.VOL. XVI- NO. 73. .. NEW BERNE, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 24,1897. ESTABLISHED 1882. I At j You will find 1 the most 1 Beautiful I Goods Prices Very Reasonable. Call and Examine, No Trouble to Show. -STEAMERS- EASTEIt CAROLINA DISPATCH LIE, :and FREIGHT & PASSENGER. For All Points North. The Steamer NETJSE wilt leave oa Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 6 'p. in., sharp. Mak ing no stops' between New Berno to Elizabeth Uity. The Steamer NEWfiERNE " will sail on Tuesdays Dd Fridays at 14 o'clock, noon, making landing at OrioataF, Ooracoke and Roanoke Island. ' ' , fgT Freight received not later than one hour previous to aailiug. Fer farther information apply to GEO. UENDEllSON, Agt. M. K. Kisa, Gun. Mgr., ll 0. IIudoiks.Guo Frt.& IWAgt. , Norfolk, Va. New Berne, N. U., Sept. 18, mi. BRANCH OFFICE ft'.i Poitaldrt Co., (8ucoenors to 0. W. Bilaby A Go.) Bankers -.' find -rT's ; Ilrokem. Stocks, Beads, ' - Cotton, Ural a, . , , . . " Provision!. Bought and sold for cuh or on margin one per cent. In lots from up. Over Cotton Eichanga. Phone 43, INatlonal Bank References. VCoostanl Quotations. - ' A. O. DEWBERRY, Manager, Old Dominion Steamship Co. Ever brought to this city. "WONDERS." September 3rd, 1897. F. 8. DUFFY MEDICINE CO., New Berne, N. 0. Okntleiikn: Enclosed find one dollar, ($1.00) for which send me by mall one dollar's worth of your Dr. Duffy's Anti-Bilioiu Pills. A friend of mine in Brunswick, Ga. sent me a box of them Bomctime since and asked me to try them, which I did, and had several others here try thorn and alt pronounced them "wonders" and are loud in their praise of them. Yours truly, D. L. BURGESS, Cbystal Rivbk, Flo. FOR 8EE- F. H Chad wick, .101 Hlddlc 5trcet A FULL LINE of Samples and a Large 6tock of Woolens to select from, r-ww CALL AND EXAfllNE BEFORE BUYINQ. Carolina Chill Pills . ar emtntially an anthlote 10 malaria. Containing nothing which can injure the synlem, but are a mot illlctem Ionic, improving appotite.aldlnij digestion, and ruling constipation, No cum, no pay. Price I'ic a ook at I'radhnm's Druj 5tore, Fall & Winter Suits, o o o X f . -W--V f CHINEE III RITES. Railroad Domnussioner Beta tlie Freinht Cnarps on Cotton. Lease of Penitentiary Not Made. Bids on City Bonds Wanted. Print ers Refuse to Surrender Paper. Financial Report of Peniten tiary. Yellow Fever. Journal Biheau, 1 Raleigh. N. C, Sept. 23. J The railroad commission has made a great change in the freight on cotton which is to go into effect on the 1st of October, It will be the lowest rate in the Union. It Is as follows per 100 lb: Five miles-9 cts.; 10 miles 9 eta.; 15 miles 11 cts. ; 20 miles 13 cts.; 25 miles 14 cts.; 30 miles 15 cts.; 85 miles 10 cts.; 40 miles 17 cts.; 45 miles 18 cts.; 50 miles 19 cts.; 00 miles 21 cts.; 70 miles 22 cts,; 80 miles 23 cts.; 90 miles 24 cts.; 100 miles 25 cts.; 120 miles 27 cts.; 130 miles 28 cts.; 150 miles 80 cts.; 160 miles 81 cts.; 200 milcB 35 cts. These rates do not affect Raleigh much as a very low rate was already in force for here. In the matter of the lease of the peni tentiary, Mr. Winder says that he can not accept for the company he represents the conditions imposed on the lessee, and so unless they are much modified no lease will be made. These conditions demanded absolute control of the insti tution by the Republican party so far as the employment of officials and as sistants, and many other unreasonable demands. The tcity treasurer, Mr. Joseph G. Brown Ims issued a circular asking for bids on the $50,000 city bonds to be is sued, The bids are to be opened Oct. 12th. No bid for less than 105 will be considered. Adjutant General Cowlcs has issued general order No. 12, announcing Jthe death of Lt. W. J. Griffin of the Naval Reserves and orders the usual badge of mourning to be used on left arm and sword hilt of the officers of the Stute Guard for 30 days. In the institutions for the white blind there are 117 pupils and for the colored deuf, dumb and blind there are 121. St. Mary's school opened today with bright prospects: Mr. Chas. A. Cookjof Warren did not get the Eastern District Attorneyship after all. Mr. Aycock, the Democratic incumbent was re-appointed. Governor Russell has reprieved Lumm Iluynes of Columbus county until Nov ember 5th in order for him to produce evidence at the Fctober term of court in regard to accessories to the murder for which he was about to be hung. Stewart Bros., ex State printers, have about $6,000 worth of State paper. Mr. Guy V. Barnes who is now State printer. was sent to Winston to get the paper This the Stewart Bros, declined to de liver. Thus comes a clash between the State Auditor and the ex-State, prinleis that promises to be interesting. Stewart Bros, declined to deal with any one in regard to the paper except through their attorney, and he was out of town. A 78 lb watermelon was sent to Gov ernor Russell yesterday by a friend in Charlotte. Rather cool for melons and yet they have sometimes been Been on the table Christmas day here. Auditor Ayer has sent out notices to all the county offlcers that they must comply with the law which requires these officers to furnish the Auditor with copies of their bonds, so ho may know the bondsmen in case the officer docs not comply with the law. The news of the death of the Hod. Walter E. Faison formerly of Clinton, N. C, but who has been in the Govern ment service at Washington for 15 years was heard here with much regret. The Superintendent of the peniten tiary shows a financial report as follows. Bills audited $19,171.23; accounts not audited 18,736.17; fertilizers, about 818,000; borrowed from the State treasury $15,000. Total indebtedness $53,007.40. A little variation may be found as some bills possibly are not in. Earnings since April 1st. Amount of deposits $16,927.59 amount due from all sources $3,000. There arises a question as to how the $10,000 was borrowed as auditor Ayer says no warrant bad been issued Super intendent Smith and that the Treasurer must have issued the money under the act of 1891. There is no act of 1897 making any appropriation. Dr. R. H. Lewis Secretary of the State board of health writes Governor Russell opposing the throwing open western N. C. to the yellow fever refugees, si they could ' not possibly be detained there Wong enough to prove they were not In fected and thus we atseaae miguc oe carried to placet susceptible, suoh as Wilmington. CASTOR I A for Infanta and Children. The Inspector-general of polios, Don Eduorda Velstquex, who was removed from office and Imprisoned because of the killing of Arroyo, the assailant of President Diss, hat confessed that he ordered the killing. INTERVENTION IN CUBA. European Pawara, Except Anatrla Beeacalae Our Bight ia Iatr rfore. Madrid, September 28 General Wood ford has represented to the Duke of Tetuan the gravity of the condition of Cuba and requested, in behalf of the United States, that would find a method of speedily ending the war and giving justice to the. Cubans. He offered the good offices of the United States iu effect ing a settlement to the Cuban troubles, which practically gives Spain an oppor tunity of gracefully ending the war. If she does not embrace it within a reason able time, notice will be given that the United States must interfere, though General Woodford has not said so yet. Spain cannot expect the aid of Euro pean powers, as the United States am bassadors have ascertained that all the European countries, except Austria, recognize that the interests of the United States justify the latter's interference in Cuba. Austria, in this matter, is in fluenced by the relationship between the two dynasties, the Queen Regent of Spain being an Austrian archduchess, but lt is not likely that Austria will take any part in the question beyond possibly making a diplomatic protest against the intervention of the United States. THE BLOW FILLS. Governor Russell Exercises His Power. State Railway Commissioners J. W. Wilson and S. Otho Wilson .Sus pended From Office. Their Successors; Appointed. Special to Journal. Raleigh, N. C, September 23 Gov ernor RusbcII suspends from office of Railway commissioners, Chairman J. W. Wilson and S. Otho Wilson until the joint session of the next Legislature shall determine by vote, their removal or re storation. L, C. Caldwell, of Statesyilhi succeeds Chairman Wilson. J. II. Person of Mor ganton succeeds B. Otho WiNon. TROUBLE AHEAD. Jnpantae Buldlera In Hawaii Being Landed Under ibe Qulae of Labor era There. San Francisco, September 22. When the City of Peking arrived at Honolulu on her last trip from Hong Kong, the at tention of the other passengers on board the steamer, was attracted by the re markably symmetrical movements of 174 Japanese passengers in the steerage, who were disembarking. Although classed as laborers, their well drilled and military appearance was too palpable to escape observation, and occasioned con siderable comment. The Japanese were apparently under the command of a veteran sergeant, and divided into squads of twenty, under non-commissioned officers. During the voyage a military discipline was observ ed, which created- comment among the other steerage passengers and the stfcani ers crew, and many conjectures were hazarded as to the meaning of their being shipped to the islands. It was generally believed that they were sent there for the purpose of forci bly resisting annexation, if necessary. Rumors of the presence of the Mikado's soldiers are not new on the islands. It is said that over one thousand well drilled men have already been landed, and about four hundred veterans of the Japanese-Chinese war are expected on the next steamer. BASE BALL National League Sames Played Tea terdar. Special to Journal. Cleveland, September 23 Cleveland, 8; Chicago, 4. Wbere Thejr Play Tadar. Boston at Baltimore Philadelphia at Brooklyn. Washington at New York. HOW TBI OLDB8 8TAXU. Won Lost P. C. Baltimore 87 86 .707 Boston 89 87 .706 New York 79 45 .637 Cincinnati. 70 54 .065 Cleveland 66 59 .627 Washington 67 67 .460 Brooklyn 67 69 .453 Pittsburg- 56 89 .448 Chicago... 65 79 .434 Philadelphia 64 73 .429 Louisville 6t 74 .408 St. Louts 28 96 . .226 Backlaa'a Arnica lalwaa. ' Tna Baar Salvb In the world for Cuts Braises, Bona, Ulcers, Ball Bhadm, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skia Eruptioot, tad poalt Ively caret Files or no pay reqalred. It 1 guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction' or money refunded. Price S3 cents per boi. For sale by F. 8. Duffy. The taking of testimony In the prelim inary hearing of Sheriff Martin and his deputies on tha charges of murdering and "feloniously wounding" tha twenty four miner who were shot at Lattimer Is going on at Wllkesborro, Pa. tba lood pare, wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pur WOVAl BAMttO POWPCW CO., NEW VOHK. TbeNew Hntteraa I.lghtHbip. Washington, September 22 Orders have been issued for the lighthouse ten der Maple to convey the new Diamond Shoal lightship to her station on Septem ber 30. This ship comes within the dis trict commanded by Captain Lnmbcrton of the Maryland division, who sent the Maple to New York today to accompany the new light vessel to her station. The captain of this craft will be the assistant light keeper at Cape Charles, and bis crew will all be experienced men. There has been a long and vigorous controversy over the practicability of u lightship standing the weather and sands ot Dia mond Shoal, and the lighthouse hi Bird has been divided on the question. The one officer who lias absolute confidence in the ability of a vessel to weather the gales and stand the force ot the sands is the secretary, Captain Wilde, who is willing to risk his reputation that the ship will hold in the stillest gales. The weather is severely cold in Paris, and there have been heavy snowfalls in several Departments. Eighteen inches of snow has fallen at Craponne, in the department at Haute Loire. In the de partment of Yonne, snow has fallen, the earliest on record. THE (MARKETS. Yesterday's market quotations furnish ed by W. A. Portcrfield vV; Co. Commission Brokers. N'kw York, Sept. 2-i. STOCKS. Open. High. Low. Close Am. Sugar 149 J KKi J 1003 100 J 1515 lOC.J KKlj 101; 10()3 M7s 147 Chicago Gas. . . . 101! 100 M 1001 31 10(i 100 tun ion i c.;b. & Q Jersey Central,. St. Paul Geu. Electric. . . . . 100 J .. ilSJ :is; Close fi.i; 0.."iO COTTON. Open. High Low. O.ir, 0.50 October (i.50 050 January 0.5:1 0.50 CHICAGO MARKETS. Wheat Open. High. Low. Close Dec Corn Dec Meat Pork. Sept. Ribs. Sept 921 IKII 31 31 30 j 305 8.35 4.92 8.30 4.90 4.!)'? 4.90 Cotton Hales. 121,000 bales. Four new oases ot yellow fevci were reported at Mobile making a total ot 32 now sick with the disease. OABTOrJA. Th, fie- llBllt !l 33 vr;;ir. ffUtttft, Billiard and Pool Tables. I desire to call attention to all parties having billiard or pool tables in their places of business, to pay the tax on same at onco, as my'report goes to t In Grand Jury of the county between now and the first Monday in Oetober. This is in accordance with section 10 of the Revenue Act. JOSEPH L. II AH N, Sheriff. September 10th. tyAU other parlies who are required by law to procure licenses will govern themselves accordingly, Still it conies; we have Just Received another Car Load of the Finest Western Furniture that hag ever been in the city of New Bertie. This Furniture wo will sell very Cheap for Cash Or on Time. Be lure to save your money by falling to see our stock before boy Ing elsewhere. - tgr ORDERS BY MAIL - will receive prompt attention. ; ' Your for lutineat, T. J. TURNER, . Not, 70 & n Middle Stroet, New Berno, N, C Royal II HE ! A Fresh Lot Ontario Prepare) I Buckwheat, o.-. fur p nui'ls; lio for :i pound package. The BKST Prepared Buckwheat on the market. Also a Fresh Lot of the Very Finest Butter uml Fancy Cream Cheese. Anil a Fresh Car Load of Snow Drift, Calla Lilly anil Star Flour direct from the mill. If you need a barrel see us before you buy. "'"Jfivery barrel GUARANTEED to be tlrod or money refunded. McDaniel i 71 ISroari St., WE OFFER YOU THIS CELEBRATED iw-m V'i ) : . Three Drawer Sewing Machine For $20, ami give you a " War (luaranttv NOW MSTEN! NVw Kerne istlipplan In sell your tohat'co, anil Wliitty's is tin1 pliifi- to lm' vour Hardware. J. C. Whitty ? NOTICE ! to Wholesale and Retail Trade Wo have Just Kcceivoil I.OOO rounds of ! FINEST xCItEAJI BE which will be sold at Factory Prices; ALSO 5,004 IVmiihIs of TOBACCO Job Lots, which will bo sold at Less than Cost to manufacture :$?"CO.ME E.VBLV. Money Saved Is Money Made.! If you want any) Canned Goods come to us. We are very par ticolar about that part of oar atock. We do not claim that we carry the largest (took of oanned goods of anyone la the city, bat we do claim that we carry the best and freshest. Isn't that the kind you want? Respectfully, JOHN BUHN, 65 Pollock St., NEW BEItNE, IT. 0. i ' - - - i" Wholesale V Kt'tail t, ii rocorx, ETEW I5KUXE, HT. V. Whkn talking t.i voi: . . . . About Furniture The sharpest point we can argue is the fact that our I. "NO KSTABi.I-iil'.l) business and tlie Cieal Army of Sat islied Patrons we have made is the best testimony as to the quality of our Koods :i:id (In- way we do business. . . -. A LL KINDS OK Desirable ai,e found here Furniture Ht It you arc contemplating the pureliasc of Kiiinilnrc a call at my lorc will prove prolitahle. John Suter, I'nder Hotel Chuttuivkn, i'( New llerne, X. ('. J -FOR FIXK- SlItIXC L.AJI1S, VEAIi, JIITTTOX, I'OKIv SA SAiE AND Tiic B iiM-st Slall-iV'd Kcir in the ll.v Go lo SAM'L COHH&M, SS Middle . Phone 40 Dissululion of Partnership ! The co partnership existing between A. V.. l'ltlinan and I'. S. Duffy, under the firm title of The rittman Cycle Co., has this day been dissolved by mutual con sent. .Mr. Ilnllv retires from the firm, while Mr. A. K. l'ltlinan will continue the business at the old stand, under the same linn title. Patrons indebted to the old linn will please make payment of their accounts to Mr. l'ittman. All per sons holding claims against the linn will present the same at once for payment. K. S. Dl'KKY, A. E. 1'ITTM AN. Sept. llilh, 117. NEW CHOP I RUTABAGAS AND TURNIPS Het Vari?lios;i l'ui'c Strain I They have proven satisfactory many seasons. Yon have purchased from me. The planting leaion ii upon ua, consult yoor'lntereata, buy Also to arrive iu time for fail planting, Cabbage . Seed Jersey Wakeleld, All Seasons, Drumhead Flat Dutch, etc; Peas, Beans, Etc Remember the old spot, Forget it yoa should not, Brick Store, Near Market Dock. J. F. New Berne, N. C. fsyjOrdora by mail promptly filled. Seeds ! Sees