VOL. XVI- NO. 103. NEW BERNE, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21), 1897. KSTA BUSHED 1082 to aid noun. WEYLER RESTLESS. Wants to Leave Before 111 Successor Arrive. Gen. Lee Wanted. Havana, Cuba, Oct. 27. General Weyler has been ordered to remain in Havana until General Blanco arrives. . mm m Good thing's Mayor of Chicap and Three Penitentiary DiFeclors Refuse Them This may mean that Weyler is to be sent home under arrest for refusing to obey the order to give the command to General for Work on the Castellanos. He wanted to sail two days before General Blanco could reach Havana. r UPON OUR OF SHOES SHOES SHOES THEY Wlfcr. &TANI IT. Over SO per eent. of the HETAIE TRADE MOWS IT, That i why WI) HKIb HO MANY. w You mav not be JLUKULILUn Slill you will find come things TO AI000.,! ' In our alock we have knnli lock nl 20c each; pad lock at rc, 70, and lOo each; luiap ynd staple 5c each; hull hinge 5o, ?r, fiml lOo pair; door priiir nt 10c each. Alto lull line of useful house hold article. An iron tlanrt with 8 last, a shoe hammer and a box ( ahoe nails for 50c. Don't forget ua. J. C. Whitty ;V , FTTT X M ran 1 v5 WE WILL SELL a Iloruo and guarantee oar Judgment on every point. Tiot til prove to pain your tsteoni br emiiK oti an honest bargain. We lmv Superior llorne .Sense gained by year of rxporiimrto, (and fine lot of Hor, to back it op.) iuitablo for every purpose. It will take but a few minute of your limn lo fiml out if you tun do better bero Uiao e'e- hero. Light and heavy draught noaionod work horse, otinil at a dol lar; mi1.II sod rHirian llorma, Mule. Lowest price ever known. ; '"We will l ike good white ootton at 0 cent per pound iu exchange v. ! o -ti tin-In it !i it i. n : i'o. STOCK HfcXtf-aBffl if Your Doctor Fights Disease with medicine. If the medicine is not right lif enn not conquer disease. If the drupirist d8 his duty the medicine will hu right, nnd your doctor will stand n fair chance of winning the vic tory. You can help your doctor bv having your prescription ll'llcd at Bradham's Reliable Drug Store- H0 8XSA4XSXSXSlSXSX('SIi'lSS)i) STORAGE ROOM ! 8lornge room for 200 bales of cotton in fire-proof building. For terun apply to . E. K. BISHOP. ,.....,?. - fill t I'.'V P.V'14.f "t r fi i a a YOU w () if i: i fill- (I M -1 hi Will Make New Tork Howl. Dead Set Against Henry Ueorge. Piatt is Also Attacked by George. Teller's Opinion. v All are Certain. Nkw York, October 27. Mayor Har rison, accompanied by his cabinet, a brass band and nearly SiOI) broad should ered members of the Cook county Dem ocracy, all wearing silk hats and smiles of various degrees of breadth, are on their way for this city for a three days stumping tour of Greater New York. 'Hurray for Tammany and to blazes with George," is the sentiment cf the leaders of the delegation, and the West erners apparently meant to act on this feeling in a way that will till the Tam many tiger with joy. Nearly every prom inent Democratic politician of Chicago is in the party. There is much dissatisfaction in Tam many over the coming of Mayor Harri son, of Chicago, to help Van Wyck. The local jealously between New York and Chicago makes the feeling against out siders stronger lliau usual in Harrison's case. ( -raker is blamed for asking him to come. George has now becun to attack Piatt on the same charges that he has brought against Croker. He said today: ' I look upou Piatt as just as plum a thief, a blackmailer and a corrupiiomst, a man who is In politics for precisely the same purpose that Croker is, and who has been guilty oi substantially the same piaclices and if the people will intrust me with power I will investigate l'latt to the full extent of my resources, and as relent lessly as I will Croker. He is, in fact, the more accomplished and greater swindler of the two." George's direct personal attack on Croker and Piatt has aroused the classes to which he appeals to a high pitch of enthusiasm. Mr. Croker himself has thrown aside all reserve and is defending himself as best lie may against George's onslaughts. He said today that he had heard that the Republicans had induced George to become a candidate in order to divide the Tammany vote. He would not vouch for the truth of the report. In a letter which Senator Henry M. Teller, of Colorado, has written to Wil liam Wilhelm, the Senator says he does not hope for Henry George's election in Mew York, tuougli it would please him greatly. National issues won't be affect ed, he says, by that city's vote. henator teller says: -Ine hgnt for silver will go on until we get open mints for gold and silver, at a rate to be estab lished by law," The managers for the fonr leadingcan- didates all express absolute coufidence in the election of their men in the daily bulletins issued by them. CASTORIA For Infanti and Children. llmlli ii vnppw. ttfutuf. NOTICE ! To Tax Payers! There is only 3 more days in this month to pay your taxes in. Come early and avoid the rush. Don't neg lect this notice. J. L. HARTSFIELD, City Tax Colector, Oct. 27, '97. Men of Correct Taste in dreM will find me prepared to make suit of clothing. Overcoat, Coat. Vett, Trouaer lo all tuu latest New York tvle and cut front the moat eelent fabric at a reasonable coat. Perfect fit I guaranteed In all case before your money I paid. Ulv your order nd I will do thereat. Thanking the public for rut favor and lb oonllnuanoo of the Mine and o Hritlng fair ilnre of the rew, 1 am pleawed lo make a well dreMed man of anv that give me their order. F. H. CHAOWICK, lirrehaut Tailor, 101 Mll)Il. SlIlKKT. ew Castellanos, in the face of Wcylcr's re sistance, was absolutely helpless so far as assuming command was concerned, hut he sent a special messenger to Key West and cabled the whole situation to Ins government. It is owimr to this dis patch that Weyler has been told to wait for General Blanco. The retiring general is using every means to win sympathy here. Upon the way iu which he employs the poweHie has concentrated depends to a consid erable extent the stability of Spain in Cuba. Next lo a man-of-war here, Americans here would like to see (Jonsul-General Lee. Men nt War on n I linnc. Washington, Oct. 27. The adminis tration is attempting to repair thi error committed by the federal authorities nt New York in permitting the departure of the alleged Cuban filibuster Silver Heels by intercepting thai schooner in the vicinity of the Bahamas or the Flor ida keys. Two men-of-war are now searching for the vessel. Under orders issued vester- lay by Secretary of the Navy Long, the cruiser Montgomery and the gunboat An napolis, which were at Key West, were sent to sea' to look for the Silver Heels and the steamer to wlncli it is supposed she will transfer the supplies she has on board for transport to Cuba. A t'miKr.li-r SnveH Liven. Qjeknstown, October 27. The Cur.- ud Liue steamer Catalonia, Captain Stephens, from Boston October Kith for iverpool via this port, arrived here to day after haviug been delayed by the heavy weather winch has prevailed re cently iu the Atlantic. During a gale on Wednesday last, Oc tober 20th, the Catalonia sighted the French fishing schooner Vaj;ue, of St. Halo, dismasted, sinking and signalling for assistance. Captain Stephens took off the crew of the Vague, numbering twenty-one men and boys. He reports that the schooner could not have floated more than a few hours longor, and that lier boats would have soon been swamp ed if the fishermen had succeeded in launching them. The rescue of the crew of tlieVaguc was a very hazarclovs proceeding. Two boats, manned by volunteers, were lowered from the Catalonia in the middle of the night. The sea was running very high at the time, and the sky Is described as being pitch dark. Lnteat New lleniN. More small industries and less small politics," says the Chattanooga Times, would do Ibis town good." Because of protests by labor unions the Murine Band will not be allowed to go to Chicago to play for the horse show. The Superintendent of the South Caro Una penitentiary believes that that insti tution will pay n profit of $10,000 this year. Senator Morgan is slowly improving but still confined to his bed in San Diego, Cal , from an attack of grippe. President Cliaunccy M. Depew, of the New York Central, says that in bis opin ion the wreck at Garrison's was caused by a dynamite explosion perpetrated by enemies of the company, The Cuban committee in Buenos Ay res ha co'lected a large sum of money to aid the rebels. It is stated that a rcsolu tion to recognize the belligerency of the Cuban, which is supported by many members will be introduced in the Con gress of Argentina. Adjutant-General Stewart will issue order next week to 1,500 Pennsylvania oldicr fot free transportation to Chat tanooga and return. The trio will be made in order to attend the dedication on November 15 of the Pcnmylvania mnnumcnta on the Clilckamauga battle field. Oovernor Hasting and hi ttaff will take part in the dedication, with representative of the national govern' meut and the Pennsylvania battlefield cnmmlaaion. Nearly alt the Teste! in the Bchring Sea whaling fleet have been caught in the loo and torn of them may not last through thewlntcr. Not tlnce the winter of 'H bat uch wholesale dlaaater been threatened. Fourteen steamer, bark and echooneri are known to be in the pack, and only five of them are (uppoted to bare more than two month lupplle aboard. Tba Coming Woma h" Eoe to tbe club wbllo her husband tend (he baby, a well n the good o!d faihiooid womau ho look after her horn, whl b Hh at timet get tun (Iowa to hesUli. Tbct will Ihj troubled with lot ofsppeilto, headache, hepleraea, lain log or duty pli. The int wonuerun reoiedr for I lit) womn u rclrio Bit tar. Thouitnd of tuff, reia from Umt back, and weak kidneyt fle up and call It oleated. It It th medicine for women, Fetal complaint and oervoo trouble of all kind are anon relieved by t lie use nl Electrio 111 iter. Delicate wnnwo houl.l kef ii till rcaitil on hand to build up ih lyatrtn. Only 5Cc per bottle At F, 8. Duffy Drugstore. . At IiUhiI Ladle fall weight tmiU al 18o, 83c, Mo and ftOo each, wool at 75c. II and 1.25. Application Made 'nder the Acts of 1SS1. The Refusal will Result in a Suit. Russell to lie Re nounced. Fishery Con gress at Tampa. Special to Journal. RaLEIoii, N. C. October, 28. The Tyrrell county commissioners made a formal demand today under the act of the Legislature of 1S81. and also under the act of the last legislature for one hundred convicts to work public roads al State expense. The Penitentiary Superintendent and Directors refuse to furnish the convicts and a suit will follow their action. J, H. Young and Governor Russell will probably be denounced by the negro convention which meets n-xi Wednesday. Governor Russell has been rcipiesled to appoint delegates to attend the Nat ional Fishery Congress which meets al Tampa, Fla Jan'y, ISIth, INK THE MARKETS. Yesterday's market quotations furnish ed by W. A. l'oi tei licld it Co. Commission Brokers. New York, October 2M STOCKS, Open. High . . !I(IJ il(l:; ,. 1143 !lj COTTON'. Open. High. . 5.'.r n.iiT Low. Cloire iili! Ml Chicago Gas. . o. ii. & q. .. Low. Close .r).!'2 5 117 January . CHICAGO MARKKTS. Wheat Dec .. Open. High. . sr .! ii7 ; Low, Close M! !I7! Corn Dec 2( 2(i Cotton Sales 14G,0!)0 Rale 21! Bncklcn'i Arnica Salves. Tun Bust Salvh in the w -ild for Cu's Bruises, Sores, I' leers. Sail Rheum, feu r Sires. Teller, Cba p d Hands, L'uiHih.ns. C irns, and all Skin Kmpi ions, an 1 posh vely cuif s IVes or no pay required. It is uaranieed to give peilect salifuction or money rcf'uji'cd. 1'r'C'i 2 cents per b x. For sale by r , S Dnfiy. A Pghted cigarette dropped by n thoughtless clerk, is supposed to have caused the lire which gutted the while stone building at the corner of Seventh and Chestnut streets occupied lv tin general offices of the Wabash railway in st. l.uui. CASTOIlIj', Tin fae- llmila IS s:i;ia. At llirloom. We are showing an unusual nice as sortment of new ribbons, at tractive prices (iO TO- Sam'I Cohn & Son's I'Olt I I SK Pin Pork, Sausage, Veal, Motion, And our STALL-FED BREF is always up to the standard 88 Middle Si. Phone 46. After Dinner Conversation 1 made pleasurable and healthful br dallying with tho pure and choice wee I that are obtained from our choice lock of confectionery, conserve, can died fruit, (iigar almond ami hickory nut and maralimatiow. we lovo to tickle the palate of tho epicure, C. J. McHorley e o. "THE PATROL" Air Tight Wood Heaters. NEWEST mid HUNT. Made in 4 sizes. P.M.Draney, 99 Roatk Freat HI.,' NEW BERNE, . N. C. to Bat and Plenty oi them at McDaniel & Gaskill's. Fresh tints, coarse and medium. Fresh Oald.ikes, loose and in packages. Fresh liuekwheat, plum and prepared. Seeded Raisins in 1 lb. cartoons. Thoroughly cleaned Cur rants ready for usu. Ilein.'s Tomato Catsup Rio per bottle, lleinz's Mixed I'ick led, hot !i sour and sweet. Capo Cod Cranberries, finest quality 10c qt. Small Ilains ami lireakfast Strips, and anything else in the grocery line at prices prices which defy competition. 11 fLJ Mm (J am a mi; 71 Kroad St., NEW J5ERNE, N. C FOR Sealed PINK BAND Package. NewYork. Bon-Bons and Chocolates, Made Only By TEXXKY COM PAX Y, FOR SALE BY t'apt, Kaiii IS. Wafers, sole a(;i:nt, 105 Middle Street. Sliorllv ;itlcr Jiilv. 4lh 177(i tlio Uritish lion inailc :ui miplcasinit ilis'-ovcry. The American revolution c.jI.kI (1 umlcr Ins niisc and he hasn t yd succeeded in get inir liir f'iirr straight. Wc would like lo exnlode tins nd riirhl miller the nose of everyhody who lias no) yet discovered that "(!oi,a Kkaiiaciik I'oWhKiis" are a ypeeilir for Headache. Bradham's Pharmacy. .1 On the Ranch and rich pasture lands of the West is laised the healthiest, purest cattle, sheep and h at, whose luicv beef anil mutton excels the rare Itecf of old f.na- laud or the "ioi:il or sailille of mutton Unit unices I he yucca's table. Kor the epicure's table there is no place in New iterne that can furnish meats that are unrivaled for fibre, llavor and luicv de lielonsncHS as that irot at JOHN WAH- UKNS, l 'mi. Korni Kiioxt AXI MllllllE Sih., Next diHir to K. It. Jones. A Repulsed Lover that wear a olle I ihlrt front nev er need wonder that the dainty ma den ask him when he ha flatted a laundry. and refuac to lay her treaaee apoa hi manly boaom. Laundry work It cheep, and nnUclaaa at the aame time, If you brlnult to the NKW BERNK STEAM I.AUNDUY. Kemeoiberout iumuor 87 MmtiLi Htnukt. .a j -1 ilia i hi y ne i te v .v '-iyQi. Wholesale & lie. ail , ii roeer, ion We are Receiving New G-oods Now IjmI,v, and we are going to Sell AT 1 ii Butter, Cheese, Meat, Lard, Flour, Tobacco, Snuff, Cakes,Crackers, French Mixture, Stick Candy, In fact anything you need in the Grocery line. You can SAYK MOXKY by seeing tin- before plac ing your order. Respectfully, JOHN DUNN, 55 Pollock St., NEW BERNE, N. C. T. J. TURNER FURNITURE CO. We have Just received a Job Ix)t of 75 Hntnn Kockcrs and will for the Next J Days clow them out rhcan for caah or on time. Now ! the time for you to get iM-auunii Homer ior a utile money. RomcmlMT the aale I only for the next 5 day al our new (tore No. 75 Middle Street, uext to Geo. Ulover. T. J. TURNER FURNITURE CO. NKW UEUNE, N. O. Notice ! New Enterprlne X w We have juat fitted out for tawing Lathe. We will keep them on band la any quanUtlrt No. I. Don't forget our dry, tawed More wood under large thed and never get wet In rainy weather. We keep Marl, Fence Poila, and all klndt of Hand-made and Sawed Shloglee, and n ina m . . " Haul limes Prices (JllUeie K lM 1UT IVQI Of M16 '. BIO HILL, The Shingle flan. A

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