THE JOURNAL. Lodge Directory: KCBEKA LODGB KO. T, I.O. O. F.! OIB-ors:-J. L. Cooper, N O.j K. J. Dlsosway.V. U.;ll C.LuuiKleii, R'uM. Seo'ty; J. B. Parker, Jr., Treaa. KMrularmeetlcg every MoaUay ulirlit at & uO o'clock. aTHENIA IO DOR NO , K. Of P.-Mrta every Tuesday nlgtit In K. ol P. Hall, Middle Street. F. P. Avery, C f!.; W. it. Panona, V. U.' J. H. SoUUi, K. K. A 8.-, C. C lUorn Kra,M.of K. ' JAI.UslET ENCAMPMENT NO. 4. 1. O. O. F. l01cers:-B. S. Guion. U. P.: J. L. Cooper, H. I'.i M. H. Street, 8. W.: X. C. Hughes, J. .; r.R. Hyinan, ribe; B.B. Neal,Treaa. Reg ular Kuoanipmente, 1st, 80. and 6tli (It any) Thursday nlgliu in each month at 8.-00 oelock. CANTON CLBlaIONT NO. t , P. M, I. O. O. F. )tncer. Geo. Slover, Captain; T. O. Hy nian, Lieut. ; P. H. Pelletler, Knstirn ; Wm. J. Vitta. niArk : Kii. uerook. Accountant. Heir- ulur Canlonnienta, 9d and th Thursuay awhts in eacn monw e ,w o-oiogb- JKAVBN lODOB NO. 1, KNIGHTS OF HAR MONY: Meets ind and 4th Wednesday tilKlits in each mouth in Rountree'a Hall U. u, hall, Prcaldenti J. II. Smltb, Seoretary. HT. JOHN'S LODGE NO. 8, A. F. AND A. M : '.meeni:-J. B Clark, W. M.;T.W. Dewey, B. W.: B. B. Seal, J. W.J T. A. Green, Treaa.; George Green, Hec'ty. Regular Com lunlcatlona id Wednesday each mouth. NKWIIKRNB CHAPTEB NO. 46, B. A. M.: Wlrem T. A.Ureen, H. P, J. B. Clark, K.C; T. W. Dewey, Scribe; Clias. Duffy, Treas.; C. D. Ilrailham, Seo'ty. Begular Oonvoca liout 3d Monaav each montli. HT. JOHN'S COMMANDEKY NO. 10, K.T.: OIHcera: H. J. Lovli,E.C.;J. B.Clark, G.; 8. K. Street, C. Q.j I. W. Dewey, Prelate; C. D. Bradham, Recorder. Kegnlai Conclaves flint and third Fridays 61 tbe month. CIIATTAWKA HUBE NO. 14, IMP. O. K. M Meets the 8ml Sleep of every 7 guns Monday night at K. of P. Castle Mall, Middle Street, New Herat-, N. C. Visiting lien Men always welcome. W. H. Parsons, Sachem; J. H. S:nIUi C of K KNIGHTS OF HONOR-Offlcers: Jno. M. Jlitrgett, Dictator; . H. Vinson, Reporter; W. if. Uonntree, Finsnelal Importer New Berne Lodge No. 443 meets the ind and 4th Friday nivhts at 8 o'clock In llountree's Hull, Pollock Street. Business Locals. $30.00 Cash buys a Model 40 Columbia Bicycle. Been used in the city one year. In good running order. Address P. O. Box 837. IF you wish to buy a Typewriter, the "Williams" is the smartest. up-to-date machine on the market. Confer with 0. 1 II. Guion or T. W. Dewey and gei you one, either for cash or upon the install ment plan. HAVING just received one thousand samples of the very best foreign and do mestic woolens. I aia prepared to make Suits to Order as reasonable as can be had anywhere everything being equal. Will guarantee satisfaction or refund your money, R. Sawyer, Fashionable Tailor, 63 South Front Street. JUST RECEIVED Fine lot Brooms and Buckets. Try our 15c and 25c Brooms, also our 10c and 25c Buckets best in the city for the price. Allkoood Grocery Co., 78 Middle Street. WANTEDA few energetic ladies and gentlemen to canvas. Will pay a guar anteed salary of $45 per month. Call or addres W. C. Bo8T, Davidson, N. C. MEW ADVEBTIHEMENTH. Notice FII&C Notice Warehouse directors, O Harks Co. Shoes. Ilackbarn Zieglcr's Shoes. Columbia Bicycle for sale $30, OF LOCAL INTEREST. For ice cream soda, go to McSor lej'i. The King's Daughters library will be open this afternoon from 5 to 7. Crystals furnished and put on your watch for 10c. Baxter the Jeweler. Call and examine Ronntree'i ladies roller tray trunk at J. 'J. Baxter's.. Sewing machine needles of all kinds can bo had at Baxter's, the Jeweller. The schooner Lizzie S. James is unloading at the fertilizing works of . II. & J. A. Meadows. There will be a Bible study of the 6th Chapter Romans this evening, at the Tabernacle Baptist Church, at 8 o'clock. Fublic cordially invi ted to attend. . The residence of Mr. W. C. Wil lott oat on the Macadamized road is undergoing extensive repairs, and a larre addition is being put on the south side of the structure There will be a social at the resi dence of Miss Fanny Holland Wed nesday night at 8 o'clock. It will be given under the auspices of tbe Aid Society of tbe Middle Street Baptist church. Thero is a large migration these days of the colored population of this city into the country to work in tbe cotton fields. The steamer Howard carried a full delegation op the Trent yesterday. : A number of New Berne young people left yesterday morning for the schools and colleges. At the A. ft N.' U. depot, a Urge number of relatives and friends were gather ed at train time to see tbem off. The recital tonight at the Acad emy by Miss Anna Belle Gray will be highly enjoyable. In addition to the recitations there will be mnsio by local ' talent. Tickets may be obtained at J. D. (Joskins' store. Admission 25 cents. Tbe Academy opened yesterday with a good attendance la spile of' the warm weather, .Profs. Foust and Warren were well pleased and expect a further increase in the roll. The course of Btudy is de signed to fit the pnpils for entrance into all the first class colleges. V There will be a drill of the Naval Reserves tonight at 8 o'clock sharp, preparatory ;to the annnal inspec tion drill on Thursday night. Every member is requested to be pres ent. All who desire 'to go on a special train to rnn to Kinston Wednesday night to the Naval Reserve , ball and return the same night will please confer with Sir. T. C. Dan iels at nnce. X A base ball bulletin . is posted evory night in the Joubnal office for the benefit of our base ball en thusiasts, and they are invited to call and learn the result of each aay s games. , xesterday s games pat Baltimore again in the lead and there is joy on Pollock street, and much good Boston poetry was sup pressed in consequonco. PERSONA!,. Mr. W. F. Mattocks of Maysville, is in the city on business. Mr. A. M. Baker loft yesterday for New York on business. Mr. T. J. Baxter went down to Stonewall yesterday to visit rela tives. 1 Mr. C. B. Foy left by the Neuse yesterday afternoon on a Northern trip. Mr. Lynn Ilcndren rctnrned to Trinity Collego yesterday morn ing. Col. Alston Grimes, of Grimes lam!, is visiting Judge II. R. Bryan. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bowden loft yesterday morning for Pollocks- ville. Miss Lulu Taylor went up to Kinston yesterday morning to visit' relatives. Mr. Will Cohen of New York ar rived last night to visit his family in the city. Mr. Chas. Roizenstein left yester day afternoon for New York on a short business trip. Miss Leah Jones loft yesterday afternoon on the steamer Nonse to visit at Norfolk, Va, Mr. Rayner Jones loft yesterday morning to attend Trinity College a, uaruam. Mies Laura Scott left yosterday morning for Durham to attend Trinity College. Miss Carrie llendren, Joft yes terday morning returning to Greens boro Female College. Mr. Adolph Nnnn left yesterday morning for Raleigh to attend the A. & M, College. Mrs. II. L. Pay lor and daughter loft yesterday retnrning to thoir home at Goldsboro. Mrs Sam V Parsons and children, returned yesterday morning from a visit to friends and relatives at tbe Straits. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Green ami daughter, Miss Clara, left on the Neuse yesterday afternoon for New York. Miss Mary Bryan who has baen spending several weeks in Western North Carolina, returned home on yesterday's afternoon train. Misses Daisy and Edith Oettin ger, who have been visiting Mrs. M M. Marks, left yesterday morn ing for their home in Kinston. Mrs. C. M. Gilpin and son, and Miss Anna Bell Gray of Washing ton, D. C arrived on the Neuse Sunday morning to visit in the city, Wm. Dempsey Grimes, Esq., of Grimesland, is in the city. Mr. Grimes recently left the University Law school. Last Fobrnary be was granted license to practice that pro fession by tho Supreme Court and he li now visiting New Berne with the prospect of locating here. Baa Away villi arhia 0 Mr. E. J. Lanier and Mr. A. T. Parker, both sewing machine men, were in a wagon belonging to Mr. Parker at the W. & N. depot yester day morning when the horse became frightened by the engine and ran away, ' ' Mr. Parker was thrown out of tbe wagon and was injured somewhat In the bock. Mr. Lanier retained his seai and succeeded in stopping tbe horse, after the animal hod rnn about a block. The wagon as slightly damaged and no Injury was done to tbe horse. Far1iar Waalral. A capable business n,an, with 2,000 to invest, to take charge and manage good country business. Big profits to right party. Full in vestigation dosired if yon mean bus iness. For particulars Inquire of ' Jodr- jtal, New Bcrnf, N. C. Goo Ttkam Barkes. The sales at the warehouse yester day were large and great interest was shjwn by the attendance. To bacco sales were as high as C5 and 71 cents. , Mr. J. A. Clark returned yester day trom a trip to Wilson and is here now as a regular tobacco buyer on this market. The people of New Berne are in vited to visit at the warehouse dur ing the daily sales whioh are held at 11 o clock. ; Where Wm The "EmplrtT" Newborn, Ala., comes to the front with the liveliest game of base ball on record. It was played by bolored teams, and at the end of five innings the soore stood 5 to 5, three dead, four fatally injured and eleven seriously carved. The nat ional game,' health-giving and in vigorating,, must v be preserved v wis saw wiv vAjtmiKi vi m lv if 1 1 v oo Ex. . V;;r...-. Baaral r Edateallaa. The county Board of Education, met in regular monthly session Monday. .' Present, J. D. Long, S. W. Lath am, O. E. Palmer. County Treasurer C. B. Hill, pre Rented his report, which was read and adopted. 'Jecil V, Taylor, of this county was elected a student from Craven county to go to the A. & M. Col lege, at Raleigh.' There being important business before the board, and the chairman being absent, the board took a re is nntil 9.30 a. in. Wednosday, September, 8thv Caaalj Cammlaalaaera. The regular monthly meeting of tho Board of County Commissioners, met Monday, September Cth. Pres ent, Chairman Ilill, R. P. Williams, E. W. Small wood, 4tobt. Mosnley. Tho greater part of the time was taken np in hearing petitions from persons asking for reductions in cueir tax valuations, xnese were granted in most cases. The report of County Treasurer B. Hill, was roceived and ordered spread spon the minutes. reution 01 u. 11, Taylor, to re move his place of' businots, was granted. A number of bills wtre presented and allowed. Tho board took recess to Tuesday, September 7th at 11 a. m. ( Deal arn. r. Taylor. Died at his home on Begue Sound, Carterot county, 3ept. 2d, 1897, Benj F. Taylor in his 08th year. Bro. Taylor leaves an affectionate broken hearted wife, three tons and three daughters, several grand chil dren and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his departure. He was interred in the family ceme tery at Bethlehem Church Sept. 3rd amidst the tears and sobs of his family and friends, and in the pres ence of almost the entire commnnity. Bro. C. P. Snow, hit pastor, preached at the residence of tbe de ceased a most touching and approp riate sermon, and performed the bnrial ceremony. Bro. Taylor wai a consistent mem ber of the M. E. church, South, of long ttauding and on hit death bed expressed himself at ready to die, and doubtless now Iivet with hit God wearing the crown of Eternal life. May bis good family meet him oyer there, and tbe short separation they now endare be the meant ot making the reunion the more de lightful. We extend to them our sincere condolance, and pray that God will temper thit tad affliction to their bleeding hearts, and show them the silver lining to the dark cloud of sorrow that to densely overhangi thorn thit honr. . ' J.W.8. . Membcri of New Berne Lodge No. I, F. II. & C. intending to go on the exennton pionio Thursday are requested to be at the E. C. D. wharf, promptly, at the boat will leavo at 7 o'clock a. m. ibarp. . SMiMtiiMiiaf, There will be a meeting of the Board of Director! of the New Bern Tobacco Warehouse Company, thit morning at the office of the Presi dent at 10 o'clock, sharp. Urgent business to be transacted, and all are requested to be present. By order of the President, E. E. IIarfkr, Secretary. aaia Waaiaal. Wanted to buy, a few North Car olina, Graven County, Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, or other good bonds. Clark t Guioir, Wim bilious or enstive, rat aCaararet andy oathartio.eure f uaranleod, IQo, 2 ANDY r: VCUflECO to 25 50 . autlUliUlblil UUanAlUCiCiUtln.arTrrirripiirtriiw.hiI Mm ml natural i-malla, mbJ I Ll. . .won 1 .... iit.u I'l.w .... ... j m. i ..... . . . .. 1 To Whom It Mj Coaeora. TaRboro, N. 0., Sept. 6, '97. Editor Journal: , A few squibs which I have recent ly seen in the newspapers lead me to ask permission of you aud the, pardon of the public for making a tew observations. Some time in the year 1895 I en dorsed two notes lor a man in New Rno ,. - .00, on one ot the banks there. The man was unable to pay them, and after several renewals my co-endorser paid the amount and took up the notes, lie showed the notes to me, stating that he had ' taken them up rnd wished me to pay him the principal and interest on the entire amount. I told him that I was bound for only one halt thereof as one of the endorsers, and was ready to pay my part at any timo. I noticed at the time that my co endorser had partly erased his name on the back of the notes by pencil. Since then I tend ered this co-endorser one half of the principal and intereit on botli of these notes, which he refuBod to ac cept and demanded tho whole amount. - 1 . 1 his time I found that he had entirely erased his name fro.ii both notes, a species cf forgery for which he nuy yet have to answer. I make this stutoment because this colored shylock is trying to make jt appear among my friends with whom I have lived for a por.oil of twv.ty years, that I am dishonest and will not pay my legal aud just obligations. In conclusion, Mr, Editor permit me to say that 1 may not be the the "social tquul" of a inau who has been convicted and sonteuccd to the penitentiary for forgery. I may not be the 'cocial equal" of a fellow who has cast oft his lawful wife and innocent children, . who are : now struggling for existence in another State, while tbe father and husband it trying to but his way into the society of decent people. I do not wish to be the "social tquul'' of the fellow who has been indicted for forgery and came into court while I wot Solicitor and begged me to al low hjm to put in a plea of Nolo Contendre and let him off by paying the cost, to escape the penitentiary agaiu. But why need 1 go further ? The docket! of Craven county Superior court will tell the rest. God forbid that I ever should be tho "social equal" of a man who liyet by "skinning" the poor gullible nn suspecting people of the community where he lives. Should the above statement fit any retment of tbe city or IS ew Berne, I will say that on the 2nd of October 1897. I will be at my offioe on Brood street in said city for. the transaction of inch business as may come before me. . Geo. IL White. Aa 014 Doctor's ravsrite. Dr. L. M. Gillaiu, who practii-eil medi cine over lorly jear, originated, uted and claimed that Botanic Blond Balm, (B. B. B.) wh'cb hat now bun la dm about flflj-flra yean, was the beat Tcnic and Blood Pander ever given o tho world. It never falls to cure the mntt malignant utrer. nts rhenmntism, catarrh, and all kin and blood diNawa, Beware ol tub ttltutes. TJt this stnDdatit remedy. Price per largo bottle 11.00, , A ETIB VKBAL DOCTORS FAILED. I bars bvea sfflictml with Catarrh for many years, altboofch all torts of mcdl does and trveral doctors did tlieir best to cure roe. My blood at vtrv Impure, aod nothing ever had an flct upon the diieaot until I oonl thai grrat B ood Km dy knows at Botanic Uioud Balm, (B. B.). a f w bottles ol which (Trcted so ollro turf. I rvconinirnded It to all who have Catarrh. I n-lif t any niac chant nr bunker nf All. era, 0,, aod will rrpljtoinylnqiiile. It. B. Fault a.. JTur oak by Drnguittt ay roe Halo, Properly cured crab grass bay, delivered anywhere in the city at 60o per hundred pounds while har vesting the crop. send your order in promptly, after the crop is housed, price will be higher. Wm. Dunk, Ktvermde farm. Orders may be left a'. Jno. Duiin'i ttore, Tollook St. BacUaa't Arnica falvea. Tut Best UALVt'n tbe world fur Cut', Brnlm, Bores, Ulrvra, Halt lllxum, Ftvrr Horro, Tcttt-r, Chapped Hand, Cbilbla.oa, Coma, and all tikia Eruption, and poail Italy cum III or no pay required. Ill gnaranteetf to glvt rxrlii-t Mllf faction or money n Tnrtnl. I'rU-a 21 tia ar bni. i'oe mt by F, H, Duff. CATIIADTiS rrfr .ISTOIO.! ALL We take special orders for shoes to fitbare them made carefully of the very best material and you hare probably 50 Styles to select from. We take a great many special orders and invariably please every lady who makes a selection from our line, It takes from 2 to 3 weeks to deliver these special orders, so you had better be looking out for your Fall needs now. September 7. AMUSEriENTS. MISS ANNA BELL GRAY. OF Washington, . D. 0. ELOCUTIONIST ! Will give a recital at the ACADEMY, Tuesday Eve. Sept. 7, 8:3(i P. M., 'ADMISSION 25c. For the Benefit or THE KING'S DAUGHTERS. PRIVATE SCHOOLS. MISS MARY I, 1IENDREN, will teach cluadot in Literature, History and French at licr residence on Middle Street, beginning the First Monday In October. This uflord? an opportunity to those wishing to pursue their studio without regular school work. . Hiss Ola F-erebee will reopen her MUSIC CLASS MONDAY, September 6, 1897 Mr. Carrio M. Willis will open a school at ' her home on Metcalf 8treet on the First Monday in Oct. "Sirs, A. It. Ferebee, will reopen . her School, ' Monday, Sept. C, 1807. Private School. Mrs. Bimn C. Jerkins will re-open her school at her residence on Johnson HI. on MONDAY, SEPT.. Cth,; 897,:. and respectfully solicits a sharo of the puhuc patronage, School Opening. Miss Leah Jones baa given up her class of advanced pupils, anil, , this fall, will open a strictly Primary School. Iler school room will be furnished with Indi vidual adjustable desks, and equipped with all necessary apparatus and aids. She purposes to give to her patrons"up to date" Primary work. . HER SCHOOL WILL Open Monday Oct. 3rd. Stockholders Meeting. Atlantic & N. C. IUiluoad, Treasurer's Often. New llKttjr, N. O , Sep. 1, 1807. The Fortj-third Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Atlantic and North Carolina Kailroad Com pany will be held at Morohead City on the 4th Thursday (23rd) in Sep tember :897. ' . F. O. ROBERT Becrofarj. FOR FINK AND Tho rincKt t Ifall-fod Kerf In llio Vity Go 13 8m GCIH & WJki4 JORDAN'S .- "THE BEST LIVER PILL SOLD." Purely vegetable no dan ger of being snlivuled- when taking it. Made according to formula of the late Col. Jordan, Former price 10c single dose, 25o per dozen reduced to 5o a singlo doso, 25o per box containing dozen and a half. Masufactuurd and Sold only bt ' DAVIS' PHARMACY, Phone 56. THE NEW BERN FIRE OF NEW CA PIT AIv t-DOES A GENERAL FIRE INSURANCE' BUSINESS. T. A. GREEN, President, GEORGE GREEN, Secretary. J.' J. WOLFENDEN, Gen'l Agent. We have now on hand SS head IIrses and Mules which must be disposed of within the co mi ii a 15 days to make room for two' car loads of Kentucky, West Virginia aod Tennessee Hordes and Mnlcs; this sl(K:k mit'l. lie noli) regard less f price, and whoever comes I he eiirlkwt aro the oiii-i to denvo the greatoat aiK'niitiige of the sucrificc. ; . ; . J ; ' Ve also have on band tho finest .nnmrtinent of llmnrss. Buggirs, (all makes anil deKcriptionx) niul Wagons evci fliown in KiiKteni (rulina which we will sell on an cxceediiiiily low margin for cash or good neo tiublo paper. ' Sloan's Medicines for nil diseases nml ailments ot horao or man constantly on hand. .' - W resp.-ntfiilly wiuh liisprction feeling assured wo can save yon money and give sntis'itctioii, M. II All N & C O. Seeds Us MEW CROP! RUTABAGAS AND TURNIPS ' Host Vnri?tleH ! . 'lnro Slrain.H! They haa proven satisfactory many scasoim. You havo ptirtdiascd from mo. The planting season is npon us, consult your interests, buy anin. v Also to nrrivo in time for fall planting, Cabbage Seed Jertey Wala leld, All Seasons, Drumhead, Flat Dutch, etc; Peas, lieuns, Jto. Remember tho old spot, ' Forget it yon should not, lirick Store, Near Market Dock. J. I. tint New Berne, N. C. tW Orders by mail promptly Oiled. ' - There is Nothing In fhe World ' IU..I .III ,ill 11. n I , etrr down so fur hh altinor purr, sjmik I i r p. ili-liciniis sikIii. ll rrriKlica wmi ili i fully alimiilah-a tint tiralii r(Mils the lilooil. (iood nt all M'liaoiM of Hih year. hut rHixTiiilly lmxkI jimt now, lli'lps rli. K'-hlioii, I'm). It t ofu-n thnt you may luke m.-i lu i ii in such nn agrecalilc fonn. Braclhnm's Druj; 5tore, Cor. I'ollock & Middle. JlT try a Hie i.f Cii.-nn I i, II. lin L I at I I" .- ! i i m r J . . j Corner Broad and Middle Streets. MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., BERN, N. C. $50,000,00 W. B. BLADES,) p . JOHN DUNN, tvlceFre8t- Offices: OVER CITIZ ENRjli AJJK. COPYRIGHT- tfl 19? (.vataarlijl I The Fabric Is . -i But Orte Element !m a suit of rhilheo, but made hy tnilnra of our ropiitntiou,tlin fahrlo is everylhinjr. We could not in shabby work, if wo Teally tried, an all you have to figure iiHtn ih the nunliiy nf llio rlcitii. Vnur eyes nud flnuurs tell yon what that is, in Imw limn no lime, F. H: CHADWICK, 101 Middle St. FOR SALE, IANC OR KEKT! One CO II. 1'. Lumber (tnd Shinglo Mill, Good Location. " ltnil itnd water transportation, , Terms easy. f .. :r. i a-ur iiiivuur in nfi iiiiiviofl H'i lir JOHN Z. liUOOKS, Proprietor Grifton Lumber and Grist Mill, GUIFT0N", N. C. Price $75.00 OkbIi or Ensy l':iy nwittn ir dcsln-d. Fur further Jijirticulurs nddreas: o. ji. hoc k ii a .n, Afii nt for KiUtti-rn Korlh Cnroliim, Vtw Kkhhk, N. O. O. r- (' ""a J)