THE JOURNAL. Lodge Directory. BCRKKA I.ODGB KO. 1. 1. O. O. V. r Offl-oors:-J. L. Cooper, N S.; R. J. Dlnosway.V. Q.i T. B. Hyman, B'o'd. Bee'ty; J- B- Parker, Jr.. Traaa. BemilarmMtlaK every Monday nirht at & 0 o'clock. ATHENIA LOUOB HO. S, K. ot '.-Meets rerr Tuesday night in K. ot P. Hall, Kiddle Street, t. P. Avery, CO.; W. 8. Paraoni, V. 0.' J. I.. Moody, K. K. 8.; 0. C. TUorn ton,M.O(P. JAl.TTsIET ENCAMPMENT NO. 4.10.O.1J. Oncers :-J. L. Cooper, C. P.iO. H. Hall, H. I.; F. R. Hymn, S. W.:H.C. Lnms1en,J..; N.C. Hughes, soribe; a B. Neal. Treat. Reg ain Bnoaoipments, 1st, 8d. and 5th (it any) riiuraday nights in each month r 8.-00 o dock; CANTON CLElIONT NO. S, P. MI. O. O. T. Officers .-Geo. Slorer, Captain; T. G. Hy man, Lieut. 1 P. H. PelleUer, Ensign ; Wm. J . Pitta, Clerk; Kd. Heroes, Accountant. Reg ular Cantonments, Sd and 4th Thursday sights In each month at 8 AD o'clock1 . OHAVBN LODGB NO. 1, KNIGHTS OP HAB MONY: Meets tad and 4th Wednesday nights In eaeh month in Rountree's Hall, at7 M o clock. A, K. Ball, President; J, H. Smith, Secretary. ST. JOHN'S LODGE NO. 8, A. P. AND A. M : Officers: J . B- Clark. W. M.: T.W. Dewey, 8. W.; B. B. Neal, J. W.; T. A. Green, Tree ".; George Green, Sec'ty. Regular Com munications M Wednesday eaeh month. CUATTAWKA TRIBE NO. 14, IMP. O. R.M Meets the tnd Sleep of every 7 Buns Monday night at K. of P. Castle Hall, Middle Street, New Rernt', N. C. Visiting Red Men always welcome. W. H. Parsons, Sachem; J. 11. Smith C. ot R ri KW BERNE CHAPTER NO. 48, R. A. M.: OlHcersi T. A.Mreen, H. P. J. B. Clark, K.C; T. W. Dewey, Scribe; Chas. Duffy, Tress.; C. D. Brartham, Bec'ty. Regular convoca tions id Monda each month. ST. JOHN'S COMMANDERY NO. 10, K.T.: Officers:- H.J. Lovlck, E. C.;J. B.Clark, G.; 8. R. Street, C. G. ; T. W. Dewey, Prelate; 0. D. Bradhain, Recorder. Regnlai Conclaves first and third Fridays ot the month. KNIGHTS OP HONOR-Ofllcers: Jno. M. Hargett, Dictator; I. II. Vinson, Reporter; W. Tf. Rountree, Financial Reporter New llerne Lodge No. 448 meet the 2nd and 4th Vrlday nlvhts at 8 o'clock In Rountree's Hall, Pollock Street. NEW BERNE LODGE SO. 1, F. H. 4 C.-J.W. Ithldle, Prest; J. H. Smith, Recording Secty; E. E. Quldley, Financial ecty. Meets in Knights of Pythias hall every 1st and 2nd Wednesday nights lu each mouth. Business Locals. FOR RENT House on Broad St., con taining eight rooms, bath rooms, etc. Apply to Mrs. M. J. Simpson, 82 Pollock Street. IF you wish to buy a Typewriter, the "Williams" is the smartest up-to-date machine on the market. Confer with O. H. Guion or T. W. Dewey and get you one, either for cash or upon the install ment plan. HAVING just received one thousand samples of the very best foreign and do mestic woolens. I am prepared to make Suits to Order as reasonable as can be bad anywhere everything being equal. Will guarantee satisfaction or refund your money. R. Sawyer, Fashionable Tailor, OS South Front Street. WANTEDA few energetic ladies and gentlemen to canvas. Will pay a guar anteed salary of $45 per month. Call or address: W. C. BoST, Davidson, N. C. MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Munyon. Mrs, Simpson For rent John Warren Ob the ranch. P WAvirett Doubling your prosperity OF LOCAL INTEREST. The finest and largest lino of studs you have ever seen at Baxter the Jeweler's. See J. J. Baxter for men's fine shoes, Waterhonse ties, and fine nn derwear just in. The price of cotton in the local market, yesterday, was from 5.40 to 6.C5, according to quality. The yard in front of the theatre on Hancock street has been plowed and will be sown with grass seed. The maximum temperature as ob served by the Government Weather and Crop bureau yesterday, was 70,0 degrees. Sheriff Ilahn reports quite a steady demand for rooms at his com fortable hotel on Craven street, and at present his guests number twelve. The continued easterly winds make the local fish market quite bare of fish, there being only Robins and Jacks for sale, with some fish of still smaller size. The Craven Club has its rooms handsomely and comfortably finish ed, and its members are enjoying their quarters. There are a num ber of applications made for mem bership in the club. There are some good sized ship ments of beans and peas being made from here by local truckers, to the northern markets. While the beans and peas are of a flue quality, truck ers say prioes for them are compara tively low. Dry weather has made salt water fishing very good in the vicinity of the city, and local fishermen enjoy catching trout within a short dis tance of the dock. Yesterday there were a number of boats in the river, and some excellent oatcbes of trout were made. Contractor Neal U still busily at work preparing the timbers for the Trent river bridge. He has net yet received the papers from the gov ernment giving him permission to the right . of way, so he can com mence the construction of the bridge. The Odd Fellows of IUlelgh hate appointed a reception committoe to look after the interest and welfare of their brethren who may attend the State Fair daring this week. The headquarters of the committee is in the Grand Secretary's office, room 27 Pullon Building, where they desire to see all the Odd Fellows who come to the city, ,';. V:-;. PERSONAL. Mr. W. S. Chadwick of Beaufort, was here yesterday. , . . Rev. Father Edward, returned last night from St, Mary's, Mo. Mr. H. B. Smith spent the day in Dover yesterday on business. Mr. C. T. Randolph came down from Ki ue ton yesterday after noon. Capt. Will II. Williams left yesterday morning to visit at Ashe ville. Mr. W. H. Hervey went to Ral eigh yesaerday to attend the State Fair. Messrs. J. S. Fisher of Riverdale, and J. II. Bell of ILirlowe, were here yesterday. Mrs. J. A. Richardson of Dur ham, arrived last night to visit at Mr. W. F, Crockett's. Mrs. Kate Richardson left on yesterday's uioruing train for Dur ham, to visit her son, Mr. L. C. Richardson. Miss Mary Bell of Morehead City, who I as been visiting at Salisbury, passed through last night en route to her home. Messrs. A. 0. Brinson, Gee. Brin soa, J. T. Willis, and J. W. Hurdi ion of Baird's Creek, and John Rowe of Stonewall were in tho city yesterday. Messrs. Gannon and Groom, U. S. inspectors of boilers and hulls, came over from Wilmington yester day afternoon and left on the A. & N. C. train for Morehead Citv. Dolus; Excellent Claying. The members of the City Band are doing steady practice these days, and Prof; Le Roy feels very much pleased with the results front this steady work. The Band, lias already accom plished the successful effort of play ing a march, every member taking part. Tl.e Band will give some enter tainments here during the winter, and it is expected that the first will be a minstrel performance, in which local talent will aid the Band. Mr. Bull Paralysed. Mrs. Johu F. Butt last Sunday sustained a Blight stroke of paralysis and althougli her condition is not ssrious, her friends feel quite uneasy about her. Sho sustained u light stroke about three weeks ago. The second stroke afficied her tongue. Charlotte Observer 19th insi. Will Open Heetlna;. Rev. J. T. Kendall wishes to an nounce that he will commence a tent meeting at Vanueboro, begin ning November 17th. The Insurance War. The fight now being waged by the Southeastern Tariff Association against the Greensboro, N. C. In surance Company, a local com pany, is being noted with a good deal of interest throughout the State. The question of great importance to the insured is, does it mean lower insurance rates now, until local com panies are driven out of business, and then rates to be raised to suit the Association? If the war will bring some fair rates for those who have to in sure in New Berne, it will provo a blessing. VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. Tneae tt, Uvd "lien. Editor Journal: In the Jolksal of the lOtb, I lead with interest what is said about the red, red circus banners, which are displayed from nearly every post or pole in the centre of the city. In reading your articlo, I after wards noticed that no sign wit liuog upon a Western Union Telwgrapb post, and this recalled the fact that a few years ago the city passed an ordinance requiring this Company to paint its poles and mark on each, "Post no Bills." Hero was au excellent example for eucoeeding polo raiser to follow, but I do not believe sr.y action has been taken except in the case of the W. U. T. Co. And this farther remind mo that if the Telegraph Company' ordi nance was in force as regbxdaall pole erected, the oity would not be so freely and gratuitously decorated as each offence means 13.00 lor the offender to pay. Your for inoffeji sive publicity. Q. B. Server. POLLOKSVIIAB. Ctra Pnatcra Anna. Same e4l 'arming. Knlghta ! Harmeny. Diversity Tom Crwna. Mtr Hunting-. . Ootober 19th. Verp little cotton sold on our market last Saturday, 51 bales only, low prices the trouble. Highest price paid was 5.6S for best. ' Miss Bessie White of this place re turned home last Friday from visit ing friends in New Berne. ,i Miss Annie Shepard left last Mon day to visit friends at Maysville. Miss Izora Jones of Carteret county was visiting Miss Carrie Sim mons near here last Snnday and Monday. Miss Lila Ward left to visit friends in New Berne last Thursday. Jack Pearce who has been very sick with hemorrhagic fever, we are very glad to learn is rapidly improv ing, The advance agent of John Rob inson and Franklin Bros, was in town last Friday decorating the walls of buildings with pretty pic tures which please the small boys and colored people. D. S Bender of Wilmington, who moved from this county about 40 years ago to the above city, was one among the many visitors. lie there met with many old friends and relatives he had not seen in many years. Ralph Bender and J. R. Bryan of Wards Mill Onslow county, were visiting friends here last Saturday and Sunday. They both say they have made good crops. Ralph Ben der sold in this place this season $314 worth of meat and lard of last year's raising. That is the style of farmer who is above want and knows no hard times. E. W. Dickinson of New Berne was in our town last Saturday, Sun day and Monday. On Monday night he organized a lodge of the Knights of Harmony, with 13 charter mem bers. T. S. Bender has a little boy five years old, who is utmost an expert player cn the harmonica, lie can play anything be hears in perfect time and very sweetly. T. R. Lee, formerly of this place, but late of Kinston waB among tho visitors at this place. Ue speaks in high terms of Kinston, says he is doing a very good mercantile busi ness there, says business has been very good with him since the to bacco sales began the loth of Aug. We are very much in hopes that our farmers will see lrom their neighboring counties thai it is well to diversify their crops. They say cotton don't pay, then why not try 4 or 5 acres in tobacco in connection with their cotton crop, 'tis always the small tobacco grower who gets the best results. Other couutics are doing well in this crop why not Jonea? Mr 8. Jane Barber, wife of W. I. Barber who lives on the plantation of A. F. DuVal died very suddenly last Sunday evening the 17ch. Mr, Barber moved to this county last winter from Onslow county. The hunting season is now open ing, birds are said to be very plenti ful in this section and deer are very numerous in the Catfish Lake sec tion. The champion hunters of Jones county are occasionally bag ging a very fine buck. They killed two last week. The champion hun ters referred to are Messrs. T. Emmet, John B. Allen, T. and Wade II. Bender who are the near est residents to Catfish lake hunting grounds. Backlaa's Arnica Salves, Tub Bust Salve in the world for Cuts Bruise. Sort's, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posit ivcly currs Files or no pay required. It is guaranteed to Rive pertect aatishctioo or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Toe sale by F, S. Dufly, Klilppcra Plena member. The steamer Vanceboro sails Mon days and Thursday at 8:30 a.m. for points up Neuse river. "Freight re ceived under cover op to the hour of tailing. J. C. Wnnti1 Happiness U made complete for ttie chlldretr. young and old, by the gift of ben of our exauiatt chocolates. tnarnhmaUnwa. caramels. Freooh mixture, drop candles. The Inter vnf rood tbirr appreciate their delicious fUrora and. rich, creamy concoctions. We bare them freak very day. '. . . ; C. ! Mcfiorley &. ,- . A SPLENDID RAIN : Utcan Falling Henna Alan Kepert ," Ml Tnranchnnt This Section. Rain commenced falling last night about 5 p. m., and steadily increased nntil there was good oontinuouB down pour. It was greatly needed here, and will prove of immense benefit to the health of the people of this city and section, of incalculable value to the farmers. ; ( The Journal reports at it p. m., said it was raining at Morehead, Goldsboro and Raleigh. ' . ; A waiting Reanlla. . The Burton brothers who assault' ed the colored man, Pickett, at Riverdale last Saturday were ar rested and brought to this city, one giving bond and the other going to jail, awaiting results of the cutting they gave Pickett. Pickett, since his wounds were dressed has continued to improve, and while not out of all danger, there are excellent chances for his reaovery. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tkaht lailt Ola&ffi&C&t "Sir sjruurt! On the Ranch and rich pasture lands of the West is raised the healthiest, purtBt cattle, sheep and hogs, whose juicy beef and mutton excels the rare beef of old Eng land or the "iowt" or saddle of mutton that graces the Queen's table. For the enicure's table there is no place in New Berne that can furnish meats that are unrivaled for iibre, flavor nnd juicy de liciousnss as that got at JOIlN WAR RENS, Cor. Sooth Fkont and Middle Sts,, Next door to K. R. Jones. Str. May Bell. T. G. Dixon, Sr., Master, Will LEAVE NEW BERNE On TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS 8 o'clock o. ro. for River Landing, Jolly Old Field and Orifton. A. C. THOMPSON. Agent. Our Fall and Winter Styles in elegant combinations of color in 'up-to-date fabric in plaid, checks, utripes, tweeds, twills, serges, etc, nre awaiting ior your inspection tilcilled workmen are also waiting to fashion them into the beat fitting and finely finished suits that would cost you twice as much it landed nader the new tariff. Prices are to arit the times and satisfaction guar mateed. F. M. CHADWICK. Our Tailor-made and Capes . Oar- Dress Ooods and Silk Department ta full of attractions for you lo all the Krw Styles. W make a specialty of BUek Dress Uoois and do Lady sbnuld think of purchasing a Black Drew antil'ehe has seen our styles and obtain ed our price. A selict lino of colors in ' ( UBOAD CLOTH ' Nothing more stylish this season. Also Just received an assortment of Braids for trimming. D. F. JAR I - -in jii in in I) muni i. .' 'J. I sr.. harmless, and n Btrontt toolc In building up the weak &Dd debilitated. It cures acute or muixaUr rheuma Utia In from o::o to d&ya. Sarp, shooting palna V r,niiinnl ism fiim ia (riir. raiitet d til kM absolutely in any pan ot ino d-mj siunpt-u m iw uikco. a. iwnmnl nmntat Anil Th" milHC'Ilt CUTO ILT IV. BienPSS. HorenesH, stiff back and r.!l palni In bin and loltit. Chronic rheaniiulcui, eciatfca, lumbago or pain In tbeba--ic are ipeeuity curua. iiwjuuui una iui relief from ono to two doses, and almost invariably cures before one bottle baa beeti cscd. The XI unyon Remedy Company prepare a pcpnrate cure for each disease- Atall dxunil3ii ccnisa vlnl. Ifyouoeed medical advica write Prof. Manyon, 1Mb Arch Street, Philadelphia. It to absolutely free. A Big Strike Not At Klondike Not Among Miners Not At Base Ball Right in This Town We have made it by purchasing the serial rights for a new story by Stepniak. It is a thrilling tale of the life and love of a "political" in the land of the Czar. The title is "A Cot tage by the Volga" and the first chapters will soon be printed. SURE CROUP CURE. When vour baby whoops in mid-, dlo of night Croup is impending 1 give the ehild a dose of Anwy's ubouf DYKur ana me niue ivhuw is well and laughing in five minutes, rbmarkarlk and harmless, but true, or we will refund the money, 25c. AT Bradham's Reliable Drug Store. Dress Goods. Dress Goods thought aro turning toward New Fall Good now what is new what is being worn and where is the beet (election to be found. Every day adds some thing new to our extensive collection, all of which will be cheerfully shown when ever you care to call. : We know where you will find the best selection. October 19. Wraps, Coats, . for Ladles, Misses and Children, have just arrived, ' these are ot the newest styles and perfect tilting. Come early and make your neltcU Ion. Hhoul'l you want any special ty1 we hare th tailors at our com mand, and at shirt notice we eaa guar ante you satisfac tion. Our Custom-mada Shoes - which the trade hat recognized belnc of superior merit, w think are bottor than ever, and up to date in ttyla, Be sure If von want a Carpet, Mat ting r Rags to ar our display brfor you purchase. lWi' will offer you Hpecial Inducements and advantages which you will appreciate. The Time Has Coma to Buy vourFn and Winter Ooods. Our stock bolng wtsrly and carefully bought we will guarantee yna niwiinn, anu price that cannot u unuersoia. VIS, fit Hard Rubber Trusses. : Long Tested. Ofujn Imitated. Never Equaled- Alwavs Beliablo. Light, Cool, Cleanly, Comfortable chafing, strapping unpleasantness. DAVIS' PHARMACY, Corner Broad and Middle Streets. Phone 56. Ladies' Wraps. A creditable and showing in Ladies Wraps. Four of the prom inent styles described 22 inch Black Astraoban Cape, full sweop.lined with two toned taffeta silk, collar au:l front trimmed with black Thibet, at only U 50. 20 inch Plush Cape, jotted and braidedlined with black sur ah satin, trimmed with brown bear fur, at only $0.50. 24 inch Seal Plush Cape, silk lined. Thibet trimmed and jet braided in Applique designs, at only $9.00. v27 inch Black Bear Capo, silk lin"d, an exceedingly handsome garment, price $10.00 Ladies Cloth Capes, jette-1, braidul and fur trimmed, in black, blue, and tan, ranging in prices from 3.00 to $5.00. Mail Orders Promptly Filled. EL B. Duffy. We Hare Received those BOY'S AND YOUNG MEN'S FINE NOBBY SUITS, OUR TAILOR has everything in working order and is giving splendid fits. OUR SAMPLES aro completo and aro Very Moder ate in price. You will do well to eiamino our line of Men's Under- wear, it is the most complete in tho city and you are sure to be suited. Our Cassimeres are first-class and are being sold very cheaply. We can furnish you with any style and quality of Kid Glove, and guarantee them to bo as cheap as any in the city. We call especial attention to our Umbrellaa and - Canes, also to our Neckwear. , Onr llats are of all the latest styles and are m irked down low we can suit yon exactly. CSyCALL AND EXAMINE our Stock and you. will be Suited. Hews lew The phenomenal value we are now offering in Mens, Boys & Ghildrens Clothing Should command the attention of every prudent . and Economical buyer. Mens all wool Cheviot Suits, lat- Boys all wool double breasted suits est styles and patterns, their price sixes from 3 to 15 years, our price elsewhere 15.00, 17.60 and $10.00; . 88c, 11.25, 11.45, $2.25, $2.00, up Our price only $3.75, $4.93, $7.15. to $6 suit, all greatly under prioc. SPECIAL We are offering 15 dozen Mens Unlaondried Shirts, re inforced back and front, 4 ply linen bosom, value 75o, all sizes at 4!lo each. ECONOMY opp. fl The Big hwm tan M Dry Goods pd,dlu uuu 0. A. BAUFOOT, Manager. flAB MM WEST TENNESSEE' . Horses and His. Some Extra Good, gentl driver. Also: Open mid Top ISugxIe, And Farm Waoni JiiKt ltcccIvrd. H7riese Call and examine before buying. Jlospectfolly, Thos. J, Mitchell. ?XT and Durable. Free from soiling, Complete assortment just received at thoroughly up-to-date below. As well a a jVew jJne of 4DapH. ! (l IS WEALTH. Opp. V. o. j mm t. -v. . ( r