THE JOURNAL. Lodge Directory: KPRRKA t.OnCR KO. T. I. O. O. F. I Offl eors:-J. L. Cooper, N O.; R. .; T. It. Hvman, icca. Bec'ty; j. a. i-arKtir, Jr., Tretu. HrirulitrmoullEK every MoaUv UUrntUKWO'CIOOK., ,,. ' ATHEMA LOlRiE NO. 8, K. ot " Meets every Tuesday night In K. ot P. Halt, Middle Street. P. Avery. C 0.j W. a Parsons, V.U.' J. I.. Moody, K. B. 8.; C. C. Thorn ton.lI.otF. ::'.'.'-' JAl.tTalET ENCAMPMENT NO. 4. 1. 0.0. F. ameers: 3. h. Cooper, C. P.:C. H.Hall, H. I'.: r.R. Uyiuan, S. W.:H.C. Lnmwleu.J..: N.C. Hughes, Horibei B. B. NeaLTreaa. Keg - ulnv Knnnni omenta. lst.Sd. alia Sth litany) fhursdav nights in each month I 8.-00 oolockt - twicers Geo. Slover, Captain; t. O. Hy 'nian, Lieut, i P. H. Pelletier, Ensign ; Wm. J. Pitta, Clerk; Ed. Merocfc, Accountant. Reg ular cantonments, la ana n Tiiarsaay alghta In each month at 8 Ml o'clock' CKAVEN LODGE NO. 1, KNIGHTS OF HAR MONY: Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights In each month In Rounlree's Hall, nt 7 :30 o clock, (t. H. Ball, President; J. H. Smith, Secretary. ST. JOHN'8 LODGE NO. 8, A. P. AND A. M : -meerg:-J . 0 Clark, W. M.: T.W.Dewey, S. W.: B. B. Neal, J. W.; T. A. Green. lYeft .; George Green, Hec'ty. Regular Com munications Sd Wednesday each month. Cll ATTAWKA TRIBE NO. 14, IMP. 0. R. M Meets the Slid Sleep o( every 7 Suns (Monday nlghi ai K. of P. Castle Hall, Middle Street, New llorni , N. C. Visiting Red Men always welcome. W. S. Parsons, Sachem; J. II. Smith C. 01 R (ih'W BKUNE CHAPTER NO. 4, R. A. M.l meer T. A. Green, H. P, J. II. Clark, K.C; T. W. Dewey, Scribe; ChnB. Dun, Tress.; C. D. Ilradham, Sec'ty. Regular i;onvoca lljua 2d Mondav each month. t)T. JOHN'S COMMANDERY NO. 10, K. T. : Officers:- H.J. Lovlck, K. C.;J. B.C'laik, G.; S. II. Street, C.G ; I.W.Dewey, l'relate; C. D. Hradliam, Recorder. Regulai Conclaves first nd third Frlduvs ot the month. KNIGHTS OF HONOR-Ofllcerj : .hi : M liargett, Dictator; I. II. Vinson, Reporter; W. . Rountiee, Financial Reporter New Heme Lodge No. 443 meets the 2nd and 4th Friday ulvlits at 8 o'clock in Ruuu tree's Halt, Pollock Street. NEW BERNE I.ODfiE SO. 1, V. H. 4C.-I.W. lllilille, Prest; J. H. S ul ii, KejortlliiK M-cty; E. K. Qnluley, Finitnciul .-eety. Aleets it. Knightn of I'jthias hall every 1st and 2nd Wcunesday nights In each mouth. . Business Locals. GENTLEMEN and Ladies out of em ployment would find it profitable to call at once on Mr. August Van Wao.nbk, 40 South Front Street. WANTED Pew gentlemen on salary to represent a publishing and manufactur ing house. Call with reference between 9 to 11 n. in. and G to 8:30 p. m. .Tuesday, Wednesday auil Thursday at Moore's Boarding House, 40 South Front street. IF you wish to buy a Typewriter, the "Williams" is the smartest up-to-date machine on the market. Confer with O. II. Guion or T. W. Dewey and gel you one, either for cash or upon the install ment plan. HAVING just received one thousand samples of the very best foreign and do mestic woolens. I am prepared to make 8'iits to Order as reasonable as can be had anywhere everything being equal. Will guarantee satisfaction or refund your money. H. Sawyer, Fashionable Tailor, 63 South Front Street. WANTEDA few energetic ladies and gentlemen to canvas. Will pay a guar anteed salary of $15 per month, Call or address: W. C. Bost, Davidson, N. C. NEW ADVEItTISEJIENTN. Gentlemen. C J McSorley & Co After dinner. II B Duffy Short cuts In dress ijoods. J Jj Ilurtslield Notice to tax payers. OF LOCAL INTEREST. Freeh supply Bananas; Apples, Lemons ami Tears. N. Nunn & Co, , City Tax Collcctor.lIartsQeld has a notice of interest on first page. Head it. The finest and largest lino of studs you have ever seen at Baxter the Jeweler's. Seo J. J. Baxter for men's fine shoes, Waterhouse ties, and finonn derwear just i:i. Tho maximum temperature as ob served by the Government Weather and Crop bureau yesterday, was CO. 5 decrees. Thero were sales of cotton on the local market, yesterday, nt prices ranging from 5.00 to 5.40, according to quality and condition. The weather yesterday was a con tinuation of that of tbe preceding days of the week, cloudy and liht lain. The temperature was higher. The Editor of the Journal ac knowledges an invitation to attend tho Washington, N. C, Fair, which will be held November Dili, 10th. 11th and 12th. Sheriff Ilahn says taxes are com ing in pretty freely, and ho alao wishts tax payers to remember that there are only three days more be fore November 1st, iu which to sottlo with him. The Cotton Exchange adjourned yesterday oat of respect for the memory of William P. MetU, and attended his funeral in a body. There was also a large number of friends in attendance at the church services. Ill At I.O. TIM Keeper. Mr. Frank Bcbeelky, who has been time keeper at the A. & N. C. shops, loft last night on the steamer Neute, for Baltimore, where lie goes to accept position. Mr, R. 07 Kehoe has been ap pointed to succeed Mr. Schoelky as time keeper. UNITED STATES COURT. Secon Omj'm Neutoa, Willi roll A traduce. Cases r Interest Ileartf. The United States Court convened Wednesday, at 10 a. m., with Judge Purne'l, presiding. The court room was again crowd ed, and the different cases watched with interest by the spectators. ' Rafael O'Hara, (col.) of this city, and W. 0. Howard, of Tarboro, took the oath and were sworn in as attorneys to practice in United States Court. The following cases were heard; U. S. vs Geo. M. Gray. Retailing liquor without license. Judgment suspended upon payment of costs. U. S. vs Peter Dudley. Using U. S. mails for fraudulent purposes. 12 months, ono week ill penitentiary at Columbus, 0. U. S. vs Jordan Woolen. Retail ing without license, judgment sus pended upon payment costs. U. S. vs John Nethcrcutt and Joe Bell. Retailing without license. Guilty Judgment reserved. U.S. vs W. M. Watson, Jr., judgment suspended, payment costs. U. S. vs II. W. Thompson, (col.) Affray. Continued until next term, U, S. vs L. II. Wade. Retailing without license, 30 days imprison ment. $100 tine and cos's. U. S. vs Oicnr Davis. Working at Illicit Distillery. 30 days imprison ment. Pays costs. The following rule was made by Judge T. It. Purnell, ordered spread upon tho minutes, and certified copy sent to each clerk iu tliu .District: "After conviction or plea of ti u i t ty, or -.lolle contendere of an (lifetisi', felony or misdemeanor, of carrying on any business taxed by the United States without paying such tux, the court will hear no an ileal fur len iency in promising judgment, cus nensiou of judgment, oioontiiiuii'ioe of prayer for judgment, unless it is shown the rieletulent or ilefendcnts have pa d the special tax of which the United States hns been defraud-, ed. This Rule shall apply in all the District courts for tlio E.istern Dis trict of North Carolina." Court will convene til's morning at 11) o'clock, and it is expected that court wili finish by tonight stud ad journ. IN raEMOHIAM. E" "Hearts that nre great beat never loud, hut when great hearts have Hissed away men gather in awe and kiss I heir shroud, and kneel in love around their c'ay." The great heari of Joseph H. Clark has been stilled by t ho hand of an all-wise Providence, too wise to err, and too good to be unkind. In his death we mourn the oa of a con genial companion, a beloved asso ciate, a truo and friend, a faith ful brother. In St. John's Lodge thero is a vacant chair; ir, pur chapter there is aa empty Crown; in our Commandry there is an extinguished taper upon tho Triangle; in our Sbrino a miss ing illustrious Noble; and in the heart of our oity avoid unfilled. Public spirited lie was ever active in the city's interests; Charitable his purse was everopen to relievo the needy; Sympathetic his heart was easily touched by distress; Generous his aid was ever ut a friend's com mand; Affectionate his nature was ever responsivo to those he loved; Noble h's stand was always on the side of Right. His life's designs, wrought and left upon his trestle board, we deem worthy of universal imitation. We kiss in. submission the rod that has smitten us, rejoic ing how ever that the iufluence of his life may linger with us as tne perfume of flowers about the broken vase. Wo will fondly cherish his memory. Therefore, be it, Resolved, That tliij heartfelt tribute be spread upon our Musonic Uncords, and that a copy of the same enclosed with our sympathies to his sorrowing wife and child, Qwvx II. urioN. TllO.S. (. liYMAN, T. W. Dkwey. Committee of St John's Lodge No. :j, A. P. & A. M. rrrtsGNAi. Mr. J. L. Meyorbcrg returnol to (Joldsboro yofteiday morning. Mr. (1. S Waters returned list night from a ijit to relatives at lUlfigh. Mr. and Mrs. C. M, Dockham returned homo yestorduy afternoon from West Everett, Mas. Mr. Fred Whitty wont to Moie liead last night on bueinei'. Mr. J. Tj, Moody and sister, Miss Glonnie Moody returned home on yesterday's afternoon train. Mr. John Stanly Thomas arrifd last night to spend a few days in the city. Mr. U. J. Sclicelky returned last night from a short business trip to Wilmington, Mrs. S. 11. Waters left on tho steamer ncuse last ni (tit lor a Northern trip. Mrs. T, R. Garner am child, of Salisbury, arrived last night to vitit at Mr. V. J. Ilsrdiiou'i. Mill Lena Roberts of Portsmouth loft last nicht via. Mouhead for her home. a A NEW SALT LAKE CITY. Doing orTbs Ljnehltei. They Fr poae Sa Bnlld a Tabervaele at . Boalbporf : ..: Southpobt, N. C, Oct. 20. The Lynchites are a peculiar peo ple and something of an analogy can be drawn between them and the mormons who fled from Illinois and founded a city in the far western wilderuess on the shore of tho great Salt Lake. Not that these Lynchi'.es believe in a plurality of wives, for they are accused of not believing in wives at all. This is not altogether true, for what they really preach is that the marriage bond is uot binding except among those of their faith, so that a woman may leave her husband and marry a Lynchito and commit nn sin. 'lhey also declare that they can commit no sin. The Lynchites having beon driven from Virginia and the souud coun try as the mormons were from Nauvoo, and having found the banks of tho lower Cape Fear an agreeable stopping place, seriously propose to mane tins place their homo and to build here a tabernacle to celebrate Uie end of their wanderings. As their numbers are quite large and their spirit determined they may be able to erect sornethiug con siderable. Their doctrines seem to have some power of attraction, chiefly among Methodists, and a number of people are inclined to follow their teach ings, aud ttiey are people who have been considered level beaded. The Lynchites arc willing to work for so little that they have seriously upset the price of labor. Many men have lost their jobs, their places be ing taken by these cheap workers. The women also take in washing and do :t at prices below tho cost of the old time negro washer women. All ot them are hard workers, how ever, and faithful to a degree. Many things have been said about uoe Lynch, tho lender, in regard to his family life. His life seems to be quite correct at present, at least, for eome days aso his wife and two daughters arrived from some place in Delaware, That much against Joe Lynch is disposed of. Perhaps to sum up these people, it is safe to sav that thev menu well enough, but that they are ignorant and grossly so, und that they have become thorough going fanatics of a thoro'igh going stripe. WllmiiiKtun 1'riilelfim. S:me one on the "Wilmington Dispatch" has a highly inmginathe mind as tho following from its columns will show: "New Berne is having trouble with lira bugs. A neck tie party is evidently badly needed." lhe only foundation for tho above was the arrest of a crazy negro last week in New Berno for turning in filse tiro alarms and the suspicion that he m iy have set fire to a small shed. Thero have beon probably twenty incendiary tires in Wilmington dur ing the last two years. Thrco of the tires burned property covering one half to thrco acres. Many of tho buildings partially burned have t eel; found saturated with kerosene. Yet the police force of Wilmington have not found out the guilty wretches who started these fires. Our only suspected incendiary was in jiil within two hours after his misdemeanors. ATlirililna- Hippodrome. Nothing so sets the blood tingling through men's veins as a contest of speed. It does not matter whether the contestants bo men or nuimals. Ono will naturally take sides with some one of them, nud his "eide" is his owu just as much as though lie was himself one of those engaged in the struggle for supremacy. So it is that the hippodrome forms one of ths most thrilling, generally exciting and principal features of the mod cm b!g tented itmiucinent. Con fluently, the managers of the John Robinson nnd Franklin Bros, cirens have piiid special attention to tlds A Woman's Criticism of what a man's clothes should be is generally very accurate. There ran bo no possible fault to Onl with jonr appearance if your Clothes are Made to Measure in nn expert way. Tha ttyle of garment I we make ii suflloiunt guarantee fur first-clan work and call on in will satisfy you that our pricei are right. We have just recoived new line cf Mem and Boys Cans and invite you to call ana examine same. Baker & Dunn. " naaror; ANDY 10 23 SO Njia.,;. '-weir kiita jc.-.. ABSOLUTELY GUiRAHTEED Z'!: important department. '. He has im ported more than a score of the finest blooded racing stock ever brought to America, including many full-blooded Arabian steeds, noted for their fleetncss of foot. The enormous canvas is absolutely water proof, and is tho largest ever ooi structed, making it possible to have a ruco .course fully a quarter of a uiHe in length, or four laps to the mile. Around this splendid course the men and horses dash along at tho very feet of tho spectators, and its great length enables them to at tain and maintain tbe highest possi ble rate of speed, There are races of all kinds, ancient and modern, between horses, men, animals, and when they are not terrific they are funny, ludicrously funny, exciting rounds of applause aud continual laughter. All Had an Oplulon. ' The celebrated dog case, of Fed eral building notoriety, which has been called an "affray in tho Uni tod States Court, has been of con siderable local interest. Ono of tho parties iu this case, wliotc trial ret tilted Tuisday in a mistrial, owing to tho jury standing ton to two, was up again yesterday, before a new jury. Upon the District Attorney's ro qiust, that if i.ny Af the jury had formed or expressed an opinion re garding the dofendent, to leave tho how nino of tho jurors filed sol emnly out. It was decided that no trial could be, aud Ibo dufeudent's case was continued to next court, under bond, tho Custodian of tho Public Building going his security. Prompt Payment Upon Dentil. . Tho Immediate R-iliof Society, of this city, which was organized three months ago, has now a membership of 127 members, and in tho death of W. P. Meti-i loses its first member. THE LIMIT OF . . . . . . . THE WORLD. Is easily adjusted to any gas fixtures. Increasing the Light Threefold nt Half the Cost of Ordinary Gas Light. The "Sunlight" Company is working under its own patents aud is no infringement. ESTABLISHED BEYOND ALL QUESTION. Justice Wills of the High Court of Justice, deciiUd against the Weir bach Oo., Iu London, as IoIIowb: '-Their method (-8 uiliglif') appears lo me to lie as wide asunder ns the poles from those contemplated liy Wclsbaeh." The "SUNLIGHT" Company has sued tho WelRUach Light Co., The Welbneh Commercial Oo and W. 8. lllock, In the U. 8. Circuit court for the 8. U. of W.Y.. for unlawfully and illegally conspiring to intimidate customers and puiehimcrs of the "Sunlight Incandescent Lamp," with intent lo injure and impairho legitiinal buainecs of the "Sunlight" Incandescent Gas Lamp Company. The "Bunlighl'' Co. lias also commenced an action for libel ngninst tho Welsbach Light Co., for publishing nnd circulating letters and circulars intended to injure the reputation and standing of said company. In May Inst, Mr. Henry Lubourchcre, M, K, the proprietor of "London Trnlh" and without doiiM tho best posted financial expert in London, said editorially that the "Sunlight" Company had beaten the Welsbach people on nil points and Hint the "Sunlight" Company had undoubtedly n clear patent on incandescent gas lighting Any Interference with our customers in llieir use of our lamps nud niantcU should be promptly reported to us. It will be at ouco summarily dealt with by us without cost to our customers. The "SUNLIGHT" Light is Brilliant, Mellow, and gives all objects in their natural color, resting instead of straining the ejc. What the Philadelphia Timet says ' "Tho 'Sunlight' Lamp is said to bo entirely superior to the Welbich Light ns It gives a more natural color to objects, and doe not create the ghastly appearance that tlie Welsbach Linlit does. It Is furthermore worthy of uote that lhe dunlighl' Gas Lump llantle will Inst twice na long as any other aid that it will increase the light at one half the cost for gas." Prof. Crookes, of London, says I "The best form or artificial light is one containing little or no ultra violet rays, no excess of yellow ray, nud just nufticient red liht t commiiuicntu a warm,, pleasant tone to ihn surrounding object. The injurious effects of artitlcinl light on the eyo (all artificial lights are more or less Injurious to the eye being principally artrihutnblc to the invisible ultra violet radialion, the Welsbach Light mny be con sidered Si times as harmful us the '.Sunlight' mantle light." Order the "SUNLIGHT' Sold by HYMAN SUPPLY CO., NEW HEllNC, N C. Our Tailor-made and Capes Our Dress Goods and Silk Department Is full nf attractions for ynn In all the New Styles. We wake a specialty ot lllark Ureas Woods and an Lady houlil think of purcliniingi DlackDreiw until She his seen our styles aa I obtain ed our prices. A select lino of colors in UROAD CLOTH Nolljini more stylish this season. A Inn Just received an assortment nf DrahU for trimming. D. F. JAR CATItARTIU ALL, fc m m m DRUGGISTS f Mr. Metts died Monday night at 11:30 p. m. and before the bank opened Tuesday morning, his family was sent $25.00 from the benefiohry fund of the S ci ty. - OASTOXIIA. At Barfooi'a Ladies fall weight vests at 18c, 23c, 85c and 50c each, wool at 75c. $1 and 1.S5. French Npeclaelea. If you are groping your way in larknoss not seeing what will bo the result of this, that or the other un dertaking, I would advise yon to call on some good optician and be fitted properly with a good pair of spectacles or eyo glasses, in gold or or aluminum. I have a fine stock of French Spectacles which are ac knowledged by the best ojulists ind opticians to be the best in tnu world. I have the Perfection Bi Focal which enables you to. seo far and near. In vestigate tho above. Baxtek tub Jeweler. Ai Rarlnotn, We arc showing an nmiKiud nice as sortment of ifew rihhons.attractive prices "THE PATROL" Air Tight Wood Heaters. NSWKST mid 15KNT. Made in 4 sizes. See P. M. Draney, 09 South Front St., NEW llEIt.XE, N. C. THE SUNLIGHT Beware of Imitations. Wraps, Coats, for Ladles, Minos nnd Children, I'ave just nrrived, llicto are nt tho newert styles and perfect lllll-g. ('nine early and tnnke your scleci Inn. hliould Tril want any ipcolal slylsweliatv the tailors nt nirroin mnnil.nnd at short notice we ran frnar snlie you sal lf no tion. Oar Custom-made Shoes which the trad hai recognized as belnK of superior merit, w think me better than ever, nnd up to date lo style. Ito sure If yon want a Carpet, Mat ting ar Hug to aee our ilinplay -tieioie-you piirchaM, . HTWe will nlfer yon Hpecid I allurements nnd advantages which you will apprecitte. The Time Has Come to Buy yonrF-tll an I Winter Ointi. Onr slock being wlnrly and carefully Iwiuicl t we will guarantee you sntUfnctlon, lie J prices thnt cannot b underiold. VIS, im.,S . ft A SPLENDID LINE OF . . GENUINE BRISTLE, SOLID BACK HAIR BRUSHES " , ." 'at . DAVIS' PHARMACY. Phone 56. I SHORT CUTS . . Of . . DRESS GOODS, THE ACCUMULATIONS--Short lengths from the dress goods department, t nave oeen puea ter in center of 3 THERE are all sorts in this lot. A few w S pieces with enough ior an entire jf dress, many lengths sufficient for y separate waists, skirts and child- S ren's dresses, All at reduced prices, many at a fraction oi former value. S COME AT ONCE to get tho pick. I H. B. Duffy. I THIS A Beautiful I adic f'api mado of rod nino blank k"rsry trimmed with braid and fur, regular prion . 0. this him k , I 80. Imported Serges, Novelty Oreai fiooN ail n, tlio pricu thould bo 371c, our special rioe, i't.: yard. 25 All Wool Men's Suits, thu if.rrect ll.ihg in I'l.iide nnd Oliecks, we liave decided to niako tliltf our li-u-U-r nt (7 IS, although others a-k tlO.OO. AGENTS FOIl COlvL tllH ECONOMY ll.Sl,,, teiiii Ilouso, Opj. p. ty UiV UUUUJ fl. A. BAR ii:ivig. lIUAUCaiT. AND FAH3H ore now in my Stables, JUST ARK1VKI) inul will biiU a-iy prfon who Leeds u GOOD IIOKSK. Alo"ine EXTRA FINE MULE A. And to meet the dem 'lids of my Iradn I hive nnlenil an uiiiiHunlly Inrge lot of DugKhw, which will arrive in a few dim. Kverylhlng wntl by Hurwmcn in mw stables, Whip, Itlankets, llnrmsit iiml a big lot of cheap Lttp ltolwa chinpest nnd licot ever nlTrrd here, A visit nnd enmioniln my pIhIiImi will salbify everyone that what Is adver tised Is true. nrULAII TO SHOW BTOIK. T. W. STEWART, "ll!Mli&"bn New Berne, N: C. Gil ha Hj1 WEST TEN NESS IK Horses M i ll H iTft A TTh r. , Borne Kxlra Cood, Rintlo driver. ' . j AKos Open tinil Tp KiikkIm, Aim! Farm War-cm .last nrcrlvt IWricase Call ami examine before bujing, Itcfpectfullj, Thos. J. Mitehcll, 0r1r" Corner Broad and Middle Streets. upon u. ajfeuioii uvuxi- store. WEEZ'S ARMOR ESESATVS JIO ITFF. IS WEALTH. P. iK FOOT, Manager. Finest El fit if 'it OS. , lmi u j