VOL XYI- NO. 100. NEW BERNE, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2G, 1897. - UPON OUR STOCK OF 3d SHOES SHOES SHOES 'TIIEY WILL STAND IT. . Over SO per cent, of the KETAIL TRADE KNOWS IT, That Is why WE SELL SO MAN Y. J. W. STEWAUT, Prcst, ENOCH WAD3YYOUTH, Vice-frcst. Room 8 & 9, Daves BnlMInt;, Onp.IUptist diurch.MId- dlaStroet. New Investment Officb IIoitbs: Iopbs: ) to 2 P. City Property Bought Mnd Sold. 11 A. M. M. cm LOTS, A handsome and most desirable resi dence, located on the soutb side of Change at its Intersection with East Front street, adjoining the residence of the late Judge Seymour. Handsome Iinuso, with additional lot adjoining for another residence, most delightfully In. ca'cd; and one of the 'handsomest and most deslrablo dwellings In the city. r On South Front Street, betweem Ora Ten and K M Front Handsome, remod eled brick rotidence, 80 rooms, - three stories and bawment, all modern conven iences, hath rooms, Ac. Delightful lo cation for summer or winter residence. One double house in Pavletown, new', 0 toonii. 1 A handsome building lot 100 feet Mid. die Street by 107, 8 In, deep; immediately , north of the dwelling owned by J. F. Ives; to suit Purchasers, this lot will be divided Into two lots, 00 feet frontage each. ' ' . ' . A most desirable residence lot situate on Neuse river, at the foot of Pollock st . suitablo ior handsome dwelling, but will be sold in smaller parcels on satisfactory terms. Two new dwellings suitable for small . families; all modern conveniences; west Your Doctor Fights $ Disease with medicine. If the f medicine la not right he can Jg f not conquer disease. If the ' (S) " druggist does his duty the medicine will he right, and gj your doctor will stand a fair () chance of winning tho vlo- t ,! : tory. S Yon can help your dot-tor tt) by having yuiir prescription ').; filled at S, Bradham'a $ . Reliable Druf Store- v . ' (.) - Str. May Bell. T. (lT)ixon, Br., Master, Will LEAVE NEW BERNE On Tl' 1!S DA i I I HI DA VS. II ..' 1 . !-. :! in. f r ! -. -, I -. .! ,!! G2 i ESS! 2 EBSSB9 3s Q I a i OWEN II. GUION, Secty. TIIOS. DANIEL8, Treas. Bern Company, Monoy Advanced for Purchasers. Investments Solicited. side of Hancock street, between Pollock and South Front. FAUX 3. Ono fine 284 acre farm, one and one- half miles from Now Bern, on soutb side of Neuse road. Several valuable farms near the village of Dover, and Cove. 350 acres 1 mile above Core ereek station; 600 acres 21 miles from Gore creek, 300 acres of good merchantable timber the eon; 280 acres No 1 tobacco land.on road between Dover and Core creek nublio roads; 1 1-16 acre lot In center of village of Cove. All the abovecontmnsgooddwclllngs, barns and stable. Terms reasonable One desirable 40 acre farm, on south side of Trent river, 2 miles from New item. A desirable farm, 4 miles from tho city, lying on the A. & N. C. R R. and Neuse river; 160 acres. One excellent farm of 250 acres on Trent road. 2) miles from New Bern. A most desirable farm consisting of 125 sores, 8 miles from New Bertie, on A. & N. C. R. R. and Bachelor's creek. An exceedingly no farm, 4 miles from the city, containing 600 acres, on Neuse roaa, - - REMEMBER When yon are in need of nnjtLing in the Hardware line ' , WE csrrjr the largott took. in the cilj and , . OIJAItANTEE the irfoo of every artlole we tell. IFc have Sluves "Zl'L. We have s few barrels of alr-alackcd lime which we will sell s fifty cents per barrel wliils It hull. TO MEIK.IIANTS-Wewlll save you money on anything In our line.. IteSM-elfully, I. H, CL'Tl-Hl HARDWARE CO., ' r hi iKvutf C-i, MEH OF MIGHT. The Gold Seekers of Ma Hill Character. Skagna Building tip. Reason for Changing Bank Note Design. Simple Plan of Scc'y Gage. Piatt in Washington." Po&itlon ofPresidcnt Journal Bcrkaii. ) "Washington, D. (J., Oct. 25. Governor Urady, of Alaska, suys in Ins annual report to the Secretary of the In terior: "Ship load alter ship load of gold seekers and their freight has been rushed to the extreme limit of suit water navi gation (Bynn Canal), uud there they have been literally dumped upon the beach, some above high water and nianj below, as tbey learned to their sorrow when tho water covered them as they slept. The gold seekers hare hud a terri ble time, but they are brave and started out to endure-hardships. As a class they rank far above the average manhood of the country. Skagua is being limit up rapidly, Lumber is in demand, mid lots are selling as high as 1,500. Americans are anxious to secure a route to I lie Yukon, which shall be entirely upoti U. S. territory. Different parties nrc now out, and aro carefuHy examining the mountains between Yukutat and Cook's Inlet. This is I lie third season of the work in Cook's Inlet. The excitement over the Klondike has drawn many away from there; nevertheless the output of gold this year will be no mean sum. The possibilities of the whole region border ing upon tliis inlet and upon Prince William Sound will draw crowds of ad venturers in the near future." The Secretary of the Treasury who doesn't change or attempt to change the designs of the paper money issued by the government is regarded by the old timers in the department as n freak, lc will be remembrced that a new and highly ar tistic series of designs for silver certili cites was secured and put into use by the last administration. That these dc ligns are the most beautiful ever used for the purpose is admitted, but a goodly percentage of the banks of the country have entered protest against continuing their use because of the difficulty, after the notes have circulated awhile in (lis- tinguishiug the denominations at a glance and the ease with which the value of the notes arc raised and passed upon the ignorant. That is why Secretary Gage has decided to have another change in design. If Secretary Gage's idea is car ried out, and it probably will be, the same design will be used upon all notes of the same value and it will be made simple and distinctive so ns to become associated in the minds of the people with notes of that value, thus making it almost impossible to fool anybody witli raised note. Secretary Gage's idea was discussed at the last meeting of the Cabi net and was favored on account of its simplicity. Bankers and all who handle money in large quantities will fuvor the idea because it will enable them to han dle and assort notes with greater speed. Senator Piatt was in Washington a short time within forty-eight hours, and although he denied that bis visit was for any such purpose, it is believed among the politicians that his principal object was to get President McEinley to write a personal letter expressing his desire fcr the election of Geo. Tracy to be Mayor of New York. While there Isn't tl.e slightest doubt that President McKinlcy wishes the Success of Gen. Tracy, it is doubtful whether he will consider it either good policy or good politics to say o over his signature. lie lias a dread of being charged with meddling witli local affairs, even in his own state. He con. aiders it perfectly proper for Secretary Bliss to be actively working for Men. Tracy, because he Is a citixen of New York, and as each Is personally inter ested In its city government. TRAIN Ilf A BITER. Mtw Terk Cealral Express Takes Fear fa I riasa lals Ike Has) sea. - QaEhisoh'b, N. Y. October 24. A New York Ceolial Railroad train plunged Into the Hudson river three miles south of Gsrtlson's opposite West Point, just be fore daybreak Ibis morning, and twenty eight persons were killed. Neither the engineman nor the fireman will ever (ell the story of that terrible moment, for, with bis band upon the throttle, the engineman plunged to the river bottom and the fireman, too, met death at his post. Behind them came an express ear,, a combination ear' and three sleeping cart, and these piled on top of the locomotive, What teems to have happened was that beneath the tracks and tho ties the heavy wall bad given way, and when the great weight of the locomotive struck the unsupported tracks It went crashing :t ., j . , j i . through tbe wall and toppled over Into il- rir.r into 50 feet of water. i. ir-i ni,.n.l .., it,. ...,h.nlr. ment the coupling-pin that held the last!".' wl,n ' reconvened after a short thrae of tbe sli ihwneri broke and thev miraculously remained on the torn-up track. In that way slity lives ere ived. ' '''- YELLOW FEVER STAMPEDE. Ttaooaauds Fleetaa From Alabama lo Escape Ibe Disease. Special to Journal. Raleigh, N. C, October 25-Word comes from Atlanta this afternoon that a special train arrived at that city today, carrying two thousand persons from Montgomery and Sclma, Alabama, and from other points where yellow fever appeared to be increasing. More people are on the way. At Bel ma twelve thousand dollars worth of railroud tickets were sold yesterday. There was frost at Atlanta this morn ing. IMPORTANT TERM. Wake Superior Coirt Will Hear Cases of Literal. riic (ircat Sealclii in Kaleigli. Van dcrhilt lin the Advantage. Rob bed ihe Mails. The Smith Case. Methodist Confer ence. Journal HuhkaU. I Rai.khih. N. C. Oct. 25. f Wake Superior c urt meets here today witli Judge W. S, O'B. Robinson presi ding- There are to be several cases of State interest before this term of court. The case of John H. Pearson against S. Otho Wilson will be t'.e fust taken up. Then there will be ex-enrolliug clerk's Swinson'a case and the case of Stewart Bros, the ex-state printers. The eyes of the State will be upon the court this week. Tonight Madame Sofia Scalclii ap peared at tho Academy of Musie. She s ing II Irovatore. Kale g i lias been very fortunate in having good operas tins fall, and many good attractions are booked at the Aculcmy for the rest o'tlie season. 1 he fact that-Vanuerbilt took 7U pre miums and the $100 special prize at the Fair last week looks rather unfair. The farmer who lias little spare cash puts forth every effort to make a creditable exhibit, hoping to be at least repaid by the premium money, and he hits to com pete, for these premiums, with a man who lias unlimited cash to make his ex hibit a perfect one. The Biltmore ex hibit could get all the diplomas and hon orable mention, but let the cash prizes go to the farmers. At the U. S. court which will meet here in December, William E. Morris of Roxboro will be tried for robbing the mails of three registered letters. He has pleadid guilty before I'. S. commissioner Daniels. Raleigh's leading literary club, The Monday Evening club begins Its fourth year's work this week. It has a very large membership and has been productive of much pleasure as well as profit. It is said that Gov. Russell and three of the penitentiary board are in favor o! removing Superintendent Smith. Chair man Dockcry and the rest of the Board are in favor or keeping nun mere under the thumb ot the executive com mittee who will be paid a salary for keep ing Superintendent Smiib straight. This week the Supreme court hears appeals from the 5th district. Most of the districts have light dockets. About 200 appeals are heard generally at each term of court. On December 1st, the Methodist con ference meets here. Bishop Hnrgrovcs will preside. Delegates to the general conference will be elected. This general conference meets in Baltimore next spring. The date of the meeting of the StatcJ Boird of Medical Examiners has been changed from October 29 to November 0. The rain still falls and it is quite coldl The streams are now at their usua- height. The crop of clover and grain are doing nicely under the rain which was so much needed. Secretary of State Thompson and Audi tor Ayor aro asked whether they are But ler or anti-Butler Populists. They neith er of them showed up at either of the meetings last week, Secretary Thomp son has been considered very uncertain. The State Labor Commissioner says 'hat tobacco statistics is the hardest of asl to secure. A Guilford county man is making good cigars out of tobacco grown entirely In bis county. They are' pro nounced very good Indeed. Fully of all the cotton Is picked als the good cotton is picked. The crop fall short about i as thought In August, but is better than It wss believed to be Oct. 1st. The big acreage brings It up to the normal crop, Latest Hews Ileal. The total cost of maintaining the navy during the last fiscal year was 17,814,. 28L - Three hundred Norwegians chartered the steamer Favorite and met the Lu- I. -.1,1. n W.nuM -krw.l ,M MM i York harbor, i - The monetary commission has ad. Mourned until November 8. Sinct October rcc, raBCB wur" hi a been done. The commission wilt not recom mend changes ot radical character. The steamer Humboldt arrived at Seattle with five men from Dawtoe City, who left that place Beptember 8. They say no more gold will oome out this fall . Tbe Yukon Is already frown hard and lmit a are laid up for tbe winter. REPLY OF SPUN. Metis of War Mafle in Ei:- Determined to Suffer! no Interfer ence About Cuba. A Protest Against Filibusters. Supported by the Spanish Press. A Critical Singe. Special to Journal. Washington, October 25.-Th defi nite reply to Spain by the diplomatic note of the United States containing the de mands of this government in regard 1" Cuba is the cause of war talk at all the European capitals. The London papers all declare that the attitude of Spain towards tiie I'mteil States will be definite and firm and tliey predict a rupture between the two coun tries. The hurried return of Gen. William F. Draper, the United States Abassndor, to Koine in connection with the reply of Spain causes comment among foreign governments. Madrid, October 21. Spain's reply to the note of the United States, hinting ai moderation in Cuba and requesting an answer before the end of this mouth, was placed in the hands of the American Jlin ister here, General Woodfoid. The draft of the reply, made by Foreign Minislei Gallon, was unanimously approved by th ! Cabinet. The communication is courteous in tone, but very determined in rejecting the substauce of the American note. Spam resolutely asserts her determina tion to settle the Cuban question hci-scll without foreign assistance or interfer ence of any kind. She declines to tix any date for the pncific.ition ,f t'uha. which she proposes to bring about as sin sees fit, by foice of arms an. I by politi cal reforms, culminating in autonomy, combined." The press today unanimously approved the attitude of the Sagasta Cabinet ;.s being in touch with national sentiment, the p.'ople having become weary of hi? predecessor's policy of continuous con cessions to American diplomacy. The Spaniards seem to he certain that their relations with America are :i proaching a grave and critical stage. A government note protesting against filibustering will be handed to I nitj-,1 States Minister Woodford tomorrow. THE MARKETS. Yesterday's market quotations furni.-h ed by W. A. Porterfield A: Co. Commissioi Brokers. Nkw York, ( letoher 25. STOCKS. Open. High. Low. Clom Chicago (las !I4 Pit !2 C. H. &() HI' illii 'X, COTTON. Open. High,. Low. Closi ti.ill January 0.1)0 0 .00 5.05 CHICAGO MAliKKTS. Wheat Open. High. Low. ("lose Dec 94 OH illil !i;t Corn Dec 2GJ 21J Cotton Sales 140,000 Bales. Henry Oeorge's canvass in New York continues to be the snectiuilar fcahuc in the political camoaign. His army of speakers hold hundreds of meetings ir all parts of New York every niglr., hut Mr. George himself is the most effective advocate of his cause, preaching tin crusade against poverty witli the zeal ol reter tne Hermit, declaring nimsell an instrument in the hands of God to belt the condition of his fellow-men. STORAGE ROOM ! Storage room for 200 bales of cotton in fire-proof building. For terms apply to E. K. BISHOP. GO TO Sam'I Cohn & Son's -FOlt FINU Pin Port, Saisaie, Veal, Mutton, And our STALL-FED BEEF is always up to the standard. 88 Middle St. Phone 4G. "THE PATROL" Air Tight Wood Heaters. NEWEST nml HEST. Made in 4 sizes. 5u P.-flDraney, South Front flt..1 NEW BERNE, N. C TcnrTTfrTTwwTTnrr Atmore's Celebrated M i nco Meat. Hams to out. II cilia's Mixed Pickle, both sour a A Nic; lot of those Very Small I'i; The Finest Cream Checsu you ever Nice Dried IVaches anil Apricots. Plain Ciictiiiibur Pickles 5c dozen. Fresh 1'. u;k wheat, plaiii and prepared. Tim Very Finest Butter only i'ic pound. The Ilest of Kvcrytliing in the grocery li can not he heat. Mhw ii Cn; ilXVLMllllVl VV UlOJJll'lt. 7t ISronri SI., 1VEW Sti.itS E:. W. V. 2V I FOR Sealed PIXK BAND Package. NewYork. Bon-Bons and Chocolates, Made Only Itr TEHHV COIIPAXY, FOlt SALE I1V Capl. S:tiii US. Waters, S0I.K AGENT, 105 Middle Street. Shortly alU t July, 4lh 1771 Ihe I'r.lish linn made an unpleasant dis'-nvcry. The Ainencan ii-voliitinn exploded under hir nose ami he hasn't vet succeeded ill get tnir hi.s face siraight. We would like lo explode this id rigid under tin- nose of not yel discovered I l,ovii:l" ate a spi evciyhnily who has nit "ion. a Hkaum ui: ilic for Headache. Bradham's Pharmacy, On the Ranch and rieli pasture hinds of the West is lai'cd I In- healthiest, pun si cattle. sheep and lug1, whose juicy beef and mult in excels thi' rare beef of old K.ng lauil or the "'o"it" or saddle of mutton that graces Ihe Oueen's table. For the epicure's table there is no phice ill New Kerne that can furnish meats that are unrivaled for fibre, tl.ivor and juicy de lieiousness as that got at JOHN" WAK liKNS, Con. Sol" ill FiiuNi ami MlDlii.K Srs., Next door to K. It. Jones. A Repulsed Lover that wears a soiled shirt front nev er need wonder that tho dainty maiden asks him when he has visited a laundry, and refuses to lay her tresses upon his manly bosom. Laundry work It cheep, and (Irst-clnM at the same time, If you bring It to tho NKW I1KKNK STEAM LAUNDKY. Ilemcmhcr our number 07 MltllM.1 BTRBKT. w y mm id sweet. llatiH ex ate. ii'Oted today. Ni Dried A i at pi ices which Wholesale A Itrtail U rofors, We are IwtM't'iviug New G-oods VotV ami mini ii Sell ne are S to AT s Butter, Cheese, Meat, Lard, Flour, Tobacco, Snuff, Cakes,Crackers, French Mixture, Stick Candy, In fact anything you need in the (iroivry line. You can SAVF, MONKY hy seeing me h'f.iio plac ing your order. I!"Siectrullv, JOHN DUNN, 65 Pollock St.," NEW BERNE, N. C. T. J. TURN Ell FURNITURE CO. Fmic an Have Opened a New Store at No. 74 Kiddle direct, Next to Geo. glover's Hardwaro store, where we mill be glad lo show lo the publie tho prettiest line of Furniture ever seen In this city. These foods we am colnR to sell very cheap for Tho Next 10 days for cash or on time, in order to In. troduce our new store and goods. T. J. TURNER FURNITURE TO. . NKW I3EKNE, N. O.