S .7-. m AVegetdblePreparationfor As similating iheroodandRegula Ung the Stomachs and Bowels of PromotesT)igcsUon,CheeTful ncssandRestContainsncillier Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. jstw tfousrsaicanrcBsa . JKmhn Sit J AmJM V Jbptnmint HimSud- ftmrm A perfect Remedy forConslipa tion. Sour Stomach.DioiThoea, Worms .Convulsions . 1 c vcrish tiess ondLOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. exAcrcopyoF wrapper. JM -..Ms Schedule E3ctivo This condensed Schedule is published sa information only and is Jiihiant. tn chanan without, nnt.inp In Mm nnhlin I tiREENSBORO, RALEIUIl. No. Ji liixeil Oally . No. :o. Dally. No. Hit. Dully. Eastern 1 30am I una in 1( 3 J a in J 10 a in 18 am 8 a in II Mm in 4 SO a in t OOltUI A if a III a no it in it J J a ui a su 4 in 7 10 a in IVUm li a a w U 17 a in 9 Main S 40 a in V 47 a in 10 U a in 10 l i in 10 31 a m 10 Warn 10 !0 a m 11 Ma in II 44 am 11 10 ii in 12 40 i in It 40 p II. J 18 pin 1 OOpr 7lil 1 by a 1 J7 V hi I 4 in Hip ill a 88 p in i 48 p in W p lu Lv Uieenaboro Ulbaouvllle Klou College Darlington Graham Haw Ktvor Muhaue llilisboro University Durham Morrlavllle Cary Unlilfh No. 41. ltx Buii. 00 a in 9 40 a in 10 3) a in U Mam Raletfra Aubnni Clayton Selma 1? pro la ID u m I t 49 p in I i Ml in I SI p ni 48 i in 4 11 1) m 6 p m I NoriolK 12 s ill I UIIIU I 10 in 1 40 p iu 4 ill p in 4 M p m Prlnoevon Joiuaboro Hoi. II and 13 carry Pullman gleeplntr Vara Atlantic Coast Line. I Wilmisgton & New Bebnk It. R., TIMK TABLB NO. 1, Iu EuVct Sunday, August 1, 1807, Daily Kxcept Biindny. Going South schedule: Going North No. 01, Passenger Trains Ho. 60, Lr. a m, 920..,. 0 53.... 10 00 ... 10 4')..., 13 40... m STATIONS! .... New Berne .... .....Pollockeville . . ....... Maysville ....Jacksonville... .A?. Wilmington, Lt Ar. p m, ... 8 20 4 44 4110 3 68 8 00 r u No. 81, Pabsengeb & Fbeiout, No. 80. Leave Wilmington Monday. Wednes day and Friday. Leave New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lr. am Ar.m 7 0J ....LT. Wilmington, Ar 8 25 7 211 Bay mead 8 56 7 Hi ... Kirkland t 40 743 ...... ...Scott's Hill..; S40 7 W. ........ .Humstcad Ill 8 05.... Cypress Lake... 8 11 .... ... Annandale .... 105 155 147 180 117 19CK 8 18.... . .. Woodaide 8 83.. ..Edgeconibo..., 8 S3 Uollyrldgo... V00 ... Folkstone...'.. BIB Dixon 13 42 B8t ....Verona. 13 25 B 59 Ar. Jacksonville, Lv 13 05 1I00...Lv. " Ar.....l0 25 11 IB. Northeast, 1000 11 88 Whiterak '.. 8 81 1158 Haj trill B 18 13 18..' ..Rtvenswood ....... 858 13 89 .Pollockeville 8 50 13 51 Debrulil's 8 28 1 DO Ar. New Berne, Lv 8 00 Daily lixcept Sunday. J. 1L KENLY, ' - General; Manager. E. BORDER, BupU Tranaportotion. MtANCII OFFICE ' l .1 Portci Odd I Co.. (Successors to U. W. Bilaby A Co.) ISnnkont mid I'rokcr. Stocks, Bends, Cottoa, Urals, H Prerlalsns 11 n lit an'l anlil for raih or mi margin i nun j..t ci'nt. In low from I JO up. ( )vi r ( '. itl'in l'.ii:lian;f. Phone 43, ' S vli'in it Hlflk iU f'Tinirpa. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEBT BOTTIjE of Caitaria li put tp In one-Blia bottles only. It ! ul Kill U bnli. Don't allow aayane to tall you anything alts en tha pies or promise that it is "jtat aa good" aid "v'll answer every par- . o uiufc jam get u-a-u-A-u-J-A-a. MT dm that y ra get U-&-8-T-0-B-I-A. Hut ttailt wrippir. May 2, 1897. U0LDSB0RO AND NORFOLK. No. 35. Dully. No. 15. bully. No. II. Mixed. Dally. Time. 11 to a in II 24 a in 11 11) a m 11 10 am 11 Ma in 10 Mi a in lo 44 a in 10 ft! a m 10 07 a m 9 50am 9 18 a m o a m 8 S3 a in 0 35 p m 03 p in 6 50 p in ft CO p ni 6 45 p in 5 88 p in 5 27 p 111 5 07 p III ft 60 p in 4 88 p in I 4 07 p 111 3 5S p in 6 55 a m o 15 a in 0 08 am 6 55 a in 6 40 a in fi 25 a ui 5 05 a m 4 3(1 a m 8 56 a iu 330 a m 2 39 a m SUt in 2 00 a m No 41. Ex. Sun. Lv too pm 8 20 pin 7 1,1 p m 6 05 pm 8 27 a m 8 15 a ui 740am I S 14 p m 1 3 02 p ui 2 p in 2 20 J) m U 2 a III 7 88 a in 710am 2 1 0 p in ft SO p m 1 30 p m 4 55 p in Lv between Ureenaboro and Kalnixb. A. & N. . II. . TIMK TABLE NO. 3. To Take Effect Sunday, October 24th, 1607, at 12 M. Going East Schedule: Going West No. 'i Passenger Trains No. 4 Lt. p m stations: Ar. a m 8 20... Goldsboro 1105 8 40... LaG range 10 82 413 KinBton 1012 0 15 Ar. New Berno, Lv f 0 10 8 23 Lt. " Ar 8 57 0 87. . . . Ar. Moreiiead city Lv 7 47 No. 1, f I No. 2, Mx'd Ft. and stations: Mx't Ft. and I'ass.Tn. I -Fuss. Tn. Lv. a in ' Ar. p m 7 10... Ooldsboro 8 00 7 43 Best's 7 20 80S LaUraoge 050 8 26. . . . . . . .Falling crceic 6 20 V14 Klnaton . 000 0 28 catwcll 1 8 48..... '...Ar. Dover, Lr.... . 518 .. 500 .. 420 .. 400 .. 888 ..820 .,250 ..10 47 1018 Lv. " Ar.... 10 40 core creek 11 19..., Tuscarora 1181 Clark's ...... 13 03 .'....Ar. New Berno, L v.. 180 Lv. " Ar.. S 13 Riverdale 1 20 croatan ..10 00 ..1000 843.. 813.. 825.. H 81 . 1140.. 401.. P. at. nsvelock 8 40 ...... Newport, Lv BOO Wlldwood.... 8 47 Atlantic. 8 88 .Ar. Morehoad Clty.Lv..... 8 20 .Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 7 50 A.M. Monday. Wednesday and Friday, f Tuesday, Tnursdaylond Saturday. B. L. DILL. Superintendent. PATENTS U. H. AND FOREIUN PROCURED. EUGENE W. JOHNSON, Solicitor and Attorney la Patent Causes, 172B New York Ave , Washington, D. U. omcAEstabliihedlBusV Charges Mod rate. Uorrrtpnodcnos Requested. WX. DUNN, JAS. REDMOND, President.. Ties Pres. B. S. (J 11 ON, Beety ! A Treat. Hew B6rnz Ice Co Maasfactarers Pure Crystal Ice, From DiMilled WsUr.' Out put 20 Tons hllr. ' Car Ixind Lots Holictlewl. Ire itvlirnrwl d uly (exrnpt Hundny) V a. in. to n n tn. b in l ' im'v) 7 a. m. lo 12 ii '. i. I t pi h ' 1 r n ' iniri!i"ii, Copyright, 1807. by TiUotoon A Bona.) CONTINUED. Bat when he looked straight down ward at the line he was seized with horror. The ground, which in front seemed only to skim along quickly, here flew past with maddening speed. Plants, stones, sleepers all were confused to gether in one ceaseless, furious, deadly rush. In his brain, exbansted with long sleeplessness, there rose np a vivid pio tnre of himself, crushed, mangled, torn to pieces by these twigs and logs and stones. A Bigb, almost a groan, hurst from his lips. The weak flesh shrank and begged for mercy. Bnt this was only for one moment "Now or never," he said to himself. Standing np on the cushioned seat, he olimbed on to the window, letting both feet hang down ontside. "Stop I Hold him there I Catch him I" suddenly muttered a voice behind him. He looked back in horror. It was the gendarme, speaking oat in his sleep, with some dim half consciousness of what was happening. Without losing a moment the prison er sat on the window sill, hung over, slipped down, and, leaning on his right elbow, hung over the rushing black gulf beneath. He began to grow giddy with the terrifio noise, the rushing wind stifling him with smoke and the rain of hot coal dust driving in his face. At this moment the train turned round to the right, almost flinging him off with o jerk. Another instant and he would have lost consciousness.- But he still kept firmly in his mind the instructions that he had given to himself when thiuking ont his desperate scheme. Feel ing with bis right foot for a firm point of resistance aud trying to keep as nearly as possible the direction of the train's movoment, he threw himself sharply forward with a sudden action of both foot aud hand and flow off into space. It seemed to him that he wns flying on and on without end. The whirl wind ceased, and still he flew ou throngh space. He felt as though he should never stop. Had he really jumped? Was it not a dream? Suddenly something struck against him, as though a huge scythe bad cnt ilia feet off. Then followed a violent! blow, which flung him down on his face. He saw sparks flash before his eyes and then lost consciousness. CHAPTER II. The train had long passed by, and the plain lay in dead silence. It hud left off raining, and the sharply cut crescent of the moon appeared on the horizon, lighting up with its faint beams the damp earth, the villuges and the motionless figure lying by the rail way line. A fresh breeze began to blow. The clouds iu the east grew paler, awuiting the dawn, and still the dark mass lay motionless, and now in the faint dawning light bloody spots began to show ou the white sand about its head. A little baud of quickly moving white smoke appeared uuce again on the horizon and nuder the smoke a black line. It was the first goods train of the early morning. It came nearer, with its long chain of gray carriages Dearer aud nearer and then, with a deafening roar aud rattle, passed by, making tho ground shake as it went. The engine driver opened the valve, and a shrieking whistle pierced the damp morning air. The inert human mass shuddered and writhed, and at the last harsh souud the man regained consciousness, sprang np and, driven by some pauio of terror, started off to rnu, leaping aud stum bling among the weeds and bushas. The train went off in the distance. the noise died away and the fugitive gradually esme to his senses. He stop ped. "I needn t run," he thought. There's no one following me. " At first he quite believed that the train which had startled him to con sciousness was the same from which he bad so successfully jumped; bnt, look ing at the sky, and seeing that day was dawning, he soon realized that this could not be aud that he must have lain insensible tor a long time He palled bis watoh ont of his pocket, bnt it had struck against a stone aud was broken. From the oolor of the sky, it must now be about 4 in the morning. Something warm was trickling dowu his forehead. He touched It with his hand it was blood I His face was all smeared with clotted blood. "I'm In sweet state to show myself to people!" he thought But how was be to stop the bleeding? The wound was not serious, but 11 was eatremely Inconvenient at the moment Ha opened a little kuspsack, whieb be had bang over his shoulder and forgot to take off, but there was nothing in It except a pocket handkerchief and soma writing, materials. Fortunately there were some weeds with thick, milky stalks growing near. He picked several sulks and, squeesing. ont the stinky white juice, smeared it on the wound. Tbe bleediug stopped. "That's all right, " bs said to him self Joyfully. Tbe only thing left for him was to get away from this dangerous spot as quickly as possible. To walk to the town was out of the question. He could not reach It before midday, and by tbat time the whole polios tores would be on tbs lookout for him and be trapped like a rst He decided to go a toss country at hatard toward the nearest dwelling. There he should find out what to do next He crossed tbe line quickly and went straight .southward, cutting across the road which ran parallel to the railway, aud with a seuts of delight peuetrated into tbe thicket, which seemed to ten derly receive him and hide him in Its embrace. He walked on for about half an boor, glancing from lime to time al the whittuilng east lu order not to lose his way tUrond the enpwi was a wide open 'mil, In v. hi' h a inuii wiuld lo pii at mil., u, A't'T the thl'kot he felt a kind of shrinking from walk ing in the open plain. Anybody could see at a glauce that be was not a native of tbe place, and then that traveling knapsack be wished he had thrown it away in the thicket It would be danger ous to leave it in the open field, v Iu front of him was a freshly bnilt tack. The fugitive approaohed it with the intention of hiding his knapsack in it, but glancing backward perceived at 100 paces from him two peasants, whose faoes he could not see clearly in the dim light of the dawn. One was a youngish, dark haired man, the other old and gray headed. They were both dressed in greasy sheepskin "tonloups" and were standing still with theixjarms hanging loosely beside them. Although they were looking straight at him their expression was so indifferent and apa tbetio that he felt convinced they had not noticed him. He went up to them. "Good morning!" he said. "Morning I" answered the elder. "Can you tell me, " asked the fugi tive, "where I oan get a horse and trap about here?" The peasants exchanged glances. ' ' Well, of course, you can get a horse in the village," said the elder one. "Where may you be from?" "I'm traveling throngh here," an swered the young man, "and I missed the last train at the station. I didn't want to wait till the morning train, because I'm in a hurry, so I started to walk and lost my way. I've been wan dering about all night " ' 'I see. Of course you didn't want to wait It's only three hours' walk to tbe town," said the peasant "But how did you come to lose your way? The old road ruus beside the railroad all the way. " "He guesses confound him I" thought tho young man. "Well, you see," he said aloud, "I wanted to get a short cut that a man at the station told me of. Aud then some how I lost my way," ha added, trying to get out the difficulty in any way. Not a single muscle moved iu tho peasant's naive face. "I see," he said good humoredly. "It's easy to lose one's way in a strange place. You don't come from hereabout I doubt?" "No. Well, con you tell me the way to the village?" suid the young man, wishing to put a stop to this catechism as soon as possible. "Why, yes. You cross that field and go upon to the hillock there," answered tho peasant in a friendly tone and point ing with his finger. You 11 see some bushes to the left and a path through the bushes, but it's only a footpath, mind you. Well, you don't turn down there. Then you'll como to a windmill to tho right of you. It belonged to tbe ecutlefolk that used to own our village lu lne 010 "mo. wen, you oon t go dowu that way. Be sure you don't, for the mill's empty. Our folk are breaking it up for firewood. But you go straight ou, iiud you'll find a path all the way Keep along by the path as straight us ever you can ko, nnd you'll come out into some little hills, and there, dowu in the vailer, you'll see our village. It's called Soukhomlia. That's nlwnys been its uume, Soukhomlia, When you get there, you can ask. " "Thanks, " said the young man aud walked quickly away. "Good luck to yon," called the peas ant after him. The young man, without stopping, turned back aud nodded his head. "He's naught but a thief," declared tho peasant when tho young man was out of hearing. "He's stolen some body's hag at the station, I'll be bound, and wanted to bide it." The young man meanwhile had reached tbe hillock aud found the path and the mill, as the peasant had de scribed them. But he did not follow the direction to go straight on. The in stinctive desire of a fugitive to destroy his tracks made him abandon his first plan and tarn to the left The thicket attracted him, and tbe path seemed fairly well trodden, so that be hoped to reach some habitation by it He walked ou for a long time a good two hours. The thicket was interspersed with little glades for some way; then a real wood began. He had long ago got rid of his bag, throwing it into a thicket. A uot very close observer might now have taken him for a manservant out of place, in search of his luck, and obliged by poverty to travel on foot. At any rate he looked dismal enough. He was very hungry and tired, aud this, togethor with his sleepless night, bad begun to tell upon him. But this dd not trouble him much. He was far ) more worried by a sharp pain in one ansie ana a uuinu leeiiug iu me uiee joint, as though it bad received a blow. Evidently bis desperate leap bad not left him quite whole and sound. Nevertheless be still trndged on aud on. Tbe wood grew more and more dense, and gradually changed iu char acter. Pine trees began to be more fro queut, aud In time he found himself in a dark pine grove. The branches of the great trees overhung the path. As far as tbe eye could reaeh into the depths of the grove stretched long avenues of tall, red brown columns. The soil, friable and barren of undergrowth, was covered evculy, as with a carpet with yellowish fallen ueedles, which seemed as if luminous with a faint light that lent something of the mysterioasuess of a temple to tbe dusky arches. Tbe young fugitive., nuw hardly able to keep from sinking down with ex haustion, struggled on and on, taking no heed of anything, until be suddenly notioed light shining through the trees, and presently came out to the edge of the wood aud saw before him a great sheet of water, all flooded with slanting rays of snnligbl and glassy as lake on a still day. It was tbe "mother Vol ga," tbe great Russian river which he so loved, and beside which his child hood bad been spent Tbe road turned sharply round to the right beside the river. The fugitive, with fresh energy, tramped ou along the bank. He was tare to ooms upon bouses and people Yellow Jark Killed. Cascarets, Candy Catharlio kills Yellow Jack wherever they And him. No ona who takes Caioarett regularly aoi systematically It In danger from the dreadful disease. Cascarets kill Yellow fever germs In the bowo's aud prevent near ones from breeding. lOo. 20j. COo. all druggis'i. At Murtoola. We sre showing so unusual nice as aorl un lit of nrw nhtion,UractWe prlcvs now, and he hoped to find help among them. On the opposite bank he could see villages, looking from across the river like toy models. "If I were to nndress, tie my clothes into a bundle on my head and swim aoross, flashed through his mind. Certainly no better way of putting pursuers off the scentoould be imagined. He was a good swimmer and could hope to make tbe dangerous crossing success fully. But he began to feel such com plete exhaustion throughout all his body tbat he gave up the idea of tempting Providence a second time. The entire population of the Volga bauks joins in the fishing industry. He would be sure to find a boat somewhere that he could buy seize, steal, if neces sary. To be Cniitiuiied. Most Torturm,-, Disfiguring, Humiliating Of itching, bunii.i, Uceuir.r:, scaly skin and scalp humors is instantly relieved by a warm bat'n with Cuticuua Soap, a single application of Cutici-ua (oint ment), the great skin cure, and a full iloso of Cuticdka Resolvkxt, greatest of blood purifiers and humor cares. Remedies speedily, permanently, and economically cure, when all else fails. 'ifm. Poup,. Pole T-rnps., Porton, iy 15 kin unU illoud tiuntor," tree. PIMPLY FACES TraI e-Mnrk 5fature IVerviiie and llapid llestorativi. An unfailing cure for Diseases of tlici Digestive, Nervous and (ietlerative Systeiiiu. A Tonic of rare cHicniy for the old and voting and of mark ed seryico for .Students, and all who aro engaged work or close occupations. Vnrei Teaelu is, in I'raiii , , Tired Feeling, Muscular Weatncs Palpitationof Heart Hysteria, General Discomfort, Depression, Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, Restlessness, ffeive Weakness, Excess, Alchoholism, and that almost, innumerable ecrics of diseases and complications result ing from tiny ileianomcnt of ihe Nervous system. liivalu.ilile for weak women and nervous children. Stoady Nerves, Braced System, Sound Heat, Good Work, INSl ltKU IIY I SINC Dr. Cox's Cocelin Nerve T. nic. ronlnlna Ko lilne nr - Dnneeruns Driiaa to iimltc 1 lutlilt. 30 Conts Per Bottle If three bottles he ordered nt one tune, a copy of Oriole Cook Hook w ill be included free. At TlrnKKlK nniljllenlerslnr illr elf el neon receipt ol price .Too ins. Winklemann & Brown Drug Co., Hole Proprietor. BALTIMORE. MD.. TJ S. t. -STEAMERS- EASTEIIX CAROLINA DISPATCH LINP, AND IIIIIJII FREIGHT & PASSENGER. For All 1'oiutN Nortlu The Steamer NEUSE Will leave on Mondays, YVedncddays, and Fridays at (i . in., sharp. Mak ing )io stops hetweeu Aow Memo to Klixaboth fjity. The Steamer NEW II ERNE will sail on Tuesdays and Fridays nt o'clock, noon, milking landings At Oriental, Ooracoue and Koanoke Islnnd. 15?" Frcbht received not later than one hour previous to Hailing. For further information apply to GEO. DENDERStOJ, Agt. M. K. Kiko, Oen. Mgr., II.C, UuDQlNd,Oen.Frt& Pass.Agt. Norfolk, Vs. N'esr lie roe. N C, Sept. 18, 1897. Ileal I&tfnto Agency 3 IIOUBES FOIt RENT. nOUSEi FOR bALE. FAUKJ FOR BALE (uticura Steamship lo COLLECTIONS OF RENT,?. j Any builueet.lu our lino will le glvett prompt allentloo by leaving word at tho store of N. NuddJA Co., opposite the PoatOIBoSj. E-,K.1HARPEHv Nan Toil OtBf. LEGAL NOTICE?. I NORTH CAROLINA, In ihe Siipe li"! Coin i f.irt. t. e C i rk f nivm Cuiiu! T. F. Mi'Carthv. Aiiinihisliiiti r of John lioe, Sr., i eo'd, Irji-1 Bonnie. Cii'.ilioc !-e'Lv. I John Hoe, -lr,Si,uel line, Wil j ham U e nnd John ioe Ifor, Dif.ii.Luii-. ! I J v virtue ofu d. cice of tupi-iior rou't . made in iil-cveutitli-il ncion n the 15lli dii, of SrpU-iiibtr, 1S1J7, authorising ami din-stiii-- ilic uniler-i;-nel to nil tiie lnnil de: cribe-i in Mi-- Petition In -ri-in lo ronkc ussits, I will sell ul public auction lor cth I !o the highest bidder at IU- court house I door in New Dene, Ciavi n county, N. C. : ni 12 M., mi the Ul Monday in Novim- ! tier, in in the 1 t day of Novi ni'irr, 1S'.)T ! .i. r.. n ... ; i i ... . i ....... too luo.i m: in m nwi UN i-t iii , Lots 1 liG acii 107 in Far:nvii)c city ul Nuw IStii:i,N, C, bounded as follow!-: On Hie East by Muny Sued, on Soulh i? lot ICS,- ou the West by lots 174 and i"5; also that teit iin lot lu-ing number IliS in Puiie Town in Now Hi me N. C. noie p iilicularly de-ciil cd in that ei r lain ih-u' from (J-oroe W. 1'avieand Our oline l'i-ie lo .lohu Roe, reeoided in book 111. Mu s 1 15 aud 1 10 in the oilier ol the roiiisti r of d ) 'Is of Ci'iveu county, N..C. r. f. McCarthy, Administrator, Etc. f). L. WaiiI), Attorney. i ' 1 the James II. Kon,) Judgment to vs. Knforec a Samuel l'iirsons.) Lien. Hv virtue uf ;in t'xecution from StMU'riur court to me ilireetetl, iu fuvor of James II. I.ou anil against Samuel I'arsons, I will sell for rash at the rourt house door iu the city nf New Iterne, on Monday. Novemhrr "J!Mh, 1S!I7, at V2 o'clock, m., or as soon tlh-n after as .1: . l shall take recess, Ihe fnlkrvi,-- I - v. . real estale, to satisfy iin- -A cerlaiu tract or lo; i in the county of t ruv: North Curulin.i. ; in the cily of New : the uort li east r. i in r '. , '. Klias Mitchell, rnui.ii., o... .v. Oak St. tilly two fi cl lo in. : l.einst'T iMilTy.lhi'ne;- vcMlv:.:. v . I ,oi nstiT DiiUVk lint' to tlx- lol -,-a;,. hv j S!-;1(. Wilhs one hundred ami t';mr U i. '. I hence southward aloni; said Isanc line tiftv two feet to the northwestern I comer of the lot owned by Klias Milch ell. 1 hence eastwardly along said Mitch ell's line to one hundred anil four feel to the beginning. Known as lol No 1 1 in the plan of the city of New licrne being the same lot conveyed bv deed of J.ien- ! ster hilly Id Mary A Sligte, hearing i (hi,(, (,f ,,,,,. , ,s,,:j .......u-.l i,. j l.ook IU', folios ::: and art in the olliee . f tiC rc-isli ri f ih-edsof ( Iraven county. JOSKl'll L. IIAI1N, ! Sherilf Craven County. j Administrators Notice ' Having duly ipialilied as Administr.t ! tor of the will of Dexter Cole, deetased, ! I hereby notify all persons having claims against the estate of said testator lo I present the same to me on or before the I 1 Tin dav ol Ortoticr, inim or tins n lire in ne pieaiu-'i as a oai 10 ineii re- ! , eovery. All persons indebted tn said Dexter Cole, deceased, will please come forward and setlle at onre. This 17th day of October, ls7, I). F. ATKINSON, Administrator of Dexter Cole. I Kxt't'iilor's Notice! Having duly ipialilied as Kxecuter of the will of Dennis Wordsworth, deceased. ' 1 hereby notify all persons having claims 1 against the estate of said testator lo pre 1 sent the same to me on or heforethe loth day of September, lHilS. or this notice ! will be pb ailed as a bar to their recovery All persons indebted lo said Dennis : Wordsworth ili-r-enseil will o'ease eollle ; forward and settle at once. This lolli dav of Septenilx r. 1S1I7. TIKIS. F. McCAIiTHV, Executor of Dennis Wordsworth. NOItTII CAROLINA, Superior Court I l'amlico Countv. k Fall Terin, 1WI7 C. K. liiitc, Plaintiff, 1 i vs. I Older of The Ml. Airy Mann- Publication, j facturiug Company. The defendants will take noiice that the plainliff h is instituted an action in t (lie Superior court of l'amlico counly for damages on a breach of contract, notice is hereby given to the ilcfcndanls to up I pear at Ihe next term of Ihe Superior court of said counly lo be held at Bay , lioro on the lllh Monday after the 1st I Monday in September, 1HI17, and answer ! or demur to the complaint which will he 1 tiled ill the olliee of the clerk of the said I Superior ci lirt, or plaii liff will take judg ment according lo the prayer of relief iu the complaint. vVitiifh my hand and oltirial seal, this Seplcmbei -till, 1WI7. FF.STCS MII.I.KK. C. S. ( Notice of Na?. . Ky virtue of an md. r -.1 : court of Crai en coum v special piocecdin i :. . ton vs. Si, F. Mm ; . . J. A. Morton, Kate A. V A. Morton, now pi-ndiin; ni ..i - : court, Ihe unilcisigiu-il coniii-i-.-i : sell nt llin court house door ' - i coun lv in the city of New Kerne, .. i. , ill 12 o'clock, noon, on October JOIli, lvi;. to Ihe highest bidder, for i ash, the fol lowing described land: A tract of land situated on tlie soulii aideofNeuae river, in Craven counly, North Carolina, bounded aa follows: He ginning at the river side, at the corner Hint uiviiica the saui lanil ironv ine land fornieily lielonging to James Tigner, ilecesaed, and running with the said line Wi pole, thence soulh H4 degrees, west mo poles in Hie run of Llllle creek, thence down Ihe said Itun, the various courses thereof to Neuao river, tlience down tbe shore of the nver, its various courses to the beginning, containing by estimation 172 seres more or leu, which land wee purchaacd by Robert 8. Taylor Ironi Richard Mori Is and sold by Robert H. Taylor to George W. Taylor, Jr , ami by Ovorgo W.Taylor, Jr. and Rachel F. Tay lor: his wife, was conveyed to Ambroae Jinyd, by deed dated January lnt.187l.and recorded In I lie Registrar's ofHoe of ('ra ven county, In book. No. Ti, pago OU. twins the same land mortgaged by and Am - -hrosM Uoyd and wife Emeliue, to David W. Morton uy mongsge aiwa reoornea In book 18. Dane Sita. Kugistrar's office, Craven counly, which mortgaged duly forrelosvcl. Dated this Heptemoer mud, levr. CIIARLM R. THOMAS, Commissioner, Notice ! .State of KdHiH Caioi ina,) Craven CV.-n.-. . Ti. F. J'tOnrlliv . of Ji soph J. Hill .! vs. Kin;- Moore, Su.-an Fia:.' .a Kianklhi her Inhami - olla-ls, I To I Franjoiii -Franklin, husband of -m:f:iii ! TAKE NuTiCr. ! ! That the al.oyo to-ci -iii has bet n instituted bv Tiios. I-'. Me', luih,. admin istrator of Jos. .). Hill. Kir..:,' Moore, Susan Fi:iik:iii au.l l-'iai.l.- lill. lii-r hllsba- d. niol oi!n is; li,.- heirs, at law of Jos. J. Hill, in said i-oiim, to -!: i certain piece of land iu tbe iiy l Now Heme, to make assets to pay oi I ; ;. barges of adininistintiou, i.e. I v. required to appear before 1 1 i : i- i Superior court of said Ci-i.-..-:. . Ins olnce in the rouii in .,.,. .. , .. the 1st day of Novrinbc r, 1'.I7. m :.n -wer or demur lo the petition ii!i i in this proeeecing. This Kith day of September. 1WI7. W. M. W ATSON, Clerk Superior Court. I iicorporat ion Not ice. NOIITII CAKOL1NA, In office Cletk Craveu County. Superior Court. Noiice is hcrdi 'given of the incorpora tiou by ihe lion. Sci n tary of S aie, ol the New Bern Investment Company, that the names of the iurorporatois ale Thomas Daniels, J W. Stewart and En-'Ch Wads worth ai;d such others as they may asso eiate wiih tin tn; tbat the principal place ol business shall be in New Hero, N. C and its uinirnl purpose ui.it I usi.n-ss is to ' porch-. S- and fell real eiaie aed personal properly, to take nnd acquire Options upon lots, farms and other real estate; to purchase homes within the city of New Bern for persons desiriiif; lliesme, and lo sell the same upon such terms as maybe mutually apied upon; to make invest leents hi city or oilier leal estale as saal i ompany may desire for other per sons us said eonipai y may desiie or us may bedrs ieo lor oilier per.-ni-; lo nv otl'piopiny into lots and cro-l i-uil : . therein ; to sell Muli I- it" 'm,! ' ' and othe. i-i . 1 ri v 11 0.1 1 1 I. Ill -Hill IIMI'IH 1' .O.i IV NollTII l .'.:: Ckyk I ' T. F. McCarthy. A.lm.. estate Nancy Kouse. Hannah Rouse. W'lL'ht Uousc, Amanda Wiirpns Henry Uousc. Julius Koiiso and Hey. m' ii -n-i l'ui-ilanl lo aa rourt in Ihe jiImo.- -sell al Ihe eo'.n l I.. N. C, on the Ills! .'.i--..u , 1SII7. the following d- . near Jasper, N. I'.. :; . Craven county, sitnat-il beginning at tbe ti n noir ( .. .1 1 ... .. 1 - : .. 1 j Ihenre 1111 Ihr various eniirsr- .-I .-: i tree brancn to Cicero (ileen line to i.n being a comer iu said lim l!i- :iee said line to a slake hi :ug a oinn-i Anion Wratliriintoi,'- li-.r ai ; Marl land, thence with Weallu ringloirs lim a pine tree, thence w ilh We.iioei i:;'t line to Nciise road, thenre down . road to the beginning. Sale to begin at 12 o'clock. .'. sale, cash. TWOS. F. Mi C i. ,1 li of Notice ol N;t is-. Jtv virtue of an order of the Superior court of Craven cour.l v. N . ' '. in the Special l'roreedillg entitled W illiam H. Paris vs. Annie K. 1'aiis. Tims K. Paris, Aimer Pans, heirs al law. and .Mary A. Paris, widow of Kdw.-ird Palis dr. -eased, now pending in said Superior court, the uiiilei signed commissioner will sell at the court house door of Craven county in the city of New ISrrno. N. C. n't Vi o'clock noon, on 'trtobrr :tOlh, 1X17, to the highest bidder, for cash, the follow. ing described real estate, situated in Ihe city of New Heme, t raven county. N. ('..' lo wit: The piece or part of lot of land known in the plan of Hie said cily of New Kerne by the NiiiiiIht llltl, which is fully de scribed ill a deed from Wallace 1'iver to Kilward Paris, dated May, Htlth, 1H5.1, and recorded in the olliee of the Kcgister Deeds of Craven county, N. C:, in Hook ti'.'. pige 21, and being the same part lot of land situated on Ihe Kasl side of Spring street in said city of New Kerne, with the buildings nnd improvements theron, well known ns Ihe late residence of the laic Ivlward Pans. Dated this September. :!'llh, P!I7. CHAIM.KS . THOMAS, Collllllissione!- Noiice 'ii' &st? i.t tin- C'-Illt ' - - New Kerne, C: o'cliK-k, nocn, ' ' nf Noveniher, ls"7 o of the Fall Ten:. aaid county, lo tl.u l,r cash, the right, title and .i W. Smith, deceased, in a ta or parcel of land situated in i. county, on the north aide of Sv .. and bounded by thelandaof Fei :' Noah Jackson, Maoon Bryan, V. : levin and others, containing ei,- . acres more or leas, being the la.,-!.' . veyed to the aaid I). W. Smith. - registered in the olllc. r.f derda of Craven civiiu v 471 and 472 U whleli rt together with llnpn.,. ,.i (Subject to right of Uowur mi 1 ih tcreatof tbe widow of aaid l ie.... , liOLLAM) HMini, Admlnl!rntriv II. W. NIJirSON, Funeral Director aud jEmbalmer. Offlos 08 Broad Street, next;to Btewart'a stables. Reeldenoa 108 Broad Street. tJT Burial robes a specialty, . was )