' I . . ' 1 ' I . A - jm. MT. W. PATTSRSOM ASSAULTBB.Uhn year ana prooaBiy lor at- r , - . . , t larww w v - - . -; t . THE JOURNAL. Lodge Directory: . t n V . fW!t oori I.- Cooper, N .; B. J. Jr., Treu. Keulrmoe"nK" iilFMat&ueo'clook. , . JAI.rJj.ET ENCAMPMENT NO. 4. 1. J 0. 0. F. iMJtcr:-J. I" Cooper, u. r.;u. n. no.., ... 't Haines, scribe; a B. HeaL Treat. Beg- ruurwlay aiglits in each month f 8-t oelnct' CANTOS CLBMONT NO. S, P. M. I. O. O. I Officers Geo. Slover. Captain; T. G. Hy man. Lleut.l P. U. Felletler, Bniljin;Wm. . Pitti Cleric ;Bd. Hero, Accountant. Beg S ir CannmenU. M ana h Thursday a'Kbts in each month at 8:0) o'oloca' ii tq ni Hi H MONY ! Sleets tail and 4th weanely Tii.t. In each month In Bountree's Hall, at 7 30 o clock, o. B. Ball, President; J. a Bmltll, Seuretary. Ml1. JOHN'S LODGE NO. S, A. P. AND A. M (MciraT-J . B Clark. W M.: T.W. Dewey 8. W.i B. B. Neal. J. W.; T. A. Green Tree' jGeorgeGreen, Sec'ty. Regular Com -MumcattunaM Wednesday each month. CI1ATTAWKA TRIBE NO. -;" - Meets the Jnl Sleep of every 7 Suns Monday ....... v nrp i nut.iA inn. Middle Buret. New Item. . N.C. Visiting Bed Men always .i,.... w h. Paraone. Sachem; J. H. Smith C. ol U tIKW BBKNB CHAPTER NO. 40, it. A. M. 1. . lwwry, oviiuct vhbo. C. I). Urmlhttm, 8eety. Regular coiivocsv- bT. JOHN'S COMMANDKBlf NO. 10, K.T. OBIcers-H.J. LovlcK, K.CiJ. B Cla.k.G. 1. Bradhaii'i. Recorder.' Hegulai Conclaves first ntt imru r nuv w KNIGHTS OP HONOR-Ofllcers: .In j. M W. r Itonntrce, flnnnclal Heportor-Nw Heme Lodge No. 443 meets the ind and 4tli rruiay uiriiw si c u w ... lh meroben is rcQoested.! All per sons who have talent are invited to become members. 'The monthly meeting ol the Wo man 'a Miuionarr Society of Middle street Baptist Church will be held this afternoon at half past three o'clock, at the residonce or. aire. Susan C. Jerkins. . The marriage of Mr. J. J. Land and Miss Lina Bowden is announced ts.take place tonight at the residence a MV' V. M. Bowden in this city. Uef. B H. Melton of PolloaSviUe will perform the marriage ceremony Mr. W. H. Adams of Vanceboro while at the store of Mr. J. F. Tay lor yesterday was taken by a very severe attack of asthma. Prompt medical attendance was obtained and his condition was very much mproved at last reports, The death tf Mr. Lafayette Francks of Richlands.Onslow county occurred last Sunday at his home, lie was a well known farmer ana a reanected citizen. Mr. Francks was the father of State Senator Francks of this district who died at lUleigh in 1895 while in attendance at the legislature. Mr. Wilt Francks, who lived in this city a few yeurs ago is also a sou ol Mr. trancks. upm i,i?imv innGE vn 1 F. II. AC. J.W Middle, Prest; J. H.Bui h, Kecordina ly. E. K. Qulolcy, Flnanclul cecty. Meets In KulKlito ol 1-jthtas hall overy 1st and ind wemiesuay niKuis m rm" iwy... Business Locals. IF you wish to buy a Typewriter, the "Williams" is the smartest up-to-date ,,!, Inn on the market. Confer with O. II.Guionor T. W. Dewey and go, you one, either for cash or upon the install ment plan. HAVING iust received one thousand samples of the very best foreign and do meatin woolens. I nin nrenared to make S-iitB to Order as reasonable as can he hrl nnvwhrre e 'ervthine being equal Will guarantee satisfaction or refund your money. R. Sawyer, Fashionable Tailor, 63 South Front Btrccl. WANTEDA few energetic ladies and cpnilpiiifii to canvas. Will pay a guar anteed salary of $ 15 per month. Call or address: W. C. BoST, Davidson, in. u HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Munyon. T. J. Turner A Big Offer. Mra. Nenb P. 4-tU. The Auburn, N. Y. Daily Ad vertieor contains the news of the death of Mrs. Noah P. Clark, which occurred on October 29th in that city. Mrs. Clark was known in her town as a woman of unusual gener osity and active in .ll good works- She leaves two sisters and three brothers, among the latter being William L. Palmer of New Beine and Gen. Innis N. Palmer of Wash- ngton, D. C, who was at ono time a resident here. OF LOCAL INTEREST. Lareo Mattamerskeet apples. Old "Skeets" are best in the worlu. Nunn & Co. The finest and largest line of studs you have ever seen at Baxter the Jeweler's. See J. J. Baxter for men's One shoes, Waterhouso ties, and fine un derwear just in. Cotton sold on this market jester day at prices ranging 5 to 5.25. The average price was around 518 The regular monthly meeting of the City Council was held last night The full proceedings will be pub lished later. Tho regular drill of the Naval Re serves will be held tonight at the armory at 8 o'clock. There will be an inspection of arms. Tho maximum temperature as ob served by the Government Weather and Crop bureau yesterday, was 74.0 degrees. The surplus dirt washed down by the heavy rains into the gutters on Middlo street, is being shoveled up and hauled oil. The residence of Mr. E E Perry, corner of Johnson and Middle streets is being improved with a new coat of paint. Tho directors of the Tobacco Warehouse Co., will meet this morn ing at ten o'clock at the oflico of the President, Dr. N. II. Street. Our sportsmen report that an abundance of wild ducks are to bo found in the creeks and ponds bo tweon this city and Morehcsd Tho double barrelled breach load inir shot eon ruffled by Mr. T. W Waters went to Mr. Tom Hill, he holding; tho lucky number. Five three mast schooners wero in nort vestorday. an unusual number I aT ' of vessels of that size to be here at one time. Tney are loading with lumber at the various mills. Sheriff Aldridge of Pamlico conn tv was in town yesterday and reports that th 8tate taxes of Pamlico county have been paid. The Sheriff brought in the money and deposited it In the National Bank. The Muslo Club will meet at the home of Mist Stella Roberts this vantoa at half oast eleht o'clock. . The Club will be reorganised at this PERSONAL. Miss Jennio Watson, who has been visiting at Rocky Mount, re- urnod home on yesterday s after noon train. Dr. Geo. L. Levburn left yester day morning for Salisbury to attend a meeting of the Synod. Messrs. Chas. R. Thomas and L. J. Moore returned home last night from Trenton. Mrs. A Oettinger, who has been visiting at Mr. M. M. Marks, left yesterday morning for her home in Kinston. Dr. Stanly Woolard roturned last night from Wilson. Mr. Nathan O'Borry of Golds boro is registered at Hotel Chat- tawka ('aaty CenintlaaleBera The Board of County Commis sioners met yesterday at 11 o'clock, pursuant to recess from the day be fore Present E. G. Hill, R. P. Wil linma. K W. Smallwood. J. A Brvan and R. G. Moseley, On recommendation of the toun ty Attorney, it was ordered that the Standard Oil Company and the New Berne Telephone Company be allowed to list their property and where double taxes are cnargeu against them, same be remitted upon payment of sing.u tax. On motion it was ordered that the settlement of the County Attor ney with S. R. Battle, administra ter Gardner estate for the taxes due bv him an said estate as per order of the Board as per meeting is hereby approved and the attorney is hereby instructed to turn the same over to the County Treasurer The usual monthly bills wero Dassed and approved On motion it was ordered that the report of the Grand Jury and Clerk be pi cad on the minutes. The Board took a recess subjret to the call of the chair, Hem Malar-. MUthl w" ratally Attacked. The followinc was taken from the Charlotte Observer and relates to a gentleman well known in this tsity: "A very mysterious affair occurred in the city Saturday night about half nast 10 o'clock. Mr. W. Patterson of New Berne, who travels for Whitman & Co.. of Philadelphia, was the victim of a very brutal as sault made by an unknown man on West Fifth street, near the raiiroaa. Mr. Patterson is well known in this city, as he has been traveling here for rears. Uis relatives live iu New Berno.' He arrived here early last week tnd registered at tne Ruford. He sells to Jj'asnacnt, ana Saturday had taken an order from him for auite a nice bill of goods. Saturday night ho was in the store about 10 o'clock. Miss uessie jhc- Carer, the young lady who clerks in the store, started onto! the store home. As she was alone, Mr, Patterson, with the gallantry ior which he in noted, offered to see her home. They went down Trade and nn Clarkson street to the old ). Irwin house, where Miss McCarver lives. Mr. Patterson remained at thn house for a few minutes, and then started to leave. He remarked to Miss McCarver that he hardly knew bow to get back up town. She told him to keep right up mu street and he would come to Tryon, tho Street the hotel was on. Mr. Patterson loft, ccinz np Fifth, as she directed, lie walked along whistling until after he passed the railroad. Jnst after leaving Ihe railroad a man came up behind him and struck him fearful blow across the mouth with a sundbag, The blow almost knocked him down Before bo could recovers u second blow followed, tnis time in tlie eye Mr. Patterson put his hand be hind him to his hip pocket, and his assailaut, thinking ho was going to draw his eun, ran. Mr. Patterson was groping ins way along Fifth street when he camo up with Mr. Jim Steele. The latter got a carriage and took him to the hotel. A physician was cum moncd and Mr. Patterson assisted to bed. lie was found to be in a bad condition. His face was terri bly beaten up. His nose was broken and one eve was so swollen yester day that it wes entirely closed. He has no idea who his assailant was, bevond the fact that he was whito. Mr. Patterson had money aud his watch and chain on his porson, but no attempt was made to rob him. He is at a loss to account lor the attack, other than that he was taken for some other man. It will be some days beore he is able to bo out" A telegram received last night stated that Mr. Patterson was better but would be unable to be around for several days. this year and probably for al wavs, Mr. ; J. H. Harris of Oregon, Beaufort county apont Saturday and Sunday with friends in Cove. Mr. Geo. Lowis of Ft. Barnwell spent Thursday, night with L. F. Tavlor.. . " ' Quite a number of our wveiies went to the circus at New Berne last Friday. A few went to Kinston on Thursday. Mrs. Phebe Wood is visiting her neice, Mrs. S. J. Lewie of,Ft, Barnwell. Miss Rosa Davis of near Perfeo tion spent Satnrdiy and Sunday with Misses Alicoand uattie.iay lor- MrslE.D. Avery went to visit relatives near Perfection Saturday and returned Sunday Miss Bertha Tucker of New Berne came Siturday to teach the public school near Winter Green. knciimansui .luib tm K""" U.m ID i0J!.Ao., ..ialn few dosci. A Krinpfti Miff bdcltiiud nil paliis in nlp ana toiua. Sr5 before one bollle hu btt n used. Tho Jlunjon SSedy oJaTpnny pre,ro .rm. euro (or each auet.muaacipD. ,,,7, ilmll. UUUN 44 Mrr Seasonable Merchandise. -s- br44T.l ran ram Mat ol Letters Remaining In the Post Offlea at New Berne, CrAven cofinty, H. ov. ist 1897: HEN'S LISTS. A Isaac Askew. J. L. Albertson. B L. Bacon, Abo Ball, Lonier Baker C J. C. Chanard. D Frank Davis, care Tom Hill. KIna. Edwards. W. H. Ernul. G Wm. Henry Gibbs. Rich'd Guil ford. itTIim. Hast Ion. Harris Hachney, Olver Halggere, David Holloway. Chacil Horse. N J. 8. Mecdham. R Brice Rowe. 8-C. M. Slade, Jns. Smith. W-Thos, Wilson, W. H. Whittnker. LADIES LIST. B Amelia Boines. D Jesse Davis. H Martle Harper, Annie Harlson, Geo, Hill. J -Hattic Jones, Francis Jopman. K Lucy Koonco. M Marv J. Mattocks, Almenter Mid- yett, Jane Moore, eare E. M. B. Wil- linms, Mallie.. Moore, Tally McUanwI, (D. L.) P Emma E. Parker. It-Muii ih Rhode. V JIniriilc Waters, Mina Willie. Persons calline for above letters will please say advertised and givo date or list The regulations now lequire that one (1) cent shall be collected on Hie aenvery of each advertised letter. M. MANLY. V. M. Cold Weather Requisites. With the coming of colder weather yon will want heavier wraps, heavier nndcr clothing and heavier blankets on the bed. The prices of our capo stock begin ac $1.00, this for a double cape fur trimmed. Cotton Ribbed Vests at 25c; Half wool onos, 50c: Three- quarter wool 75i-; All wool $1.00. Tho Best Blanket is the most .economical. . The Elkin is tiie best. Full 10-4 at 13.50 per pair. and of )nn start 50o per icon lor kef p tliem. hs going lu as fast Now on exhibition, a new shipmeht of Ladies Capes, in Seal Tlusn, Aswatpau and Bougn uiotns, piain, wwuuui handsomely jetted. An inspctioA these garments is asKea Children's underwear. :"r :t - i fue unHKCb J .Bill. ' Have made a lucky purchase of pair, know this is too ol Children's Vests, In a full range of most buy ers.hnt still we kel xizea, io ui oa iuuiiro,utvii . men nuitfc munis k These narmentB are of me uguai weight, with pearl bnltoas, bound with Prussian silk braid and well finished. The following prices prrt. vail which Is Just half value. 16, 18, 20 In. 10c, 23, 24 in. 15c, 20, 2-1, 80 in. 20c, 82, 84 in 25c. . - Blankets. nere in the Blanket Stock is value and good value too, its it is Prices always as low and often lower than elsewhere. H. B. Duffy". prices, qualities loo Impro In the medium grades clln slmw bolh Kievs and while. Of llie b."St qnnhties" have whito only. 1 Hero Is s.-thednle of prim: rr mrnu ItlankolB U. . A . it 1.70 Moeciid - 1 ii, . . . I . - white niankcla, l. tr0, 4 50 .. rer pair. 51 1. We are offering the LARGEST, and HAND SOMEST Line of Bucklen'e Arnica Salves. Tm llt oT Mat.v!i tlia world for Cuts Rr-m, Hnr,4i Illivnt. Aili Uheitm. Fever rm Tetter. Chapprtl Hands, UbilbUtns, Ourm, hq l all Sniu Eruption, anil pooil ively cutis Piles or no pay required. It i' guarauleeC lo (jive etiei i wiii'iucin'u ur money ti'lncoeu. rnce a ceo is jr w. For le by F, 8. DuBy. 4? In Latest Novelties, and Plain October S1 . Goods at ' I 25c. i iriri . Jf Fresh Additions W JlIX ptjf Cunslamlv lie- . JfoLv lrirrn'"nT,",r, iv in? mk o mmmS jf I, Mock f LaditB wpMi .?L-H-rA COATS' 'V' 4llMi Listening p? We are li dim Wrap". This week we will onen up our second envolce of ladies wraps, consisting of clonks and capes from 98c. to Slo.UU. Babpoot'S: Hoard f Education. The Board of Education met yes terday in the Clerk's office pursuant to the adjonrnnient of Monday's sessiou. There was some discussion concerning the payment of the teachers who had worked in the schools last term and it was unani mously agreed that the Board re quest tho District Committees to pay all teachers whom money was due for services. The apportionment of school fnnds in the treasurer's hands was made as follows: First district, :52l 10; Second 104.17: Third i79 00; Fifth $101.20; Sixth 101 70; Seventh, $204.12; Eighth S28.U7; Nmtb $189.72 The Board adjourned until three o'clock on the first Monday in De ceinber. Hat lev ! The leachors of the public schools of No. 1 District are hereby notinea that all public schools in said dis trict shall begin on the loin day ol November 1807. E. F. Adams, Chmu. of School Committee . to hear "the thud" when the new hat idea strikes you. Lat ytai's hat won't do. Not a bit of it. The uni matt ers are loo smart for that, they have changed the shape. You can tell a '00 hat as far as you can see it Let us biiow you the fall shapes and shades. Let us help you to be a 07 man. Wn are nUo n (rents for the famous Knox Hats, and can sell them to you s cheap as they can be bought from the factory. A trial will satisfy you that wo are up to date. Baker & Dunn. Grand Jarjr Urfrt. Criminal Court, I fall brm 'nr. Craven County. ) To His Honor Judge Sutton: We beg leare to submit tho fol lowing report. We have examined jtil and und same ia good coodiliou. 13 main prisoners, no females. The jail yard hu been Oiled in by the pres ent jilor at no expense to the oountr. We recommend that the floor of the iail in the interior by tin use of ce mont. Tho poor house we find In excellent condition. The inmates report s sufficiency of food and seem moon attached to Mrs. Williams, the keeper. We havo found true bills St. V have fonnd not true bills It. We bare mads three present ments. We beg to acknowledge the attentlveness or the janitor. Respectfully , J.O. Watkixs, Foreman.' A true copy, , & It. Ball, P. I . FOR CHILLS. Groves Chill Tonic, 40c. Johnson's Chill Tonic, 40c. Morgan's Chill Tonic, 5oc. Jordan's Chill Tonic, aSc. All guaranteed. Should any one fad to core, Money will be Refunded. Davis' Pharmacy, Phone 56. Cor. Broad & MiddleSta. D. P. JARVIS, imi2 s A trarfB incident enables 11s to offer this week 114 pai- Xfon'a flrtimino Calf Shoes; cmij. or ba'K, in 1110 1. 11 o , pointed toe. at the Unheard or price, $1.45. Urn regulalr prico of this shoo was i 50. - r jh m. . r! ' op,..: IIICPIL: OT'llll THE rAlnUL ' v uij wun COVB LETTER. The farmers are not qnito so jolly as they wero before the rain as they hare a lot of cotton and peas ttat is being ruined by the rain. Cant. S. E. Ewell of Taiboro spent a fow days with his wife lost week. J. L. Ioock and W. II. Uob itson 1 went to Ft. Barnwell Saturday fund rxtiirnatl Similar. We know Jlii'l had a very pleasant trip as liu 7 are I'M imllni'' ainou thov ICtltrnt L Mrs. T. B. Ipock and tluBghlcr Jstiie wout m Tuoirori hut miuy and returned Mouday. Mr. L. D.irahuut went to Ronton Mondav and returned stmt da;. Mi'aal.iziio I'.WlII of Valli eboro cme Totsday morniug to,;iit friends and relatives. Mr. V. Kubank. of Miiville oame Friday to take cliargo i.f the nublio school of this placs. : Mr, 1. K. Fny of New Bern wai in C.ie TuestLf. lt. D. (!. (Iwl.lie itl preaoh his last ieruiou here next Suuday 1 r E. C.D. & O. D. Line. NOTICE 1 Tim steamer "Neuse Is underirolng some necessary repairs, and the steamer "Newlwrno" will Uke her place tomor row, Monday, at p. m. Tlwro will be no steamer sailing Tues day. GEO. I1ENDEIWUN, Agent Kc Dome, N. C, Oct. 81, 1807. GO TO-. ' Sani'i Cohn 5: Son's , " von FINE Pil Port. Saraie. Veal, Matlon. An J our 5TA LL-FED BEEP . Is always up to tha standard 88 Jllddle Mt. l'lionc J Or cbovp i CURE. ' j Whpn vour habv whoons In mid- . I dlo of night Croup is Impending 1 give the enua a uoee m. " 1 Cboup Sybup and the Utile fellow .. ull ....1 l.nnlilnir in flvn minutes. 1. in 11 . RiMASKARLt and harmless, but true, or we will refund the money, S-K-. AH Bradham's . Reliable Drug ftore. 60 Pairs Men's-Working Shoes Solid -Ii oilier, would ho coiwiderti I lili'- hj. 1.J 0dR PRIGE 98g PAlp. The values wo are offering in Menu I-'mo Siine n t- on, i 50 and 3 00 cm t bo m.itt hed by any om shoe house in North Carol iim. ECONOMY IS WEALTH 11 llAiie 111 Air Tight Wood Heaters. NEWEST nnd BEST. Made in 4 sizes. See D t nonntf - r. III. ui aiiuy. SB dentil Kroat St.. . NEW BERNE, N. C. A 0 , ( Ul i . A. BAllFOOT.'MunaRer. 1". . Tlie Fine DU1VING, lHlAlHwUT. ANI E All 51 HORSES are now in my Stables. JUST AUniVED and will suit any PcUn who ncoda a UUUU tiuiwr 1 rVt I 'iimiwin' " After Dinner Conversation htf rlillvln wllh the pr and cliot Is made pleasurable and healthful n. i. lili tlm ntira and clmien weals that ar obUined from our choir .. 4- n i c.vv MfTIVSi A nd In fnnpl th dem mils 0 I htv. onlered an ,,..,;.., large lot of toMMJ A v u,hi -.m-l I,, ll.iiwmen in my alables, Wlilpi. Hlanketa, . " - ' . , .,r,.., (TU,I lirn. - i.i- i..t ..r ln'nn 1 . n IfiiliMt L'lll'nin,i nuu . . .u.. .... ... ........ ......l.. my Irmln few iluvf. IltarmM and t. r Mnrilnn.rT conserves, can died friilU, sngnr almond and hickory mils and mnrnmnowa, no ujt tlckli) the palate of the epicure, V. J. IIrf:orlry '. A visit and evminatinn mv slabl.s will satisfy tverye ne that wli il.l I. tma. ITT(iLAl) TO 8U0W 81 Ol It. 8', 7i. Ii. "4. 7a AM' 70 UK OA It SI It i 1'. It Is ndvei- I s -i II. c. meeting and full attendance ol