AN OPEN LETTERS To MOTHERS. - WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE ' ' ex :lusive use of the WORD "CASTORIA n AND ' TITCHER'S C ASTORIA," AS our trademark. J, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER,' of Eyannis, Massachusetts, was tho originator of " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same . that has borne and does now stf yvr. " 0,1 mrV tear thi facsimile signature of (azf-ucks wrapper. ' This is 'he original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty - years: LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see thai it i$ the hint you have always bought 0 on the and has the signature of wrap 'per. ; iFo one has authority from me to use my name ex ' cept Tie Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is . ProoiAant. M - March 8, 1897. Q& ,p, -' ' I Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF SuTfrS.,.. STEPNIATT L - IP, .COOWJ SUSSl 1 Oopjrlght, 1867, by Tillotaon A Bona. Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You, ins ckntau ceWMHT, i r MunnftT M acrr, mkw tork citt. Somliern - IRsiIlTX7"Sb37 I Schedule Eiinctivb May 2, 1897. Thi coiid.nsco! Schedule ia published ng information only and is subject change without notice to the public. , - UEENSBOKO, RALEIUII. U0LDSB0RO AND NORFOLK. No. li, No. :6. No (!. No. 3S. No. IS. No. 11. j Mixt-il Dally. Dally. Eastern Tim. Dally, bally. Mlxe.1. Oally . Dally. ISO am SIM ant WlOpm l.v Ureensboro Ar 1155 am 0 85 pin 6 Mam Smiaui 01. a in IS to pin Ulusoiivllle " li-.'tani UI p in tiitn SSiani Silaui II Mil ii. felou College 11 21) a in 6 Ml p in GOHam 8 10an. Slain 'JMpm " Burlington "11 loam iWpm 5 Main Sis a in (40 am IMpr Graham " 11 10 am 545pm 640 a m , lim in 17 a m 7 p l " Haw Klvur " 10 Ml a in 5 Mi p m r, a a in It Au am 10 Uaiu i PJ Uehane " 10 49 am 6 27 p in S05 a in i' 4 30 a in lo 1 i in 1 17 u in llumuoro " II) ti a m 1 07 p m 4 30uni 4 Ml a in 10 St a m 1 4e p in " University " 10 07 a ui 5 60 p in sua ni soain lossra 'l'Ui- Durham ' "Warn 43811111 silo a in Oil a n Into am SS pm Morrlarllle " 0 18am I 4 07 pin SSI) a in DMaiii 1 1 Jr a in its pin " tmy " II on a m 'A 58 p m ai i m -Titian 11 15 a in II Wp in Ai KalilVll Lv 8 53 a in il 4o p in !!(K a m ku; No 41. h Bu" 1 Kx. Sun. win .. Lv Ralolgn Ar ooopm . ft 40 a n ISrapm j si pm" Auburn " 8 27 am 1314pm 8 20 p m In SI a i HJ?,,m 4Jlpni" Clayton 8 1.', am tJttipm 7 1.1 p in rjliiii "Pa " Seln,a 7 40am 'gj" SOSpni "l tt'ipm " NurloU " 0 4 am M4eui 1 lop ml 4 in pm Princeton 7 33am 8. Op ml 6 90 pm till pi I 14opm 4 66puAr JoiUstioro Lv 710aui 13upui 4 55 p ui Hoi anil II orrv Pullman Bleeping Van between Ureensboro and Raleigh. At lit n tic out XI ne. Wilmington & New Berxe lL R., , j TIllK TABLE NO. 1, In Etfcct Sunday, August 1, 1807, Dally -I Kxcept ttunday. Going oulb HCHRDULK: Going North No. 01, l'a-nger Traint Ho. 00, L.T. A 111, U20.J V S3., 10 00 . 10 43.. 13 40 . r m No. 81 ' Lea' day on stations; Ar. p m, New Borne 6 20 I'ollockBville 4 41 ..vayaville 4 80 Jacksonville 3 88 Wilmington, Lv. ... 3 00 -; P ll Passenger & Freight, No. 80. o Wilmington Monday, Weilnes il Friday. Leare New Berne Tuea- day, Imuriday and Saturdny Ui. Alt .Ar. 700 7 2J 7 81 7 49 758 803 811 8 18. 8 83 803 800 818 884 0 50 1100 li 10 It 88 11 M 13 18 13 30 14&I l no l Ar. pm ...L. Wilmington, Ar..... 8 33 ........ Buy mead 8 60 .. Klrklnnd. 8 40 ScoU'allill ,3 40 Hnnutiad 3 11 cypress Lake...... ..3 05 ... ... Annandale 1 63 .. , .. Woodoide ...147 .. ......EdgkCombo.. ...... 180 . Holly ridge. ...... 117 .. ..... .FolksUine. ......... 13 M .13 43 .13 23 .13 03 .10 33 .1000 . 880 818 .838 .8 30 . 834 . 800 A. & X. . . It. TIME TABLE NO. 3. To Tuke Effect Sunday, October 24tli, 1897, nt 13 SI. Going East BcilKDl'LE: Giiing West No. 2 - Voiscnger Trains No. 4 Lv, p m stations: Ar. a m 8 20 Goldsboro 11 05 8 40..... LaGrange 10 83 413...... . .Kiuston 1013 013 Ar. New Berno, Lv,... . 9 10 S25...,.,Lv. " Ar 8 57 8 87. . . Ar. Morehead city Lv 7 47 No. 1, f I I No. 3, Mx'd Ft. and stations; Mx't Ft, and lWTo, I I Pius. Tn. Lv. a m Ar. p m 7 10 .....Goldsboro 8 00 743..... Best's 7 20 8 03.... ;... LaGrange 6 50 8 26. Fulling creek 0 20 814 Kineton ... . 6 00 9 23 Caswell 618 8 43.. ......Ar. Dover, Lv BOO 1013..... ..Lv. Ar 4 20 10 40... core creek 4 00 11 IS Tiiscarora 8 88 It UI ;.. Clark's 8 20 1303 Ar. New Berne, Lv 3 60 180 Lv. - Ar 10 47 .......Dixon,....,.. . .... Verona. ...... .'...Ar. Jacksonville, Lv.' .Lv. " Ar. ..... Northeast. .... . ......Whltorak...... ...... Kaysvllle .... . Ravenswond .'. . rollocksville.... , .... Debrulil . .Ar. New Berne, Lv,. Dlily Except Sunday. J. K. KENLY, General Manm;or. . HjinDE'J, . tinpt. Transportation.-' 818 .....Riverdale 8 20... 841... 813... 10 00 ...croatan ..' 10 00 .. Ilavelock.... 8 40 . . Newport, Lv 0 00 BRANCH OFFICE : A. Portcrfield & Co. . Of locessors to II, W. Bilnhy & Co ) Hunker and IXroliers. KtocEs, II on cl. Cottoa, Urtla, ProvUloas I! in fit aii'l sold f-r rruli or on margin t r n ut. In Iota (ruin t-" up. r , it I. n I" tclian ;(. l'lion.1 4'3, :' i' i ifi il I! ink Urfrrnnwsfi, nill lut,lliiili4, ,. i). M-,vrn!!;v, 8 3J......:...Wlldwood 8 47 3 81 .....Atlantic 8 88 8 40 .... Ar. Morehead city, Lv 8 30 4 01. ...Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 7 30 P.M. A. M. 'Monday. Wednesday and Friday, t Tuesday. Thuisdaylnnd Saturday. 8. L. DILU Superintendent. PATENTS U. B. AND FOREIGN PROCURED. EUGENE W. JOHNSON, Solicitor and Attorney la Patent Causes, 1730 Now York Ave , Washington, D. C. OHlon Eatahliihid I8W. Charges Mod crate. Correspondent Requested. WM.DL'NN, JAS. REDMOND, President Tie Fret. M. B. (JUION, Secty; Treat, Hgw Berne Ice Go Maonlactarara' Pure Crystal Ice, Front Pirtllled Wiler. Out-nut 20 Tuns D..1U. Car iiosd Uls iVilii'lleJ lit ilrliverud daily (except Buoly) a. m lo U n m. riunilnvs (mi. ui nii'y) 7 a. m. .to 1? ii"'ni. l-nr pni biuI her inliirninlioii, continued, "And she toluuie to hide your honor anywhere lean; so, if yon please, sir, I'll lock you up in the larder. " "Thank yoo, granny," Vladimir an swered, "but they'll come to look for me in the larder. " "Then in the lumber room?" "They'll come there too. " "In the barn, then, in the hay?" "They'll come there, too, and stick their swords through the hay." The old woman spread ont her hands despairingly. "Good Lord, what wicked wretchesl Their swords? Then they'll kill you. Where am I to hide yon, little father? You're not a thimble. I can't pop you into my pocket. " "Well, I'm afraid there isn't any where, granny," said Vladimir. "Ah! What's that up in the ceiling?" he asked, pointing with his finger. At one comer of the wooden roof, just over the bed, a seam ran across tho planks, showing the presence of a trap door. A small ring was screwed into the wood for a handle. "That's the garret, little father, where we keep the barrels of dried apples. " "All right, I'll hide there." He placed a small dressing table on the bed and a chair on the dressing ta ble ; then, climbing up, he opened tho trap and slipped hastily into its black jaws. Bending his head down through the trap, he directed the old woman to put the furniture back as it was before and smooth the bed so that it should look as though no one had stood on it. He then glanced round the room and saw his hut in a corner. "Give it me here, granny," he said. "It's a good thing I noticed it." She put tho hat on to a broom handle f and hoisted it up to liini. Vladimir hid himself in the garret, carefully letting! the trap down into its place. Ho had thought of everythiuR but the principal I thing, and that he hud forgotten the j thing which served as handle to the l trap. If he had unscrewed it, no one ! could have suspected the existence of a l trap. The nurse fulfilled all his directions accurately, carrying the chair into the next room and setting the dressing tame ! back in its place. When she went up to the bed to set it in order, a happy "I know what I'll get into the bed, just as if this is where I sleep," she thought. "Surely those brutes won't think of looking for the bonny lad in an old woman's room." She hastily took off her shoes and outer clothing, put out the light aud got into bed towuit for theunbidden guests. She had a good time to wait. The procurator carefully exmuiuod every nook and corner in the house. Kntin tried to prevent him from entering her mother's bedroom, but he insisted, threatening to enter by force if she did not admit him qnictly. He promised, however, not to disturb the sick woman and followed Katia into the room alone, leaving the offirftr of gendarmerie out side the door. 'Katia, is that you?" asked the mother, half waking. 'Yes, mamma. Go to sleep again." 'Wasn't there a ring down stairs? I thought I heard one," the pationt went on. 'It was only the man with your med icine. Go to sleep again, mamma," Katia replied. The procurator meanwhile was ex amining the room, in which he could find nothing suspicions. Ho looked into the wardrobe, but it contained only feminine elothing, He carefully exam ined the bed, on which the sick woman lay, covered by a thin quilt Then he bent down, lifted the valance and looked under tho bed, but there also be conld find no criminal. In the corner stood a large old traveling truuk. He made a sign to the girl to open it and looked in, but still could find no criminal. He left the room In silence and went down stairs. Katia followed. 'Now we will go to the pavilion," he taid to the officer of gendarmerie. Tell your men to bring lantern. " "A corporal of gendarmerie appeared with a lantern and walked with the officer and procurator aorosa the dark courtyard. Katia followed them. She knew that Vladimir must be there, for there was nowhere that he could escape to, the whole place bad been so thor oughly searched. She foresaw some thing frightful, but she could not bear not to go. To stay behind and .wait would be still more dreadful. The gendarme, entering the pavilion, hook the nurse by the shouldor. She was pretending to be asleep, or perhaps bad fallen asleep in reality. "What Is it? What's the matter?" aba muttered. . , "Get op and dress, M ' The old woman obeyed, and the whole pavilion was searched. No crim inal was to be found. The procurator, beginning to get ont of patience, turned to bis com pan ion. "We must get the troth out of this old bag," be said. ' "Look here," be .went on, addressing the none, "look me straight in the face." "There's no need, sir. I can see yoo plain enough as It Is," she retorted. "Silencel" shouted the procurator, "Answer me. Where la the young gen tleman who cams here last Monday?" "How should I kuow about gentle folks' affairs? I'm only a servant hers. He came, aud 1 suppose he went away, is he Isn't here." . . "Look here I Althouah you're an old woman" the procurator began sternly. At this moment the ofnonr of gen darnierie touched bint on the shoulder and pointed to the ring hanging from the oeilftig. Katia looked up, aud the Cold sweat broke out on ber forehead. "He is sore to be there," she thought "Ah, of course." said the pmcurstor la delight Then turning to Katia be added: "Kludly let me have a ladder. I saw one tn ynor lnnibnr room." "Very well," Katia answered, more di ml limn alive. TI o i iVir, r ul the aetidamis li ft the room and presently came Dace wren a little ladder, which they set up against the wall. The officer of gendarmerie, to whom belonged the honor of discovering the trapdoor, ascended the ladder with the lantern in his hand. The ladder was somewhat short, and he was small of stature. Finding himself not high enough, he set one foot On the top shelf of the little bookcase which hung on the wall close by. Tbe nail gave way, and shelves, books, ladder and gen darme all came tumbling to the floor. Tbe officer almost fell on the back of the procurator, who was stooping down to pick up a sheet of note paper folded in two, which had fluttered off one of the books as it fell. It was the farewell letter which Vladimir had left for Katia the day before when intending to leave the house and theu had forgot ten to destroy. The procurator read it through, and an oath broke from him in his annoy ance. The prey had slipped away from under his very nose. "What is tho matter?" asked his worthy companion. "Read it" The officer took the note. There could remain no further doubt upon tbe sub ject The letter was dated and signed "Vladimir Volgiu." It was addressed to "Kateriua Vasilyevua Prozorov. " Tho authenticity of the note was un doubted, and the contents fully confirm ed tho random statement which had fallen from Katia. "It will probably be agreeable to you," suoeriugly remarked tho procura tor, turning to Katia, "to know of your protege's grateful feelings toward you." Ho handed her tho note. Katia read it, but Understood nothing. She only felt that soiuo nort of crisis was over and that in some miraculous way Vladi mir's position was improving. "Bo so kind as to return the docu ment to me," said the procurator. "We have to present it in our report I think," he went on, turning to the officer of gendarmerie, "that it will be useless for u9 to continue our search any longer or to interrogate the other servants. " The officer agreed with him. Vladi mir was saved. They at once wrote out their report, a short one, stating that, from the evi dence of the lady of the house and of the nurse and also from a letter found during tho search, it appeared that tho person unknown living under the LEUAL NOTICES. NIt.rinH Kali. ' charged. James H. Long,) Judgment in vs. En forte a Samuel Parsons ) Lien. By virtue i f im execution from 1 lie ' Superior court lu me directed, in favor HAMS tb of J nines 11. Long and against Kinuiel Parsons, I will sell for cash at the court house door in the oily of New iii-rne, on Beware 01 the Knife. Mr. Lincoln Nelson, of Marshfield, Mo., writes: "For six years I have been a sufferer from a scrofulous affection of the glands of my nect, ana ait enoris November 21'lh, 187, at 12 of physicians in Washington, D. C, I o'clock , m ., or as soon iheicafler as court Springfield, 111., and St. Louis failed to all Ul(e ,ecess, Hie following described reduce the enlargement. After six I ,.(U ,.stale, lo satisfy the haul execution: months' constant treatment here, my A ct rtain tract or lot of hind situated physician urged me to submit to a re jn tj. oounlv of Ciaven and State of moral of the gland. At this critical mo-, Xoilli Carolina, on west side of Oak St., ment a friend recommended S.S.S., I j tle t, v o New Hei ne, lieginning at and laying aside a deep-rooted preju- tw nonh'i.asl corner of the lot owned hv dice against all patent medicines, 1 be-, .;uas Mitchell, running northward along gan its use. Before I had used one bot-: (jflv Uv0 ft.t.t l0 uK. t owned by tie the enlargement began to disappear, ! Iniffv. thence westwurdly along and now it is entirely gone, though lam : i,,.ji,si,.. Dull v's line to t lie lot owned by not through with my second bottle yet. i .lilc will.s one hundred and four feet. Had I only used your S.S.S. long ago, ihence southward along said Isaac Wil is' Wholesale Prices Current. j The following quotations represent 1 Wholesale Pi ices generally. lit making ! up small orders higher prices have to be I would have escaped years of misery and saved over $150." This experience is like that of all who suffer with deep-seated blood troubles. The doctors can do no good, and even their resorts to the knife prove either fruitless or fatal. S.S.S. is the only real blood remedy; it gets at the root of the disease and forces it out perma-tietittv. S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable) j f u A Real Blood Remedy. is a blood remedy for real blood troubles, I it cures the most obstinate cases of Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheumatism, ' etc.. which other so-called blood reme dies fail to touch. S.S.S. gets at the root of the disease and forces it out per- j manently. Valuable books will be sent free to any address by the Swift Specific Co., At lanta, Ga. -STEAMERS- line lifty two feet to the northwestern corner of the lot owred by Elias .Mitch ell, thence east wardly along said Mitch ell's line to one hundred and four feet to the beginning. Known as lot No 1111 in I he plan of the city of New Berne being llie same lot conveyed by deed of X.ien ster Duffy to Mary A Sligte, bearing dale of l)i comber 1st, recorded in book 112. folios fr'j and :i:l."i in the ottice e rcgisterof deedsof t 'raven county. JOSEPH li. II A 11 N, Sherill' Craven County. Administrators Notice Having duly ipialilied as Administra tor of tbe will of llexter Cole, deceased, 1 hereby notify all persons having claims against the estate ot said testator to piesent the same to me on or before the 17th day of October, 1 MIS or this no tice will be pleaded as a bar to their re covery. All persons indebted to said Dexter Cole, deceased, will please come forward anil settle at once. This 17th day of October. 1SH7, I). ATKINSON, Administrator of Dexter Cole. Sugar Cured 10J 12 North Carolina ill (11) SHOULDERS-t lb Sugar Cured 7 English Cured 8 ej Richmond HJ tt) PORK f, barrel New Heavy Mess.... di) 10.10 Short cut (it 10 50 DRY SALTED MEAT Bellies 7 th Short hacks ... 5J LARD- V II. Best Refined fij (A fij North Carolina 7 (it Compound fit u) SALT, y sack Liverpool 55 (16 American 55 tic (10 BUTTER 1' lb Best Elgin 20 fib 25 Good 18 (i 21) FLOUR a' barrel Extra 4 75 Ob 5 (10 Straight 5 00 ho 5 25 Fancy Straight 5 25 (if 5 41) : Full Patent 5 50 (.1) Best Fancy Patent... 5 75 (if? COFFEE f' lb Roasted 17 hf 27 Green : 10 ot 20 SUGAR, V :wt. Granu. 5 51) i Standard A t 5 25 ! White c 'it 5 01) I Yellow (.. 4 4() EANTEBN CAROLINA DISPATCH -AN D- Old Dominion Steamship C LINE, 0, FREIGHT & PASSENGER. For All Poiuls Xoi ili. The oOlecr took the note. nnmo of Vladimir Volgiu had disap peared on the day before the search. Katia signed this document without reading it. She was still unable to como to herself. A few minutes later the earring" rumbled away from the door, and the gendarmes wero gone. The Steamer NEUSE will leave on MiK.ilayg, Wt ilncsdajs, ami Fridays at li p. m , sharp. Mak ing no stops between New Heme lo Elizabeth City. The Steamer NEU IiKRNE will sail on Tuesdays and Fridays at li o'clock, noon, inakinu hiniling at Oriental, Ouraeoki! and lloaiiokc Island. Frdylit received not later than 0110 hour previous to sailing. For further information apply lo CiKO. HKNDKliSOX, Agt. M. K. Kinii, (len. Mgr.. II. C. IlriHUNs.tieii.Frt.S I Norfolk, Va. New liuiiio, N. C, Sept Sewing Machines NORTH CAROLINA.) Superior Court, Pamlico County. $ Full Term, 1SU7. C. E. l'.rite, Plaintiff, 1 vs. I Order of The Ml. Airy Maim- j Publication, factoring Company, j The defendants will lake notice that the plaintiir h -n instituted an action in tho Superior court of Pamlico county for damages 011 a breach of contract, notice N hereby given lo the defendanls to ap pear at the ncU term of the Superior court of said county to be held at Bay hwooiillio H1I1 M'onday after the 1st .Monday in September, lA'.i7. and answer or demur to the complaint which will be lileil in the ollice of Ihe clerk of the said Superior ei urt. or plaid I iff will lake judg ment according to the player of relief in Ihe complaint. Yi1ness inv hand and ollieial seal, this Septembci 4 i 1 1 . IIT. FESTl'S MILLER. C. S. C. KRAIN-V bushel Old Corn New t 'oru Oats Cow Peas Peanuts N EGOS V dozen 12 POULTRY fi pair Chickens, young 20 Chickens, old , FRESH MEAT Beef V lb Pork V lb BEESWAX V lb TALLOW, 1' II POTATOES f' bushel Norton Yams Bahamas 45 df :is 1,1 27 J en liil in 4U lit 1 00 35 4(1 20 tit di 4 di fij (10 (' Ot (ill 25 40 20 Notice !' Kale. Holland Smill istralrix of Slililh, ilecc vs. , Admin D. W. used. I In the Superior 'Court before I the clerk. ss.A-t. IS, IS'.ir. To lie Continued. Household Gods. The Kiieient Greeks believed that the Penaiites were thi Gods who attended to the welfare and iiroqierity of the l.nuily. They were worabipned as household gods to every home. The household god ol todu? is Dr. King's New Discovery For consumption, cough, c ibis and for ail stlectinns ol Hie rhrnu, Chest and Luns it is inva'uihle. It hash-en tried lor a quarter 1 f 11 ceotury and is lniaranteel to cure, or money retunud no nmneiioni tiuuld be without tins gooi angel. It is ple imnt lo tak.i and a safe snd sure rem edy lor old anil young. Free tiial bottle st F, S. Dull,' UiuSslon). ltetubir size 50c and 1.00 'Are Cities. Tho following announcement Is post ed in the Boston street cars: "Tho board of health hereby adjudges that tho de posit of 'sputum' in street cars is a pub lic nuisance, a source of filth aud causo of sickness, and hereby orders that spit ting on the floor of any streetcar be and hereby ia prohibited." Tho following sign appears lu the street cars of New York city: "Spitting oil the floor of this car is positively prohibited." Goth am and the Hub have difforent ways of arriving at the same statomeut Elec trical Koview Hie beat theaters in Australia aro usually built ou English pluus, but are mauagod more like American play bouses. The prices charged are much leas than those cheerfully paid In Eng land. Drew circle scats or "stalls," which bring f 3. 60 in London, will not soil fur mora than 9 1.35 tn Melbourne or Bydney MAGICALLY EFFECTIVE TREATMENT FOR WEAKEN OF ALL AGES tit Mim v sitf A nT 4 Hff?. 4! Aft t eWlal aiipllaore tins euicnUSr irn dice seas on sriai o in, inaa. A wnrld-wldo mputjll inn bark Of thi oCVr. Kvwr nrateel lo haj'PT murHM lite rvmor-l. full irvnsth, aavrkipnrnt end tone aivwi tonrerr ponKmof the uml. .Hiirt'lniiKllill e(nelmmr. N" O. . I. K'lMUl". ERIE rnllDICAL C0..Mi?i?: 0 EASY THI! MS to re-mo-. Bible parties ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Will Call or Wait on Parlies, luilicatc Parts lor Machines For Sale. Needles and Oil in Sujijily. E. J. Lanier, 78 Pollock S1., District Agent, ' Nellie Smith and Einnia Smith. I I liy virtue of an order of the clerk of the Superior court of Craven county: i North Carolina, in the special proceeding entitled as above now pending in said ; Superior court. Hie undersigned adiniu 1 islr.itrix will sell for eash.lo makeassets, .it the coiirl house door in the city of New Heine. Craven cmiuty. N. (' . at 12 : o'clock. 110011, 011 Monday the 2ilth, day I of November, 1'.I7. it being the lirst day , of I in- Fall Term of Ihe Superior court of said coiinlv. lo the highest bidder for ! cash. (In- right, title ami interest of D. I W. Sinilli, deceased, in a certain piece j or parcel of laud situated ill saiil Craven i county, on the north side of Swift creek ! and bounded bvlhelandsof Peter Willis, Noah Jackson. Macon Bryan, W. II. El- levin ami others, containing eighty tSO) ; acres more or less, being the lands con voyed tn the said I). W. Smith, by deed ! registered in the ollice of register of ' deeds of Craven county. ill book S2. pages I 471 and 472 to w hich reference is made; iliigether with improvements thereon, i Subject to right of dower and dower in terest ol the widow ot said lands. HOLLAND SMITH, Administratrix. The Forum. EDITED 1SY J. M. RICE. I!i7. Liberal Terms Given Local Agenls Iti'oeiv'if. Notice! The undersigned having been duly ap pointed Receivers of the Stimson Lum ber Company: and under ihe order of app lintnieui being leipiircd to notify all creditors tn tile their claims with us as such receivers: Therefore: All persons , holding any claims or demands of any nature or kind are notified lo present the I same lo Ihe undersigned Receivers on or before the lirst day of Ihe next term of : Ihe Superior court of Craven county, to be held on the 211th day of November, i 1S1I7, t 1 the end that such orders may lie i made in respect to the same us the court ' iiiav direct: And all sums due the Stim son Lumber Coinpanv must be paid to us. P. II. I'F.LLETIF.R, I K,.c,.ivers F. C. (iOODWIN, ( ",t,uers- New Berne, N. C . Sept. ltlth, 1X97, N)VEMl'.i:: D.ingi rous Di feels of our El-ctoral System I. II. 11 .1 (1 Carlisle. Notable Littcis 1 1 oil my Political Friends II, Scii.dor .luti'i S Morrill. Some Li ssons 1.! trie Vellnw Fever Ep identic, )r Walter Wyncin. The IMalioa of l'r xluc ion to I'roduc: live Canai ity, Hon Vurroll I) Wright. The Monet'iiy Commission, 1'iof I.mreiiee Laiighliu. Our Proposed New Sugar Induslry, Edwin F. Atkins. The Disu-e of Liuigliler, Sir Lewis Mo lis. The Mississippi River Problem; Suc cess ol the Levee Svsleni. lion Rolit Stew art Titvlor. Dredging vs Levees, (Ju-lave Dyes. England and the Famine in Imli i.I'rof E Washburn Hopkins. How the (ire, ks weie Difrated, Fred erick Palnnr. Letters lo a Living Auiliur, "Arthur l'et'li.'- Ainericiu Ar, h 1 o'ois:s in (irooec, J (ii-iiiiudiic. ; THE FOR I'M Pill. CO., Ill 5lh Ave. 25 Cts a Copy. $.1.(10 Per Year. TKADE-MAKK. Na (au llMiiar Attassliitclr ( 'nkitimn to the pro f 1 -m.l m. ItnimM'rrrt Van in to itiyn. W. maliaiDOD7 II WL'OHIlin 'iir, i"" '"" - fmrVr toft-vim m ri bent of pr.y -"Xpen-o "I r 1 11 uts'i Will, ami taartv, it cur i'. II hi 1. ItMilur pirtnoH mill 1 'Jim, JUtlcutia 'trfcr ll(aflrs.l'rtpfM'M'lir. tmrlut iliutf-iy llstlror it in li In I'rlanstry. HIk4 l m - - Ih'lt ittl moat bfl- sbmi Imvi itlwp bnHli-a (tMtlsSralt t)tMBU- Unit thi. lt with uur 4 VrilU.l- r: ftwi ' .MvnuiW, WNtQsifor tH ktmk ftlHlBbMlaU 4 Ml All Trw'.tl, i hlroiroe llllnol boiitufortht Mtinenrlro mi with mm) who win oontrao rww comlnr, BiBrtsj jn4 bote. & mTI Umkm Mli w fell to mm4 7 on Bar u'ft bm r Ull turo suhc autt tn iDoiilfc, lUrt TI , f4 Nst, t'ltmcBtuiy fcrrwa fWltltti ; swit, wslsary or Tm-Urj araaaiMailjMi lorurs Vi pain avnd cbavlrntf J smsstsw rwr in.i ui KaMtnan's Ko. 7. F.iucka Camfn ha implc Insuura int tor uc witl plates. Make pictures 3M x 3 V. inches, am. hat p;-.ce in back foi ;hrcc double plalc l.oMcrt. Safct huiter. Fine achromatic lens. free li Tn ah I M.a'aaalia. We aro showing a line of all wool stills at 14,00 In checks and plaids. BisrooTs. MO, m SOU. fM W.Hi i , 1 --""'-I'-ll' J r. .h . mil If": t Mrnitml W (MitflilillHi"" IASTMAN KODAK CO. tcocbester, N. Y. jLjuhI Nnle, Pursuant to a judgnient of the Superior court of Craven county lathe action w herein Mary L. Taylor is plaintiff and II. J. Smilh and others are defendanls, 1, as eoininisMioner of court, will on Tues day, Nov. atlth, lMiti, at the court house door in New hern at the hour of 12 o'clock M. or as soon as court shall lake a reces. sell lo Ihe highest bidder for cash the following hinds situated In Craven Coun ty: 1 Iruct of 100 acres on the west side of NeuH' river nod 1 tract of about 00(1 acres on tlu Mist sole or feline river known us tin Hpicer lane plnce. includ Ing all the hinds c nveyed by Hpicer Lane lo llioninson u. ljine as aet out in Ihe complaint in said action, except those parts conveyed lo (,nrisiopner uuuiey, E. II. Anderson and F. II. Hawkins. W. I). Mi'lVEK, Commissioner. New Berne Mails. Notice is given Hint on and after this date rnsils lusve For all points lu Pamlico County sud South Creek section of Beaufort Count close at a a m. For Vancvboro and Post Offices la Northern part of Craven County close a. 13 noon. For Bcllair aod Lima, 9 a, in. For Wait ford, 11 a. m. All trail for DeBruhl goo" U Polloks- Villa, the lormsr ottka is aisoontluued. Vaooslioro mall srnvss 18 m. Yamboro nail leaves 1 p. m. 1 U . MAN LT. Postmaster Hagicar Pain Extractor. .CLUES RHEUMATISM. NEURALGIA, LMBAQO. TOOTHACHE, BACKACHE. CATARRH, AMI A LI. KINDS OK PAINS AND ACHES. For nearly three score years and ten this famous old household friend has been curing pains and aches, and has never disappointed the user It is clean, puro, efficacious, agree ably smelling and quickly acting. IT IS A Rich, picy Cemeoand and la ralaable for Cats, Scalds, Seres, Bans, Ulcers, Woaads, Erysipelas, Skist Tr.akl.s, Etc- Ete. Price 25 Cents. AT DKA1.RKS AND DRDIHIISTS, or sent in quantity of 3 or more packages to any sudrtsson receipt ol money, by YVInklcmann A Drown Druf Co., Stale frearteians AtrmoRa, ko, o a, a. ' ' a i r" .. i: v (r-i: xr.i'ii;;i

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