THE JOURNAL Published every day In the year, ex cept Monday, at 06 Middle Street. Phosb No. 8. CHARLES L STEVENS, ED1TOB AND PBOPRIETOB. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One j ear, In advance,. 4 00 One year, not in advance . . 0 00 Monthly, by carrier in the city 60 Advertising Kates furnlshcd on appli cation. Entered at tho Post Office, New Berne, N. I', as Btcnnd class matter. New Heme, N.C? Oct., 20. 181)7. Even the most imlifforent perusal of North Carolina exchanges will convince tho reader that the circus is the leading topic of local interest. While tho Charlotto Observer as it claims is not 'controverting," yet it.kceps carrying a chip around on its shoulder and invites someono to knock it off. If the Raleigh tfeiva-Obnerver's "specials" from other counties of the State have as little basis as those it credits from Craven county, its "outrage" news editor ought to bo put on the retired list. CHARLES A. SANA, SHAD. "Charles Anderson Dana, Editor of the Sun, died yesterday after noon." Nothing could be more character istic of the late great editor of tho New York Sun, than tho above brief notice which appeared at tho head of the editorial columns of the Monday issue of tho Sun. As in life, so in death, Charles A. Dana did thinks differently from other men, and instead of turned rules in his paper, with extended comments of the press, and hun dreds of letters and telegrams from mourning; friends, a sentence of ton words said it all, Mr. Dana was a great editor in the way that he mado bis paper re flect his own individuality, for in every column of the Sun is exhibited the unmistakable finger and thought of Dana. There was always too much Dana in the Sun for that paper to be con sidered a political power, in fact to have the Sun ou the sido ot a can didate was regarded as a certaiu hoodoo. Nothing could be more erratic than Mr. Dana's political course; against Crant, favoring Greely: against Hancock, favoring Butler, and championing Tammany II all and Tweedism. Throughout the war, Mr. Dana was held in very high esteem and favor by President Lincoln, and yet probably every succeeding President has received a scoring fro.n his keen pen. In the newspaper work of the Sun, Mr. Dana was ever resource ful, and made its columns readable to a large class ot readers who took took his paper for its news matter, while the had no sympathy for its position on political and national questions. There can be no question that Mr. Dana made a distinct impression on the journalism of his time, elevating it and showing by his grand com mand of the Kuglith language, that simple plain words had more Strength in them, than the vulgar isms and slang tco current in the editorial columns of the press today. In his moral cm rage Mr. Dana stod unquestioned, and his thor ough Americanism was sincere and hearty, no matter what political par ty he might advocate. Ia his death, as during his TS years of life, Mr. Dana continued to simply represent himself, and with him passed a rugged journalism of individuality and character, which will not again be seen in journalistic fields. $100 law art $100. The reader of this paper will be pleas ed to Imro Ihst ihrri ia at leart oe dreaded dicae that scleoca has been bie to cure in all its stages and tbat ia CaUrrti. Hall's Cslarrb Cure ia lb Ut pnailirecurekaoira to ths medical fratoroit). Catarrh being a coo Mitntioa al disease, rrquirra a coaatilailoaal treat ment. Hall s Caiarrk Curs Is Ukta la ternally, sctisf dirscUy upoa It blood and mucous sartaeaose of Ibt syrtsta, tharaby dtro)lnf the foundation ot the dlsrasn, tad glvwg the paboat straogtb by building ap lb easatilutloo and at six lag aatara ia dots? Its work. Tat proprattore hay so mack faith la Its caratl powers, taat tUy 0001 Oao Bundled Dollars for any case tbat It tils so curt, Bcod lor IM of ttatlmo lata. AdVlrasa, P. J. Cat it Co., Toledo, HoMtjDrutgMa,T3a. Oka, Hall's raasrty HI la are lb best, . .;"iVv": . Btanas a the Head. ' " ' Aug. J. Bogcl, Ihe leading druggist of Sbreveport, La, says: Dr. Sing's New Discovery Is the only thing tbat cures my cough, and it Is the best seller I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of Stafford, Arts., writes: "Mr. King's New Discovery is all hat is claimed for it: it never foils, and is a sure cure for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I cannot say enough for its merits.'' Mr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Coids ia nol an experi ment. It has t-een tried ior a quarter of a cenlury, and todny stands at the head. It never disiippoiuts. Free trial bottles at F. S. Dully 's Dru Store. Railroad Tickc Slot Maehino. There is a novo! little convenience in most of tho German railway sta tions which might be udopted by tho railways of tho United States. Passengers for suburban stations, in stead of going to the regular ticket oflioo and standing in lino for novum! minutes, sometimes so long that thoy miss their train, can go to au automatic box, nod by dropping a nickel in the slot or a con equiva lent to the amount of the fare, can supply themsulroi with a ticket iij an instant. There uro rows of these boxes erecteil nguinst the wall in I convenient locations. The naino of the town is painted in large letters, and underneath tho price of the ticket. If it happens to be a mark, you slip the coin into the slot and pross tho button, and a cardboard 1 ticket fulls into tho receiver, which the passenger picks up, passing on without the slightest djlay. The whole transaction does not occupy half a minute, mid the automatic machine never uinkes a mistake 111 the ticket or the change. Chicago Record. TO I KK A t' IN USE DAY Take Laxative liromo (Juinino Tib lets. All druggists refuud tho money f it fails to cure. 25c. Tho Lost Qneno The story is told that there has recently died in tho East End of London an old gentleman (a cente narian) who is locally reported to be the lust person in England to wear that curious fashion of headdress common in George Ill's time, a "pigtail." With his ttieor little queue of white hair, nattily tied behind with a knot of blue ribbon, his corded knee breeches ami low buckle shoes, a largo flowered waistcoat down to his hips, and plum-colored open coat that showed tho big frilled shirt and tight stock, the old man was a picturesque featuro amid squalid surroundings. lie had been considered quite a dandy in his youth. He was very vain of his tail, and often prided himself, in his weak, quavering voice, of being "the only gentleman left that was dressed as a real gen tleman should be." His sole regret was that he was obliged to have h is hair braided by others, when his own hands grew too feeble to perform '.he duty; but to the very hist he always chose his own particular tint of hair rib bon, a certain "correct' shade of dark indigo blue. Pearson's Week- Bow to bo Beantifal. To be beautifiil.'wni mutt hare pure blood nnl pood health. To do to, purity ihe blood i.rjil build up the health with llid l"t Ton if and Wood Turilltr of the aie, Hot.iuic Blond Halm ("B. B. B.'). It ie the old n:ui't;tr.l and reliable rem edy. It nevtr la'lsi to cure all minnrr of lllotHi uud Skiu tiiMae, abire em utut nhyrii inii', and all other ktmnn rrcrdies have railed send stamps tor b k nl par lieu Is r. In the Blood Btiiu Co., Allitula, Ga. 1'iicc ll.Ott r inrue U-ttle. roSlTlVK run K. A lad; friend Oi mine lias fr several yean Ion troubled with bumps ami pimples on hi r face acd.ntck. lor which lie ued various cosmrtir in order to remove them and b-aul'fy and Improve hereomplniou, Imtthrxe applica tion wen- only temporary, uml Kit Iter akin in voix rendition. I ncoiuuirnded an internal (prepara tion known as Botanic B o-k1 Balm, (B. B, B.) I luve ben tiring and sell ini; thou! two yo-tr'.-.hi' iiH-,i three lot tli and all uiaiplra have diap;mrvl; her skin it sod and smooth nol ln-r yea eral health ia much improve,!. g,e rx prrava henvll murli (iratitl!, and ran reccomrjiond It tn all who are thnt aflect Una. 8. M. Wiixis, Irrn ilcun tain. Tema, For Nile by Drug);Utt. W. DUNN. JAS. BF.DIOND, rmUeaU Tie Pres. B. S.UCIOX, Seety A Treaa. New Berne Ice Go KaaaOittarara Pure Crystal Ice, From DtAlllod WaUt. Out-put M Tom Dallv. Car Load Urta Solicited. lea rWiverwl daily (ncafH Sunday) a. a, 10 1 p. m. Baadava (nruil only) T a. m. ta It mm. rC pros ana ether inforiDaUoa, attlraat, ttH llaatar. Doar Drags, Dobbins "These druggists are robbers. I just had prescription filled, and they charged me two do lars for it." ? . V'.' ; ';: Bobbins "Oh I Tbat is easy. Why, I had a doctor's prescription filled the other day that cost me seventy five dollars!" Dobbins -"Heavens." ' Robbius "Yes; tha doctor pre scribed a bicycle for my wife, and I had to get it for her "Puck-, Tba Mannish Woman. A masculine woman has always been the abhorrence of men and women alike. She is as repellent to nature as an effeminate man. The Woman who dresses iu mannish gnrb, who walks with a strido, who talks in a lond, Vuirsh voice, who assumes an air of busi ness importance, who is always threat ening to do things that are unrefined or difficult becuuBo they have been man's privilege, is a subject of amusement to some and of aversion to others. Brook lyn Easlo. WHO ARE WEAK BROKEN DOWN DISCOURAGED Men who suffar from the efforts of dlsettso. OTer. work, worry, from tlie folllea of youth or the ex oesnos of manhood, from unnatural drains, woak nesa or lick cf development of any organ, fallureof vital forces, unlllnoss for uiarrlniro, all men men slmutri "come to th fountain head" forn scientific method 'if marrollonn power o TlLilIre, Oevelop. re. "tore, and sustain. We will mall without rbarire In it nlnln aenleri imvelopt a i-amplilot that Telia It All. Nothlnt sent unasked. Ko expo sure, uo deception. Addrons ERIE MEDICAL CO. NIMMRa, STRtfT, BUFFALO. S. y. REMEMBER When yon aro in need of anything in the Hardware line WE curry tho largest stock in tho city and GUARANTEE the price of every article we sell. in irn WiiriP Until you Can't Rest. I We linvp n few barrels of nir-slacked lime which we will Ml at fifty cents per barrel while it lasts. TO MERCHANTS We will save you money on anything in our line. Respectfully, L. H, CUTLER HARDWARE CO., Successors to Slover nrtlwnrc Co. and L, II. Cutler Co. THE MiLD'S LARGEST POSSIBLE o The Great JOHN ROBINSON And FRANKLIN BROS., ENORMOUS SHOWS ! Absolntcly the Mightiest Amusement Consolidation ever sees in this or aoy land, under the largest tents cvt r constructed water proof. LIVING PICTURES I E5CHAST1XG STATUARI ! g Complete Cirrus I 3QO PEKFORltEBS t SEPARATE MtNAGERlES t ACRES OF TENTH ! 2 Roman Hippodromes 3 CIRCUS RINGS ! 20 Ferdcloun Itlonn In SO Foot Open Den. Tb )Iot Ohwioo. Elaboratr, Expwalva sod OuBprabeati GRAND FREE STREET PARAEE Ever acra. ContalalUK mora Oraod New Featorr. own Subtima Mights, asoiv llonaa, aanra Ckmela, aaura Elraiait, mora am and woman, snoi caisea, caanota, tattleaa eats, rOf bauds, nf aausac, boi aatnmatic mnatc, sauc baanmal a- ataasaa. iliaa any whar afcow putfaxa. bwides a world nt otln-r sabliiae aat startlio. a aid rrijiloal iDoratiios, ao aaadi grander, (maw, oiaUllrraaH aaora narriicnoas tha any Uer poawtaaea, that oppoattioa posiiiraly paktn t ibe imarl ot darinfl In lram of atiarapllaa tarn tbia ak4 miilatNaa of Ilia) all- oversfaadowiaf tatrudoc Una nf a new and ratatitv Oalanay rrncaaakMNil AtuaaanMnt. IrTae OntHt at. nirheM. li.rt-s Mrvet Prad Km tnoald Dcfjlnt all Coat ptUUoa IVKUY MUUS1NU 10 OCLOIK. 8 Com pi el e Ferforninneen Dally at 2 A 8 p. m. Doors Open Ooa Boar Earlwr. Una Tkka AdoritHo AIL New Berne, Friday, Oct. 29th. BtodDdl Whether Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, eraatetl, pimply, or blotchy, whether simple, scrofulous, or hereditary, from Infancy to ago, speedily cured by warm baths with CrmcottA Soap, gentle anointings withConcnnolnt ment), tho (Treat akin euro, and mild doeca of Ctmociu. ItKaoLVK.-rr, greatest of blood pnriflera and humor cures. bvMthmtiFlieatthtwcM. FonaaDarauniCaaa, Cusi... Sol. Prop... Bn-toD. " mr ' Uow to Curs Every Blood Humor, frss. CRPC UIIMnDC Tm" "at' as Bsbr Mm Money to Loan! $500,000 On Collateral. THE ENGUSII-AMEMCAN LOAN & TRUST CO will loan on J.ift) Insurance Poli cies in standard companies; on Stocks and Bonds, at lower rates and for longer time than -any other Loan Agency in the South. PHILIP WILLIAMS AVERITT, Resident Iteprescntative English-American Loan and Investment Jo.,Citizens ' Mali. Bk. Uidg., Raleigh, N. C. r WnKN talking to you .... About Furniture The sharpest point we can argue is the fact that our long established business nnd the Great Army of Sat isfied Patrons we Jhave made is the best testimony ns to the quality 'of our goods and the way we do business ALL KINDS OF Desirable 1 fonnd here Furniture a,1 If you are contemplating the purchase of Furniture a cnll at my store will prove profitable. John Suter, Under Hotel Chattawka, ll New Berne, N. C. J haml raiicura FINANCIAL. Farmers & Merchants on BTismoaa acaa7"a asx. Capital Stock,...,..... . ..$75,000.00 Surplus and Profits....... 11,111.41 OITICRRSs I H.Crmaa, President. ' ' : ' - . W. 8. Ciiadwick, vice Pros. . . T. W, Dbwky, Casbler. , J. W.Biddu, Teller. F. f. Matthiws, OoUoetor. DIKECTOBS: I.. H. Cutler. John Snler, W. B, BlhleE, ... o. vuMjwicK, r.n.i-ouet-iar, j. is. i;iai'K, i J. W. Stewart, N. M. Juruey, T.W. Dewey. ' We want your business and feel that we can offer you as much in return as any other bank in the city. It Is our endeavor to make business relations mut- I ually pleasant and profitable to our patrons. J. A. BRYAN, THOS. DANIELS, President. TIce Pros. . H. ROBERTS. Cashier. ' THE NATIONAL BANK. : Of NJSW BKUNK, J. 0. . Xxrcxxoua.rfmD ises. Capital, ...,.......I0O,000 Surplus Profits,.. ..............98,168 DIRECTORS: Jas. A. Brtah, Thoh. TJAlfXKLS. lHAB. O. UKYAH, J no, Dunn, O. H. Kobhbt J. H. HACKBUa 1 nARVBT . II. E. DI8HOF; T. A. Green, Prea, S.H. Meadows, Vlee Pre R. H. Gbotbs, Cashier, CITIZEN BANK ov xrxrwsxrxtxra, u. o. DO A GENERA I, BANKING BUSINESS The Aooounta ot Banks, Banker. Corpor eel vetl on tavoranle terms, rroinpt and oara ruianenuong-iTenioineinwiraioi onreas tomers. CollcOttons a Spoolalty. boabd or Diaaoroaa. Ferdinand Ulrloh J. A. Meadows, Samuel W. Ipork. Chaa. H. Fowler, J. w. Grainger, E. W. Smallwood. Geo. N. Ives. K. H. Meadow, Chan. Dufly, Jr. - Jamf Redmond, Mayer Hahn, .Tbomaa A. Green, G.K.Fnv. W. f. Crockett. PROFESSIONAL. F. M. Simmons, A. D. Ward Simmons & Ward, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS at LAW. NEW BERNE. N C. Practice In the oountte ol Craven, Duplin, tmes, uiwiuw, trwrat ami rsmuco; in we aupreme itiiii reuerai txiuria. aansi Na. as Nnmh rroait Hireet OpaiMiiie Uatel sjhnllMwkfs. P. II. Pellctier, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Middle Street, Lawyers Brick Building. Will practice In the Conntlp of Craven Oarteret, Jones, Unalotr and Pamlico. U. H CouitatKew Berne and tiuprfuie Court o be Htata. Iteceivrs XotI3c! The undersigned having been duly ap pointed Receivers ot the Stitnson Lum ber Company; and under the order of appointment being required to notify all creditors to file their claims with us as such receivers; Therefore: All persons holding any claims or demands of any nature or kind are notified to present the same to the undersigned Receivers on or before the first day of the next term of the Superior court of Craven county, to be neiu on tne zvui uay ot .November, 1897, to the end that such orders may be made in respect to the same as the court may direct; And all sums due the Slim- son Lumber oompanv must be paid to us. P. H. PELLETIER, r0,m F. 0. GOODWIN, ( K"1"- New Berne. Jf. C, Sept 10th, 1897, STEAMERS- EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE, AND ll FREIGHT & PASSENGER. For All Points Horth. The Steamer NEUSE will leave on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday! at 0 p. in., sharp. Mak ing no sto butwoeu Maw Beruo to Elixabelh City. Tbe Steamer KIWBERNE will aail on Tuesdays and Fridays at 14 o'clock, noon, making landings at Oriental, Ocracoko and Uoanoka Island. 13! Freight received not later than one hour previooa to aailing. For farther information apply to GEO. DEKDEKSON, Agt. M. K. Kiho, Geo, Mgr., ILO. HcDoixa,Gen.Frt.& Paaa-Agt. Norfolk, Va. New Berne, N. C, Sept. 18, 1897. Heal Edtato Agenejr I OOUil FOB BEST. UOCSES FOB BALE. FABUd FOIl BALE COLLECTIONS OF BENTS. Any I'Bslueat iaj rmi Una will b givra pruait atlrstioa by kayiag word at lb tnra of X. Kaaa A Co opposite lb Part oak, E. E. UaBPEB, Saat-roatUmca. j Funerml Director and Z2mbalmer. a OOto (8 Droaul t rort, ant lo Rtear art"! (taMra. RcaulrrKK 15) Dm filrmrC j tlUlfial rJ a KHa!ly. Old Domimpo Steamship Co i, Jjt )c.X W CT'''i(fit'ftiiH' 'Nat h IL f allll We have Just Recei ved - A CAR LOAD of Extra Fine IIORSKS AND MULES arid we will WARRANT t very horse or mule we sell to bo just as represented, Or you get your money back. The buyer due .not risk anything when he makes a purchase hero and nut-of-town buyers can feel safe in leaving the choice to nt. We invito inspection of an nnnsunllv fine line of Buggies and Warons at particularly fair prices, and we ate offering some decidedly good values in the wav of well-made harness, suitable for all sorts of work. JH. IIAIOT & CO. THE NEW BERN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW CAPITAL., tg-DOES A GENERAL FIKE INSURANCE Dl S1NESS. T. A. GREEN, President. GEORUE GKEEN, Secretary. J. J. WOLFENDEN, Gen'l Iseiit. RICH BLOOD. P. P. P. (LIPPMAN'S GREAT REMEDY) is the ideal medi cine for women. Its use insures health and the sub stantial" attractiveness which health alone can bc atow. P. P. P. is the rrrenteat Blood PorffW arnmm tn medical science, caring all Scrofulous Affections, Dyspepsia, Rheuma tism, Catarrh, Neuralgia, Malaria and Nervous Dcrangcmenta. P. P. P. ia aold by all druggists. $i a bottle ; six bottles, i ,. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, 'SKW Savannah. Ga. Fop Saleby F. THE IDEAL LAXATIVE ' A COBB FOR CONSTIPATION. AS FLKASANT AS I10XKY AXD 8CKB CL'ltg KO latlffastiaa, Dyaia, BUisaaatas, Staaaack TraaaUa, BwI Slsarlara, Uw BiMaaaa, lrrf mlarity, Xidaay Ttwaktea, Baa dacha. rvsra, tick Staauch, Bala aal Bla4 Bisarlara, Thick aaf lallaw Caraalczion, ' A4 vary aaaay alhrr Dtaaaaea m1 OaaialsiUM aa laawllva r.lha Bamrala. PRUNEUNB ir the safest and surest calbartio and aperient one caa nae. It thoroughly cleanse without gripinp, purifies the blood and removes all waato from tbe sjs teui. It does away with caator oil, aalu, blue mass and all other nause ous purratire. It tonii and ener gises all the great organs ot the ..- a a a a. system, u is tree irom all lisrsUlf acting drags, and is always safe, al ways reuiy, always reliable. K9 U ka (aal, U ut warm aaa tfca kawals , FRIltUIia fatta Uttsr aarfaaa. rRlNELIXS la llM.INvfxM raaally Hrsllasaa Bat f all aalara. or scat oa ncrtpt ol M ets In any aitOtyja Wlnklcmaaa ft Brown Drag Co aa rraawaatara, TAtTi-sona, kb, RBI BERN, N. C. $50,000,00 W. 13. EVADES, JOHN DUNN, Vicc-Prrst., ofleea OVER CITIZENS BANK. Tills woniin la a picture of per fect tlth. Her existence is not made iv.ieer.ible by Shattered Nerve;;, Westing Irregularities, Dyspepsia, ii.e 31uea, or any of tbe manifold derangements caused by wer.k or i:npure blood. She la full of life and ambition. She is handsome. She is happy. Rich blood coursing through her veins maintains her magnificent womanhood, warding off the in numerable diseases to which a weaker woman would be suscep tible. - , Bliss Alice Hastings, Snvanr.ah. Ga., aaya she wu9 suffering all the torture of a ter rible case of scrofula, and no relief could be obtained nntil P. P. P., Uppman's Great Rem edy, was tried ; there suit waa a complete cure. N. DUFFY. Eastman's Ko. 3 Eureka Camen is a simple instrument for use witt glass plates. Makes picture 3 x iH inches, and has space in back foi three double plate holders. Saiet) shutter. Fine achromatic lens. 4 $ Ma avt tanas rsawa, aKksasanU, akas . Max . as. Bttis SwAI PWs fMMsn, aa, , . .1 " IX'.IilnlMuar,nM,lIs,,sas J rm W, t, Mir Mm. A -f tmku W mm A'faaf yv m mi r mtk EASTMAN KODAK CO. Rochester, M. V. Take Notice! Dtnd-niH(l and Fawrd SHINGLES, Biick and Extra Milch 0i, Fea Pwl and UU.M, Store o llanire or Firepiaca WOOD wt ktep undet la'sa 'd w r s-1 w. t lo rnr wea'la-r. Ad dr iy erl KHEE to your h.r. ri)e sure aud tr BIQ HILL, The Shingle Han. M 'TTSWaV.. ..... - lolT.s,T lit. rrtflsj trm Hsaahinf-traaV ( J'". svlv U . aa-.vy u patHiaS Bf vsWfftX UW m-A 4mm I ll palawr A IHWwnr lt -ks OUs I1 I' ,1 la, " s)l I aWaTSMB fjuwtUI SI aaiwaa. 4 k . . Ukrt .it aJ C