THE JOURNAL. Lodge Directory: EUREKA LODCB NO. T. I. O. O. T. I Ofll-oora:--J. L. Cooper, N G.; B. J.Dlaoaway.V. T. R. Himn. ttVd. Rectv: J. H. Parker, Jr., Troaa. KeKularmeaticiia everv Monday nirnt at k w o cioca. ATHEN1A LODGK HO. 8, K. ot '.-Meets very Tueaday night In K. ot P. H all. Middle Bireet. r. r. Avery, u. in; o. rarwmn, V. 0.' J. I.. Moody. K. R. 8.; CTC. Tnorn ton, M. of F. JAI.UET ENCAMPMENT NO. 4. 1. O. O. F. . . ... . w n " n . n , T I - 1 1 1 1 LUICr ; rf. i. wofjer, v. r.iv. t nan, P. R. Byman, 8. W.:H.C. Lnmleii,J. v.; N.C. Hughes, Korlbe; a B. Heal, Treaa. Beg nlar KnoaniDmenta. lat. Sd. and 6th (It any) ftiuradav niithu in each month r 8:00 ooloca" CANTON CLEhatONT NO. t, P. M.I. O. O. F, umcera tteo. siover, uapiara; r. u. iiy man, Lieut, i P. H. Pelletler, Ensign ;Wm.J. Pitia. Clerk : Ed. Uerock. Accountant. Beg. ular CantonmenU, Sd and 4th Thursday mania in eaon monin aiowi ocroea OKAVBN LODGE NO. 1, KNIGHTS OF HAR MON Y: Meeta 2nd and 4th Wednesday nlghta In each month in Kountree's Hall, nt 7 30 o clock. 8. K. Ball, Preaident; J. 11. Hmitn, oecreiary. HI'. JOHN'S LODGE NO. S. A. F. AND A. M moer:-J . B Clark, W. M.; T.W.Dewey, B. nr.; a. a. Heal, J. w.; l. a. ureen, Tre .; George Green, Hec'ty. Regular Coin "nuuicalloiis 3d Wednesday each month. CHATTAWKA TRIBE NO. 14, IMP. O. U. M Meets the 2nd Sleep of every 7 SunsfMonday niKbil ai K. of P. Castle iiall. Mlddfe Street, New Iteini , N. C. Visiting lied Meu always welcome. w. s. raraone, bacnem; . ii Smith C.0IB HlOW BERNE CHAPTER NO. 48, B. A. M.: imoei'K T. a. Green, H. P, J. B. Clark, K.C; T. W. Dewy, Scribe; Clias. Duffy, Treas.; C. D. tlradham, Sec'ty. Regular I'onvoca ttuna Sd Mondav each month. bT. JOHN'S COMMANDER? NO. 10, K.T.: k.U . 1 1 1 1..,- j ,1 . ,) !..... I . S. B. street, C. G i 1. w. Dewey, Prelate; (;. v. araanain, isecoraer. Kegmai conclaves first and third Fridays ot the month. KNIGHTS OF HONOlt-OlHeers: .hi '. M Hurgett, Dictator; I. II. Vinson, Reporter; W. Bouutve, Financial heporter New Uerne Lndee No. 44.1 meeta the Slid and 4tli vriday nlvlits at 8 o'clock in Ruuutreu'a Hull. roiioca- Mrees. NEW BERNE LODGE SO.l, F. II.&C.-1 W. tliddle, Presl; J. H.SmMi, lie:ordlng secty; K. E. yuldley, FinHiicinl certy. Meets In Knlgiitx of 1' thins hall every 1st and '2nd Wednesday nights in each mouth. Business Locals. GENTLEMEN and Ladies out of em ployment would And it profitable lo cull at once on Mil August Van Wagner, 40 South Front Street. IF you wish to buy a Typewriter, the "Williams" is the smartest up-to-date machine on the market. Confer with O. H. Guion or T. W. Dewey and ge'. you one, cither for cosh or upon the install ment plan. HAVING just received one thousand samples of the very best foreign and do mestic woolens. I aia prepared to make S'lits to Order as reasonable as can he had anywhere everything being equal. Will guarantee satisfaction or refund your money. K. Sawyer, Fashionable Tailor, 63 South Front Street. WANTEDA few energetic ladies and gentlemen to canvas. Will pay a guar anteed salary of $15 per month, Call or address: W. C. Bost, Davidson, N. C. MEW ADVKRT1NEHENTH. Munyou. The Forum. Dancing classes. D. F. Jurvis Dress goods. M. lliihn & Co. We will sell you. OF LOCAL INTEREST. The Driest ami largest' line of studs you have ever seen at Baxter tbe Jeweler's. See J. J. Buiter for men's fine shoes, Waterhouse ties, and fine un dcrwear just in. The A. & N. O, Itailroad took down three extra cars last night to bring up the crowds from below. Eggs continue in small supply in this city, and they sold at 14 cents this week, wholesale. The tide in the Neuso lias contin ned high until yesterday evening, when it began to fall. The maximum temperature as ob served by the Government Weather and Crop bureau yesterday, was GO. degrees. There were sales of cotton on the local market, yesterday, at prices ranging between 5.12 to 5..10, according to quality. The wood supply in this city is reported as being very small, and prices are high. The shipment of a fow hundred cords of wood here, would be a . moucy making scheme just now. Sheriff Halin had a full house last night, at his place on Crareu stieet, the United States court sending a number of prisoners to be kept in the county jail. Upon the register there were enrolled thirty one names. Miss Emma Disosway, assisted by Hisses Clementine Whitford and Addle Claypcole, will re-open the dancing academy lo the first days of November. There will be an after noon class for children and begin ners and au evening class for young gentlemen. Miss Disosway ha had much experience lo giving danoing lessons And possesses to a wonderful degree that patience required in icacniog na pupil to tunoo easily and gracefully. Miss Whitford was associated with the school last win ter and gars entire satisfaction to all the patrons, Tbii season by - the happy selection Miss Addie Clay- poole as assistant the school will be better than ever before. UNITED STATES COURT. TbirwDaj'a Fraeectlaca. A Maataar Caavlet4 Neat la Jail. ; The third day's proceedings of the United States District court, were finished Thursday night, at 9 o'clock. , There was a fair attendance in the court room, but the cases were of do special interest. Court took recess until Friday a. m. 8 o'clock. . " ;.. Tbe following cases were heard and sentences, rendered: U. S. vs. Ephraiin Brown. Car rying material to illicit distillery. 90 days imprisonment. U, S. va. Lewis Cuuly, alias Lwis Lawson. lletailing without license. 30 days imprisonment. U. 8, vs. Henry Cauley, alias Henry Liwson. Working ou illicit distillery. Plead guilty, 30 days iin prisonment. U. S. vs. James S. Davis. Illicit distilling. 4 months imprisonment. tlOO Que. U. S. vs. Geo. Nethercutt and Joe Bell Illicit distilling. Each 90 daps imprisonment and $100 tine, U. S. vs. Setli Wade. Illicit dis tilling. CO days imprisonment and 100 tine. U. S. vs. Francis and Renus Coker. Retailing without l cenpc. Each 30 days imprisonment and 100 fine. U. S. vs. Lowis Jones, Working illicit distillery. 3 mouths impris onment and $ 100 line. U. S. vs. Geo. Horner. Illicit distilling. G months imprisonment and HOD tine. U. S. vs. Tobe Kousc. Furnish ing material illicit dillery. f 100 line and costs. The Event Tr-Day. Thn oirniin to.ifa will hn fr.nml pitchel in the Fair Grounds this morning, and performances wi take place at o'clock this after noon and 8 o'clock tonight. Tho g.-eut street parade is billed to move at 10 o'clock this morning. Lugo numbers of peoplo arrived in town last nilit and big crowds will be in today, by trains and by foot and on horseback. New KeNlniiriiut. Mr. Ii. Williambrink, wl.o has been the chof of tho Hotel Chuttuw ka ever since it opened, will short ly open a restaurant in this city. The furnituu and necessary fur nishings, dishes, etc., have been ordered and Mr. Williambrink ex pects io open the new place early in Novemlmr, and he proposes to make it a fiist cltisj restaurant in every particular, and as there is nothing of this kind here now it is expected that there will be good patronage given to the new place. Mr. Paul Cordier, late of Sherry's restaurant in Xew York City will succeed Mr. Williambrink as chef at the Chuttawka. Mr. Cordier's reason for coming South is that he wishes to be in a place where thero will be serncwhut less work than is demanded in the metropolis. Th Wnatalnicion, N. r. Fair. The Washington Fair, which comes off Nov. !!th, 10th, 11th and 14th, :89T, at Washington, N. C. promises to be a grand succesp. Tbe exhibits will doubtless be full and co nplete. The race track is ono of the best in the State, and no pains will be spared to make the occasion in every respect a gala week for Washington. A large number of the fiietegt horses now on tho turf have entered, and the racing will be all that could be desired. A large C3rpj of marshals has been invited and a grand marshals' ball will be given. NailUta Uraih. Mrs, G'redle, wife of Mr. George Credit, proprietor and owner of Hotel Ponder at Ocracoke, N. C., died very suddenly on last Tuesday morning at her home at Ocracoke. NnnilAjr Mrhawl 4'onvr nttoa. The lY.mlio Sunday School con vention will meet at Mary's Chapel, Bjaufort county, on Saturday, October 3)th. A full attendance is doiirel, and all are invited to at- tond. Tho local fish market has been very barren of Cull all the week, owing to the weather. There was n better supply, yesterday, but not much to boast about. rrvaca Kprciaclra. i It you are groping you way in 1arknee not seeing what will bo Ahe result of this, that or the other. 'uu. dertaklng, I would advUo you to' call on some good optician - and . ho ' fitted properly with a good pair spectacles or eye giants, io gojd i or or aluminum. I hava fine stock of French Spectacles which are so- koowledgod by tbe best ojulists and opticians to b the bent in tne world. I bare the Perfection Bi Focal which onables yon to see far and near. In vestigate the abovo. XiAXTIU Till JaWELEH. PBBSONAZ,. Mr. C. H. Ukckwell of Oriental, is in the city. . , V - Mr. and Mrs. L. Snow of Stella, are in the city. Mr. Jack Pierce of Polloksvi'Je, was here yesterday. Mayor J. I). Temple of Kinston is in the city on business. : Rev. Jas. Thomas returned . to Wilson yesterday moruing. Mrs. Theresa Roberts, returned from Stonewall yesterday. Mr. W. H. Ohadbouroe, Jr., went to Tarboro yesterday on business. . Mr. Wm. II. Oliver returned yes terday from a short trip to Beaufort-Mr. J, J. Street, vice-president of the Goldsboro Lumber Co., at Dover, is in the city. Mr. Henry R. Bryan, Jr., re turned home last night from Atlanta Ga. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Pearsal re turned homo from Beaufort, yester day morning. Hon. F. M. Simmons came up from Beaufort yesterday morning aad stopped over in the city. Mr. I. C. Yeomans and family, and Mis. A. J. Yeomans returned home on yesterday's afternoon train from a Northern trip. Rev, II. II. Mash burn left on the Wilmington train yesterday morn ing to attend the Bjptist Union meeting at Swansboro. Mr. Geo. S. Cole, General Mana ger of John Robinson and Franklin Bros.' circus, arrived last night and ii registered at Hotel Chaitawka. Messrs. W. W. Clark, Charles R. Thomas, M. DeW. Stevenson, D. L. Ward, S. W. Hancock and W. E' Cllirke ro:urnc(1 yesterday morn- ing from Beaufort, where they have beeu attending Carteret county court. ItoliliiHOn-Frnukllii llnlirtny. Every one is on the "qui vive" over the fact that the great Robin son and Franklin Bros'. Shows is coming to New Berne today. This biggest of all big shows tins everywhere met with the most en thusiastic reception, and the press of other cities do nut hesitate in prt claiming it tho most wondorful ex hibition ever eccii under canvas. In point of novelty or in tho number of features, no other amusement entei prise can even approach it. Its many exclusive features make it beyond question the representative big shows of the world. It requires four massivn trains of especially constructed cars to trans port it from town to town, four of the most thoroughly equipped and decorated advertising cars ever built are brought into service to herald its coining, and more than one. thous and people employed, betides three hundred of the finest horses ever owned by any amusement institu tion. There are three rings, two elevated stages and a quarter mili hippodrome track all going at on time during the performance. The zoological display contaicn more rare wild beasts than any other two shows, and the largest water proof tents ever constructed are required to properly give this mss sive entertainment and accommo date the vast audiences which daily throng to see tho many wonders contained in these shows that can be seen nowhere else on earth. arlrrt aaaly t'aarl There was about tho usual at ten dance at Carteret county court, held at Beaufort, this week. ino aocvet iihiI no spocial cones of interest, that o' Shaw va A. Ac N. O. railroad, for $1,000 damg,' being tho chief one. The jury gsro tJ00 damages in this case. w laaa. Lad Ira 4 apt a. Will have on exhibition todty some exclusive styles in ladies cape , no two uliko. This shipment in cludes some of tho handsomest gur meuts that have been ohown iu Now Berne this season. An Immediate inspection is suggested. j . II. B. Duffy. Kal Maparvlaara. The Koad Supervisors ot the Eighth District are requested; to mer t at the Court Hose, Now Borne Saturday Ootoher 30th at 12 o'clock noon, . U. P, WiM.tAiis, 1 1 I Chairman. ' Yrilaw Jak Ulllra. J Coscaruta, Candy Calharlio icillt itrllow Jack wherever they find him, No ono who takes Casctrets regularly anl sjstoumtically join danger from the dreadful dige o. Cascsrots kill Yellow fover gurmsin the bowe's and prevent new ones from breeding. 10c. U5j. C0o, 'all druggis't. , f At Batlaata.' i , Faalilon sheets for Nov. have arrlvt d, jrou can have one for 11k- asking. ( ' BOOECRTOJf. Taa Mrm Paaiaiaater. Peoala etUac Well. Vlrcaa Wall 4tteaae. October 28. Mr. W, O. Dixon our new post master took charge of the office Wednesday . No doubt Mr. Dixon will maso agood post master. J. E. Edwards, our post master under Cleveland made a good and attei -live post master. He is a good man and a good officer. Rev. J O. Gnthrie of Raleigh is with us for a few days. O. C Wilkerson of La Grange came Wednesday to spend a few days in our midst. A large number of peoplo in and around our village are taking in the circus at Kinston today. - Messrs," T. W. and E. M. Puce o! Snow Hi 1 were hereawhile Wed nesday. Tbe McKinley wave of prosperity is on us. Cotton is high and goods aro cheap! Chills and fevers have been an ep idemio in our town this ' fall, but they are all about well now. Our popular Dr. Thos. M. Jordan has been kept very busy all the fall. The young men of the place will as usual have tho annual Thanksgiv ing party. . Mrs. B, L. Dail and daughter of Lizzie, N. C. spent Wednesday night i.) our town visiting her sister, Mrs, Geo. A Lease. Mr, Stephen Hardy of Institute was here awhile Wednesday. Dralrnlile llonaa lo Rent. Very desirable house for ront containing four rooms, attic and kitchen situated on Union street. Also two oflices on Craven street. C. E. Slover. Mail Nchetlnle Change. beginning 'Monday, Oct. 25ih the mail going West will close at 3.15 a. m. everyday. The public are re quested to note this change. A Thine to Rout OU Schoolfellows lcaru each others' fail ings if nothing else and recall after years of separation tho characteristic thing. about au old seatmato. Two meu who had been at school to gether when thoy were boys met and talked of old times. "By the way," said one, "I saw Smith when 1 was out at Seattle. " "Did you? And what was he brag ging about when you saw him?" "He was bragging about his mod esty just at that moment " "Dear old Smith just like him, " Ycmth's Cnrenaiiinn. Dancing Classes Dancing classes are soon to be formed. Aight.tor young gentlemen. Aftcrnonns, for children. For terms and particulars, inquire at or add res i, 43 Broad, 00 or 106 Craven Street. sum? i croup CUBE. i I When your baby whoops In mid dle of night Croup is impending ' Rive the child a dose of Anway's ' Ckoup SYRUP and the little fellow is well and laughing in Ave minutes, remark!)!,! and harmless, but true. or we will refund the money, 25c. "AT Bradham's Reliable Drug Store, Str. May Bell. T. O. Dixoa, Sr., Master, Will LEAVE NEW BERNE On TUESDAYS . ' and FRIDAYS. 8 o'clock a. m. for River Landing, Jolly Old Field and O rift on. ' A. C. THOMPSON. Agent. 2 S z z NAVaTSaVaTV. ISaVtVI We are offering the LARGEST and HAND SOMEST Line of AjL wool In Latest Novelties, and Plain Goods at ' pi o& I V" .'-via D.. F. JARVIS; r...S. ' C M ' l H. a I I I I I a f Cold Cure corn cokis Id the tienrt, colda on th 1111)24. old colds, liew colda find obatlnate cokls. and mil forms of Krip. Stops Kneeing, disclutrppi from auo uww ttiiu vyt-a, uruem uiimiiu, uipiiiiit-ii pneumonitis and all throat and lung trouble The pleasant little pellets are ahHolntely harmless, tiavi saved thousands of Uvea and prevented much sick ness. Tbe Munyo Remedy Company prepare t separate cure fur each disease, Ai all druggiii 15 cents ft viaL If you need medical advice wrlU lrof. Munroa, lWAVb tstrwet.i'liUadelptJla, Uk MwoiuMiijr inn, mm MM Is! in The following from the Augusta, Ga., Chronicle speaks urgently for Southern industries and shows what North Caro lina U doln;: - ;-7 : .'.' ' , ';: - "The Chronicle lias always advo- cated diversified Industries in the South, and maintained that success : could be achieved by our people io : r-ny field they entered with intelli gence and industry. The success uf the Chatham Manufacturing Com pany, of Elkins, N. C, is a case in point. They use Southern wool and , make goods equal to the best. , Mr. P. D. llnrkan, who has been selling - dry goods for many years, and is a ' .competent judge, has been handling; their goods, and lie declares he can't buy as good blankets anywhere else for the same money as thoiin he gets from the Elkins Woollen Mills. This is high praise from a competent source. Use southern blankets. You ; will enjoy thero next winter, for they are hot stuff." Referring to the above wc beg to say that we have received today one case of blankets as described. None belter made and the actual worth of each pair is $5.00, the price is $3 50. October 2G. TAXES ! Are Now Due AND MUST BE PAID At Once ! I do not intend tit give an; further notice, but you may look for me oi my deputy nt any timo if your taxet are not paid promptly. I shall col lect as the law directs, as I cannot call or tend but once. JSfPlcase govern yourselves ac cordingly. JOS. L. 1IAHN", Sheriff Craven Co. Oct., 15th, 1897. A Woman's Criticism of what a man's clothes should bo is generally very accurate. There can be no -possible fault to tin I with your appearance if your Clothes aro Ma1e to Measure In un expert way. The stylo of earuients we make is a sullioieiit guarantee for Urst-class a-orlraim a call . on us will satisfy you that our prices are right. We hare j ist received a ' , new line of Mens and Hoys Caps and invite you to call and examine same. Baker & Dunn. m Freah Additions I'onslanily be Ing ma tie lo. Mock ot La dlt i com . and ' CAFES. m 4l A SPLENDID LINE OF . ' . . GENUINE BRISTLE SOLID BACK HAIR BRUSHES ' ; ; DAVIS PHARMACY, Phone 56. SHORT CUTS . . ur . . unLoo uuuuo. THE ACCUMULATIONSShort lengths irom the dress goods department, have been piled upon a special coun ter in center of store. THERE are all sorts in this lot. A few v nieces with anoue-h tor an entire dress, many lengths sufficient for HflTtarntfi luraiara MV W W W jj) VI MIW Wf , la V aWM Mb . aaa- ren's dresses. All at reduced prices, many at a fraction oi former value. COME AT ONCE to get the pick A Reiii't fill l.adie Cap", mtdu of rel niiM li!;k k-rsey trimmed with braid and fur, regulur prioe $l.jl, this work O83'. Iinported Surges, Noyolty Dres O m Is n-i I I'rilliniiuiin, . the price should be 370, our special price ": 3 ttr-1 . 25 All Wool Men's Suits, I lie cc.rrcot thing in I'l.iiiif mid Checks, we hare decided to mkc this our leader at fMi, although others a-k 110.00. AGENTS FOR COIali ARS ECONOMY S&iJanaiii Opp p. o. uij uuuuy u G. A, BAIIF00T, Manager ORIVING. -IRA1J1IT. ANI FARM are now in my Stables, JUST ARKIVKD and will suit anv person who needs a GOOD 1JOUSH. '' "2k J- ' " -j- i . . . Aliotine EXTRA FINE MCLES. And to mert lli- drm ind of my Irnds I have ordeni nn unuaually large lot of DngRiw, wblrli will arrive in a fw ilnya. Evrryihlnif wanUI hy ilnrarmrn I ft mv ataLlea, Whips, Dlankuta, llanuss ami a big lot of chrap Ijip Utm chrapnt and lieat er offered hem. A vllt and rxamlnatlnn nt mv alahlra will atlfr everyone that It adver tised is true. PfULAH TO SHOW 8T0CK. . : T- "W- STEWART, "-"hWXilfcr-":.-' New -Berne, N. C. m 11111 WIST TENNESSEE fas anl Mis. 00 t'ome Kxtra Good, fe ttle diirers. f .. J AIkoi Open niul Top ISn";If'!t Ami Farm Wir'oiiH Just Ili'-h !. t7Tlosse Call and exaniinn liefer r-JThos. J. HitGhcii, r:'- AT "Corner Broad and Middle Streets. V s s s 3. alrirfst mirl p.hild- .3 ARMOR BRAND A CUFFS. IS WEALTH. Opp. I o. buying, I!i)irlfii1lrf Duffy TI Finest USES

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