THE JOURNAL. Published every day in the year, ex cept Monday, at 90 Middle Street. Phohb No. 8. CHARLES L. STEVENS, '.; 'CDITOB AND PROPRIETOR. SUBSCRIPTION BATES: Jne jear. In advance,... ., One year, not in advance........ Monthly, by carrier in the city,... 4 00 , 5 00 , 60 ; Advertising Rates furnished on appll cation. Entered at the Post Office, New Berne, is. J. as second class matter. New Berne, N.C. Not. 7, 1897. SELF HELP THB BEST HELP. The visit of the members of the New England Cotton Manufacturers Association to the different cotton manufacturing centres of the South, 18 suggestive in its way. of what conld be done by the citizens of New JSerne. ' Not that this city has any cotton mills to snow to Aew England peo ple, bat there are niost favorable openings for the establishment of mills to manufacture cotton in New B.-rne. The cominp of these New England people to the South as guests of the raiiroaas, ana or tno commercial bodies in the different cities which they visit, oqght to prove suggest y t tlio citizens of New Berne, and cause them to make an effort to bring to New Berne and vicinity, those people who are looking foi truck and tobacco lands, and who are seeking new homes. The visit here just now of persons from other sections of North Caro lina, who are going to take land for the purpose of cultivating tobtcco, should provoke the query, which can easily be answered, why should not New Berne, that is its leading citizens, endeavor this winter to bring here parties from outside places, both in North Carolina and other States ? There are hundreds of families in this and other States if lliey knew of the possibilities of this section would surely come, buy land add srttle here. This is whit New Berne needs to assist its tobacco trade, new comers who are familiar with tobacco ctil in re, ana wno aro seeking new homes. In the further promotion and building up of the tobacco business which has already been started in New Berne, home brains and home money must bear an important part. No better, easier or more success f ul method can be employed towards this end, than by bringing the New Berne section before the people who want just such a field for their fu ture operations, and who if shown the advantages bore, will come at once and make their home with us. At this season of the year the op portunity for promoting New Berne's interests is the best, and es pecially should this matter of bring ing in new people, who will farm intelligently and assist in bringing forth the development of oar lands, be sought. This is a matter of vital impor tance to every merchant of New Berne, for new people, who shall be producers of tobacco, or any of the crops which can be grown success folly in this section, means an in creased trade for them. Self help is the best kind of holp and the citizens of Sew Berne should put it into force at once. Let New Berne show her sdvan tages to the Lome seeker and in yes tor. Statk or Ohio, City or Toledo, I Lucas County, j Fkaiik J. CnENKY mikes hath that be is ihe senior portlier of the Arm ot F. J. Chewy & Co., doing business in the City f Toll d j. County and State sfoieuid.and that said Arm will pay th sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR? tor each and every cate or Catarrh that cannot be cured by the dm of Hall's Catarhh Cuaa. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to b fore msand subscribed Id my presence, this (lb day of December, A. D. 1896. . A. W. GLEASON, X aiAL i vw . Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, and acts directly oa the blood sod mucous surfaces of the system. Bend for Ustlmo. nlaia, htt. . N ; F.J..CnENEYCO.,Toledo,0: Sold bv Druggists 75ti. Hull's Family Fills are the law I, The Ceafoeamsee' Part. ' The Nashville American says: "The pirt which the surviving Coo federate sol lien living In and about Nashville played in the centennial celebration cannot be passed by without notice. These heroes in gray took part' in the parades and did their share of entertaining the stranger within . the gates, inspired only- by the motives of patriotism and publio spirit, and without any hope or thought that their acts would in any way be rewarded.. The Confederate Veterans is an organi zation which can gain no new re cruits. Every year the hand of time is thinuing its membership and swelling the great membership o that noble army which is resting 'over the river in shade of the trees.' It was pure patriotism which brought the grizzled veterans of the Confederacy from their homes to march in the processions which wended their way to the centennial grounds. They showed the young generation , that those who once fought under the stars and bars can now carry a masket under the stars and stripes. The old Confederates always do their share and wherever they appeared during the past six mouths, as at all other limes, they were cheered. to the echo." A i reat Magasine Feature , The Lidies Home Journal has se cured what promises to be th (treat magazine feature of S93. It is en titled "The Inner Experiences of a Cabinet Member's Wife' In a Be ries of letters written by the wife of Cabinet member to her sifter at home, are detailed her actual exper iences in Washington, frankly and freely given. The letters were writ ten without any inteution of publi cation. They give intimate peers behind tlio curtain ot high official and social life. They are absolutely fearless, they study Washington life under the searchlight as it has never been before presented. . Tho "Experiences," which will bo beautifully illustrated, begin in tho Dasember number and will continue for several months Carta to Itay Cored. Thousands of voluntary certifi cates received d urine: the oast fif teen years, certify with no uncertain sound, that Botanic Blood Balm, (B. B. B.) will cure to stay cured, Rheumatism, Catarrh. Ulcers. Sores, blotches, and the most ma lignant blood and skin d'seases. liotamo Blood Balm is tho result of forty years experience of au emi nent, scientific and conscientious physician. Send stamp for book of wonderful cares, and learn which is the best remedy. Bewaro of substi tutes said to be "just as good" and buy the long-tested and old reliable iiotauic Wood Balm, (B. B. B ) i-rice oniy ei.uu per largo Dottle. EFFECTED AN ENTIRE CURE. For over two yoars I have been a great sufferer from Rheumatism, af lectins both shoulders to such an extent thut I could not put my coat on wuuout neip. ine use o: six bottles of Botanic Blood Balm, B, U. B , effected an entire cure. I re fer to Eev. W. W. Wadsworth, pro pr.etor loweta Advertiser, aud to a 1 meichints of Newnan. Jacob F. Sponcler, Newnrn, Oa, For sale by Druggists. A Train of Blackguard. In many of the great cities of Europe whenever a great festival is abont to take place all the questionable and picious characters are " urged" by the police to take a few days' airing in the country and to disappear for a time from their accustomed haunts. This is fonnd preferable to putting them under lock aud key. In Petersburg and Moscow and in VI euna those who do not leave of their own accord on being thus pressed are shipped off by the polios in a special train, and Japan has recently adopted the same excellent enstom. Now, whenever a popular pageant is a Boot to take place the 8oshi-no-Kisha or "train of blackguards," may be seen steaming away tuto the country with its freight of known and suspected malefactors. Than lb FalnWd. Niece (showing the wedding presents to Uncle Tom) I wanted you to see tnem ail, dear Uncle Tom, so that you won't send a duplicate. Duplicate wed ding prevents are very annoying, you Know. ' Uncle Tom H'm. What's this? Niece That's papa's check for 500 Isn't it lovely? Uncle Tom Very. I Intended to send yon the some thing, but rather than annoy you with a duplicate present I'll send A too. London Answers. Ooad Adrtc U r.llaw. Somebody givee the following -anti thetical advice: "Drink test, breathe more; eat leas, chew more; -ride leaa, walk more; clothe less, bathe more; worry less, work more; waste lees, give more; write leas, read more; preach less, practice more. " BmI of SUmarkabU Fnrtm. As tasters the sect of Jains, In India, are far ahead of ail rivals Faata of from 80 to 40 days are very common. Mid once a year they are said to abstain from food for 75 days Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to care. 25c. . OABTOniA. nn Mm tTf BRIGHT CHILDREN Munyon Looks Out for Little Ones. the A MOTHER'S RESPONSIBILITY. 1 ,( Munyon never forgets the children. He realties a mother's responsibility and is ver ready to give ber the benefit of Us knowledge and experience. Mun- . von 'r fluido to Health, which may be ob tained free from any drug-, gist, is es pecially explic it In describing all children' diseases, and gives plaltt and complete in structions re garding their treatment Sickness often cornea sudden ly, and every mother should be prepared by having MUN- YON'S REM EDIES whpr he can get them quick). They are ab solutely harm lees, and so labeled there can be no mistake. Munyon's Colic end Crying Baby Cure cures bilious colic, painter's colic, in children, and griping pains of every de scription, promptly relieves hysteria, sleeplessness, pain from 1 teething,' ana quiets crying babies.?. Munyon's 'Sore Throat Cure effects- a- prompt ture In diphtheria, and every form of sore throat. Munyon's Fever Cure Will break any form ot fever. It should be admin istered as coon as the -fever appears. Munyon's Worm Cure causes the prompt removal of pin worms, anal' worms, in- : testinal worms, and tape worms. Mun yon's Whooping Cough CureJs thorough ly reliable. It relieves at once and cures f romptly. Munvon's Croup Cure posit ively controls all forms of croup. m r A -separate cure for each disease. At ; all druggists, mostly 25 cent a v!al. Per sonal letter to Prof. Munyon. I,.v05 Arch 8treet?Phtadeiphla, Pa., answered with free medical advice for any disease. . Jimlher Car Isoad of . . v :-: DIES ! ABRIVED OH NOVEMBER 5TII, Stables full of GOOD HOR8E3, gie.i, Harness, ltobes, and Whips iu I Can Sell to Small Jobbers, Doggies, Harness. .Kobcs and. Wha at Pficei that will Save Them Money. i ' , i ,. , , .,, . . , . ' . A'l the above will be sold on a small margin For CaBb. or Neeotiab e Paper payable in one or two years time 681, 70, 72, HI 74. 74i akd 7C BROAD STREET. WE WILL SELL YOU a Horse and gnaratrtee oar judgment on evefy point. Tot ni E rove, way to gain your esteem by w,K yon an honest bargain. We are Superior Horse Sense gained by jears of experience, (and a fine lot of Horses to back it up,) suitable for ever purpose. It will take but a few minutes of your time to find ont if you can do better lieru than else whore. Light and heavy draught teasonsd work horses, sound as a dol arj saddle and carriage Horses, AIulesv Lowest prices ever known. ttfft'e will take good white cotton at (I cents per pound iu exchange when yon trade with oa. v . . TI. IIA1I9T & CO. . lite. Hickory H 1 OENUIXE Itnndolph and Poii ml BuggliM. ALSO HORSES rTPIessfl Call and Examine. Thos. J. Mitchell, fcJ A Repulsed Lover that wears a soiled shirt front nev er need wonder that the dainty maiden, asms mm wnen h.iias visited a laundry, and refuses to lay her tresses upon bis inaniy uosom. Laundry work is cnee p, and first-class at the same time, If yon DriDff It to the NEW JHKKNE STEAM 87 Middlb -Strrkt. -v. GO TO- SamTCohn & Son's -mn FINK Pil Port SaKaie, Veal, MDti, And our STALL-FED BEEF is always up to the standard. 8S Middle SU 3PJi6sie 46. m and the Largest , Stock of Bug. tastera Carolina. ' New Berne, N. C. AND MULES. middle 5trrtt, New Brne, N. C. -1 'ti- : r ' ' . ' . j . !, OI2. 2 Don't You Kemember19R7;T8 (Sweet Alice Ben Bolt? ' Ti- la a viiMrflna snno Kill It JruunU trtiwK some we have in stock- Anythintr from "Dixie1 to BeethoraDa", ''Moonlight do u at a" can be found at our store, nnd i nt IhA Inwont TrnoAsi linniriiiiililn - Altut a mil ana choice line ol stationery, booKB and Musical Instruments. - Bee our stock ' I1bf",1U f ,8ew.he, V01 ya: on'Vden" iated on the soutlr side of regret it Jns.IK Oasklns, 101 Middle Street v K:- i Li ..Under Hotel Chattawka, New Berne, N. C, " DEALEU 1N.1 - Sai Doorslliiifis, Liine, Ctifiul '' ' - PLA5TER, ','':' -" Garland's Stovis & Ranges - Bevoe's Ready Mixed Paint; ; . ; 5 Air-Tlght Heaters. Three Talnable Books ' 'y' ; ' Given : Away. S;J "AnT AND Fancy Wckk,"' 'Ndbsery ': Hhymks," "Home Dyking,? Mrs! Mel la Daggett, editor ot the The Home, lias published a new edition of her popular book, Fancy Work aud Art Decorations," I hat gives practical in j structions for making doilies, table cov ers, scarfs, tray cloths, pin cushions, etc with fifty illuatiaitions., Tnis book, to. I gethcr with "Nurtertr Rhymes" (a 10 page pamphlet with a handsome colored cover , design of the Old Woman Who Lived in a Diioej. ana "Buccesiui mime uyeing,". will be sent free to any reader of Ihe Journal wlio -rorwards the following counnu to ells, RichardsoQ & Oo Burlington, Vl. ; . " . COUPON.- " -This entitles any reader of the New Berne Journal lo one copy of "Fan cy Work and Art Decorations," "Nur sery Rhymes ' and "Successful Howe Dyeing." - . The above liberal offer la.. made to ad vrlisetlie old reliable Dmniond Djes, and to get their books upon home dyeing into the hands of women who want lo dress well by. making their old clothing look like new. - . Diamond Dyes have special dyes for ,onljt on the market that can be 1 give colors that will not f The fact that Diamond V cotton, dinereni Irom tliose that are used package dyes relied upon to fade or crock Dves lmvc-leen Ihe standard home dyes for ticuriy twen ty years and their fale increase from year lo year, is proof positive that they have never had an equal. FINANCIAL. Farmers & Merchants BANK... nagan BxsixLsa May, leai. Capital Stock. ............. 75.000.00 Snrplnsand PreOts J 11,111.41 OFFICRRS: L. H. COTLaa, President. . W. 8. Uiiadwiuk, Vice Pr, T. W. Dawar, Cannlor. J. w. DiDDLK, Teller. Y.t. Matthbws, OoUector. , DIKBCTOKS: L. H. Cnllf r. John Snter, W. II. niades, " . a unwjwijli r. Jl.l eiltlier, J. n. ciaiK, J. W. HtKvart, N. M. Jur. er. T.W. uwey. We want your business und feel that we can otter you as much in return as any oilier oanK in the city. It Is our endeavor to niake business relations mut ually pieasaut ana prontable to our patrons. , ; J.A. BBTAN, TI10S. DANILLS, President. '. ' , - ' Vice Pres. 0. II. ROBERTS. Cashier. ' THE NATIONAL BANK. Or NSW UaUNU, M. tt - X2("OOXi370SA.SBIS 18SS, Capital, ...........$I00,0CC Surplus Profits, .18,I68 DIESCTOBSi Jas. A. BarAR, CuAa. 8. BuiAa, Jao, Dunn, . H. kuaaav Tnoa, Dawibia J. H. HAOKauaa) L. HAHvav a. L. Oiauor- A. Unaa, Praa, I.H. U endows, vie Prw n. at. Gaovas, Caahtar. CITIZEITS liAISK o mowsiauiriilir;a DO A UKMEBAL HASK1KO BUSINSVB Th. Aooounu ot Baals, Bankna, Corpor ation., rarmora. Moreliauu an.l oiiiMr. rm wiToa on lavoraoi. (rui. I FMnnt .lul AMI. lul atianilon gi Unaara. Coll lul attention alran to in. Inwi-.t ol oar out voll otloas a spauUir. BOAao oroiawroas. VanltnaiiAClrloh K. Il' HMn.. J. A. Moaitow., ' Uha-. Uiiilt.Ji. Hamaal W. I pock, Jmm-1 ttvluw, i. W. OralllKer, flMMna. A. urmr, K. W. Smallwood, U. .rnv Ow. M. Iva. W. r. Cmr-a-ti. PKOKESSIONAL. F. at., A. D. Ward MImntuhw & Wurd, ATT0HNEY8 and C0UNSE1OK4 at LAW. HEW DIIINC, a 0. Praotln. Iu fh. anunli.. .I f r. n,,i(. Jun,, Oartrat ami Piollot in lu Siirt,m.iMjU tfwlrl Otirt.. ''im HHik rraat Sirnt Osaalt. Slouil hi.iti.wkn. IMI. lVllctlcr, ATTOBNET AT LAW. Iddle Street, tswjers Brick Uulltllor. "Will fnu-tlra In th. Cmmlln. o Cro, . (trurft. Jrn, OnHlow nnl priiiillct. I o'ni nt Now Ham. simI buint-iu. i on g , liU fltLV. J. W. STEWAT?T, Prcst. ENOCH WADi WORTH, Vice-Prest, New lluildlnr. Opp.Baptlxt Cnorch.MluV die Street. Investment OFFICE .IIOTJRS: City JProperty Bought - . and Sold. 11 A. MVto2 Ps f i CITY LOTS j 1 v . . . , - . . . I Change at its intersection with" East ' Front street, adloiniog the residence of the late Judge Seymour. Handsome lioufe, with additional lot adloinnta" for anoll er residence, moat delightfully lo- ' catedjand one of the handsomest an;l roost desirable dwellings in the city. ;. ' ; On South Front Stre. t, betweem Ora- ven and East Front Handsome, rcmod- I eled brick residence, U0 roomsK three stories and basement, all modern convex iences, bath rooms,' &c. Delightful lo- cation for summers winter residence, One double house in Pavietown, new, Otoomi. , : - ' . A handsome building lot 100 fc t Miil- V;llli)StKMlhv1IV7 9 In - A.Ian. north pf the dwelling owned bv .1. K. Ivetfeto suit Purchaserv: tbU li will lie' divided into two lots, -50 feet froiitage eacrR. . - V A most desirable' resldenee lot situaJe on Neuse river, at the foot of Pollock st , suitable tor handsome dwelling, btit will be sold in smaller parcels on satisfactory terras. Two new dwellings suitable for small families: all modern conveniences; west THE NEW BERN .v' . - ..f -. -. ...... . FIRE S. "V OFJSEW CAPITAli, DOES A GENERAL FIRE T. A. GREEN, President. GEOHGE GREEN, Secretary. , , - J. J, WOLFENDEN Gen'l Asent. WhatistWsMatt JAs He Is .II SsT- -.1 VWr- X (Lippman's Great Remedy) overcomes at once the acute symptoms of every form of Nervous Derangement, and soon makes the patient robust I a ! . : ' n n A. . . 1 , , ' - . ana amDinou. a. jr. jr. w mc ocas comDinauon oi green roots ana barks that was ever put together for the cure of Weakness, General Debility and Nervousness. It is a good tonic and the best Blood Purifier in the world. . P. P. P. is Nature'! specific for Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Malaria and all forms of Blood Poison and 8crofula, whether in adults or children. P. P. P. is sold by all druggista-li a bottle j six bottles, $$. Lippman Brothers, prhpm "block. Savannah, da. rFor Sile by F. H. IITFFY. When talking lo yoo . . . . About Furniture V " The sharpest point wo can . srgreis Die fact Hint our Ytn a ESTABi.lsnsi liiislness ' and the Great Army of 8t ' lafied Patrons wo have made is the best testimony ' as lo Hie quality of our goods and the way we do business. . ' , , , , J ALL KINDS OF ; - ' Desirable ra.te . . fennd here mrniture XWT . If you are contemplating tli. purchase of Furniture a . call at my store will . prove profitable. John Suter, Vader Hotel Chattawka, Ner Berne. N. C. Lsn -.av 1 l .jve- tit, mitt 'J rde-M:irL Ot!.Tirir-(l ami ai j-nl b.i '(.-!- cumlwttti Inf MonfMTC f 1 Jo-m Off irt l OPvtTC J.B. 'UNTO 4 mil W uttltl IU llA iUi "aa Uiusk' iir-,oiri fn,m v.litri'i(jii. f t riiJ mdi L riiflvtttiK OT preiTfj wlfh rfr-Hp ' 5 i'.lt. "9 Sl'fvilM), f IKtrtll..l,tal Of Ut, tfMhi i.ri". Our irm wt duel till fitrnl k aw r J, , J j s mh sf, to .in iH I nl a," wt l . ; iU in tt U. H. OJw" lmt'ti COUUtl at OWEN H. GUION, 8ecty. THOS. PAMELA, Treas. Bern Money Advanced, for ; Purchasers. Company, Investments Solicited.' side of tlancoclt street, oetwevu im smli Front. . FARMS. ' , . n - fliio 231 acre farm, one ana one- ha'l miles from Me Bern, on south side. vl Meuse road. , . ' ' ,i,l,iii . Several vJuable farm near the Tlllspo of Dove r, nnd Cove. SM, ficrea 1 mile above Core .-reek station; 000 acres 4i , miles from 0,ir crouk. 809 acres of good merrhnnlnlilc liinl cr llio pon) 8 nrra No 1 tobaemi lan.l,nn roa ) lietween Uovcr and Coru creek piililio nwdsi 1 l-io acre lot In center ..f villiKe or ? A" above contHUH good dwelling, burns and stables. Term reasonable. - One dsirable40 acre farmi on soiitn- Bide of Trent river, afmlea from Mw U..n 1 A desirable farm, 4 miles from the city, lyintr on the A. & N,U. It. Iv .ana Netise river; 100 acres, : , One excellent farm or 2;0 acres on Trent road. 8J miles from New .Bern. - V A most desirable farm consisting or 1 acres, 8 miles fiom New Berne, on A N. C. R. H. and Bachelor's creek. ' An exceedingly fine Turin, 4 niiles from the city, containing 630 acres, on Ncnae road. MUTUAL '...'.- TTo, ' INSURANCE CO, BERN, N. C. $50,000,00 INSURANCE BUSINESS. W. B. BLADES. I Vlc p , JOHN DUNK, C,im- omcesi OVEIt CITIZ EXS BANK. - NOTHING! v AsHemightbe-MUCH! He Is a ticrvona wreck. His life la a harden to himself, and bis presence areaa to ms tanuly and trlccds. His irritability is raining hi9 business, and his con stantly increasing- niiserieB, real and imaginai7, arc driving him into the grave. This nnhap' p7 man is only one oi a million In America. If there were no re lief for their con dition they iclght in deed pray for death. But Nervousness and its morbid horrors are vanishing before the marvelous work of advanced science. P. P. P. II. W. fSI?IIOA. Funeral Director it ml mlincr. Onice 68 Croud Street, nest In Rlen-arl's stables. Residence 16i Brosd Street. t7Burial robes a spec laity. Doubling Your Prosperity. The pn motion .-f cnrjmrv lions. ihe liandlinK of llnir sticks nnd bonds', a fu-cml- .- y- , ,v:, We w'll oigiinir.e ymi a cor poration, help you to ai-ll stock, ami pcrlmps make 1 your fortun. , Tho American Publislierii, Audit ind Investment Association, PHILIP WILLIAMS ATEEITT, . Rx-cial Boiitlieia Ko.oesi'ii. tMtivo, Ciliaeie N.hIcimmI , llnnt l)..ilj;... II A r .. N, C. . Hamilton, N. C, Sept. 8, 1897. Dr. F.S.Duffy, Now Berne, N. C. Dear Sin-Enclosed find twenty six cent", for which kindly ecivI by mail 1 box Duf Itch Ointment, il. only dandruITcurc. Very rc?irct., n. ' '. ;

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