THE JOURNAL. Business Locals. WANTED Few gentlemen on salary to represent a publishing and manufactur ing house. Call with reference" between 9 to 11 a. m. and 6 to 8:30 p. m. .Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at Moore's Boarding House, 40 South Front street WANTED M)no Good Agent, and only one, In every locality, to take orders for our Charming Holiday Books; something New, retailing at from 50o to 2.50 per ronv. Asrents are making from 5 to 10 daily; demand enormous; big com- mission; credit given; freitage paid; Out fits Free. Drop all trash and sell books that people want, and make 9300 per month, Address, for outfit and territory Pkopli'S, 8941 Market Street, Philadel phia, Pa. FOB RENT House on Broad St., con taining eieht rooms, bath rooms, etc Apply to Mas. M. J. Simpson, 83 Pollock Street.- IF you wish to buy a Typewriter, the "Williams" is the smartest up-to-date machine on the market. Confer with O. H. Guion or T. W. Dewey and ge. you one, cither for cosh or upon the install ment plan. HAVING just received one thousand samples of the very best foreign and do mestic woolens. I am prepared to make Suits to Order as reasonable as can he had anywhere everything being equal. Will guarantee satisfaction or refund your money. R. Sawyer, Fashionable Tailor, 63 South Front Street. WANTEDA Jew energetic ladies and gentlemen to canvas. Will pay a guar anteed salary of SIS per month. Call or address: W. C. Bost, Davidson, N. C. HEW ADVERTISEMENT. Wanted. Big Hill New Enterprise. Three valuable books given away. O Marks Co North Carolina blankets. OF LOCAL INTEREST. There were several schooners in port yesterday, oyster laden. There will bo a meeting of the I'hilcdonian Club at its rooms, to night. The schooners Bivalve, Sarah Wilson and Essex, have left for down river points. The finest and largest line of studs you have ever seen at Baxter the Jeweler's. See J, J. Baxter for men's fine shoes, Waterhonse ties, and fine nn derwear just in. TheLinnell Steam Laundry got its engine in place, yesterday, and is now prepared to do business promptly. The city was pretty full of visitors last night, who are here to attend United States court. There were numbers of arrivals on all trains. There will be a meeting of the Directors of the Tobacco Warehouse Company at 10 o'clock this morning at the rooms of E. K. Bishop on Craven street. The local cotton market was dall yesterday, owing to the weather. There were no sales except cotton from the Ginning Company, 15 bales at 5. 37 J. The United States court will con vene this morning. ' This is the first time court has ever been held in the new government building in this city. DIED. On Monday morning, at his home on the macadamized road, Richard S. Barker, of hemorrhagic fever in his 50th yean Mr. Barker was a hard working and inlustrions citizen, and was well thought of in this community. He leaves a brother and two chil dren to mourn his death. The funeral takes place this after noon at 4 o'clock at Centenary church. Friends and acquaintances invited to be present. A great many dens of rare wild beasts are displayed daily in the magnificent street parade, which is free to all and will take place daily at 10 a. in. And the very important fact must not be overlooked that the parade, like every other depart ment of these great shows it a den ote one, unlike any ever before seen. Many shows have and do at the present time advertise dishonestly that they hive two ihowi in one, but there has never been a combin ing of two really great shows In tbit land before, end people who are in doubt at to the genuineness of the putting togetbor of the John Robin eon and Franklin Bros.' Shows can readily set their minds at rest. Tbit monster amusement institution comet to New Berne Friday, Octo ber 29th for one day and will give two complete performances. The tatilM are Her. J.W.Stewart, the Broad street I.verymao, hat received those band tome baggies which ho ha adver tised. They can be teen at Lit eta 11 ee at any lime. - V - t. PERSONAL Ex-Sheriff W4 B. Lane is in the city, 1 Mr, Bryan Gardner of Grifton, is in the city. Dr. E. J. Peck returned to Mays- ville, yesterday morning. Mr. F. G. SimmoDS left for his home at Oliver yesterday. Capt. A. B. Powell went to Beau fort last night, I Mr. Sam'l Bacon of Adams creek was in the city yesterday. Mrs. S. E. Dawson returned from Norfolk on the Neusa Sunday. United Slates Marshall O. J. Car roll of Raleigh, arrived last night, Rev. Jas. Thomas of Wilson, came down last night to visit in the city. Mr. II. L Finlayson of Goldsboro is registered at the Chattawka. Mr. Luther Taylor went over to Wiluiingtou yesterday morn ing. Mr. J. H. Heritage went to Pollocksville on business yester day. Messrs. Macon Bryan und Oliver Lewis of Vmiceborj, was here yea terday. llodolpk Duffy, Esq., of Catha rino Lake, is registered at Hotel Mackie. Mr. Z. V. L'arnngtou went to Beiufort lust night in the interest of the Journal. Ca;t. W. J. Tope, Soliciting Agent for tho A. & N. 0. Railroad, is in the city. Mr. T. C. Wooten, of the Kins ton bar, is atcendiug United States court. Mr. Aug. C, Van Wagner, rep resenting the World Bible House of Philadelphia, is in the city. Hon. F. M Simmons of Raleigh passed through last night going to Beaufort to attend court. Messrs. Dal M. Hardy and J. L Meyerberg of Goldsboro, are in the ci'y attending U. S. District court. Rev. II. E Tripp of Pumlico, passed through the city yesterday on his way to Pollocksvillo. Judge 0. II. Allen of Kinston, passed through last night going to Beaufort to hold court. Judge Thos. R. Purnell of Ral eigh, arrived last night to hold United States District Court, Mrs. Phil Thomas and children returned from Raleigh last night where they havo been altcndiug the State Fair. Hon. Chas. B. Aycnck of Golds boro, United States District Attor ney, is registered at the Chat tawka, Mrs. A. E. Pittman and children, who have been visiting at Kinston and Grifton, returned hcue last night. Mrs. John Hughes and daughter, Miss Jennie Hughes, returned homo on yesterday's afternoon train from Black Mountain, where they have been spending the summer. Rev, Mr. McKelvio of Fayotte ville, who conducted services in the Presbyterian church Sunday, left on the Wilmington train yesterday morning. Messrs, M. DeW. Stevenson, W. W. Clark. L. J, Moore, Chas. R. Thomas, D. L. Ward, S. W. Han cock and W. E. Clarke left last night for Beaufort to attend court. A t'brrualhtniM Mnaw. The Masonic Lodges of Wilming ton will have a Chrysanthemum show in about two weens, prepara tions for it are now being made. The show is for tho benefit of the Oxford Orphan Asylum. There were two prizes offerod last year, which went to Wilson and Fayetteville, this year four prizes will be offered. Possessors of Chrysanthemums who think they have flue plants are asked to compete for the prizes. Frcarb aaerlarlea. If you are groping jour way in darknoss not teeing what will be the result of tbit, tbat or the other un dertaking, I would advice you to call on tome good optician and be fitted properly with a good pair of spectacle! or eye glasses, in gold or or aluminum. I have a fine ttock of French Spectaclei which are ac knowledged by the best ojulistt tni opticiant to be the best in tne world. I have the Perfection Bi Focal which enablet yon to tee far and near. In reitigate the above. Baxter tub Jewiter. - CASTORIA Tor Infanta and Children. .-- .;.".-- Weataer.1 . . ''"''.'.. There was aoontinuation of Satur day's weather, Sunday and Monday, the weather Sunday being especially severe, the wind blew a gale all day with light rain, and at uight a heavy rain fell. v The rainfall Saturday was .17 inches, and Sunday 2.00 . inches. The temperature, maximum, yestor day was 59 degrees. . , I a MeaoRtAM. Again with bowed heads and mourning hearts do we come to chronicle tbe death of one of our brothers, whom the Supreme Ruler has caUed unto himself to join the Supreme Lodee above, where sorrow and suffering are unknown, and where happiuess and peace dwell forever. An empty chair a vacant place in our Lodge and in our heart has been made by the death of our Brother Joseph B, Clark. It is with pride that we point, to tho life he lived with us. He was a nolle man, true Brother and sin cere friend, an Odd Fellow in spirit and in truth; ever ready to help the needy, relievo the distressed; brave m a lion and yet as gentle us a lamb. He has left as our heritage fool prints on the sands cf time, as a chart and compass to guide us in all that is right and noble, true and honest in this life. In hfs death how forcefully we are reminded that all that is born must die. In recogni tion of tho Diviue right to Juke as well as to give we humbly bow in submission to His will whodoelhull things well, and while our hearts are filled with deepest sorrow and grief at this dispensation of Divine Providence, yet we feel that bui another link has been added to the great chain to draw us to that blight and better Uud, where in place of sorrow and death, thero is life, beau ty and joy. Therefore be it by Eureka Lodge No. 7, I. 0 0. F. Resolved, Thai in the death of Joseph B, Clark, e have loss a brother true and tried, who never failed to perform every duty imposed upon him, and who lived the principles of Faith, Friend ship, Love and Truth. Resolved, That in the death of Brother Clark our order sustains a sad loss, and our city one of its best citizens, whose death we all mourn with the deepest sorrow. Resolved, That we extend to his bereaved family our tenderest sympathies in this the sad hour of bereavement, and that at any and all times we are ready to aid them as they command. P. H. Pelletier, E. Gerock, J. R. Parker, Jr. Altealloa Kalabla of Harmony. You aro hereby notified to assem ble at your lodge rooms th'.s, Tues day, afternoon at 3:30 o'clock to at tend the funeral of bur late Bro. R S. Barker. Pall bearers will meet bodv at Centenary M. E. church. By order of the President. J. II. Smith, Sec'y The Coming Woman nh i goes to the club while her husband tends th baby. well as the good old- fisbioiud woman who looks afur her home, will bitli at time) Ret ruu clown la health. Tbey will be troubled with loss ot appetite, headache!, sleeplessness, tairt lug or dizzy tpei's. 1 be mst wonderful renieoy for I titan women is Electric Hit ters. Tlicusmds of sufferers Irom laroc hack, and eik kidneys rise up an I call It Dls-ed. it It the med'eme tor women Fon ale complaint ao1 nervous troubles of all kinds are soon relit ved by the use i fcucirc Bitten. jJeliculM women shoiil'l knp this rem)yon biindlo build up the system. Only 50c per buttle At F, 8 Duffy's Drugstore. Notice ! New Enterprise ! We have just fitted out' for sawing Lathes. We will keep them on band in any quantities No. 1. Don't forget our ary, sawed stove wood under large sheda and never gets wet in rainy weather. We keep Marl, Fence Posts, and all kinds of Hand-niaile and Sawed Shingles, and Brick, Flats for rent or tale. , BIQ HILL, The Shingle Han. Are You a Homely flan? that Is Irvine to win the favor of pretty girl r Don't despair. If your face would Mop a clock you know enough to buy choice confectionery aa a sweetener to present to her. Try a boi of our de licious chocolates, caramda, marslimal- lowa or erram hon bona. They will work wonders. Dob I forget the plaoe C. J. Iff f-Norley A Co. 1IB8 4 ANDY CATIIARTHS i ft CUIcECOllSTirATlOil 25 sow.-'-ii-Li: IP!AT TTTPT V miB ISTPPn on i7 rut aland kookletfrw. id. STKRHJI8 REll!nTXt..lilrro, ontrel.e.,orNewVorlu Sit. . Dealrable House lo Bent. . Very ! desirable house vfor rent containing four rooms, attio and kitchen situated on Union street. Also two offices on Craven street. C. E. Slover, " . . 'At Barfool'a Ladies fall weight vests at 18c, 23c, 85o and 50c each, wool at 75c $1 and 1.25. - J Hall Schedule Cbauaje. Beginning Monday, Oct. 25th the mail going West will close at 8.15 a. m. every day. The public are re quested to note this change. At Bartooia. Fashion sheets for Nov. have arrived, you can have pne for the asking. - North Carolina Blankets ! The following from the Augusta, Ua Chronicle speaks urgently for Southern industries and shows what North Caro- ina is doing: "The Chronicle has always advo cated diversified industries in the South, and maintained that success -could be achieved by our people in ftny field they entered with intelli gence and industry, The success of the Chatham Manufacturing Com pany, of Elkins, N. C, is a case in point. They use Southern wool and make goods equal to tho best. Mr. P. D. Borkan, who has been selling dry goods for many years, and is a competent judge, has been handling their goods, and be declares he can't buy as good blankets anywhere else for the same money as those he eels from the Elkins Woollen Mills. This is high praise from a competent source. Use southern blankets. You will enjoy them next winter, for they are hot stuff.1' , Referring to the above wo beg to cay I that we have received today one case or blankets as described. None better made and the actual worth of each pair is $5.00, the price is $3 50. October 26Y Three Valuable Rook Given Away. Art and Fascy Work,' "Ncbsert Kbtues," "Hour Dyeing." Mrs. Nella Daezett. editor of the The Home, has published a new edition of ber popular book, Fancy Work and Art Decorations, that civet practical in structions for making doilies, table cov ers, scarfs, tray clothe, pin cushions, etc. with fifty illustrations. Hits 000K, to gether with "Nureery Rhymes" (a 16 page pamphlet with a handsome colored cover design or tue uici woman wuo Lived in a ntioe), ana "successiiu none uyeing," will be sent free to any reader or tlie Journal who forwards the following coupon to Wells, Richardson & Co,, Burlington, Vt. : coupon. : t This entitles any reader of the New : ; Eerne Journal to one' copy of "Fan- : : cyWork and Art Decorations," "Kur- : ; tiery Itbvmes'' and "Successful Home : : Dyeing." : The above liberal offer it made to ad vertise tho nld reliable Diamond Dyet, and to got their books upon home dyeing into the lianas 01 women wuo. want 10 dress well by making their old clothing look like new. Diamond Dyet have special dyes for cotton, different from thoae that are used for wool, and are the only package dyet on the market that can be relied upon to givo colon that will not fade or crock. The fact that Diamond Dyet have been the tlandard home dyet for nearly twen ty years and their tale increases from 'ear to year, la proof positive that they lave never had an equal. Our Tailor-made and Capes ; . ; Our Dress Ooodj and Silk Department It full of attractions lor you in an the New Styles. Wt maka a specially T of Black Dress Gttls aal no Lady! thould think of purchasings UhckDreat .h.huU.n..r.LVM .ml oM.I ed our prices. ' A select line of colors la BE0AD CLOTH Nothing more ttyllah tlitt tnaion. Also just received an assortment of Bralila for trimming, WjU4 JD. F. JARVIS, .TV m ALL DRUGGISTS of eo.irtlrutloa. Crnnn an Mw IImI I ; Shippers Please Etmembor. The steamer Vanceboro sails Mon days and Thursdays at 8:30 a.m. for points up Neuse river. : Freights re ceived nnder cover up to the hour of sailing. . J. O. Whittt SURF CROUP CURE. - When your baby whoops in mid dle of night Croun is impending 1 I give the child a dose of Anway's ' Uboup yrup and the little fellow is well and laughing in five minutes, rsuarkarli and harmless, but true, or we will refund the money, 25c ,- Al A Woman's Criticism of what a man's clothes should be it generally very accurate. There can be no possible fault to find with , your appearance if your - Clothes are Made to Measure in an expert way. The style of garments we make it a suuicient guarantee for mrst-clast work and a call on ut will satisfy you. that our prices are right. We have juBt received a new line of Mens and Doys Caps and invite you to call and examine same. Baker & Dunn. Men of Correct Taste in dress will find me prepared to mane a tult of clothing, uverroat, uoat, Vest, Trousers In all the laten NewYork styles and cut from the most select fabrics at a reasonable cost Perfect til it guaranteed in nil cases before your money Is paid. Qive your order and 1 will do thereat. ' Thanking the public for past favors and the continuance of the tame and so- netting a fair share of the new, I am pleated to make a well dressed man of anv that gives me their order. F. n. CHADWICK, Merchant Tailor. - 101 MlDDI.I Btkekt. Wraps, Coats, . for Ladies, Misses and Children, have juat arrived, these arc ot the newest style and perfect tilting. , Come early and make your aelecU ion. " - Should - you want any special style we have the tailor at our com. mand.and at abort notice we can guar antes you satisfac tion. Our Custom-made Shoes 1 I which the trade has recognized aa belni ot superior merit, w think are Hotter tuoa ever, ana-up to d ue in ttyte. Be aura If yon want a Otrpnt, Hat tlag er Rags to ana our dl.i.lay ber re Jo purcliaw. t-We will oir.-r yon .Hpeciiu Inducemunte 1 pecial lntuomunta and aivantagc which you will appreciate. The Time Has Come to Buy vmir Fait and Winter Onodn. Oh stock Ix-ln wiavlv and tun-fully bouti we wlil KUraH yon aatixfuni prinet mat cannot oe unucraniu. - -- t' Bradham'av A Reliable Drug Store. Z A SPLENDID LINE OF . . GENUINE BRISTLE, SOLID BACK HAIR BRUSHES DAVIS PHARMACY, ' -, Corner Broad and Middle Streets. Phone 56. S onrni a 1 ' ' Beginning Monday, the 25th and un til sold, I will offer a new line of Children's Underwear in a full range : of sizes, at just half the usual prices. SHORT CUT 3 -I If ESS GOC DS. ' S I have just overhauled the woolenV dress goods department and taken" 3 ; therefrom all the short lengths, "V '' marked them at such prices as will quickly close them out, many being . offered at merely a traction of their . y 'former yalue. v - These short cuts on a special table in center of store -front. H. B. Duffy. I THIS A Beautiful Ladies Cape, made of real nioo bUtck kersey trimmed with braid aud fur, regular prico tl j0, this week 08c. ' "... -;' v'7-'.;: ... Irni'Oited Serges, Novelty Dress 0! ods anil Biilliatiiinn, the price should bo 3?jc, our special price Wo yar.l. 25 All Wool Meu's Suits, the correct tiling in l'laide and Checks, we have decided to make this our leader at- ?.!", although others ask $10.00. AGENTS FOR COLLARS ECONOMY Opp. P. o. 0, A. BAKFOOT, Manager. DRIVING, DRAUGHT. AND FARM are now in my Sublet, JUST ARRIVED and will suit an; person who iicode a GOOD IIORSK. AbMsmna EXTRA FINE BTJLES. And to meet the dem of, I have ordrifl an unusually large lot of BugKie. which will nrrire in a few dnya. Everything; wanted by Horacmen in my ttablps, Whips, Blankets, Harness ami a big lot of cheap Lap Robes cheapest and beat ever offered here. A vilt and rinmlnntinn at mv alalilea will aal isfy everyone that what is adver tised is truo. , j"ULAl) TO SHOW STOCK. 81. 70. 12, HX n. 74 A BROAD STREET. WEST TISNESSIK km and Mi Home Eitra Good, gentle drivers. A Imo t Open nntl Top I:;"; u CM a i lfAinmi V WEES'G ARMOR RRAXII A JfD CUFFS. IS WEALTH. 0p. 1 , nun ubiiiv, ii, u, r ( ( I r t :S1 allt .it I