KtrTiTTTnTiiii ii i ii mmi Hti ti 1 1 tt itiitt mi 1 1 mttniti rKWi i m tn'tuf n m tvViTTrvrn. g .1 AVegetablePrcparalionfor As similating iheFoodandRegula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes'Digestiort.CheerfuI ncss and Rest.Contains neither Opium.Morpuirie norMiacrat. Not Narcotic. . tHafufOUlllrSMCnJVWH Fkmpk'i Sal JhcJennm : . . ImtStcd t yiwwnwf : WOrlHMkSti -, ksafcpraaavJam: A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach n'nrilKea, Worms .Convulsioiiu".; cverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP, facsimile Signature of : . NEW YORK. r"- me tXACTCOPVOF WRAPPER. 1 So-o.tla.exn - IRail-wa- Schedule E2nctivo May a, 1897. : v This condensed Schedule is published as information only and u tutbjeot to change without notice to the pnblic. UREENSBOUO, ItALEIUIl. no. 'a.- I'ixeil ' Daily . Sc. :e. Dally. No an. Dally. Eastern i sua m t SO a in SSI am S 10 am 8 Waul Ui. a in 4J n ui 3flam 9 40 a m 9 47 a iii 10 (lain ill iim luaiaui 10 52 am In Hi a in 11 in a in II 41 a in li 10 p in 1 4U p HI IX tup lb I Ml p ui 1 OOpr 7 1 : i 1 i:j 1 17 o hi 1 4p lu 9 O'i v in i St) p in i 48 p 111 IU)i 111 UieaiiBboro UlbHOiivllle .luu College llurllngton (Iratmtn Haw utvor Atubune Ituiaiioro University Durham Morrlsvllle cary ttalclya S Is a m s as a in AO ii in 4 so u ui , 4 BO a in I H III a so a m - 0 ii a m U a ui J 10 a ui Mo. J. Ki Huu. no am 0 40 am Milam 11 M a m I.v Ralviga Aulmru Clayton Kelma II 09 pm li iSpm Ii 45 p in li so p in I SI p ni titpia 4 11pm I B p in i 1:! 4 v ii 1 1 llTp ui I 1 10 p ui I 1 40 p m Jforlola 4 iv p in a Mpw l'rlnueiou Joiuaboro No I. II and It narrr Pullman Sleenlun Cars Atlantic Coaat Line. Wiluingtox & New Berks II Ii., . ' TIUR TABLE NO. J, In Meet Sunday, August 1, 181)7, Daily ' Kxcept hunduy. Uolng Uoulli bcubdgle: Qoing North No. (II, Passenger Trains Ho. 60, Lv.' am, ' stations; Ar. p m, 9 20 New Uerne S20 0 53... .Pollocksville 4 44 10 09 llayiville 4 80 10 43.. Jacksonville 3 58 . 13 '40 .At. Wilmington, Lv. ... 2 00 F M " P It No. 81, Passenoe & Fbkioht, No. 80. Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day ami Friday. Leave New lieriie Tues day, Thursday aud Saturday. I.t. All ' Ar. P II 7 00 ...".Lv. Wilmington, Ar 8 33 '7 31 Davnieaii 3 50 781 Kirklaod.... 3 40 '743 ......... Scott's UiH 340 7 58 riuniatcad 811 8 05 cypress Lake 8 03 811 ... Annandale 165 8 18.... . .. Woodside 147 8 ii ...Edgecombe 1 80 .8 5) Hollyrldge, 117 ttOtt ... ...... Folkatono... 135S 910 Dixon...... 1342 1181..... Verona. ...... 18 85 9 59V..Ar. Jacksonville, LT.....13 05 1100 ....L. " , Ar..:..1085 1119.... .....Northcoat..... .....1000 1131 Wliltcftk 9 86 1164 Maysrllle .... .... 918 13 II ... .... lUvenawoud , 8 58 13 80 ........ r.illX!ksvllle.... .... 850 lifi.l Kbrulil'a 8M 180 Ar. New bVrne, Lv..,,.. 8 00 Daily tixocpl Sunday. rf. It, IV Cl. I, 1 , Uuneral'Munngcr. E. HODEV, MipL Transportation. Ka'Hnnn'i Ko. a I'urcka Camen it a simple Inurnment fur use will rlu'i pbiet. Makes pictures 3 4 x JH 1 an! has t pace In back (ol lhrr e double p1:tie holders. Sa(et) tliiitlrr. Fine achromatic lens. .00 W ,if fl-l,U llU H-Wt, . ,f,ft A t t mi fl,fWH DASTilAN KODAK CO. J- ...-r, N. V. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE op 13 OsT THE WRAPPER OF EVESY BCTTUL OF Cttrii h ps: rj ia one-elzg lottlw orlr, I Sis Lot told b balk. Don't allow anyone to mil you anything else en the ploa or promise that It 1 la tat as good" era "vil answer every pur- jposo. ' " Boe that yon got 0-A-8-T-0-B-U. ThtfW- - Inula SIX S1Tj9 lira ef ' wriyjsr. UOLDSBORO AND NORFOLK. Nil. 33. Dully. No. 15. Dully. NO. 11. Mixed. Dally. Tune. A i 11 G6 a in li i4a in II '10 a in II 10 a w II 1.1 a in 10 Ml a in 10 43 a in 10 -a a m 10 07 a in 60 am 0 18 a hi o oo a in S M a in 0 35 n in 0 ui p in b 50 ji in 5 50 p 111 5 45 p ill 5 38 p ui 5 i7 i in 1 07 p III 5 50 p in 4 38 p 111 4 07 p 111 it 58 p 111 3 40 p 111 6 55 a in v 15 a in 0 08 a m 5 55 a in 6 40 a ni 5 '25 a. in 6 05 a ni 4 80 a 111 8 55 a in 880 a in tx a in 2 '2(1 h in Si 00 a in Lv No 41. Ex. Bun. 00 pm 8 20 p m 7 1.1 p in 8 06 p in 8 27 a m 8 15 a in 7 40 a ni I 3 14 p ill I 3 Ui J) ni 3 S p ni I 20 p 111 0 i a 111 7 88 a in T 10 a in I 1 0 p ill I 80 p m SO pm 4 65 p m Lvl botwean Greensboro anil Halnmti. A. & "N. V. tt. 11. TIM K TABLE NO. 3. To Take Ellvc't Sunday, Oclober S4tli, 1897, at 12 M. Going East Hchicdule: Going West No. 3 Passenger Trains No. 4 Lv. p nt stations: Ar. a m 8 20 .Ooldaboro 1105 8 49 LaGraiiL'e 10 83 4 12... Kluston 10 13 5 13 Ar. New lkmu, Lv . 0 10 S 83 Lv, " Ar 8 57 0 87. . , Ar. Moreliead city Lv 7 47 No. 1, f I No. 3, Mx'd Ft. and stations: Mx't Ft. and l'aas.Tn. I'uss. Tn. Lv. a in Ar. p m 7 10... Uoldsboro 8 00 7 43 ...Beat's 7 30 8 011 LaUrange 6 50 8 20 Falling creek 0 30 9 14...........Kiuston ... .600 9 38. caswell 5 18 9 48.. Ar. Dover, Lv ., .5 00 1015 ..Lv. Ar 4 20 10 40. ...... ...Core creek 400 11 15. Tuscarom 8 88 1181...' Clark's 3 20 1303 .....Ar. New lierne.Lv 8 50 180......LV. ' . " Ar 10 47 S 13 ......... Riverdnle 10 00 ii no . . k,i. in on id . n.x.innk ami 8 13... Newport, Lv 9 06 8 85 . Wild wood 8 47 381 ..........Atlantic 8 88 8 46 ...Ar.Morehead clly, Lv 8 30 4 0l....Ar.M. city Depot, Lv...,. 7 60 r. m. a. m. 'Monday. Wedneedny and Friday. l'uesduy, Thursday and BaUirday, O, Li. 1IIjD, ' Uuperiiiteadent. PATENTS U. H. AND FOREIGN" PUUlUKKD. EUGENE W. JOHNSON, Solicitor and Attorney In Patent Causes, 1739 New York Are , Washington, D. 0., ' Omm Establikbed 1808. Charges Hod crate, Comt;ondenoe Requested, VrX.DUNN, J AS, REDMOND, President T Ice Pres. B. 8. BU10N, Seety" A Treat. Hew Berne Ice Go Maaafkctarars ' Pure Crystal Ice, From Prilled Water. ' Oul-nul 20 Tuna DhI'v. Car Jnul Loii Hcilkilerl, lc dulivored daily (except ttundayi) . in, to 0 p m. KuutUta (retail only) 7 a. m. 10 12 noon. For p:nis and other information, r I ' i, . II S UI'IOV, Manager, HERMIT OF ANTRIM. AN EDUCATED MAN'S SOLITARY EX ISTENCE IN IRISH CAVES. There la si Mystery A bo tit Him, mud No One Con Tell Whence He Came His rood Consists of Potatoes Only, but He . Cooks' Them Before fietlngv' There are portions of the north of Ire land where nature assumes a grand and wild aspect On the coast of Antrim there is no armistice in the furious bat tle that, since the first ages of the ter restrial globe, was engaged between the waves and the rocks. Columns of basalt, like gigantio sentinels, stand on guard to resist the invasion of the ocean, and the profound excavations made under the granite rocks that protect this por tion of the soil of La Verte Erin prove that the waves mnst have frequently made most vigorous onslanghts and only retired after they had mined a land which they could not conquer. It is not difficult to imagine that this majestic and desolate site should have seduced one of the vanquished ones in life, one who had absolutely decided to separate himself from the society of man. The Teal hermits are becoming more and more rare indeed, it wbb be lieved that they had completely disap peared but if a vocation for that singu larly abandoned profession could still be felt by any one it might be in the presence of the marvelous spectacle of that sea whose waves never subside, of those grottos whose pillars and vaults possess a power which the art of the architect can never equal. Nature her self seems to have created in those rocks a refuge for the shipwrecked, for the proscribed and perhaps also for those who despise the vanities of life. About ten years ago a mysterious in dividual made his home in the grottoes of the coast of Antrim. The approach of any human being seemed to inspire him with an invincible repugnance. As soon as the cavern which he had select ed for his refuge was discovered by the fishermen of the neighborhood he imme diately disappeared and took up his quarters 30 or 80 kilometers farther on in another retreat which appeared more inaccessible. For a few months his domicile was in an old abandoned mine, the principal gallery of which advanced under the ground to the distance of about five kilometers, but as the inhab itants of the nearest village had long before carried away the beams that sus tained the vault to convert them into firewood the hermit was obliged to quit that dangerous refuge, where ho was constantly exposed to the danger of be ing buried alive. So he installed himself in a grotto, the access to which was more easily discovered, but it was less obscure, loss humid aud less liable to cave in. There ho flattered himself that ' field of Cliickaiuauga, and H went he would find at least some of the con- j through without a scratch. Cor. Gal ditions of existence that belonged to the . veatou News, men of the caverns. But it was in vain ... " , , that ho hoped to return to the life of ! The Missouri supreme court declared the first ages of prehistoric humanity. I that tho law against opium smoking Ho was obliged to pay tribute to the opium joints is uncoutitutioual, bc exigenciesof civilization and to maui- cau6B ' interferes with the right of fest less repugnance for all contact with u,eu t0 sluoke whatever they choose. his fellow beings. One day he found an empty barrel that the tempest had tossed upon the shore, and he cuuld not resist the temp tation of bringing it home to serve ns a bed. Some indiscreet persons, taking advantage of his absence to visit his apartments, discovered that he had a pot for cooking his food. Where did that cooking utensil como from? Was it also a pieco of wreckage rolled up upon the sand by the furious waves, or was it the last souvenir of civilized life car ried away by the anchorite who, while endeavoring to return to the conditions of existence that belonged to prehistoric times, could not abandon the habit of cooking his food? That is a question which has never been answered, and it is also impossi ble to find out where he gets the pota toes upon which he lives. Did they come from the discreet charity of the poor fishermen of the neighborhood, who at the proper time renewed his provisions, or in separating himself from the world did he make arrangements for the trans portation of his modest provisions? That is also a mystery which has never been fathomed. One point, however, is cer tain, and that is that the hermit deter mined to live upon potatoes alone. One day a sailor offered him half of his din ner. The hermit pretended to be glad to accept the gift, bat he never touched i the food. In the absence of the kind i hearted sailor be tossed it into the sea. I Apparently he also vowed that he would . never cuter a house and never touch a' i piece of money. He kept his resolutions. Nothing could ever induce him to cross the threshold of any one of the little houses of the fishermen, who began to have a sort of affection for him, aud never onoe was he known to beg. The only liberality that he would accept and that he solicited from the munificence of strangers was a match to light tho firewood gathered for cooking his pota toes. -' The Hev, J. H. Bernard endeavored to lift the veil that bid the origin and antecedents of this mysterious person- ga The man or tho caverns ol Antrim endeavors in vain to live the life of a savage. It has been reoognized by more than one sign that he has received a good education. , From time to time be reads to the fishermen some passages from Die Bible, bnt he never eommeuts upon them. There is no evldenoe going to provo that tho man has any particu lar form of Insanity beyond, perhaps, the harmless one of the love of solitude. He is always clean and neat In appear ance and seems to be sound and vigor ous in body. He speaks with no accent, so that it is impossible to fix the locali ty from which he oaina He seldom smiles, bat he doesn't look sad. On the contrary, be has a resigned and perfect ly satisfied look. Who he is and why In the world be lives snob an extraordinary life nobody can toll -Loudon Figaro.. Tcllew Fever Oernie. - breed io the bowels. Kill lliem and you art safe from tho awful Jieease. Casoarets destroy the germs throughout the tystem and make it impossible for new ones to form CascareU are the only reliable safe guard for young and old against Yellow Jack, 10o. 2oo.50o. all drug gists, ' . , HUMOR AND ITS USES. It la the Sunshine of the World, bat May lie Overworked. "Hnmor is the very sunshine of the world," writes Carrie E. Garrett in The Woman's Home Companion. ' Hardly any other single gift will go so far to refresh and inspire one in everyday life and keep the heart still yonng. It steals merrily across the workaday world, animating the drear iest monotony and finding place in the most hopeless destiny. Such a gay trav eling companion is hnmor for the pil grimage of life. "The woman with a sense of hnmor has a safeguard against ennui, against folly and against despair. She can never be dull so long as the comedy of life is being played before her eyes. With a keen sense of the ridiculous she is not likely to 'make a fool of herself,' and she will never be hopelessly unhappy, for she will find in the most adverse fate something still to laugh at, -and after all laughter is your true alchemist. However it may be with the unmusical person, surely the surly individual who cannot laugh spontaneously on occasions is ' fit for treasons, strategems and spoils. "But this blessed gift of humor should be used to lift the shadows of life, not to deepen them. A joke which causes another a pang of humiliation or mttkes some sensitive heartache is not only a cruel sort of amusement, but it is also a very expensive indulgence. For just a moment's gratification at having made a 'hit' the 'funny woman' may forever lose a friend and may even arouse a very genuine spirit of enmity. We learn to forgive and mayhap forget many injuries in life's troubled journey, but perhaps among the wounds that rankle longest in the human heart are those which are made 'only in fun. ' " Hart No One and No One Hart Him. At the battle of Cliickamauga I saw a fellow shooting straight up in the air and praying as lustily as ever one of Cromwell's roundheads prayed. The Presbyterians of 1040 prayed loud and sang hynius in battle, but they shot straight at the cavaliers every time. This fellow was blazing away ut tho sky, and when Lieutenant Killing- worth remonstrated with him about it he paid no attention to him whatever. Captain Joe Billingsley threatened to cut him down with his sword if he didn't shoot at the enemy, for the woods in front were full of them. He merely remarked to the captain, "You can kill me if you want to, but I am not going to appear before my God with the blood of my fellow mail on my soul. ' ' He never flinched, but stood squarely up, exposed to every volley of the ene my's lire. When the sun set on the evening of Sept. 18, 18GS, Captain J. C. Billingsley and Lieutenant Allen Kill iugworth both lay dead on the battle I ,Every seveu'h Pclson m the United : -)gaom is a Londoner. EFFECTIVE TREATMENT FOR WEAK m FREE TO ALL MEN OF ALL AGES Nib 7HOXI V IV AltVAKCK. Won. drrlol appliance and eelrnUfln rein odlos HCilt on trial to any lrllabln man. A world-wide reputation back of this offer. Every obstnclo to happy raurrletl life removed. Vull strength, development and tone (riven to every portion of the body. Fnt!uro!in possible; ago UO barrier. No C. O. Ii. rehema. ERIE MEDICAL CO., AWsf: Doubling Your Prosperity. The promotion corpora tions, the handling of their stocks and bonds, a specialty- Wo will organize you a cor poration, help you to sell stock, and perhaps make your fortune. The American Publishers, Audit and Investment Association, PHILIP WILLIAMS AYERITT, Special Southern Represen tative, Citizens National Bank Building, RALEIGH, N. C. PROFESSIONAL. P. M. Simmons. A. D. Ward HinimoiiH& Ward, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS al LAW. new behnk, a c. Practioe in the counties ol Craven. Dunlin. Jonea, unalow, Carteret ana runiuco; in um Supreme and Federal (Jourta. filler at He. eit Moaih rretit direct Wppvalle Hotel JteMtlnwksw P. II. Pelletler, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Middle Street, Lawyers Brick llalldlng-. StWill practice In the Counties ol Craven Oartnrot. Jonas. Onalow and Panillno. U. 8. Gout t at Now Borne and Supreme Court el ne nutte. fimw SMTta tlnw.ay Alertar ti.hawwa to the vron'oalon. nrmul t'.ra. u iiw. mta Iwf und nmninr Ir w. do no 'h a. t nu cm ba UtMiad (4 aom.lorinoamni.piK'. tMw with taoa. who l ma aims a Mara a fcr to om bi w iia or pay ex perns of will eontrmot o m l ii K , Is. II to yi iaa fcaay-,4 aura. If yn ham. L"'i aevr Mill btra awtifsi at id ta mouiB, fUrw Tarwt, f4 HHta, t'lrrHiaiiy Frbrwa tVllUu ml, Wsmslarr or 1 rrtlr CslWNlaMtonitti. Wo air saiw and eallM ai ol fair. TUl IU jhti sL 111 Jt ia a. a U i -m, Jt h,MtjaataBaiMt iiTV"!'."":'- rt t r t Us It. -TyTllaar or ItlfMiel 1'alaaei Ilia wi la tlila Pr rlaaarr h IU 11 tli moat featlev (ho warta fbraaaaa e baa alwKysibafll Jssltlin'trl naat ar a.-luaa. n a It'lUIr of trwaumr r IFIH1J.NK a4 f sMuO.aHio napltaJ h. hlml our ajtnon.ll tional aniMMa.ni. Mm 1AO.Bct.aTO Wk and abaalaaa M-asMtV AM" 4 HI Ms OOM It) HH 4 ., r 'Vn,iia-, 4 Mt'itif tv, Im-anla. Itching, Irritated, scaly, crusted Scalpo, dry, linn, and falling Hair, cleansed, purified, and bcaati- ' fled by warm numpoos villi ('tmcufiA Boap, and occasional drcsainxB of Cuticoba, purest of emollient, tho gnat est skin cares. ticura Treatment will prodnco a clean, healthy scalp with luxuriant, lustrous ha!r. wlien all else fuiis. Sold thraac tiont the world. Pottsr Duug ,'.kd Ciiiu. Corp., Hale Prupi., Boston. a'!io to produce Luxnriint llalr," mailed f.-ee. ClflMO AM tTIDC vith Eczema Initantlr relieved OMNO UN rlKt by Coiicosi KiXKDiii. Wholesale Prices Current. The following quotations represent Wholesale Prices generally. In making up small orders higher prices have to be charged. HAM8-f lb- 8tigar Cured 10.- 12 North Carolina ill (it) SHOULDERS f lb Sugar Cured 7 English Cured 8J Richmond 8 (tt PORK f barrel New Heavy Mess (l 10 50 Short cut , oj) 10 .".() DRY SALTED MEAT Bellies H (ft Short backs lb... 5 J LARD $ lb Best Refined fij (c fij North Carolina 7 a Compound Til (ii SALT, TH sack Liverpool 55 American 05 (u 00 BUTTER H lb Best Elgin 20 (S 25 Good , 18 20 FLOUR i) barrel Extra 4 75 Straight 5 00 Fancy Straight 5 25 5 00 (d 5 25 (itT5 40 Full Patent Best Fancy Patent. . . COFFEE "p lb Roasted Green SUGAR, f cwt. Granu. Standard A White c Yellow BRAIN "p bushel Old Corn New Corn .... Oats, Cow Peas Peanuts 50 75 (ii 17 Qt 27 10 ( ) (, 5 50 (io 5 25 w 5 00 (a; 4 40 45 (, ;18 (. 40 27A oe 10 (10 (i 80 (,i 1 00 12 Oi 20 (J 25 35 (,( 40 4 (. 5 51 (. ( 20 dp 5 40 (it 50 20 (ifi 25 EGGS "J) dozen POULTRY "W pair- Chickens, young Chickens, old FRESH MEAT Beef 5i tb Porkf 11, BEESWAX V I" TALLOW, V lb POTATOES t bushel The Forum. EDITED BY J. M. RICE. NOVEMBER. 1807. Dangerous Defects tf out' Ehctorai System I, Hon .1 O Carlisle. Notable Lttteis liom my Political Friends II, frenutur Jmtin 8 Morn!1. Some Lissonscf the Yellew Fever Ep identic, Dr Waller Wymou. Tlie Relation of Production lo IVciluc live Capacity, Hon Carroll I) Wright. Tho Monetary Commission, Prof Laurence I.iiughlin. Our Proposed New Sutfur Industry, Edwin F. Alkins. The Disuse of Laughter, Sir Lewis Mo ris. The Mississippi River Problem; Suc cess ol Ihc Levee System, Hon Robt Stew art Taylor. Dredging vs Levees, Cu-tave Dj.. England and the Famine in Imli i.l'rof E Washburn Hopkins. flow l he Ore. kit wete Defeated, Fred erick Palmer. Letters to a Living Aiitlinr, "Aithur Pei u." American Arelia-;o'oi8!s iu (ircoce, J (Itni adiii'. : HiiW yokk: THE FORUM PUB. CO., Ill 5lli Ave. 25 CIS a Copy. fJ.OO Per Year. Ileal Km ate Agency f IIOUSES FOR BENT. DOUSES FOR SALE. FARMS FOR SALE COLLECTIONS OF RENTS. Any btialuess in our line will lie given prompt atlenlloa by leaving word at the store of N. Nutin & Co., opposite the Pott OHloe. E. E. IIARPEB. New Post Office. Notice ! New Enterprise! Ws have Just fitted out for sawing Lathes. We will keep them on hand In any quantities No. 1, Don't forget our dry, sawed stove wood under largo sheds and never gets wet Id rainy weather. We keep Marl, Fence Posts, and all kinds of Handmade and Sawed Blilngles, ana Hi Ick. Flats for rent or sale. BIO HILL, The Shingle Han. LEOAL NOTICES. James II. Liii, ) JmUmriU .i vs. Knfci'ic a Samuel Parsons ) Lien. By virtue if an execution from 1 lie Superior court lo mo iHrecteil, in favor of James Ii I.on;j anil against amnel Parsons, I will sell for cash at the court house door iu lite cily of New Heme, mi jMonday, Novi in'n r ' 2'.ili. 1807, at 12 o'clock, in , or as soon lliereafler as com t shall take recess, the following described real estale, lo satisfy llie saul cxtentioii: A cerlain tract or lot of land situated in the county of Claven and Slate of North (Jarohn.i. on west side of Oak St.. in the clly of New Berne. Iicf;iiiniiK at the north east corner of the Intowncd by Elias Mitchell, running norlhwurd along Oak St. titty two feet to the lot owned by Leinster Duffy,: hence westward!' along Leinstcr Duffy's line to the lot owned by Isaac Willis one hundred and four feet. j Ihence southward along said Isaac Wil. is' line tifly two feet to the northwestern corner of the lot owned by Elias Miteh i ell, thence castwardly along said Mitcli ! ell's line to one hundred ami four feet to the beginning. Known as lot No 110 in I lie plan of the clly of New Berne being the same lot conveyed by deed of J.ien ster Duffy to Mary A. Sligle, bearing date of December 1st, 1893. recorded in book 112, folios I!:i4 and SW5 in the ollico of the register if deiclsof Craven county. JOSEPH L. 11A1IN, Sheriff ("raven County. ! NORTH CAROLINA,! Superior Oourt. j Pamlico County. ( Fall Term, 1807. IC. E. lirite, l'laiutiff,,l vs. I Order of The Ml. Airy Maim- j" Publication, facturing Company. J The defendants will lake notice that the plaintiff Ins instituted an action in the Superior court of Pamlico cmmly for damages on a breach of contract, notice is hereby given to the defendants to ap pear at the next term of the Superior court of said county to be held at I!ay boro on the 11th Monday afler the 1st Monday in Seplcniber, 1807, and answer or demur to the complaint wdiich will be lilcd in the olliec of the clerk of ihc said Superior c urt, or plaintiff will take judg ment according to the prayer of relief in the complaint. Vituess mv hand and official seal, this Seplembei 4th, 1807. FESTUS MILLER, C. S. C. Notice of Kale. Holland Smilli, Admin- ( lstratrix of D. V. i , ,, ... , , In the Superior Smith, deceased, ,, , .' ,. ' ' Court before Nellie Smith and Emma J l'u r'v- Smith. ! By virtue of aa order of the clerk of the Superior court of Craven county; North Carolina in the special proceeding entitled as above now pending in said Superior court, the undersigned admin islriilrix will sell for ca-h,to make assets, at the court house door in the city of New Berne. Craven county. N. C . at 1'.' o'clock, noon, on Monday llie 20th, day of November, 1807. it being the lirst day of the Fall Term of the Superior court of said county, lo the highest bidder for cash, the right, title ami interest of D. W. Smith, deceased, in a cerlain piece or parcel of land situated in said Craven county, on the north side of Swift creek and bounded by the lands of Peter Willis. Noah Jackson, Macon Bryan, V. H. El Icvin and others, containing eighty (80) acres more or less, being the lands con veyed to the said 1). W. Smith, by deed registered in the office of register of deeds of ('raven county, in book 82. pages 471 and 472 to which reference is made; together with improvements thereon, Subject to right of dower and dower in terest of the widow of said lands. HOLLAND SMITH, Administratrix, A'liiiiiiist .'a.or's Notice Having duly qualified as Administra tor of Uier V. Richardson, deceased, I hiTchv notify all persons having claims againl I be estate of said testator to pr sent the same to me on or before the lith day of November 180-, or this notice will be pleaded as a bar to their recovery. All persons indebted to said Ilizer V. Richardson, decea: cd. will please come forward and settle at once. This Otli day of November 1807. thus. f. McCarthy, Administrator. XLvwutrix Notice ! Having this day (iuali!ied as Execu trix to the Inst w ill and testament of Joseph H. Clark, deceased, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate will present them for payment on or before the 7lh clay of November, 1808 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of theii recovery. All persens indebted to the said estate will make immediate payment. This the 4lh dav of November. 1807. ANNA II. CLARK, Executrix of Jos. B. ( lark, dee'd. MALli OF CXT"5T LOT. I!y virtue of the judgment ill the pro ceeding in the .Superior Court of Craven County, wherein Thos. F. McCarthy, administrator of J. J. Hill is plauititr unci King Moore and others are defen denta. I w ill sell at public miction nt the court house of said Craven Countv, on Monday the Old day of Decern lier "l 807, at 12 o'clock. All that certain lot of land situated in tho city of New Ilerne, State of North Carolina, bounded aud described ns follow: Beginning at Ihc south-east corner of John Jones' lot on Herman street, runs seventy-seven feet south, thence west elglity'iiine feet, Ihence north eigbly- nine reel, Ihence sixty leet. more or less to the beginning, lying between Jones and (lernian streets, adjoining the lots or John Jones, nam 1 arsons nnd others, being the fame bind conveyed to J. J. 11)11 by w.H.liyrclnna witeiiy dec-it (lined November 1st, 1877. nnd registered in the olllee of Register of Deeds of ('raven County in book No. TO, pages 227 and TII08. f. McCarthy , Ailminlslraloc J, J. Hill, elee'd. Nov. 6th. 1SH7. Administrators Notice Havlns dulr Qualified as Admlnlstra tor of llie will of Dexter Colo, deoeaaed, I hereby notify all persons having claims against the estate of said testator to present the same to me oo or before the 17th dav of October, 1898 or this no tice will be pleaded as a bar to their re covery. All persons indebted to said Dexter Colo, deceased, will please corns forward and settle at once. ' This 17th day of October, 1807, 1). F. ATKINSON, Administrator ot Dciler Cole. IlftfiivtvrM Notice! The undersigned having been duly ap pointed Recciveis of the Stiinsoii Liini l.' i Company; and under the order of i p;i li nai. nt being lequired to notify all iTidilors to tile their claims wttli us as mi h receivers; Therefore: Ad persons holding any claims or demands of any naiure or kind are nolihid lo pnsenl the sane to the imdei signed Receivers on or before the first clay of the next term of the Supeiior court of Craven county, to be held on the 20lli day of November, 1307, to the end that such orders may lie made in respect to the same as the court may diiecl; And all sums due the Slim son Lumber Companv must be paid to U9. P. II. PELLETIER, . F. O. GOODWIN, f Receivers. New Berne, N. C, Sept. 10th, 1807, JLanri fistic. Pursuant to a judgment of the Superior court of Craven county in the action wherein Mary L. Taylor is plaintiff and B. J. Smith and others are defendants, I, as commissioner of court, will on Tues day, Nov. 301 h, 1807, at the court house door in Newbern at the hour of 12 o'clock M. or as soon as court shall take a recess, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following lands situated in Craven coun ty: 1 tract of 100 acres on the west side of Neuse river audi tract of about 600 acres on the East aide of Neuse river known as the Spicer lane place, includ ing all the lands conveyed by Spicer Lane to Thompson (i. Lane as set out in the complaint ill saidaction, except those parts conveyed to Christopher Dudley, E. II. Anderson and F. II. (laskins. W. I). Mi lVER, j Commissioner. Cilj Lol and Personal Property FOIl SALE! As Executor of John A Jones, I will sell at public auction at the Court House of Craven County, North Carolina in New Bern, on Monday, the Otli day of December, 1M07, at 12 o'clock, midday, I hat lot or pared of land situated in New Berne, N. C, bounded and described aa follows; Beginning at the north-east corner of Pollock street and Moonshine Alley, running east with Moonshine Alley to Sam Hilton's lot, then with said Hilton's line in a northwardly direction two hun dred and fourteen feet, six inches, then j wi slw ardly to Mooueshine Alley, then with said Moonshine Alley to the place ! ot beginning, being the same land con- veved to said John A Jones by J. O. ; Gardner and wife by deed registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven Countv, N. C., in book 85, pages ;!55 and 250. Also two Stoves and a lot of Tools, ROBERT G. MOSELEY, Executor of John A. Jones. Nov. 4lh, 18!)0. -STEAMERS- CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE, -AND- FREIGHT & PASSENGER. For AH Points North. The Steamer NEUSE will leave on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays tit (I p. m., Bharp. Mak ing no stops between New Berne to Elizabeth City. The Steamer NEWliERNE will sail on Tuesdays and Fridays at 12 o'clock, noon, making landings at Oriental, (Joracoke and Koanoke Island. I?" Freight received not later than one hour previous to sailing. For further information apply to GEO. UEN'DERSOX, Agt. M, K. Kind, Gen. Mgr., II. C. Ill ni.lNS,(!en.Frt.& Pass.Agt. Norfolk, Va. New Uerne, N. C, Sept. IS, 1807. E TrntleNnrk Reglatered. THE IDEAL LAXATIVE A CI! UK I'Oll CONSTIPATION. AS PLEASANT Art If OX E Y A Nil SC UK Cl'ItB FOR Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Stomach Troubles, Bowel Disorders, Liver Diaoases, Irregularity, Sidney Troubles, Headache, revere, Sick Stomach, Skin and Blood Disorders, Thick and Sallow Gomplexion, And very iiiasij siber Oleeaaea ani;'oiiiplleftllona Sarl. mis Ismetlve alnle of I he Bowel. PRUNELINE is the safest and surest cathartic aud aperient one can use. It thoroughly cleanses without griping, purifies the blood and icnioves all waste from the sys tem. It does away with castor oil. salts, blue mass and all other nause ous purgative. It tones and ener gizes all the great organs ot the system. It is free from all harshly acting drugs, and Is alwaya safe, al ways ready, always reliable. Easy the head eeel, the leet vara aa tke kewels opem,; a slag rRNELXNI br the Utter purpose. PKUNELINE Hifcetrerreet risaallt-iaoelleiao- aeldkf all Dealer, or ant a relpt of 00 cts lo any address T Wlnklemann Brown Drug Co Stole rreprletant, AlTMORa, , Q I. A. Doididiod Steamship C M 1

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