publishes a dispatch from Constantinople which ssys: "The pris ons are crowded with Armenians and Turkish liberals who have been arrested on suspicion. On Sunday Inst eighty of these prisoners were placed in the sub terranean dungeons of Calatu. 'The Armenian who exploded a bomb in the Turkish government offices has been tortured aDd whipped until he was covered with blood and the soles of his feet have been burned. Yet he refused to confess. POWERS STILL DIFFER. Earepeaa CaalaetsTake Vp the Mea;o, Clalleaa far Peaee Between Tarkey aaa Greece. Constantinople, August 25 The ques tion of the peace settlement between Greece and Turkey has now passed out of the hands of the ambassadors of the powers and has become the subject of negotiations direct between the European cabinets. Germany objects to the Marquis of Salisbury's proposal that Grecece should be asked to state precisely what means she possesses for paying the in demnity and insists upon the signature of the peace preliminaries is already framed. Austria partly shares Germany's Views and Italy will adhere to Germany's policy if the powers agree upon it. Russia and France are inclined to support the Marquis of Salisbury. Tewfik Pasha, the Turk lull minister for foreign affairs, called at the foreign embassies yesterday in order to urge the necessity of hastening the settlement of the conditions of peace. ToToacco Ca-ioweis I FOR YOUE Thermometers 21 Tobacco Twine, CALL ON la, IT. CUTJYEIt CO. Hardwire and Agricultural Implements , NEW BERNE, - N. 0. This Pharmacy U no MuHom lw..A aa. aafA.W ass Anla sbm mil Iwv Mr;ioai wc swisi wvia wuiiudibi BaADHAM'a Oouan Balsam, S5o., and Com Headache Powder, 10c. Your money will be refunded if you are not cured. Nothing fairer oaa be offered, i C D. BRADMArt, DrnggleU 1 1 "7 !l mm, Ik to Give Our Patrons at Every Price the BEST Ml To be Obtained. WE ARE OFFERING Goods at REMARKABLY LOW fig ures and QUALITY HAS NOT been lowered. Best Elgin Butter - 20c. lb. Best Rio Coffee, "S 12c. lb. No Store in this city makes the preparation, takes the 2: pains, gives the VALUE, and Z guarantees the satisfaction 5 as we do. t 2: ty S: S; An inspection ot our Stock and Facilities will convince S; that "It pays to trade at 5- J THE FREE EXHIBIIH I OF COOKIXC4 OX Till: "Vapor Stoves! Has been a Great Success and has attracted many Hiulreil intercHtnl visitors. The exhibition of VAPOR.STOVES still continues at tho follow ing places: L. II. Cutlor & Co. Slover Hardware Compunv. K. W. Smallwood, Turner Hardware and Furniture Cotnpuny. Do not fail to call and select a stove for yor.r own uso. It will ho a boon to your Iiousohold. A postal card to any of above firms will bring a representative to your home to explain the stove and its use. YOU'RE SAFE TO BUY At John Suter's Furniture House, For this store keeps np Its lines of FURNITURE, and dooa not permit them to ran down at thia Mason of the year, at many others do. rvf"Yon'H And what yon need, finding it BETTER and CHEAP ER, and - at1 Un4er Hotel Claltawka, New Berne, N. C. WyWk 0U1U110 ESI 5? "5 2 2- -STEAMERS- East Carolina Dispatch Line -AND- i 11)100 FREIGHT & PASSKNGEU. For All FolntM North. The Steamer NETJSE Commencing July 2nd, will Icavo at 5:30 p. ra. on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, AND FRIDAYS, Making landing! at Oriental, Oora oolu and Roanoka Island. tW Freight received not later than one hour previous to tailing. For farther information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. . M. K. Kixo, Qen. Mgr., , , , i Norfolk, Va, J New Berne, N. 0., April 20, 1H07. t v1t VleHta ( (Km sna he ..... L. i .k Wrll iiHIaf WfclHifcl.lltfhN ... ft1Mit All-.r. NT, WtwiMriffton. t v . ( .(fir $t Mt Mri. Mitt