VOL. XVI-NO. 150. NEW BERNE, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 3U, 1897 ESTABLISHED 1WI BED TIME v. 'Is Doubly Welcome on a COOL, JTIGIIT when you cuddle under a pair of Our Soft Downy Blankets. THAT OUR 10x4 ...All Wool Blankets at $3.25 Per Pair, CANXOT BE BEITEX.6 ; You will b8 surprised when you see and examine them. They are worth more money, but we have made up our mind3 to move them. mmmmmmm George. Sifter : IS BACK AT HIS OLD STAND, 73 MIDDLE ST., With an Entire New Stock of . - ...HARDWARE. All Good Guaranteed at Repre sented or Money Refunded. Beit Good at Lowest Prices. ; NEW BERNE, - N. 0. Next to'T. J. Turner. THE ' OLD RELIABLE J. D. DINKINS, HAS OPENED A FIRST At 54 Middle Street, Next to the Old Blue Store. THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK EVER BROUGHT TO THE CfTV. Tore Old Baker Kve, Echo Spring llyo, Silver Brook Ryu. Sur A Rye. Pare Old Row Valley Rje. Pure Uld K. V. Corn, N. 0. Applu Brandy, Peacb Brandy, Orann. Blackberry, Soupnernorig and Port lues. f .: ? Cm.! J .I'M' ! Mnb P ! V , - . . . Praia GBBIAL Foulds' Wheat Germ Meal, Attmore's Mince Meat, Hecker's Buckwheat, UfDI FOX RIVER PRINT BUTTER, Just Received. I HIS, p r, -- 1 ..... i - r f REPENT II EraniEGlist Fife . FrooiisES Paine on an Says it Was Revealed to Him. Musi cal Attractions for Raleigh. .Wake Co. Jail a Favmite. Presbyterian Publishing; Company of Charlotte. JO JRNAL BtJ BB, ) Rai.kioii, N. C, Nov. sihu, ,07. f Evangelist Fife tells the people of Lex ington tbat God has revealcuyo him that unless the people of that place got on their knees and repent in sack cloth and ashes, a plague would be scut on that place within 90 days, There are some people who will think the coming of Mr. Fife equal to any plague that could he sent. Chapters No. 7 and No. 9 of 8t. Mary's schooljguild have hooked to appear here Dec. 22nd Clara Schumann Lady Orches tra. There are 17 artists in the orchestra and those who have heard it say that the troupe is a fine one. They appear in Greek costumes which are very attractive. It is the first "Ladies Orchestra" ever here. The Raleigh Musical Association has been organized here with Mrs. A. AV. Knox, president, Mr. John Simpson, vi.- president, and Mr. C. P. Wharton secretary and treasurer. They will meet monthly. A chorus class will be formed which will meet weekly. The tramp who killed engineer Bum gardner is named Lambert and his home is at Arden near Asheville. The $400 reward offered for him will probably Dud him. The mayor of Rockingham, V. N. Everitte, writes a pretty strong letter to the press showing how I lie pardoning power is abused as far as the case where John Evans who was convicted of assauit is concerned. According to this letter there is no doubt of his guilt, and yel others are ns much convinced of his in nocence. It is n earful lesponsihilily ami ouo that any governor would un doubtedly be glad to have shifted to a Board ou Pardons. The brick work for the Hcspital at tho Agricultural and Mechanical College l. about completed, and the building will be ready for use early iu January. Mrj. Margaret Little, the widow of the late Mr. George Li I lie of Raleigh, died here yesterday in the 80lh year of her age. Mr. ChaB. M. Busliee yesterday spoke to the 1. M. L. A. of Charlotte and nt night he sooke to 'he Brotherhood of St Andrew. i At Chapel Hill there were Memorial services held in memory of (lie late David Uaston Worth who died in Wil- mingion lust week. The monthly meeting of the Monday evening club will be held at Judge W. A. Montgomery's this evening. Mrs. A. V. Knox will entertain tho whist club and Miss Sophia Busbce will entertain the euchre cluh. The Ladies Memorial Association have selected General Thos. L, Clinginan as "SUNLIGHT." Great Reduction ! New Price, $1.50. Old Price, $2.00. . ". Sold by . . HYMAN SUPPLY CO., NEW BERNE, N..C. LOST ! Certificate No, 121,'for one share ot & C. P. O. Game Industrial Association. Application will be made for certificate for tame. - W. P. BCRRU8. TAX NOTICE. If City Taxes are not paid on or beiore the 30th day oi November 1897,1 shall proceedto advertise and sell the property. Payment on or be fore tho date men tioned will save all parties tho cost3. J. L. IIAIYTCriELD, c:t" T - Cc Ureter. the subject for the Memorial address May 10th, 1898. DeaO Hart yesterday preached three fine sermons, one at Christ Church, one at St. Mary's school and one at the church of the Cood Shepherd. Dr. Pit tender has started a mission in Cary about 8 miles from here. He preached there last night. ' Dr. Pittenger is rector of the church of the Good Shepherd. Miss Sadie Tucker and Mr. Win. Wil liamson will be married Wednesday December 1st, at 9 o'clock. Wake county jail seems to be consid ered quite a safe one, for so often prison ers are brought her from other counties to prevent lynching. Now Barnes from Nash county who was convicted of "as sault with intent" is here by order of Judge Timberlake. He was sentenced to 7 years and he appealed to the Supreme court. His bond was fixed at $3,000. He will stay here until the bond is made up. It is reported that th Park Hotel goes back into the hands of "The Page Lum ber company," as the purchaser last Summer lias failed in his contract. A live hotel mail at the Park would make a success, but it must be one who has had experience with large hotels. The successor to Collector Simmons will be uamed very soon, and the general im pression is that it will be Duncan of Carteret. Mr. Chas, Broadway Rouse has had 2,000 copies printed of the address of Rev. James B, Averitt at, the laying of the corner stone of the Central shaft at Winchester, Va. W. S. Barnes, ex-secretary of tho far mers alliance is making Raleigh a big egg market, the biggest in the Snuth it is said. At the State museum today there ar ived 10 boxes containing the collection of gems made by the late Mr. Stevenson of Statesville, On. agricultural depart ment got the collection for $450. It is next to the largest collection made of yN. C. gems. The Secretary of State grants a charter to the North Carolina Presbyterian Pub lishing Company of Charlotte. Capital not to exceed $30,000. Term thirty years. John S. Patrick was here yesterday und reports things as more prosperous than ever at Southern Pines and Pine hurst. Marshal . J. Carroll doisnot think that John B. Ilussey in his charges against him can cause him lo lose his place before his term expires January flJttu, Nwa llrllm. San Francisco. Nov. 28. The commit tee of native llawaiians that is going to Washington to protest against the annex ation of the islands to the United Slates, has arrived here. It consists of two full-blooded and two half-blooded Haw aiians. Vienna, Nov. 23. The members of the Austrian ministry today, tendered their resignation to Emperor Francis Joseph, who accepted them and intrusted Baron Uautacli, who holds the portfolio of pub lic instruction in the retiring ministry, with the task of forming a new cabi net. Washington, Nov. 28. Startling dis closures arc expected in the proceedings of the court-martial which is to try Cap:. O. M. Carter, Corps of Engiters, upon charges'of malfeasance or gross careless ness, involving an unnecessary expendi ture of nearly 91,500,000 on river and harbor improvements at Savannah. New York, Nov. 28, Thomas Estrada Palma, the Cuban delegate in this city, speaking on the terms of the autonomy decrees, said: "With Cuba it is as it has been since the war' began and will be until it ends independence or death." Washington, November 28 A start ling story of cannibalism comes from the wilds ot the Congo Free State, In Africa, in which two Waahinglonlans furnished the repast of the natives. Al though the killing took place last Decem ber the facts regarding It have Just come to light in the form of a private letter received In thia city. Paris, November 28 Tho Figaro has caused a aensatlon today in connection with the Dreyfus affair by publishing several letter purporting to-have been written by Count Ferdinand Walsln Esterhacy, who has been accused by M. Scbeurcr-Kestner, ons of the vice-presi dents of the Sensts, of being the author of the nnsigned letter which led to the condemnation ot Captain Dreyfus on the charge of Selling military secrets to Ger many. tbb auzutsTi. Yesterday's market quotations furnish sd.by W. A. Portcrflcld A Co. Commission Brokers. ' . Haw Yob. November, 29, - STOCKS. ' Open. High. Low. Close Peonies Gas.... 981 m Ki 8 a B, Q. ..... J t Wt Mi COTTON. Open, High. Low. Close January.. L7S S.74 .70 6.71 CHICAGO MARKETS. WhuaT Open. High, Low. Close Dec ......... m 9H ti M May.. 1. l 0i 90 CoRJI Deo.... ..... Ml 5l l 8 May.... J9 9 90 10J Cotton Sales 83,500 Bale. . UArTOHIA, WANTS UNITY. I Hopes' to FM licans of Ons Mini Then Several Favorite Bills May be Passed. Big Orders of Ammuni tion by Government. Secre te r Ling's Peaceable Re commendations. Journal Bcukau. I Washington, D. C, Nov. 29. )' "Many men of many minds," just about fits the condition of the Represen tatives and Senators now pouring into Washington by every train. Upon wheth er these many minds can be got together or at least a majority of them, will de pend whether this session of Congress will be productive of important legisla tion, aside from the regular appropri ation bills, which, important as they are disposing of somewhere in the neighbor hood of a billion dollars, arc always regarded as matter of course legislation. A few Senators and Representatives are expressing flat-footed opinions as to what will or will not be done, but the most of them, knowing how largely the matter will be determined by circumstances, are keeping quiet and trying to find out whai their colleagues think. PresidentJ Mc Kinley is paying especial atteutiou ,to Republican Senators, as he. has an idea that if he can get them to act as a unit, enough other votes can be secured in pass several measures lie wants. The House will, of course, do whatever he wishes. While it may be true that the admin'u- tration desires peace and expects peace with Spain and.all the rest of the world, it has been doing a number of things of late which indicate both the desire und the intention to be prepared for war in case it should come. One of these things was the placing of a contract for war material, in the shape of the latest im proved armor-piercing ammunition, and light calibre guns, such as can be used with advantage upon auxili iry cruisers. This contract, which is the largest planed by the Government since the close of the civil war, was marked "urgent," and the delivery of the material will be rushed When this contract, and others which preceded it. have all been tilled, every gun in the I". S. Navy will have about live hundred rouuds of ammunition of the very highest grade, which naval olli- c?rs say is more thuu any Navy in Eu rope has, and will be prepared for any emergency, Secretary Long's annual report is an unusually peaceable sort of a document to emanate from the head of the Navy Department, and indicates no expecta tion on his part of war. He recommends tbat Congress restrict the additions to the Navy to be provided tor at this ses sion, to one battleship for the Pacific coast and a few torpedo boats and tor pedo boat destroyers, and says that the policy of his department will be to grad ually take war ships out of commission and put them into reserve, in order to reduce running expenses. What it Means. Whi n kk ndvonii-e that we will "uar- antee Or. Kinu's N w Discovery, Elec trie Ritters, Buck en's Arnica Salve, or Dr. King's New Life Pillf, it mums thut we are authorized bv the proprietors to sell tnese leinedies on a positive ituanii- tee, that it purchaser is not salislivd with insult, we will r, lund the run hi.se lime These mediclom have len sold on i his juaraotoa lor many years and there eciihl i mi men, conclusive evidence d their giett meiit. Ask aiiont them icid give them a trial. Sold at F. S. Duffy's Drug Store. Pig Pork Veal, And our STALL-FED BEEF Is always up to the standard. All Pork, Mixed and Bologna Sausage. Dressed Poultry. AT ' SamM Cohn & Son's 88 Middle Nt. Phone 40. Plenty of Turkeys for tho Thanksgiving. Bt,wi. n Jnl ith 1778 the British IU. n.j. n.nlnullt diaooverr. The American revolution exploded under hie none and na nun i yt uccecum id jv. inf hit faoe straight. Wr.,lH Ilka in HDlode this art right tindxr the noe of everybody who baa nntyetctiseoverea ui--vola nnvi PowpiRs" are a ipeomo lor ueaaacue. Bradham's Pharmacy, prrrrnrrnrrrTirrrrr GOOD THINGS FOR THANKSGIVING DINNER are now in order, and we invite your attention to the fol lowing Bill of Fare: , Seeded Raisins, London Layer Raisins, Muscatel Raisins, Currants, Citron, California Prunes, Dried Peaches, Dried and Evaporated Apples, Dried Figs, Dates. Brazil Nuts, Pecans, Walnuts, Almonds. Attmore's Mince Meat. Ileiuz's Sweet Pickles, Sour Mixed Pickles, celery relish. Fresh Lemons, Cranberries. .Fresh Grits and Big Hominy. Nice Fresh Eggs. Imported Macaroni, finest quality, Spaghettis, and the Very Finest Cream Cheese and Elgin Butter. Good Cooking Butter. Full Line Catsups, Sauces and Canned Goods. Pulverized Sugar. The Best of Everything iu the Grocery Line. Mnnonift Uil VMM 71 Broad St., EW BERNE, W. C. Ca I Your Doctor Fights Disease with medicine. If the medicine is not right he can not conquer disease. If the drucsist does his (hit; the medicine will be rij.ht, and your doctor will stand a fair chance of winning ih: vic tory. You can help your doctor by having your pre. cr ption rilled at Bradham's Reliable Drug: SUn- COPriOHl.l89 Thanksgiving Bon Bons Should he the choicet and most delicious concoctions of I he confectioners art. We have them for the Thanks giving top-oH for your feast in exquisite quality, dainty flavor and tempting uispiay in cnocoiuies, nui eauuiea, marshmallows, cream candies that will make your euests long for more. Our boxed sweetness will reach a gin s heart quicker than anything on record. C. J. McSorley V Co. BrnuiiNchwciger -SJI limine. Pure Liquid Extract of Malt, A Food Medicine. PRICE lO CT8. AT 127 MIDDLE STREET. Ilipan's Tabules, S Cents. Sa-Yo Italian Mints. 5 Cents. Candy Cascarets, 10 Cents. Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty, Ladies We are daily receiving tho Nicest Line of China, Cut Glass, and Toilet Set, Ever Shown io New Bern. If you need a pair of Soisson yon will make a mistake if you don't boy the CUuss goods. Every pair warranted and money refunded if they are not entirely satisfactory. Cold weather if surely coming and we bare a Full Line ot HE ATI NO STOVES of Erery Description, Prices guaranteed on any thing yon may buy of us. Youre, L. H. Cutler Hardware Co. Dentys Pharmacy Wholesale efe Retail Grocers, Looking For Me ! I have moved back to my old Stand, 07 Middle Street, where you can fiud the Best, Selected Slock in the City of Watches, Jewelry and Silver Notions, OF EVERY KIND. Particular Care Taken to do all Work First Class. We warrant our Work. SAM. K. EATON, 97 Middle St., Opposite Baptist Church, iV SB FOR Sealed PINK BAND Package. NewYork. FAMOUS CANDIES, Bon-Bons and Chocolates, Mads Only By TESXEY COXPAXY, FOR SALE BV Capt. Sam B. Waters, SOLE AtiENT, 105 Middle Street. THE OLD RELIABLE Turner's N. C. Almanac. ALMANAC 1838. 1898. For Sale At J. C. WHITTY & CO.'S. It is Chock Full of Valuable Informa tion. Price, Single Copy, TEN CENTS. Special Prices to the Trede. Fresh Onion Sets JUST RECEIVED. Priee 10c per quart. A Full Supply of Other Seed at Lowest Prices. Parties who desire to buy Peas and Beans will do well to get out prices before purchasing. Mall Orders Solicited. ....HEADQUARTERS FOR.... Drugs and Patent Medicine Prescriptions carefully filled at Lowest price consistent with Pure Drugs and oars in compounding. P. S. DUFFY, Corner Middle and South Front Streets. Horse Clipping ! Am prepared to clip yoor hone la First Class Style and at Seasonable Prioe. Oire me yoor business. , li 8. STREETS LIYEET STABLES, Middle Ft. u va TU in or oca i n