- ... THE JOURNAL. Lodge Directory: KCRBKA LODGK KO. t. I. O. O. t.t Offlr - uora :-J. L. Cooper, N G.; B. i. Dlsosway, V. .; T, K. Urau, R'e'd. Sec'ty; ! Parker, Jr., Traaa. KogularmeaUnK every Moadajr nWbt at It 10 o'clock. aTHEMA LODGE NO t, K. ot v Meets : avxry Tuesday night In K. ot P. Hall, Middle Street, t. V. Arery, C. V, W. 8. Panwna, ' V. o.- J. I.. Moody. K. R. 8.; C. C. Thorn ton, M. of F. JtU.rMET ENCAMPMENT NO. 4, 1. O. O. T. Gfficrra :-J. U Cooper, C. P.; C. H. Hall, H. '.; r. R. Hyman. S. W.:H.C. Lamxlen.w.; N.C. Hughes, Horlbe; B. B. Neal, Treas. Reg ular Encampments, 1st, 3d, and 6th (It any) Thursday algbta in each month l 8:00 O olocV L CA NTON CLEhrfONT HO. S, P. M I. O. O. F, Officers. Geo. Slover, Captain; T. G. Hy man, Lieut, i P. H. Pelletier, Knstgn ; Win. J. Pitts, Clerk; Ed. Uerook, accoantnnt. Beg ular Cantonments, id and Uh Thursday n'ghtu In each month at 81 o'clock' - ;kaven lodge no. i, knights of HAR MONY. Sleets tad and 4th Wednesday ubrhts in each month In Ronntree's Half, t7)n clock. 8. K. Ball, President; J. H. Bmlth, Secretary. ST. JOHN'S LODGE NO. t, A. T. AND A.M: onioera.-J . B. Clark, W. M.iT.W. Dewey, K. W.; B. B.'NeaL J. W.; T. A. Green, Trea ; George Green, Sec'ty. Regular Com "Municatlons id Wednesday each month. UHATTAWKA TRIBE NO. 14, IMP. O. K. M Meets the 4nil Sleep of every 7 Buns Monday night ai K. of P. Castle ilall, Middle Street, New llerni , N. C. Visiting Red Men always welcome, w. S. Parsone, Sachem; J. 11. Smith C. 01 K SKW BERNE CHAPTER NO. 46, R. A. M.: ftirers:-T. A. Mreen, H. P, J. 11. Clark, K.C; T. W. Dewey, Scribe; CVs. Duffy, Treas.; C. D. Rrailhsm, Sec'ty. Regular i.onvoca llaus id Mondav each month. ST. JOHN'S COMMANDER? NO. 10, K.T.: itflcers: H.J. Lovlck, K. C.;J. B.Claik.G.; S. H. Street, CO ; 1. W. Dewey, Prelate; O. D. Bradham, Recorder. Kegiilai Conclaves first ind third Friduvs ol the month. KNinilTS OF HOSOR-riBcers: Jn. M. Hiirgetl, Dictator; i. II. Vinson, Reporter; W. r". Rountice, Ktnncial Keporter New llernu Lodge No 443 meets the ind and 4th Friday nivlits at X o'clock In Rountree's HhII, Pollock Street. NEW BERNE LODGE NO. 1, F. II. AC I W. Diddle, Prest ; J. H. 8 ul h, Kecordlng cty ; K. K. tiuldlev, FlniinciBl feoty. Meets In Knighto of 1') thins hall every 1st and ind Weunesday nightj lu each month. Business Locals. SWEET Candied Red and Norton Yams . i, . i i i n, u.jji. c i , at t. n. jurssics. s, ai juiuuiu oticvi. j FOR SALE. House and lot Craven street, nearly opposite Court House, Apply on premises to Miss A. B. Gutlirie, '' 1 Graven street. WANTED, a few energetic ladies and gentlemen lo canvass on guaranteed salary of $40 per month. Call or address W. C. Bost, Davidson, N. O. FUR pleasant rooms, or flretclasa table board apply at Mrs. Datl's, Pollock St. HAVING just received one thousand samples of the very best foreign and do mestic woolens. I nin prepared to make S'lits to Order as reasonable as can lie hid anywhere everything being equal. Will guarantee satisfaction or refund your money. R. Sawyer, Fashionable Tailor, 63 South Front Street. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS). Munyon. Barfoot Here is a list. O. Marks Co. Wall paper. C. II. Messick Norton yams. Hyman Supply Co. Sunlight. F. M. Chadwick It's only folly. Hackburn "A feast for the gods." II. B. Duffy Feeling people's pulse. M. DeW. Stevenson Lost certificate. Sam K. Eaton Old man in new place. A. Jt. Cmhrie House and lot for sale. OF LOCAL INTEREST. Oysters served in every style, at McSorley's, at all hours. For Cloaks, Capes and One cloth inp pee J. J. Baxter. The fiuest and largest line of studs you have ever seen at Baxter the Jeweler's. The schooner Brevard, from Van demere, with oysters for G. N. lyes & Son, arrived yesterday. The maximum temperature as ob served by the Government Weather and Crop bureau yesterday, was 77.0 degrees. The Hev. R. C. Beaman, P. E. of the Wilmington District will preach this morning at 11 a. m, at the Cen tenary Church, 1 here were sales of cotton in the local market yesterday at 5 00 lo f.l.". About one hundred bale of cotton were sold. Sam liadclifTe can be found at McSorley'sj where he will be glad to servo his friends with oysters in the best styles. Regular Council of Chattawka Tribe No. 14 C. O. R. M. On 8th Sleep Bearer moon at 7th run, 20th Breath Setting of the Sun. A slight fire in the kitchen flue of Mr. R. A. Richardson's house on Pollock street, yesterday, was ex tinguished by Mr. Richardson, and no Ore alarm was turned in. Kvaneelist Vaugban, of Ashe ville, N. 0, will lecture on Temper ance, in the Court House tomorrow night at 8 p. m. Ladies are invited to attend. There will be no ad m'ssion charged, nor collection taken up. Tho lecture is free. Hat Ya LsMs Baalf The city authorities have tied op, awaiting an owner, a log boat, 25; feet, 7 inches long, 5 feet, 3 Inches beam, made of three pieces. The boat it sharp at both ends, is paint ed white, has two masts, with tails for tame. This boat wat taken from colored boy named ' 0. J. Nelson, who claimed he bought the boat at Berk ley, V, bat a he baa already. served a term for boat stealing, hie possession ot this boat was regarded .as sufficiently auspicious to warrant the city authorities to take it, and hold it for , its ; possible rightful owner. : : . ''(..' - ;'' All Hsit Umppr. '." The settlement of the horse, mule and boggy mix up, caused by the colored man Best, which has been published, was cleared up yesterday, by the arrival of the owner of the horse and buggy, from Williamston, the owner of the mule from Wash ington, and the purchaser of the buggy from near this city. The horse and buggy were (aken while the owner was enjoying the circus at Williamston, by Best, who drove to Washington, traded the horse for a mule and $3 50, and then name here where he disposed of his outfit. ' Upon searching Best before he was locked up, 13.10 was found, and six dollars of this was returned to the man who bought the mule, and two dollars to the purchaser of the buggy, the colored Washington man getting bis mule, and the William ston man his horse and buggy. Beet will probably be taken to Williamston for trial. PERSONAL. Hr. Robert Burkbead of Raleigh, is in the city. Mies Mabel Chadwick left last night for her home at Bean fort. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Pearsall re turned last night from Trenton. Mr, L. C. Richardson of Durham, arrived last night to spend a few days in the city with relatives and friends. ' ' Mrs. E- K. Bryan, Jr., and. chil dren, left on the Wilmington train yesterday morning to visit at bliar lotte. Messrs. Paul and Ojcar Daniels, StepheiiYTingle, Stonewall; II. II. Perry, Oliver Perry, were in the city, yesterday, Rev. R, 0. Beaman came ever from Wilmington yesterday after noon. Will Cultivate Tabaeen. Mr. Frank Gorliam, who lives at Rocky Mount, was in the city, yes terday, on his return home from Croatan, where he has been looking at the land which ho expects to oc cupy, and upon which he will culti vate tobacco. Mr. Gorham is familiar with to bacco raising and will no doubt proye a valuable acquisition to this section, and there will be several others whom he will bring with him who arc tobacco growers. Error tm Br perl. In the report of the Council Pio ceedings, published in Saturday's Journal, the matter in regard to Mayor Ellis' report on fhe pump in front of J. J. Tolson's store on Broad street, was incorrect, as the Mayor was wrongly reported, the error being due to the clerk's misunderstanding the matter. Rhlpplaaj Holea. Arrived, the schooner J. U. Mc Nougbton, Capt. Garwood, with 200 tons of coal for E. B. Ellis. After discharging her coal cargo, the Mc Naughton will lake a cargo of lum ber at the Pine Lumber Company's mill. Cleared, the schooners, Grace G. Bennett, Capt. Egger, with lumber an1 shingles, for Washington, D. 0. and Jas. II. Hargrave, Capt. Con erly, with lumber, for Baltimore. OABTOllIA. Urn vrttsts. Maar Thanhs, Editor Journal: Please allow me space through the columns of your paper to return grateful thanks to tho white gentle men of New Berne who in a small generous way contributed in cash and promises 113.25 toward the Mock marriage entertainment of St. Peter's Sabbath school. About forty dollars cross was raised. Isaac II. Smith, Mog'r. Caarl at Jaeheanvllla. The Fall term ot the Superior Court of Onslow county, will open tomorrow, Monday, November 8th, at Jacksonville. Judge 0. H.Allen, of Kinston, will preside. Backtoa't Aralaa aire a. Tat Bitn Palvs'd the woiWHir Cuts Brutars, Hons, Ukvn,rall Khaum. Fever Horrt, Tatier, Chapped Uaads, CbilbU.os, Coma, and all tfklo Eruptions, aait posit Ively cant Piles or do pay rtqolrcd. . It Is laaraolstd to Rive perlurt satisfaction or mosey rrfooo'ed. I'rics IS cealt per boi. renew tj r, b. imdj. riaa raala Paltara. All wool caatlmtrt and worsteds at 30c. ?5o. 91.S9 op to SX0 per yard oa sals this Week. Bakvoot's. ' AT TUB OAKS. TkaBkaclvlB !' Blejrel Hccs Uadar CUT Colon la a s Uraaa A drive to the Oaks track Thanks giving Day o witness, the great bicycle meet under the city colors, (black and red) will be a popular and enjoyable pastime ou that day. The. racing, the Journal is in formed, will be of unusual interest, and the riders of the silent steed of this city, and vicinity will drive their machines to win. The "Oaks," will be made attrao tivo on Thanksgiving Day for the throng of : visitors which , wilt no donbt take advantage of this occa sioo', for A visit . to that riopnlar grove. The grand stand . wijl be repaired so as - to comfortably accommodate the crowds, and while the track is already in' fine condi tion, more attention will be gieu it by the management to make it per feet for, the riders so that good racing and fast time will te made. a farmer hoys hack. JNever before has there been a race meet in this city, , when a special race was set for the ''farmer boys" who ride wheels quite extensively and on tho traok.Tbanksgiviug Day they- will show' the spectators that they are not lost in the art of hand ling the machine scientifically. This race will be open to the surrounding counties for wheelmen who live in the villagts and on the farms. No person who has ever won a set race in i meet on a wheel will be allowed to enter this race, as a fair showing to the novice riders of the country around is desired by the manage' ment. In thii race- suitable and appropriate prizes will be offered to riders finishing first, second, third and fourth. While the above race will bo feature of the meet, it is not the only one, for there will be races as fol lows: Novico l mile, open. Half mile, open, Boys race Once round tho track Business Men's race Once around the track. Handsome prizes will be put np for these races and will be announced in the Journal in due time. The business ineu's race will be rnn on certain condition, and will be open to city business men ojly. Every rider who has won a prize, or its equivalent in a bicycle race before, is ineligible ' Already some handsome, prizes have been received by express for these races, one especially which was shown the Editor of the Jour nal, is the handsomest of it char acter seen in New Berne. With good weather Thanksgiving Day will witness a great meet and an enthusiastic crowd at the Oaks traok. Mervlera Taalay. Christ Church Rev. T. M. N George, rector. Twenty tlrsc Sun day after Trinity. Service and Holy Communion ll a. m. Even ing service 7 30. Sunday School a the church 4 p. m. and at All Saint Chapel 9.30 a. m. The public are cordially invited to attend. Centenary M. E. Church, South Re. F. A. Biehop, pastor. Preach ing at ll a. m. and 7.30 . nl', Morning sermon followed'by com munion. Prayer meetiug U.30 a.m. Sunday School 3 p. m. Strangors cordially invited. Polite ushon in attendance. Tabernacle Baptist Chorch Eld er U. U. Mashburn, pastor. Morn irjg worship ll o'clock. Evening worship 7:30 proceeded by long ser vice. Sunday School 9:30 a. m. All persons cordially invited to attend. ' If any man will do im, lie thafj know of the doctrine, whether it be of Ood." John 7: 17. j Middle Stnet Baptist Church-! Samuel J, Pol .tor, pastor. Preach ing at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. in. Suo day School at 3 p. In. ' Ibu public are invited to all services. Church ef Christ Preaching at 11a. in. and 7.30 p. J, in. ' Buuduy School tt 3 p. in. I Em. leaf or meet ing at 6.30 p. m. Alt cordially fr vited. '."'it. ;- LadlM UMiir;, This week wt are rfa.iwliig a very nice collection of Ladles Wd Chlldrcus Hcr, prices ranging from 0, 8, 10,19, too. a pair. ; ;. ;" UAaroot's. ' BIO TURTLES. They A r aa die Taalay aa la 189. la. teraaitaar "lataaa the'ttabjeeb Fri m "Carolina Centinel", . New Bern, N. 0.; May Sotii, 1822: t,We give belosif xtract !of letter to the Editors of the Centinel, dated Beaufort, N.C, May 22nd, 1823: "A turtle of a very uncommon kind, wat caught last week, by the whale and porpoise men, in one of their shark nets. It is 7 feet' 4 inches In length, and from the end of one fin to the end of the other, jo width is 9 feet, and a feebi inches through ; the . body. The? back ie black, which with bis Bides, are in 8 squares; the under part is black and whitet and the bill resembles that of a bawk. He died shortly after he was taken, and the skeleton is pre served.'' .. '' -'v. .".'- It will be remembered that some month ago' a very large' turtle of the Leather Back species wat caught by the fishermen in the ocearj near Morehead and tent to Raleigh, for the State .Museum. .M.r II. U. Brimley, the Curator, now informs me it measures as follows: Extreme length 8 feet, (about) unmounted It feet now, breadth from end. to end of fore floppers about 8 feet.; ' No actually exact measurement' being taken. ? Depth 17 inches, mounted and dried, pfob tbly more when fresh, weight about 781 pounds. ' It it exceedingly fortunate that North Carolina Dow has a taxider mist in the . muEenm. such as Mr. Herbert II. Brimley, and we learn thac the museum is not surpassed by any other state v museum, - ex cept ' perhaps, Massachusetts in the United . States. lie . can and will preserve such speoiment at ... . these huge . Turtles as well aa all kinds of1 fish, from a minnow to a whale, from a mole to a bear, .and all kinds of birds, from a humming bird to an eagle,' if placed within his reach. 71 ho turtle he has re cently mounted has a homo, at pres ent, in a prettily made oak and glass case, and appears exactly as it would, if it were resting on the Bur face of the water with its out spread flippers. It must ever attract much attention from the thousands of vis itors yearly to the museum. We were once giving a description of the turtle of 182.2, to a distinguished citizen, and it seemed so improbable to hio., be raised his hat, drew a long breath and said, well, well, well-now let Governor. Jarvis visit the museum and see Jor himself, Taxidermy, until recently, was not classed amoug the Arts, but within a comparatively short period it has made wonderful itrides, and today it is entitled to be ranked with the higher order of tkillful handicraft. As has beea said, surely if the indi vidual who triet to imitate' nature on can vat, or he that carves the outline of tome natural object from a block of ttone, it accorded the well earned title of a legitimate ar tist, what of the student who col lects the remnants of some animal, ofttimet badly mutilated, or in the lastttaget of decay, and manipu lates it into the exact form, and approximates nearly the life like appearance that it possessed before death. . If he does not stand at the bead of the close as a naturalistic reccreator, certainly he is entitled t divide the bonon and respect that it meted to to deserving a claw of students at paintert and sculptort. Taxidermy, it is kuowu, unlike other artt, it entirely of modern in vention, A distinguished taxiderm ist ttatet. iu thiscountry we have no authentic occurrence before the year 1812, when the distinguished natu ralist, Prince Maxmillioo of Gar many, wat travelling through the United Statet collecting aud mount ing objecti of natural history. Many ot thete specimen! being to day in the American Museum, Until then the art in this country was very uttio known ana exnortiitant sums were paid to those who possessed the secret! of being able to mount a bird, for a course of lessons. Soon followed tho Prince tuoh .'pioneers it Audubon, Wilson, Princt Ihnaptrte aud more recently Prof. BulrJ, Dr. Cones, RiJgeway and others labor ing in the cause of natnral history. Such wat the beginning of thit Art and now we have a taxiderinltt seoond to none in thit country or any other. We have the exquisite work of the deft finders of Miss D iffy of New Berne to prove it, and we have the ' admirahl tpeo'nient of Mr. Brimley at Rtlelgh to thow the pnhlia i hat they are equal to any of similar kind that could be produced elsewhere, Yx, th ty are artiits.they are naturalists and it is surprising to see gentleman ot Mr. Brimley 'i CAHTOniA, W fta- Mal l. li x acMuus . f intellienoe.and one to well eqnipped and to well qualified in every parti cular for the place he holds in the State Museum, should have been retained In this day of pie hnnting and Incompetency in office. .W. rallerapeelalllaa,.' - From the Asheville, N. C, Cili ten of Nov 2nd. .w, McFee't Matrimonial Bnreau" wat operated - at the Grand, . opera b'ouse laBt night, and the piece gen Orally was an improvement oyer its last production here. Tne leading parts of MoFee and Maguire were in the hands of J. E. "Gibson and Billy Allen, and they proved one of the funniest sketch teams that has, ap peared in aroe hereA Thoy were recalled . again' and again, Allen gave a pantomimic stump speech, with all the gesture of earnestness, pleading and. denunciation,! and, at the close brought down' the house with the ouly words n tiered during the turn, ''MoKinley's latett speech " Chelto Peruciii wasamong"old friends and tljey gave the clever little aor'oj botic comedian a warm welcome. The dances of the two Magnets were ooncert hallish and yet splendidly done. The farce wat full of special ties, and the afldience was not slow in showing tbt it enjoyed the-per-formance.": ' - . Reserved seats ou sale at Waters, Tuesday morning. ...-'i jail is mix. Tnlrljr Prlaaaers at tiiaaioa AITrfS- Ion I'sarl. isoraal lvH Plral Mews. Kc. Peiree Will Rrmala. Kinston," Nov. C. The county j-s.il at Kinston is full of prisoners. There are about thirty in jail; half of them aio awaiting trial at the Fall term of court, which convenes here on , November . 15, Judge Oliver 11., Allen Vill preside. Tube- Boose a Justice of the Peace of Falling creek, is in j til at Kinston. lie was tried before the United States court at New Berne for aiding; moonshiners and ten tonced to tnree months in the oounty jail. House was elected Justice of the Peace last fall by the Populist and Republican parties. ; s 'The following lawyeis are attend ing court at Trenton: ' N. J. House, Crisp Wooten, 11. E. Shaw and W, D. Pollock. Y .'; The people of Kinston wero very much turprired when they read of the death of Henry Geurge. . The New Berne Jocrsal was the firs newspaper to reach, Kinston which contained the sad news, v 't, :' .. The Christian church decuM not to accept the resignation of llev'. D. n. Potree. Mr. l'etree bat many friends in Kinston who are glad to know that be will continue to preach henvv- '.'- Mrs J. M. Mewborne wlit has been visiting, her daughter at Apex, returned last lnnrtday, XOST! Certlllcate No. 1230, for Four Shares Capital Stock, Alantic 4 North Carolina Railroad Company. Application will be made for certiHcate for same, ' M. PtW. 8TEVEN80S, Nov. 6lh, 1887. WALL PAPERS. - ' , We have just received over - ' ONE TUOU3AND ROLLS OF WALL PAPEU, all, new nice ptpen of thit season's pat terns and. the prioes are at low at similar goods can be bought any where else. We can fit any. most any combination of ool ors, yo.i may wish, both In Hldo Wall, Celling ' and IXorderx. Prices ol Paper being as low as 7 1.2 Cents per roll. Novrnibfr 7. plfiii j Bogert& Gallett, Condray't, 1 Lnbin't Pozzoni's, Tetlow's i and llnnter't & I . t ALWAYS IN STOCK. I 1 Davis Pharmacy, ' 1 f Phone 5ft. Cor. Brod A Middle SU. f SORB THROAT, In a letter lo. ted, Deo. WMJ 189. eorj;e "A. J Blanchard, ' Washington, Ga- ii wr.its 'yHr. thronr. has; keen I In the hahft vt . A, :, fo. 8 t K ' M f . v- i medical nuiom s. me any good II was to iituo i ora hnnwr it Till HUH BffO mV wife WaS idown alck two months, tried two doc- tors; but the case w as a stuDnor n one i female trouble. I found in Te-ru-na not only a good, safe remedy for sore ihroal, but one for weakness aud nervous pros tration, I juit the doctors an. chased a bottlerPe-ru oa, and l three days after my wife got up and h; has been goinR ever since, aud I have not been bothered with that had sore throat. It used to last at least 15 or 20 day 8lnce we have used your ' medicine my wife has not lost a single : d.ty. . and she hat gained over fifty pounds." . In a later letter. JutV 2M. 1807. Mr. Blanchard writes: : "All of the sickness we have in the family .is when wc rannot get Pe-ru-na -We peonlq in Hie Smith think Pe-ru-na is a Ood art bhwini!. I recommend Pe-ru-na lo f:1i-nil of nunc thai bad asthma and'' one bottle cured them.. Whenever Pe.ru-na is used-it aneaka for itself." Dr. llartman. Uie oriciralcompotlnder of Pe-ru-na, has a recent book on chron ic catarrh which will be sent free by The Pe-ru-na Drug M'f g Company, Colum bus, O. - Ask your druggist for a free Pe-ru-na Almanac for laa, There's more than piirno most direct Feeling' Eeople IlMse books,;... That's how tlii store guts close to the people, Touches their Purses Lightly. i Take Hen's Cloth i np here's cvidai-.ee. " ? '" -' .' ...' . . . . A":-'-. ' ' . .' . ';-'' Ik .' ,.A Sightly Cafsiinere Suit, in mixtures. Good for general ware at T Black Clay S'.iits, iq-iaro or tf. ' ' " N" - I on ml cut Thew alwiyt $5.00. ': ' ready for Hett Wear at . ) Prices Always Low, und J Often Lower than Elsewhere. ' v H. B. Here is OF SPECIAL VALUES That we have nt on sale for onrfiends and pa'rotis who " - will vist our store. this week. LOW PRICES for HIGH QUALITY lias made our Immensi lliisines. he nop, wa are better pr. . : "pared than ever to offer these SLEDGE-IIAMMIt 11$. DUOTIONS. 2,600 yards Domestics this week, 3 Jo yard . 6 Cases Men's Solid Leather Shoes', worth 1.60 at 80o pair. 95 Drzen Uandkeichiefs, this week at lc each. Novelty Dress Good, regular price 25. onr prioe 18.1 yard. ; Men's All 'Wool lilac k Cheviot Suits, worth Id 50, enr tpucial price, M CO. ' 500 Ladies Fine Fur Felt Wa'kine Ilals. worth, and are told by other Milliners at $1.00 each, onr price thit wetk, 48o. . ECONOMY Opp. P. o. Div (ilk 0. A. BARFOOT, Minaer. We are ofFering the LARGEST and HAND ... :." ' " SOMEST Line of '. Alt JUL DRESS GOODS ! " i i .'.-. - In Latest Novelties, and Plain , . ' .'. Goods at - D. F. JARVIS, r,-' SURE" CKOUP . CURE. When your baby whoops In mid dle of night Croup Is impending give the child a doso of Anway'b 1 Cl CkoOP Sybbp and the little fellow u well and laugning in nve nnuuies, ksmaBKARLB and harmless, but true, l will reiuna me money, I At ' '." - - Bradham's v, . Reliable Drug Store. THE PATROL" Air Tight . Wood Heaters. EWEST and IJEHT. www aW. ' ' i.;y -.,' .'-,,''..,, Hade in 4 sizes. " See P: M. Draney, 00 South front St.. NEW BERNE, N. C. s o-io way of feeling peop't-V). way through ihfir pocket' C - enough . . , Duffy. a List ! IS WEALTH. Opp. 1. o. Fresh Additions t'tmslanlly be Ids 'nude lo Mock f LiJIrj COATS tod CAPES. V. r 1 .c.

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