tftttf VOL. XVI NO 125. NEW BERNE, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24, 1897 ESTABLISHED '1882 Hi ml DEL&Y IN LEASE MATTER. i da Da Prices arid Quality Right. 3 - li . 5 - I CO 5 ; js ; - ac t I 'ftfef i III v j ' 3 I . - La a Your Doctor Fights Disease with medicine. If the medicine it not right' lie cu not conquer disease ' It itiH druggist dues-hi duty the medicine will ho riglit, and ymir doctor will stand a Mr chance of winning the vic tory. - You can help your doctor by having your prescription niled at Bradham's Reliable Drugstore- Fresh Onion Sets ,N JUST RECEIVED. Price lOc per quart. A Full Supply of Oilier Seed at Lowest , Price Parties who desire to boy Peas snd Brans will do well to get out prices before purchasing. Mail orders Solicited. . ....HEADQUARTERS fob.... - DruK arid Patent MediciLC Prescriptions carefully filled at Lowest . price consistent with Pum Drugs aud cure In compounding. F. N. DUFFY, Corner Middle and South Front Streets. ' y;T"rr-TT'i , ' mm shorn Kltt-r JuV. 4th 1778 til British limi undo n unpleasant discovery. Tlie American rrwln Liors exploih-d unler lil hum and ho hmn I jrol succeeded In get ine hit fai-o straight. Wo would like to explode this sit rljrlit im li.r lli" o nf everybody wlm lim . ,1 y,. dm iv iml tllii. !. IlKMUClliC j i , i,hh" nrit a illc for il)iditcli. Foulds' Wheat Germ Meal, Attmore's Mince Meat, . Hecker's Buckwheat, FOX RIVER PRINT BUTTER, Just Received.- mi3iate Cbaiipia Marshalsbip Eastern Korth Carolina. Carl Dnncan and Major Grant For Ofllceg. Governor Russell Still in Tronble. Legacies and Inheritances to be Taxed. Journal Bureau. i EALKlon. N. C. Nov. 23. ( Judge Simonton sec Nov. 3rd as the time for another hearing in the lease mat ter, aud it was to come up at Ricomnnd. All this time has passed and now it is fixed for tomorrow, the 24th, to be 'heard at Columbia, 8. C. Governor Russell and his board of directors of the N. C. I!. K. made exceptions at some of thtt rulings of Hon. Kerr Cruige in the lease hearing. Quite a party of Nashville people passed here last night returning from Portsmouth where they had been to make the presen tation of the silver service to the gunboat Nashville yesterday. Pciinsylyanin farmers are taking much interest in the section of this State in Halifax county. Two from Reading have already settled there and it is said others will soon follow. There is a report that "complications growing out of a recent trial before a jus tice of the peace in Haleigli make an iin mediate change in the Marshalsliip of the Eastern N. C. District almost certain,'' The term of the present Marshall does not expire until January loth, 181)8. There were between seventy five and one hundred persons present at the anti. saloon league meeting 'Siiiiday. A nesrro league will be formed next Sunday aud then it is stated :i mass meeting will be heid on Monday . night. Why there lould be a mixture of while and black n this light seems strange. Incorporation papers were yesterday filed with the Secretary of State (or the Kertes Manufacturing Company near Winston. Capital stock $11,000. The business of the company is manufactur ing aud rcuairiog machinery and work ing in wood, iron, tin, steel, bronze, etc In McDowell county a line graphite mine has been discovered. It is said 10.- 000,000 tons are easily accessible Twenty million pounds are used annually in the United States. This mine wiil soon Iw developed. It is believed by some that no collector of internal revenue for this district will appointed' until it is settled whether Grant of Wayne gels his place in the 1. S. Senate. If Mai. Grant fails in that Duncan of Ucaufort will be left and Grant will be offered the collectorship. The docket of the Federal court which meets here December 6th will be full lor all the new cases which have come up at Wilmington, Elizabeth City, New Berne (and other places where (he court meets since the last time in those places, are bound over to this term of the court in Raleigh, so that the prisoners will not have to wait for trial until next spring. Governor Russell is now being ques tioned as to how it is that all his freight and express packages come to him "Dead Head." yuite a list of "D. H." express packages are printed against him. Verily the way of the Governor of North Caro lina is hard. Governor Atkinson of Georgia has asked information of Governor Russell as to cost of penitentiary, the lease to farms, etc. The convict problem is troubling Georgia as well as North Carolina. Gov Russell replied that the value of real estate actually owned including centra) orison, approximates one million dollars. He cannot help showing his hatred at the Democratic administration even in a telegram. Chairman Dockcry and ex-deputy warden Ledbetter are still hammering away at each other and furnishing copy for the pointers. Warden Russell says he finds the women much harder to manage and give more trouble than the men. He says they are never whipped, but arc put iu a dark cell and fed on bread and water. The attorney general says that the last revenue act makes all legacies or inheri tances subject to taxation, whether they are in direct line or collateral. The charter of the Asheville Tobacco Company is asked to he annulled. To do this it is necessary to send signed state ment of acts or omissions upon which the action must be established, if these are satisfactory the attorney general will ask the Supreme Court leave to bring Buit, The State Board of heal h is still mak ing an analysis of the drinking water in use in all the towns and cities in Ha state. The Populists say that North Carolina is the last strong hold of Populism. They are of course anxious to hold the balance of Dower for four years longer. The State Fair diplomas were sont out today. The premiums are to be paid Dec. 1st. Rev. James Battle Averitt will deliver an address here for the benefit of the Central Shaft at Winchester Va. Ceme tery. Dr. J. Henry Smith a prominent Pres byterian Minister died at Greensboro yes terday. Speaker llileman is making an attack on senator butler, ilileman wants to succeed Shuford, Populist as Congress man from the 7th district. He is a Prilchard Populist." The Bitumiuus coal mines at Cumnock will be worked on a much larger scale than ever before. The warm unseasonable weather has hurt trade very much so the merchants say. The present railroad mileage 3,036 iu this State shows a slight increase over that of last year. 1 vmmoot" ' Thanksjlvinj; Dinner Deserts Should Include since fruits and choice chocolates, rich bon bout and white Turkish nougat' We will have them fresh, delicious and tempting, and fit to grace t' o table of a King. If you are Invited out to dine, a box of our ex Qiiltits chocolates will be an acceptable and plasing gift to your hostess and the children. C. J. McSorley A Co. Ill IIII'S, Cash Store, :&5 folloc'i Bt. is Vbirmtny, li 4 w In.,,., . it, U TAX NOTICE. Jf City Taxes are not paid on or before the 30th day ot November 1897,1 shall proceedto advertise and sell the property.. Payment on or be fore , the date men tioned will save all partic3 tho costs. J. L. IIARTSFIELD, City Tax Collector. THE M PROTECTED. More Replcaiis Favorei liy CM Service Ntw Berne I.nily Married. Special to Journal. Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 23. Miss Mary Bayard Morgan, of New Berne, N. C, was married at Cane Springs, Georgia, on Nov. 21st., to Mr. Charles 8. Wooten, a young attorney of Wadley, Ga. Miss Morgan was a teacher in the Deaf Mute Institute at Cane Springs. Their RepeaMYonld Hart Party in Power. The New Arbitration Treaty Story Untrue. Sena tor Burrows Thinks a Long Session of Con gress Will be Had. Washington, Nov. 2?. Republican opponents of the civil service law, who candidly admit that their opposition is largely based upou the belief that the effect of the law is to keep a great many Democrats in olllce, will find when they begin to assail the system, after Congress convenes, that, while Democrats have been protected iu ollice since Mr. Mclvin ley was inaugurated, the number ol office holders within the classified service who are Republicans, largely exceeds the number who are Democrats, The record of the civil service commission, showing the dales upon which extensions of the system were made, show also that at tie tune of the extensions the employes of the government included by executive order iu the classified service were most ly Republicans. It will, therefore, be forced upon the civil service antagonists in the present Congress that in trying to secure the offices for their own followers they aid directing their efforts as much against Republican olllce holders as against Democrats. It is stated from an authoritative source that no recent negotiations have occurred between Secretary Sherman and Sir Julian Paunceforte, the British ambassador, concerning a new arbitra tion treaty between the United States and Great Britain, that no exchange f notes bus occurred between Mr. Sliei- man and Lord Salisbury on this subject and that Sir Julian has not spokeu of the matter since lie returned to Wash ington some weeks ago from London. Senator Burrows, of Michigan, ex presses the opinion that there will he i protracted discussion ot the currency question during the approaching session of Congress, and that in all probability Congress will he in session until August. o rTTTTTirrirYTTnrTW GOOD THINGS FOR THANKSGIVING DINNER are now in orflcr, and we iuvite your attention to tlio fol lowing Bill of Fare: Seeded Raisins, Loudon Layer Kaisins, Muscatei Iiaisins, Currants. Citron, California Prunes, Dried l'eaehe, Dried and Evaporated Apples, Dried Figs, Dates. Brazil Nuts, Pecans, Waluuts, Almonds. Attmore's Mince Meat. Heiuz's Sweet Pickles, Sour Mixed Pickles, celery relish. Fresh Lemons, Cranberries. Fresh Grits and Big Hominy. Nice Fresh Eggs. Imported Macaroni, finest quality, Spaghettis, and the Very Finest Cream Cheese and Elin Butter, (iood Cooking Butter. Full Liae Catsups, Sauces and Canned Goods. Pulverized Sugar. The Bast of Everything in the Grocery Line. Wholesisle A Retail Grocers, 71 Broad Hi., NEW 1SKIEXE. X. SUPREME COURT. Weekly mine or Opinion on Ntnto Case. Special to Journal. Raleigh, Nov. 23. The Supreme Court files the following opinions: Parker vs. Railroad, from uuilford. Motion to reinstate, appeal denied. Pruden vs. Railroad, from Randolph, error. Patterson vs. Mills, from Iredell. Af firmed. Bank vs. Fries, from Rowan. Af. firmed. Hatwood vs. Fayettcville, from Cum berland. Affirmed. Culbreth vs, Downing from Cumber land. Error. Ilancr vs. McCall, from Richmond, (2 cases;. Affirmed in both. Mitchell vs. Whitlock from New Han over. Now trial. Bright vs. Westbrooke, from New Hanover, Affirmed. Kreeze vs. Crumpton, from Person Affirmed. Stale vs. Groves, from Wake. New trial. Cromartie vs. Parker, from Bladen. Affirmed. Old Man in THE SUPERIOR, New Placc.l l r You can find me in Gaskill's ! Drug Store for a few days. I have the best selected and largest stock of EVER BROUGHT TO THE CITY. I CALL AND SEE ME. SAM. K. EATON, 5 Middle St., Opposite Baptist Church, 00 Candle Power. Omsiinic only feet of gas an hour. Mantles 40 Cents. For sale by JOE DAN'XESIiERG at S. Alexander & Co . 77 Middle Street. The Losiint Lunuon.- LonooN, Nov. 22. The smouldering ruins which mark the scene of the great conflagration near the general postollicc ou Friday were visited by crowds today Walls fulling now and then. It is impossible to accurately estimate the damage done, but the direct loss will probably be below $10,000,000. All the historic treasures of Kt. Giles' Churcu m Lripplegate were removed, in cluding the records of Oliver Cromwell's marriage, Milton's burial and the deaths from the plague in 1665. ( THE MARKETS. Yesterday's market quotations furnish ed by W. A. Porterfield & Co. Commission Brokers. New York, November, 23, STOCKS. Open. High. Low. Close People's Gas. . . . 93 9.1 fi:il 3) C. B. & Q 92, 93 J 92 93J COTTON Open. High. Low. Close January 9.71 5.71 5.(58 5. CHICAGO MARKETS. Wbhat Open. High. Low, Dec .. 95J 5f 9.-.J May 911 UU Corn Dec 201 26H Cotton Sales 95,200 Bales. Ill 1 Cloe 95 011 2A Latest News Itrms. Washington, Not. 22. According to a report issued by Surgeon General Wy- msn, ot the marine hospital service, giving returns up to November IS, there had then appeared during this year's yellow fever epldemio in the Souths total of 4,289 cases, of which 443 had proved fatal. Of the cases 1,847 were reported from Louisiana, 1,623 from Mis sissippi, 740 from Alabama, 69 from Tennesse, 16 from Texas, 4 front Illinois, from Georgia and 1 each from Florida and Kentucky. All but 10 of the cases reported from Louisiana occurred In New Orleans. ' London, Nov. S3. The Standard today warns the Spanlih Government that a personage capable of extracting homage from such diverse elements as tha arllsls, Advanced Republicans, Conservatives and workers' associations, as did General , Weyler at Corunna, Is capable of developing Into a popular hero who may upset the government and even tha dynasty, unless ear is taken. Chicaoo, Nov. 3. Cant. Leonard A. Lover! og, of the fourth Infantry, UalfoS States Army, stationed at Fort Hherldan, appeared before a court martial at that post today In stand trial 6a the charge of "conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline. " The tpeolfto charge It oslng unnecessary cruelty la causing Private Chariot Hammond to be drag fed over tha ground by the heels from the gliardhoute to the ofllot Of the regimen tal sdjutanl after Hammond .had refused townlk, Havana, Nov. 23. The new Govern ment of the Republic of Cuba has been constituted as follows: President, Bar tolome Matso; Vice President, Doming' Mendcz Capote; Commander-in-Chief, Uen. alaxlmo Gomez, the election was held at Guaymanllo, Puerto Princip, on November 4th, and tho representative of all the six States into which the island is divided were present. llf- lalU ifutsn, OA3TOXUA. U (B tfT George Slover IS BACK AT HIS OLD STAND, 73 MIDDLE ST., With an Entire New Stock of . . . HARDWARE All Ooode Guaranteed ai Repre sented or Money Refunded. ' savsHSBsesm Beat Good at Lowest Prices. NEW BERNE, - N. Next to T. J. Turner. f f lift Wiii'ld I VI. UIV M VI 1U s y , ii 1 i t. ; sTSHersBvtTsBVvaiaTNB WHERE TO EAT! Visitors to New IJerne and all others should keep in mind THAT Wll I. EN I! RINK KLST.U -RANT. The ionly up-to-date Restaurant 5 in kthe City Regular Heals, At all Hours, 25 Cents. Oysters in Every Style. 13Q MIDDLE BTEEKT.'tl Next to M. Halm's Co.'s Stables. WnVsl "SUNLIGHT." TO THE ... BABIES'ONLY, I NO. 280., Jq A "SaHT ta IS WORKINO UNDER ITS OWN PATENTS AND IS NO INFRINGEMENT. , : . Great Reduction NEW PKIOE, $1.50 OLD PRICE, $2.00 We have Just Received the Finest Lot of Baby Carriages that has ever been in this city. This is a Job lot of Car riages bought at RiM'k Bottom Prices and we mean to give our friends the benefit of the same. And for the next 6 days only, we will sell them for Cash or on lime cheaper than has ever been known before. Call and examine our stock and we will save you money and give you a Fine Carriage at our New Store, 78 Middle Btreet, next to George Slover's Hardware Store. Old Carriages taken as part payment in exchange for new ones. T. J. TURNER FURNITURE CO. NEW BERNE, N. O. The Sunlight" Light It brilliant, mellow, and give all object la their natural enlor, retting instead of ttrain'.Dg the eye. Order the "SUNLIGHT." Beware of Imitation. . Bold by . . t HYMAN SUPPLY CO., . NEW BERNE, N. C. Pig Pork, Veal, Mutton, And our STALL-FED BEEF U always up to the standard. All Pork, kiied and Bologna Sausage. Dressed Poultry. AT- Sam'I Cohn & Son's 88 Middle HU Phone 40. Plenty of Turkeys for the Thanksgiving.