wot VOL. XVI NO. 112. NEW BERNE, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 9, 1897. LSTAULISIIEI) 18112 V CAST BE PBEPABEU FROM ouit stock or Choice Family Groceries. Every Ingredient that is Needed for Your ... THANKSGIVING . . . PJLUM PUDDING, MINCE PIE, or RICH FRUIT CAKE, Pure Spices, Citron, Orange and Lemon Feel, California Raisins, New Currants, Dates, Figs, Nuts . of all kinds, Tlavoring Exracts. ill era AT Ifa.Only Folly In buy clothing that ha no char acter r individuality about it, that it turned out by machinery, when we will nuke you a line custom suit or over coat, when you select your fabrio from the latest weaves, colon and stylos, nnd we make It perfect In Htr ttniih and ityle at lucb a reasonable price. , F. H. CHADWICK, Xerchaat Tailor 101 MlDDI.1 Btkekt. A Helper XeeIHl , t ' If you wlili to rule safely over and ' . overcome the dilllcullies that Are , , , before jou. Then yon need our assistance In Vie way of Low Priori on Hardware House Furnishing Ooodi, Ac. We iuvlte you to all and ccmpars our prices. Our Celebrated Heaters at 18 80, 3.00. tS.50 an I 1100 are unexcelled. Our Cook Biovcs Complete at $8.fW. 1C0, .00snd 10 03 sre bsrg iins and will please you. Yours, J. C. IVhitty co. CertlucaUi No. WM, for Four Shares Capital Block, Alantlc A North Carolina lUilroad Company. Application will be nuide for certificate for same, M. DkW. BTEVKNSO.N. .-v Bib, i mm CUL, Foulds' Wheat Germ Meal, Attmore's Mince Meat, Hecker's Buckwheat, eADTIH FOX RIVER .PRINT . BUTTER, Just Received. ...'',.. 4 -ATr- Ml IIS. 65 Pollock St., NEW BERNE, IT. C. Kill IT. The Senate Seat of Gorman Has Man? Applicants. Pension List Shows an Increase Gjod Recommendations to Pub lish Names and Stint off Frands. Seal Questions. Uanna Has Sore Thing Journal Bureau, Washington, D. G, November 8. i Washington is likely to Bee miicli of t'te wire pulling that will be done by the republicans who would like to succeed Senator Gorman, as at least three of the gentlemen spend practically all their lima at the National Capital. Those who would like to be Senators from Maryland are Postmaster General Uiiry, Judge McComas, of llio Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, and Repre sentative Mudd. Governor Lowndes, who is also credited with a desire to sit in the Senate, likewise spends considera ble time in Washington, being a member of the famous Metropolitan Club. One of these gentlemen has formally an nounced himself to be a candidate for the Senate, but they are each being pushed for the position, by friends, and there are others who would not object to the plum. Commissioner of Pensions Evans, not only fails to predict, as Ins predecessors in that office did, un early decrease in the number of pensions paid by this gov ernment, but calls attention to the fail ure of such predictions. At the close of the fiscal year, June 30, there were 976,014 pensioners on the rolls, a net in crease in a year of 5,338. The annual repoit of the Uommisssoner doesn't say so, but all Hie same, it is reasonably cer tain that the net increase of pensioners for the current fiscal year will be much larger than during the. last fiscal year, owing to the change of policy in the conduct of the pension bureau, which now gives preference to applications for original pensions. The Commissioner makes two recommendations, which seem to be in line with everyday busi ness sense. First, that a complete list of the names and addresses of pensioners I be published, and second, that Congress make it illegal for the widon-sof veterans of the late war who marry lifter this time to draw pensions. The last is intended to break up the demoralizing pructice, the extent of which is extraordinary, of women marrying the old soldiers when they are ou their death-beds, solely for the purpose of drawing a widow's pen sion. Under existing laws, pensions cannot be denied to these women, even wheu Ibey are known to be disreputa ble. The treaty between the I". S., Japan Russia, by which it is agreed that the killing of seals in open sea in Retiring Sea and the north Pacific Ocean shall lie temporarily suspended, having been signed by the Itepreseutatives of the several governments, the work of the first sealing conference is closed, mid this week, the second conference, between the U. 8.. Great Britain and Canada, will meet. Interest has been increased in this conference by the intimation that the Canadian officials intend to try to nego tiate a treaty which will include some sort of commercial reciprocity between the U. S. and Canada. If President McKinicy and other prom inent Ohio Republicans in Washington take any stock in the numerous stories appearing In print, alleging the existence of serious doubt of the election of Senator Ilanna by the Ohio legislature, Ihcy hide it well, for to a man they insist that Senator Hanna's election is assured. Special to Journal. Nkw Yokk, November 8th The trial of Martin Thome for the (Juldensappe murder began at Long Island city today. Old Man in New Place. You can find me In Gaskill's Drug "Store for a few daya. I have the best selected and largest stock of EVER BROUGHT TO THE OITY. 1 , CALL AND SEE ME. SAM. K. EATOtf, 05 Middle St., Opposite Baptist Church, Hamilton, N. C, Sept. 8,1897. Dr.F.S. Dully, New Berne, N. Q. Dear Sin-Enclosed find twenty six cents, for which kindly send by mail 1 box Dufly's Itch Ointment, the only dandruff cure. Very respect., G. W. MET7B0RN. . lnrant Hast Ilnua. Special to Journal. Washington, November 8. The Uni ted States Supreme Court has decided that Theodore Durant must hang for the murder of Blanche Laraont at San Fran- WreckMR-e fl" North t'arollnn. New York, Nov, 6. An immense amount of wreckage is adrift off the Nortb Carolina Coast, according to a re port made by Captain Robinson, of the Clyde Line steamship George W. Clyde. The wreckage included a vessel's hatches, parts of deck houses, a number of large timbers and an improvised raft. Widows titling; to Klondike, New York, November 7 More than 5,000 men and women went to the East river today to inspect the steamer City of Columbia and some of the adventurous passengers and queer out tits she is to carry around the Horn and up to the gold fields of Alaska before that region thaws out in the spring. Mrs. Hannah S. Gould, a sprightly widow, who as she says, is going to carry a band of -'sixty widows and bachelor maidens" to the Klondike, was on deck narly all day receiving visitors and as sisting Captain Baker and Edward C. Machcn in explaining the details of the proposed voyage of nearly 20,000 miles. The Columbia which is to leave this port December 1, will carry about 400 passengers, nearly all from New York. She is a 2,000-ton s'eamship and was formerly of the Old Dominion Line. I.ntral Jim ltrm. The outcome of the recent Middleton election confirms the belief that Liberal ism in England is in the ascendant. Tuere bus been a big decrease in the number of the yellow fever cases in New Orleans. Few places are now quaran tined against New Orleans and there has been a general revival of business. Chinese coal miners are to lake the places of Americans in the Northern Illinois district. An attempt will be made to break the etrikc that exists, and 800 skilled Celestials have been picked for the work. They will all bear arms, will live inside the gatling-guu-cquipped stockade and will lie guarded by 100 Chicago ex-policemen. Marine fire-bugs have recently started incendiary fires in the holds at Charles ton, S. C, of three European outgoing steamships, loaded with over 100,000 bales of cotton, and the City Council has increased the reward for arrest to $15,000. Indications now are that the aggressive fight between the American Sugar lielin ingj Company and the Arbuckles, who have long controlled the coffee trade, will be continued with icnewed vigor. A prolonged fight between these powerful interests must redound to the benefit of the consumer, as it means lower prices for both refined sugars nnd coffej iu the lomestic trade, which they respectively control. 4'oiion I etter. New York, Friday, Nov. 5, 1807. Dkar SIR: The market reached the lowest prices touched this season, this morning, January delivery sold at 5.71 which is within per pound of the lowest readied in 1894 wheu stocks of the world were 800,000 bales more than at present. It may be said we have al ready passed the point that conservative operators consider it prudent to follow the short side and yet the markets still labors under precisely the same conditions which have led to trie continuous decline since the season opened. Trade is back ward aud uncertain consequently mills feel Justified in pursuing the policy of buying only moderately. The crop la large beyond all question so that speculation on a broad scale has been Blow to develop. The planter mean while markets his crop with the usual freedom and to make sales is contiuually forced to make concessions. How long is this thing to go on ? No one denies that prices are very low and most people admit thut they are already below the cost of production. Rasing their calcula tions of this one part namely, that cotton canuol be raised for 5c per pound, strong parties have already entered the market and will buy further as the market de clines. If there Is to be substantial sup port given it evidently must come from investment buying, Ws don't mean pur chases made on $1.00 per bale margin but purchases by those prepared to protect their holdings and buy more if the price declines. But we must nave some substantial support if present values are to ne. Yours truly, Eob't. Moori & Co., TJM nUBESTB. Yesterday's market quotations furnish' ed by W. A. Portcrfield & Co. Commission Brokers. . Niw Yoac, November, 8. STOCKS. 0( en. nigh. Low. Close Chicago Gas..... 05 95 88 S4, C. R. A Q, tH Mi 80 81 ; COTTON. - ' Open. High. Low. Clou January.. I.8D 6.70 5.64 8 81 . CHICAGO MARKETS. Whsat Open. Hlgb. Low. Close Deo .. ...... 88-82 k88J 82 . 82 Cobn Deo.... ..... Ill M 83 .86 Cotton Bales 171,000 Bales. OABTOniA. 1 N t m mm. Rifeoii Decides Carteret Oyster Claims Mast lis Paifl. Bonds Good Property. Wants to Meet I)r. Kilgo. Whiskey For Chilled Convicts. Evange list Leo Stirring Up Kalelgh. Journal Buhkac Raleigh, N, C, November 8. ) The city bonds for $50,000 for the street improvements were bid in by Estu Brook & Co, of Boston for 10!) and a fraction. Tbese bonds will be delivered this week. It is said that they are being disposed of to parties north for 112 and llSJand they may go to 115. About $5,000 iu premiums will be netted by the city. It is said that a man from Salisbury will soon write a book showing the cruelty of the guards to the prisoners in the penitentiary. If such is the case the public ought to know the truth of it. Today at Salisbury Judge, Coble hear the cose of Chairman Wilson as to bis right to hold the position on the R. It. Commission. The people are anxious to know whether lie, as well us, Mr. S. Ofjo Wilson will be denied the righl of trial by Jury. President Abernatliy of Rutherford College says lie would like to meet Dr. Kilgo president of Trinity College in debate on the question of education. lie considers Dr. Kilgo a dangerous man. The Post ottlee Inspector has caught up with the person who has been rob bing the mails in a Star route down in Bertie couuty. It was a negro who was assistant postmaster at Williauiston. ll plead guilty aud will be tried here before the United States court on December 7. "The North Carolina Presbyterian" has been bought by a stock company ami will hereafter be published in Charlotte. "The Lives of Distinguished North Carnhuians" is the title of u new hook just out. It is edited and compiled by VV. J. Peele of Raleigh. The Supreme court has reached the 7lh District aud appeals from that district will be called tomorrow. The North Carolina Routing Exposition Car is to be called "The City of Char lotte." It is 71 ft, 0 inches in length, and is divided into two divisions, tlie exluhi tion room and the living room. The ex terior nnd interior is in white and gold. It is to reach here today, and the exhibits will be put in from the State museum. There has been noted the large quanlit) f whiskey purchased by the pcuilciitiirt authorities. They now state that il was bought io give convicts v ho were down on the Roanoke, It was mixed with uiuine nnd given to prevent chills. It is said that inonnzite mining lias about ceased in this Stale. That monazitc brought here from Brazil us ballast has about flooded the market. Evangelist Lee has begun a heavy light against saloon keepers here. He is con ducting a series of meetings here and proposes to show up this town. Secretary of Stuto Thompson has issued a charter to the Dunn anil i.illiugton Telephone company. Judge Robinson heard the cluims of lb Carteret oyster case iu Chambers here, and decides thut the Auditor must issue the warrant for the payment of Ibem. Col. W. H. 8. Btirgwync is urging that Gen. Clingnmn be finally buried at Ashe- ville. Rev. Dr. Strange of Wilmington has decided to decline the call to Norfolk, and will remain iu this State. Dr. George W. Blacknall is very ill at bis borne here. A rich bed of phosphate is discovered on the penitentiary land at Castle Hiiync. There are phosphate neKsits in 0 coun ties. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. TW fu ll all. b m ttsutan TO THE LADIES. Ws will sell for the next 6 days only this full siae Solid Oak or Mahogany Finished Full Leather Uobler Beat Rock er, No. 850, worth 91.80 at 13.00, only at our New Btore, 78 Middle Direct, next to Geo. Slover't Uardwars Htora, All orders by mail will receive our vrj prompt attention. Yours for quick salsa and low prices. T. J. TURNER FURNITURE CO. i NEW BERNE, N, 0.'. l Fresh Q AND BIG HOMINY ! Loose Muscatel Raisins, lineal, quality, only 10 cent per pound. Seeded Raisins, 13 cents per pound package. Currants and Citron. Dried Apples and Peaches. Evaporated Apples and Apricots, Imported Macaroni and Cream Cheese. Oitpu Cod Cranberries. The Finest Stock of Canned Hoods iu tin- city. All l'nsii and Standard fluidity. The Finest I'm lies you ever 6aw. Attmore's Celebrated Mince Meat. Hanicl & Mil 71 llroiul SI., NEW ISEItXE, X. i Your Doctor ? Fights I Vw,ii with liH'.liciiic. If the m.'ilicine is mil riht lie cm not ronijuiT tli-ifu-ii. If 1 lit ilniiTiiist. din's In ihitv the eluimv ton. of whiiiin the vie- You run help your doctor hv hnviii:; vour pivsrript ion lillnl ;il Bradhnm's Relit-ibl; Dtu; 5l rj- The lilt. u "SUNLIGHT." r-. y T o N3. 2S0. The iilifflii" Company IS WORKING UNDER ITS OWN PATENTS AND IS NO INFRINGEMENT. . : . What the Philadelphia Timet says i "The 'Sunlight' Lamp is said to lie en lirely supeiior to Hie Welbachs Light lu ll gives more natural color to o eels, and docs not create Hip ghastly app 'ar ance that tlie Wclslmcli l.ntht doe.. U furthermore worthy of note that the 'rMinlight (s Lamp Mantle win last twice a long as uny oilier and that it will increase the light at one half the cost for gss. Tlie ''Sunlight" Light is brilliant mellow, and gives all objects ia their natural color, resting instead of straining the eye Order the "SUNLIGHT." Beware of Imitations, . . Sold by . . 2TYMAN SUPPLY CO. NEW BERNE, N. C. m pi- 1 '!' . I II. HI)' 7 rite Wholesale & Ketail fiiroeerx, New Berne ....Theatre ! J Tuesday, Nov. 9, 1897. -McFEE'S- S:ijMa.riinonial Bureau ! The (Jrcatest Coined j Kver Produced. INTUohlVIN; - i;o 20 m:: 20 o S, lreted l ioin ihr ivni Id's most Null d Mimics. See llieiu in their Dainty Dances, Com ical Situation- ami l!i liiicd Specialties. Hear 1 1 1 1 1 1 in iheir Sweet Singing, Original .lokes anil Diverting Dialogues. ticni'ial Admission ,Mv. Reserved Seals Mr, ( 'allt-ry 2-"ic. 2V I FOR Sealed PINK BAND Package. NewYork. Bon-Bons and Chocolates, Made Onlj Kjr TEWEY COJII'AXY, FOK SALE II V Cal4 Sam IS. Wafers, SOLE AUEST, 105 Middle Street. High Up Above Everything iu I he confectionery line vou will find the purity and ipuilily of our high irrade candies. Our delicious chocolates. caramels, marshmallows, nut candies, French lion-lions, almonds ami taffy can't be excelled for exquisite Haver, consistency or quality. C .1. JleSorlej A Co. A BUTCHER - . . That Knows Ills Business never takes advantage of the Inexne- rleooe of new housekeepers by (Wins; " I mem poor cum or ngni weight. Ws treat all our patrons honorably and in the same courteous manner, and cut them the best ot the kind that they ask for and when we do that you oonld'nt And better for love or money. JOHN WAR REN, Con. South Front and Middlb Bts,, Neat door to K. R. Jones.